From p-Values to Posterior Probabilities of Null Hypotheses
:1. Introduction
2. Valid p-Values and Robust Lower Bound
3. Adaptive with PBIC Strategy
Example: Binomial Models
4. Adjusting Using Adaptive
Balanced One-Way Anova
5. Obtaining Bounds for
5.1. Testing Equality of Two Means
- ;
- .
- ;
- for both and .
5.2. Fisher’s Exact Test
5.3. Linear Regression Models
Findley’s Counterexample
6. Discussion and Final Comments
- 1.
- Lower bounds have been an important development to give practitioners alternatives to classical testing with fixed levels. A deep-seated problem with the useful bound is that it depends on the p-value, which it should, but it is static, not a function of the sample size n. This limitation makes the bound of little use for moderate to large sample sizes, where it is arguably the correction to p-values more needed.
- 2.
- The approximation develops here as a function of p-values, and sample size has a distinct advantage over other approximations, such as BIC, in that it is a valid approximation for any sample size.
- 3.
- The (approximate) Bayes factors (9) and (11) are simple to use and provide results equivalent to the sensitive p-value Bayes factors of hypothesis tests. In this article, we extended the validity of the approximation for “pseudo-p-values,” which are ubiquitous in statistical practice. We hope that this development will give tools to the practice of statistics to make the posterior probability of hypotheses closer to everyday statistical practice, on which p-values (or pseudo-p-values) are calculated routinely. This allows an immediate and useful comparison between raw-p-values and (approximate) posterior odds.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix B. Codes
- I=seq(1, n1+n2, 1)
- y=I
- for (i in I) {
- y[i]= 1
- }
- return(y)
- }
- Y=function (n1=10,n2=10) {
- I=seq(1, n1+n2, 1)
- y=rep(−1, n1+n2)
- for (i in I) {
- y[i]=1
- }
- return(y)
- }
- ml=function(n1=10, n2=10) {return(lm(X(n1, n2)~Y(n1, n2)))}
- sigma=function(n1=10, n2=10){
- return(as.numeric(summary(ml(n1, n2))$sigma^2))}
- d=function(n1=10, n2=10){return(sigma(n1, n2)*(1/n1+1/n2))}
- ne=function(n1=10, n2=10){return(min(n1*(1+n1/n2)),n2*(1+n2/n1)))}
- beta.=function(n1=10, n2=10){
- return(as.numeric(ml(n1, n2)$coefficients[2]^2))}
- v=function(n1=10, n2=10){
- return(beta.(n1, n2)/(d(n1, n2)*( +ne(n1, n2))))}
- C=function(n1=10, n2=10){
- return(−2*log((1−exp(−v(n1, n2)))/(sqrt(2)*v(n1, n2))))}
- # Adaptive alpha eq.8
- alphabinom=function(n1, n2,alpha){
- sqrt(2/((n1+n2)*pi*(qchisq(alpha, df=1, lower.tail=F)
- +log(n1+n2)
- +C(n1, n2))))*exp(−(qchisq(alpha, df=1, lower.tail=F)
- +C(n1, n2))/2)
- }
- # RLB_xi
- RLB=function(a,b){
- −exp(1)*b*a^b*log(a)}
- pval=seq(0.001,0.36,0.00001)
- plot(pval,RLB(pval,1),col=4,lty=4,
- ylab=expression(paste(B[L](p,xi[0]))),
- xlab=expression(paste(p)),type="l")
- lines(pval,RLB(pval,1.1),col=5,lty=5)
- lines(pval,RLB(pval,1.2),col=6,lty=6)
- lines(pval,RLB(pval,1.3),col=7,lty=7)
- legend(0.01,1,col =c(4,5,6,7),
- c(expression(paste(xi[0]==1)),
- expression(paste(xi[0]==1.1)),
- expression(paste(xi[0]==1.2)),
- expression(paste(xi[0]==1.3))),
- lty=c(4,5,6,7),cex = 0.8)
- plot(pval,RLB(pval,1),
- ylab=expression(paste(B[L](p,1))),
- xlab=expression(paste(p)),type="l")
- abline(h=RLB(.1,1),lty=2,col="blue")
- abline(v=0)
- abline(h=0)
- segments(0.1,0,0.1,RLB(0.1,1),lty=2)
- arrows(0.001,RLB(0.1,1),0.025,0.8,length = 0.1)
- arrows(0.1,0,0.125,0.2,length = 0.1)
- legend(0.01,0.9,expression(paste(alpha)),bty = "n")
- legend(0.11,0.3,expression(paste(rho)),bty = "n")
- alpha=seq(0.000000000001,.05,.00001)
- # posterior probability of H_0
- pP=function(a){
- 1/(1+1/(a))}
- # posteriors probability (RLB_xi)
- plot(alpha,pP(RLB(alpha,1)),col=4,lty=4,xlab="p",
- ylab=expression(paste(minP(H[0]/x))),type = "l")
- lines(alpha,pP(RLB(alpha,1.1)),col=6,lty=6)
- lines(alpha,pP(RLB(alpha,1.2)),col=9,lty=9)
- lines(alpha,pP(RLB(alpha,1.3)),col=10,lty=10)
- legend(0,.28,col =c(4,6,9,10),
- c(expression(paste(P[RLB])),
- expression(paste(P[RLB[1.1]])),
- expression(paste(P[RLB[1.2]])),
- expression(paste(P[RLB[1.3]]))),
- lty=c(4,6,9,10),cex = 0.8)
- Y=function(n1,n2){
- c=cbind2(c(rep(1,n1),rep(1,n2)))
- return(c)}
- Y1=function(n1,n2){
- set.seed(2)
- a=rnorm(n1+n2,0,.05)
- c=cbind2(c(rep(1,n1),rep(3,n2))+a)
- return(c)
- }
- X1=function(n1,n2){
- c=cbind2(c(rep(1,n1),rep(-1,n2)))
- return(c)
- }
- X=function(n1,n2){
- return(cbind2(Y(n1,n2),X1(n1,n2)))
- }
- b=function(n1,n2){
- return(abs(det(t(X(n1,n2))%*%X(n1,n2))/det(t(Y(n1,n2))%*%
- Y(n1,n2))))}
- l.model=function(n1,n2){return(lm(Y1(n1,n2)~X1(n1,n2)))}
- beta=function(n1,n2){as.numeric(l.model(n1,n2)$coefficient[2])}
- d=function(n1,n2){return(2/n1+2/n2)}
- ne=function(n1,n2){return(min(n1^2,n2^2)*(1/n1+1/n2))}
- v=function(n1,n2){return(beta(n1,n2)^2/(d(n1,n2)*(1+ne(n1,n2))))}
- C=function(n1,n2){return(-2*log((1-exp(-v(n1,n2)))/(sqrt(2)*
- v(n1,n2))))}
- # Bayes Factor Linear Version (Eq.8)
- BFL=function(alpha,q,n,b,C,j){
- −alpha*log(alpha)*gamma(q/2)*b^((n-j)/(2*(n-1)))*
- ((2*(n-1))/((qgamma(alpha,shape=q/2,rate=(n-j)/
- (2*(n-1)),lower.tail = FALSE)
- +log(b)+C)*(n-j)))^(q/2)
- }
- # Bayes Factor General (E.q 9)
- BFG=function(alpha,q,n,C){
- −alpha*log(alpha)*gamma(q/2)*n^(q/2)*
- (2/(qchisq(alpha,q,lower.tail=FALSE)+q*log(n)+C))^(q/2)
- # Bayes Factor $BF_{01}$ (means)
- BF=function(t,n1,n2,alpha){
- n=n1+n2
- l=n-1
- return(((n+t)/t)^(1/2)*(((qt(alpha,l,lower.tail=FALSE))^2*
- (t/(n+t))+l)/((qt(alpha,l,lower.tail = FALSE))^2+l))^((l+1)/2))
- }
- # Plot posteriors probability
- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
- plot(alpha,pP(RLB(alpha,1)),col=4,
- xlab=expression(paste(alpha)),
- ylab=expression(paste(P(H[0]/x))),
- main =expression(paste("n=50,","q=1,",
- tau[0]==6)),type="l",ylim = c(0,1))
- lines(alpha,pP(BFL(alpha,1,50,b(25,25),C(25,25),2)),
- col=6)
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(alpha,1,50,C(25,25))),col=3)
- lines(alpha,pP(BF(6,25,25,alpha)),col=9)
- legend(0.01,1,col =c(4,6,3,9),
- c(expression(paste(P[RLB])),
- expression(paste(P[BFL])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG])),
- expression(paste(P[BF["01"]]))),
- lty=c(1,1,1,1),cex = 0.9)
- abline(.5,0,lty=2)
- plot(alpha,pP(RLB(alpha,1)),col=4,
- xlab=expression(paste(alpha)),
- ylab=expression(paste(P(H[0]/x))),
- main = expression(paste("n=100,","q=1,",tau[0]==6)),
- type="l",ylim = c(0,1))
- lines(alpha,pP(BFL(alpha,1,100,b(50,50),
- C(50,50),2)),col=6)
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(alpha,1,100,C(50,50))),col=3)
- lines(alpha,pP(BF(6,50,50,alpha)),col=9)
- legend(0.01,1,col =c(4,6,3,9),
- c(expression(paste(P[RLB])),
- expression(paste(P[BFL])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG])),
- expression(paste(P[BF["01"]]))),
- lty=c(1,1,1,1),cex = 0.9)
- abline(.5,0,lty=2)
- # Bayes factor Fisher’s Exact Test
- B_01=function(p,a,b,alpha,n){
- p^(qbinom(alpha,n,p,lower.tail = FALSE))*
- (1-p)^(n-qbinom(alpha,n,p,lower.tail = FALSE))*
- beta(a,b)/beta(qbinom(alpha,n,p,lower.tail = FALSE)+a,
- n-qbinom(alpha,n,p,lower.tail = FALSE)+b)
- }
- z=B_01(.7,7,3,alpha,50)
- x=B_01(.7,7,3,alpha,100)
- # Posteriors probability
- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
- plot(alpha,pP(RLB(alpha,1)),col=4,
- xlab=expression(paste(alpha)),
- ylab=expression(paste(P(H[0]/x))),
- main = expression(paste("n=50,","q=1")),type = "l",ylim = c(0,1))
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(1,alpha,25,25,1)),col=2)
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(1,alpha,25,25,1.1)),col=3)
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(1,alpha,25,25,1.2)),col=5)
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(1,alpha,25,25,1.3)),col=6)
- lines(alpha,pP(z),col=9)
- legend(0.01,1,col =c(4,2,3,5,6,9),
- c(expression(paste(P[RLB])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG[1.1]])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG[1.2]])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG[1.3]])),
- expression(paste(P[BF[Test]]))),
- lty=c(1,1,1,1,1,1),cex = 0.6)
- abline(.5,0,lty=2)
- plot(alpha,pP(RLB(alpha,1)),col=4,
- xlab=expression(paste(alpha)),
- ylab=expression(paste(P(H[0]/x))),
- main = expression(paste("n=100,","q=1")),
- type = "l",ylim = c(0,1))
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(1,alpha,80,20,1)),col=2)
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(1,alpha,80,20,1.1)),col=3)
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(1,alpha,80,20,1.2)),col=5)
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(1,alpha,80,20,1.3)),col=6)
- lines(alpha,pP(x),col=9)
- legend(0.01,1,col =c(4,2,3,5,6,9),
- c(expression(paste(P[RLB])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG[1.1]])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG[1.2]])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG[1.3]])),
- expression(paste(P[BF[Test]]))),
- lty=c(1,1,1,1,1,1),cex = 0.6)
- abline(.5,0,lty=2)
- # C and b
- Y=function(n){
- c=cbind2(rep(1,n))
- return(c)}
- X1=function(n){
- I=seq(1,n,1)
- x=I
- for (i in I) {
- x[i]=1/i
- }
- return(as.matrix(x))
- }
- Y1=function(n){
- set.seed(4)
- a=rnorm(n,0,1)
- return(a+X1(n)*0.5)
- }
- X=function(n){
- return(cbind2(Y(n),X1(n)))
- }
- b=function(n){
- return(abs(det(t(X(n))%*%X(n))/det(t(Y(n))%*%Y(n))))}
- l.model=function(n){return(lm(Y1(n)~X1(n)))}
- theta=function(n){as.numeric(l.model(n)$coefficient[2])}
- d=function(n){return(1/apply(X1(n),2,sum))}
- ne=function(n){return(apply(X1(n),2, sum))}
- v=function(n){return(theta(n)^2/(d(n)*(1+ne(n))))}
- C=function(n){return(-2*log((1-exp(-v(n)))/(sqrt(2)*v(n))))}
- # plot posteriors probability in function of alpha.
- par(mfrow=c(1,3))
- plot(alpha,pP(BFL(alpha,1,100,b(100),C(50),2)),
- col=4,xlab=expression(paste(alpha)),
- ylab=expression(paste(P(H[0]/x))),
- main =expression(paste("n=100,","q=1")),
- type="l",ylim = c(0,1))
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(alpha,1,100,C(100))),col=3)
- legend(0.01,1,col =c(4,3),
- c(expression(paste(P[BFL])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG]))),
- lty=c(1,1),cex = 0.9)
- abline(.5,0,lty=2)
- plot(alpha,pP(BFL(alpha,1,1000,b(1000),C(1000),2)),
- col=4,xlab=expression(paste(alpha)),
- ylab=expression(paste(P(H[0]/x))),
- main =expression(paste("n=1000,","q=1")),
- type="l",ylim = c(0,1))
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(alpha,1,1000,
- C(1000))),col=3)
- legend(0.01,1,col =c(4,3),
- c(expression(paste(P[BFL])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG]))),
- lty=c(1,1),cex = 0.9)
- abline(.5,0,lty=2)
- plot(alpha,pP(BFL(alpha,1,10000,b(10000),C(10000),2)),
- col=4,xlab=expression(paste(alpha)),
- ylab=expression(paste(P(H[0]/x))),
- main =expression(paste("n=10000,","q=1")),
- type="l",ylim = c(0,1))
- lines(alpha,pP(BFG(alpha,1,10000,
- C(10000))),col=3)
- legend(0.01,1,col =c(4,3),
- c(expression(paste(P[BFL])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG]))),
- lty=c(1,1),cex = 0.9)
- abline(.5,0,lty=2)
- # plot posteriors probability in function of n.
- I=seq(1,1000,1)
- BL=I
- BL1=I
- BG=I
- BG1=I
- for (n in I) {
- i=9+n
- BL[n]=BFL(0.05,1,i,b(i),C(i),2)
- BL1[n]=BFL(0.01,1,i,b(i),C(i),2)
- BG[n]=BFG(0.05,1,i,C(i))
- BG1[n]=BFG(0.01,1,i,C(i))
- }
- m=seq(10,1009,1)
- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
- plot(m,pP(BL),col=4,
- xlab=expression(paste("n")),
- ylab=expression(paste(P(H[0]/x))),
- main =expression(paste(alpha==0.05,",","q=1")),
- type="l",ylim = c(0,1))
- lines(m,pP(BG),col=3)
- legend(0.01,1,col =c(4,3),
- c(expression(paste(P[BFL])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG]))),
- lty=c(1,1),cex = 0.8)
- abline(.5,0,lty=2)
- plot(m,pP(BL1),col=4,
- xlab=expression(paste("n")),
- ylab=expression(paste(P(H[0]/x))),
- main =expression(paste(alpha==0.01,",","q=1")),
- type="l",ylim = c(0,1))
- lines(m,pP(BG1),col=3)
- legend(0.01,1,col =c(4,3),
- c(expression(paste(P[BFL])),
- expression(paste(P[BFG]))),
- lty=c(1,1),cex = 0.8)
- abline(.5,0,lty=2)
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Adaptive via PBIC () | ||
10 | 10 | 0.0068 |
25 | 25 | 0.0040 |
50 | 50 | 0.0027 |
100 | 50 | 0.0021 |
50 | 100 | 0.0021 |
100 | 100 | 0.0018 |
% Of Samples with | |||||
r | % Of Samples with | ||||
10 | |||||
50 | |||||
100 | |||||
500 | |||||
1000 |
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Share and Cite
Vélez Ramos, D.; Pericchi Guerra, L.R.; Pérez Hernández, M.E. From p-Values to Posterior Probabilities of Null Hypotheses. Entropy 2023, 25, 618.
Vélez Ramos D, Pericchi Guerra LR, Pérez Hernández ME. From p-Values to Posterior Probabilities of Null Hypotheses. Entropy. 2023; 25(4):618.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVélez Ramos, Daiver, Luis R. Pericchi Guerra, and María Eglée Pérez Hernández. 2023. "From p-Values to Posterior Probabilities of Null Hypotheses" Entropy 25, no. 4: 618.
APA StyleVélez Ramos, D., Pericchi Guerra, L. R., & Pérez Hernández, M. E. (2023). From p-Values to Posterior Probabilities of Null Hypotheses. Entropy, 25(4), 618.