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Leaf Architecture in the Morphological Diversity of the Genus Prosopis in the Semi-Desert Area of Northeastern Mexico

Rahim Foroughbakhch Pournavab
Maginot Ngangyo Heya
Emmanuel Adan Castillo Gonzalez
Alejandra Rocha Estrada
Lidia Rosaura Salas Cruz
2,* and
Marco Antonio Alvarado Vázquez
Department of Botany, Biological Science School (FCB), Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), Ave. Pedro de Alba S/N, San Nicolas de los Garza 66451, Nuevo León, Mexico
Agronomy School (FA), Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), Francisco Villa S/N, Col. Ex-Hacienda “El Canadá”, Escobedo 66050, Nuevo León, Mexico
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Diversity 2024, 16(6), 351;
Submission received: 5 May 2024 / Revised: 3 June 2024 / Accepted: 4 June 2024 / Published: 17 June 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Ecology and Diversity of Plants in Arid and Semi-Arid Ecosystems)


Mesquite (Prosopis spp.) is one of the main plant representatives in regions with a dry climate, and is a fundamental part of the flora of the Mexican arid, with an indisputable importance from ecological, economic and industrial points of view. However, the restrictive factors of dry climates, as well as genetic variability, are sources of the great diversity of mesquite, so its taxonomy is not yet well defined. The present study seeks to determine the diversity of mesquite in the Mexican semi-desert based on the morphometric characterization of its leaves. Methods: Different leaf parameters such as the number, length and width of the leaflets were recorded in 31 well-marked sites in the area, to obtain measures of central tendency and dispersion, and to determine the differences and similarities between the sites, as well as the groups of homogeneous and heterogeneous taxa. Results: Five taxa were identified, of which there were two varieties (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens), a pure or typical species (Prosopis laevigata) and two hybrids (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata and Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa). The discriminant analysis indicated that five variables presented the highest percentage of separation or best separated the taxa, so the study was based on the phenogram with the combination of these five variables: (a) length of middle leaflets, (b) length of upper leaflets, (c) spacing of middle leaflets, (d) length/width relationship of middle leaflets and (e) length/width relationship of middle leaflets. Conclusions: Both the traditional taxonomic classification and the cluster and discriminant analyses reflected the same taxa (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, Prosopis laevigata and Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens) and the existence of hybridization between Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and Prosopis laevigata.

1. Introduction

Prosopis is a genus that is distributed in all arid and semi-arid areas of the world, constituting one of the main plant resources in these regions. The species of this genus are presented as a transcendental resource for human life, since their use has continued over time by indigenous people, colonizers, pioneers and current rural residents. That is why it is considered one of the most useful plant resources in arid areas, since firewood, charcoal, chips, rubber, construction materials, doors, furniture, floors, fence posts, food, forage, nectar for bee-keeping, shade, work tools and medicine have been obtained from it [1]. On the other hand, mesquite plays an important role in the environment as a nitrogen-fixing plant, enriching the soil around it and promoting the growth of shrubs associated with it, therefore preventing soil erosion; it also acts as a nurse plant for numerous species of birds and rodents [2]. A good number of herbivorous insects feed on mesquite leaves [3]. The abundant flowers, which produce a copious amount of nectar and pollen, are exploited by an extensive group of insects, particularly bees [4]. Mesquite provides food and protection to many types of wild animals (birds and mammals), so it plays a valuable role in the conservation of wildlife and surely represents an important factor that helps maintain the complexity of ecosystems in arid and semi-arid zones [5].
Despite all these uses that demonstrate its important ecological, economic and industrial role, there is much confusion in the genus Prosopis, since its taxonomy is subject to almost continuous revisions, especially due to its amphitropical character. These taxonomic confusions within the genus were largely settled with the authoritative monograph of Burkart [6], who defined the generic limits, dividing the genus Prosopis into five sections, according to their floral characteristics, with each section presenting well-marked vegetative differences. The section Anonychium contains a solitary and unarmed species. The section Prosopis contains three species that all have internodal prickles, similar to those found on roses (Rosa spp.). The section Strombocarpa contains nine species, with spiny stipules, and the section Algarobia contains thirty species, with cauline, mostly axillary thorns. Between these latter two sections is the section Monilicarpa, with a single member. The section Algarobia has been the subject of numerous morphological, molecular and cytological studies. Burkart [6] identified five series in this section, separated on vegetative grounds, but not all have been confirmed by more recent work. Graham [7] demonstrates the existence of a narrow contact zone or zone of morphic intergradation between the long-leaved Prosopis glandulosa and “short-leaf” mesquite (included in P. laevigata by Johnston [8]). M.K. Johnston [8], following Graham [7] and Benson [9], drew attention to the importance of quantitative characteristics of foliage, as well as their geographical segregation and taxonomic value for determining the boundaries of species in the Prosopis section Algarobia. He also mentioned the taxonomic value of mature fruits, which, however, are not always present on living plants and in herbarium specimens. Johnston [8] believed that the characters of the inflorescences of Prosopis section Algarobia may have a certain taxonomic and diagnostic value, which, however, is difficult to assess.
On a molecular level, Bessega et al. [10] studied the internal transcribed spacers ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences in many Prosopis species and noted weak genetic differentiation within the clade Algarobia–Monilicarpa, concluding that this result, together with the relatively low bootstrap supports of many clades within this group, may indicate recent divergence among the species within the clade. This highlights a lack of congruence between molecular and morphological data in the group Algarobia–Monilicarpa, so Bessega et al. [10] proposed several hypotheses to explain this phenomenon, among them the rapid parallel evolution of morphological traits in response to environmental factors, ancestral polymorphism of molecular markers and past introgressive events. On the other hand, Castillo et al. [11] studied deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences of the nuclear external transcribed spacer region (ETS) and two chloroplast intergenic spacers (rpl32-trnL and psbA-trnH) and revealed extremely low sequence variability across the initial subset of Prosopis species, including members of Algarobia section, from native and non-native populations. They concluded that these results suggest a recent radiation of these species and possibly incomplete reproductive isolation between them, which may lead to frequent hybridization and introgression between species in this section. Cytological studies revealed that the Prosopis species are most likely diploids with 2n = 28 [12,13]; so, if interspecific hybridization exists, it occurs on homoploid level.
From the above, it appears that the Prosopis taxonomy is very difficult due to the extreme variability between individual plants, even between individuals within a well-defined species. The nature of the morphology of most species varies with site and possibly also with inherent genetic factors [14]. In this way, the taxonomic classification of this group presents complications to be defined correctly, making it difficult to understand its distribution and evolution. On the other hand, the identification of these plants is still very difficult because they present great polymorphism due to environmental conditions and natural crossings between populations, which are facilitated by their enormous genetic plasticity [15].
In arid and semi-arid climates, there are several stress factors that limit the development and survival of plants: the availability of water and temperatures restrict their growth to the spring months, while the lack of precipitation, high temperatures and water stress of the summer months produces the cessation of growth processes [16]. Plants that can survive, develop and reproduce in these environments (arid and semi-arid) characterized by a variable period of water deficit, present morphological and physiological adaptations that allow them to evade or tolerate the limiting conditions of the environment, forming the so-called xeromorphic species [17]. Leaves are one of the organs with the greatest plasticity in plants, as they can modify their size and structural characteristics. Variations in the anatomy of the photosynthetic tissue, such as its thickness, pubescence and the relationship between the surface of the cell walls of the chlorenchyma and the outer surface, serve as an adaptation of the plant to hot and dry environments [18].
Based on the above, this work was carried out with the objective of differentiating mesquite species from different ecotypes of the semi-arid area of Mexico, through a cluster analysis in leaf morphometry, characterizing the variability, diversity and leaf morphometric parameters of populations through discriminant analysis.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Description of the Study Area

The study area is in the northeast of the Mexican Republic, with a precise geographical location between the parallels 23°10′27″ and 27°46′06″ north latitude, and the meridians 98°26′24″ and 101°13′55′ west longitude. The average annual temperature is 14 °C in the Sierra Madre Oriental, varying up to 24 °C in the Plains of North America, with 13 different climates, as shown in Table 1.

2.2. Description of Mesquite Species

The descriptive characteristics of the species of the genus Prosopis in the arid zones of Mexico are shown in Table 2.

2.3. Sampling Design

Based on the soil and vegetation use map with a scale of 2/50,000, 31 localities were selected, and simple random sampling was applied to collect leaves from Mezquite trees (Prosopis spp.). The design consisted of the random selection of 10 adult Mezquite trees that represent a “locality” or “site.” For each tree, 10 mature leaves were cut and collected in different vertical strata, to take measurements of the morphometric parameters. In addition, the ArcView version 3.2 program was used to geographically position the 31 sites (Figure 1 and Table 3).

2.4. Study of Leaf Parameters

The trees sampled were mature individuals with the characteristic physiognomy of the species. The sampled leaves were taken from the middle part of the shoots to ensure that they were mature leaves with complete development. The morphometric parameters of the leaves (Figure 2) were measured. A digital vernier from the “Mitutoyo” brand was used to in trees from the 31 sites, recording the following 14 variables and three determinations corresponding to the existing relationships between the variables*: length of the petiole (mm), number of pinnae, width of pinna (mm), number of pairs of leaflets per pinna, length of rachis (mm), length and width of lower leaflet (mm), length and width of middle leaflet (mm), length and width of the upper leaflet (mm) and the following spacing between the leaflets: (A) lower: spacing between the leaflet immediately above the first pair of lower leaflets of the leaf (mm), (B) middle leaflets: spacing immediately below the middle leaflets of the leaf (mm) and (C) upper leaflets: immediate lower spacing of the last upper leaflets of the leaf (mm). *Length/width ratio for the lower, middle and upper leaflets.

2.5. Statistical Design

For the 31 localities, a database was obtained with the measurements of the 17 variables of the mesquite leaves, and the software of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 15 for Windows was used to analyze the central tendency and dispersion, such as the average, standard deviation, values minimum and maximum and the coefficient of variation. A one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s multiple comparison test of means [26] were performed to determine the difference and similarity between the localities, respectively, for the different parameters analyzed. A multivariate conglomerate analysis or cluster analysis was also used to integrate groups of sites that were associated with a taxonomic category assigned to mesquite and previously identified through traditional taxonomy. In relation to their groupings and their separation distances, dendrograms were generated that helped the formation of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups and the preliminary separation of the taxa, using a proximity matrix of Euclidean distances, where the number of clusters in each analysis was determined. The squared Euclidean distance between the groups (sites) was calculated using Formula (1), as follows:
Dij = k = r n X k i X k j 2
where Dij is the distance between the groups (sites) i and j and Xki is the value of the variable Xk for group i.
The final discrimination for the separation of the taxa was completed by applying a discriminant analysis via Wilk’s lambda.

3. Results

3.1. Traditional Taxonomic Identification

After having carried out the traditional taxonomic identification with the keys of Johnston [8], five taxa were found (Table 4), of which there are two varieties (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens), a pure or typical species (Prosopis laevigata) and two hybrids (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata and Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa).
The pinnae of P. glandulosa var. glandulosa have curved leaflets of greater length and width, with greater interleaf spacing, but a lower number of pairs of leaflets per pinna. For its part, the hybrid P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata has straighter and smaller leaflets, but with a greater number of pairs of leaflets per pinna (Figure 3). In both taxa, the rachis reaches the same size. Morphologically, it is observed that P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata is an intermediate form between P. glandulosa var. glandulosa and P. laevigata, but more closely related to P. glandulosa, due to the size of the leaflets.
As for Prosopis laevigata, its pinna has leaflets with smaller interleaf spacing, smaller length and width in the leaflets and a very small rachis compared to the hybrid P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa (Figure 4). In both taxa, the same number of leaflets per pinna occurs. Morphologically, the taxon P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa is an intermediate or hybrid form between P. laevigata and P. glandulosa var. glandulosa, but more closely related to the taxon P. laevigata, due to the number of pairs of leaflets per pinna and its leaflet size.
Morphologically, the leaflets of Prosopis glandulosa are curved in the middle part of the leaflet, they are thin at the base and end at a point and they are larger in size compared to the other taxa. The leaflets of Prosopis laevigata are straight, wide from the base and do not end at a point and they are small in size compared to the other taxa. The leaflets of hybrids are very variable with respect to their size, but always straight in shape and with ranges between their two parental taxa. The taxon Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens is morphologically very different from the other taxa, since its leaflets are extremely small (Figure 5).

3.2. Analysis of Morphometric Parameters

For the taxa identified through traditional taxonomic keys, an analysis of morphometric parameters was carried out, as can be seen in Table 5. The variable middle leaflet length presented the highest average value in the northern part of the region, in the municipalities of Anáhuac and Lampazos and for the taxon Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, the ranges of which spanned from 31.50 to 36.47 mm; meanwhile, in the central–southern and southern part, the lowest values of 9.19–11.47 mm were recorded; although Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens also has lower values, they could not be compared with any of the taxa, since morphologically it is very different from these. On the other hand, the hybrids from the central part presented intermediate values between the taxa from the northern and southern parts; that is, for the taxon Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata, their ranges are from 22.29 to 30.15 mm, more similar to those of the northern part (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa) than to those of the southern part (Prosopis laevigata), and this happens inversely with the Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, which has ranges from 14.79 to 20.31 mm.
In the case of the variable length of upper leaflets, Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa presents the highest average values with ranges of 26.87–30.77 mm, as this taxon is from the northern part of the region, while, in the southern and central–south part, in the municipalities of General Terán, Linares and Aramberri, the lowest average values for Prosopis laevigata were in the range of 7.07–9.21 mm, and, for the intermediate taxa Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata and Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa, the values were 17.26–24.73 mm and 12.44–15.94 mm, respectively. Finally, a particular and different morphology was presented for Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens, which recorded an average value of 2.76 mm.
For the variable of middle leaflet spacing, the highest average value was presented by Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa in locality 6 “Ejido Puente Río Salado”, in the north of the region, in the municipality of Anáhuac, while the lowest value was recorded in the central–southern part, in the municipality of Linares in locality 28 “San Pedro de los Escobedos”, with a value of 2.20 mm.
In the central part, average values of 6.77–9.20 mm and 2.20–3.33 mm were recorded for Prosopis glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata and Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, respectively. Finally, for Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens, in the salty areas of the region, had average values of 1 mm of spacing in the middle leaflets, which were very different values compared to the other taxa.
For the length/width ratio of middle leaflets, the taxon Prosopis glandulosa presented the highest average value of 12.17 times as long as it was wide, in locality 25 “Los Regantes 26” of the municipality of Anahuac, in the north of the region. In the south–central part, in General Terán and in the locality 21 Rancho la Bonanza, the lowest value was recorded for the taxon Prosopis laevigata, which was 5.31 times as long as it was wide. On the other hand, in the center of the region, Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata and Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa presented values that were 7.66–11.08 and 7.08–8.56 times as long as they were wide, respectively. Finally, for Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens, an average value of 3.46 mm, as long as it was wide, was recorded, a value very different from the other taxa.
The length/width ratio of upper leaflets presented the highest average value in the north of the region, in locality 30 “Ejido Puentes” for the taxon Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, which was 10.58 times as long as it is wide. In the south–central part in General Terán, in locality 21 “Rancho la Bonanza”, the lowest average value of 3.99 times as long as the width was recorded. In the central part, intermediate values of 6.04–8.92 and 5.49–6.65 times as long as the width were recorded in the taxa Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata and Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa. Finally, Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens presented a value of 1.59 times as long as it was wide, very different from the other taxa.

3.3. Analysis of Variance on the Variability of Morphometric Parameters

For all morphometric variables in the study, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Table 6) shows highly significant differences (p = 0.000) between the localities, with F values ranging between 45.5 and 655.7, evidencing great variability in the morphometric parameters, both between the sites and within the same locality (between the trees). The high values of significant differences were recorded for the variables of middle leaflet length (F = 655.73), pinna width (F = 591.37), upper leaflet length/width ratio (F = 470.15) and upper leaflet length, while the low values of differences were obtained for the number of pinna (F = 45.5), width of upper leaflets (F = 92.0), length of petiole (F = 136.15) and width of lower leaflets (F = 150.42).

3.4. Tukey Multiple Comparison of Means

In the multiple comparison of means (Tukey) for the variable of middle leaflet length, 18 subgroups were formed for the 31 sampled locations with a 95% confidence interval. Localities 31, 21, 28, 22, 30, 29, 14, 27, 10, 13 and 25 formed an individual subgroup, while the remaining 20 localities belonged to two or more subgroups (Table 7).
For the length of upper leaflets, there were seventeen subgroups, with localities 31, 21, 30, 29, 14, 16, 5, 6, 23, 24 and 25 forming an independent subgroup, while the remaining 20 localities belonged to two or more subgroups (Table 7).
In middle leaflet spacing, eleven subgroups were formed, where localities 31, 28, 21, 30, 20, 29, 27, 14, 8, 3, 7, 24, 6 and 25 constituted an individual subgroup, and the remaining 17 localities belonged to two or more subgroups (Table 8).
Regarding the length/width ratio of middle leaflets, fourteen subgroups were formed, of which the localities 31, 21, 22, 29, 10, 8, 20, 27, 16, 7, 6 and 25 are an individual subgroup, while the remaining 20 localities belong to two or more subgroups (Table 8).
The length/width ratio of upper leaflets, for its part, recorded thirteen subgroups, where the localities 21, 30, 8, 14, 10, 20, 19, 17 and 23 belonged to two or more subgroups, while the remaining 22 localities formed individual subgroups (Table 8).

3.5. Grouping of Taxa Using Cluster Analysis

In the cluster analysis, the 17 study variables were used for the 31 localities, and between these variables, an exhaustive combination was made to form phenograms and select those that best group the taxa.
Figure 6 shows the homogeneity of the data, considering the red line of Euclidean distance <1, while the blue line of Euclidean distance <5 shows the formation of the following six groups: A, B, C, D, E and F.
Group A is made up of the “pure taxon” (P. glandulosa var. glandulosa), with sites 6, 23 and 24, and the “intermediate or hybrid” taxon (P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata), with the sites 2, 5, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 19. Group B is formed by the intermediate taxon (P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata) with sites 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 15 and 26. These two groups, A and B, have a degree of kinship, except for sites 6, 23, 24 and 10. In addition, these two groups have a greater number of hybrid sites or localities than pure ones. Group C is made up only of site 25, and although it is a separate group, it is related to the glandulosa (groups A and B). For group D, sites 8, 14, 20, 27 and 29 enter with the intermediate taxon P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa, and, for group E, there is the taxon P. laevigata, with sites 21, 22, 28 and 30. For its part, group F is made up of the taxon P. reptans var. cinerascens, and is very different morphologically from the others, but with measurements close to the taxon P. laevigata (groups D and E).
In Figure 7, drawing a red line with an Euclidean distance of <1, the homogeneity of the data is shown, while, in the blue line with Euclidean distance of <5, the following six groups are formed: A, B, C, D, E and F.
Groups A and B contain mostly the taxon P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata at sites 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 26, except for sites 20, 27 and 10, which are from the taxon P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa; both groups are intermediate forms or hybrids.
Group C is clearly defined by the taxon P. glandulosa var. glandulosa with sites 6, 23, 24 and 25; for group D, there is the intermediate taxon P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa with sites 8, 14 and 29; for group E, there is the taxon P. laevigata with sites 21, 22, 28 and 30. These, as well as group C, are clearly defined because they are the pure or typical species. Finally, group F is made up only of the taxon P. reptans var. cinerascens at site 31.
In Figure 8, the homogeneity of the data can be observed, according to the red line of Euclidean distance <1, while the blue line of Euclidean distance <5 shows the following five groups: A, B, C, D and E.
Group A is formed by the taxon P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa, with sites 8, 14, 20, 27 and 29, and group B is formed by the pure or typical taxon P. laevigata, with sites 21, 22, 28 and 30. Both groups are clearly defined, as is group C, which is formed only by the taxon P. reptans var. cinerascens.
Groups D and E mostly have the hybrids P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata, except for sites 10, 11, 23 and 24 which overlap with the previous group.
In Figure 9, the homogeneity of the data is shown by the red line with an Euclidean distance of <1, while the blue line with an Euclidean distance of <5 shows the formation of the following four groups: A, B, C, and D.
In group A, the taxon P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata was at 15 sites, except for sites 6, 23, 24 and 25, which belonged to the taxon P. glandulosa var. glandulosa. Group B presents the taxon P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa except for site 16, which belongs to the taxon P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata.
Group C is well defined by the taxon P. laevigata and does not overlap with any taxa as in the previous groups (A and B). In group D, there is only the taxon P. reptans var. cinerascens, which is also clearly defined from the other groups.
In Figure 10, the red line with a Euclidean distance of <1 shows the homogeneity of the data, and the blue line with a Euclidean distance of <5 shows the formation of the following five groups: A, B, C, D and E.
Group A is made up of the taxon P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata with 12 localities, except locality 27, which overlapped with this group, and belongs to the taxon P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa.
In group B are the taxa P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata and P. glandulosa var. glandulosa, with sites 2, 5, 17 and 19 and 6, 23, 24 and 25, respectively. Group C is clearly defined by the taxon P. laevigata. Group D is defined by sites 10, 20, 8, 14 and 29; and, finally, group E is made up only of the taxon P. reptans var. cinerascens.

3.6. Discriminant Analysis

For the discriminant analysis, the database of 31 localities was used and each locality was labeled with its respective taxa, according to the traditional taxonomic identification carried out in the present study.
In Table 9, showing Wilks’ lambda for the contrast of the functions, it appears that taxa 1 to 4 have lambda values (0.196) closer to zero than one, and therefore, the groups are different; also, the chi-squared values (4899.423), plus the degrees of freedom (20), give a value of zero, so there is a highly significant difference (p = 0.000) between the groups or between the taxa. For the other contrasts of functions such as between taxa 2 to 4, taxa 3 to 4 and in taxon 4, the lambda values are close to one, indicating that they are equal to each other, but the chi-squared values plus the degrees of freedom give a significant difference between taxa or between groups.
The predicted membership groups are presented in Table 10, which indicates that 78.8% of the grouped cases have been correctly classified for the five taxa (P. laevigata, P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa, P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata and P. reptans var. cinerascens). For taxon 1 (P. glandulosa var. glandulosa), 48.5% of the cases belong to the same taxon, and 51% belong to taxon 2 (P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata), so the degree of grouping of the cases is very similar. Regarding taxon 2 (P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata), a percentage of 85.5% belong to the same taxon; 6.9 belong to taxon 1 and 7.7% belong to taxon 4, although this taxon presents a high % value of the correctly classified cases, which is due to the greater number of localities or cases it had with respect to the other taxa, confirming that, in most cases, they are intermediate forms. For its part, taxon 3 (P. laevigata) has a very high percentage of 93% and is clearly defined among the same group. For taxon 4 (P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa), 67.2% of the cases belong to the same group or taxon, but there is a predicted 18.3% that belong to taxon 2 (P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata). Finally, there is taxon 5 (P. reptans var. cinerascens), which corresponds to the highest value with 97% and which is clearly defined and differentiated from the other groups.
The scatter diagram (Figure 11) is constructed based on the canonical discriminant functions not typified in the group means, and the cases are identified by taxa. Taxon 1 (P. glandulosa var. glandulosa) and taxon 2 (P. glandulosa x P. laevigata) overlap, because the values of the centroids or the values of the means of these taxa in the discriminant functions are so close that they are not completely separated or that they share morphological characteristics with each other. The same happens with taxon 4 (P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa), which overlaps with taxon 2 (P. glandulosa var. glandulosa x P. laevigata) and taxon 3 (P. laevigata), although the latter is very distant from taxa 1, 2 and 5. Taxon 5 (P. reptans var. cinerascens) is clearly defined from the other taxa, because its average is very distant from the other taxa and because it is also very different morphologically.
The present scatter diagram seems somewhat fruitless, since there is overlap between groups or taxa from 1 to 4, except for 5; this overlap does not discriminate or separate the groups, as would have been expected, but, nevertheless, it shows that there are intermediate forms (hybridization). Although the distances between the mean values of the centroids are very close, there is a very defined nucleus, which prevents the consideration of the taxa as equal.
Figure 12 shows the location of the 31 localities with their corresponding taxon, according to the interpretation of the cluster analysis and the discriminant analysis.

4. Discussion

The variables length of middle leaflets and length/width ratio of middle leaflets present average values of 31.49 to 36.47 mm and 10.98 to 12.17 mm, respectively, for the variety Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, which fall within the morphometric ranges of the leaves as reported by Ábrego-Rodríguez [27], who mentions that Prosopis glandulosa has the following two varieties: P. glandulosa var. glandulosa, with leaves measuring 30–35 mm long, eight to fifteen times as long as they are wide, and the variety P. glandulosa var. torreyana, which is characterized by leaves measuring 25–30 mm long, five to eight times as long as they are wide. On the other hand, the intermediate or hybrid taxon of the present study Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata recorded average values (22.29–30.67 mm and 7.66–11.08 mm), similar to the taxon P. glandulosa var. torreyana described by the same author in the previously mentioned variables (length of middle leaflets and length/width ratio of middle leaflets); the length does agree, but the length/width relationship does not, so the values obtained in the present study are values that correspond to a hybrid, since they are intermediate measures.
In a study comparing the measurements of foliar characteristics of some potential hybrids whose origin could have been generated by P. glandulosa var. torreyana and P. laevigata, Galindo-Almanza [28] found that, when crossing P. glandulosa var. torreyana and P. laevigata, for the variables length of the middle leaflets and interleaf spacing of middle leaflets, the hybrid had a leaflet length of 15 to 17 mm and an interleaf distance of 6 to 6.5 mm, similar to the values of 14.79–20.31 mm and 4.70–5.06 mm recorded for the hybrid P. laevigata x P. glandulosa var. glandulosa of the present study.
On the other hand, the same author reported values of 3 to 15 mm for leaflet length and 2.5–5 mm for interleaf distance for P. laevigata, confirming the average values of the present study for P. laevigata, which falls within the ranges reported for length of middle leaflets, length of upper leaflets and spacing of middle leaflets.
There are other hybrids in mesquite species, as mentioned by Burkart [6], Graham [7], Johnston [8] and Leakey and Last [29], based only on morphological characteristics, or, as indicated by Jiménez [30] and López [31], based on the enormous variability of some foliar morphometric parameters and on the taxonomic identification of mesquite in the center of the state of Nuevo León, as this hybrid is an intermediate form between the species Prosopis glandulosa and Prosopis laevigata. In addition, they mention the existence of Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana in low densities, which could also be that hybrid from the center of the state. With respect to hybridization, the results obtained show that, in the variables of length of middle leaflets, length of upper leaflets, spacing of middle leaflets, length/width ratio of middle leaflets and length/width ratio of upper leaflets, there is no variety named torreyana, but there is an intermediate form between the taxa P. glandulosa var. glandulosa and P. laevigata, although a variety can arise spontaneously in nature and a subspecies is a very similar concept to a variety. Morphologically, it is not defined in any of the variables mentioned to consider it as such, so this enormous morphological variability and malformations in mesquite leaves and their geographical distribution in a contact zone between the two parental taxa (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and Prosopis laevigata) indicate that it is an hybrid and not a variety or subspecies, as it differs from the parent taxa, which are clearly defined in the selected variables from a morphological point of view and are geographically found in opposite parts of the state, namely in the northern and southern parts.
According to Rzedowski [32], the varieties Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana are characteristic of Texas and are distributed in Nuevo León, Tamaulipas and eastern Coahuila, and it is common to recognize these two varieties. The present study, with the support of statistical analyses and taxonomic identification based on the keys of Johnston [8], confirms the existence of the variety Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa in a very defined way for the state of Nuevo León, which is located in the north and northwest of the state, in the municipalities of Lampazos and Anáhuac. However, this is not the case with respect to the variety Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana, since the study carried out reveals that this variety is a hybrid, presenting intermediate characteristics between Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and Prosopis laevigata, with the leaflet length falling in the range of the variety Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and the number of leaflets per pinna corresponding to the second species, Prosopis laevigata.
On the other hand, the present study records the distribution of Prosopis laevigata in the southern part of the state of Nuevo León, in the municipalities of General Terán, Linares and Galeana and, in addition, there is a fairly wide strip of hybridization between the populations of Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and Prosopis laevigata, in the center of the state of Nuevo León and covering the municipalities of Los Ramones, part of Gral. Terán, China, Aramberri, Melchor Ocampo, Vallecillo, Los Herrera, Parás, Gral. Treviño, Gral. Zuazua, Pesquería, Higueras, Doctor González, Marín, Los Aldama and Salinas Victoria. This coincides with Jiménez [31], who reported that the species Prosopis laevigata is distributed in southern Nuevo León, and that, in turn, its distribution area makes contact with Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, creating a strip of trees with intermediate characteristics in the center of the state.
In his study of mesquites in North America, Johnston [8] reported data obtained from leaves of herbaria specimens, although they were not subject to statistical analysis. However, he made a species key, and the ranges he managed are very similar to the results of this work, and it is the most accepted classification in the national territory. On the other hand, the same author, as well as Galindo [33] and Solbring et al. [34], mentioned that flowering periods, sympatry, the non-existence of geographical barriers and the little discrimination of pollinating insects increase hybridization opportunities for this genus. In our study, by geographically observing the sampling sites, it can be established that there is close contact between the pure populations, and we can assume that the non-existence of important geographical barriers that prevent overlap between these populations enable the exchange of genes (introgression). In addition to the climatic conditions, the close flowering periods, the winds coming from the gulf and the non-discrimination of pollinating insects as mentioned by the authors, the above are the possible causes of hybridization of this genus in the state of Nuevo León. Although this study does not address the causes of hybridization mentioned, this hybridization is reflected in the results obtained, in the existence of a contact zone or a hybridization strip in the central part of the state, where the morphology of the leaves of the taxa of Prosopis spp. demonstrates intermediate characteristics between the parental taxa.

5. Conclusions

Based exclusively on the morphological characters evaluated in this work, it can be said that there are five taxa of mesquite in the 31 localities sampled in the Mexico’s semi-desert area, of which there are two varieties (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens), two hybrids (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata, Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa) and a pure or typical species (Prosopis laevigata). Both the traditional taxonomic classification and the cluster analysis, as well as the discriminant analysis, reflect the same taxa (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, Prosopis laevigata and Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens) and the existence of hybridization between Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and Prosopis laevigata. However, the study of other characteristics, such as molecular or cytological markers, could yield different results and would possibly lead to the proposal of other hypotheses to explain the observed variation.
On the other hand, the length, width and interleaf spacing, as well as the length/width ratio of the lower, middle and upper leaflets, tend to decrease from north to south, but the number of leaflets per pinna increases in the same direction.
In the north of the region, in the municipalities of Anáhuac and Lampazos, we can find the variety P. glandulosa var. glandulosa. The central zone of the state of Nuevo León is dominated by the taxa Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata and Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, and there is a strip or zone of hybridization, marked by the municipalities of Los Ramones, part of Gral. Terán, China, Aramberri, Melchor Ocampo, Vallecillo, Los Herrera, Parás, Gral. Treviño, Gral. Zuazua, Pesquería, Higueras, Doctor González, Marín, Los Aldama and Salinas Victoria. In the saline soils of the center of the state, the taxon Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens is found. To the south, the taxon Prosopis laevigata is found in the municipalities of General Terán, Linares and Galeana.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.F.P.; methodology, R.F.P., M.N.H., M.A.A.V. and L.R.S.C.; software, M.N.H.; validation, R.F.P., L.R.S.C. and M.A.A.V.; formal analysis, M.N.H. and E.A.C.G.; investigation, R.F.P., M.N.H., A.R.E., L.R.S.C. and M.A.A.V.; resources, R.F.P. and M.A.A.V.; data curation, M.N.H. and E.A.C.G.; writing—original draft preparation, R.F.P. and M.N.H.; writing—review and editing, A.R.E., L.R.S.C., E.A.C.G. and M.A.A.V.; visualization, M.N.H.; supervision, R.F.P.; project administration, R.F.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors on request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Localization of the 31 sampling sites in the study area.
Figure 1. Localization of the 31 sampling sites in the study area.
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Figure 2. Schematic representation of the mesquite leaf, for taking measurements [25].
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the mesquite leaf, for taking measurements [25].
Diversity 16 00351 g002
Figure 3. Morphological comparison of leaves between (A) Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and (B) Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata.
Figure 3. Morphological comparison of leaves between (A) Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and (B) Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata.
Diversity 16 00351 g003
Figure 4. Morphological comparison of leaves between (A) Prosopis laevigata and (B) Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa.
Figure 4. Morphological comparison of leaves between (A) Prosopis laevigata and (B) Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa.
Diversity 16 00351 g004
Figure 5. Comparison of leaflets between the 5 taxa: (A) Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, (B) Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata, (C) Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens, (D) Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and (E) Prosopis laevigata.
Figure 5. Comparison of leaflets between the 5 taxa: (A) Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa, (B) Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata, (C) Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens, (D) Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and (E) Prosopis laevigata.
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Figure 6. Phenogram of the middle leaflet length.
Figure 6. Phenogram of the middle leaflet length.
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Figure 7. Phenogram of the upper leaflet length.
Figure 7. Phenogram of the upper leaflet length.
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Figure 8. Phenogram of the middle leaflet spacing.
Figure 8. Phenogram of the middle leaflet spacing.
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Figure 9. Phenogram of the middle leaflet length/width ratio.
Figure 9. Phenogram of the middle leaflet length/width ratio.
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Figure 10. Phenogram of the upper leaflet’s length/width ratio.
Figure 10. Phenogram of the upper leaflet’s length/width ratio.
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Figure 11. Scatter plot for the 5 taxa.
Figure 11. Scatter plot for the 5 taxa.
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Figure 12. Distribution map of the 5 taxa of the 31 localities based on statistical analyses. The abbreviations correspond to the initials of the species name: P. g. var. g. = Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa; P. g. var. g. X P. l. = Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa X Prosopis laevigata; P.l. = Prosopis laevigata; P.l X P.g. var. g. = Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa; P.r. var. c. = Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens.
Figure 12. Distribution map of the 5 taxa of the 31 localities based on statistical analyses. The abbreviations correspond to the initials of the species name: P. g. var. g. = Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa; P. g. var. g. X P. l. = Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa X Prosopis laevigata; P.l. = Prosopis laevigata; P.l X P.g. var. g. = Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa; P.r. var. c. = Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens.
Diversity 16 00351 g012
Table 1. Types of climates identified in the northeast of Mexico and their symbology.
Table 1. Types of climates identified in the northeast of Mexico and their symbology.
Type or SubtypeWeather Symbol% on Surface
Very warm and warm semi-dryBS1(h)17.92
Very warm and warm dryBS(h′)17.15
Semi-warm dryBSh13.27
Semi-warm semi-humid with little rain all year roundACx10.44
Semi-warm semi-humid with rain in summerACw8.66
Temperate dryBSk7.87
Temperate semi-dryBS1k6.65
Semi-warm semi-dryBS1h5.77
Semi-warm very dryBWh4.96
Temperate semi-humid with rains in summerC(w)4.52
Temperate semi-humid with little rain all year roundCx2.52
Semi-cold semi- humid with rains in summerC(E)(w)0.24
Semi-cold semi-humid with little rain all year roundC(E)(x)0.03
Source. INEGI [19].
Table 2. Botanical characteristics, synonymy and distribution of Prosopis spp. in northeastern Mexico.
Table 2. Botanical characteristics, synonymy and distribution of Prosopis spp. in northeastern Mexico.
SpeciesDistribution *CharacteristicsSynonymy
P. glandulosaMina [20]
Linares and Dr. Arroyo [21]
Oblong leaflets, less than five times longer than widths or lengths of 15 to 20 mm. Right sheath with recurved appendage, sometimes curved, yellow to brown [14].Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) DC
P. juliflora var. glandulosa Cockerell
P. juliflora var. torreyana L. Benson [22]
P. glandulosa var.
Iturbide [20]Leaflets less than five times longer than wide, herbaceous, relatively tender. They are usually trees. Distribution: coastal areas of Mexico [14].Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. var. torreyana L.D. Benson Prosopis odorata Torr. & Frém. [22]
P. glandulosa var.
Mina and China [20]Evergreen tree 1–10(–20) m high; one pair of pinnae per leaf: six to fifteen pairs of leaflets per pinna, obovate, oblong to narrow, glabrous, 30–40 mm long, 10–30 mm wide [14].Algarobia glandulosa (Torrey) Cooper. Neltuma constricta (Sarg.) Britton & Rose Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stuntz variety glandulosa (Torrey) Standley
Prosopis juliflora (Sw.)
DC. var. constricta Sarg. [23]
P. laevigataMina, Linares,
China and Dr. Arroyo [20],
Los Ramones
Small leaves, shorter than or equal to the length of the inflorescence. Dry, thin, flexible and soft pod, compressed between the segments and whitish in color. Leaves with one or two pairs of pinnae and six to twenty pairs of leaflets. Distribution: northwest Mexico and the Baja California peninsula [14].Acacia laevigata Willd.
Algorobia dulces Benth
Mimosa laevigata (Wild.) Poiret Mimosa rotundata Sessé & Mocino Nelthuma laevigata (Wild.) Britton & Rose Neltuma attenuata
Prosopis dulcis Kunth
P.reptans var.
Bustamante, Villaldama [24].Smooth pods with numerous compact regular whorls, united singly or only a few in a cluster [14].Prosopis cinerascens (A. Gray) Benth.
Strombocarpa cinerascens
A. Gray [22]
Source: Guerrero [20]. * The distribution of mesquite is based on that reported by the authors’ studies.
Table 3. Geographic location of the 31 sites sampled in the northeastern Mexico semi-desert area.
Table 3. Geographic location of the 31 sites sampled in the northeastern Mexico semi-desert area.
1Plan del OréganoMelchor Ocampo45°76′94″28°83′106″152
2Colorados de ArribaVallecillo40°09′06″29°27′506″239
3El LlanoLos Ramones43°70′24″28°54′589″193
4La BarretosaLos Herreras45°19′90″28°54′589″166
5Ej. Emiliano ZapataParás43°16′51″29°37′498″164
6Ej. Puente del Río SaladoAnáhuac41°34′60″29°82′484″146
7Loma LargaGeneral Treviño44°88′58″29°04′109″147
8Los ÉbanosLos Ramones45°35′17″28°24′931″196
9Ejido El ÁlamoVallecillo42°10′68″29°29′095″195
10Dulces NombresPesquería39°42′36″28°44′953″351
11Hacienda San PedroGeneral Zuazua38°40′66″28°67′217″369
13Los PajaritosDoctor González40°88′54″28°63′751″423
14Rancho el RecuerdoGeneral Terán42°76′56″28°06′597″285
15Loma la ParadaMarín40°18’47″28°56’144″323
16El BajíoMarín40°21′22″28°58′136″342
17El ResumideroSalinas Victoria37°37′12″28°82′558″451
18El PuenteSalinas Victoria37°22′52″28°72′246″424
19Rancho GomasSalinas Victoria35°31′64″28°95′485″191
20Km80 **Los Ramones44°60′57″28°37′409″191
21Rancho La bonanzaGeneral Terán46°71′87″27°87′506″217
22Rancho NuevoGeneral Terán45°28′41″27°90′393″259
23Ejido las PresasLampazos34°84′05″29°82′066″341
24El NogalAnáhuac39°91′25″30°05′741″177
25Regantes 26Anáhuac36°71′40″30°24′331″228
26Rancho la CejaLos Aldama47°69′56″28°83′426″112
28San pedro de los EscobedosLinares46°23′56″27°60′631″261
29San Ignacio de TexasGaleana37°90′92″26°90′496″1684
30Ejido las PuentesAramberri39°06′06″26°70′446″1581
31Km80 **Los Ramones44°91′25″28°50′504″188
** Sites 20 and 31 were labeled with the same locality name, but presented different species of Prosopis spp.
Table 4. Taxa identified for the genus Prosopis in northeastern Mexico.
Table 4. Taxa identified for the genus Prosopis in northeastern Mexico.
TAXA 1Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosaP. g. var. g.
TAXA 2Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigataP. g. var. g. x P. l.
TAXA 3Prosopis laevigataP. l.
TAXA 4Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosaP. l. x P. g. var. g.
TAXA 5Prosopis reptans var. cinerascensP. r. var. c.
Table 5. Measurements of central tendency and dispersion of morphometric parameters in the 5 taxa of the 31 sampled localities.
Table 5. Measurements of central tendency and dispersion of morphometric parameters in the 5 taxa of the 31 sampled localities.
SiteLocality—MunicipalityTaxa *LengthLength/Width RatioSpacing
6Ejido Puente del Río Salado—AnáhuacP.g. var. g.32.40 ± 0.4326.87 ± 0.4911.38 ± 0.119.69 ± 0.119.38 ± 0.19
23Ejido las Presas—LampazosP.g. var. g.31.50 ± 0.5027.39 ± 0.5011.15 ± 0.159.39 ± 0.138.58 ± 0.22
24El Nogal—AnáhuacP.g. var. g.31.49 ± 0.3228.18 ± 0.4210.98 ± 0.159.76 ± 0.148.47 ± 0.14
25Regantes 26—AnáhuacP.g. var. g.36.47 ± 0.3630.77 ± 0.3812.17 ± 0.1310.58 ± 0.119.55 ± 0.17
1Plan del Orégano—Melchor OcampoP.g. var. g X P.l.26.02 ± 0.2619.41 ± 0.319.88 ± 0.117.84 ± 0.107.47 ± 0.14
2Colorados de Arriba—VallecilloP.g. var. g. X P.l.29.15 ± 0.3923.27 ± 0.3811.08 ± 0.128.82 ± 0.117.91 ± 0.17
3El Llano—Los RamonesP.g. var. g X P.l.24.69 ± 0.3318.80 ± 0.3510.23 ± 0.098.02 ± 0.096.77 ± 0.10
4La Barretosa—Los HerreraP.g. var. g. X P.l.26.32 ± 0.3619.90 ± 0.3510.92 ± 0.128.10 ± 0.107.38 ± 0.12
5Ejido Emiliano Zapata—ParásP.g. var. g. X P.l.30.15 ± 0.4624.73 ± 0.3910.78 ± 0.138.83 ± 0.108.38 ± 0.22
7Loma Larga—Gral. TreviñoP.g. var. g. X P.l.24.83 ± 0.2819.90 ± 0.299.54 ± 0.097.78 ± 0.106.80 ± 0.10
9Ejido El Álamo—VallecilloP.g. var. g. X P.l.28.43 ± 0.4121.16 ± 0.3810.16 ± 0.118.04 ± 0.117.97 ± 0.15
10Dulces Nombres—PesqueríaP.g. var. g. X P.l.22.29 ± 0.2917.26 ± 0.397.66 ± 0.096.04 ± 0.106.96 ± 0.22
11Hacienda San Pedro—Gral. ZuazuaP.g. var. g. X P.l.30.67 ± 0.3822.40 ± 0.399.84 ± 0.127.79 ± 0.128.54 ± 0.16
12Higueras—HiguerasP.g. var. g. X P.l.28.27 ± 0.3018.81 ± 0.3610.27 ± 0.157.74 ± 0.147.59 ± 0.10
13Los Pajaritos—Dr. GonzálezP.g. var. g. X P.l.25.64 ± 0.3719.90 ± 0.399.81 ± 0.108.07 ± 0.107.34 ± 0.19
15Loma la Parada—MarínP.g. var. g. X P.l.23.28 ± 0.3118.62 ± 0.449.74 ± 0.097.90 ± 0.106.90 ± 0.14
16El Bajío—MarínP.g. var. g. X P.l.23.86 ± 0.4119.35 ± 0.398.69 ± 0.107.19 ± 0.107.27 ± 0.17
17El Resumidero—Salinas VictoriaP.g. var. g. X P.l.28.48 ± 0.3022.79 ± 0.3611.00 ± 0.148.92 ± 0.128.15 ± 0.17
18El Puente—Salinas VictoriaP.g. var. g. X P.l.27.36 ± 0.3221.81 ± 0.3410.04 ± 0.127.91 ± 0.097.94 ± 0.14
19Rancho Gomas—Salinas VictoriaP.g. var. g. X P.l.28.09 ± 0.4323.90 ± 0.4710.53 ± 0.098.89 ± 0.089.20 ± 0.24
26Rancho la Ceja—Los AldamaP.g. var. g. X P.l.23.80 ± 0.3119.43 ± 0.359.77 ± 0.137.98 ± 0.106.95 ± 0.15
21Rancho La Bonanza—Gral. TeránP. l.9.19 ± 0.097.04 ± 0.095.31 ± 0.054.04 ± 0.052.24 ± 0.06
22Rancho Nuevo—Gral. TeránP. l.11.45 ± 0.128.83 ± 0.115.87 ± 0.054.53 ± 0.042.73 ± 0.06
28San Pedro de los Escobedos—LinaresP. l.9.20 ± 0.137.07 ± 0.115.45 ± 0.053.99 ± 0.032.20 ± 0.05
30Ejido las Puentes—AramberriP. l.11.47 ± 0.199.21 ± 0.215.74 ± 0.074.46 ± 0.063.33 ± 0.08
8Los Ébanos—Los RamonesP.l. X P. g. var. g.17.96 ± 0.2913.41 ± 0.267.89 ± 0.075.76 ± 0.065.06 ± 0.12
14Rancho el Recuerdo—Gral. TeránP.l. X P. g. var. g.16.69 ± 0.2412.44 ± 0.257.60 ± 0.085.83 ± 0.084.98 ± 0.09
20Km80 **—Los RamonesP.l. X P. g. var. g.19.36 ± 0.2312.06 ± 0.217.08 ± 0.105.49 ± 0.094.72 ± 0.10
27China—ChinaP.l. X P. g. var. g.20.31 ± 0.2315.07 ± 0.228.48 ± 0.066.27 ± 0.054.70 ± 0.09
29San Ignacio de Texas—GaleanaP.l. X P. g. var. g.14.79 ± 0.1815.94 ± 0.218.56 ± 0.106.65 ± 0.084.90 ± 0.08
31Km80 **—Los RamonesP.r. var. c.4.63 ± 0.042.76 ± 0.033.46 ± 0.041.59 ± 0.011.00 ± 0.02
* The abbreviations correspond to the initials of the species name: P. g. var. g. = Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa; P. g. var. g. X P. l. = Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa X Prosopis laevigata; P.l. = Prosopis laevigata; P.l X P.g. var. g. = Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa; P.r. var. c. = Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens.
Table 6. ANOVA of the 17 study variables for the 31 sampled localities.
Table 6. ANOVA of the 17 study variables for the 31 sampled localities.
VariableSource of VariationDegrees of FreedomMean SquaresValues of
Petiole lengthBetween groups3036,051.91136.47 ***
Within the group6245264.17
Pinna widthBetween groups3053,651.75591.38 ***
Within the group624590.72
Pinna numberBetween groups3053,651.7545.50 ***
Within the group624590.72
Number of leaflets per pinnaBetween groups309203.88373.45 ***
Within the group624524.64
Rachis lengthBetween groups3089,633.42248.71 ***
Within the group6245360.39
Lower leaflet lengthBetween groups308445.18374.70 ***
Within the group624522.54
Lower leaflet widthBetween groups3027.84150.42 ***
Within the group62440.18
Lower leaflet length/widthratioBetween groups30866.64336.33 ***
Within the group62442.57
Middle leaflet lengthBetween groups3013,108.13655.73 ***
Within the group624519.99
Middle leaflet widthBetween groups3037.05212.04 ***
Within the group62450.17
Middle leaflets Length/width ratioBetween groups30956.32440.65 ***
Within the group62452.17
Upper leaflets lengthBetween groups309484.38425.94 ***
Within the group624522.26
Upper leaflets widthBetween groups3026.1992.01 ***
Within the group62450.28
Upper leaflet length/widthratioBetween groups30843.55470.15 ***
Within the group62451.79
Lower leaflet spacingBetween groups30494.72259.41 ***
Within the group31071.90
Middle leaflet spacingBetween groups30560.84284.62 ***
Within the group31071.97
Upper leaflet spacingBetween groups30693.32251.14 ***
Within the group31072.76
*** Highly significant difference (p = 0.000).
Table 7. Multiple comparison of Tukey means for the length of middle leaflets and upper leaflets in the 31 localities sampled in the semi-desert area of northeastern Mexico.
Table 7. Multiple comparison of Tukey means for the length of middle leaflets and upper leaflets in the 31 localities sampled in the semi-desert area of northeastern Mexico.
Length of Middle Leaflets Length of Upper Leaflets
31Km 80 **P.r. var. c.4.63 A *31Km 80 **P.r. var. c.2.76 A *
21Rancho La BonanzaP. l.9.18 B21Rancho La BonanzaP. l.7.03 B
28San pedro de los EscobedosP. l.9.20 B28San pedro de los EscobedosP. l.7.06 BC
22Rancho NuevoP. l.11.45 C22Rancho NuevoP. l.8.83 CD
30Ejido las PuentesP. l.11.47 C30Ejido las PuentesP. l.9.20 D
29San Ignacio de TexasP.l. X P. g. var. g.14.78 D29San Ignacio de TexasP.l. X P. g. var. g.12.06 E
14Rancho el RecuerdoP.l. X P. g. var. g.16.68 E14Rancho el RecuerdoP.l. X P. g. var. g.12.44 E
8Los ÉbanosP.l. X P. g. var. g.17.96 EF8Los ÉbanosP.l. X P. g. var. g.13.40 EF
20Km 80 **P.l. X P. g. var. g.19.36 FG20Km 80 **P.l. X P. g. var. g.15.06 FG
27ChinaP.l. X P. g. var. g.20.30 G27ChinaP.l. X P. g. var. g.15.93 GH
10Dulces NombresP.g. var. g. X P.l.22.29 H10Dulces NombresP.g. var. g. X P.l.17.26 HI
15Loma la ParadaP.g. var. g. X P.l.23.28 HI15Loma la ParadaP.g. var. g. X P.l.18.62 IJ
26Rancho la CejaP.g. var. g. X P.l.23.80 HI3El LlanoP.g. var. g. X P.l.18.79 IJ
16El BajíoP.g. var. g. X P.l.23.86 HI12HiguerasP.g. var. g. X P.l.18.80 IJ
3El LlanoP.g. var. g. X P.l.24.69 IJ16El BajíoP.g. var. g. X P.l.19.35 J
7Loma LargaP.g. var. g. X P.l.24.82 IJ1Plan del OréganoP.g. var. g. X P.l.19.41 JK
13Los PajaritosP.g. var. g. X P.l.25.64 J26Rancho la CejaP.g. var. g. X P.l.19.43 JK
1Plan del OréganoP.g. var. g X P.l.26.02 JK7Loma LargaP.g. var. g. X P.l.19.89 JK
4La BarretosaP.g. var. g. X P.l.26.31 JK13Los PajaritosP.g. var. g. X P.l.19.89 JK
18El PuenteP.g. var. g. X P.l.27.36 KL4La BarretosaP.g. var. g. X P.l.19.90 JK
19Rancho GomasP.g. var. g. X P.l.28.09 LM9Ejido El ÁlamoP.g. var. g. X P.l.21.15 KL
12HiguerasP.g. var. g. X P.l.28.27 LM18El PuenteP.g. var. g. X P.l.21.80 LM
9Ejido El ÁlamoP.g. var. g. X P.l.28.43 LM11Hacienda San PedroP.g. var. g. X P.l.22.39 LMN
17El ResumideroP.g. var. g. X P.l.28.48 LMN17El ResumideroP.g. var. g. X P.l.22.78 LMN
2Colorados de ArribaP.g. var. g. X P.l.29.15 MNO2Colorados de ArribaP.g. var. g. X P.l.23.27 MNO
5Ej. Emiliano ZapataP.g. var. g. X P.l.30.14 NOP19Rancho GomasP.g. var. g. X P.l.23.89 NO
11Hacienda San PedroP.g. var. g. X P.l.30.66 OP5Ej. Emiliano ZapataP.g. var. g. X P.l.24.72 O
24El Nogal—AnáhuacP.g. var. g.31.49 PQ6Ej. Puente del Río SaladoP.g. var. g.26.86 P
23Ejido las Presas—LampazosP.g. var. g.31.49 PQ23Ejido las PresasP.g. var. g.27.38 P
6Ej. Puente del Río SaladoP.g. var. g.32.40 PQ24El NogalP.g. var. g.28.17 P
25Regantes 26—AnáhuacP.g. var. g.36.47 R25Regantes 26P.g. var. g.30.70 Q
Different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05). The abbreviations in the taxa correspond to the initials of the species name: P. g. var. g. = Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa; P. g. var. g. x P. l. = Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa x Prosopis laevigata; P.l. = Prosopis laevigata; P.l x P.g. var. g. = Prosopis laevigata x Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa; P.r. var. c. = Prosopis reptans var. cinerascens. * Significant difference (p = 0.000). ** Sites 20 and 31 corresponding to the same locality name, but with different species of Prosopis spp.
Table 8. Multiple comparison of Tukey means for the variables of spacing of middle leaflets, length/width ratio of middle leaflets and length/width ratio of upper leaflets in the 31 sampled locations.
Table 8. Multiple comparison of Tukey means for the variables of spacing of middle leaflets, length/width ratio of middle leaflets and length/width ratio of upper leaflets in the 31 sampled locations.
Spacing of Middle LeafletsLength/Width Ratio of Middle LeafletsLength/Width Ratio of Upper Leaflets
31Km80 **1.00 A *31Km80 **3.45 A *31Los Ramones1.58 A *
28San pedro de los Escobedos2.19 B21Rancho La bonanza5.30 B28Linares3.98 B
21Rancho La bonanza2.24 B28San pedro de los Escobedos5.45 BC21General Terán4.03 BC
22Rancho Nuevo2.72 BC30Ejido las Puentes5.73 BC30Aramberri4.46 BC
30Ejido las Puentes3.33 C22Rancho Nuevo5.86 C22General Terán4.52 C
20Km 80 **4.70 D29San Ignacio de Texas7.07 D29Galeana5.49 D
29San Ignacio de Texas4.71 D14Rancho el Recuerdo7.60 DE8Los Ramones5.75 DE
27China4.90 D10Dulces Nombres7.65 E14General Terán5.82 DEF
14Rancho el Recuerdo4.97 D8Los Ébanos7.89 E10Pesquería6.03 EF
8Los Ébanos5.05 E20Km80 **8.48 F20Los Ramones6.27 FG
3El Llano6.77 E27China8.56 F27China6.65 G
7Loma Larga6.79 E16El Bajío8.69 F16Marín7.18 H
15Loma la Parada6.89 EF7Loma Larga9.53 G12Higueras7.74 I
26Rancho la Ceja6.94 EF15Loma la Parada9.73 GH7General Treviño7.78 I
10Dulces Nombres6.96 EF26Rancho la Ceja9.77 GH11General Zuazua7.78 I
16El Bajío7.77 EFG13Los Pajaritos9.80 GH1Melchor Ocampo7.84 I
13Los Pajaritos7.33 EFG11Hacienda San Pedro9.83 GH15Marín7.89 I
4La Barretosa7.38 EFG1Plan del Orégano9.88 GH18Salinas Victoria7.90 I
1Plan del Orégano7.46 EFGH18El Puente10.03 GHI26Los Aldama7.98 I
12Higueras7.59 FGH9Ejido El Álamo10.15 HI3Los Ramones8.02 I
2Colorados de Arriba7.90 GHI3El Llano10.22 HIJ9Vallecillo8.04 I
18El Puente7.94 GHI12Higueras10.26 HIJ13Doctor González8.07 I
9Ejido El Álamo7.97 GHI19Rancho Gomas10.52 IJK4Los Herreras8.10 J
17El Resumidero8.14 GHI 5Ej. Emiliano Zapata10.77 JKL2Vallecillo8.81 J
5Ej. Emiliano Zapata8.37 HI4La Barretosa10.91 KLM5Parás8.83 J
24El Nogal8.47 I24El Nogal10.97 KLM19Salinas Victoria8.88 JK
11Hacienda San Pedro8.53 IJ17El Resumidero11.00 KLM17Salinas Victoria8.91 JK
23Ejido las Presas8.58 IJ2Colorados de Arriba11.07 KLM23Lampazos9.38 KL
19Rancho Gomas9.20 JK23Ejido las Presas11.14 LM6Anáhuac9.69 L
6Ej. Puente del Río Salado9.37 K6Ej. Puente del Río Salado11.37 M24Lampazos9.76 L
25Anáhuac9.54 K25Regantes 26-Anáhuac12.16 N25Regantes 26 - Anáhuac10.57 M
Different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05). * Significant difference (p = 0.000). ** Sites 20 and 31 corresponding to the same locality name, but with different species of Prosopis spp.
Table 9. Wilk’s lambda Values.
Table 9. Wilk’s lambda Values.
Contrast of FunctionsWilk’s LambdaChi-SquaredDegrees of FreedomSig.
1 to 40.1965105.635200.000
2 to 40.895345.854120.000
3 to 40.97579.80260.000
Table 10. Membership or kinship groups among the 5 taxa.
Table 10. Membership or kinship groups among the 5 taxa.
TaxaPredicted Membership Group *Total
* 78% of original grouped cases were correctly classified.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Foroughbakhch Pournavab, R.; Ngangyo Heya, M.; Castillo Gonzalez, E.A.; Rocha Estrada, A.; Salas Cruz, L.R.; Alvarado Vázquez, M.A. Leaf Architecture in the Morphological Diversity of the Genus Prosopis in the Semi-Desert Area of Northeastern Mexico. Diversity 2024, 16, 351.

AMA Style

Foroughbakhch Pournavab R, Ngangyo Heya M, Castillo Gonzalez EA, Rocha Estrada A, Salas Cruz LR, Alvarado Vázquez MA. Leaf Architecture in the Morphological Diversity of the Genus Prosopis in the Semi-Desert Area of Northeastern Mexico. Diversity. 2024; 16(6):351.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Foroughbakhch Pournavab, Rahim, Maginot Ngangyo Heya, Emmanuel Adan Castillo Gonzalez, Alejandra Rocha Estrada, Lidia Rosaura Salas Cruz, and Marco Antonio Alvarado Vázquez. 2024. "Leaf Architecture in the Morphological Diversity of the Genus Prosopis in the Semi-Desert Area of Northeastern Mexico" Diversity 16, no. 6: 351.

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