On the History of Ecosystem Dynamical Modeling: The Rise and Promises of Qualitative Models
:1. Introduction
2. Overview of Ecosystem Ecology and Dynamical Modeling Approaches
2.1. Compartment Modeling
2.2. Qualitative Modeling Approaches
2.2.1. Camerano’s “Reaction Networks”
2.2.2. Loop Analysis
2.2.3. Qualitative Reasoning
2.2.4. Models Based on States and Transitions
3. Ecosystem Models’ Properties and Their Limitations
- 1.
- Grasping the qualitative dynamics of the system (i.e., not requiring any quantitative values, based on state and transitions or on state variable variations);
- 2.
- Making as few assumptions as possible about interactions (on parameters and/or functional form);
- 3.
- Being explanatory in a general sense, i.e., answering to why-questions [99]; and
- 4.
- Being predictive, i.e., forecasting the future state of a system before the system reaches it [100].
3.1. Quantitative or Qualitative Variables?
3.2. How Changes Occur over Time: The Variables Update Mode
3.3. Deterministic or Not Deterministic?
3.4. Uncertainty as Stochasticity
3.5. Predictive Capacity
3.6. From Properties to an Innovative Formalism
- 1.
- The ability to grasp the qualitative dynamics does not discard any formalism, as both quantitative and qualitative models can provide insights about the qualitative dynamics. However, loop analysis is restricted to equilibrium systems, which can hardly be known a priori and may be inappropriate for non-equilibrium systems commonly found in ecology and environmental sciences.
- 2.
- As we aim to make as few assumptions as possible about parameters, we will discard quantitative formalisms for they impose strong constraints on data requirements (e.g., fixed or variable interaction coefficients, knowledge of functional forms) for building models. Estimating transition probabilities for Markov models also requires sufficient amounts of data, which are not always available.
- 3.
- All formalisms can provide some form of explanation. However, some ecosystem models may act as black boxes and thus prevent a detailed and meaningful analysis. In contrast, models like state-and-transition models can enable tracking causal pathways leading to a particular outcome.
- 4.
- Predictive capacity refers to the ability to forecast the future state of a system to some specific level of accuracy using a computational or mathematical model [100]. In this regard, non-formal models such as state-and-transition models are not predictive as they rely only on observed states and transitions between them and do not infer unobserved states.
4. The Ecological Discrete-Event Networks (EDEN) Modeling Framework
4.1. A Brief Overview of the EDEN Framework
4.2. A Qualitative Perspective on Ecological Components
4.3. Discrete Events as the Basic Unit of Change
4.4. Accounting for Uncertainty in the Event Timing: The Asynchronous Update Mode
4.5. Possibilism as an Innovative Approach to Non-Determinism
4.6. The State-Transition Graph as the Assemblage of Model Properties
- A strongly connected component (SCC) is a set of mutually reachable states, i.e., any system change in it is reversible. It can be cyclic (only one trajectory, e.g., yellow states, Figure 8a) or complex (several trajectories, e.g., green states, Figure 8a), highlighting the presence of one or several feedback loops, respectively. Cyclic SCCs are discrete analogues of limit cycles [139] and have been used in community assembly to define cyclic changes in species community composition [106,136]. On the other hand, complex SCCs have been observed in cell differentiation [138], rangeland dynamics [90,140] and geomorphology [141], and have been predicted theoretically [118]. In addition, this concept is crucial in state-and-transition models for defining the concept of “state”, which is “a sustained equilibrium that is expressed by a specific suite of vegetative communities” [90].
- Finally, basins are defined as sets of states which (1) are not part of an SCC or stable state and (2) all lead to the same SCCs or stable states (Figure 8, orange and non-terminal blue states). Although they do not have well-known empirical counterparts, a recent model based on protist community disassembly experiments [107] confirmed the relevance of such structures, suggesting their role as sets of transient states with indeterminate fate.
- Is an ecosystem collapse avoidable?
- Is a productive ecosystem state reachable and stable (e.g., included in an SCC)?
- Is this productive state always preceded at some time by, say, a disturbance or a specific process (rule)?
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Cosme, M.; Thomas, C.; Gaucherel, C. On the History of Ecosystem Dynamical Modeling: The Rise and Promises of Qualitative Models. Entropy 2023, 25, 1526. https://doi.org/10.3390/e25111526
Cosme M, Thomas C, Gaucherel C. On the History of Ecosystem Dynamical Modeling: The Rise and Promises of Qualitative Models. Entropy. 2023; 25(11):1526. https://doi.org/10.3390/e25111526
Chicago/Turabian StyleCosme, Maximilien, Colin Thomas, and Cédric Gaucherel. 2023. "On the History of Ecosystem Dynamical Modeling: The Rise and Promises of Qualitative Models" Entropy 25, no. 11: 1526. https://doi.org/10.3390/e25111526
APA StyleCosme, M., Thomas, C., & Gaucherel, C. (2023). On the History of Ecosystem Dynamical Modeling: The Rise and Promises of Qualitative Models. Entropy, 25(11), 1526. https://doi.org/10.3390/e25111526