Unification of the Nature’s Complexities via a Matrix Permanent—Critical Phenomena, Fractals, Quantum Computing, ?P-Complexity
:1. Introduction
2. The Matrix Permanent: Quantum Computing and ♯P-Complete Oracle
2.1. The Permanent’s Complexity of the Quantum Information Processing and Computing
2.2. The Permanent as the ♯P-Complete Oracle for the Universal Quantum Computing and the Toda’s Theorem
3. Reduction of the Critical Phenomena to Computing a Matrix Permanent
3.1. The Constrained Spin Bosons in the Holstein-Primakoff Representation
3.2. The Order Parameter and Correlation Functions via the True Probabilities of Spin-Boson Occupations
3.3. The Unconstrained Probabilities of Spin-Boson Occupations via the Unconstrained Correlation Matrix
3.4. The Partition Function and the True Probabilities of Spin-Boson Occupations
3.5. The Exact Solution for the Total Irreducible Self-Energy via the Unconstrained Correlation Matrix
3.6. The Exact Closed Self-Consistency Equation for the Unconstrained Correlation Matrix
4. The Permanent and the Fractals
4.1. The 1d Integral Representation of the Permanent: A Fractal Integrand and a Weierstrass Function
4.2. A Fractal Nature of the Matrix Permanent
4.3. Permanent’s Fractal: The Case of the Integer Base
4.4. Permanent’s Fractal: The Case of the Non-Integer Base
5. Multivariate Representations of the Matrix Permanent
5.1. The Integral Representation of the Permanent via a Multivariate Polynomial of Complex Variables
5.2. Discrete Analogs of the Permanent’s Integral Representations: BBFG Formula & Its Generalization
5.3. Permanent vs. Determinant: The MacMahon Master Theorem
5.4. Permanent’s Fractal vs. Complex Stochastic Multivariate Polynomial
6. Manifestation of a Number-Theoretic Complexity in the Permanent of Schur/Fourier Matrices
6.1. Permanent’s Representation via Laplace Integrals
6.2. The Permanent of the Schur/Fourier and Circulant Matrices vs. the Number Theory
7. Asymptotics of the Permanent and the Szegő Limit Theorems
7.1. The Circulant Determinant vs. the Toeplitz Determinant
7.2. McCullagh Asymptotics of the Permanent and Two Opposite Limits for the Circulant Determinant
7.3. An Example of the Permanent’s Asymptotics: Circulant Matrix with Exponentially Varying Entries
7.4. The Permanent’s Asymptotics for the Circulant Matrices with the Power-Law Varying Entries
7.5. An Example of the Exact Analytic Solution for the Permanent of the Doubly Stochastic Circulant Matrix
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Kocharovsky, V.; Kocharovsky, V.; Tarasov, S. Unification of the Nature’s Complexities via a Matrix Permanent—Critical Phenomena, Fractals, Quantum Computing, ?P-Complexity. Entropy 2020, 22, 322. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22030322
Kocharovsky V, Kocharovsky V, Tarasov S. Unification of the Nature’s Complexities via a Matrix Permanent—Critical Phenomena, Fractals, Quantum Computing, ?P-Complexity. Entropy. 2020; 22(3):322. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22030322
Chicago/Turabian StyleKocharovsky, Vitaly, Vladimir Kocharovsky, and Sergey Tarasov. 2020. "Unification of the Nature’s Complexities via a Matrix Permanent—Critical Phenomena, Fractals, Quantum Computing, ?P-Complexity" Entropy 22, no. 3: 322. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22030322
APA StyleKocharovsky, V., Kocharovsky, V., & Tarasov, S. (2020). Unification of the Nature’s Complexities via a Matrix Permanent—Critical Phenomena, Fractals, Quantum Computing, ?P-Complexity. Entropy, 22(3), 322. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22030322