2. Multifractal and Rank-Ordered Multifractal Approach (ROMA)
Fractals and multifractals are introduced as tools to investigate natural phenomena and capture their multi-scale (sometimes self-similar) structure like river networks, systems of Earth’s faults and fractures, various physical processes like lightning and frost formation, mineral crystallinity in rocks, and dendrite formation in chemical reactions, etc., [
10]; see Sornette [
11] for a discussion. They are also used to investigate the structure of solar wind turbulence and intermittency from in situ data analysis [
13]. Multifractals allow for an intuitive understanding of turbulent multiplicative and cascading processes leading to the transfer of energy in a hierarchic structure aggregating larger to smaller scales. The paradigm of a cascade of energy, first coined by Richardson [
14], includes two key elements: (1) a hierarchy of mother (level
n)–daughter (level
n + 1) structures (e.g., eddies in neutral fluid turbulence), fragmenting into smaller and smaller pieces, from larger to smaller scales, and (2) the rate of energy transfer from the mother to the daughter. In fractal analysis, the latter is linked to the concept of a density measure [
15]. Data analysis tools based on multifractals help decipher, through the “optics” of such a multiplicative process, the structure of the energy cascade in the turbulent solar wind. Such tools are particularly helpful in characterizing the degree of fragmentation/irregularity generally linked to intermittency; see, e.g., [
A key feature of the multifractal analysis is the generalization of the geometrical concept of dimension, which helps to describe the density measure (or energy transfer rate) [
18] and the multi-scale structure of the hierarchical mother—daughter cascading over many consecutive generations (e.g., [
19]). The fractal structure of neutral fluid turbulence can be approached from an analysis of the Navier–Stokes equation (ref. [
19], see a recent review by Dubrulle [
17]). Several methods are proposed to obtain the multifractal spectrum, which gives the strength of singularities, f(α) [
However, multiplicative processes can also be characterized by the moments of order
q of the defined measure and their scale behavior,
(the brackets indicate ensemble averaging). The exponents revealed by the scaling of the moments,
define a series of generalized dimensions,
, where D
0 is the fractal dimension of the support measure, D
1 is the information dimension, and D
2 is the correlation dimension; it was however demonstrated that for multifractals there is an infinite number of generalized dimensions for
q > 0 [
22]. The moment order
q explores negative and positive values, similarly to a microscope inspecting different regions of singularities [
A key technical step in performing a multifractal analysis of data collected in the solar wind is the definition of the measure on which the singularities are searched. Different measures emphasize various effects and physical processes [
24]. A popular approach is the Partition Function (PF) multifractal method, which defines a measure based on the first moment of magnetic field increments [
where B denotes one of the magnetic field components (B
R, B
T, B
N in case of Ulysses data—in the radial, tangent, and normal directions) or the intensity |B|, separated from a position
xi by a distance
l. The analysis is applied to the entire time series, which is decomposed into segments of size
l. Each segment is associated with a turbulent eddy. Furthermore, for each
ith eddy of size
l, one associates a probability measure defined by the following:
In this paradigm,
pi(l) can be interpreted as the local probability (in
xi) that the fraction of energy ε is transferred to an eddy of size
l. In solar wind studies, it is generally assumed that the Taylor hypothesis is satisfied such that, at a given position
x, the temporal scales, Δ
t, can be interpreted as the spatial scales,
, with
the average solar wind speed.
The analysis of intermittency with multifractals based on the structure and/or partition function approaches reveals the statistics of the full set of fluctuations, like in (1) and (2) above (see, e.g., [
19]). However, the scaling properties derived from such approaches are largely determined by the smaller amplitude fluctuations, which are the most numerous. On the other hand, the rarer but larger fluctuations, although less dominant, are relevant for the scaling properties over the full range of scales. Additionally, universality properties can be probed by a full collapse of probability density functions at all scales on a single master curve. Based on this type of argument, Chang and Wu [
7] propose a new technique for the multifractal analysis, closely linked to the concept of scale invariance and rank ordering of fluctuations, called the Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis (ROMA).
A key feature of ROMA is that it explores the singular nature of the subdominant fluctuations
at all analyzed scales. Recall that the multifractal analysis based on the partition function extracts the multifractal spectrum for
the convergence range of scales, i.e., those scales for which the partition function as a function of scale for the defined measure is linear in the log-log representation for all moment orders
q. Thus, the first step in ROMA is to isolate ranks of fluctuations with similar fractal (statistical) properties, “collected” from all analyzed scales. This is achieved by grouping the fluctuations according to the range of their scale size. If following [
7], we consider the fluctuating magnetic field B(t), then we can form similarly with (1), a series of scale-dependent differences:
For a range of time scales τ, corresponding to spatial scales
l = VSW ×
τ, when the Taylor hypothesis is satisfied, with
VSW being the solar wind speed. Then, the probability distribution functions are obtained as normalized histograms of fluctuations at all scales,
We note that the PDFs of the fluctuating field exhibit self-similarity (mono-fractal) properties if
P(δB,τ) for the entire range of scales τ collapse onto one single scaling function P
s according to the following scaling formula:
If this is the case, the dynamical behavior of the process leading to the observed fluctuation is considered mono-fractal, characterized by the fractal (Hurst) index s. The scaling relation (4) is also known as the one-parameter (re)scaling and has been tested for space plasmas by [
26]. Full rescaling (over all scales) of PDFs is equivalent to successfully performing a Dynamic Renormalization Group coarse-graining step in the vicinity of a critical point [
In practice, the collapse of the PDFs may be “partial,” i.e., only parts of the PDFs collapse on the master curve Ps. In this case, it is considered that the dynamical process is multifractal and the scaling factor s in (4) depends on the scaled sizes of fluctuations, with . The multifractality is then estimated from standard structure-function analysis.
The structure functions of different orders
q for a given scale τ,
, are calculated from the moments of the probability distribution functions:
where <…> indicates ensemble averaging and
is the maximum value of fluctuations computed with (3) for the scale τ. The structure functions exhibit in general power law scaling,
. The existence of such power law behavior is viewed by [
28] as a possible manifestation of the dynamical complexity and phase space dynamics in the vicinity of a critical point (see also [
27]), where the linear transformation of the quantities
Sq and τ of the form
leads to the invariant
. It results in one could formally write
When the scaling exponent is a linear function of q:
The process is self-similar/mono-fractal with fractal dimension (or Hurst exponent)
s. In practice, the scaling exponent
is evaluated from the slope of the log-log representation of
for all scales
τ and all orders
q. We notice also that in the definition of the structure-function (5), the statistics and scaling are dominated by the most numerous fluctuations, as warned at the beginning of this section. A disadvantage discussed by [
7] is that the structure functions defined by (5) are usually divergent for negative orders
q. When the mono-fractal scaling is not observed and (6) is invalidated, the nonlinearity of
is generally recognized as a hallmark of intermittency. Several physical mechanisms are considered, including the classical refined similarity hypothesis by Obukov and Kolmogorov [
30]. For a recent review on solar wind intermittency, see [
ROMA is a complementary approach that avoids divergence for negative moment orders and also allows for analysis over the entire range of scales. The first step in ROMA is to group the fluctuations computed with (3) as a function of their scaled size , at all analyzed scales τ. However, s is not known a priori. Indeed, it is assumed that for each subinterval ΔY there is an index s(ΔY) such that all fluctuations in the respective subinterval obey the mono-fractal scaling (6). The question is, of course, how to find the values s(ΔY) for the entire range of scaled fluctuations Y.
The answer to this question is central for ROMA, and Chang and Wu [
7] describe a procedure to achieve this task. One starts by computing the rank-ordered structure function (ROSF) for the first range of scaled values ΔY
1, defined between Y
1 and Y
. The ROMA solution for the interval [Y
2] is that value of
s for which the mono-fractal/self-similar scaling is strictly satisfied:
The procedure then continues for the other bins ΔY defined in the space of scaled size fluctuations, until the entire rank-ordered multifractal spectrum is computed. If such a full ROMA spectrum is found, it identifies the rescaling factors for which the PDFs collapse onto one master curve identifying a universal process, possibly a fixed point in a path to criticality [
Below we discuss briefly two implementations of the basic principles described above allowing the practical computation of such ROMA solutions. Note that these implementations share the same technical principles and are built in two different programming environments: the approach ODYN is available from a Python code-based Jupyter Notebook library [
32]; the approach INA is available from a GUI-based MATLAB standalone Interactive Nonlinear Analysis (INA) library [
Computing ROMA with an approach available from the ODYN library. This approach is documented in [
32] and available from the Python library called “Open source library for turbulence and nonlinear dynamics (ODYN)”. For each order
q and each bin ΔY the procedure runs iteratively for all values of
s between 0 and 1, with a chosen step, e.g., 0.1, and computes the range-limited structure functions defined by (7) for all analyzed scales. The scaling behavior is extracted from a linear fit in the log-log representation of
versus τ, as shown in
Figure 1a, following:
For each order
q and each value considered for
s. In practice, we follow [
7] and represent graphically the curve
ζ(s,q), derived as described above, and search for its geometrical intersection with the straight line
ζ = qs, as shown in
Figure 1b, for q = 2 and a selected range of s values from 0 to 0.5. If they exist, such intersections result in values of s corresponding to each moment order
q [
Further, for all values of s determined in the previous step, ζ
q is retrieved (as shown in
Figure 1a for s = 0.25) and the linearity of ζ
q vs. q (indicated by colored markers in
Figure 1c) is then determined on the basis of a χ
2 test of linear fits. The value of s which best linearizes the ζ
q(q) function (i.e., minimum χ
2) is chosen as the ROMA scaling exponent,
s, for the analyzed ΔY bin. In this approach, the computation based on finding the intersection shown in
Figure 1b is performed iteratively for each value of
Should there be more than one solution for a given ΔY and a given q, we keep the solution that linearizes better the relationship log(Sq(τ)) vs. log(τ). If the solution for the given range of scaled size fluctuations, ΔY, and various orders q are not the same, we keep the one that satisfies better the mono-fractal relationship: ζ(s,q) = qs. The ROMA spectra were calculated with this (classical) approach applied to VEX data in the solar wind.
Computing ROMA with an approach available from the INA library. This approach is documented in [
33] and available from the MATLAB library called “Interactive Nonlinear Analysis (INA) toolbox.” Munteanu [
35] realized that there is a quantitative way to detect the geometrical intersection mentioned above. Indeed, the function:
takes a maximum value when
q,s) is closest to a linear function in
q,s) =
sq. Thus, one can apply a parametric survey of
q,s) to find the value of
s, which maximizes this function; this maximal value is the ROMA solution for the considered moment order
q, the considered range of scales, and the considered scaled size fluctuations bin ΔY. An example is shown in
Figure 2.
Starting from the quantitative selection of a ROMA solution based on the function
g(q,s) in [
35], an alternative, relatively more compact strategy was tested and implemented to compute the scaling exponents
s and find the ROMA spectrum based on a minimization procedure. Indeed, in this approach, for each bin of the scaled size fluctuations, ΔY, one iterates over all values of
s between 0 and 1 (in general one assumes a step equal to 0.1) to compute the range-limited structure function (7) and determine the slope
s,q) for each
s and all moment order
q. Then, one searches for which value of
s the function
takes the minimum value for all considered order moments,
Figure 2 illustrates the two-dimensional map of log10g
(q,s), calculated for one hundred values of
s between 0 and 1, and the first bin of scaled fluctuations, ΔY=[0.01, 0.189]. The map is derived with (3) applied on Ulysses magnetic field data recorded between January 25 and January 31, 2007. This bin collects fluctuations over a scale range between τ = 32 s and τ = 2048 s. The lower-right panel of
Figure 2 shows a sum over
q of all values of the function
f, labeled parameter
The value of
s for which parameter
a takes a minimum value is considered the solution of the ROMA spectrum in that respective bin. An advantage of this approach is that the procedure is applied a single time, for one bin, ΔY. The ROMA spectra computed for Ulysses data and discussed further are derived with the INA implementation [
The technical steps to be followed in both strategies adopted to compute a rank-ordered multifractal analysis (ROMA) spectrum are summarized schematically in the diagram shown in
Figure 3.
4. Summary and Discussion
In this paper, we discuss a multifractal method based on the rank ordering of fluctuations built on an incremental measure of fluctuations applied for the entire range of targeted scales [
7]. ROMA allows us to investigate the properties of magnetic turbulence and complexity in the solar wind from two vantage points, one outside the ecliptic at 2.5 AU (from Ulysses data), the other in the ecliptic, close to Venus at 0.72 AU (from Venus Express data). One key advantage of ROMA is that it treats all fluctuations at all considered scales and all moment orders. The spectrum is implicit and reveals the fractal dimension of rank-ordered fluctuations bearing the same topological mono-fractal behavior described by the respective ROMA
s index. The latter can be interpreted with a conceptual analogy to the Hurst exponent [
41]. We extract a description of the scale behavior of magnetic fluctuations for two types of solar wind, slow and fast, at 2 different distances from the Sun, at 0.72 AU in the ecliptic and 2.7 AU outside the ecliptic, at the solar minimum. We are able to identify cross-over scales, based also on a correlative analysis with the flatness behavior, marking a significant change of the multifractal spectrum, as indicated in
Figure 4,
Figure 5,
Figure 6 and
Figure 7.
The procedure assumed to calculate the ROMA spectrum is equivalent to a full rescaling of the probability density functions for all scales by considering a local one-parameter rescaling-like rule as in Equation (4), with
s being the ROMA solution depending on the scaled sizes of fluctuations,
. To the best of our knowledge, there is only one previously published ROMA analysis of solar wind turbulence [
44]. This previous analysis presents one ROMA spectrum computed from wind data at 1 AU for one single range of scales in the inertial range and shows a monotonic trend with s decreasing with increasing values of Y in the anti-persistent range. In Teodorescu et al. [
32], we analyzed magnetic field data measured by cluster in the Earth’s magnetosheath for two ranges of scales, smaller (in the kinetic regime) and larger (in the inertial regime). We found differences between the ROMA spectra computed for the two ranges. Thus, at larger scales, the ROMA spectrum is flatter and takes values smaller than 0.5, similar to the ROMA spectrum discussed in this analysis for Ulysses data (Regime III).
Indeed, at larger distances from the Sun, Ulysses data reveal a multi-scale structure of turbulence and complexity with two cross-over scales, separating three different scale regimes of turbulence and complexity. At the smaller scales (we called it Ulysses Regime I), in the kinetic range, between 1400 and 5600 km (assuming the Taylor hypothesis is satisfied), intermittency is “fading” as K(τ) takes smaller values for decreasing scales. In this range, the ROMA spectrum shows a clear signature of persistent behavior. At the largest scales (we called it Ulysses Regime III), between 20 and 209 million kilometers, the magnetic fluctuations are uncorrelated and distributed according to a normal distribution (the flatness is roughly equal to three). The ROMA spectrum is flat for this scaling range and suggests the process leading to the fluctuations is self-similar and the fluctuations are anti-persistent with long memory for switching between higher and lower values. At the intermediate range of scales (we called it Ulysses Regime II), between 22,400 and 5,734,400 km, data analysis suggests strong intermittency, with K(τ) taking larger and larger values for smaller and smaller scales. The ROMA spectrum shows a decreasing trend with the s(Y) index taking smaller values for larger values of Y. Such behavior is generally assigned to developed intermittent turbulence.
At smaller distances from the Sun, in the vicinity of Venus, solar wind data from Venus Express reveal a different picture of turbulence and complexity compared to the one derived from Ulysses. We identified three ranges of scales based on the ROMA analysis. For the first scale range, between 400 and 12,800 km, ROMA indicates the fluctuations are mainly anti-persistent and the s index shows fluctuations around s = 0.35. In this range, we found strong intermittency with K(τ) increasing for smaller and smaller scales; the maximum value of K(τ) is obtained for the smallest scale. At the largest scales, between 102,400 km and 819,200 km, the ROMA spectrum indicates the presence of fully developed turbulence. Intermittency is also present, confirmed by values of K(τ) larger than three and increasing (slightly) with decreasing scales. At the intermediate range of scales, between 25,600 km and 102,400 km, we obtain a bimodal ROMA spectrum suggesting the turbulence, dominant at larger scales, competes with kinetic processes, dominant at the smaller scales.
The picture revealed by our analysis confirms the structure of solar wind magnetic field fluctuations is quite complex. The scale behavior and topology change with distance from the Sun. On the one hand, the radial expansion of the solar wind can have an impact as it implies a dilation of scales with increasing radial distances. On the other hand, the physical processes at work, particularly at the smallest scales where dissipation takes place, can be characterized by different singularities resulting from the dominance of nonlinear interactions changing with the distance from the Sun.