67Cu Production Capabilities: A Mini Review
:1. Introduction
2. Production Methods of 67Cu
2.1. Accelerator-Based Production
2.1.1. Charged-Particle Induced Reactions
2.1.2. Photonuclear Production
2.2. Reactor-Based Production
2.3. Targetry
2.4. Radiochemistry
2.5. Recovery
2.6. Quality of 67Cu as Radiopharmaceutical Precursor
2.6.1. Identity
2.6.2. Specific Activity
2.6.3. Radionuclidic Purity
2.6.4. Chemical Purity
3. The Use of 67Cu for Medical Applications
3.1. Chelators for Copper
3.2. Pre-Clinical Studies
3.3. Clinical Studies
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Half-Life | Main γ-ray Energy, Intensity (keV) (%) | Mean β+ Energy, Intensity (keV) (%) | Mean β− Energy, Intensity (keV) (%) | Auger and IC Electrons | |
67Cu | 61.83 h | 184.577 (48.7) | - | 141 (100) | Yes |
64Cu | 12.701 h | 1345.77 (0.475) | 278 (17.6) | 191 (38.5) | Yes |
61Cu | 3.336 h | 282.956 (12.7) 656.008 (10.4) | 500 (61) | - | Yes |
60Cu | 23.7 m | 826.4 (21.7) 1332.5 (88.0) 1791.6 (45.4) | 970 (93) | - | Yes |
Target | Energy Range (MeV) | 67Cu @ EOB (MBq/µA) | 64Cu @ EOB (MBq/µA) | 67Cu/(64Cu + 67Cu) @ EOB | 67Cu/(64Cu + 67Cu) @ 24 h Post EOB |
70Zn | 25–10 [9] | 2.13 × 102 | - | 100% | 100% |
68Zn | 70–35 [9] | 1.24 × 103 | 6.51 × 103 | 16% | 35% |
70Zn + 68Zn | 70–55 + 55–35 [16] | 1.86 × 103 | 5.71 × 103 | 25% | 48% |
Beam | Target | Energy Range (MeV) | Thickness (mm) | 67Cu @ EOB (MBq) | 64Cu @ EOB (MBq) |
Protons | 70Zn | 25–10 | 1.22 | 3.01 × 103 | - |
68Zn | 70–35 | 6.43 | 1.75 × 104 | 1.48 × 105 | |
70Zn + 68Zn | 70–55 + 55–35 | 3.26 + 3.27 | 2.62 × 104 | 1.30 × 105 | |
Deuterons | 70Zn | 26–16 | 0.58 | 4.01 × 103 | - |
Alpha | 64Ni | 30–10 | 0.16 | 1.00 × 103 | - |
Ref. | Target | Dissolution | Radiochemical Separation Method | Processing Time | Yield |
[36,53] | natZn foil or ZnO | conc. HCl | SE with dithizone | - | >90% |
[56] | natZn plates | 30% HCl (400 K) | SE with dithizone +IE with AG 50 W +IE with AG1-X8 | 5 h | 85 ± 20% for SE |
[57] | ZnO (28–30 g) | conc. HCl | SE with dithizone +IE with AG1-X8 | 5–7 h | >90% |
[44] | 67ZnO | 1 N HCl +30% H2O2 | SE with TTA | - | - |
[51,54] | 68ZnO (100 mg) | conc. HCl | IE with Dowex 1 × 8 | 4 h | 94% |
[52] | natZn (1–2 g) | 8 M HCl | IE with AG1-X8 | 2 h | 95% |
[42] | 67ZnO, 93.4% (50 mg) | 4 M HCl | IE with Diaion SA-100 | - | 95% |
[13] | 68Zn, 99.7% (0.7–4 g) electroplated on Ti or Al | 12 M HCl | IE with AG50-X4 +Chelex-100 +AG1-X8 | - | 92–95% |
[56] | natZn plate | 37% HCl | IE with AG50W +Chelex-100 +AG1-X8 | 4.5 h | 90% |
[16] | 70Zn, >95% metal foils | 10 M HCl | IE with AG50W-X4 +AG1-X8 | 4 h | 95 ± 2% |
[63] | natZnO powder (3.5 g) | 10 M HCl (100 °C) | Double coprecipitation with AgNO3 | <3 h | 81 ± 6% |
[31] | 68Zn metal ingot target (100 g) | - | Sublimation | Rate of Zn separation from Cu: >50 g/h | Removing of >99% of Cu (and other metals) from Zn in each sublimation cycle |
[56] | natZn plate | 30% HCl (400 K) | Electrolysis | 12 h | 60% |
[2] | natZn foil | conc. HCl +HNO3 | Electrolysis + IE with MP-1 | - | 80% |
[39] | 67ZnO, ≥94% (50–100 mg) | 1 M H2SO4 | Spontaneous electrochemical separation | 1.5 h | 95% |
Beam | Target | Energy Range (MeV) | Thickness (mm) | Target Cost ($) | 67Cu @ EOB (GBq) (mCi) | 67Cu Cost ($/GBq) ($/mCi) | 64Cu |
Protons | 70Zn | 25–10 | 1.22 | 11,284 | 3 (81) | 3761 (139) | - |
68Zn | 70–35 | 6.43 | 13,758 | 17.5 (473) | 786 (29) | Yes | |
70Zn + 68Zn | 70–55 + 55–35 | 3.26 + 3.27 | 30,186 + 7000 | 26.2 (709) | 1420 (52) | Yes | |
Deuterons | 70Zn | 26–16 | 0.58 | 6500 | 4.1 (110) | 1323 (49) | - |
Alpha | 64Ni | 30–0 | 0.16 | 3300 | 1 (27) | 4272 (158) | - |
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Mou, L.; Martini, P.; Pupillo, G.; Cieszykowska, I.; Cutler, C.S.; Mikołajczak, R. 67Cu Production Capabilities: A Mini Review. Molecules 2022, 27, 1501. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27051501
Mou L, Martini P, Pupillo G, Cieszykowska I, Cutler CS, Mikołajczak R. 67Cu Production Capabilities: A Mini Review. Molecules. 2022; 27(5):1501. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27051501
Chicago/Turabian StyleMou, Liliana, Petra Martini, Gaia Pupillo, Izabela Cieszykowska, Cathy S. Cutler, and Renata Mikołajczak. 2022. "67Cu Production Capabilities: A Mini Review" Molecules 27, no. 5: 1501. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27051501
APA StyleMou, L., Martini, P., Pupillo, G., Cieszykowska, I., Cutler, C. S., & Mikołajczak, R. (2022). 67Cu Production Capabilities: A Mini Review. Molecules, 27(5), 1501. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27051501