Molecular Momentum Transport at Fluid-Solid Interfaces in MEMS/NEMS: A Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. Backgrounds
1.2. History
1.3. Molecular Momentum Transport and Boundary Conditions at Fluid-Solid Interfaces
2. Gas-Solid Interfaces
Kn < 0.001 | Continuum regime |
0.001< Kn < 0.1 | Slip regime |
0.1< Kn < 10 | Transition regime |
Kn > 10 | Free molecular regime |
2.1. Description of Molecular Distributions
2.2. Tangential Momentum Transport
2.2.1. Slip Models Linear Slip Models Nonlinear Slip Models
2.2.2. TMAC Experiments on TMAC Simulations on TMAC
2.3. Research Insufficiency
2.3.1. Non-Maxwell Reflections
2.3.2. Normal Momentum Transport
3. Liquid-Solid Interfaces
3.1. Experimental Measurements
3.1.1. Indirect Methods Flow Rate through Capillaries or Microchannels (FR) Drainage Force (DF) Other Techniques
3.1.2. Direct Methods Micro Particle Image Velocimetry (μPIV) Near-Field Laser Velocimetry Using Fluorescence Recovery (NFLV-FR) Fluorescence Cross-Correlations (FCC) Total Internal Reflection Velocimetry (TRIC)
3.2. Molecular Dynamics Simulations
3.3. Dependence on Physical Factors
3.3.1. Surface Wettability
3.3.2. Surface Roughness
3.3.3. Shear Rate
3.3.4. Nanobubbles or Gas Films
3.3.5. Other Factors Polarity of Liquids Viscosity Temperature Pressure or Pressure Gradient Carbon Nanotubes
4. Summary and Conclusions
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C1 | C2 | References |
1 | 0 | Maxwell [52] |
1 | 5π/12 | Schamberg (from [66]) |
1 | −0.5 | Karniadakis and Beskok [66] |
1.1466 | 0.9756 or 0.647 | Cercignani [68] |
1.1466 | 0 | Albertoni et al. [89] |
≈1 | ≈0.5 | Chapman and Cowling [90] |
0.7252 | 0 | Loyalka [91] |
1.0299 | 0 | Loyalka et al. [92] |
1.11 | 0.61 | Hadjiconstantinou [93] |
1.1466 | 0.14 | Sreekanth (from [95,96]) |
1 | 9/8 | Deissler (from [66,97]) |
1 | 0.5 | Hsia and Domoto (from [66,97]) |
1 | 2/9 | Mitsuya [98] |
1.125 | 0 | Pan et al. [99] |
1 | 0.145–0.19 | Lockerby [100] |
4/3 | 0.25 | Wu (Kn < 1) [101] |
C1 | C2 | References |
0 | Maxwell [52] | |
Karniadakis and Beskok [66] | ||
Cercignani [68] | ||
0 | Loyalka [91] | |
0 | Loyalka et al. [92] | |
Lockerby [100] | ||
Wu [101] (f = min[1/Kn,1]) |
Authors | Gases | Walls | Temperature (K) | TMAC |
1969 [118] Knechtel and Pitts | Ar+ | Au | — | 0.5–0.95 |
Al | 0.42–0.95 | |||
1969 [125] Doughty and Schaetzle | Ar | Al with varnish | — | 0.7–1.4 |
N2 | 0.4–1.3 | |||
1974 [126] Seidl and Steinheil | He | Polished Cu | 300 | 0.67–0.96 |
Cu with 5μm grooves | 0.96–1.16 | |||
Cu with adsorbents | 0.49–1.2 | |||
W (100) | 0.77–0.93 | |||
Au (111) | 0.68–0.87 | |||
Glass | 0.71–0.79 | |||
1979 [127] Liu et al. | He | Al | Room temperature | ~1 |
Al2O3 | ||||
1998 [128] Rettner | N2 | C | 273 | > 1 |
Pt | 273 | 0.82–0.96 | ||
Glass | 293 | 0.80–0.98 | ||
Disk | 293 | 0.84–0.96 |
Authors | Gases | Walls | Temperature(K) | Kn | TMAC |
1974 [160] Thomas and Lord | He Ne Ar Xe | polished steel rough steel | 298 | — | 0.824, 1.040 0.918, 1.035 0.931, 1.049 0.943, 1.075 |
1977 [88,127] Lord | He Ne Ar Kr Xe | Mo W Ta Pt Ti | — | — | 0.2 (He, Mo) 0.46 (He, Ta) 0.67 (Ar, Mo) 0.9 (contaminated) |
1980 [132] Comsa et al. | He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, CH4, N2, H2, O2, CO, CO2 | steel | — | > 1 | 0.994–1.027 |
1996 [133] Gabis et al. | Ne, Ar, Kr, CH4, N2, C2H6 | steel | 293 | 0.01-1 | 0.83–1.01 |
1996 [88,134] Tekasakul et al. | He Ar Kr | steel | 297 | 0.00464–0.583 0.00167–0.210 0.0013–0.163 | 0.8836–0.9714 0.8470–0.9381 0.8044–0.9563 |
1997 [88,135] Bentz et al. | N2 CH4 | steel | 294 | 0.00163–0.0258 0.0013–0.0215 | 0.83–0.89 0.98–1.11 |
2001 [138] Bentz et al. | He Ar | steel | 293 | Slip regime | 0.8134–0.8412 0.7826–0.8005 |
2003 [139] Jousten | N2 | stainless steel etched or with H2O covered | 290–313 | — | 1.158–1.166 |
Authors | Gases | Walls(Roughness) | Temperature(K) | Kn | TMAC |
1969 [88] Sreekanth | N2 | brass | — | 0.007–0.237 | 0.9317 |
1998 [161] Veijola et al. | air | Si(1 nm) | — | — | 0.621–0.661 |
Si(30 nm) | 0.749–0.803 | ||||
2001 [140] Arkilic et al. | Ar | Si(0.8 nm) | 293 | 0.1–0.41 | 0.8 ± 0.1 |
N2 | 0.1–0.34 | 0.83 ± 0.05 | |||
CO2 | 0.1–0.44 | 0.88 ± 0.06 | |||
2001 [162,163] Sazhin et al. | He, Ne, Ar, Kr | Ag | — | > 100 | 0.71–0.92 |
Ti | 0.71–0.92 | ||||
Ti with O2 adsorbed | 0.96–1.00 | ||||
2003 [94] Maurer et al. | He | glass, Si | 297-301 | 0.06–0.8 | 0.91 ± 0.03 |
N2 | 0.002–0.59 | 0.87 ± 0.03 | |||
2003 [164] Jang et al. | air | glass, Si(35 nm) | 298 | 0.00115(outlet) | 0.204 |
2004 [141] Colin et al. | He, N2 | glass, Si | 294.2 | 0.029–0.22 | 0.93 |
0.002–0.008 | 1 | ||||
0.005–0.03 | 0.93 | ||||
0.027–0.09 | 0.93 | ||||
2004 [142] Hsieh et al. | N2 | glass, Si(1.47 μm) | ≈300 | 0.001–0.024 (outlet) | 0.3–0.7 |
2004 [146] Copper et al. | Ar | carbon nanotubes | — | — | 0.52±0.01 |
N2 | |||||
O2 | |||||
2006 [143] Jang and Wereley | air | glass (2.0 nm) | 297 | 0.0017(outlet) | 0.85 |
Si(6.43 nm) | |||||
2007 [124] Ewart et al. | He | Si(25.2 nm) | — | 0.009–0.309 | 0.914 ± 0.009 |
Ar | 0.003–0.302 | 0.871 ± 0.017 | |||
N2 | 0.003–0.291 | 0.908 ± 0.041 | |||
2007 [144] Jang and Wereley | N2 | glass(2.0 nm) | 295.5 | 0.0137 (outlet) | 0.96 |
SiO2(6.8 nm) | |||||
2007 [145] Huang et al. | air | glass(0.07 μm) | — | 0.018 | 0.90 |
2007 [147] Blanchard and Ligrani | He, air | Disk(10 nm) | 301 | 0.0025–0.031 | 0.915, 0.885 |
Disk(404 nm) | 0.357, 0.346 | ||||
Disk(770 nm) | 0.253, 0.145 | ||||
2007 [165] Ewart et al. | He | Si(20 nm) | 293.45–297.46 | 0.03–0.7 | 0.910 ± 0.004 |
2008 [166] Ewart et al. | He | Si(20 nm) | — | 0.003–30 | 1.001 ± 0.019 |
Ar | 0.947 ± 0.010 | ||||
Xe | 0.947 ± 0.015 | ||||
N2 | 0.954 ± 0.005 |
Authors | Gases | Walls | Temperature (K) | Kn | TMAC |
1949 [61] Kuhlthau | air | Forged | alloy299 | 0.04–0.1 | 0.72–1.07 |
Duralumin | |||||
0.1–8.3 | 0.71–0.77 [92] | ||||
ST-14 | |||||
1973 [88,152] Suetin et al. | He | glass | room temperature | slip flow regime | 0.895 ± 0.004 |
free molecular regime | 0.935 ± 0.004 | ||||
Ne | slip flow regime | 0.865 ± 0.004 | |||
free molecular regime | 0.929 ± 0.003 | ||||
Ar | |||||
slip flow regime | 0.927 ± 0.028 | ||||
free molecular regime | 0.975 ± 0.006 | ||||
1974 [88,153] Porodnov et al. | Kr | 0.00049–0.0096 | 0.995 ± 0.026 | ||
Xe | 0.00036–0.007 | 1.010 ± 0.040 | |||
H2 | glass | 77.2 | 0.0011–0.022 | 0.957 ± 0.015 | |
D2 | (0.05–1.5 μm) | 293 | 0.0011–0.022 | 0.934 ± 0.006 | |
N2 | 0.0006–0.012 | 0.925 ± 0.014 | |||
CO2 | 0.0004–0.0078 | 0.993 ± 0.009 | |||
1975 [154] 1980 [155] 1983 [156] Shields | He | 298 | — | ||
Ne | Pt, Ag, W | 0.375–0.96 | |||
O2 | rough(254 nm) | 0.06–0.84 | |||
CO2 | adsorbents | ||||
N2 | |||||
2004 [157] Gronych et al. | Xe | Bronze | 300.3 | free molecular regime | 0.90 |
Ar | |||||
0.95 | |||||
H2 | 0.94 | ||||
He | 1.0 | ||||
2008 [151] Maali and Bhushan | Air | Glass | Room temperature | 0.01–10 | 0.72 |
Authors | Gases | Walls | Temperature (K) | Kn | TMAC |
1997 [182] Chirita et al. | Ar | Ni(001) | 150 | — | −0.3~0.5 |
300 | −0.6~0.15 | ||||
2001 [119] Yamamoto | Ar | Pt(111) | 300–450 | 0.2 | 0.19 |
Xe | 0.81 | ||||
2003 [184] Arya et al. | LJ potential | FCC(110) | 200–400 | — | 0–1 |
2005 [186] Cao et al. | Ar | Pt(111) | 100–300 | 0.02-0.16 | 0.2–0.4 |
2005 [175] Takeuchi et al. | N2 | Pt(111) | 300 | 0.2 | |
smooth | 0.29–0.33 | ||||
Xe adsorbed | |||||
0.84–0.88 | |||||
2005 [176] Hyakutake et al. | Ar | Pt(111) | 300, 600 | 0.2 | 0.89, 0.41 |
Xe | 0.95, 0.80 | ||||
2007 [183] Finger et al. | He | Cu with adsorbent layer | ––– | — | 0.25–1.2 |
2008 [117] Sun and Li | Ar | Pt | 100–500 | 0.031–0.061 | 0.04–0.8 |
2008 [185] Celestini et al. | LJ potential | LJ potential | — | — | ~inversed collision number |
2008 [187] Spijker et al. | LJ potential | LJ potential | — | 0.028 | 0.51–0.83 |
2009 [188] Sun and Li | Ar | Pt | 100–300 | 0.12 | 0.348–0.87 |
Authors | Surfaces | Liquids | Wettability | Roughness | Slip length | Parameter dependence |
1956 [211] Schnell | Glass + DDS | Water | -- | -- | 1–10 μm | SRI |
1984 [212] Churaev et al. | Quartz + TMS | Water | 70–90° | -- | 30 nm | SRD/TD |
Mercury | 115–130° | -- | 70 nm | SRD/TD | ||
CCL4 | 0° | -- | No-slip | -- | ||
Benzene | 0° | -- | No-slip | -- | ||
1999 [213] Watanabe et al. | Acrylic Resin + FAMAR | Tap water | 150° | -- | ~240 nm | -- |
1999 [214] Kiseleva et al. | Quartz + CTA(+) | CTAB solutions | 70° | -- | 10 nm | SRI |
2002 [215] Cheng et al. | Glass + photoresist | Water | -- | 0.5 nm (pp) | No-slip | -- |
Hexane | -- | 10 nm | SRI | |||
Hexadecane | -- | 25 nm | SRI | |||
Decane | -- | 15 nm | SRI | |||
Silicon oil | -- | 20 nm | SRI | |||
2003 [216] Choi et al. | Silicon | Water | ≈0° | 1.1 nm (rms) | 0–10 nm | SRD |
Silicon + OTS | Water | ≧90° | 0.3 nm (rms) | 5–35 nm | SRD | |
2003 [217] Cheikh et al. | Poly(carbonate) + PVP | SDS solutions | <90° | -- | 20 nm | SRI |
2004 [218] Qu et al. | Silicon (SM) | Water | >90° | -- | No-slip | SRI |
Silicon (SP) | Water | 130–174° | -- | >20 μm | SRI/PD | |
2006 [219] Choi et al. | Silicon + SiO2 (SP) | Water | <90° | -- | 30 nm (t) | SRI/PD |
0 (t) | SRI/PD | |||||
Silicon + SiO2 + Teflon (SP) | ~130° | -- | 143 nm (p) | SRI/PD | ||
61 nm (p) | SRI/PD | |||||
2008 [220] Ulmanella et al. | Silicon | Isopropanol | -- | 8.5 nm | <5nm | -- |
n-hexadecane | -- | <5 nm | -- | |||
Isopropanol | -- | 0.5 nm | 5–30 nm | SRD | ||
n-hexadecane | -- | 40–120 nm | SRD |
Authors | Surfaces | Liquids | Wettability | Roughness | Slip length | Parameter dependence |
Group A: using SFA technique | ||||||
1985 [225] Chan et al. | Mica | OMCTS | -- | -- | No-slip | -- |
Tetradecane | -- | -- | No-slip | -- | ||
Hexadecane | -- | -- | No-slip | -- | ||
1986 [226] Israelachvili | Mica | Water | -- | -- | No-slip | -- |
Tetradecane | -- | -- | No-slip | -- | ||
1989 [227] Horn et al. | Silica | NaCl solutions | 45° | 0.5 nm (av) | No-slip | -- |
1993 [228] Georges et al. | 6 surfaces | 9 liquids | -- | 0.2-50 nm (pp) | No-slip | -- |
2001 [229] Zhu et al. | Mica + HDA | Tetradecane | 12° | ≈0.1 nm | 0–1 μm | SRD |
Mica + OTE | Tetradecane | 44° | 0–1.5 μm | SRD | ||
Water | 110° | 0–2.5 μm | SRD | |||
2001 [230] Baudry et al. | Cobalt | Glycerol | 20–60° | 1 nm (pp) | No-slip | -- |
Gold + thiol | 90° | 40 nm | SRI | |||
2002 [231] Zhu et al. | Mica + OTS | Water | 75–105° | 6 nm (rms) | No-slip | -- |
Tetradecane | 12–35° | 6 nm (rms) | No-slip | -- | ||
Mica + .8 PPO | Water | 85–110° | 3.5 nm (rms) | 0–5 nm | SRD | |
Tetradecane | 21–38° | 3.5 nm (rms) | 0–5 nm | SRD | ||
Mica + .2 PPO | Water | 90–110° | 2 nm (rms) | 0–20 nm | SRD | |
Tetradecane | -- | 2 nm (rms) | 0–20 nm | SRD | ||
Mica + OTE | Water | 110° | 0.2 nm (rms) | 0–40 nm | SRD | |
Tetradecane | 38° | 0.2 nm (rms) | 0–40 nm | SRD | ||
2002 [232] Zhu et al. | Mica + PVP/PB | Tetradecane | -- | ≈0.1 nm (th) | No-slip | -- |
Mica + PVA | Water | -- | 0–80 nm | SRD | ||
2002 [233] Zhu et al. | Mica | n-Alkanes | Complete | -- | No-slip | -- |
Mica + HDA | Octane | -- | -- | 0–2 nm | SRD | |
Dodadecane | -- | -- | 0–10 nm | SRD | ||
Tetradecane | 12° | -- | 0–15 nm | SRD | ||
2002 [234] Cottin-Bizonne et al. | Glass | Glycerol | <5° | 1 nm (pp) | No-slip | -- |
Glass + OTS | Glycerol | 95° | 50–200 nm | SRI | ||
Water | 100° | 50–200 nm | SRI | |||
2005 [235] Cottin-Bizonne et al. | Pyrex | Water | Hydrophilic | 1 nm (pp) | No-slip | -- |
Dodecane | Hydrophilic | No-slip | -- | |||
Pyrex + OTS | Water | 105° | -- | 19 nm | SRI | |
Group B: using AFM technique | ||||||
2001 [236] Craig et al. | Silica + gold + thiols | Sucrose solutions | 40–70° | 0.6 nm (rms) | 0–15 nm | SRD |
2002 [237] Bonaccurso et al. | Mica/glass | NaCl solutions | Complete | 1 nm (rms) | 8–9 nm | SRI |
2002 [238] Sun et al. | Mica/glass | 1-propanol | <90° | 1 nm (rms) | 10–14 nm | -- |
2003 [239] Bonaccurso et al. | Silicon/glass | Sucrose solutions | Complete | 0.7 nm (rms) | 0–40 nm | SRD/RD |
Silicon/glass + KOH | 4 nm (rms) | 80 nm | SRD/RD | |||
12.1 nm (rms) | 100–175 nm | SRD/RD | ||||
2003 [240] Neto et al. | Silica + gold + thiols | Sucrose solutions | 40–70° | 0.6 nm (rms) | 0–18 nm | SRD |
2003 [241] Vinogradova et al. | Silica/glass | NaCl solutions | Complete | 0.3 nm (rms) | No-slip | SRD |
Polystyrene | 90° | 2.5 nm (rms) | 4–10 nm | SRD | ||
2004 [242] Cho et al. | Borosilicate + HTS | Octane | 13° | 0.3 nm (rms) | No-slip | -- |
Dodecane | 32° | No-slip | -- | |||
Tridecane | 35° | 10 nm | -- | |||
Tetradecane | 37° | 15 nm | -- | |||
Pentadecane | 39° | 10 nm | -- | |||
Hexadecane | 39° | 20 nm | -- | |||
Cyclohexane | 25° | 10 nm | -- | |||
Benzene | 32° | 50 nm | -- | |||
Aniline | 64° | 50 nm | -- | |||
Water | 97° | 30 nm | -- | |||
Benzaldehyde | 62° | 20 nm | -- | |||
Nitrobenzene | 63° | 10 nm | -- | |||
2-Nitroanisole | 70° | No-slip | -- | |||
2004 [243] Henry et al. | Silica/mica | Water | Complete | -- | 80–140 nm | SRD |
Silica/mica + CTAB | CTAB solutions | >90° | -- | 50–80 nm | SRD | |
2006 [244] Vinogradova et al. | Glass + Gold | NaCl solutions | 90° (a) | 0.5–11 nm (rms) | No-slip | SRI |
63° (r) |
Authors | Surfaces | Liquids | Wettability | Roughness | Slip length | Parameter dependence |
ST: 1999 [245] Boehnke et al. | Silica | Proanediol | ≈0° | -- | No-slip | -- |
Proanediol + Va | -- | 1 μm | -- | |||
PDMS | -- | -- | No-slip | -- | ||
Silica + DETMDS | Proanediol | 70–80° | -- | No-slip | -- | |
Proanediol + Va | -- | 1 μm | -- | |||
PDMS | -- | -- | No-slip | -- | ||
SPT: 2002 [246] Churaev et al. | Quartz | KCl solutions | -- | 2 nm (pp) | No-slip | -- |
Quartz + TMS | KCl solutions | 80–90° | 25 nm (pp) | 5–8 nm | -- | |
DRS: 2005 [247] Gogte et al. | Acrylic polymer+TT Sandpaper+TT | water | 156° | Smooth | -- | -- |
>90° | 8,15 μm | Slip | -- | |||
CPT: 2006 [248] Choi et al. | Silicon (TOP) | Water | ~10° | 0.3 nm | Slip | VD |
Silicon (Teflon) | ~120° | 0.6 nm | Slip | |||
Silicon (SP + TOP) | ~0° | -- | Slip | |||
Silicon (SP+ Teflon) | 175° | -- | ~20 μm | |||
Silicon (TOP) | ||||||
Silicon (Teflon) | 30wt% glycerin | -- | 0.3 nm | Slip | VD | |
Silicon (SP + TOP) | -- | 0.6 nm | Slip | |||
Silicon (SP + Teflon) | -- | -- | Slip | |||
--° | -- | ~50 μm | ||||
TM: | Silica | Aqueous | Hydrophilic | <1 nm (pp) | No-slip | -- |
2006 [249] | Silica + OTS | solutions | Hydrophobic | <1 nm (pp) | ~18 nm | -- |
Joly et al. | Silica + OTS | Hydrophobic | 3 nm (rms) | No-slip | RD |
Authors | Surfaces | Liquids | Wettability | Roughness | Slip length | Parameter dependence |
2002 [251] 2004 [252] Tretheway et al. | Glass | Water | ≈0° | -- | No-slip | -- |
Glass + OTS | 120° | 0.2 nm | 0.9 μm | -- | ||
2005 [253] Joseph et al. | Glass | Water | ≈0° | 0.5 nm(rms) | 50 nm | -- |
Glass + OTS | 95° | No-slip | -- | |||
Glass + CDOS | 95° | 50 nm | -- | |||
2006 [254] Truesdell et al. | PDMS | -- | 100° | -- | ~100 μm | SRI/PD |
PDMS (SP) | 156° | -- | ~250 μm | SRI/PD | ||
PDMS (SP+ ASC) | >150° | -- | ~1.25 mm | SRI/PD | ||
2006 [255] Joseph et al. | CNT forests | DI-water | >165° | 1.7 μm | ~0.47 μm | RD |
3.5 μm | ~0.98 μm | |||||
6 μm | ~1.68 μm | |||||
2008 [256] Byun et al. | Glass | Water | Hydrophilic | -- | No-slip | WD/PD |
PDMS | 105° | -- | 2 μm | |||
PDMS (SP) | 136–145° | -- | 0.4–5.4 μm |
Authors | Surfaces | Liquids | Wettability | Roughness | Slip length | Parameter dependence |
1999 [257] 2000 [258] Pit et al. | Sapphire | Hexadecane | Complete | 0.4 nm (rms) | 175 nm | SRI |
Sapphire + FDS | 65° | No-slip | -- | |||
Sapphire + OTS | 40° | 400 nm | SRI | |||
Sapphire + STA | 25° | 350 nm | SRI | |||
2005 [259] Schmatko et al. | Sapphire + Al2O3 | Squalane | 0° | 0.4 nm (rms) | 30 nm | WD/MSD |
Sapphire + SiH | 20° | 0.4 nm (rms) | -- | |||
Sapphire + OTS | 40° | 0.3 nm (rms) | 110 nm | |||
Sapphire + Al2O3 | Hexadecane | 0° | 0.4 nm (rms) | 120 nm | WD/MSD | |
Sapphire + SiH | 20° | 0.4 nm (rms) | 240 nm | |||
Sapphire + OTS | 40° | 0.3 nm (rms) | 350 nm | |||
Authors | Surfaces | Liquids | Wettability | Roughness | Slip length | Parameter dependence |
2003 [260] Lumma et al. | Mica | Water | -- | 15 nm (pp) | 0.5–0.86 μm | -- |
Glass | Water | 5–10° | 0.6–1 μm | -- | ||
NaCl solutions | 0.2–0.6 μm | -- |
Authors | Surfaces | Liquids | Wettability | Roughness | Slip length | Parameter dependence |
2006 [262] Huang et al. | PDMS | DI-Water | Hydrophilic | 0.47 nm (rms) | 26–57 nm | SRD |
PDMS + OTS | 120° | 0.35 nm (rms) | 37–96 nm | SRD | ||
2007 [263] Huang et al. | PDMS + OTS | DI-Water | 120° | 0.35 nm (rms) | 50–110 nm | SRD |
0.1mM NaCl | 30–100 nm | SRD | ||||
1mM NaCl | 50–110 nm | SRD | ||||
2008 [264] Bouzigues et al. | PDMS | Water | <20° | 0.33 nm (rms) | −3–3 nm | -- |
PDMS + OTS | 95° | 0.44 nm (rms) | 21–29 nm | -- | ||
2008 [265] Lasne et al. | Glass | Water | Hydrophilic | -- | No-slip | -- |
Glass + OTS | 90° | -- | 45 nm | -- |
Authors | Solid/Liquid | Flow | Wetta-bility | Roughness | Slip length | Parameter dependence |
1988 [283] Koplik et al. | RL/LJ | PF+CL | 0–79° | No | Slip near CL | -- |
1989 [284] Heinbuch et al. | RL/LJ | PF | Complete | No | −2σ–0 | -- |
1989 [285] Thompson et al. | RL/LJ | CF+CL | 0–90° | No | Slip near CL | -- |
1989 [279] Koplik et al. | RL/LJ | PF | 0–80° | No | 0–10 σ | -- |
CF | ||||||
1990 [286] Thompson et al. | RL/LJ | CF | <90° | No | 0–2σ | WD |
1992 [287] Sun et al. | RL/LJ | PF | -- | No | Slip for frozen walls | -- |
1997 [288] Thompson et al. | RL/LJ | CF | 0–140° | No | 0–60σ | SRD |
1999 [282] Barrat et al. | RL/LJ | PF+CL | 90–140° | No | 0–50σ | WD |
CF+CL | ||||||
2000 [289] Jabbarzadeh et al. | RL/hexadecane | CF | Complete | 0.4-0.8 (SIN) | nm 0–10 nm | RD |
2001 [290] Cieplak et al. | RL/LJ | PF | -- | No | 0–15σ | WD |
CF | ||||||
2001 [291] Sokhan et al. | CS/LJ | PF | -- | No | 1.8–10.4 nm | |
2002 [292] Fan et al. | RL/LJ | PF | Complete | No | 0–5σ | -- |
2002 [293] Sokhan et al. | CNT/LJ | PF | -- | No | 0–5 nm | -- |
2003 [294] Cottin-Bizonne et al. | RL/LJ | CF | 110–137° | ~10σ (GR) | 2–57 nm | RD |
2004 [295] Nagayama et al. | Platinum/LJ | PF | 0–180° | No | 0–100 nm | SRD/WD |
2004 [296] Galea et al. | RL/LJ | CF | Complete | Atomic | −4–4σ | RD |
2004 [297] Cottin-Bizonne et al. | RL/LJ | CF | 110-137° | ~10σ (GR) | 0–150σ | RD |
2004 [298] Priezjev et al. | RL/Polymer | CF | -- | No | 0–70σ | SRD/CLD |
2004 [299] Walther et al. | CNT/Water | PF | ~86° | No | −0.11–88 nm | CP |
2004 [300] Soong et al. | RL/LJ or WCA | RF | -- | No | 0–6σ | NLS |
2005 [301] 2006 [302] Yang et al. | TW/LJ | PF | 90-140° | 1.7-3.3σ (GR) | −3–8σ | RD |
2005 [303] Guo et al. | RL/LJ | CF | -- | No | −3–3σ | TD |
2006 [304] Cao et al. | Platinum/LJ | CF | 0-130° | No | −1–15σ | WD |
2006 [305] Cao et al. | Platinum/LJ | PF | 30-175° | 0-2.0 nm | −5–25σ | RD/WD |
2006 [306] Voronov et al. | CS/LJ | CF | 25-147° | No | 0–3.5 μm | WD |
2006 [307] Cieplak et al. | TW/Chains | PF | 0-130° | No | −4–12σ | PD |
2006 [308] Li et al. | RL/LJ | CF | -- | No | −2–8σ | WD |
2007 [309] Lichter et al. | TW/LJ | CF | -- | No | 0–2.5σ | VD |
2007 [310] Soong et al. | TW/LJ | PF | -- | No | −5–30σ | LPD |
CF | ||||||
2007 [311] (HMDCS) Yen et al. | RL/LJ | PF | -- | No | 2–18σ | CSD |
CF | ||||||
2008 [312] Martini et al. | TW/n-decane | CF | -- | No | 0–25 nm | SRD |
2008 [313] Huang et al. | Alkylsilane/Water | CF | 40-150° | No | 0–20 nm | WD |
Diamon/Water | 40-150° | -- | ||||
2008 [314] Martini et al. | RL/n-decane | CF | -- | No | 0–2 nm | WSD |
2009 [315] Sofos et al. | Kr/Ar | PF | -- | Atomic | 0–0.8σ | RD |
2009 [316] Priezjev | RL/Polymer | CF | -- | No | −6–24σ | SRD |
© 2009 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (
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Cao, B.-Y.; Sun, J.; Chen, M.; Guo, Z.-Y. Molecular Momentum Transport at Fluid-Solid Interfaces in MEMS/NEMS: A Review. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2009, 10, 4638-4706.
Cao B-Y, Sun J, Chen M, Guo Z-Y. Molecular Momentum Transport at Fluid-Solid Interfaces in MEMS/NEMS: A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2009; 10(11):4638-4706.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCao, Bing-Yang, Jun Sun, Min Chen, and Zeng-Yuan Guo. 2009. "Molecular Momentum Transport at Fluid-Solid Interfaces in MEMS/NEMS: A Review" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 10, no. 11: 4638-4706.
APA StyleCao, B. -Y., Sun, J., Chen, M., & Guo, Z. -Y. (2009). Molecular Momentum Transport at Fluid-Solid Interfaces in MEMS/NEMS: A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10(11), 4638-4706.