Revisiting Local Descriptors via Frequent Pattern Mining for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
:1. Introduction
- We learn global–local aware feature representation, which promotes the discriminative property to identify different fine-grained classes.
- We propose to revisit the local feature via FPM, which mines the correlation among different parts.
- We verify our method on five popular fine-grained datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
2. Related Works
2.1. Content-Based Image Retrieval
2.2. Fine-Grained Feature Representation
2.3. Frequent Pattern Mining
3. Fine-Grained Image Retrieval via Global and Local Features
3.1. Motivation and Overview
3.2. Global Feature Learning
3.3. Local Feature Learning
3.3.1. Preliminary
- Create the root of FP-tree.
- Scan the transactions. For each transaction, sort the reserved items in order of decreasing support.
- Create a branch for the first transaction and insert subsequent transactions into the FP-tree one by one. Specifically, when inserting a new transaction, check whether a shared prefix exists between the transaction and the existing branches. If so, increase the count of all shared prefix nodes by 1 and create a new branch for the items after the shared prefix.
- For any frequent item, construct its conditional pattern base. Here, the conditional pattern base refers to the FP-subtree corresponding to the node we want to mine as the leaf node. To obtain the FP-subtree, we set the count of each node in the subtree to equal the count of the leaf node, and delete the nodes whose count is lower than .
- Mine frequent patterns recursively after obtaining the conditional pattern base. When the conditional pattern base is empty, its leaf node is the frequent pattern; otherwise, enumerate all combinations and connect them with the leaf node to obtain frequent patterns.
3.3.2. Transaction and Item Creation
3.3.3. Frequent Pattern Mining
Algorithm 1 Revisiting Local Feature Learning via FPM |
Input: Feature maps , Activated positions . Output: Local feature ). 1: FP-tree construct: generate frequent positions through , and compress them in an FP-tree; 2: FP growth: for any frequent position of FP-tree, construct its conditional pattern base and mine frequent patterns recursively; 3: By the pooling operation, extract the local feature from the frequent patterns. |
3.4. Retrieval Procedure
3.5. Discussion
4. Experiments
4.1. Experimental Settings
- Dataset 1: CUB200-2011 [27] contains 11,788 images of 200 subcategories.
- Dataset 2: Stanford Dog [28] contains 20,580 images of 120 subcategories.
- Dataset 3: Oxford Flower [29] contains 8189 images of 102 subcategories.
- Dataset 4: Aircraft [30] contains 10,200 images of 100 subcategories.
- Dataset 5: Car [31] contains 16,185 images of 196 subcategories.
- SIFT_FV (coarse-grained): The SIFT features are conducted with Fisher Vector encoding as the handcrafted feature-based retrieval baseline. The parameters of SIFT and FV used in our experiment follow [4]. The feature dimension is 32,768. In addition, we replace the whole image with the region within the ground truth bounding box as the input, which is named “SIFT_FV_gtBBox”.
- Fc_8 (coarse-grained): For the Fc_8 baseline, because it requires the input images at a fixed size, the original images are resized to and then fed into VggNet-16. Similarly, we replace the whole image with the region within the ground truth bounding box as the input, which is named “Fc_8_gtBBox”.
- Pool_5 (coarse-grained): For the Pool_5 baseline, it is extracted directly without any selection procedure. We concatenate the max-pooling (512-) and average-pooling (512-) into avg+maxPool (1024-), as the image feature. In addition, VLAD and FV are employed to encode the selected deep descriptors, and we denote the two methods as SelectVLAD and SelectFV, which have larger dimensionality.
- SPoC [34] (coarse-grained): SPoC aggregates local deep features to produce compact global descriptors for image retrieval.
- CroW [35] (coarse-grained): CroW presents a generalized framework that includes cross-dimensional pooling and weighting steps; then, it proposes specific nonparametric schemes for both spatial and channelwise weighting.
- R-MAC [36] (coarse-grained): R-MAC builds compact feature vectors that encode several image regions without feeding multiple inputs to the network. Furthermore, it extends integral images to handle max-pooling on convolutional layer activations.
- SCDA [7] (fine-grained): SCDA utilizes the pretrained CNN model to localize the main object, and meanwhile discards the noisy background. Then, SCDA aggregates the relevant features and reduces the dimensionality into a short feature vector.
- CRL [5] (fine-grained): CRL proposes an efficient centralized ranking loss and a weakly supervised attractive feature extraction, which segments object contours with top-down saliency.
- DCLNS [6] (fine-grained): DCLNS presents a metric learning scheme, which contains two crucial components, i.e., Normalize-Scale Layer and Decorrelated Global-aware Centralized Ranking Loss. The former eliminates the gap between training and testing as well as inner-product and the Euclidean distance, while the latter encourages learning the embedding function to directly optimize interclass compactness and intraclass separability.
- PCE [16] (fine-grained): PCE proposes a variant of cross entropy loss to enhance model generalization and promote retrieval performance.
4.2. Comparisons with State-of-the-Art Methods
4.3. Ablation Study
- Compared with the “Original”, “Global-stream”, and “Local-stream”, the proposed method boosts performance significantly. This is mainly because global–local aware feature representation combines “Global-stream” and “Local-stream” simultaneously. On the one hand, global feature learning could localize the saliency areas and discard the noises correctly. On the other hand, local feature learning could learn the coactivated local features, which are mutually complementary with the “Global-stream”, to enhance the discriminative property.
- Compared with “Global-stream”, the retrieval results of “Local stream” are also promising. The reason is that subtle visual differences exist in different subcategories. “Global-stream” encodes the basic-level object features but ignores the subtle features, while “Local stream” captures the subtle and minute differences among different subcategories, and mines the inner relationship.
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dataset | Images | Categories | BBox | Part Anno |
CUB200-2011 | 11,788 | 200 | ✓ | ✓ |
Stanford Dog | 20,580 | 120 | ✓ | |
Oxford Flower | 8189 | 102 | ||
Aircraft | 10,200 | 100 | ✓ | |
Car | 16,185 | 196 | ✓ |
Dataset | CUB | Stanford Dog | Oxford Flower | Aircraft | Car |
SIFT_FV | 8.07 | 16.38 | 36.19 | 37.44 | 24.11 |
SIFT_FV_gtBBox | 14.29 | 21.15 | - | 46.87 | 40.34 |
Fc_8 | 48.10 | 72.69 | 60.37 | 35.00 | 25.77 |
Fc_8_gtBBox | 55.34 | 76.61 | - | 41.25 | 37.45 |
Pool_5 | 63.66 | 75.55 | 74.05 | 53.61 | 41.86 |
SelectFV | 59.19 | 73.74 | 73.60 | 54.68 | 41.60 |
SelectVLAD | 62.51 | 74.43 | 76.86 | 56.37 | 43.84 |
SPoC | 47.30 | 55.69 | 70.05 | 48.95 | 33.88 |
CroW | 59.69 | 68.33 | 76.16 | 58.62 | 51.18 |
R-MAC | 59.02 | 66.28 | 78.19 | 54.94 | 52.98 |
SCDA | 65.79 | 79.24 | 77.70 | 58.64 | 45.16 |
CRL | 67.23 | 76.43 | 78.65 | 60.21 | 48.16 |
DGCRL | 67.97 | 78.25 | 79.21 | 59.34 | 49.67 |
PCE | 66.79 | 78.43 | 78.23 | 60.64 | 47.16 |
Ours | 68.32 | 79.68 | 79.62 | 62.45 | 48.76 |
Dataset | CUB | Stanford Dog | Oxford Flower | Aircraft | Car |
Original | 56.21 | 64.63 | 58.31 | 50.69 | 40.46 |
Global-stream | 65.79 | 79.24 | 77.70 | 58.64 | 45.16 |
Local-stream | 67.78 | 77.23 | 78.98 | 60.98 | 48.35 |
Global–Local aware | 68.32 | 79.68 | 79.62 | 62.45 | 48.76 |
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Zheng, M.; Geng, Y.; Li, Q. Revisiting Local Descriptors via Frequent Pattern Mining for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval. Entropy 2022, 24, 156.
Zheng M, Geng Y, Li Q. Revisiting Local Descriptors via Frequent Pattern Mining for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval. Entropy. 2022; 24(2):156.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZheng, Min, Yangliao Geng, and Qingyong Li. 2022. "Revisiting Local Descriptors via Frequent Pattern Mining for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval" Entropy 24, no. 2: 156.
APA StyleZheng, M., Geng, Y., & Li, Q. (2022). Revisiting Local Descriptors via Frequent Pattern Mining for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval. Entropy, 24(2), 156.