For a Different Kind of Wildlife Management: Actions in Favour of the Wilderness as a Space for Experience and a Means of Diffusing Practices in Europe
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Analytical Actions | Structuring of Data | ||
Semi-directive interview | Raw data | | Phase 1—observation of the data |
Transcription through SONAL | Long text | ||
Initial read through data text | Many page of text | ||
Identify specific segments of information | Many segment of text | ||
Label the segments of information to create categories | 30–40 categories | ||
| Phase 2—organisation of the data | ||
Reduce overlap and redundancy among categories | 15–20 categories | ||
Create a model incorporing most important categories | 3–8 categories |
Main Category | Fields | Information Contained |
Planification | Actions | History of the project and actions implemented by the studied structure |
Policy | Tools (regulatory and ecological engineering) and means (funds and access to land) used by the structure | |
Territory | History and characteristics of the project area | |
Wild aspect | Criteria of “wilderness” according to stakeholders, either in the ideal or to determine the area of action | |
Organisational aspect | Link | Links and types of stakeholders with whom the person met to conduct the project |
Conflict | Type of conflicts related to the project | |
Answer to land abandonment | Interest in agricultural abandonment as an opportunity for the return of the wilderness | |
Interest | Origin of interest in the theme of the wilderness in the country of the stakeholder and in Europe (according to him) | |
Environmental aspect | Environmental interest | Environmental interest of the actions implemented |
Species | Link between the project and the reintroduction or management of species | |
Reference | Ecological reference states used | |
Human and non-human | Place left to man in the context of the project | |
Concepts | Terms | Definitions of terms according to the stakeholder:
Organisation Type | Organisation Name | Home Country | Interview Code |
Charity | European Wilderness Society * | Austria | I-T-WEI |
Public authority | European Commission | Belgium | I-PB-CE |
Partnership | Wild Ennerdale | England | I-REN-WE |
Private | Knepp Wild land | England | I-RE-KE |
Charity | Rewilding Britain | England | I-RS-RB |
Charity | Wilderness Foundation | England | I-WB-WF |
Charity | Lake District National Park | England | I-LDNP |
Public authority | Natural England | England | I-PB-NE |
Charity | The National Trust (England) | England | I-WL-NTE |
Public authority | Leeds University | England | I-R-LU |
Academic | Wild Land Research Institute * | England | I-R-WLRI |
Academic | The wildlife trust | England | I-ER-WT |
Academic | Endangered landscape * | England | I-ER-EL |
Program | Wild europe initiative * | England | I-T-WEI |
Charity | The Scottish Natural Heritage | Scotland | I-WL-SHN |
Public authority | Cairngorms National Park | Scotland | I-WL-CNP |
Public authority | Scottish Wild Land | Scotland | I-WL-SWL |
Charity | John Muir Trust (Scotland) | Scotland | I-WL-JMT |
Charity | The National Trust for Scotland | Scotland | I-WL-NTS |
Charity | Scotland Big Picture | Scotland | I-REN-SBP |
Private | Coigach Assynt living landscape | Scotland | I-REN-CAL |
Partnership | Tree for Life | Scotland | I-REN-TFL |
Charity | Highland titles | Scotland | I-RS-HT |
Private | Loch Lomond National Park | Scotland | I-LLNP |
Public authority | SRUC | Scotland | I-R-SRUC |
Academic | Center for mountain studies | Scotland | I-R-CMS |
Academic | Assynt Foundation | Scotland | I-ER-AS |
Partnership | Cambrian Wildwood | Scotland | I-ER-CB |
Charity | Carrifran Wildwood | Scotland | I-ER-EL |
Charity | Nature Ressources Wales | Wales | I-PB-NRW |
Academic | Cardiff University | Wales | I-R-CU |
Academic | ASPAS | France | I-LE-ASPAS |
Charity | Rivières sauvages | France | I-ER-RS |
Charity | CEN Normandie | France | I-LE-CEN |
Charity | Forêts sauvages | France | I-LE-PNRV |
Charity | Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels d’Auvergne | France | I-LE-CENA |
Charity | Association Francis Hallé pour les forêts primaires | France | I-LE-AFH |
Public authority | Parc Naturel Régional des Vosges du Nord | France | I-LE-PNRV |
Charity | WWF France | France | I-C-WWF |
Charity | ARTHEN | France | I-R-ART |
Charity | Réserve naturelle, marais du Vernier | France | I-R-RNCB |
Public authority | Réserve biologique des Monts d’Azur | France | I-R-MA |
Charity | Mountain wilderness | France | I-ER-MW |
Public authority | Réserve Naturelle Naitonale du Vercors | France | I-C-PNRVER |
Public authority | Réserve Biologique Intégrale (Office National des Forêts) du Vercors | France | I-C-RBIONF |
Public authority | PatriNat—AFB– MNHN | France | I-N-INPN |
Public authority | National park ‘des Écrins’ | France | I-LE-PNE |
Charity | Alparc | France | I-I-ALP |
Consultancy | Biotope | France | I-RE-B |
Fondation | Rewilding Europe * | Netherlands | I-RE-RE |
Charity | True Nature Foundation * | Netherlands | I-R-TNF |
Public authority | Oostvaarderplassen | Netherlands | I-R-SO |
Number of organisations identified | 54 | ||
Total number of people met | 63 |
Concept | Wild Land | Ecological Restoration | Free Evolution | Rewilding | Species Reintroduction | |
Types of pratiques | Removal of infrastructure, recalibration of pastures, fencing | Forest planting, ecological restoration, set aside, nonmanagement | Absence of management and search for natural processes * | Forest planting, ecological restoration, set aside, nonmanagement | Species reintroduction | Research into natural processes, reintroduction of species |
Great-Britain | ||||||
France | ||||||
Netherlands |
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Share and Cite
Locquet, A.; Simon, L. For a Different Kind of Wildlife Management: Actions in Favour of the Wilderness as a Space for Experience and a Means of Diffusing Practices in Europe. Diversity 2022, 14, 819.
Locquet A, Simon L. For a Different Kind of Wildlife Management: Actions in Favour of the Wilderness as a Space for Experience and a Means of Diffusing Practices in Europe. Diversity. 2022; 14(10):819.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLocquet, Alexandra, and Laurent Simon. 2022. "For a Different Kind of Wildlife Management: Actions in Favour of the Wilderness as a Space for Experience and a Means of Diffusing Practices in Europe" Diversity 14, no. 10: 819.
APA StyleLocquet, A., & Simon, L. (2022). For a Different Kind of Wildlife Management: Actions in Favour of the Wilderness as a Space for Experience and a Means of Diffusing Practices in Europe. Diversity, 14(10), 819.