The Subterranean Fauna of Križna Jama, Slovenia
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. A Historical Overview
3.2. The Subterranean fauna of Križna Jama
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Taxonomic Group | Familia | Genus/Species/Subspecies | Status | References |
Ciliata | Lagenophryidae | Lagenophrys monolistrae Stammer, 1935 | Stb. | [14,15] |
Turbellaria | Dendrocoelidae | Dendrocoelum cf. spelaeum (Kenk, 1924) | Stb. | [14] |
Turbellaria | Scutariellidae | Stygodyticola hadzii Matjašič, 1958 | Stb. | [14,16] |
Gastropoda | Hydrobiidae | Belgrandiella superior Kuščer, 1932 | Stb. | [14,17,18] |
Gastropoda | Hydrobiidae | Belgrandiella crucis (Kuščer, 1928) | Stb., Tl. | [13,14,19] |
Gastropoda | Hydrobiidae | Belgrandiella schleschi (Kuščer, 1932) | Stb., Tl. | [13,14,19] |
Gastropoda | Hydrobiidae | Hauffenia michleri Kuščer, 1932 | Stb. | [13,14,19] |
Gastropoda | Moitessieriidae | Phaladilhiopsis sp. | Stb. | [14] |
Gastropoda | Ellobiidae | Zospeum exiguum Kuščer, 1932 | Stb., Tl. | [14,18,19,20] |
Gastropoda | Ellobiidae | Zospeum kusceri A. J. Wagner, 1912 | Tb. | [14,18,20] |
Gastropoda | Ellobiidae | Zospeum isselianum Pollonera, 1887 | Tb. | [14,18,20] |
Oligochaeta | Haplotaxidae | Delaya bureschi (Michaelsen, 1925) | Stb. | [14] |
Oligochaeta | Lumbriculidae | Trichodrilus strandi Hrabe, 1936 | Stb. | [14] |
Oligochaeta | Lumbriculidae | Trichodrilus ptujensis Hrabe, 1963 | Stb. | [14] |
Oligochaeta | Lumbriculidae | Trichodrillus pragensis Vejdovsky, 1876 | Stb. | [14] |
Oligochaeta | Naididae | Rhyacodrilus omodeoi Martinez-Ansemil, Sambugar & Giani, 1997 | Stb., Tl. | [14] |
Oligochaeta | Naididae | Rhyacodrilus sketi Karaman, 1974 | Stb. | [14] |
Oligochaeta | Naididae | Tubifex pescei (Dumnicka, 1980) | Stb. | [14] |
Ostracoda | Entocytheridae | Sphaeromicola sp. | Stb. | [14] |
Copepoda | Canthocamptidae | Elaphoidella jeanneli (Chappuis, 1928) | Stb. | [14] |
Copepoda | Canthocamptidae | Elaphoidella stammeri Chappuis, 1936 | Stb. | [14] |
Copepoda | Canthocamptidae | Lessinocamptus n.sp. Stoch unpubl. | Stb., Tl. | [14,21] |
Copepoda | Canthocamptidae | Bryocamptus (Rheocamptus) balcanicus s.l. (Kiefer, 1933) | Stb. | [14] |
Copepoda | Cyclopidae | Megacyclops viridis s.l. (Jurine, 1820) | Stb. | [14] |
Copepoda | Cyclopidae | Acanthocyclops kieferi (Chappuis, 1925) | Stb. | [14] |
Copepoda | Cyclopidae | Acanthocyclops troglophilus (Kiefer, 1932) | Stb. | [14] |
Copepoda | Cyclopidae | Diacyclops languidoides goticus Kiefer, 1931 | Stb. | [14] |
Copepoda | Cyclopidae | Diacyclops charon (Kiefer, 1931) | Stb. | [14] |
Copepoda | Cyclopidae | Speocyclops infernus (Kiefer, 1930) | Stb. | [14] |
Amphipoda | Niphargidae | Niphargus orcinus Joseph, 1869 | Stb., Tl. | [13,14,22] |
Amphipoda | Niphargidae | Niphargus wolfi Schellenberg, 1933 | Stb. | [14] |
Amphipoda | Niphargidae | Niphargus stygius (Schiödte, 1847) | Stb. | [14] |
Amphipoda | Crangonyctidae | Synurella ambulans (F. Müller, 1846) | Stb. pop. | [14] |
Isopoda | Trichoniscidae | Titanethes albus (C. Koch, 1841) | Tb. | [14] |
Isopoda | Trichoniscidae | Androniscus stygius tschameri Strouhal, 1935 | Tb. | [14,23] |
Isopoda | Sphaeromatidae | Monolistra racovitzai Strouhal, 1928 | Stb., Tl. | [13,14,24] |
Araneae | Dysderidae | Stalita taenaria Schiödte, 1847 | Tb. | [10,13,14,25,26,27,28] |
Araneae | Dysderidae | Parastalita stygia (Joseph, 1882) | Tb. | [10,13,14,26,28] |
Araneae | Dysderidae | Mesostalita nocturna (Roewer, 1931) | Tb. | new |
Araneae | Linyphiidae | Troglohyphantes excavatus Fage, 1919 | Tb. | [10,13,14,29,30] |
Pseudoscorpiones | Neobissidae | Neobisium spelaeum (Schiödte, 1847) | Tb. | [14,31] |
Pseudoscorpiones | Chthoniidae | Chthonius (Globochthonius) speleophylus Hadži, 1930 | Tb. | [14,32] |
Opiliones | Nemastomatidae | Hadzinia ferrani Novak & Kozel, 2014 | Tb. | [33] |
Diplopoda | Attemsiidae | Attemsia falcifera Verhoeff, 1899 | Tb. | [13,14,34] |
Diplopoda | Anthogonidae | Haasia largescutata paligera (Strasser, 1940) | Tb. | [35] |
Diplopoda | Polydemidae | Brachydesmus inferus concavus Attems, 1898 | Tb. | [35,36] |
Diplura | Campodeidae | Plusiocampa (Stygiocampa) nivea (Joseph, 1882) | Tb. | [13,14,25] |
Collembola | Arrhopalitidae | Arrhopalites/Pygmarrhopalites sp. | Tb. | [10] |
Collembola | Paronellidae | Troglopedetes pallidus Absolon, 1907 | Tb. | new |
Collembola | Oncopoduridae | Oncopodura cavernarum Stach 1934 | Tb. | new |
Collembola | Onychiuridae | Absolonia gigantea (Absolon, 1901) | Tb. | new |
Collembola | Onychiuridae | Onychiurus/Onychiurides sp. | Tb. | new |
Collembola | Tomoceridae | Tritomurus scutellatus Frauenfeld, 1854 | Tb. | [10,13,14] |
Coleoptera | Carabidae | Typhlotrechus bilimekii frigens Jeannel 1928 | Tb., Tl. | [13,14,37,38] |
Coleoptera | Carabidae | Anophthalmus heteromorphus (G. Müller 1923) | Tb., Tl. | [13,14,37,38,39,40] |
Coleoptera | Staphylinidae | Machaerites ravasinii G. Müller, 1922 | Tb. | [14,41,42,43,44] |
Coleoptera | Leiodidae | Bathyscimorphus (Drovenikia) trifurcatus Jeannel, 1924 | Tb., Tl. | [12,13,14,45,46] |
Coleoptera | Leiodidae | Bathysciotes khevenhuelleri (Miller, 1852) | Tb. | [12,13,14] |
Coleoptera | Leiodidae | Aphaobius milleri (Schmidt, 1855) | Tb. | [12,13,14,47] |
Coleoptera | Leiodidae | Leptodirus hochenwartii Schmidt, 1832 | Tb. | [8,11,12,13,14] |
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Polak, S.; Pipan, T. The Subterranean Fauna of Križna Jama, Slovenia. Diversity 2021, 13, 210.
Polak S, Pipan T. The Subterranean Fauna of Križna Jama, Slovenia. Diversity. 2021; 13(5):210.
Chicago/Turabian StylePolak, Slavko, and Tanja Pipan. 2021. "The Subterranean Fauna of Križna Jama, Slovenia" Diversity 13, no. 5: 210.
APA StylePolak, S., & Pipan, T. (2021). The Subterranean Fauna of Križna Jama, Slovenia. Diversity, 13(5), 210.