1. Introduction
Landslides are common geological disasters worldwide. Landslides not only damage the natural environment, cause soil erosion on slopes and alter landforms but also destroy buildings and infrastructure in villages and towns and result in a large number of casualties in serious cases. China is one of the countries most seriously affected by landslide disasters due to its vast territory, complex terrain and changeable climate. In China, many people live and work on and near the slopes. Although a landslide occurs suddenly, the process of a slope becoming a landslide can be monitored and predicted to a certain extent. An accurate landslide displacement prediction model combined with a landslide warning model can effectively improve people’s judgment of landslides in daily life and help decision makers make more accurate decisions and protect people’s life and health, so as to achieve the purpose of improving population wellbeing. According to China’s national geological disaster report for 2020, 4810 landslides occurred in China in 2020, accounting for 61.3% of all geological disasters in China, resulting in a large number of property losses and casualties [
1]. Local landslide events were initially recorded when China built the world’s largest hydropower station, the Three Gorges Dam, in 2003 [
3]. The environment of the Three Gorges Reservoir is highly conducive to the formation of landslides in terms of the topography, geology and climate [
4]. The Three Gorges Project has faced intense pressure in terms of geological disaster prevention [
2]. This paper aims to help the Three Gorges Project and similar engineering projects with regard to geological disaster prevention. Therefore, it is particularly important and necessary to predict landslide displacement in this area.
Landslide displacement prediction models generally include physical and data-based models [
6]. Because of the complexity of landslides, the acquisition of a physical model of landslide displacement before landslide occurrence is very difficult. [
7]. There are many kinds of physics-based models. Jiang et al. [
8] simulated landslide displacement based on fluid-solid coupling theory. Herrera et al. [
9] adopted a physics-based one-dimensional infinite viscoplastic model to predict Portalet landslide motion. Mufundirwa et al. [
10] considered physical characteristics to evaluate the validity of the inverse velocity (INV) and evaluated this parameter in the laboratory to predict rock mass destruction attributed to landslides. Due to the complexity of geological conditions, physics-based models cannot simulate the actual structure of the geographical environment well, and the prediction performance can therefore be affected by both known and unknown factors, leading to inevitable errors in landslide displacement prediction. Moreover, landslides are difficult to predict in a timely and accurate manner. Even if the same physics-based landslide displacement prediction model is applied to different landslides, the physical characteristics are inconsistent due to the varying landslide conditions, which can lead to different prediction accuracies.
In recent years, data-based models have become more popular than physics-based models. Data-based models usually treat landslides as nonlinear systems [
11]. Landslide occurrence is caused by many reasons. There are many internal reasons determining landslide displacement, such as the topography, landslide structure, rock and soil properties and other internal geological factors. External causes usually include the joint action of reservoir water level change, rainfall, snow melt and other factors. Many data-based models divide landslide displacement into trend and period displacement terms by analyzing the composition of landslide displacement, thereby predicting the trend and period displacement term, respectively. Finally, the predicted trend and period terms are added to obtain the final predicted landslide displacement [
13]. Huang et al. [
3] and Huang et al. [
6] decomposed landslide displacement according to chaos theory and then combined this approach with an extreme learning machine (ELM) model to predict landslide displacement. Due to the complexity of landslides and model limitations, it is difficult to describe the deformation and evolution of landslides accurately with a single model [
14]. Therefore, based on the principle of the optimal weight, Li et al. [
14] combined the GM(1,1) and Verhulst models, retained the advantages of these two models and obtained a better combined model to predict landslide displacement. A hybrid model comprising support vector regression (SVR) and a long short term memory (LSTM) network was employed; the cost function and penalty mechanism were proposed, and improved gray wolf optimization was implemented to determine the connection parameters of the hybrid model [
Because landslide displacement entails a kind of typical time series data, time series analysis methods are often applied to analyze landslide displacement and construct landslide prediction models [
17]. Landslide prediction models generally do not predict a single value, but these models predict a landslide displacement range, which determines the prediction accuracy [
19]. Xie et al. [
20] considered conditions such as landslide profiles, rock properties of landslides, slopes and land use properties and applied the LSTM model to predict landslide displacement directly. Zhang et al. [
21] adopted the gated recurrent unit (GRU) model to predict landslide displacement. There are also many studies that decompose landslide displacement according to different frequencies. Xing et al. [
22] applied variational mode decomposition (VMD) to decompose landslide displacement into multidimensional signals, while Lian et al. [
23] and Lian et al. [
24] conducted ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) to decompose original landslide sequence data into several subsequences with distinct frequencies. Xu et al. [
25] implemented empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to decompose landslide data. The original data were interpolated to increase the scale of the model training set to improve the prediction accuracy. Because there are many factors influencing landslides, many studies adopt the correlation method to calculate these factors, while factors with a high correlation are selected, and factors with a low correlation are eliminated to improve the model prediction performance. Pearson’s cross-correlation coefficients (PCCs) and mutual information (MI) correlation coefficients are considered to calculate the correlation between landslide variables and landslides [
26]. The maximum information coefficient (MIC) method was adopted to select model input variables [
27]. The gray relational degree (GRD) method was applied to explain which data could be employed as input variables [
28]. The Gini coefficient was determined to quantify the importance of influencing factors [
29]. Yang et al. [
16] and Zhou et al. [
30] not only applied the monthly precipitation and reservoir water level as input variables in periodic displacement prediction but also applied the trend displacement component and previous precipitation and reservoir water levels to improve the prediction accuracy of landslide periodic displacement effectively.
Time series data are data collected at different times; they can describe phenomenon changes over time. This kind of data can reflect the state or extent to which something has changed over time [
31]. Landslide displacement data are such a kind of data which can reflect the stability and changing state of the landslide itself with time change. However, previous research results did not comprehensively treat landslide displacement data as time series data but as ordinary data, or only conducted time series analysis of the period term in displacement data. Previous studies further ignored that landslide displacement data, as a data series that changes over time, provide varying meanings at different time points. If the time series data are treated as ordinary numbers, the time relationship between the data will be ignored [
This paper considers that landslide displacement data are typical time series data, and a hybrid dynamic landslide displacement prediction model based on data is constructed by combining a time series analysis method and deep learning model. Then, we use the established hybrid dynamic model to simulate the Baishuihe landslide in the Three Gorges and successfully predict the feasibility and effectiveness of the model.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
Attaching importance to landslide data is also the time series data. The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) method is applied to decompose actual landslide displacement data, which endows recent data with a higher significance and increases the weight in the data decomposition process.
Considering that the trend displacement component of landslide displacement also comprises typical time series data, the BiLSTM model is adopted to predict landslide trend displacement.
This paper analyzes the internal relationship between rainfall, reservoir water level and landslide periodic displacement. The MIC method is adopted to calculate the correlation between each influencing factor and periodic displacement, and 11 influencing factors are obtained that are highly correlated with periodic displacement. Due to the periodicity and repeatability of rainfall and reservoir water level changes in the Baishuihe landslide area, the bidirectional long short term memory (BiLSTM) model is trained with the identified highly correlated factors, and the periodic term of landslide displacement is predicted. The final predicted landslide displacement constitutes the sum of the trend term predicted with the BiLSTM model and the period term predicted with the BiLSTM model.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the second part presents the basic principle of the prediction model based on time series analysis and the dynamic hybrid Double-BiLSTM model. In
Section 3, we introduce a practical application case to verify the proposed hybrid dynamic prediction model. The validity and accuracy of the prediction model are verified via experiments. In
Section 4, we evaluate the model based on specific evaluation metrics and discuss the model limitations and future improvement plans. The last section provides the conclusion of this paper.
3. Results
3.1. Baishuihe Landslide
This paper analyzes the Baishuihe landslide, which is located near the Three Gorges Reservoir, to validate the time series analysis method and Double-BiLSTM hybrid dynamic landslide displacement prediction model. The specific geographical location of the Baishuihe landslide is shown in
Figure 4.
The Baishuihe landslide is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River upstream of the Three Gorges Dam, with a longitude of 110°32’09” and latitude of 31°01’34”. The landslide is approximately 56 km from the Three Gorges Dam. The terrain exhibits a ladder-shaped topology, belonging to the Baishuihe village, Shazhenxi town, Zigui County. The top elevation of the slope ranges from 450 to 500 m. At an elevation from 180–500 m, the terrain slope ranges from 24 to 36°. From 130–180 m, the terrain is relatively flat with a slope ranging from 5 to 12°. At elevations from 80–130 m, the slope ranges from 27 to 31°. The overall leading and trailing edges of the terrain slope are relatively uneven and relatively gentle in the middle, resulting in a monocline slope.
There are obvious signs of displacement of the Baishuihe landslide. Since 2005, there occurred a partial tensile crack collapse at the back of the landslide. To date, the cracks on the east side and back edge of the landslide are basically transecting cracks; there are a large number of tensile cracks in the west, and local shallow failure is often produced.
The Baishuihe landslide contains a total of 11 global positioning system (GPS) points, among which ZG118 is located at the center of the landslide, which better reflects the process of landslide displacement change than do other GPS points. Xing et al. [
15] and Miao et al. [
32] also applied the monitoring data of ZG118 as experimental data in displacement prediction, so this paper also employs the data at the ZG118 monitoring point in experiments. The installation position of GPS points is shown in
Figure 5.
In this paper, 108 landslide displacement, rainfall and reservoir water level change data points pertaining to the Baishuihe landslide from January 2004 to December 2012 are considered. This dataset is provided by the National Cryosphere Desert Data Center/National Service Center for Speciality Environmental Crisis Observation. As shown in
Figure 6, the data acquisition frequency is once a month. Through modeling and simulation of these data, the effectiveness of the EWMA algorithm proposed in this paper based on the principle of time series analysis and the feasibility and effectiveness of the Double-BiLSTM hybrid model are verified.
According to time series analysis theory, the EWMA method is implemented to decompose the actual landslide displacement to obtain landslide trend and periodic displacement components. Xiu et al. [
34] reported that when α changed between 0.05 and 0.3, small changes could be detected more effectively. Therefore, we conducted experiments with α values of 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25 and 0.3, respectively. As the periodic displacement is mainly affected by external factors, the periodic displacement obtained by decomposition is correlated with rainfall and reservoir water level, and the results are shown in the following table:
As can be seen from the correlation results in
Table 1, when α = 0.25, the periodic displacement is highly correlated with rainfall and reservoir water level, so we choose α = 0.25 to decompose landslide displacement in this paper. These three displacement components of the Baishuihe landslide are shown in
Figure 7.
3.2. Trend Displacement Prediction
Because landslide trend displacement is less affected by external factors and mainly influenced by internal factors, landslide displacement can feed back the current landslide state to a certain extent [
30]. This paper intends to introduce trend displacement data one and two months before the landslide occurrence as the BiLSTM model input sequence into the training model to predict future trend displacements. A total of 108 months of Baishuihe landslide data was selected for the landslide trend displacement simulation experiment. The trend displacement data over the first 96 months were selected as the training set of the BiLSTM model, and the trend displacement data over the following 12 months were selected as the test set to verify the prediction performance of the BiLSTM model.
Figure 8 shows that at the early stage of model training, the model fitting effect is not particularly good, and there occurs a certain deviation from the trend of the actual displacement, but with an increasing amount of data, the model fitting degree gradually increases. After 96 training data points, the prediction model trained on the test set clearly indicates that the BiLSTM model can effectively predict the trend displacement component of the Baishuihe landslide.
3.3. Periodic Displacement Prediction
Landslide periodic displacement differs from trend displacement, which is mainly influenced by external factors, while the rainfall and reservoir water levels in the Three Gorges area periodically fluctuate every year.
Figure 6 shows that from April to August each year, when the rainfall sharply increases and the reservoir water level declines, the slope body becomes active, and the slope body increases the resultant landslide displacement. Conversely, landslides deform slowly at a constant rate. Therefore, it can be inferred that rainfall and the reservoir water level are closely related to landslide displacement [
19]. During the rainy season, rainfall in the Baishuihe landslide area increases rapidly, and landslide displacement increases with a slight lag with increasing rainfall. In the rainy season, the landslide displacement range is 30–70 mm every month, and in the dry season, the range is 0–5 mm every month.
The influence of rainfall on landslides is multifaceted. On the one hand, the infiltration of rainfall into a given slope can lead to an increase in the weight of the slope, thus increasing the speed of the landslide. On the other hand, the impact of rainwater and water flow from high to low locations can affect the whole structure of the slope body, and the greater the impact of precipitation, the more likely a landslide occurs. In addition, rain infiltration can moisten soil, reduce friction between soil particles, and decrease the shear performance of sliding soil. Since the rainy season in the Baishuihe landslide area lasts for several months each year, and the dry season also lasts for several months, the impact of rainfall entails a persistent process acting on landslide displacement. Therefore, in addition to adopting the rainfall in the current month as an input variable to predict periodic displacement, this paper considers the rainfall in the previous month and rainfall in the previous two months as input variables to predict periodic displacement.
The slope body can occur in an extremely complicated state before landslide occurrence. When the slope occurs in a stable state, there are no obvious changes in the slope due to notable external influences, such as the rainy season with much precipitation and a long duration, an earthquake or a sharp decline in the reservoir water level. However, when the slope occurs in an unstable state, slight external factors can disrupt the primary balance, leading to landslide occurrence. Therefore, this paper intends to analyze the actual displacement one and two months before landslide occurrence and the displacement in the first two months to represent the state of the slope body indirectly, and these three variables are adopted as input variables for landslide periodic displacement.
With the arrival of the rainy season and the increase in precipitation, the dam reservoir can release water to ensure the safety of the dam due to the limited water capacity of the Three Gorges Dam, resulting in a sharp decline in the reservoir water level. When the reservoir water level decreases, the surface resistance of landslides is reduced, and the difficulty of landslides is reduced. The faster the reservoir water level decreases, the faster the increase in landslide displacement. Upon water discharge from the reservoir, water movement is accelerated, and the force generated also directly affects the stability of the slope.
Figure 6 shows that the change in the reservoir water level exerts a certain lag effect on the Baishuihe landslide. Therefore, the reservoir water level one and two months before landslide occurrence and the change in reservoir water level in the first two months are considered in this paper as external factors influencing landslide displacement, and these factors are considered displacement input variables of the training cycle.
In this paper, the first 96 months of periodic displacement data of the Baishuihe landslide are selected as the training set of the model, and the subsequent 12 months of periodic displacement data are selected as the test set. In addition, the MIC method is applied to calculate the correlation between the influencing factors and periodic displacement of the Baishuihe landslide. The factors with a higher correlation are selected as the input sequence of the BiLSTM model, and the output sequence of the BiLSTM model comprises the predicted periodic displacement. The predicted results are shown in
Figure 9, and it can be observed that the BiLSTM model can accurately predict the periodic displacement of the Baishuihe landslide.
3.4. Total Accumulated Displacement Prediction
After predicting the trend and periodic displacement components of the Baishuihe landslide over the last 12 months, according to the EWMA-based landslide displacement decomposition principle (Equation (2)) proposed in this paper, the model prediction process is completed by adding the trend and periodic displacement values corresponding to these 12 months, and the predicted landslide displacement is thus obtained. As shown in
Figure 10, the predicted results with the Double-BiLSTM model fluctuated with the actual data at the early training stage. After 96 months of data training, the predicted results obtained with the Double-BiLSTM model were remarkably close to the actual displacement values in the following 12 months.
In addition to having good predictive performance, the BiLSTM model also has good convergence performance. It reaches convergence after 130 iterations, and the convergence process is shown in
Figure 11.
4. Discussion
After comparing the results obtained with the mixed dynamic Double-BiLSTM model to the actual displacement values of the Baishuihe landslide, to verify the model prediction performance over other algorithms, this paper compared the Double-BiLSTM algorithm to other algorithms in terms of the trend or periodic displacement prediction. In the process of comparison, this paper considers the above four evaluation indices to evaluate objectively the gap between each model and the actual displacement data and then provides a further discussion and summary. In this paper, landslide displacement is decomposed into trend and periodic displacement components with the EWMA algorithm according to the time series analysis theory, so the prediction effects of trend and periodic displacement values are compared.
Because trend displacement is mainly affected by internal landslide factors, this paper directly applies the BiLSTM model to simulate and predict trend displacement. Compared to the traditional polynomial model 16,32], the BiLSTM model suitably processes time series data, can effectively record input data information and can steadily improve the model performance with increasing training data. After many experimental model training iterations, the number of nodes in the hidden layer of the BiLSTM model was set to 100, and the learning rate was set to 0.01. The parameters of the polynomial model in this paper are based on previous research [
32], and the highest power is set to 3. A comparison of the trend displacement values predicted with the BiLSTM and other four models is shown in
Figure 12.
Figure 12 reveals that the BiLSTM model is obviously superior to the other four models in landslide trend displacement prediction. Because landslide trend displacement also comprises typical time series data, the polynomial model simply treats trend displacement as ordinary data. RNN, LSTM and GRU also cannot process time series data as suitably as can the BiLSTM model.
Figure 13 shows the convergence of these models.
It can be seen from
Figure 13 that the convergence speed of the polynomial model is fast, but the model error is large. The BiLSTM model has a slower convergence rate, but the error of the model is the smallest. This paper suggests that it is more important to sacrifice some convergence speed for a better prediction effect.
Table 2 records the performance evaluation index data of the BiLSTM and polynomial models in the trend displacement prediction of the Baishuihe landslide.
Table 2 and
Figure 12 indicate that the BiLSTM model yields smaller errors and that the overall model prediction performance is better than LSTM, RNN, GRU and polynomial models.
After trend displacement prediction, we predict and compare periodic displacement values of the Baishuihe landslide. Periodic displacement is influenced by many factors, and the occurrence is periodic and repetitive. Most of the landslides in the Three Gorges Reservoir area are affected by rainfall and reservoir water levels. To train the model better, we first employ the MIC, the information coefficient method, and select periodic displacement-related factors with high correlations. In this article, the MIC of the parameters is set to 0.6, and the associated factors of data generation introduced into the MIC model to calculate and select MIC results are greater than 0.3 [
35]. Assuming that at time t, the landslide cumulative displacement is d(t); precipitation is p(t), and the reservoir water level is r(t); the MIC calculation results are listed in
Table 3. Eleven factors are finally selected and incorporated into five models for training.
After selecting 11 factors as the model input, we simulate the performance of each model in the periodic displacement prediction of the Baishuihe landslide considering these 11 factors. In this paper, after many experimental model training iterations, the parameter settings of the BiLSTM model are finally determined. We set the learning rate to 0.01 and the step size of the model to 12 according to the change period of rainfall and the reservoir water level, while the number of nodes in the hidden layer is set to 100. The BiLSTM model is compared to seven traditional machine learning models, namely, the LSTM model, ELM, SVR, RNN, CNN, GRU and back-propagation neural network (BPNN). For LSTM, GRU, RNN, ELM and BNPP models, we set the learning rate to 0.01; the number of nodes in the hidden layer is set to 100. For the CNN model, we set the channels of convolutional layer to be 12; the number of nodes in the fully connected layer is 100, and the activation function is Relu. For the SVR model, we set the kernel to be rbf, and the gamma is 0.01. The epoch of all models is 500. The simulated prediction results are shown in
Figure 14,
Figure 15 and
Figure 16.
Figure 14.
Measured and predicted periodic displacement values obtained with the BiLSTM, LSTM and BPNN models.
Figure 14.
Measured and predicted periodic displacement values obtained with the BiLSTM, LSTM and BPNN models.
Figure 15.
Measured and predicted periodic displacement values obtained with the BiLSTM, SVR and ELM models.
Figure 15.
Measured and predicted periodic displacement values obtained with the BiLSTM, SVR and ELM models.
Figure 16.
Measured and predicted periodic displacement values obtained with the BiLSTM, RNN, CNN and GRU models.
Figure 14,
Figure 15 and
Figure 16 show that the BiLSTM model generates better prediction results in the periodic displacement prediction of the Baishuihe landslide.
Figure 14,
Figure 15 and
Figure 16 reveal that the prediction performance of the LSTM and BiLSTM models is better than that of the other models because these two models suitably process time series data. The BiLSTM model considers the characteristics of the time series of the landslide displacement cycle. On the basis of considering the rainfall and landslide environments, the change in the reservoir water level during each cycle is cyclical and repeatable. Before training, the model not only considers current data but also considers future data to improve the performance of the displacement prediction model throughout the cycle. To illustrate the superiority of the BiLSTM model better, the evaluation index data of these machine learning algorithms in periodic displacement prediction are summarized in
Table 4. The evaluation indices in the table indicate that the error between the predicted results obtained with the BiLSTM model and the actual periodic displacement data is minimal; the fluctuation in the model is relatively limited, and the model remains more stable.
Figure 16.
Measured and predicted periodic displacement values obtained with the BiLSTM, RNN, CNN and GRU models.
Figure 14,
Figure 15 and
Figure 16 show that the BiLSTM model generates better prediction results in the periodic displacement prediction of the Baishuihe landslide.
Figure 14,
Figure 15 and
Figure 16 reveal that the prediction performance of the LSTM and BiLSTM models is better than that of the other models because these two models suitably process time series data. The BiLSTM model considers the characteristics of the time series of the landslide displacement cycle. On the basis of considering the rainfall and landslide environments, the change in the reservoir water level during each cycle is cyclical and repeatable. Before training, the model not only considers current data but also considers future data to improve the performance of the displacement prediction model throughout the cycle. To illustrate the superiority of the BiLSTM model better, the evaluation index data of these machine learning algorithms in periodic displacement prediction are summarized in
Table 4. The evaluation indices in the table indicate that the error between the predicted results obtained with the BiLSTM model and the actual periodic displacement data is minimal; the fluctuation in the model is relatively limited, and the model remains more stable.
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Table 4.
Evaluation index of each periodic prediction model.
Table 4.
Evaluation index of each periodic prediction model.
Models | MAE | MAPE (%) | RMSE | R2 (%) |
BiLSTM | 0.696 | 3.256 | 0.81 | 99.8 |
LSTM | 2.285 | 9.893 | 2.285 | 98.1 |
BPNN | 2.71 | 18.292 | 2.71 | 97.7 |
SVR | 3.239 | 16.649 | 3.239 | 96.9 |
ELM | 2.885 | 17.589 | 2.885 | 97.2 |
RNN | 3.297 | 15.003 | 3.748 | 97.3 |
CNN | 2.987 | 26.508 | 3.9 | 97.1 |
GRU | 3.056 | 12.619 | 3.826 | 97.8 |
In order to display the model performance better and prevent the over-fitting phenomenon in the model training process, indicators were used to evaluate the training set and testing set of Baishuihe landslide data; the results are shown in
Table 5 and
Table 6.
The results of
Table 5 and
Table 6 show that the indices of the training set and testing set are similar when the BiLSTM model is used to predict the trend and periodic displacement. This indicates that the model has learned the general features of the data and has not taken the local features of the training set as the general features. The prediction performance of the model has no obvious change, and there is no fitting phenomenon.
Although the dynamic mixed landslide displacement prediction model proposed in this paper achieves a satisfactory performance in the Baishuihe landslide prediction, there remain improvements to be made. The use of the BiLSTM model to predict trend displacement and the BiLSTM model to predict periodic displacement produces more process parameters that should be adjusted during model training than are produced by the traditional polynomial, RNN, CNN, GRU and LSTM models, which increases the difficulty of model training. It is challenging to determine the parameters of the entire model to obtain the optimal state. The second deficiency is that the mixed proposed model has only been verified against the Baishuihe landslide but has not been applied in other regions or landslides, so the stability and accuracy of the model cannot be guaranteed. In the future, we will consider further model improvements to reduce the difficulty of the model parameter adjustment and improve the model prediction performance. In addition, the model will be applied in other areas that may produce landslides or other landslides to verify the feasibility of the proposed model better.