Peripheral Vision Tests in Sports: Training Effects and Reliability of Peripheral Perception Test
:1. Introduction
1.1. Peripheral Vision Tests in Sports
1.1.1. Eye–Hand Coordination Test (EHCT) of Nike Sensory Station (NSS)
1.1.2. Wayne Computerized Saccadic Fixator (WCSF)
1.1.3. Humphrey Field Analyzer 630 (HFA)
1.1.4. Second Sub-Test of Useful Field of View Test (UFOV)
1.1.5. Peripheral Vision Test (PVT) of Athlevision
1.2. Peripheral Perception Test (PP) of the Vienna Test System (VTS)
- to investigate the test–retest reliability and
- to examine the training effects between test and retest measured with peripheral perception test (PP) of the Vienna test system (VTS) [45].
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Participants
2.3. Outcome Measures
2.4. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Reliability
3.2. Training Effects
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- (1) We found good reliability in reaction variables (PR, PRL, PRR) and in control variables (TD, NOHL, NOHR). Moderate reliability was demonstrated in field of vision variables (FOV, VAL, VAR).
- (2) The analysis of the training effects showed significant improvements between T0 and T1 for PRL with a mean difference of 0.04 s (95% CI [0.00–0.07]) and for PR with mean difference of 0.02 s (95% CI [0.00–0.05]).
- (3) No significant differences between test and retest were observed in the following variables: PRR, FOV, VAL, VAR, TD, NOHL, NOHR.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Test/Sub-Test | Procedure/Method | Parameter (unit) | Sports | Reliability | Training Effects |
Nike sensory station (NSS)/ Eye–hand coordination test (EHCT) | Subjects have to react with their hands to a light stimulus on a display. /binocular | Peripheral eye–hand response (sec) | Baseball [23] High School Football [24] Healthy young adults [25] Collegiate ice hockey [13] | ⟹ [26] | ↑ [26]/[27] |
Wayne computerized saccadic fixator (WCSF) [28,29] | Athletes are required to react to light stimulus with one hand while concentration on a central cylinder stimulus. /binocular | Peripheral response time (correct responses) | General [30] General [31] Soccer [32] | ⇓ [33] | ↑ [33] |
Humphrey field analyzer 630 (HFA) | Static condition: Participants have to fixate central while stimuli are presented. Kinetic condition: Stimuli are given along 12 meridians and moved centrally. /monocular | Retinal sensitivity within the visual field (dB) | General [30] General [31] | n.a. | ↑ [34] |
Useful field of view (UFOV)/ Second sub-test [35] | Examinees identifies a central target while localizing a stimulus in the periphery. /binocular | Visual processing speed (ms) | Football and General [36] | ⇑ [37] | n.a. |
Athlevision (Asics Corporation, Japan)/ Peripheral vision test (PVT) [38] | Participants have to detect peripheral O’s while watching a central number. /binocular | Peripheral vision (correct responses) | Soft Tennis [39] | ⇑⇑ [39] | n.a. |
Vienna test system (VTS)/ Peripheral perception (PP) [40] | Subjects have central tracking task and a peripheral perception task need to be resolved (for detailed description see Materials). /binocular | Peripheral reaction time (sec), visual field (n°) | Physical active man [41] Handball [8] Handball [42] Volleyball [11] Basketball [43] | n.a. | n.a. |
Variables | ICC | 95% CI |
PR | 0.85 | [0.64–0.94] |
PRL | 0.77 | [0.41–0.91] |
PRR | 0.79 | [0.50–0.92] |
FOV | 0.73 | [0.33–0.89] |
VAL | 0.74 | [0.36–0.89] |
VAR | 0.58 | [0.06–0.83] |
TD | 0.82 | [0.55–0.93] |
NOHL | 0.79 | [0.47–0.91] |
NOHR | 0.82 | [0.57–0.93] |
Variables | T0 M (SD) | T1 M (SD) | Mean dif. M (SD) 95% CI | T-Test |
PR (sec) | 0.62 (0.09) | 0.60 (0.08) | 0.02 (0.06) [0.00–0.05] | t(20) = 1.73, p = 0.01 |
PRL (sec) | 0.64 (0.10) | 0.60 (0.07) | 0.04 (0.07) [0.00–0.07] | t(20) = 2.40, p = 0.03 |
PRR (sec) | 0.62 (0.09) | 0.60 (0.09) | 0.01 (0.08) [−0.02–0.05] | t(20) = 0.82, p = 0.42 |
FOV (n°) | 184.34 (6.98) | 183.09 (6.80) | 1.26 (6.41) [−1.66–4.17] | t(20) = 0.90, p = 0.38 |
VAL (n°) | 91.34 (3.80) | 90.54 (3.83) | 0.80 (3.48) [−0.79–2.38] | t(20) = 1.05, p = 0.31 |
VAR (n°) | 93.00 (4.17) | 92.54 (3.54) | 0.46 (4.25) [−1.47–2.39] | t(20) = 0.49, p = 0.63 |
TD (pixel) | 8.29 (0.87) | 8.23 (0.95) | −0.03 (0.72) [−0.36–0.30] | t(20) = −0.18, p = 0.86 |
NOHL (N) | 14.33 (3.34) | 13.95 (3.4) | 0.38 (2.85) [−0.92–1.68] | t(20) = 0.61, p = 0.55 |
NOHR (N) | 16.43 (3.27) | 15.67 (3.34) | 0.76 (2.51) [−0.38–1.90] | t(20) = 1.39, p = 0.18 |
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Schumacher, N.; Schmidt, M.; Reer, R.; Braumann, K.-M. Peripheral Vision Tests in Sports: Training Effects and Reliability of Peripheral Perception Test. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 5001.
Schumacher N, Schmidt M, Reer R, Braumann K-M. Peripheral Vision Tests in Sports: Training Effects and Reliability of Peripheral Perception Test. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(24):5001.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSchumacher, Nils, Mike Schmidt, Rüdiger Reer, and Klaus-Michael Braumann. 2019. "Peripheral Vision Tests in Sports: Training Effects and Reliability of Peripheral Perception Test" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, no. 24: 5001.
APA StyleSchumacher, N., Schmidt, M., Reer, R., & Braumann, K.-M. (2019). Peripheral Vision Tests in Sports: Training Effects and Reliability of Peripheral Perception Test. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24), 5001.