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Analysis of 105 IT Project Risks

Valentin Nikolaenko
Anatoly Sidorov
Department of Data Processing Automation, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, 634050 Tomsk, Russia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16(1), 33;
Submission received: 30 November 2022 / Revised: 22 December 2022 / Accepted: 30 December 2022 / Published: 5 January 2023
(This article belongs to the Collection Business Performance)


The article is aimed at increasing the probability of successful IT project completion by identifying the sources of 105 universal risks as well as establishing cause-and-effect relationships between these risks. The article presents the results of an analysis of 105 risks relevant to IT projects; five of them are commercial risks, 45 are compliance risks and 55 are project risks. Risk analysis was carried out using the 5Why, SWIFT and Harrington coefficients. Based on the results of the analysis, the root causes initiating the onset of risks were identified, such as the user, customer, project manager, project team, subcontractor and competitor. Moreover, it was found that the share of the users in the total number of risk sources is 2%, 15% for the customer, 43% for the project manager, 36% for the project team, 2% for the subcontractor and 2% for the competitor. The article also shows models of cause-and-effect relationships of compliance and project risks, presents the results of assessing the risks occurrence probability and their possible impact in cases of materialization, and establishes the most likely and dangerous scenarios in IT projects. The results obtained allowed the development of a criterion to assess the management maturity of a contractor (executor, supplier) planning to develop an computer program as part of an IT project.

1. Introduction

Analysis of scientific papers has shown that risk in IT projects are generally understood as a probable event derived from particular sources and can lead to certain consequences and have a negative and/or positive impact on the planned project goals (Lee and Baby 2013; Brandas et al. 2012; Paladino et al. 2009; Mishra et al. 2014; Aven 2012; Beer et al. 2015; De Bakker et al. 2014; Luckmann 2015). Causes that create risk are usually understood as conditions that have the potential to create probable events, sources of risk as objects that create probable events, and consequences from the onset of risk as circumstances that arise from risk materialization (Nikolaenko 2018b). The risk structure model is shown in Figure 1.
According to the general rule of the international set of best practices for project management outlined in the PMBOK Guide®, a project must be considered a unique work process with a fixed start date and end date (PMBOK Guide® 2017). In this regard, an IT project must be understood as a unique process with start and end dates for the execution of work that is aimed at creating an IT result, i.e., a result designed to ensure the functioning of electronic computers and other digital devices (Keil et al. 2018).
Risk management in IT projects is one of the management areas that can significantly increase the chances of successfully achieving project goals; this is confirmed by numerous studies (O’Neill 2018; Bushuyev and Wagner 2014; Backlund et al. 2014; Gładysz and Kuchta 2022; Sidorov and Senchenko 2020). For example, studies conducted by The Standish Group in 50,000 IT projects have shown that the material damage resulting from the occurrence of one negative risk is estimated at an average of $1000 (The Standish Group 2014). A thorough analysis of the reasons for the onset of negative risks enabled the determination that these material losses could have been avoided by a preventive impact on negative risks. Moreover, The Standish Group experts note in their studies that one preventive measure would not cost more than $1.
The need for risk management in IT projects is also confirmed by the results of research by Nikolaenko (Nikolaenko 2018b). In particular, scientists have found that any IT project, regardless of its size, complexity, duration, type and management methods, is exposed to 105 risks: five of them are commercial risks, 45 are compliance risks and 55 are project risks. (Nikolaenko 2022). It should be noted that while analyzing 447 IT organizations, it was established that the cumulative material damage from the occurrence of 363 compliance risks amounted to more than $4 million, where the damage of one compliance risk occurrence averaged $12,000. Compliance risks are probable events caused by the possibility of violating the rules stipulated by current legislation, standards and codes of conduct, where the consequences of these violations can manifest themselves in the form of legal sanctions from regulatory and supervisory authorities, industry associations as well as persons whose rights and interests have been violated (ERP 2017; ISO 2018).
In order to increase the likelihood of successful completion of IT projects, this article presents the results of a 105 risk analysis.
To achieve this goal, the authors of this article solved the following tasks:
  • Sources of 105 risks relevant to IT projects were identified.
  • Models of cause-and-effect relationships between universal compliance and project risks have been created.
  • A criterion for assessing the management maturity of a contractor (performer, supplier) planning to develop a computer program within an IT project has been developed.
It should be noted that these risks are universal since their materialization is relevant to any IT project. Special risks, i.e., risks that may occur in a private IT project, are not included in the list under study.

2. Background

A project can only be considered successful when the planned requirements are met, stakeholder expectations are satisfied, and the planned goals are achieved (Powell and Klein 1996). It must be emphasized that achieving the planned results in project activities is a difficult task. This statement is confirmed by Ewusi-Mensah K. and Przasnyski Z.H.’s study results, which proved that about 35% of projects are terminated before their goals are achieved (Ewusi-Mensah and Przasnyski 1991). Scientists note that especially dangerous are those projects that, going beyond the planned budgets and schedules, continuously absorb valuable resources but, despite this, do not achieve their goals. The data obtained allows Ewusi-Mensah K. and Przasnyski Z.H. to conclude that project managers and project teams do not fully understand the problems they may encounter in the process of project implementation and how these problems need to be dealt with. Cule P., Schmidt R., Lyytinen K., and Keil M. in their writings argue that failure to achieve project goals is a result of the fact that project managers and project teams do not take the necessary measures to influence risks (Cule et al. 2000). Vujovic V., Dinic N. and other scientists claim that risk management is a key factor that ensures project success (Vujovic et al. 2020). Perez-Apaza F., Ramirez-Valenzuela A. and Peraz-Apaza J.D. note that the constant improvement of processes and risk management methods can significantly reduce the number and impact of problems occurring in projects (Perez-Apaza et al. 2021).
Risk management in IT projects is a set of principles, processes and methods that seek to assess and eliminate the most dangerous computer and project risks (Ropponen and Lyytinen 2000). Risk management is one of the most important competencies of IT project managers and teams, through which they can eliminate possible threats and risks in advance, thus increasing the chances of successful achievement of planned goals. Heemstra F.J. and Kusters R.J. note in their works that risk assessment and prevention lower the likelihood of large-scale disruptions during the development of software and also reduce the duration of IT projects that create software for computers (Heemstra and Kusters 1996). Odeh A., El-Hassan A. and other scholars have noted that the use of special methods for determining maturity in IT projects, such as CMMI or PMMM, can not only identify strengths and weaknesses of management, but also increase the loyalty of potential customers who seek to conclude contracts with reliable contractors (contractors, suppliers) (Odeh et al. 2021; Hutabarat et al. 2021).
Inefficient use or absence of risk management in IT projects is accompanied by constant «fire fighting», stress, uncertainty, repeated breakdowns of schedules and their revisions, as well as frequent lawsuits (Phelps 1996). Analyzing similar problems, Phan D., Vogel D. and Nunamaker J. came to the conclusion that IT projects can arise, both technical and managerial problems (Phan et al. 1998). This conclusion is confirmed by studies by Addison T. and Vallabh S., who found that IT projects may materialize about 14 project risks directly related to the management of IT projects and the creation of software code (Addison and Vallabh 2002). Stevens K. J. and Fowell S. identify 11 current risks for IT projects (Stevens and Fowell 2003). Sumner M. highlights 16 universal risks that can materialize during the implementation of the IT project (Sumner 2000).
In addition to the above, it is necessary to mention the results of the analysis of 447 ITorganizations conducted by Nikolaenko V.S. has established that any IT project, regardless of its scale, complexity, or duration, is exposed to 105 risks, of which five are commercial risks, 45 are compliance risks and 55 are project risks (Nikolaenko 2018a). A retrospective analysis of the scientific literature showed that the list of risks compiled by Nikolaenko V.S. at the time of writing this article is the most comprehensive and complete. Therefore, identifying sources for these risks and establishing cause-and-effect relationships between them is an urgent scientific and practical task, the solution to which should significantly contribute to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of risk management in IT projects.

3. Methodology

The analysis of 105 risks relevant to IT projects was carried out using the 5Why, SWIFT and coefficients of the Harrington Verbal-Numeric School (Harrington coefficients).
Let us consider the application of these methods to the scope of the tasks in more detail.
The 5Why method is a method focused on the identification of risk sources (Wijayanti et al. 2022). The method was first proposed by Toyoda in order to increase the quality of Toyota products. Subsequently, the method began to be applied in other areas. For example, 5Why is often practiced in lean manufacturing, Kaizen, Six Sigma, and IT (Shirinkina et al. 2022; Sahu et al. 2022). The essence of the method is to consistently ask the question: «Why does the risk occur?». If the root cause is not established, then the same question is asked again to consider the answers received. The process is repeated until the source of the risk is identified. Note that when using 5Why, risks that were not previously identified can be identified, and this is an indisputable advantage of the method.
The next method used to analyze 105 risks was the Structured What If Technique (SWIFT) (Card et al. 2012). To deal with risks, SWIFT uses a set of phrases such as «What if…?», «What will it lead to… ?», «What happens if… ?», «Can anyone… ?», «Can anything… ?». These phrases help project teams not only identify sources of risk but also develop scenarios for the possible development of events in their projects.
To assess the probability of risks occurrence and the possible impact from their materialization, this article used a qualitative assessment and Harrington coefficients (Merna and Al-Thani 2008). Examples of Harrington coefficients for assessing the degree of influence and the degree of probability are presented in Table 1 and Table 2.
10 respondents were chosen for expert evaluation of probability and impact. All respondents had a professional education and at least 4 years’ experience in the field of information technology. It should be noted that this number is due to two factors: first, the verification of expert assessments; and second, the possibility of obtaining more reliable estimates (Nikolaenko 2016). More detailed information on respondents’ competencies is presented in Table 3.
To assess the probabilities of universal risks materialization and their possible impact in the event of their occurrence, the Harrington coefficients were used. Each expert presented three types of assessment for each universal risk: optimistic, most probable (realistic) and pessimistic. The obtained estimates were substituted into Formulas (1) and (2).
P ( x i ) = p 1 ( x i ) + 4 × p 2 ( x i ) + p 3 ( x i ) 6
P ( y i ) = p 1 ( y i ) + 4 × p 2 ( y i ) + p 3 ( y i ) 6
where p 1 ( x i ) , p 2 ( x i ) and p 3 ( x i ) —optimistic, most probable (realistic) and pessimistic risk materialization probability assessments; p 1 ( y i ) , p 2 ( y i ) and p 3 ( y i ) —optimistic, most probable (realistic) and pessimistic assessments of possible impact in case of risk; P ( x i ) —calculated risk materialization value; P ( y i ) —calculated value of the possible influence in case of risk.
Further, for each risk, the arithmetic mean of the probability of the risk materialization and the possible impact in the event of its occurrence were calculated according to Formulas (3) and (4).
Likelihood   i = i = 1 N P ( x i ) N ,
Impact   i = i = 1 N P ( y i ) N
where N—expert opinions number.

4. Results

4.1. Results of Risk Analysis Using the 5Why Method

In the process of identifying risk sources using the 5Why method, it was found that the sources are the stakeholders of the IT project, such as the user, customer, project manager, project team, subcontractor (co-executor), and competitor. It should be noted that according to the PMBOK Guide® international code of the best project management practices, project stakeholders are understood to be individuals and/or legal entities that are actively involved in the project or whose interests may be affected during the implementation of the project or upon its completion (PMBOK Guide® 2017).
The results of the analysis of 105 risks relevant to IT projects using the 5Why method are presented in Table 4.
Depending on the specifics of the implementing IT projects and creating programs process, the stakeholders may also include the product manager, project sponsor, contractor (performer, project owner, general contractor, supplier), etc. In particular, the product manager in the field of information technology is a specialist who manages the life cycle of IT products by organizing their creation, market launch, promotion, sales, support, development and withdrawal from the market (Petroșanu et al. 2022). The project sponsor (project curator) is a senior manager who oversees the IT project on the contractor’s (executor) part, provides overall control, and also supports the project team with material, human, financial and other resources (Martínez et al. 2021).
Depending on the customers task, the interested party of the project, which assumes obligations to perform certain work to create a program and/or provide paid IT services, is called a contractor (performer, supplier, general contractor, etc.). The term «project owner» can also be found in the literature (Wiegers and Beatty 2013). It should be noted that if the contractor involved other persons (subcontractors, co-executors) in the performance of his obligations, then in this case he will act as a general contractor (general contractor). Given this circumstance and also the fact that the project manager most often acts on the project owner’s side, it seems possible to combine sources of risk, such as the project manager, the project team and the subcontractor, into one source—the contractor. Therefore, in this case, the contractor’s share of the total number of risk sources will be 76%.
This circumstance clearly demonstrates the importance of assessing the contractor from the standpoint of risk management, because if a contract is signed with a contractor who does not carry out preventive actions on 105 risks, then the likelihood of material damage during the program’s development increases significantly.

4.2. Results of Risk Analysis Using the SWIFT Method

The list of 105 risks relevant to IT projects can be divided into commercial, compliance and project risks.
The commercial risks of IT projects are understood as any potential threats that may prevent interested parties from making a profit from the operation of the created programs. For example, the actions of competitors, piracy and/or the presence of substitute goods on the IT market can adversely affect the commercial potential of computer programs developed within the IT project framework (Table 5).
Despite its small percentage of the total risks—only 4.7%—one commercial risk materialization can offset all the resources expended and the project team’s efforts, causing catastrophic material damage. First of all, this is due to the fact that commercial risks most often occur when the program creation is in the last phases of the project life cycle.
Next, we analyze the compliance risks of IT projects. It is worth noting that the first formal consolidation of the compliance risk management principles took place on 29 April 2005, when the Basel Committee published the document «Compliance and Compliance-Function in Banks» (Basel Committee 2005). According to the opinion of the Basel Committee, the main risk management tool in the field of compliance is the Code of Corporate Conduct, which sets out the norms of behavior for employees when interacting with clients, colleagues, counterparties, supervisory authorities, and other persons that employees encounter in the course of performing their professional duties. For example, the Code formalizes the rules for accepting and giving gifts, for counteraction to bribery and corruption, for legalization of proceeds from crime, etc.
T. Merna and F. Al-Thani in their writings note that the emergence of compliance risks is a rather rare occurrence; however, the materialization of such a risk is a sufficient condition for causing significant material damage (Merna and Al-Thani 2008). These risks come from the customer, the contractor, the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity, the subcontractor, property, crime and the external compliance environment (Table 6).
Compliance risk analysis of IT projects using the SWIFT method showed that these risk events have cause-and-effect relationships. For example, if the contractor does not fulfill his obligations under the contract, this will lead to a deception of the customer’s expectations. If this happens, the customer will refuse to accept and pay for the work performed by the contractor. In worst case scenarios, a dispute between the customer and the contractor will lead to litigation. The model of cause-and-effect relationships for compliance risks in IT projects is shown in Figure 2.
The construction of cause-and-effect relationships between compliance risks was carried out based on answering the question “What if… ?”. As an example, consider the process of answering the question, “What happens if the requirements change during the implementation of the project?”. The answers were “The contractor (performer) will not fulfill its obligations under the contract” and “The work performed (service rendered) will not meet the customer’s expectations”. Thus, between the risks of changing requirements during the course of the work (Risk 20), the risk that the contractor will not fulfill its obligations under the contract (Risk 29), and the risk that the work performed will not meet the expectations of the customer (Risk 30), causal relationships have been established.
The analysis of the cause-and-effect relationships of IT project compliance risks established:
  • Initiating risks, whose materialization leads to subsequent risk occurrence, are risk events associated with the customer. In particular, «the risk that the customer does not have a corporate culture, employees and experience in conducting activities in a single information space»; «the risk that the customer will not have well-functioning corporate procedures for information interaction»; «the risk that there are no key and qualified specialists on the customer’s side»; and «the risk that there will be customer restructuring». In this regard, it is logical to assume that in order to reduce the likelihood of the possible subsequent occurrence of compliance risks, it is necessary to take actions in advance to prevent the above probable events.
  • Compliance risks of the external environment, such as «the risk of changing the norms of the current legislation»; «the risk of violating the norms of the current legislation»; and «the risk of fines for violating the current legislation» are not included in the general causal relationship of the model. This circumstance can be explained by the indirect influence of these compliance risks on the process of implementing IT projects and the progress of creating programs.
  • The risk that the work performed (service rendered) will not meet the customer’s expectations is the most dangerous position in the scenario.
  • For IT projects, in the negative scenario development, three outcomes are relevant: receiving a fine for violating the current legislation; lawsuit from the customer (contractor); lawsuit from a subcontractor.
Let us analyze project risks using the SWIFT method. Project risks are those whose materialization affects one goal of the project or a combination of them (content, duration, cost and quality of the project). These risks become relevant due to the actions (or inactions) of project managers and members of project teams, as well as the equipment, technologies and equipment used (Table 7).
The cause-and-effect relationship model of project risks of IT projects, obtained during the analysis by the SWIFT method, is shown in Figure 3. The model clearly demonstrates that the initiating risks, whose materialization leads to the onset of subsequent risks, are risk events associated with the project manager and the project team. An analysis of these risks reveals that the main reason for their occurrence is the low professional training of the project team members. Therefore, for the effective and efficient management of project risks, systematic accreditation of project participants is required. Violations of this requirement adversely affect the project objectives and reduce the likelihood of their successful achievement.
Furthermore, the analysis of the cause-and-effect relationship model of project risks in IT projects made it possible to establish that the onset of these risks leads to a change in the content, duration, cost and/or quality of the project. In particular, «project duration risk» and «project cost risk» are the most dangerous compared to other project risk events since the occurrence of any project risk affects the duration and cost of an IT project. It is important to emphasize that in the case of a negative scenario, when the duration and/or cost of an IT project does not meet the customer’s expectations, his refusal to accept and pay for the work performed (service rendered) may follow, initiating the onset of compliance risks.

4.3. Criteria for Evaluating the Maturity of IT Project Management

Based on the results of the 105 universal risks analysis using 5Why, SWIFT and Harrington coefficients, it was found that the main sources of risks are the project manager (43%) and the project team (36%). The remaining share (21%) is distributed among the customer, end user, subcontractor and competitor. It follows that in order to successfully achieve the project goals, it is necessary that the project manager and team members acting on the contractor (executor, supplier) side possess the necessary professional competencies. For example, the IT project manager is obliged to organize the process of concluding contracts and additional agreements with them, monitor the implementation of contracts, audit information system configurations, etc. In this regard, it is logical to assume that a systematic audit of the professional knowledge and skills of the project manager and project team members can be a preventive measure that eliminates this problem. Crawford’s studies support this assumption; he found that the formation and development of professional competencies recorded in the PMBOK Guide® require the systematic accreditation of project participants (Crawford 2006).
The contractor was also found to be the main source of risk. The only exception is the risk that competitors will influence the progress of work (the provision of services). This means that the contractor is obliged to assess risks in advance and develop the necessary measures to eliminate them, since it is the contractor who is responsible for the possible materialization of these risks.
In this regard, it can be concluded that the implementation of preventive measures aimed at the elimination of 105 risks can be a criterion providing the possibility to assess the maturity of a contractor (performer, supplier) planning to develop a program within the IT project framework.
It should be noted that the relevance of this problem is also confirmed by the results of studies by Hochstetter J., Vairetti C., Cares C., Ojeda M.G. and Maldonado S. In their works, they examine the characteristics that determine the reliability of contractors involved in fulfilling IT orders for government needs and come to the conclusion that reliable contractors have a high level of maturity in terms of risk management (Hochstetter et al. 2021). Scientists argue that the higher the level of maturity of risk management, the more reliable the contractor, since, as a rule, there are no unforeseen circumstances in the process of fulfilling an IT order.

5. Discussion

Addison T. and Vallabh S. in their work, discuss the occurrence of 14 risks that can materialize in the process of implementing an IT project (Addison and Vallabh 2002). The list of these risks is presented in Table 8.
Based on the risk analysis presented in Table 8, the following can be concluded:
  • Addison T. and Vallabh S. risk list identifies the most dangerous risks for IT projects, the materialization of which can have a significant impact on the process of achieving project goals. However, the Nikolaenko V.S. risk list is of greater practical interest, as it captures not only dangerous risks for IT projects but also evaluates them, groups them, and establishes a causal relationship between them.
  • There are no commercial or compliance risks in the risk lists of Addison T. and Vallabh S. According to the authors of this article, this is a significant omission, since the material damage of one compliance risk occurrence is on average $12,000.
  • The list developed by Addison T. and Vallabh S. contains 14 risks, which, according to the authors of this article, is insufficient. In particular, the authors of the article believe that leveling the risks presented in Table 8 cannot guarantee the successful achievement of project objectives since the list does not contain such dangerous risks as “the risk of changing the norms of the current legislation”, “the risk of violating the norms of the current legislation” and others, the materialization of which can completely shut down the work in the IT project.
Stevens K. J. and Fowell S. in their writings, note that about 11 risks can materialize in IT projects (Stevens and Fowell 2003). The list of these risks is presented in Table 9.
Based on the analysis of the risk list presented in Table 9, it can be concluded that Stevens K. J. and Fowell S. do not pay due attention to the group of compliance risks.
Sumner M. identifies 16 universal risks that can materialize during the implementation of an IT project (Sumner 2000). The list of these risks is presented in Table 10.
Analysis of the Sumner M. risk list shows that among the presented probable events, as well as in other cases, there is no group of compliance risks.
Based on the considered risk lists, it can be concluded that the authors of this article, unlike their predecessors, conducted a study for 45 compliance risks relevant to IT projects, assessed their probabilities and impacts, identified the sources of these risks, and also established causal relationships between them.

6. Conclusions

The results of the analysis of 105 risks relevant to IT projects made it possible to formulate a criterion for the management maturity of a contractor (performer, supplier) planning to develop a computer program within the framework of an IT project. Using this criterion allows contracting with a more mature contractor who can guarantee the successful achievement of project objectives. It also means that customers are not recommended to conclude contracts with a contractor (executor, supplier) for the creation of computer programs until the necessary preventive measures are taken to eliminate risks.
It should be noted that the list of 105 risks is universal, i.e., these risks can materialize in any IT project regardless of the scale, complexity, duration, type and methods of management. Special risks are not included in this list because they are unique and occur in private IT projects. In this regard, the presence of a mechanism for identifying, evaluating and impacting special risks on the side of the contractor (executor, supplier) may be an additional criterion to assess its managerial maturity.
In 18 subsequent works, the authors, taking into account the results obtained in this study, are posed to develop and present the concept of the contractor (performer, supplier) maturity model, which will allow for the identification of the best counterparties that guarantee the successful completion of IT projects.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, V.N. and A.S.; methodology, V.N.; validation, V.N.; formal analysis, V.N. and A.S.; investigation, V.N.; resources, V.N. and A.S.; data curation, V.N.; writing—original draft preparation, V.N. and A.S.; writing—review and editing, V.N. and A.S.; visualization, V.N.; supervision, A.S.; project administration, A.S.; funding acquisition, A.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education; project FEWM-2023-0013.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Risk structure—risk, causes that create risk, sources of risk and consequences from the onset of risk.
Figure 1. Risk structure—risk, causes that create risk, sources of risk and consequences from the onset of risk.
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Figure 2. Model of cause-and-effect relationships for IT project compliance risks.
Figure 2. Model of cause-and-effect relationships for IT project compliance risks.
Jrfm 16 00033 g002
Figure 3. Model of cause-and-effect relationships of project risks of IT projects.
Figure 3. Model of cause-and-effect relationships of project risks of IT projects.
Jrfm 16 00033 g003
Table 1. Harrington coefficients for assessing the possible impact of risk in the event of its materialization.
Table 1. Harrington coefficients for assessing the possible impact of risk in the event of its materialization.
The Degree of Risk ImpactHarrington CoefficientComments
Very high5Work on the IT project was completely stopped
High4Work on the IT project was completed, but with a long delay
Medium3There is a delay in the completion of work, but the IT project is accepted
Low2Work on the IT project was completed with a short delay
Very low1Slightly behind schedule
No impact0No material damage
Table 2. Harrington coefficients for assessing the probability of risk materialization.
Table 2. Harrington coefficients for assessing the probability of risk materialization.
Risk Materialization ProbabilityHarrington CoefficientComments
Very high5Guaranteed risk materialization
High4Risk will materialize
Medium3Risk materialization is not guaranteed but possible
Low2Risk materialization is possible
Very low1Low materialization probability but still possible
No impact0No materialization probability
Table 3. Information on respondents’ competencies.
Table 3. Information on respondents’ competencies.
Respondents № Experience in IT, YearsAvailability of Professional EducationAge, YearsUsing the Risk Register during IT Project Implementation
Table 4. Sources of IT project risks.
Table 4. Sources of IT project risks.
Source NameShare of Total Volume, %Comments
1User2A person (or group of persons) who, following the completion of an IT project, will use the created program in their own interests. The analysis of universal risks showed that the end user is the source for three risks.
2Customer15A person (group of persons) who issues a task to create a ECM program and/or to provide an IT service and, upon the IT project completion, accepts and pays for the result of the work performed and/or the IT service provided. The customer is the source of 27 risks.
3Project manager43A contractor specialist (executor, supplier), responsible for the effective achievement of the project goals within the requirements, budgets and deadlines approved by the customer. The project manager is the source of 81 risks.
4Project team36A group of specialists that cooperates for the IT project duration to create a program and/or to provide an ITservice. IT project team may include project managers, programmers, testers, database administrators, system analysts, designers, lawyers, and others. The project team is the source of 69 risks.
5Subcontractor (co-contractor)2If the terms of the IT project do not imply the obligation of the contractor to create a program and/or provide an ITservice personally, then the contractor has the right to involve a third person, i.e., a subcontractor, in the performance. The subcontractor is the source of four risks.
6Competitor2A person (group of persons) that competes for the loyalty of an end user with another person (group of persons). The competitor is the source of three risks.
Table 5. Commercial risks of IT projects.
Table 5. Commercial risks of IT projects.
Name of the RiskRisk Materialization ProbabilityImpact of the Risk MaterializationSphere
Risk 1Risk that the work performed (service rendered, goods delivered) will not meet the expectations of the user (client)3.74.8Risks associated with the user (client)
Risk 2Risk of low user’s (client’s) involvement in the process of performing work (rendering a service, supplying goods)1.73.5Risks associated with the user (client)
Risk 3Risk that the work performed (service rendered, goods delivered) will not have the expected commercial effect3.84.9Risks associated with the commercial effect
Risk 4Risk that competitors will influence the progress of work (delivery of services, delivery of goods)1.53.7Risks associated with competitors
Risk 5Risk that substitute goods will affect the progress of the work (delivery of a service, delivery of goods)4.33.7Risks associated with substitute products
Table 6. Compliance risks of IT projects.
Table 6. Compliance risks of IT projects.
Name of the RiskRisk Materialization ProbabilityImpact of the Risk MaterializationSphere
Risk 6Risk that the customer does not have a corporate culture, employees and experience of doing business in a single information space1.72.7Risks associated with the customer
Risk 7Risk that the customer will not have well-established corporate procedures for information exchange2.42.7Risks associated with the customer
Risk 8Risk that there are no key and qualified specialists on the customer’s side2.82.8Risks associated with the customer
Risk 9Risk that there will be a customer restructuring0.34.8Risks associated with the customer
Risk 10Risk of low customer involvement in the performing work (rendering a service) process 2.12.3Risks associated with the customer
Risk 11Risk of absence of a common vision of the final product among stakeholders2.33.8Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 12Risk that not all interested parties on the customer side are included in the project documents 2.14.1Risks associated with the customer
Risk 13Risk that the contract subject matter will be formulated inaccurately and/or formalized incorrectly1.94Risks associated with the customer
Risk 14Risk of incorrect and imprecise formulation in the contract text 24.7Risks associated with the customer
Risk 15Risk of incorrect transaction type qualification2.53Risks associated with the customer
Risk 16Risk that the specification is incomplete, unreliable and/or does not meet the requirements of national standards4.34.3Risks associated with the customer
Risk 17Risk of absence of communication with the customer4.62.6Risks associated with the customer
Risk 18Risk that the customer will not provide and/or will provide with a long delay the information necessary for the work performance3.64.1Risks associated with the customer
Risk 19Risk that the transaction concluded between the parties will be invalid0.54.8Risks associated with the customer
Risk 20Risk of changing requirements in the work course4.64.8Risks associated with the customer
Risk 21Risk that during the work performing process the contractor will not be able to fulfill the obligations stated in the contract on his own2.74.1Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 22Risk that the contractor will reveal hidden sources of additional costs that were not discovered at the planning stage4.12Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 23Risk of loss and/or damage to electronic equipment and other property due to fire, water flooding, etc.0.34.8Risks associated with property
Risk 24Risk of loss and/or damage to electronic equipment and other property as the result of illegal actions of third parties0.34.8Risks associated with property
Risk 25Risk of lack of communication with the subcontractor3.62.1Subcontractor risk
Risk 26Risk that the result obtained by the subcontractor will not meet the expectations of interested parties4.23.2Subcontractor risk
Risk 27Risk of force majeure circumstances will materialization and have a significant impact on the work progress0.34.2Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 28Risk that the contractor will withhold information about the real state of affairs from the customer and/or distort it0.44.1Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 29Risk that the contractor (executor) will not fulfill his obligations under the contract2.24.5Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 30Risk that the work performed (service rendered) will not meet the customer’s expectations2.14.8Risks associated with the customer
Risk 31Risk that the customer will refuse to accept the work performed (service rendered)3.54.9Risks associated with the customer
Risk 32Risk of changing the norms of the current legislation3.23.2Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 33The risk of violating the norms of the current legislation4.24.8Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 34Risk of fines for violating the norms of the current legislation2.64.9Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 35Risk of dissemination of information discrediting the business contractor (performer)reputation 2.24.3Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 36Risk of industrial espionage1.34Criminal risks
Risk 37Risk of confidential data leakage23.6Criminal risks
Risk 38Risk of a delay in payment for the work performed by the contractor (services rendered by the contractor)33.2Risks associated with the customer
Risk 39Risk of a customer’s refusal to pay for the work performed (service rendered)3.24.9Risks associated with the customer
Risk 40Risk of impossibility to terminate the transaction early and unilaterally1.73.9Risks associated with the customer
Risk 41Risk that the parties will not negotiate the distribution of savings that can be obtained 1.43.8Risks associated with the customer
Risk 42Risk of limitation for subsequent sublicensing agreements0.53.1Risks associated with the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity
Risk 43Risk of contract termination in the «sublicense chain» of contracts0.33.1Risks associated with the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity
Risk 44Risk of creating an unwanted derivative work0.34.8Risks associated with the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity
Risk 45Risk of collection of compensation by the right holder for the use of his exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity0.64.8Risks associated with the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity
Risk 46Risks associated with the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity1.43.6Risks associated with the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity
Risk 47Risk that the copyright holder (author) will prohibit the use of the result of intellectual activity0.74.9Risks associated with the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity
Risk 48Risk of impossibility to recognize the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity for the right holder (author)0.34.9Risk associated with the prohibition of using intellectual activity by the copyright holder (author)
Risk 49Risk of legal action from the customer/contractor (executor, supplier)1.84.7Risks associated with the contractor (executor, supplier)
Risk 50Subcontractor lawsuit risk1.53.4Subcontractor risk
Table 7. IT project risks.
Table 7. IT project risks.
Name of the RiskRisk Materialization ProbabilityImpact of the Risk MaterializationSphere
Risk 51Risk that the project manager does not have knowledge, skills and experience4.34.7Project Manager
Risk 52Risk that the project participants do not have the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to implement the requirements3.64.2Risks associated with project participants
Risk 53Risk of a lack of project management tools in the project2.34.1Project Manager
Risk 54Risk that information about materialized risks that the project manager may need in subsequent projects will be lost3.42.5Project Manager
Risk 55Risk of involving a project manager who has a professional education in the project management field1.44.4Project Manager
Risk 56Risk of involving a project manager who has more than 2 years’ experience in project management 2.54.7Project Manager
Risk 57Risk that the project manager will form the project team independently 1.14.3Project Manager
Risk 58Risk of involvement of a highly qualified worker to the project1.34.8Risks associated with project participants
Risk 59Risk that project participants do not understand what result should be obtained at the end of the project2.11.4Risks associated with project participants
Risk 60Risk that, in fact, the design work will turn out to be much more difficult than originally envisaged4.83Risks associated with project participants
Risk 61Risk of overestimating quality by the project manager24.2Project Manager
Risk 62Risk of making mistakes by project participants in the project implementation (bugs)4.12.6Risks associated with project participants
Risk 63Risks of conflict of interest among stakeholders1.44.1Risks associated with project participants
Risk 64Risk of conflict between the project manager and stakeholders (e.g., customer, team members, etc.)1.24.3Project Manager
Risk 65Risk of the Cassandra effect, i.e., there will be an overabundance of communication channels conveying up-to-date information32.1Risks associated with project participants
Risk 66Risk of long-term coordination of information by interested parties in the management decisions development21.7Project Manager
Risk 67Risk of a significant time delay in obtaining answers to questions asked between project participants3.62.3Risks associated with project participants
Risk 68Risk that the project manager will make a mistake when estimating the project’s work duration 4.54.5Project Manager
Risk 69Risk of incorrect ranking of tasks by the project manager2.33.1Project Manager
Risk 70Risk of loss and/or lack of control by the project manager3.94.4Project Manager
Risk 71Risk of lack of interest among project participants in the successful completion of the project0.42.1Risks associated with project participants
Risk 72Risk of lack of interest among project participants in the successful completion of the project1.22Project Manager
Risk 73Risk of low project manager labor productivity4.12.6Project Manager
Risk 74Risk of low labor productivity among project participants2.12.6Risks associated with project participants
Risk 75Risk that the project manager will make a mistake when estimating the project’s work cost4.54Project Manager
Risk 76Risk that the project manager will make a mistake when estimating resources4.13Project Manager
Risk 77The risk that project participants will not correctly estimate the labor costs that are necessary to complete the design work3.63.6Risks associated with project participants
Risk 78Risk that project participants will not correctly decompose design work4.33.2Risks associated with project participants
Risk 79Risk of changing the project participants list in the process of project implementation3.84.1Risks associated with project participants
Risk 80Risk of changing the scope of the project3.44.6Project Manager
Risk 81Project quality risk4.94.5Project Manager
Risk 82Risk of a negative socio-psychological atmosphere31.7Risks associated with project participants
Risk 83Risk of insufficient communication between project participants2.93.7Risks associated with project participants
Risk 84Risk that the actual working time of project participants will be less than 8 h per day4.32.1Risks associated with project participants
Risk 85Risk of not accounting for vacations and public holidays when creating a project plan3.62.1Project Manager
Risk 86Risk of downtime for labor resources3.72.2Risks associated with project participants
Risk 87Risk of uncoordinated actions by project participants4.61.2Risks associated with project participants
Risk 88Risk that the number of project participants will not exceed 6 people0.52.7Risks associated with project participants
Risk 89Risk of involving third-party experts and advisers in the project0.44.6Risks associated with project participants
Risk 90Risk of lack of resources necessary for the implementation of design work4.23.1Project Manager
Risk 91Risk of overloading labor resources (for example, due to working long hours and overtime, etc.)4.22.1Risks associated with project participants
Risk 92Risk of misappropriation of limited project resources4.34.7Project Manager
Risk 93Risk of a lack of reserves necessary to accept materialized risks2.73.7Project Manager
Risk 94The risk of using previously unused technologies by project participants (for example, programming languages, etc.)2.61.4Risks associated with machinery, technologies and equipment
Risk 95Power outage risk2.61.3Risks associated with machinery, technologies and equipment
Risk 96Risk of collaboration between the leader and project participants1.31.2Risks associated with project participants
Risk 97Risk of using outdated technologies by project participants1.32.1Risks associated with project participants
Risk 98Risk of project participants’ involvement in other projects3.54.3Risks associated with project participants
Risk 99Risk of project manager involvement in other projects44.6Project Manager
Risk 100Risk that the PM will leave the project24.5Project Manager
Risk 101Risk that the key participant on the project will leave the project.2.14.7Pиcки, cвязaнныe c yчacтникaми пpoeктa
Risk 102Project participant’s sick leave risk4.82.1Pиcки, cвязaнныe c yчacтникaми пpoeктa
Risk 103Project duration risk4.24.1Project Manager
Risk 104Project cost risk4.34.8Project Manager
Risk 105Internet outage risk2.61.3Risks associated with machinery, technologies and equipment
Table 8. List of current IT projects’ risks according to Addison T. and Vallabh S. studies results.
Table 8. List of current IT projects’ risks according to Addison T. and Vallabh S. studies results.
Risk 1Risk of unclear objectives
Risk 2Risk of «unrealistic» project schedules and budgets
Risk 3Risk that manager will not be interested in the successful completion of the project
Risk 4Risk of a lack of senior management involvement
Risk 5Risk of failure to gain user involvement
Risk 6Risk of aclack of effective project management methodology
Risk 7Risk of misunderstanding the requirements
Risk 8The risk of overestimating the quality of the project or «gold platting»
Risk 9Risk of continuous requirement changes
Risk 10Risk of software functionality incorrect development
Risk 11Risk of default by subcontractors
Risk 12Risk of low productivity
Risk 13Risk of introduction of new technology
Risk 14Risk of not managing user expectations
Table 9. List of current IT projects’ risks according to Stevens K. J. и Fowell S. studies’ results.
Table 9. List of current IT projects’ risks according to Stevens K. J. и Fowell S. studies’ results.
Risk 1Risk of a lack of top management commitment to the project
Risk 2Risk of failure to gain user commitment to the project
Risk 3Risk of misunderstanding of requirements by the developers
Risk 4Risk of a lack of adequate user involvement (absence) in the project
Risk 5Risk of failure to manage end-user expectations with regard to the project’s outcomes
Risk 6Risk of changing the objectives of the project
Risk 7Risk of a lack of required knowledge/skills in the project personnel
Risk 8Risk of a lack of «frozen» requirements
Risk 9Risk of introduction of new technology
Risk 10Risk of insufficient/inappropriate staffing
Risk 11Risk of conflict between project stakeholders
Table 10. List of current IT project risks according to Sumner M. research results.
Table 10. List of current IT project risks according to Sumner M. research results.
Risk 1Risk of failure to redesign business processes
Risk 2Risk that the manager will not be interested in the successful completion of the project
Risk 3Risk of a lack of appropriate workshops
Risk 4Risk of key employees leaving the project
Risk 5Risk of a lack of appropriate workshops
Risk 6Risk that in fact the project will be much more complicated
Risk 7Risk of failure to manage end-user expectations with regard to the project’s outcomes
Risk 8Risk of a lack of integration with other platforms
Risk 9Lack of proper management control structure
Risk 10Risk of a lack of internal expertise
Risk 11Risk of a lack of a champion
Risk 12Risk of a lack of a business analyst
Risk 13Risk of reducing the quality of work
Risk 14Risk of insufficient information in project documentation
Risk 15Risk of a lack of standardization and discipline
Risk 16Risk of ineffective communications
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Nikolaenko, V.; Sidorov, A. Analysis of 105 IT Project Risks. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 33.

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Nikolaenko V, Sidorov A. Analysis of 105 IT Project Risks. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2023; 16(1):33.

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Nikolaenko, Valentin, and Anatoly Sidorov. 2023. "Analysis of 105 IT Project Risks" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16, no. 1: 33.

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Nikolaenko, V., & Sidorov, A. (2023). Analysis of 105 IT Project Risks. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(1), 33.

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