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Adolescent Social Media Use through a Self-Determination Theory Lens: A Systematic Scoping Review

Monique West
Simon Rice
2 and
Dianne Vella-Brodrick
Centre for Wellbeing Science, University of Melbourne, Melbourne 3010, Australia
Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne 3010, Australia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2024, 21(7), 862;
Submission received: 10 March 2024 / Revised: 25 June 2024 / Accepted: 26 June 2024 / Published: 30 June 2024


Background: Social media is an integral part of adolescents’ lives and has a strong influence on development and wellbeing. Research examining adolescent social media use and wellbeing is confusing as findings are inconsistent, inconclusive and contradictory. To address this issue, digital wellbeing scholars recommend that researchers adopt a theoretical approach with the aim of increasing meaningfulness and applicability of findings. Hence, this review applies self-determination theory to investigate how adolescent social media use supports and thwarts the basic psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy and competence. Satisfaction of all three psychological needs is essential for optimal development and wellbeing. Methods: A scoping review was conducted using a systematic search of five databases relating to adolescent social media use. The preferred items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (extension for scoping reviews) was applied resulting in 86 included studies. Results: Adolescent social media use both supports and thwarts relatedness, autonomy and competence. The findings highlighted how different aspects of adolescent social media use (including intra-personal, inter-personal, situational and environmental factors) contribute to the satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs. Conclusions: This review illustrates how social media can be both beneficial and detrimental to satisfying the basic psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy and competence. This is important when considering that if psychological needs are satisfied or frustrated in adolescence, the repercussions can have a cascading effect throughout adulthood. This review identifies gaps in the literature and provides suggestions for future research.

1. Introduction

The global uptake and pervasive integration of social media within adolescents’ everyday lives raises questions as to how social media impacts their wellbeing [1,2,3]. An extensive body of research has accumulated including reviews and meta-analyses (e.g., [3,4]). However, conflicting and contradictory findings make it difficult to draw conclusions from the literature [3,4,5]. The rapidly-evolving and dynamic nature of social media, coupled with the multifarious behaviours and experiences of social media users, creates challenges when endeavouring to compare results. Prominent digital wellbeing scholars have identified approaches to advance the field [3,6,7]. One recommendation is that researchers apply a theoretical framework to generate increasingly meaningful insights and applicability of findings [5,8]. A further suggestion is to adopt a developmental approach to capture the complexity and nuance of social media use at different life stages [3,4,6,7,8].
Consistent with these recommendations, the present review provides an overview of the current literature focusing specifically on adolescent social media use, and analyses findings through a self-determination theory (SDT) framework [9]. It includes a comprehensive examination of both positive and negative implications of adolescent social media use with regards to the basic psychological needs identified within SDT: relatedness, autonomy and competence. This systematic scoping review also highlights gaps in the literature and identifies focus areas that warrant attention within future research.

1.1. Social Media and Wellbeing

Wellbeing is a complex construct; consequently, within social media research, scholars often adopt different conceptualisations and measurements of wellbeing [10]. Some studies have focused on broad wellbeing definitions including happiness, psychological wellbeing or life satisfaction [11,12,13,14]. Others focus on specific indicators of wellbeing such as positive and negative affect, loneliness, self-esteem and social-connectedness [15,16,17,18]. Meta-analyses have aggregated wellbeing or illbeing outcomes [19,20,21] with some studies combining wellbeing and illbeing domains to determine an overall wellbeing score [10,22]. Such diverse approaches to defining and measuring wellbeing create ambiguity when endeavouring to interpret and draw conclusions from the literature, which may help explain ongoing controversies and confusion surrounding social media use implications for wellbeing.
Historically, research in this field has predominantly focused on the negative consequences of social media [1,5]. As such, there is a large body of work that adopts a deficit-based wellbeing approach. A common line of inquiry examines the relationship between social media use and mental health concerns including self-harm, suicidal ideation, negative body image, depression and anxiety [23,24,25,26,27]. Extensive literature explores a broad range of risk experiences such as exposure to harmful content (e.g., cyberbullying, hate speech, incivility or misinformation) [28,29,30], experiences of FOMO (fear of missing out) [31], and the detrimental effects of social media fatigue and digital stress [32,33]. Moreover, an increasingly growing field of research investigates pathological social media use including social media addiction and dependency [34,35]. This body of work has provided valuable findings; however, caution needs to be taken to “avoid over-pathologising everyday behaviour” [2] (p. 5).
It has been long recognised that wellbeing and illbeing are independent constructs that can have different correlates, causations and consequences [36]. The two domains can co-exist; thus, experiences of illbeing may coincide with experiences of wellbeing. For example, a person may experience considerable stress from their job yet also find their job rewarding as it fulfils a sense of purpose. Furthermore, it cannot be assumed that high scores of illbeing reflect low levels of wellbeing and vice versa. Consistent with this notion, scholars have recognised the need to adopt a balanced approach that considers both the positive and negative implications of social media use for wellbeing [1,37,38,39].
To combat the disproportionate focus on negative aspects of social media use, there has been a recent shift in scholarly attention towards the positive implications [1,37,40]. This is exemplified by the emergence of the new field of research—Digital wellbeing—which while in its infancy has rapidly increased over the past few years [41]. Rather than medicalising digital technology use, Vanden Abeele’s [39] concept of digital wellbeing acknowledges that digital media can promote wellbeing through facilitating hedonic and eudaimonic experiences. Positive media psychology is another new field that adopts a positive psychology paradigm to better understand how media technologies (including traditional and digital forms) can support wellbeing [42]. Scholars within this field stress that, due to the permanence and wide-spread adoption of social media, research should draw attention to how social media can be optimised to foster wellbeing and help people to flourish [42]. The recent development of the Digital Flourishing Scale further substantiates the growing interest in positive aspects of social media use. The Digital Flourishing Scale assesses users’ positive perceptions as to the benefits of digital communication, capturing both hedonic and eudaimonic experiences [37]. The Digital Flourishing Scale conceptualises digital flourishing through an SDT framework. Each subscale of the Digital Flourishing Scale corresponds with the basic psychological needs of relatedness, competence and autonomy.

1.2. Why Self-Determination Theory?

Ryan and Deci [43] note that facts without theoretical extension have little prescriptive value. Hence, this review applies an SDT framework with the aim of translating findings into practical and actionable agendas. SDT is a well-established, evidence-based theory that has been widely used within diverse fields of research including education, health care, parenting and organisational psychology [43]. SDT has been extensively verified as a theory of development, motivation and wellbeing that is universally applicable, with strong translational value [43]. A key tenet of SDT is that relatedness, autonomy and competence are innate basic psychological needs that are essential for optimal development and wellbeing [44]. Relatedness refers to having a sense of belonging and social connectedness, autonomy encapsulates the will or volition to drive actions, and competence reflects an individual’s capacity and ability to effectively achieve desired goals [9]. SDT also provides a comprehensive taxonomy of motives that explain regulatory styles and drivers that underlie human behaviour [44]. In recent years, scholars have recognised that SDT can be useful towards gaining meaningful insights into how social media use impacts wellbeing [1,8,37,42]. This is evidenced by the adoption of SDT as the underpinning framework for the Digital Flourishing Scale [37]. The value and utility of SDT is also reflected in a recent systematic review by Gudka et al. [1] that applied a positive psychology framework (including SDT) to investigate how social media can promote flourishing for people across a broad age range.
The scholarly interest in SDT is understandable when considering its credibility as a well-established and robust theory that is universal across cultures and domains [43]. However, there are further reasons why SDT is particularly suitable for examining social media use and wellbeing. Firstly, rather than focusing on individual indicators of wellbeing, there is a call for research to adopt a more holistic and multidimensional approach [1,2,8]. Thus, SDT provides a broad theoretical and empirical framework that allows the connection and convergence of heterogenous findings. Secondly, according to SDT, wellbeing is supported when the basic psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy and competence are satisfied, yet stifled when these needs are frustrated [44]. Therefore, consistent with recommendations for researchers to consider beneficial and detrimental aspects of social media use [1,17], SDT offers a framework to explore both the positive and negative implications for wellbeing. Thirdly, a fundamental tenet of SDT is that “our propensities toward autonomy competence and relatedness and the flourishing associated with them require specific social nourishments and supports” [43] (p. 105). Thus, SDT’s emphasis on the significant contribution social environments play towards wellbeing outcomes makes SDT particularly fitting when considering how social media has become a pervasive social context.

1.3. Adopting a Developmental Lens

The popularity of social media amongst adolescents has exponentially increased and is firmly embedded within youth culture worldwide [45]. Although cross-country differences exist with regards to young people’s social media adoption and use [46], the eager uptake of social media and the pervasiveness within adolescents’ lives appears universal. For example, in the USA, 54% of adolescents aged 13 to 17 report it would be hard to give up social media [47]. In China, approximately 183 million teenagers use instant messaging [48]. More than 90% of young people aged 16 to 24 use social networking sites in Germany, Denmark and Sweden [49]. Adolescents invest a considerable amount of time using social media. In the USA, 46% of adolescents aged 13 to 17 are reportedly online ”almost constantly” and 36% say they spend too much time on social media [47]. In the UK, approximately 95% of 15-year-old adolescents use social media before and after school [50] and a fifth of adolescents aged 13 to 15 report spending at least five hours per day on social media [51]. Similarly, Australians aged 14 to 17 spend more than two hours on social media per day [52].
Digital wellbeing scholars acknowledge that research examining social media use and wellbeing should differentiate adolescent and adult experiences [7,53]. Unlike many adults who have adopted social media later in life, today’s adolescents have typically joined social media from a young age and are considered “the most digitally connected generation” [54] (p. 143). Social media has been omnipresent and seamlessly integrated within many domains of adolescents’ lives. It has drastically transformed the way young people navigate their everyday activities and social worlds [45]. For example, there have been shifts in the way adolescents maintain and develop relationships, seek and share information, regulate their moods, and spend their leisure time [45,55,56]. A range of more nuanced consequences of growing up with social media have been identified. For example, adolescent social media use is associated with greater materialism [57], increased social comparison [58], and heightened civic engagement [59]. Furthermore, older generations’ experiences with social media differ from adolescents [53,60]. Compared with adults, adolescents engage with social media more frequently, are more prone to using multiple platforms, have different motives for use, and access and share different content [53,61,62]. Subsequently, young people are experiencing adolescence very differently compared with older generations [53]. Their online and offline worlds are intricately interconnected; the distinction between ‘real world’ and ‘online world’ has dissipated [53]. Thus, when considering how entrenched social media is within many aspects of adolescents’ lives, it has the potential to profoundly impact their development.
Applying a developmental lens is critical when endeavouring to understand the implications of adolescent social media use [7,45]. During adolescence, young people experience rapid and substantial changes across multiple domains including biological, cognitive, psychosocial and emotional [63]. These changes do not occur independently; they are interrelated and strongly impacted by socio-contextual factors [64]. Furthermore, adolescence is characterised by heightened neural plasticity and malleability with unique sensitivity to environmental influences [64]. This positions adolescence as a critical window of opportunity where experiences and exposures have the potential to impact the developmental trajectory [65]. The recent development of the Digital Flourishing Scale for Adolescents reinforces this view [66]. The developers stressed that an adolescent version of the Digital Flourishing Scale was necessary as developmental changes unique to adolescence are “expressed in adolescents’ differential uses of digital communication” [66] (p. 3).
Positive development in adolescence can have a cascading effect into future life stages; unfortunately, negative development can do the same [67]. Social media can be both deleterious and beneficial for key developmental tasks that occur during adolescence such as identify formation, individuation, the acquisition of social skills and expansion of social worlds [54,56,68]. Therefore, research focusing specifically on adolescent social media use could reveal valuable information to help guide adolescents towards using social media in ways that promote positive development.
In recent years, there has been a growing number of literature reviews investigating adolescent experiences of using social media and the potential impact on wellbeing [69,70,71]. For example, a scoping review by Schønning et al. [70] sought to explain the complex relationship between adolescent social media use, mental health and wellbeing. They found that most studies adopted a deficit-based wellbeing approach and used time-based measurements of social media use. The authors suggested that future research should consider positive aspects of social media use and apply qualitative methods to capture in-depth insights. A recent systematic review by Senekal et al. [71] investigated adolescent social media use with relation to psychosocial development. Findings were based on quantitative studies and highlighted both detrimental (e.g., cyberbullying) and protective implications (e.g., interpersonal support) for wellbeing. In line with Schønning et al.’s recommendation to use qualitative approaches, Popat et al. [69] conducted a qualitative narrative review of adolescent perceptions of how social media impacts wellbeing. Findings aligned with that of Senekal et al., demonstrating both positive and negative implications for wellbeing. These reviews contribute to the current knowledge in the field emphasising the complex relationship between adolescent social media use and wellbeing.

1.4. The Present Review

Despite the growing interest in adolescent social media use and wellbeing, the lack of reviews adopting a theoretical framework is notable. This current review addresses this gap and uses SDT as a structured framework to conceptually and empirically connect findings from the diverse and disparate literature. An SDT perspective is particularly suitable for exploring a social phenomenon and lends itself to adopting a balanced approach that investigates both the positive and negative implications of social media use. Applying SDT as a guiding framework also provides a transparent and conciliant format allowing for ease of replicability for future research [43]. Furthermore, consistent with recommendations to apply a developmental perspective when exploring the impact of social media [7,45,53], this review focuses on adolescent social media use. Given that social contexts play a central role in adolescent development, and that social media is intricately woven within adolescents’ lives, exploring the literature that specifically pertains to adolescents is crucial [7,53]. Moreover, as the social media landscape is constantly evolving and research in this field rapidly accumulates, on-going and up-to date reviews are needed.
Scholars recognise that scoping reviews are a more suitable alternative to systematic reviews when addressing certain research aims [72,73,74]. The general purpose of a scoping review is to identify and map literature on a broad research topic which in turn will generate foundational evidence for further research [72]. As such, scoping reviews are particularly suitable for examining emergent research from heterogenous fields [74]. Conversely, systematic reviews focus on specific research questions and assess risk of bias and quality of evidence with the aim of producing statements that guide clinical decision making [75]. Scholars note that applying a systematic approach when conducting a scoping review ensures the process is thorough, rigourous and replicable [72,73]. The aims of the current study align with the indications and purposes of scoping reviews [72]. Systematic scoping review guidelines outlined by Peters et al. [73] were applied throughout the review process. The current review had two key aims. The first aim was to provide an overall picture of the current state of evidence with regards to how adolescent social media use thwarts and supports the psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy and competence. The second aim was to identify gaps in the literature that can be addressed within future research to increase understanding on how adolescent social media use impacts the psychological needs identified within SDT.

2. Methods

Literature Search Strategy

A systematic search of electronic databases including Scopus, PsycINFO, Communication and Mass Media Complete, SocINDEX and Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature was conducted in March 2023. Literature was identified using combinations of search terms that specifically relate to the basic psychological needs identified within SDT: relatedness, autonomy and competence. Adolescents use a suite of social media platforms and applications [76]. Hence, within this review, social media refers to social networking sites, content sharing, and social online gaming. To capture a wide range of platforms/applications and activities associated with adolescent social media use, each term for social media included individual platforms as well as broad terminology (e.g., social media and online social network). The specific social media platforms and applications applied within the search were guided by search terms used within previously published systematic reviews in peer-reviewed journals that examined adolescent social media use and mental health and wellbeing [25,77]. In addition, a specialist librarian with expertise in this field provided guidance with search term refinement and development. The inclusion of librarians in the literature search process can improve the quality of literature reviews and increase rigour and reproducibility [78]. Table 1 provides an example of the search terms and descriptors used.
This scoping review drew on the preferred items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR) [74]. Covidence software program was used for screening and extraction of relevant studies. As can be seen in Figure 1, the literature search identified a total of 4137 potentially relevant studies, excluding duplicates. A standardised data extraction template was devised, piloted and refined. Eligibility criteria are displayed in Table 2. The age criteria was based on the World Health Organisation [79] definition of adolescence (10–19 years). The first author independently conducted initial screening of abstracts and titles which resulted in a shortlist of 139 studies. She then inspected the full texts against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Studies that were questionable with regards to whether they satisfied the criteria were discussed with the third author and discrepancies were resolved. In contrast to PRISMA systematic review protocols, the PRISMA-ScR checklist considers assessing risk of bias an optional step for scoping reviews [74]. Accordingly, the current review did not include quality assessment of individual studies. However, one of the inclusion criteria was that studies must be published in academic peer-reviewed journals (as seen in Table 2). Therefore, each study has undergone a rigourous vetting process with the aim of upholding academic standards expected within scholarly journals. Eighty-six studies were included in the review. The first author categorised and analysed each study in line with the three basic psychological needs identified within SDT.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Characteristics of Included Studies

Of the 86 studies, 4 applied mixed-methods designs (representing approximately 4% of the total number), 29 (34%) adopted qualitative methods and 53 (62%) used quantitative approaches (see Table 3). Findings suggest that there has been growing interest in this topic with an increase in publications since 2019 (see Table 3). Among the included studies, very few focused on specific developmental stages of adolescence. Approximately two percent of studies focused specifically on early adolescence, nine percent on mid-adolescence and none of the studies focused solely on late adolescence. Most of the studies aggregated results across adolescent developmental stages (e.g., findings were commonly based on a broad age range such as 11–18 or 15–19 years). Three studies did not provide sufficient detail to determine the specific stages of adolescence from which they based their findings (e.g., the sample age was described as teenagers). The studies within this review encompass a diverse range of geographic regions reflecting how adolescent social media use on wellbeing is a global concern (refer to Figure 2). However, much of the research was concentrated in a few countries.
The Appendix A presents a summary of the 86 articles within this review and outlines which of the psychological needs (relatedness, autonomy and competence) each article addresses. It should be noted that some studies address more than one psychological need. Findings demonstrated that 68 studies correspond with relatedness (79%), 37 with autonomy (43%) and 43 with competence (50%). Furthermore, findings showed that adolescent social media use may simultaneously thwart and support the same psychological need. Three studies [80,81] specifically used SDT as the guiding framework for assessing and interpreting data. Chiang and Lin [80] examined whether adolescents’ psychological needs were satisfied following online gaming. Yang et al. [81] explored how social media multitasking is associated with the fulfilment of each of the basic psychological needs. Finally, a study published by the current authors focused specifically on adolescents’ social media use with regards to the psychological need for relatedness [56]. Although the remaining studies did not directly apply SDT, the constructs they explored reflect the psychological needs as conceptualised within an SDT framework (e.g., a sense of belonging and connectedness reflects relatedness and volitional actions, control over aspects of daily life reflects autonomy, and feeling capable and accomplishing meaningful goals reflects competence).

3.2. Findings through an SDT Lens

The following section discusses the literature with reference to each of the basic psychological needs identified within SDT: relatedness, autonomy and competence.

3.2.1. Adolescent Social Media Use and Relatedness

The literature suggested that social media can play a central role in both supporting and thwarting relatedness. A key finding was that social media may support relatedness by facilitating bonding and bridging social capital acquisition. Many of the studies (e.g., [19,56,81,82,83,84,85,86,87]) note that adolescent social media use can deepen relationships and improve friendship quality which reflects bonding social capital. The reviewed literature demonstrated that social media can promote open communication and self-disclosure [87,88], encourage a greater degree of closeness with others [17,56,84,89] and can provide a valued context for meeting romantic partners [90,91]. Moreover, Riley et al. [92] found a positive association between adolescent social media use and empathic concern and perspective taking, which may contribute to accumulation of bonding social capital.
The literature also demonstrated that adolescents often use social media to expand their social networks which reflects bridging social capital [93,94,95]. Findings showed that a common reason adolescents use social media is to develop new friendships with people outside their usual peer groups [19,56]. For example, social media can encourage dissimilar people to connect via shared interests [56,96] and it defies physical barriers facilitating interaction between people from different geographical regions [56,86]. Social media can also prompt initiation of offline friendships that may not be pursued otherwise [56,97].
In addition to acquiring social capital, the literature demonstrated that adolescents may use social media to experience a sense of belonging and acceptance [18,56,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106]. Findings showed that social media can allow adolescents to create social connections via shared identities [95]. When interviewed, adolescents discussed how social media can enhance their sense of community with peers at school [107]. Shepherd and Lane [108] found that social integration within school was related to adolescents’ social media adoption. Social media was commonly associated with or identified as a tool that facilitates social engagement and promotes reciprocal support and caring [88,89,109,110]. The literature highlighted that adolescent social media use may combat social isolation and feelings of loneliness [93,111] and help adolescents avoid social exclusion [51,102]. Furthermore, findings revealed that adolescents consider social media useful for gaining popularity and social stature [100,109,112].
The reviewed literature reinforces how the line between online and offline worlds is increasingly blurred due to social media [53]. Adolescents consider interactions on social media to be an extension of real-world relationships [110]. Evidence illustrates how social media enhances relational ties [33,84,112,113,114,115], allowing adolescents to develop, maintain and strengthen offline relationships [85,113,114,115]. Social media is also considered a valued tool for resolving social issues that transpire offline [116].
However, this review demonstrates that adolescent social media use is complicated with regards to how the psychological need for relatedness is supported. Antheunis et al. [83] found that although adolescent social media use was associated with increased bridging and bonding social capital, adolescents who engaged with social media for more than 40 h per week did not report these benefits. The complex nature of adolescent social media use is further emphasised when considering findings by Lee et al. [94] who found that social media use can differ for adolescents from different countries. Their study showed that Korean adolescents use social media more for monitoring and acquiring bridging social capital, whereas Australian adolescents use social media more for group activities and bonding social capital.
Despite the potential social media offers to support relatedness, the literature suggests that social media use may also be linked with factors that are detrimental. Dredge and Chen [117] found that adolescents who were heavy social media users experienced increased negative social interactions. Similarly, Legkauskas and Steponavičiūtė-Kupčinskė [118] demonstrated that the more time adolescents spent using social media during school classes, rather than engaging with the set activities, the poorer their relationships were with peers. Stresses associated with social media use were shown to create problems for friendships [108,119,120]. For example, the unrealistic pressures and expectations that some adolescents place on their peers to be available on social media causes strain on friendships and diminishes friendship closeness [56,120]. Findings demonstrated that adolescent social media use is linked with relational aggression [121], peer conflict [108], and may encourage poor behaviours compared with face-to-face social interactions [56,103] and incite offline confrontation amongst peers [121]. Furthermore, some studies demonstrated that social media use may contribute to adolescents feeling socially disconnected [17,22,122]. For example, Timeo et al. [122] illustrated how receiving fewer likes poses threats to adolescents’ sense of belonging and elicits feelings of being ignored and excluded.

3.2.2. Adolescent Social Media Use and Autonomy

The literature highlights how adolescent social media use can potentially satisfy and frustrate the need for autonomy [80,81]. Findings demonstrated that social media may support autonomy by helping adolescents to experience a sense of control, self-governance and personal agency [98,110,111,115,123]. It allows adolescents to regulate their public life on their own terms [108]. It also provides a vehicle through which adolescents can actively acquire and disseminate information that is important to them, which contributes to a sense of empowerment [56,123]. Social media offers considerable choice, including opportunities to engage with a broad range of people, activities and apps that are particularly appealing to adolescents’ interests and support developmental needs [17,98].
One common theme within the literature was the potential for social media to influence autonomy regarding identity development. The research revealed that social media fosters a sense of liberty by providing opportunities for self-expression and identity construction [17,84,98]. For example, adolescents can control their online image, exert their creativity and curate personal profiles or posts, which reflect a version of the self that they choose to portray [19,86,123,124]. Furthermore, social media offers the flexibility to refine and revise online self-presentations as adolescents explore and experiment with different identities [124].
However, the literature also emphasised how adolescent social media use can challenge autonomy. Adolescents develop a sense of reliance on social media within many aspects of daily life. This was evident with regards to relying on social media to maintain and nurture relationships [84] and feeling emotionally dependent on social media [125]. The strong pull of social media was illustrated further in studies that highlighted how adolescents often experience FOMO (fear of missing out) when unable to access their social media [56,100,126,127].
Findings also suggested that other peoples’ actions and expectations may threaten adolescents’ autonomy when using social media. Similar to offline social systems, normative pressure and power-play exists on social media [98,102]. Adolescents sometimes feel limited and constrained with regards to their choices and actions on social media [98,128]. They often modify and edit their online behaviours, posts and comments to avoid negative repercussions from others [51,98,105,119,123,124]. Moreover, norms and peer practices create a sense of obligation (through fear of negative consequences) to be readily available, to reply promptly to posts and to leave positive feedback for friends [51,119,124,129,130].
Findings demonstrate that autonomy may be stifled by the lack of agency adolescents experience due to other peoples’ actions on social media. For example, adolescents sometimes feel embarrassed or hurt by unfavourable images or comments that other people post [86,99]. They are also impacted by a range of controlling behaviours including intrusive monitoring, location checking, and demands for photos [90,130,131]. In addition, at times adolescents feel threatened by unsolicited contact from strangers that pose a risk to privacy [130] or exposed to sexting abuse, coercion, blackmail, revenge distribution and bullying [110,131].

3.2.3. Adolescent Social Media Use and Competence

Consistent with findings pertaining to relatedness and autonomy, the literature demonstrated how social media may potentially support and thwart competence. One topic of interest was how adolescents’ social media use can impact competence with regards to academic performance. On the one hand, research suggests that social media may be beneficial for adolescents’ educational outcomes. For example, Kasperski and Blau [88] interviewed adolescents and found that using social media for learning facilitation (e.g., administrative purposes, disseminating resources and learning support) extends the learning experience beyond the boundaries of school and promotes peer teaching. Alloway et al. [132] found that adolescents who had used social media for over 12 months had significantly higher scores in working memory, verbal ability and spelling compared to those who had used it for less time. Further studies showed that information seeking, peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, and accessing and disseminating learning-related resources via social media may enhance learning, improve academic achievement and positively predict academic performance [12,109,111]. In addition, critical thinking skills may be improved through seeking news via social media for informational purposes [133]. These studies are cross-sectional; therefore, it is unclear whether social media use enhances cognitive capacities or whether adolescents with greater levels of cognitive skills happen to use social media. However, it has been suggested that the opportunity to practice these skills via social media may potentially lead to a training effect offering positive cognitive benefits [132]. Furthermore, learning support from teachers and peers via social media may be especially helpful for introverted students enabling them to overcome learning barriers [88].
Nonetheless, the literature also demonstrates that adolescent social media use has the potential to hinder learning. Numerous studies showed an association between social media use and lower academic performance [12,19,134,135,136]. For example, adolescents who use social media for more than two hours a day reported lower academic achievement [135]. More time spent using social media during class was linked with an increase in missed classes and lower grade point average [118]. Poor time management associated with social media use was shown to be linked with reduced academic performance [19]. Tanrikulu and Mouratidis [126] found that checking social media during class creates distraction and study interference which may lead to lower grades and poor study efforts. Social media also distracts from activities that contribute to competence such as homework and sleep [111,137]. For example, Evers et al. [138] found an association between disturbed sleep (due to social media use) and lower academic achievement for Taiwanese middle school students.
Beyond the academic realm, the literature also highlighted that social media use can influence competence with regards to adolescents’ sense of self. The research demonstrated that social media can foster positive self-perceptions [85,93,109,113,139]. Studies showed that adolescents’ social media interactions can provide a form of affirmation, inspiration and ego validation [17,127]. It can increase confidence and self-esteem thus cultivating a positive self-concept [85,109,113,139,140]. A few studies discussed how positive perceptions are often prompted by feedback from others (e.g., receiving likes, peer attention or positive comments) that elicit feelings of affirmation and a sense of being valued [113,128,141]. Social approval and social competence is particularly important during adolescence as it is a stage of development where friendships have heightened importance and a strong influence on self-construction [63]. The literature outlined a variety of ways social competence is fostered by social media use such as strengthening communication, increasing empathic concern and perspective taking, encouraging friendship initiation and facilitating interaction between diverse people [85,92,111,142].
In contrast, detrimental consequences for adolescents’ sense of self were also evidenced within the literature. Studies revealed that adolescent social media use is associated with decreased self-esteem and confidence [113,128]. A broad range of potential threats to positive self-concept were identified including peer comparison, receiving fewer likes, stereotyping, insults, judgement, distress and cyberbullying [17,91,122,130]. Adolescents who check their social media more often reported increased emotional difficulties, worry, nervousness and fear [100]. Studies suggested that the constant gaze by others and scrutiny on social media may threaten a sense of competence by increasing self-consciousness [86]. A further finding was that adolescents with lower self-esteem felt more inclined to edit their posts due to fear of negative peer evaluation [128]. However, Chua and Chang [128] found that older adolescents tended to refrain from heavy editing and immense self-presentation efforts. Furthermore, Tsitsika et al. [136] found that heavy social media use by older adolescents was associated with increased social competence, yet this was not the case for younger adolescents. These findings align with recommendations by Orben et al. [4] who highlight the need to address the different stages of adolescence when investigating the impact of social media use.
A few studies identified the potential social media has to influence adolescents’ digital competence [71,128,142,143]. Overall, the research suggests that digital competence can be enhanced by social media use [128,143]. For example, using social media allows adolescents to increase their information and communication technology skills and knowledge [142]. Frequent social media use enables adolescents to hone their content editing skills [128] and supports gaming competence [80]. Furthermore, through watching other people make mistakes on social media, adolescents gain useful knowledge regarding peer normative expectations when using social media [128]. Adolescents who use social media also demonstrate a high level of digital safety competence (e.g., protection within devices and potential physical and psychological health risks) [143]. Despite the benefits for digital competence, heavy social media use may displace time spent on other activities thus challenging competence in different areas. For example, Tsitsika et al. [131] found an association between social media use and reduced competence in sporting activities and hobbies.

3.3. Limitations, Implications and Future Research

When interpreting the current findings, it is important to consider how exclusion criteria and database selection can limit review findings. As scholarly interest in social media spans diverse fields of research (e.g., media studies, developmental science and computer studies), many databases were suitable for this review. Nonetheless, despite the potential for some fields to be under-represented, the chosen databases were particularly relevant to both social media and wellbeing research and offered a comprehensive body of literature. Another point to consider is that studies within this review were published in English within academic peer-reviewed journals. Thus, some potentially relevant articles within grey literature or written in different languages may have been overlooked. Another consideration is that screening and data charting were conducted by a single author. As such, there is potential for error that may have been avoided if multiple reviewers were employed. Furthermore, due to the vast array of social media applications and platforms available globally, it is not plausible to include every option within the search descriptors. Taking this into account, broad search terms were applied (including social media and social networking sites) to capture a range of platforms. However, inevitably some platforms would have been missed or under-represented within the current search. Furthermore, many of the studies included in the review were cross-sectional which needs to be considered when interpreting findings. There was a notable lack of longitudinal studies which highlights a gap in the literature that warrants future research attention. Another consideration is that most studies within the digital wellbeing realm are based on clinical populations or outcomes [1,45]. It should be acknowledged that this review excluded research with a clinical focus to capture results that represent typical social media use amongst the general adolescent population. Nonetheless, to take into account the complexity of the social media phenomenon, further reviews could examine studies that are associated with clinical populations and/or problematic social media use and the potential association with basic psychological needs. This is important when considering the growing evidence demonstrating how social media behaviours (e.g., pre-occupation with using social media, excessive time spent on devices, multitasking, distraction from important tasks) and psychological vulnerabilities (e.g., emotion dysregulation, attention impulsiveness, FOMO, and alexithymia) are associated with problematic social media use amongst young people [144,145,146,147]. These factors can play a key role in whether basic psychological needs are thwarted or supported.
One of the inclusion criteria for the current review was that articles were based on adolescents aged 10–19 which is consistent with the WHO definition of adolescence [79]. However, developmental scientists stress that adolescence does not represent a single development phase [63]. Young peoples’ experiences at different stages of adolescence can vary greatly and should be considered when conducting research. Most of the studies within the current review reported results based on a broad age range within adolescence. Nonetheless, a few studies did apply narrow age perimeters. Approximately two percent focused on early adolescence, and nine percent on mid-adolescence; however, no studies focused solely on late adolescence. Therefore, future research could examine the behaviours and effects of social media use during early, mid and late adolescence. Delineating developmental stages could yield more nuanced insights and capture important information in relation to the different experiences with social media and wellbeing outcomes across adolescence [148].
A further consideration is that the current review presented findings for each basic psychological need separately. This approach provided a clear structure for synthesising and interpreting a wide range of papers. It also allowed each psychological need to be analysed and discussed in depth. However, it should be noted that the implications of social media use on psychological needs are often interconnected [44]. For example, when adolescents reach out to peers on social media, they can simultaneously deepen friendships, enhance social skills and elicit a sense of control. Considering the inherent ‘social’ underpinnings of social media, it is not surprising that most studies within the review corresponded with the basic psychological need of relatedness (79%) whilst fewer studies aligned with autonomy (43%) and competence (50%). Given that all three psychological needs are important for wellbeing [116], further investigation into the implications of adolescent social media use for autonomy and competence is warranted.
The current findings draw attention to the complexity of adolescent social media use and the need for scholarly research to further unpack the multiple layers at play. Notably, most of the studies identified within this review used quantitative approaches (refer to Figure 2). However, for the field of adolescent digital wellbeing to move forward, scholars recommend that researchers apply a greater diversity of methods; they note that qualitative approaches would be especially useful to capture in-depth and nuanced information. Furthermore, there is a strong call for research that champions adolescent voice, as consulting directly with adolescents is critical in research that aims to understand a social phenomenon through an adolescent developmental perspective [6,7,71].
Findings highlighted that scholarly attention focusing on this topic has increased over the past few years (see Table 3). This is not surprising considering the exponential uptake of social media amongst adolescents globally [45] and the worldwide prevalence of youth mental health issues [149]. Given that SDT is recognised as a universal theory that is applicable and relevant across cultures and countries [44], scholars from around the globe could benefit from applying an SDT framework within their work. Adopting an SDT perspective could generate important information on different experiences for adolescents from varying countries and cultures with regards to how social media impacts the fulfilment of basic psychological needs.

4. Conclusions

This systematic scoping review provides unique contributions to the current literature exploring adolescent social media use and wellbeing. Consistent with recommendations by digital wellbeing scholars, this review specifically captured experiences during adolescence which is a critical stage where social contexts have a strong influence on wellbeing and development [7,45,53]. This is the first review to examine adolescent social media use and wellbeing through an SDT framework providing a structured format to make sense of the disparate and divergent existing literature. It illustrated how the application of a multi-dimensional wellbeing framework can generate meaningful insights that have relevance and practical applicability. Findings provided examples of how adolescent social media use both supports and thwarts the psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy and competence. Future research should build upon this foundational evidence by further investigating the interactional and nuanced aspects of adolescent social media use and their potential to support and thwart the basic psychological needs. Using qualitative methods, championing adolescent voice and delineating the different experiences of early, mid and late adolescents could help towards gaining deeper insights. As social media is constantly evolving, prevalent within adolescents’ lives, and has the potential to strongly influence development and wellbeing, a continued research agenda within the field is critical.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.W. and D.V.-B.; methodology, M.W., S.R. and D.V.-B.; formal analysis, M.W. and D.V.-B.; investigation, M.W.; data curation, M.W. writing—original draft preparation, M.W.; writing—review and editing, M.W., S.R. and D.V.-B.; supervision, S.R. and D.V.-B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

Summary of studies and how they map onto the SDT basic psychological needs.
Table A1. Summary of studies and how they map onto the SDT basic psychological need.
Table A1. Summary of studies and how they map onto the SDT basic psychological need.
Article Number, Author and Date of PublicationSample Age and GenderCountry of Origin Study Design and
Social Media Type/ActivityLinks between Social Media Use and Psychological Needs
Total Number of Studies = 68
Total Number of Studies = 37
Total Number of Studies = 43
1Ahn, 2012
852 adolescents
aged 12–18 years
mean age 15.2 years
52% female
United StatesSelf-report measures
Regression analysis
Increased bridging and bonding social capital
2Alloway et al., 2013
103 adolescents
aged 12–18 years
mean age 15.9 years
51.5% female
United Kingdom Self-report/test battery
Independent t tests
Increased and decreased academic competencies
3Antheunis, Theunis, and Krahmer, 2016
3068 adolescents
aged 11–14 years
mean age 13.46 years
53.7% female
The NetherlandsSelf-report measures
Regression analysis
Hyves Positive relationship with bridging and bonding social capital and increased friendship quality
4Apaolaza, Hartmann, Medina, Barrutia and Echebarria, 2013
344 adolescents
aged 12–17 years
52% female
Spain Self-report measures
Structural equation analysis
Tuenti Increased socialising and decreased loneliness and social isolation Increased self-esteem
5Appel, 2012
200 adolescents
aged 16–19 years
mean age 17.34 years
58% female
Austria Self-report measures
Regression analysis
Online gaming Increased digital competencies
6Armstrong-Carter, Garrett, Nick, Prinstein and Telzer, 2022
212 adolescents
aged 14–17 years
mean age 15 years
56.2% female
United States Ecological Momentary Assessments
Regression analysis
Social media (unspecified) Reduced social-connectedness and increased social craving
7Asterhan and Bouton, 2017
Study 1
206 adolescents
aged 15–17 years
49.8% female
Study 2
291 adolescents
aged 15–17 years
56.3% female
IsraelMixed method
Study 1
Open-ended questions
Content analysis
Study 2
Self-report measures
Independent t tests
Increased popularity
Increased reciprocal helping
Increased academic competencies
Increased positive self-concept
8Barak-Brandes, 2014
35 adolescents
aged 12–18 years
100% female
IsraelFocus group interviews
Qualitative thematic analysis
FacebookFosters social-connectedness
Increases sense of belonging
Opportunities to exercise control, power, choice and agency
Facilitates self-expression
Social structures inherent in social media constrain and restrict choices and actions
A lack of privacy
9Barcelos and Rossi, 2014
30 adolescents
aged 14–17 years
56.6% female
BrazilFocus groups and in-depth one-on-one interviews
Qualitative thematic analysis
Social media
Aids face-to-face communication
Enables relationship maintenance
Enables social identity construction
Facilitates self-expression
Dependency on social media
Conforming behaviour
10Bell, 2019
35 adolescents
aged 13–17 years
mean age 14.75 years
60% female
United KingdomFocus groups
Inductive thematic analysis
Image sharing via social media (e.g., Facebook and Instagram)Facilitates relationship maintenance
Experiences of social approval
Decreases self-esteem and confidence
Increases confidence and self-esteem
11Belotti et al., 2022
43 adolescents
aged 14 to 16 years
ItalyFocus groups
Thematic analysis
Social media Subjected to controlling behaviours
Pressure to behave in certain ways
12Best et al., 2015
Study 1
521 adolescent boys
aged 14–15 years
Study 2
56 adolescent boys
aged 14–15 years
Northern Ireland Mixed method
Study 1
Self-report measures
Independent samples t test
Study 2
Focus groups
Thematic analysis
Social networking sitesSense of belonging
Social support
Inability to control what others post
13Beyens, Frison and Eggermont, 2016
402 adolescents
mean age 16.41 years
57% female
BelgiumSelf-report measures
Structural equation modeling
FacebookSeeking belonging and popularity Social media use driven by fear of missing out
14Bourgeois et al., 2014
1037 adolescents
aged 11–18 years
49% female
Australia Self-report measures
Factor analysis, MANOVA, ANOVA
Facebook Increased social connections and sense of belonging/fitting in Prompts worry, nervousness and fear
et al., 2021
807 adolescents
aged 12–16 years
51.4% female
SpainProblem-solving test
Kruskal–Wallis H test analysis
Online social networking sites Decreased digital competence
16Chiang and Lin, 2010
105 adolescents
aged 11–12 years
51% female
TaiwanSelf-report measures
Regression analysis
Online gamingSupports relatedness Supports autonomy Supports competence
17Chua and Chang, 2016
24 adolescents
aged 12–16 years
mean age 14.5 years
100% female
Singapore In-depth one-on-one interviews
Thematic analysis
Instagram Facilitates peer attention Pressure to conform to peer norms Facilitates peer validation
Fosters digital competencies
Threatens self-confidence and self-esteem
18De Groote and Ouytsel, 2022
51 adolescents
aged 13–16 years
mean age 14.35 years
53% female
Belgium Focus group interviews
Thematic inductive analysis
Social media
Creates stress within friendshipsPressure due to social expectations
19Dhir et al., 2018
780 adolescents
aged 12–18 years
mean age 14.54 years
34.5% female
IndiaSelf-report measures
Structural equation modeling
Facebook Habitual automatic behaviours
20Dhir et al., 2019
728 adolescents
aged 12–18 years
mean age 14.54 years
34.5% female
India Self-report measures
Structural equation modeling
Facebook Increases social presence Promotes habitual automatic behaviours
21Diwakar, 2016
8 adolescents
aged 13–17 years
gender not reported
India Interviews and focus groups
Social media posts
Thematic analysis
Social network sites (including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Google +, Snapchat, Hike, Viber, Whatpad) Enables active goal pursuit, self-expression and choice
Traditional values lead to stifled self-expression on social media
22Dredge and Chen, 2020
320 adolescents
aged 12–17 years
mean age 13.98 years
47.3% female
ChinaSelf-report measures
Online gamingNegative social interactions take place
23Dumas et al., 2023
Time 1—345 adolescents
mean age 17.29 years
80.6% female
Time 2—512 adolescents
mean age 17.67 years
80.3% female
Time 3 493 adolescents
mean age 17.96 years
79.1% female
aged 14–18 years
CanadaSelf-report measures
Latent curve model with structural residuals
Social media (including Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and Facebook)Threatens friendship closeness
24Edwards and Wang, 2018
42 adolescents
aged 13–15 years
61.9% female
EnglandFocus groups
Grounded theory analysis
Social media
Strengthens relational tiesSupports self-governance and personal agency
25Eek-Karlsson, 2021
32 adolescents
aged 14–15 years
59.3% female
SwedenPair interviews
Thematic analysis
Social media
Promotes social acceptance
Prevents social exclusion
Places constraints via social norms
Challenges personal power
26Eklund and Roman 2017
115 adolescents
aged 16–19 years
59% female
SwedenSelf-report measures
Stochastic actor-oriented model
Online gaming Promotes friendships through shared identities
27Eklund and Roman, 2019
Phase 1 Quantitative
115 adolescents
aged 16–19 years
59% female
Phase 2 Qualitative
10 adolescents
aged 17–19
50% female
Phase 1
Self-report measures
Stochastic actor-oriented model
Phase 2
Focus groups and individual interviews
Iterative thematic analysis
Online gamingStrengthens existing relationships
Contributes to a sense of community
Creates pressure to be online
Provides opportunities to control leisure time
Provides opportunities to practise strategies for balancing time
28Espinoza and Juvonen, 2011 [137]268 adolescents
6,7 and 8th graders (approx. 11–13 years)
51% female
United StatesSelf-report measures
Independent sample t tests
Social networking sites (unspecified)Facilitates connection with friends outside of school Negatively impacts schoolwork and sleep
29Evers et al., 2020
2462 adolescents
aged 13.9 years
47.5% female
TaiwanSelf-report measures and academic scores
Longitudinal design
Pearson’s Correlation
Cross-lagged models
Social media (unspecified) Disturbed sleep
Lower academic achievement
30Festl, 2021
1508 adolescents
aged 11–18 years
mean age 14 years
66% female
GermanySelf-report measures
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis
Social media
Challenges social competencies
31García-Gómez, 2017
36 adolescents
Teenagers—specific ages are not reported
100% female
EnglandGuided discussions
Discourse analysis
SextingInfluences intergroup and interindividual relationsPromotes a sense of personal agency
Creates feelings of pressure and coercion
Fosters positive sense of self
32Ging and O’Higgins, 2016
116 adolescents
aged 14–17 years
100% female
IrelandSelf-report measures
One-on-one interviews
Thematic analysis
FacebookPromotes perceived popularity
Creates opportunities for online rifts
33Hjetland et al., 2021
27 adolescents
aged 15–18 years
mean age 16.8 years
53% female
Norway Focus group interviews
Reflexive thematic analysis
Facilitates social connectedness
Incites a sense of belonging
Fosters social support
Encourages poor social behaviours
Negatively impacts sleep and study
34Huang et al., 2015
886 adolescents
aged 11–18 years
53.27% female
TaiwanSelf-report measures
Online gamingSocial gratification
Friendship maintenance
Greater friendship quality
Incites a sense of control over content production Adverse links with academic achievement
35Kasperski and Blau, 2023
10 adolescents
aged 15–18 years
60% female
IsraelOne-on-one interviews
Thematic analysis
FacebookHelps shy students increase social capital
Encourages trust with teachers
Strengthens relationships
Incites feelings of empowerment
Encourages self-expression
Fosters learning
Helps introverted students overcome learning barriers
Provides opportunities for peer teaching
36Kim et al., 2022
403 adolescents
aged 14–16 years
Time 1—49% female
Time 2—50.5% female
Time 3—49.9% female
South KoreaSelf-report measures
Structural equation modeling
Repeated measures analysis (general linear model)
Online gamingIncreases social capital
37Košir et al., 2016
404 adolescents
aged 11–15 years
mean age 13.17 years
52.7% female
Slovenia Self-report measures
Regression analysis
FacebookPromotes friendship quality
Increased peer relation self-concept
Positively linked with self-concept and self-esteem
38Koutamanis et al., 2013
690 adolescents
aged 10–17 years
50% female
The NetherlandsSelf-report measures
Auto regressive cross-lagged models
Instant messagingIncreases initiation of offline friendships
Promotes bridging social capital
Increases social competence
39Ku et al., 2019
1505 adolescents
aged 12–18 years
mean age 14.91 years
33.5% female
Hong KongSelf-report measures
Performance test
Pearson’s correlation analysis
Social media
News seeking on social media fulfils social purposes Seeking news for informational purposes fosters critical thinking
40Langlais et al., 2020
138 adolescents
aged 14–18 years
mean age 16.43 years
65.9% female
United StatesSelf-report measures
Independent t tests
Multilevel regression analysis
FacebookFacilitates relationship maintenanceMonitoring hinders autonomyMonitoring via social media diminishes self-esteem
41Lee et al., 2016
1045 adolescents
401 from Australia
644 from Korea
aged 12–15 years
51.1% female in Australia
48.6% female in Korea
Australia and
Self-report measures
t tests
Factor analysis
Social networking sites
Increases bridging and bonding social capital
42Legkauskas and Steponavičiūtė-Kupčinskė, 2021
319 adolescents
aged 14–17 years
mean age 15.6 years
67.7% female
Lithuana Self-report measures
Poorer relationships with peers Negatively impacts academic achievement
43Hernandez-Martin et al., 2021
595 adolescents
aged 11–13 years
51.4% female
SpainSelf-report measures
Kruskal–Wallis test for k independence and Mann–Whitney U tests
Social media
Promotes acquisition and development of digital safety competence
44Kara, 2020
584 adolescents
aged 14–18 years
56.2% female
TurkeySelf-report measures
Correlation analysis
Multiple mediation analysis
Social media
Opportunities to control activities
Creates feelings of nomophobia
45Len-Rios et al., 2016
44 adolescents
aged 16–18 years
mean age 16.39 years
59% female
United StatesFocus groups
Thematic analysis
Social mediaBeneficial for romantic relationships
One-to-many communication has negative implications for relationships
46Lenzi et al., 2015
114 adolescents
aged 14–17 years
mean age 15.37
43% female
ItalySelf-report measures
Structural equation modeling
Facebook Supports civic competencies
47Levin and Barak-Brandes, 2014
35 adolescents
aged 12–18 years
100% female
IsraelFocus groups
Thematic analysis
FacebookHelps to define shared values and group boundaries
Can create feelings of social exclusion
Fosters independence
Social expectations on social media can constrain authenticity and dictate acceptable behaviours
Can feel addictive
48Lin et al., 2007
369 adolescents
aged 13–16 years
49.3% female
Taiwan Self-report measures
Factor analysis
Structural equation modeling
Instant messaging Nurturing interpersonal relationships
49Livingstone, 2008
16 adolescents
aged 13–16 years
50% female
England One-on-one interviews
Thematic analysis
Social networking sites (including MySpace, Facebook, Bebi and Piczo) Choice and agency over self-portrayal
Constraints from norms and peer practices
Increased confidence via positive reinforcement
50Luo, Liang and Li, 2020
560 adolescents
aged 14–18 years
47% female
Hong Kong Self-report measures and grade level scores
Linear regression analysis
Structural equation modeling
Social media (including Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) Negatively impacts academic performance
Positively impacts academic performance
51Macedo-Rouet et al., 2020
146 adolescents
aged 13–17 years
mean age 14.7 years
53.4% female
FranceSelf-report measures and skills assessment tasks
Linear regression analysis
Factor analysis
Binomial logistic regression
Social networking sites
Poorer critical appraisal abilities of online sources
52MacIsaac et al., 2018
41 adolescents
aged 11–18 years
53.6% female
ScotlandInterviews and ethnographic observations
Iterative thematic analysis
Online social interactionsPromotes social connection
Facilitates communication across geographic boundaries
Promotes bonding
Promotes popularity
Experience a lack of control over other people’s posts
Opportunity to control their online image
Instils self-consciousness
53Marwick and Boyd, 2014
166 adolescents
aged 13–19 years
56.6% female
United StatesInterviews, focus groups and observations
Iterative coding and theorising
Social media
Experiences of relational aggression
Online drama creates offline confrontation
54Metzler and Scheithauer, 2017
217 adolescents
aged 14–17 years
mean age 16.7 years
68.2% female
GermanySelf-report measures
Longitudinal path analysis
FacebookFosters social acceptance Feelings of affirmation and value
55Mulawarman et al., 2020
226 adolescents
aged 15–18 years
gender not reported
Indonesia Self-report measures
Product moment analysis
Social media
Negatively associated with emotional intelligence
56Naeemi and Tamam, 2017
401 adolescents
aged 13–16 years
48% female
MalaysiaSelf-report measures
Structural equation modeling
FacebookEmotional dependence on social media negatively impacts social relationships Emotional dependence on social media negatively impacts autonomy
57O’Reilly et al., 2021
54 adolescents
aged 11–18 years
44.4% female
United KingdomFocus groups
Thematic analysis
Social media
Facilitates social interaction and caring
Encourages face-to-face social interaction
Strengthens and promotes communication and support
Allows active online engagement and instils a sense of responsibility
Triggers a lack of agency with regards to perpetrators who post negative comments
Creates a feeling of compulsion to check
Diminishes sleep impinging on functioning the following day
58O’Reilly et al., 2022
54 adolescents
aged 11–18 years
44.4% female
United KingdomFocus groups
Thematic analysis
Social media
Promotes friendships
Reduces social isolation
Encourages communication
Allows experimentation with an emerging sense of agency Promotes social competence
Fosters learning
Creates a distraction from tasks
59Quinn and Oldmeadow, 2013
337 adolescents
aged 11–13 years
mean age 12.28 years
48.5% female
England Self-report measures
Correlational analysis
Regression analysis
Social networking sites (unspecified) Increases a sense of belonging
60Reich et al., 2012
251 adolescents
aged 13–19 years
mean age 16.3 years
59% female
United States Self-report measures
Regression analysis
Social networking sites/instant messaging
instant messaging
Strengthens offline relationships
61Riley et al., 2022
4592 adolescents
aged 12–17 years
48% female
United StatesSelf-report measures
Factor analysis
Bivariate correlations
Regression analysis
Social media
Facilitates social connection
62Rousseau et al., 2019
1621 adolescents
aged 12–18 years
48% female
Belgium Self-report measures
Structural equation modeling
Facebook Creates closeness with friends
Encourages reciprocal relations
63Rubin and McClelland, 2015
8 adolescents
aged 16–19 years
100% female
United StatesOne-on-one interviews
Thematic analysis
FacebookHelps to establish social relationships and avoid social exclusion
Creates peer pressure
Creates laboured choices due to peer pressure
Creates constraints with regards to presenting authentic self-portrayals
64Rueda and Lindsay, 2015
64 adolescents
aged 15–17 years
62.55 female
United StatesFocus groups
Self-report for descriptive data
Inductive content analysis
Social media sites (including Facebook and MySpace)Creates opportunities to meet romantic partners Facilitates harassment, monitoring Creates feelings of being controlled
65Sampasa-Kanyinga et al., 2019
10,076 adolescents
aged 11–17 years
mean age 15.2
48.4% female
CanadaSelf-report measures
Regression analysis
Social media (including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and MySpace)Increases social connectedness
Negatively impacts school connectedness
Negatively influences academic performance
66Scott et al., 2019
24 adolescents
aged 11–17 years
50% female
ScotlandFocus groups
Inductive reflexive thematic analysis
Social media
(including Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat)
Necessary for social inclusion Creates a sense of obligation to be online
Fear of negative consequences drives use
67Seo et al., 2014
280 adolescents
aged 13–19 years
67.9% female
USA Self-report measures
Path analysis
Regression analysis
Social media sites
(Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Foursquare and MySpace)
Supports belonging
68Shepherd and Lane, 2019
21,124 adolescents
aged 10–15 years
49% female
United StatesSelf-report measures
Regression analysis
Increases peer status and popularity
Promotes friendships
Promotes social integration at school
Creates competition and conflict with others
Helps adolescents regulate public life on their own terms
69Tanrikulu and Mouratidis, 2022
506 adolescents
aged 14–18 years
mean age 15.84 years
50.8% female
TurkeySelf-report measures
Bivariate correlations
Path analysis
Social media (unspecified) Instills FOMO
Aligned with extrinsic goals
Associated with low grades and poor study efforts
70Throuvala et al., 2019
42 adolescents
aged 12–16 years
48% female
United Kingdom Focus groups
Thematic analysis
Social media
Promotes symbiotic relationships
Facilitates communication
Incites a feeling of control
Creates experiences of a loss of control
Facilitates emotion regulation
Exposes adolescents to peer comparison
Creates opportunities for ego validation
71Timeo, et al., 2020
167 adolescents
aged 11–14 years
mean age 11.47
53.3% female
Italy Experimental
Linear regression analysis
Social media
Threatens belonging
Elicits feelings of being ignored and excluded
Threatens self-esteem
72Tsai and Liu, 2015
1052 adolescents
aged 13–15 years
gender not reported
Taiwan Self-report measures
Regression analysis
Facebook Promotes social interaction Adversely impacts academic achievement due to poor time management
73Tsitsika et al., 2014
10,930 adolescents
aged 14–17 years
52.3% female
The Netherlands
Self-report measures
Chi-squared tests of independence
Regression analysis
Social networking sites (unspecified0)Associated with higher social competence Reduces academic performance
Associated with higher social competence
Reduces competence in sporting activities and hobbies
74Valkenburg and Jochen, 2009
812 adolescents
aged 10–17 years
50% female
The NetherlandsSelf-report measures
Structural equation modeling
Multiple group analysis
Instant messagingEnhances friendship quality
75Valkenburg et al., 2017
852 adolescents
aged 10–15 years
50.7% female
The NetherlandsSelf-report measures
Cross- lagged model Structural equation modeling
Social networking sites (unspecified)Enhances social self-esteem Promotes social self-esteem
76Van Ouytsel et al., 2017
57 adolescents
aged 15–18 years
66.67% female
BelgiumFocus groups
Thematic analysis
Sexting Feeling pressured to sext
Experiences of being coerced and victimised
77Van Ouytsel et al., 2019
55 adolescents
aged 15–18 years
mean age 16.6 years
51% female
BelgiumFocus groups
Thematic analysis
Social media (including Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp and Instagram) Lack of control via monitoring and surveillance
Feeling constrained by social norms
78Wang and Edwards, 2016
543 adolescents
aged 11–16 years
52.8% female
EnglandSelf-report measures Frequencies Social media (including Facebook
Snapchat, Twitter, Google Hangouts)
Opportunities to practise relationship management strategies Opportunities to practise relationship management strategies
79Wang et al., 2021
473 adolescents
aged 12–19 years
mean age 14.63 years
38.9% female
China Self-report measures
Bivariate and mediation analysis
Social media
Increased friendship quality
80Weinstein 2018
568 adolescents
mean age 15.26 years
50% female

Interviews =
Sub-sample of 26 adolescents
61.5% female
United States Self-report measures
t tests
Exploratory logistic principal component analysis
In-depth interviews
Inductive thematic analysis
Social media platforms (including Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr) Promotes closeness with others
Creates feelings of social disconnection
Provides opportunities for self-expression
Offers opportunities for interest-driven exploration
Encourages negative evaluation via judgement
Provides opportunities to receive affirmation
81Weser et al., 2021
27 adolescents
aged 14–18 years
mean age 16.22 years
100% female
United StatesFocus groups
Thematic analysis
Social media
Helps adolescents explore potential partners Provides a pathway for people to insult others
82West et al., 2021
36 adolescents
aged 15 years
50% female
AustraliaRich picture mapping, focus groups and one-on-one interviews
Reflexive thematic analysis
Social media (including social networking sites, online gaming and content sharing)Supports and thwarts relatedness
83Winstone et al., 2021
24 adolescents
aged 13–14 years
79% female
EnglandIn-depth interviews
Thematic analysis
Social media
Promotes communication with family
Facilitates socialising amongst peers
Fosters a sense of belonging
Feel obligated to be available
Feel obligated to leave positive feedback for friends
84Winstone et al., 2023
24 adolescents
aged 13–14 years
79% female
EnglandIn-depth interviews
Thematic analysis
Social media
Threatens privacy
Causes pressure to be available
Lack of control over unsolicited contact
Exposure to negative evaluation
Promotes time wasting
85Wong et al., 2022
17, 149 adolescents
aged 11–15 years
54.2% female
CanadaSelf-report measures
Regression analysis
Social media
Strengthens relationships and connections
Creates feelings of social disconnection
86Yang, Pham, Ariata, Smith, Foster and Misti, 2021
517 adolescents
aged 12–18 years
mean age 14.83 years
50% female
United States Self-report measures
Factor analysis
Path analysis
Digital social multitasking Increases perceived social connection
Enhances friendship quality
Promotes relatedness satisfaction
Reduces friendship quality
Supports autonomy need satisfaction Satisfies the need for competence


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Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart illustrating literature search results.
Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart illustrating literature search results.
Ijerph 21 00862 g001
Figure 2. Geographic regions where studies were conducted and number of studies per region.
Figure 2. Geographic regions where studies were conducted and number of studies per region.
Ijerph 21 00862 g002
Table 1. Literature search terms and descriptors.
Table 1. Literature search terms and descriptors.
Terms Descriptors
#1 social media(“social media” OR “social network*” OR “online social network” OR Facebook OR TikTok OR Instagram OR Insta OR “online gaming” OR Pinterest OR Snapchat OR “instant messag*”)
#2 self-determination theory(“self-determination theory” OR self-determin* OR SDT OR “basic psychological need” OR relatedness OR relationship OR “social connect*” OR belong* OR “fit in” OR autonomy OR volition OR independen* OR “intrinsic motivat*” OR “extrinsic motivat*” OR “psychological empowerment” OR mastery OR self-efficacy OR efficacy OR competen* OR goal attainment OR “goal achievement” OR (need* N2 fulfil*) OR (need* N2 satisf*) OR (need* N2 frustrat*) OR (need* N2 thwart*) OR (need* N2 psychological))
#3 adolescents(teen* OR tween* OR minor* OR adolescen* OR “young people” OR “young person” OR youth OR “generation z” OR “gen z” OR “digital native” OR “school student”)
combination #1 AND #2 AND #3
Table 2. Eligibility criteria.
Table 2. Eligibility criteria.
Inclusion CriteriaExclusion Criteria
  • Studies published in academic peer-reviewed journals with full text available in English
  • Studies that focus on adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years
  • Studies published between 2006 to current
    (it was not until 2006 that social media permeated popular culture)
  • Studies that focus on screen time or internet use rather than social media
  • Studies based on clinical populations or outcomes
  • Studies that aggregate findings across age groups beyond adolescence (10–19 years)
  • Manuscripts that do not present research data based on original research
Table 3. Publication year and study designs for the identified studies.
Table 3. Publication year and study designs for the identified studies.
Studies per YearQualitative
2023 (up to March)321-
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MDPI and ACS Style

West, M.; Rice, S.; Vella-Brodrick, D. Adolescent Social Media Use through a Self-Determination Theory Lens: A Systematic Scoping Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2024, 21, 862.

AMA Style

West M, Rice S, Vella-Brodrick D. Adolescent Social Media Use through a Self-Determination Theory Lens: A Systematic Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024; 21(7):862.

Chicago/Turabian Style

West, Monique, Simon Rice, and Dianne Vella-Brodrick. 2024. "Adolescent Social Media Use through a Self-Determination Theory Lens: A Systematic Scoping Review" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 21, no. 7: 862.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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