Inference of Ploidy Level in 19th-Century Historical Herbarium Specimens Reveals the Identity of Five Acorus Species Described by Schott
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Nomenclatural Analysis
2.2. Ploidy Level
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Acorus triqueter Is a Diploid from Siberia
3.2. Acorus tatarinowii Is a Tetraploid from N China
3.3. Acorus griffithii Is a Tetraploid from Bhutan
3.4. Acorus commutatus Is Another Name for A. griffithii
3.5. Acorus nilaghirensis Is a Tetraploid from the Peninsular India
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Specimen ID | Schott’s Species Name | Nomencla- Tural Status | Number of Staining/Nonstaining Pollen Grains Counted (% of Fertile) | Fruits with Seeds | Number of air Canals Per 0.62 mm2 of the Cross Section of Leaf Blade (Mean of Two Fields of View) | Mean Cell Number in 20 Septa in Cross Section (Corner Cells not Counted) | Inferred Ploidy Level |
LE 01082852 | A. triqueter | lectotype | n/a | present | 9.75 | 5.4 | diploid |
LE 01082856 | A. triqueter | isolectotype | n/a | present | 22.5 | 4.5 | diploid |
LE 01182327 | A. tatarinowii | isotype | 101/3 (97%) | absent | 107.25 | 1.6 | tetraploid |
LE 01182325 | A. tatarinowii | isotype | 112/1 (99%) | absent | 134.5 | 1.9 | tetraploid |
LE 01082877 | A. griffithii | isotype | 50/1 (98%) | absent | n/a | 1.2 | tetraploid |
LE 01082855 | A. nilaghirensis | isolectotype | 14/1 (93%) | absent | n/a | 1.2 | tetraploid |
Herbarium Collection (See Labels in Figure 4) | c1 | c2 | c3 |
Griffith’s collection number | 519 | 1254 | 1254 |
E.I.C. distribution number | 2626 | no distribution | no distribution |
Kew distribution number | 5941 | 5941 | 5941 |
herbarium specimens | K 000883788, K 000883697 (pro parte), BM 000958483, LE 01082877, P 02137244 | K 002467072 (pro parte), P 02137232 (pro parte) | K 000883697 (pro parte), K 002467072 (pro parte), P 02137232 (pro parte) |
collection date | 1–4 February 1838 | 15–21 September 1837 | 12 November 1837 |
present-day country | Bhutan | Bangladesh | India |
locality as printed on distribution labels | East Himalaya | East Bengal | East Bengal |
locality as written on distribution labels | Bhotan | Khasia | Khasia |
locality as in Griffith’s travel diaries | Benka | Sylhet | Nurtung |
locality in present-day terminology | Tashigang District: Tashigang Town | Sylhet Division: from Habiganj Town to Surma River west of Chhatak Town | Meghalaya State: West Jaintia Hills District, Nartiang Town |
estimated coordinates | 27.339° N, 91.547° E | between 24.4° N, 91.4° E and 25° N, 91.62° E | 25.566° N, 92.21° E |
estimated elevation | 700 m | 50 m | 1200 m |
phenological phase | male stage of anthesis | postanthetic | postanthetic (one inflorescence abortive?) |
characteristic features | plants less than 40 cm tall, leaves less than 1 cm wide, young leaves present, spadix < 5 cm long | plants c. 50 cm tall, leaves less than 1 cm wide, distal parts of leaves longitudinally split during herborization, young leaves absent, spadix < 5 cm long | plants >70 cm tall, leaves more than 1 cm wide, foliage appears to be senescent, spadix > 5 cm long |
inferred ploidy level | tetraploid | pending destructive sampling | pending destructive sampling |
nomenclatural status | type collection of Acorus griffithii | no type status | no type status |
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Sokoloff, D.D.; Remizowa, M.V.; Severova, E.E.; Sennikov, A.N. Inference of Ploidy Level in 19th-Century Historical Herbarium Specimens Reveals the Identity of Five Acorus Species Described by Schott. Diversity 2023, 15, 766.
Sokoloff DD, Remizowa MV, Severova EE, Sennikov AN. Inference of Ploidy Level in 19th-Century Historical Herbarium Specimens Reveals the Identity of Five Acorus Species Described by Schott. Diversity. 2023; 15(6):766.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSokoloff, Dmitry D., Margarita V. Remizowa, Elena E. Severova, and Alexander N. Sennikov. 2023. "Inference of Ploidy Level in 19th-Century Historical Herbarium Specimens Reveals the Identity of Five Acorus Species Described by Schott" Diversity 15, no. 6: 766.
APA StyleSokoloff, D. D., Remizowa, M. V., Severova, E. E., & Sennikov, A. N. (2023). Inference of Ploidy Level in 19th-Century Historical Herbarium Specimens Reveals the Identity of Five Acorus Species Described by Schott. Diversity, 15(6), 766.