Bounded Rational Decision-Making from Elementary Computations That Reduce Uncertainty
:1. Introduction
- (i)
- Based on a fundamental concept of probability transfers related to the Pigou–Dalton principle of welfare economics [26], we promote a generalized notion of uncertainty reduction of a probability distribution that we call elementary computation. This leads to a natural definition of cost functions that quantify the resource costs for uncertainty reduction necessary for decision-making. We generalize these concepts to arbitrary reference distributions. In particular, we define Pigou–Dalton-type transfers for probability distributions relative to a reference or prior distribution, which induce a preorder that is slightly stronger than Kullback-Leibler divergence, but is equivalent to the notion of divergence given by all f-divergences combined. We prove several new characterizations of the underlying concept, known as relative majorization.
- (ii)
- An interesting property of cost functions is their behavior under coarse-graining, which plays an important role in decision-making and formalizes the general notion of making abstractions. More precisely, if a decision in a set is split up into two steps by partitioning and first deciding in the set of (coarse-grained) partitions and secondly choosing a fine-grained option inside the selected partition , then it is an important question how the cost for the total decision-making process differs from the sum of the costs in each step. We show that f-divergences are superadditive with respect to coarse-graining, which means that decision-making costs can potentially be reduced by splitting up the decision into multiple steps. In this regard, we find evidence that the well-known property of Kullback-Leibler divergence of being additive under coarse-graining might be viewed as describing the minimal amount of processing cost that cannot be reduced by a more intelligent decision-making strategy.
- (iii)
- We define bounded rational decision-makers as decision-making processes that are optimizing a given utility function under a constraint on the cost function, or minimizing the cost function under a minimal requirement on expected utility. As a special case for Shannon-type information costs, we arrive at information-theoretic bounded rationality, which may form a normative baseline for bounded-optimal decision-making in the absence of process-dependent constraints. We show that bounded-optimal posteriors with informational costs trace a path through probability space that can itself be seen as an anytime decision-making process, where each step optimally trades off utility and processing costs.
- (iv)
- We show that Bayesian inference can be seen as a decision-making process with limited resources given by the number of available datapoints.
2. Decision-Making with Limited Resources
- (i)
- reduces uncertainty
- (ii)
- by spending resources.
2.1. Uncertainty Reduction by Eliminating Options
2.2. Probabilistic Decision-Making
- (i)
- , i.e., contains more uncertainty than p (Definition 2)
- (ii)
- is the result of finitely many T-transforms applied to p
- (iii)
- for a doubly stochastic matrix A
- (iv)
- where , , , and is a permutation for all
- (v)
- for all continuous convex functions f
- (vi)
- for all , where denotes the decreasing rearrangement of p
2.3. Decision-Making with Prior Knowledge
- (i)
- , i.e., contains more uncertainty relative to q than p (Definition 4).
- (ii)
- can be obtained from by a finite number of elementary computations and permutations on .
- (iii)
- for a q-stochastic matrix A, i.e., and .
- (iv)
- for all continuous convex functions f.
- (v)
- for all and , where , and the arrows indicate that is ordered decreasingly.
3. Bounded Rationality
3.1. Bounded Rational Decision-Making
3.2. Information-Theoretic Bounded Rationality
3.3. The Recursivity of and the Value of a Decision Problem
3.4. Multi-Task Decision-Making and the Optimal Prior
3.5. Multi-Task Decision-Making with Unknown World State Distribution
4. Example: Absolute Identification Task with Known and Unknown Stimulus Distribution
4.1. Known Stimulus Distribution
4.2. Unknown Stimulus Distribution
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Proofs of Technical Results from Section 2 and Section 3
- (i)
- , i.e., contains more uncertainty relative to q than p (Definition 4).
- (iii)
- for a q-stochastic matrix A, i.e., and .
- (v)
- for all and , where , and the arrows indicate that is ordered decreasingly.
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Gottwald, S.; Braun, D.A. Bounded Rational Decision-Making from Elementary Computations That Reduce Uncertainty. Entropy 2019, 21, 375.
Gottwald S, Braun DA. Bounded Rational Decision-Making from Elementary Computations That Reduce Uncertainty. Entropy. 2019; 21(4):375.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGottwald, Sebastian, and Daniel A. Braun. 2019. "Bounded Rational Decision-Making from Elementary Computations That Reduce Uncertainty" Entropy 21, no. 4: 375.
APA StyleGottwald, S., & Braun, D. A. (2019). Bounded Rational Decision-Making from Elementary Computations That Reduce Uncertainty. Entropy, 21(4), 375.