2.1. Mechanism of the CIDNP Effect
The CIDNP spectra recorded during irradiation of solutions containing DP + GMP(-H)
− and DP + TyrO
− with signal attribution are shown in
Figure 2. The spectra were recorded with zero delay after the laser pulse, without an internal standard; the dependence of water chemical shifts on temperature was used δ(HDO) = 5.060 − 0.0122t + (2.11 × 10
2 (t in °C) [
31]) to relate the chemical shifts.
The CIDNP signal originates as follows. The dye molecule D absorbs a quantum of light and transitions from the ground singlet state S0 to the excited singlet state S1. Due to intersystem crossing (ISC), the S1 molecule state converts to the triplet electronic state. Then, as a result of diffusion motion, the dye molecule D in the triplet state encounters the quencher Q, which quenches the dye triplet state by means of electron transfer with a rate constant kq. The radical pair formed in the course of this reaction preserves the triplet electron state of the precursor. At the instant of their formation, the radicals are situated in the solvent “cage”. They cannot react back to the ground diamagnetic states due to the conservation of the total electron spin. In order for this to happen, the radical pair must change to the singlet state. Such a transition from the triplet to singlet state (and vice versa) can happen due to the difference of the Larmor frequencies of the radicals in the field of the NMR spectrometer (at different g-factors) and due to hyperfine couplings of electron spins of the radicals with magnetic nuclei. Thus, in the high field of the NMR spectrometer, the rate of singlet–triplet transitions depends, in addition to the g-factor difference, on the nuclear spin projections along the magnetic field and the configuration of nuclei spins (S-T0 mechanism of CIDNP formation in strong magnetic fields). Therefore, the in-cage, geminate, recombination products are enriched in those nuclear spin states that have a higher singlet–triplet interconversion rate. However, the total polarization of nuclear spins does not change, since the geminate reaction gives rise only to the sorting between the nuclear polarization of geminate diamagnetic products and the polarization of the radicals that escaped into the bulk of the solution. Consequently, at the initial instant of time (on the scale of T1 nuclear relaxation time in radicals), the nuclear polarization of the radicals that escaped into the bulk of the solution is equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the polarization of the diamagnetic products formed in the course of geminate recombination.
The sign of CIDNP signal Г of geminate diamagnetic products is determined by the Kaptein rule [
32], Г = μ × sgn(Δg) × sgn(A), where μ = +1 in the case of a triplet precursor and μ = −1 in the case of a singlet one; sgn(Δg) is the sign of the g-factor difference of the radicals; sgn(A) is the sign of the hfi-coupling constant of the corresponding nucleus. The value of the g-factor of the neutral GMP(-H)
• radical is equal to 2.0034 [
33], and the g-factor for tyrosine radicals is 2.0041 [
35]. The sign of the hfi-coupling constant of the H-8 proton of the GMP(-H)
• radical is negative [
33]; for TyrO
• and N-AcTyrO
•, the sign of the hfi-coupling constants of the H-3,5 protons is also negative, and of the H-2,6, β protons it is positive [
35]. There are no experimental data for the DPH
• radical, the calculated hfi-coupling constants of the H-3,4,5,6 protons are negative [
36], and the value of the g-factor of the DP
−• radical anion is equal to 2.0030 [
37]. Kaptein’s rule holds for all signals in all
1H CIDNP spectra obtained in this work.
2.2. Experimental Data Processing
Theoretical fitting of the CIDNP kinetics measured for the systems GMP(-H)
− + DP, N-AcTyrO
− + DP, and TyrO
− + DP was performed using the Fisher model [
38]. The model takes into account the nuclear polarization transfer from radical into diamagnetic molecules due to the second-order radical recombination, paramagnetic nuclear relaxation in radicals, the arising of polarization within re-contacts of radicals in the bulk, and polarization transfer from radical to molecule as a result of DEE. The system of Equations (5)–(7) describes the time evolution of the radical pair concentration R(t), the nuclear polarization in radicals P
R(t), and the experimentally registered nuclear polarization in diamagnetic molecules P
with the initial condition of P
Pr(t = 0) = −P
R(t = 0) = P
Here, R
0 is the initial concentration of radical pairs; k
R is the rate constant for the second-order radical recombination; T
1 is the nuclear spin relaxation time in radicals; k
obs is the rate constant for DEE; C
q is the concentration of diamagnetic quencher molecules; β = γP
0, showing the amount of polarization arising in one secondary radical pair (the radical pairs formed by radicals escaped from different geminate pairs, or so-called F-pairs); γ is the ratio of CIDNP polarization formed in the secondary radical pair to the polarization in the geminate pair (in the case of a triplet precursor, γ ≈ 3; usually γ = 2.8 is taken [
27]); P
G is the geminate polarization.
The system of Equations (5)–(7) is written assuming that the fraction of geminate recombination of radical pairs is negligible and that the radical formation due to quenching of the triplet state of the dye occurs instantaneously. Equation (5) describes the time dependence of the radical concentration, which decreases according to the second-order recombination kinetics. The first terms in Equations (6) and (7) describe the transfer of polarization from radicals to diamagnetic molecules due to the recombination of radicals, and the third terms in both Equations (6) and (7) describe the transfer of polarization from radicals to diamagnetic molecules due to the DEE process. The second terms in Equations (6) and (7) describe the polarization forming as a result of radicals encountered in the bulk, i.e., in F-pairs. The fourth term in Equation (6) describes the decay of nuclear polarization in radicals as a result of nuclear paramagnetic relaxation.
Under experimental conditions, there are DPH
•/DP pairs (pKa(DPH
•) > 14, [
39]) in which there is no DEE. Therefore, when modeling the kinetic curves for nuclear polarization of DP, we took k
obs = 0.
In the system GMP(-H)
− + TyrO
− + DP, the kinetics of nuclear polarization are also affected by the reduction reaction of the GMP(-H)
• radical by the TyrO
− anion. Then, the time evolution of the concentrations of GMP(-H)
•, TyrO
•, and DPH
• radicals and the polarizations of the nuclei in P
RGMP and P
RTyr radicals and P
PrGMP and P
PrTyr diamagnetic molecules are described by the following equations:
with initial conditions P
PrGMP(t = 0) = −P
RGMP(t = 0) = P
GGMP and P
PrTyr(t = 0) = −P
RTyr(t = 0) = P
GTyr, where k
RGMP and k
RTyr are the recombination rate constants of the radicals DPH
• with GMP(-H)
• and TyrO
• radicals, respectively; k
obsred is the observed rate constant of reduction of the GMP(-H)
• radical by the tyrosinate-anion; β
GMP = γP
0GMP and β
Tyr = γP
In the process of solving this system of equations, the parameters kRGMP/kRTyr and kqGMP/kqTyr are introduced; through the latter, the ratio of initial concentrations of GMP(-H)• and TyrO• radicals is expressed.
The initial concentration of radical pairs R
0 is proportional to the fraction of light absorbed by the dye. The TyrO
− and N-AcTyrO
− compounds absorb at λ = 308 nm; as the concentration of tyrosine in the solution increases, the fraction of light absorbed by DP decreases, and accordingly, the initial concentration of radical pairs decreases as well. The ratio of initial concentrations of radical pairs in two experiments with different concentrations of tyrosine is as follows:
In Equation (15) ε
DP and ε
Tyr are the extinction coefficients at λ = 308 nm; C
DP is the DP concentration; C
1Tyr and C
2Tyr are tyrosine concentrations; ε
DP = 1.2 × 10
3 M
−1 [
40] and ε
TyrO− = ε
N−AcTyrO− = 790 ± 8 M
−1 were determined in this work. This effect was taken into account when modeling CIDNP kinetics in systems containing TyrO
− and N-AcTyrO
The duration of the RF pulse (1–2 μs) is comparable with the characteristic time of the CIDNP decay, so it is necessary to take into account the polarization evolution during the RF pulse. Consideration of the CIDNP kinetics during the RF pulse for the special case of an ideal rectangular pulse is considered in [
41]; the case of an RF pulse of arbitrary shape is considered in [
42]. A similar approach was used in the works of Morozova and Yurkovskaya [
To take into account the CIDNP kinetics during the application of the RF pulse along the
x-axis, we considered the following system of equations, which takes into account the polarization of the nuclei along the
y- and
where w(t) is the pulse shape; the equation for dP
Pr/dt is given by Equation (7); before the pulse,
= 0. The signal observed in the experiment is proportional to the after-pulse value of
. The expression for polarization along the
y-axis after the pulse is as follows [
where t
0 is the start time of the RF pulse, and T is its duration.
The duration of the π pulse is equal to tπ = 12.70 µs. The shapes of RF pulses of 1 and 2 µs duration used in this work were determined using an oscilloscope.
2.3. Results of CIDNP Kinetics Treatment
In the GMP(-H)
− + DP system, the polarization time dependences were modeled for the 8th GMP proton and 3,4 DP protons. In the TyrO
− + DP and N-AcTyrO
− + DP systems, the dependences were modeled for the 3,5 and β-protons of tyrosine and 3,4 protons of DP—the other signals had too-low signal-to-noise ratios. In the GMP(-H)
− + TyrO
− + DP system, CIDNP polarization time dependences were modeled for 8th GMP proton and 3,5 tyrosine protons. Values of the degenerate electron exchange rate constants and paramagnetic nuclear relaxation times obtained from the best agreement between the calculated and experimental curves are given in
Table 1,
Table 2 and
Table 3;
Figure 3a–c shows examples of simulations of these experimental data.
For the GMP(-H)− + DP, we did not determine T1 for 3,4 protons of DP at 65 °C since perdeuterated d8-DP was used to avoid the overlap of the 1H NMR signals of H-8 of GMP and H-3,4 of DP, which occurs at this temperature. For N-AcTyrO− + DP at 65 °C and TyrO− + DP at 45 °C, we failed to determine T1 for H-β.
For GMP(-H)
− + DP at 25 °C, the value of the DEE rate constant differs from the literature data, while the paramagnetic relaxation time of the 8th proton in the GMP(-H)
• radical coincides well with the literature data: k
obs = 4.0 × 10
7 M
−1, T
1 = 20 μs [
27]. Moreover, the T
1 for the 8th proton in the GMP(-H)
• radical coincides with the previously found T
1 for the 8th proton in the GMPH
•++ radical over the entire temperature range [
30]. For the N-AcTyrO
− + DP at t = 25 °C, the values of the DEE rate constant and paramagnetic relaxation time of 3,5 protons coincide with the literature data: k
obs = 6.0 × 10
7 M
−1, T
1 = 63 µs [
29]; k
obs = 4 × 10
7 M
−1, T
1 = 60 µs [
51]. However, the best fit values of nuclear paramagnetic relaxation times for 3,4 protons of the DPH
• radical do not coincide with the literature data for T
1 = 44 µs [
40] and T
1 = 45 µs [
Simulation of the experimental data for DP + GMP(-H)
− + TyrO
− is shown in
Figure 3d; the parameters found are as follows: k
obsred = 1.5 × 10
8 M
−1, k
qTyr = 0.3, and k
RTyr = 1.3. The parameters k
obsGMP, k
obsTyr, T
1GMP, and T
1Tyr found in this work were used in the calculation. There are literature data for the reduction of the GMP(-H)
• radical by the N-AcTyrO
- anion: k
obsred = 1.6 × 10
8 M
−1, k
qTyr = 0.56, and k
RTyr = 0.9 [
2.4. Temperature Dependence of the DEE Rate Constants
For the estimation of the effect of diffusion, DEE kinetic scheme (
Scheme 1) was considered (using tyrosine as an example).
Scheme 1, the first-order DEE rate w
ex is related to the second-order rate constant k
et as follows:
obs is the observable DEE rate constant; k
obs is expressed through k
et and k
d as follows:
The diffusion rate constant k
d was estimated by the Smoluchowski equation, taking into account the charges of the reactants [
where r
1 and r
2 are the radii of the reagents;
is the work function of approach-charged reactants to each other:
We assume that the reactants approach to a distance equal to the sum of their radii. The factor
takes into account the ionic strength of the solution:
where B = (2N
1/2 = 50.345 l
The viscosity values of D
2O were taken from [
55], and dielectric permittivity from [
56]. The average elliptical radii of the reactants were used to estimate r
1 and r
2. An ellipsoid of the smallest volume was described around the molecule, and the radius was expressed as follows [
where F(φ,α) is an elliptic integral of the first kind; φ = arcsin((a
2 − c
1/2/a); α = ((a
2 − c
2 − b
1/2; a, b, and c are the semiaxes of the ellipsoid, and a ≥ b ≥ c.
The ellipsoid semiaxes were calculated using the N. Shor algorithm [
58] with the molecular geometries of the crystal structures of DL-tyrosine [
59], N-acetyl-L-tyrosine, and guanosine-5′-monophosphate trihydrate [
60]. The molecular radii found were r(GMP(-H)
−) = 4.18 Å, r(N-AcTyrO
−) = 3.82 Å, and r(TyrO
−) = 3.06 Å; we assumed that the radii of the radicals do not differ from those of the corresponding diamagnetic particles.
When calculating wr, the negatively charged carboxyl and phosphate groups in the reactants were taken into account: z(GMP(-H)−) = −3, and z(TyrO−) = −2.
The k
et values calculated by Equation (20) are given in the last columns of
Table 1,
Table 2 and
Table 3.
The first-order DEE rate constant w
ex depends on temperature, as follows [
The second-order DEE rate constant k
et is expressed as follows:
The K
A in Equation (26) is the equilibrium constant of the pre-reaction complex formation; it depends on temperature, as follows [
is the reaction zone thickness. Then, the second-order rate constant k
et depends on temperature, as follows:
The work function
depends on the temperature through dependence on temperature of the D
2O dielectric permittivity, at each temperature
; this can be calculated by Equation (22). To find the pre-exponent A and the reorganization energy λ, we plot the values of ln[k
/RT)], where the k
et values are experimental ones, versus 1/T (
Figure 4), and approximated these points by linear dependence. The values of A and λ found from the approximation are given in
Table 4.
Previously, we studied [
30] the temperature dependence of the DEE rate constant between the GMPH
+ cation and the GMPH
•++ dication radical; the reorganization energy found for this reaction is λ = 0.79 ± 0.11 eV [
30] and coincides with the value for GMP(-H)
− + GMP(-H)
• (see
Table 4).
2.5. The Marcus Cross-Relation Equation
To account for the effects of diffusion, the kinetic scheme of electron transfer (
Scheme 2) was considered (for the radical GMP(-H)
• reduction by anion TyrO
−, as an example).
Scheme 2, the first-order rate w
12 is related to the second-order rate constant k
12, as follows:
The observable second-order rate constant
is expressed through
, as follows:
The rate constants
−) and
−) of the GMP(-H)
• reduction by TyrO
− and N-AcTyrO
−, respectively, after correction for diffusion (k
d was calculated according Equation (21)) are the following:
−) = 1.7 × 10
8 M
−1 and
−) = 1.8 × 10
8 M
−1 [
29]. Thus, the values of the reduction rate constants are very close.
The rate constant
depends on the temperature, as follows:
is the driving force of the first-order redox reaction.
The equilibrium constant between the initial reactants and reaction products,
is expressed as follows:
are the equilibrium constants of the formation of pre-reaction and post-reaction complexes, expressed by Equation (27). Assuming the radii of radicals and corresponding diamagnetic particles are the same, the pre-exponents in Equation (32), the factors
, can be shortened (reduced). The
value is expressed through standard electrode potentials; thus,
can be calculated.
The expression for the second-order electron transfer rate constant
is given as follows:
If the electron transfer occurs over a relatively long distance with a weak force interaction between the reactants, then one can assume that λ12 = (λ11 + λ22)/2, that is, the Marcus cross-relation, where λ11 and λ22 are the reorganization energies for the respective DEE reactions.
If we additionally assume the following ratio between the pre-exponents,
= (
1/2, then we can express
through the temperature dependence of parameters of the DEE rate constants. Thus, the cross-reaction rate constant
was calculated employing the following formula:
Reactant Parameters for the Marcus Cross-Relation Calculations
The cross-relation calculations require the values of the difference of standard electrode potentials, the reorganization energy, and the pre-exponent for the corresponding DEE reactions, as well as the radii of all reactants and products to calculate the work function. In all the cases, we assume that the radii of the radicals and the corresponding diamagnetic particles are the same.
If the DEE rate constant is only known at a certain temperature, we estimate the pre-exponent to be A
11 = 10
11 M
−1 and calculate the reorganization energy using Equation (35).
All the parameters of the reactants are given in
Table 5. The Z
red column shows the charge of the reduced form of each reactant. The structures of some reactants are shown in
Figure 5.
The TyrO
− case. The standard electrode potential is E
0 = 0.72 V [
62]. The radius calculation is described above; the pre-exponent and reorganization energy for the DEE reaction were found experimentally in this work.
The N-AcTyrO
− case. We use the value of the standard electrode potential for N-acetyltyrosine methyl ester at pH = 7, E
7 = 0.97 V [
63]. If pK
a(N-AcTyrOH) = 10.1, then E
0 = 0.79 V. The calculation of the radius is described above; the pre-exponent and reorganization energy for the DEE reaction were found experimentally in this work.
The GMP(-H)
− case. The standard electrode potential of GMP at pH = 7, E
7 = 1.31 V [
64], determined from photoinduced electron transfer reaction rates, agrees well with that of guanosine at pH = 7, E
7 = 1.29 V [
65], determined by pulsed radiolysis. The acidity constants of GMP [
66] and its radical [
69] are shown in
Scheme 3. For GMP(-H)
−, the calculated potential is E
0 = 1.23 V.
+ case. The standard electrode potential E
0 = 1.55 V is calculated from E
7 = 1.29 V [
65]. The pre-exponent and reorganization energies for the DEE reaction were found earlier [
30]. The average elliptical radius, r = 4.19 Å, was calculated using the method described above; the geometry was taken from the crystal structure of guanosine-5′-monophosphate trihydrate [
The N-AcTrpH
+•/N-AcTrpH case. We use the value of the standard electrode potential for tryptophan, E
0 = 1.15 V [
62]. The DEE rate constant at 25 °C, k
11 = 9 × 10
8 M
−1, was determined experimentally by CIDNP with microsecond resolution [
40]. After correction for diffusion using Equation (20), one obtains k
11 = 1.3 × 10
9 M
−1. The mean elliptical radius, r = 3.83 Å, was calculated using the method described above; the geometry was taken from the N-AcTrpH crystal structure [
70]. We assume that A
11/√T = 10
11 M
−1; then, λ = 0.45 eV.
The ClO
2− case. The standard electrode potential is E
0 = 0.934 V [
71]. The DEE constant at 25 °C is k
11 = 3.3 × 10
4 M
−1, determined from a cross-relation with parameters A
11/√T = 10
11 M
−1 and r = 1.5 Å [
72]. Then, λ
11 = 1.53 eV.
The N
3− case. The standard electrode potential is E
0 = 1.33 V [
71]. The DEE rate constant at 25 °C is k
11 = 3.7 × 10
6 M
−1, determined from a cross-relation with parameters A
11/√T = 10
11 M
−1 and r = 2 Å [
72]. Then, λ
11 = 1.05 eV.
The NO
2− case. The standard electrode potential is E
0 = 1.04 V [
71]. The DEE rate constant at 25 °C is k
11 = 580 M
−1, determined experimentally by isotopic substitution [
73]. We assume that A
11/√T = 10
11 M
−1; then, λ = 1.95 eV. The radius is r = 1.9 Å [
The [IrCl
3− case. The standard electrode potential is E
0 = 0.892 V [
74]. The DEE constant at 25 °C is k
11 = 2.3 × 10
5 M
−1, determined experimentally by isotopic substitution [
75]. We assume that A
11/√T = 10
11 M
−1. The radius is r = 4.4 Å [
76], and the DEE rate constant measured at μ = 0.1 M. Then, λ = 1.04 eV.
The CysS
− case. The standard electrode potential is E
0 = 0.76 V [
77]. The DEE rate constant at 25 °C is k
11 = 5.4 × 10
3 M
−1, determined from the Marcus cross-relation with parameters A
11/√T = 10
11 M
−1 and r = 3.0 Å; the k
12 cross-reaction rate constant was measured at μ = 0.1 M [
77]. Then, λ = 1.48 eV.
• case. The standard electrode potential is E
0 = 0.745 V [
78]. The DEE rate constant at 25 °C is k
obs = 8.6 × 10
7 M
−1, determined experimentally by line broadening in the EPR spectrum [
9]. After correction for diffusion by Equation (20), k
11 = 8.8 × 10
7 M
−1. We assume that A
11/√T = 10
11 M
−1. Then, λ = 0.72 eV. The radius is r = 3.67 Å [
2.6. The T1 Temperature Dependence
The temperature dependences of the nuclear paramagnetic relaxation times, T
1, were obtained by means of the CIDNP kinetics simulation. We assume that the main mechanism of relaxation is modulation of the hyperfine interaction (hfi) tensor due to the stochastic rotation of the molecule as a whole. Then, the nuclear paramagnetic relaxation time T
1 should depend on the magnetic field B and the rotational correlation time of the molecule, as follows:
If the diffusive stochastic rotation of the radical is fast,
, then the nuclear paramagnetic relaxation rate, 1/T
1, is proportional to
; the value of
can be estimated from the Stokes–Einstein–Debye equation:
According to [
55], the temperature dependence of D
2O viscosity in the temperature range 8–65 °C is well described by the following equation:
where E/R = 2059 K, and η
0 = 1.14 × 10
−6 Pa × s.
Then, the T
1 temperature dependence should be described by the following equation:
where C and E/R are parameters; E/R = 2059 K.
The T
1 temperature dependence from Equation (39) is linearized in the coordinates ln(T/T
1) vs. 1/T (
Figure 6).
While fitting using straight lines, we discarded by the dropout values. The values from the slopes of the straight lines, E/R, are summarized in
Table 6. For 3,5 N-AcTyrO
•, 8th GMP(-H)
•, and H3,4 DPH
• protons, the slopes coincide within an error with the slope from the viscosity dependence. The slope for TyrO
• 3,5 protons is almost two times lower than the viscosity slope. Earlier, we found the slope for the 8th proton GMPH
•++; it also coincides with the slope from viscosity dependence.
For the H-3,5 of N-AcTyrO•, H-8 of GMP(-H)•, and H-3,4 of DPH•, the slopes of the fitted straight lines coincide with the slope for viscosity within an error margin, indicating that rotational modulation of the hfi tensor is the main mechanism of nuclear paramagnetic relaxation of these protons.
The defined energy value, E, for the H-3,5 of TyrO
• protons is notably different from that for the viscosity dependence. This result can be rationalized assuming that for these protons, two mechanisms give rise to paramagnetic relaxation: modulation of the hfi tensor due to stochastic rotation of the molecule as a whole and modulation of the hfi tensor due to stochastic rotation of the phenolic ring. Assuming that the ring rotation has a small activation energy, the temperature dependence of the correlation time τe for this rotation is as follows:
while the temperature dependence of the rotational correlation time τ
M is as follows:
Then, the nuclear relaxation time T
1 can be expressed by employing the Lipari–Szabo [
80] equation:
where S
2 is an order parameter, playing the role of the dimensionless amplitude of molecular motion: the smaller the S
2, the larger the amplitude; T
h is the temperature when the correlation times τ
e and τ
M coincide; C
2 = C
1 × exp(E/(R·T
The temperature dependence of the ln(T/T
1) on 1/T has the following form:
where E/R = 2059 K is the activation energy for D
2O viscosity. There are three fit parameters: C, S
2, and T
h. The value S
2 = 0.01 was taken for the fit. The best fit of the experimental data is then achieved at T
h = 850 K; see
Figure 7.
The paramagnetic relaxation time T
1 of the methylene protons (β-CH
2 protons) in the N-AcTyrO
• and TyrO
• radicals is almost independent of temperature (
Table 2 and
Table 3). We assume that the paramagnetic relaxation of β-CH
2 protons probably occurs also due to the modulation of the hfi tensor by intramolecular rotations around the aliphatic bonds. These rotations can have low activation energy; so, in a small range of temperatures, the rotational frequency changes weakly, which causes the apparent independence of the relaxation time T
1 on the temperature.