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A Pilot Study to Assess the Effects of News Coverage Articles about Security Incidents on Stock Prices in Korea

School of Media Communication, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Republic of Korea
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16(10), 425;
Submission received: 21 June 2023 / Revised: 5 September 2023 / Accepted: 14 September 2023 / Published: 25 September 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Financial Markets)


This study was conducted to assess the effects of security incidents on the stock prices of firms in Korea. A content analysis of news coverage articles about security incidents was performed. The research questions (RQs) of the current study were as follows: RQ1: this study evaluated whether the news coverage of a security incident can influence an investor’s decision to buy or sell a stock; and RQ2: the study also analyzed whether the type of industry, the amount of damage caused by the incident, and the specific security incident itself would affect how investors assessed a stock’s value. The results of the study indicate the following: (1) news coverage articles about security incidents have a significant effect on stock prices; and (2) the degree of such an effect varies depending on the tone, theme, and category of the news coverage. A more negative tone was associated with a decrease in stock prices. Less negative and neutral tones were associated with an increase in stock prices. In particular, a neutral tone was associated with an increase in stock prices, which was commonly seen in most of the firms experiencing security incidents. Furthermore, the number of news coverage articles about security incidents had no relationship to variations in stock prices. In firms experiencing security incidents, variations in stock prices varied depending on the types of industry, the types of damages, and the type of incident. In conclusion, the current study used an event study and a content analysis of news coverage articles about security incidents to assess their effects on the stock prices of firms. Further studies are warranted to establish the feasibility of this approach in a real-world setting.

1. Introduction

To date, information and communication technology (ICT) has an integral role in the management of firms. ICT has provided benefits to society, although it has become vulnerable to failures and attacks. The increasing dependency of a firm on ICT has greatly increased its vulnerability to threats made to ICT (Dias Canedo et al. 2020; Sadiq et al. 2022; Masip-Bruin et al. 2021; Karaman Aksentijević et al. 2021). According to Ahmad et al. (2012), at some stage, a firm will suffer security incidents that may result in multiple negative impacts such as the loss of a company’s reputation and customer confidence, legal issues, a loss of productivity, and direct financial loss. With the prevalence of ICT-based business operations, the frequency and severity of corporate cyber-attacks and security breaches has increased; therefore, information security has become a crucial concern for firms (Kankanhalli et al. 2003). Appropriate measures can be taken against the possible occurrence of security incidents, although the complete protection and safety of ICT systems is not economically feasible. Moreover, it is known that the cost to establish the right security measures at the outset is far lower compared with that required to recover from a security incident (Grigaliūnas et al. 2023).
In cases of potential threats to a firm’s operations due to security incidents and the resulting damages, such as legal costs and negative effects on its reputation, it is mandatory that investors understand the mechanisms by which such incidents could affect a firm’s future performance; this is essential for making well-informed investment decisions (Perera et al. 2022; Kitsios et al. 2022; Chang et al. 2020).
Media coverage about security incidents or breach announcements that are typically found in major media outlets or blog posts serve as the primary information sources for investors. Differences in terminology and other characteristics between news coverage articles about security incidents may affect investors’ perceptions of the impact of the breach. That is, such articles may contain either specific or ambiguous terminologies, which may cause different reactions in investors. Moreover, diverse types of security incidents may have diverse implications for the affected firm (Wang et al. 2013).
To date, financial studies have focused on the role of media coverage on security incidents in capital markets, including on stock prices in particular (Dyck et al. 2008; Joe et al. 2009).
Given the above background, this study was conducted to assess the effects of security incidents on the stock prices of firms. An event study and a content analysis of news coverage articles about security incidents were performed. The research questions (RQs) of the current study are as follows:
RQ1: This study evaluates whether the news coverage of a security incident can influence an investor’s decision to buy or sell a stock.
RQ2: The study also analyzes whether the type of industry, the amount of damage caused by the incident, and the specific security incident itself can all affect how investors assess a stock’s value.
The current study is composed of five chapters: Section 1, Introduction; Section 2, Literature review; Section 3, Materials and methods; Section 4, Results; and Section 5, Discussion and conclusions.

2. Literature Review

2.1. A Content Analysis

A content analysis is a methodology used to collect and analyze data using diverse tools; it is useful when analyzing the text information from an interview, a questionnaire survey, and the news (Kondracki et al. 2002). According to Kassarjian (1977), content analysis can be performed to reconfigure the content collected for particular purposes and to establish criteria for minimizing a bias between authors. Moreover, it is useful for easily addressing questions that cannot be resolved using a quantitative analysis (Holdford 2008).
A content analysis can be applied for diverse purposes. Kolbe and Burnett (1991) reported that it is useful for not only obtaining a definite understanding of specific events but also for grasping follow-up news coverage articles, which is essential for identifying the causes of a security incident and thereby estimating the degree of its seriousness. Moreover, it is also useful for drawing conclusions through an analysis of the text of news coverage articles and statistics reports (Bos and Tarnai 1999). An and Gower (2009) noted that news coverage articles about incidental crises had a tendency to emphasize the effects of the spread of economic damage, the social crisis of a firm, and its delinquency due to a lack of accountability. According to these authors, it is mandatory for a firm to be prepared for the prevention of an incident, risk management, and a follow-up plan (An and Gower 2009). News coverage articles about security incidents focus on the delinquency of firm. It is highly probable that security incidents caused by the employees of a firm might directly impair its reputation. An and Gower (2009) reported that a content analysis of news coverage articles about a security incident is useful for not only identifying its causes but also for determining the scope of the resulting damages and its causal relationship with the stock prices of a firm.
The current study used a content analysis of news coverage articles about security incidents, as proposed by Holdford (2008).

2.2. An Event Study

An event study is a popular methodology that is advantageous for analyzing variations in stock prices from various aspects, measuring alterations in market reactions, and estimating the scale of future damages (Maqsood et al. 2022; Škrinjarić 2019). It is therefore useful for resolving limitations in collecting data about security incidents (Chang et al. 2020; Kim et al. 2020). Moreover, event studies have also been used to objectively measure damages due to security incidents resulting in alterations in the stock prices of a firm (Chang et al. 2020; Ali et al. 2021; Hung 2019; Ban et al. 2023; Moreno et al. 2020; Andrade et al. 2022). Thus, it can be used to perform a quantitative analysis of the negative effects of security incidents on the stock prices of a firm, although there is a limitation in its applicability in identifying the definite causes of decreased stock prices. To overcome its limited applicability, previous studies have been conducted to measure the degree of interaction between the negative content of news media coverage and the decreased stock prices of a firm (Tetlock 2007; Tetlock et al. 2008; Aman 2013).
An event study is rooted in the financial theory that is used to assess the effects of disclosure on the stock prices of a firm, such as dividends, capital increases with consideration, mergers and acquisitions, and earnings announcements. It is applied to areas such as finance, economics, organization, strategy and marketing. It is therefore widely used to measure the degree of the effects of an unpredictable event on variations in the expected profitability of a firm (Brown and Warner 1980) It is also a methodology based on an efficient market hypothesis proposed by Fama et al. (1969) stating that an unpredictable event will have a direct effect on stock prices if it affects the present or future profits of a firm. As shown in previous studies measuring the effects of security incidents on the stock prices of a firm (Bharadwaj et al. 2009; Konchitchki and O’Leary 2011; Cavusoglu et al. 2004; Hovav and D’Arcy 2005; Kannan et al. 2007; Bose and Leung 2013), an event study is a useful methodology to measure variations in the market price of a firm. Moreover, it is also useful when analyzing the effects of security incidents on the stock prices of a firm depending on the type of security incident and the scale of a firm. In more detail, Campbell et al. (2003) reported that there was a 1.9% decrease in the stock prices of a firm whose secret information was leaked. Cavusoglu et al. (2004) reported that smaller firms were more vulnerable to decreased stock prices as compared with larger ones. It has also been reported, however, that security incidents, such as system paralysis due to a distributed denial of service (DDoS), had no effects on the stock prices of a firm (Campbell et al. 2003; Hovav and D’Arcy 2003). Table 1 summarizes the previous studies analyzing variations in the stock prices due to security incidents based on the duration and incidence of security incidents and cumulative abnormal returns (CAR).

2.3. Usefulness of News Coverage Articles about Security Incidents

News coverage plays a role in promptly providing top news stories of a specific industry for stakeholders, thus serving as an information source (Luyckx and Paulussen 2022). The widespread use of Internet news media and activated social network media has prompted the generation, progression, and transmission of information (Pabian and Pabian 2023; de la Garza Montemayor and Pineda Rasgado 2023). Negative news coverage articles about security incidents provide overall information about its actual causes and the social responsibility of a firm to the public (An and Gower 2009). Therefore, the results of the interpretation of psychological alterations of an investor based on news articles are applied to the identification of causes of variations in stock prices (Tetlock 2007).
There are also reports that the stock prices of a firm vary depending on the news coverage articles about security incidents. It has also been argued that qualitative contents of news coverage articles are not sufficient for explaining variations in stock prices that are subject to macro-economic events (Cutler et al. 1989). Negative news coverage articles are classified as 3 tones: ‘Pessimistic’, ‘Negative’ and ‘Weak’. Thus, it has been shown that pessimistic news coverage articles had a significant effect on stock prices (Tetlock 2007; Tetlock et al. 2008). In addition, Aman (2013) also reported that positive news coverage articles had no significant effects on stock prices but showed that negative coverage had a significant effect on lowering stock prices. Until recently, there has been no widespread recognition of the actual effects of news coverage articles about security incidents on the stock prices of firms. Moreover, little is known about the definite causes affecting stock prices. Therefore, the current study used both a content analysis of news coverage articles about security incidents and an event study, thus attempting to identify the factors involved in variations in stock prices.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Study Design

In the current study, three methodologies were used to assess the effects of news coverage articles about security incidents on variations in stock prices (Figure 1).
First, both a content analysis and a quantitative analysis were performed to evaluate news coverage articles about security incidents. Second, an event study was conducted to estimate the CAR of a firm and to measure variations in its stock prices. Then, the results of a content analysis of news coverage articles and those of an event analysis of stock prices served as an independent variable and a dependent variable, respectively. This was followed by a multiple linear regression analysis to test the statistical significance of the effects of news coverage articles about security incidents on stock prices.

3.2. Data Collection

To make an accurate definition of the term security incident, the current study used criteria for determining the definition based on the types of threat factors classified by Loch et al. (1992) and Jouini et al. (2014), such as internal/external threat and incidental/deliberate threat.
News coverage articles about security incidents were searched using a news search engine, BIGKINDS (News Bigdata and Analysis, (accessed on 3 May 2023)), hosted by a reliable news service provider for a variety of media, the Korea Press Foundation. Thus, one representative news coverage article about a security incident was collected. Keywords for searching news coverage articles about security incidents included ‘Hacking’, ‘Cyber attack’, ‘Internet infringement’, ‘Breach’, ‘Privacy’, ‘Industrial technology leakage’, ‘Phishing’, ‘Malicious code’ and ‘DDoS’.
If there was a multitude of news coverage articles about a security incident, an article with the known date of the first publication was selected. Moreover, if a single security incident occurred in a multitude of firms, all of them were included in the analysis. Thus, attempts were made to evaluate their effects on stock prices of each firm. If there were damages to a multitude of firms due to the occurrence of a security incident, all the events were considered as independent not only because there was a variability in the degree of damages but also because variations in stock prices were measured for each firm.
News coverage articles about security incidents were used to finally screen firms, as summarized in Table 2.
The duration of the occurrence of the security incidents in each firm ranged between 2013 and 2021. Of a total of news coverage articles about individual cases of security incidents published in the media during this period, 98 (47 with unidentified and unknown firms and 51 with an obscure time point of occurrence and scope of damages) and 77 (51 public organizations and 26 multi-national firms that are not listed on the Korean stock market) were excluded. Non-listed firms (16) and merged firms (3) were also excluded. Thus, 74 listed firms that corresponded to 57 news coverage articles about security incidents were analyzed. In news coverage articles about a single security incident, a multitude of firms experiencing damages were included. Therefore, the number of firms was larger by 17 as compared with that of news coverage articles.
A total of 54 news coverage articles of 74 firms were searched from the BIGKINDS. By a single security incident, the first reported news coverage articles were selected. To collect follow-up news coverage articles by each security incident, searching was performed for the NAVER ( (accessed on 3 May 2023)), one of the biggest portal sites in Korea. Thus, a total of 1016 news coverage articles were collected. That is, BIGKINDS selected representative news coverage articles that are appropriate for criteria of security incidents in the current study. In the NAVER news, representative news coverage articles were enlarged or followed up. Thus, news coverage articles were collected and then identified. Duplicate news coverage articles were excluded. This two-stage collection of news coverage articles is a useful method for filtering unconfirmed news coverage articles about security incidents among Internet news media. The period of news publications ranged between Day + 0 (the first date of the publication of news coverage articles about the security incident) and Day + 5, during which the relevant articles were collected. After the date of the first date of the publication of news coverage articles, there was a pattern of smooth decrease in stock prices until Day + 1. This period was determined to be that of a multiple regression analysis. During a period ranging from Day + 3 to Day + 5, the trend of changes in news coverage articles about security incidents was analyzed. New coverage articles collected based on these criteria are summarized in Table 3. Listed firms were registered with the Korea Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) and Korea Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (KOSDAQ), whose information was collected using the Korea Exchange (KRX).

3.3. Methods of Analysis

3.3.1. Content Analysis of News Coverage Articles about Security Incidents

With regards to criteria for collecting data, keywords as well as online keyword search tools were defined for the collection of news coverage articles. To clarify the above criteria, the relevant keywords were applied to the selection of news coverage articles that were appropriate to them. Thus, attempts were made to minimize errors and burdens when collecting the news coverage articles. News coverage articles are composed of a paragraph consisting of several sentences combined with another several ones. For a content analysis, the content should be reconfigured by setting a minimal unit for an analytical procedure. Therefore, unit of analysis was defined based on a paragraph and then coded. The title, running head and the images embedded in its text are major expressions that were already included in its main body; these were therefore excluded from the analysis.
Based on the contents of the news coverage articles collected, the information for the analytical procedure was composed of the name of firm experiencing the security incident, the unique ID for the identification of the firm experiencing the incident, the date of the news publications, their contents and their uniform resource locators (URL). Upon completion of the coding based on the above information, a relevant category was determined. Each category was combined using a single category. In addition, each theme was provided with a tone that best matched it. To describe the results of the content analysis performed in the current study, 12 categories were created with four theme subcategories that included the delinquency of the firm, additional damages and resulting losses, AIR and the mentioning of damages. Each theme was further classified into three tones: ‘More negative’, ‘Less negative’ and ‘Neutral’. Table 4 provides a detailed description of the meaning of each variable.
Keywords and online keyword search tools, and news coverage articles about a firm experiencing a security incident were collected based on a unit of analysis. Then, news coverage articles about security incidents were coded based on the relevant category. A coding of collected news coverage articles is a process where the theme and category are persistently created or combined. With regards to a single security incident, a multitude of news coverage articles were identified. Considering an event study based on time-series data and the convenience of analysis, coding was performed in the order ranging from the first news coverage articles about each security incident to the latest one.
Reliability testing was the method used for securing the consistency and objectivity of the results in the coding of news coverage articles about security incidents. Of the total news coverage articles, 10% were selected as a sample. There should be a more than an 80% match between the results of the coding, performed by two investigators. It was determined that reliability can be secured using this method (Lacy et al. 2015). Two investigators were therefore appointed as secondary coders and then trained for approximately two hours. This was followed by the preparation of the coding sheet. Holsti’s reliability coefficient was used, as proposed by An and Gower (2009). Until the overall average agreement rate exceeded 80%, criteria were established in a stepwise manner, and reconfiguration of the news coverage articles, and collection and coding of the sample data were repetitively performed, as previously proposed (Lacy et al. 2015). The current study showed an overall average agreement rate of 86%; this corresponds to a good level of agreement.
After the coding of the results of the content analysis, the number of paragraphs, serving as the minimal unit of analysis of news coverage articles about security incidents, was summed and then quantified for a regression analysis in comparison with the results of the event study. The paragraph forming the main body of a single news coverage article was assigned with a 1 if it corresponded to the category, a single news coverage article was assigned with a 1 based on a multitude of the relevant categories. In two paragraphs sharing the same theme, duplicate sharing was permitted for the category. For a single security incident, a regression analysis was performed in comparison with the information about stock prices seen on an event study in such a manner that a value of 1 assigned to a multitude of news coverage articles was set as a sum of those of each category.

3.3.2. An Event Study of a Security Incident

In the current study, abnormal variations in stock prices due to security incidents were estimated using an event study. An earnings ratio of the daily stock prices for the estimation of the abnormal variation was used, based on the market model established by Fama et al. (1969). In the market model, after the estimation of the sensitivity of the corresponding item to the market earnings ratio, the normal one was calculated during the event period. In addition, the market model assumed that the current value of a firm is based on its assets and the flow of future predictable cash; this pretense was based on an efficient market hypothesis that the stock prices of a firm are directly reflected in the market.
The abnormal return (AR) was calculated by subtracting the daily normal earnings ratio, estimated based on the market model, from the actual earnings ratio during the event period. Moreover, it also estimated the CAR, a cumulative sum of AR, in each firm. Thus, it measured the effects of a specific incident on variations in stock prices serving as the value of the stock market prices of the corresponding firm. In an event study where the earnings ratio to the market factor (Rm,t) serves as an independent variable, the stock prices earnings ratio due to the unique factors of the corresponding firm (Ri,t) is reflected. βi,t is referred to as a sensitivity to the stock price earnings ratio of the corresponding firm. In addition, αi,t is referred to as an earnings ratio of the corresponding item that can be expected at a market earnings ratio of 0. Furthermore, εi,t is referred to as variations in stock prices due to unique factors. The normal earnings ratio before and after the occurrence of the security incident for the estimation of the abnormal one can be calculated as follows:
Ri,t = αi + βiRm,t + εi,t
Ri,t: Stock return of firm i on day t
Rm,t: Rate of return the market index on day t
αi: Intercept for firm i
βi: Slope for firm i
εi,t: Disturbance term for stock i on day t
βiRm,t represents changes in the earnings ratio of stock i depending on those in the index of the total market. The error term is used to describe changes in the earnings ratio of a certain firm, i, which cannot be explained based on those in the total stock market, at the time of t. in addition, αi + βiRm,t is referred to as an expected return that can be obtained when there is a persistent presence of the past performance before the occurrence of a certain security incident. The market portfolio earnings ratio, Rm,t, represents KOSPI or KOSDAQ, thus corresponding to the earnings ratio of a listed firm. The abnormal earnings ratio, AR, represents the degree of deviation from the range of errors of the predicted earnings ratio of a certain firm in the market model. The AR is used to calculate the profit that is deviated from the expectation due to the occurrence of a certain event based on the predicted variables in the market model (Campbell et al. 2003).
The estimation period for the determination of difference in the actual stock prices after the prediction of AR is commonly set at 100–300 days. In the current study, it was set at 200 days, as this is most commonly used. Thus, the estimation period prior to the occurrence of the security incident was estimated. To ensure that there were no effects related to the security incident, a total of −230 days, extending from −200 to −30 days before the date of the news publication, were determined to be the estimation period (Bose and Leung 2013). AR, serving as the prediction of errors, and CAR, the cumulative sum of the event window of AR, and the mean CAR of a total of 74 events were then individually expressed, as previously described (Pandey and Kumari 2021):
The event window used for the analysis of the event is [0, 1]. Therefore, the date of the initiation of a CAR corresponds to 0 days before the date of the news publication (Day + 0). The date of the completion of a CAR corresponds to the following day of the date of the news publication (1 day) (Day + 1). Thus, the market reaction was analyzed during this period. The period of analysis is sensitive to the results. According to a review of the literature on event studies, as summarized in Table 1, the date of the initiation and completion were determined as the period of analysis (Bose and Leung 2013; Campbell et al. 2003).

3.3.3. A Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of the Effects of News Coverage Articles on the Stock Prices

To identify the correlation between a content analysis of news coverage articles about security incidents and an event study, the following regression analysis was performed. Quantitative results of a content analysis for news coverage articles about security incidents are based on 4 themes and 3 categories under each theme, whose meanings are described in detail in Table 4. Four themes include damage mention (DM), additional damage and loss (ADL), firm fault (FF) and aggressive incident response (AIR), each of which underwent regression analysis using 12 regression coefficients corresponding to 3 categories under each theme. The regression analysis formula is as follows:
CARti = β0 + β1DMti1 + β2DMti2 + β3DMti3 + β4ADLti1 + β5ADLti2 + β6ADLti3 +
β7FFti1 + β8FFti2 + β9FFti3 + β10AIRti1 + β11AIRti2 + β12AIRti3,
DMtij: j subcategory variables of DM theme on t in a firm i (j = 1–3)
ADLtij: j subcategory variables of ADL theme on t in a firm i (j = 1–3)
FFtij: j subcategory variables of FF theme on t in a firm i (j = 1–3)
AIRtij: j subcategory variables of AIR theme on t in a firm i (j = 1–3)
If the security incident has a negative effect on the CAR, the results of an event analysis, β0 (coefficient of interest), would have a negative value. DM refers to details of damages due to the security incident. ADL refers to a concern for additional losses. FF refers to content about the delinquency of a firm. Finally, AIR is referred to as AIR. Of the news coverage articles about security incidents of a firm i, published on the first date of publication, the first is (C1) and the second is (C2) with a DM theme.
If there is a paragraph that corresponds to a category, β1 DM0i1 and β2 DM0i2, serving as DM values of a firm i, were given a value of 1 each. Thus, contents of news coverage articles were quantified. After a content analysis of the news coverage articles, a multiple regression analysis of the CAR was performed, corresponding to 0 days of a firm i, in comparison with the results of a quantitative analysis. Thus, the statistical significance was confirmed.
To analyze the statistical significance of the proposed regression model, a p-value of the regression coefficient was measured using a stepwise regression with a robust standard error where the variables of 12 categories were calculated in a fixed order during the regression analysis with the use of the SPSS software package for windows version 26.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). A stepwise regression is referred to as a regression analysis of variables after the removal of those with a higher degree of correlation or multiple collinearity. With regards to the level of statistical significance, results of the analysis were described for values with a p-value of ≤0.05.

4. Results

4.1. A Content Analysis of News Coverage Articles

As shown in Table 4, the paragraphs of all the news coverage articles about security incidents were classified into relevant categories. Common categories were constructed into a single theme. Thus, the results were summarized by representative tone coverage. Themes were defined based on whether the content was classified as more negative when the news coverage articles stated that the firm deserved blame or had problems, or according to positive components (praise, satisfaction, and inspiration) and negative components (blame, hardship and denial), as previously described (Laskin and Mikhailovna Nesova 2022). In addition, any content about stakeholders’ opinions and behaviors upon the announcement of the occurrence of a security incident and the resulting damages were classified as ‘Less negative’. Furthermore, the firm explained the reasons for the occurrence of the security incident and the resulting damages. While mentioning the progress of measures taken against the resulting damages, the firm made a formal apology and proposed the methods for resolving the issue. Thus, efforts to achieve a normal recovery from the security incident were classified as neutral.
The criteria for applying tone coverage are as follows:
The FF theme (242) and the ADL theme (234) correspond to blame for problems due to the lack of security management by the firm and the further extending direct damages, and was therefore defined as a ‘More negative’ tone. The DM theme (1002) is not direct damage; it corresponds to the progression of the causes of, and losses due to, security incidents and the overall information about the resulting damages. Thus, the DM theme corresponds to the sharing of information about the resulting damages and was therefore defined as a ‘Less negative’ tone. The AIR theme (234) corresponds to active content about efforts to achieve a normal recovery by making a formal apology, taking measures against future possible occurrences and compensating victims, and was therefore defined as a ‘Neutral’ tone. Security incidents have been generally recognized as having a negative tone. After the application of detailed classifications, as defined in the current study, news coverage articles were confirmed to be ‘More negative’ (476 cases, 24.6%), ‘Less negative’ (1002 cases, 52.8%) and ‘Neutral’ (457 cases, 23.6%).

4.2. Correlations between Security Incidents and News Stats

With regards to news coverage articles about security incidents, after the first publication, there was a gradual decrease in their significance because of concerns for the enlargement of the scope of damages or the possibility of enlargement and position statements of the corresponding firm. This is well illustrated in Figure 2.
In particular, since Day + 2 after the first publication of news coverage articles about security incidents, there were few topics or additional information. Therefore, there is an abrupt decrease in the number of news coverage articles after this period. In the current study, there was an abrupt decrease in news coverage articles, but this showed a gradual decrease at a certain point. Thus, this point was included in the analysis. In other words, news coverage articles published until Day + 1, corresponding to CAR + 1 serving as a dependent variable of the event study, were analyzed. However, news coverage articles published after Day + 2 were excluded from the analysis.
From the collected news coverage articles, firms experiencing security incidents were categorized based on the type of industry, the year of the occurrence, the distribution of the type of incident and the distribution of news coverage articles by date. This was followed by the presentation of the results of an analysis of 705 news coverage articles of 74 firms experiencing security incidents in Korea, all of which were published during a period ranging from January of 2013 to December of 2021. Table 5 summarizes the distribution of security incidents by the type of industry.
Industries experiencing security incidents mainly included information and communications with a high degree of dependence on ICT. In addition, both the finance and manufacturing industries had a similar level of dependence on ICT. The occurrence of security incidents in these two industry sectors accounted for approximately 90% of security incidents. This is because they have a higher degree of dependence on ICT compared with other types of industries. Figure 2 illustrates the occurrence of security incidents in three groups of industries that are vulnerable to security incidents such as ICT, Financial and Manufacturing industries.
As shown in Figure 3, security incidents, such as a leakage of customer information and secret information related to the firm in an ICT industry prevalently occurred during a period ranging from 2013 to 2019. Since 2020, there has been an increasing trend in the leakage of customer information in financial industries such as insurance firms. In 2021, when security incidents occurred the most prevalently, there was an abrupt increase in such incidents in the financial industry. In association with this, it was reported that an increased occurrence of leakages of financial customer information due to direct extortion as a result of impersonations of financial organizations, such as phishing or pharming (the direction of users to a wrong website through a modification of domain name server) were a major cause. It is presumed that such incidents have also affected the Korean financial industry.
As shown in Table 6, cases of security incidents in news coverage articles were classified according to criteria proposed by Loch et al. (1992) and Jouini et al. (2014). In addition, as shown in Table 6, sources were used to classify security incidents as originating internally, within an organization, or externally, from outside of the organization.
Perpetrators were used to determine whether any security incident occurred as a result of human behavior due to the direct involvement of humans or by non-human factors such as a computer virus specifically prepared for hacking. Intent was used to determine whether any security incident was a deliberate attempt or an unpredictable one. Consequences were applied to the analytical procedure performed in the current study, based on criteria proposed by Jouini et al. (2014) modified from those of Loch et al. (1992). Of the total cases of security incidents, 25 cases of ‘Theft, loss of information only’ due to an external attempt occurred and were the most prevalent cases, and 23 cases of ‘Theft, loss of information and illegal usage’ occurred due to an internal cause.

4.3. Analysis of the Effect of News Coverage Articles on Stock Prices

The CAR represents the information about stock prices of a firm experiencing a security incident, and it served as a dependent variable in this study. In addition, the results of a content analysis of news coverage articles served as an independent variable. Thus, attempts were made to evaluate the effects of news coverage articles, classified as a specific type, on the stock prices. Security incident categories, serving as an independent variable, were used for a stepwise regression analysis.
Figure 4 illustrates the results of an analysis of CAR, the mean value of overall data, thus showing that it was decreased on CAR + 1, one day after the announcement of the security incident, but the effects of the security incident were generally weakened and then a recovery was achieved due to efforts by the firm.
The results of the content analysis were classified into categories, themes and tones (Birz and Lott 2011). In addition, after the detailed classification of data corresponding to a specific type from the overall data, the results were also classified depending on the type of industry, the type of security incident and the situations of the firm for the purposes of identifying characteristics from news coverage articles. This was followed by the appropriate analysis (Cahan et al. 2015). These approaches are effective in identifying a pattern that has not been observed from overall data due to a lack of peculiarity and in discovering a variety of characteristics from a limited amount of data. Therefore, all the cases of security incidents were equivalently analyzed depending on the type of industry, the type of incident and the situations of the firms. Thus, attempts were made to examine the contents of news coverage articles on stock prices.

4.3.1. Analysis of All Security Incidents and Major Industry-Specific Security Incidents

Table 7 shows the results of the stepwise regression performed by entering 12 independent variables for the purposes of analyzing the results of a content analysis of news coverage articles about all the firms experiencing security incidents. As a result, the D2 category of the AIR theme, using a neutral tone, (formal apology, measures against security incidents and compensation plan) had a significant positive (+) effect on stock prices. This indicates that if β is a positive value, the effects of security incidents on the stock prices would be increased (+). By contrast, if β is a negative value, the effects of security incidents on the stock prices would be decreased.
AIR statements included a formal apology, plans for compensation and instructions for the prevention of damages, all of which corresponded to a neutral tone. News coverage articles about these matters had a positive (+) correlation with stock prices, which could be confirmed with a β value. Following an analysis of all the cases of security incidents, there were no news coverage articles with negative effects. By contrast, D2 with an AIR theme (formal apology, plans for compensation and instructions for the prevention of damages) had a positive effect on stock prices. Efforts to take appropriate measures against security incidents both promptly and actively on the date of the publication of news coverage articles (Day + 0) and the date following it (Day + 1) led to a positive assessment by investors. Thus, the stock prices achieved a recovery. In addition, this confirmed the validity of RQ1 about the possible effects of news coverage articles about security incidents on stock prices.
From this section, the collected data were divided and examined as to whether there is variability in investors’ assessments of stock prices depending on the types of industry, the type of damages and the type of security incident, as mentioned in RQ2. In the current study, industries such as manufacturing (20 firms and 193 news coverage articles), ICT (25 firms and 293 news coverage articles) and finance (22 firms and 200 news coverage articles), accounting for approximately 90% of total cases of security incidents, were analyzed. Results are presented in Table 8. From the A3 category (inappropriate measures against security incidents) with the FF theme, to the D2 category (formal apology, measures against security incidents and plans for compensation) with the AIR theme, variables having a significant effect on stock prices were identified.
Following an analysis of the effects of news coverage articles about security incidents on the CAR by the type of industry, manufacturing and financial firms had no categories with a significant effect on stock prices. In ICT firms, however, A3 (inappropriate measures against security incidents) corresponding to the FF theme, with a ‘More negative tone’, did. Based on a (−) β value, news coverage articles with an FF theme were associated with a decrease in stock prices. By contrast, the D2 (formal apology, measures against security incident and plans for compensation) category with an AIR theme corresponded to a neutral tone. Based on a (+) β value, it can be stated that news coverage articles in which an AIR theme was featured had a significant correlation with increased stock prices.

4.3.2. Analysis by Type of Security Incident

According to the criteria for classifying security incidents shown in Table 6, it was classified into a leakage of personal information by internal employees of the firm and that due to an external hacking. As shown in Table 9, there were variables that had an effect on stock prices in the A1 (the occurrence of security incidents due to an insufficient security management of firm) category with an FF theme and the D2 (formal apology, measures against security incidents and plans for compensation) category with the AIR theme in internal cases and C1 (information about a leakage of personal information, the firm experiencing it and the scope of damages) category with a DM theme in external cases.
In association with security incidents due to a deliberate act or insufficient security management by employees of a firm, the amount of news coverage articles in A1 (the occurrence of security incident due to insufficient security management by the firm) category with the FF theme had a negative effect on stock prices, which was confirmed based on a negative (−) β value. These results are in agreement with a study published by Campbell et al. (2003) that stock prices were lowered by 1.9% in firms whose employees were involved in a leakage of secret information as compared with those whose employees were not (Campbell et al. 2003) By contrast, the D2 (formal apology, measures against security incidents and plans for compensation) category with the AIR theme had a positive (+) effect on stock prices, which is in agreement with the results of an analysis of data shown in Section 4.3.1. On the other hand, in association with security incidents due to external hacking, the C1 (information about a leakage of personal information, the firm experiencing it and the scope of damages) category with the DM theme, corresponding to a ‘Less negative tone’, had a positive (+) β had a positive effect on the stock prices. The reasons for this might be that a non-serious security incident induced investors to purchase stock because it had a high possibility of achieving a recovery and thereby was promoted by the degree of their expectations. As compared with other variables, A1 C1 had an abundant presence of analysis units. This indicates that there was variability in the results of the analysis with no respect to the number of analysis units.
Table 10 represents the results of a comparison of the security incident involving the unauthorized use of personal information after a leakage of it with a single occurrence of a leakage of personal information, as shown in Table 6. In the case of a security incident accompanied by a single occurrence of a leakage of personal information, the C2 (statements about customer damage and loss due to the occurrence of incident) category with the DM theme, corresponding to a ‘Less negative tone’, there were variables that had an effect on stock prices. In the case of a security incident accompanied by the illegal use of personal information after a leakage of it, the A3 (inappropriate measures against security incidents) category with the FF theme, corresponding to a ‘More negative tone’, and D2 (formal apology, measures against security incidents and plans for compensation) category, corresponding to a neutral tone, had variables that had an effect on stock prices.
In the case of security incidents accompanied by an illegal use of personal information after a leakage of it, the A3 (inappropriate measures against security incidents) category with the FF theme, corresponding to ‘More negative tone’, was associated with decreased stock prices. However, D2 (formal apology, measures against security incidents and plans for compensation) with an AIR theme, corresponding to a neutral tone, had a positive effect on stock prices, and stock prices increased accordingly. This is in agreement with the results of an analysis of the total data. By contrast, in the case of a security incident accompanied by a single occurrence of a leakage of personal information, C2 (seriousness of incident and customer damages/emphasis on loss) with a DM theme had variables that had an effect on the stock prices. If the damages that occurred as a result of the security incident were not serious, DM had no effect in decreasing stock prices. It can therefore be inferred that the stock prices were increased as a result of the involvement of other external factors. DDoS security incidents had no malicious effects on the value of a firm, as previously described (Joe et al. 2009).

4.3.3. Analysis of the Types of Damage by Firms

Following a comparison between a firm experiencing a security incident only once and that of a firm experiencing incidents more than twice, the former was characterized by the involvement of variables that had an effect in decreasing the stock prices in the A3 (inappropriate measures against security incidents) category with an FF theme, corresponding to a ‘More negative tone’. By contrast, the D2 (formal apology, measures against security incidents and plans for compensation) category with the AIR theme, corresponding to a neutral tone, had variables associated with increased stock prices, as shown in Table 11. D2 had a positive effect on stock prices, which is also shown in the results of an analysis of the total data.
Following a comparison between a security incident occurring in a single firm and that occurring in multiple firms, the results are presented in Table 12.
In news coverage articles about security incidents occurring in a single firm, the D2 (formal apology, measures against security incidents and plans for compensation) category with the AIR theme, corresponding to a neutral tone, had variables that had an effect on stock prices. By contrast, in the case of security incidents occurring in more than two firms, the B2 (statement about potential damages such as concerns for additional occurrences of security incidents) category with the ADL theme, corresponding to a ‘More negative tone’, had a negative effect on stock prices. In the case of a security incident occurring in multiple firms, the scope of damages is generally large. Due to the contents of news coverage articles with a high degree of damages and seriousness, there were negative effects on stock prices. Based on the D3 (instructions for customers on the confirmation of damages and the prevention of potential ones) category with the AIR theme, corresponding to a neutral tone, the relevant guidance had a positive effect on stock prices even in the case of a security incident occurring in multiple firms.
Based on the total data and three types of measures for comparison, the effects of news coverage articles on stock prices were analyzed. Following an analysis, the relationship between news coverage articles based on each measure for comparison and stock prices was analyzed in various ways. Thus, statistical significance was identified. The results of the content analysis confirmed that news coverage articles had an effect on stock prices. Approaches to the analysis depended on the measures for comparison, such as the types of industry, the type of damage, and the type of incident, thus confirming that there was variability in the pattern of variations in stock prices due to security incidents, thereby answering RQ2. Moreover, results of the analysis were also useful in identifying definite causes and the degree of the effects. The results of an analysis of all the measures for comparison described above are presented in Table 13. By expressing categories with (+) and (−) β as ‘+β’ and ‘−β’, respectively, the categories of news coverage articles about security incidents associated with increases or decreases in stock prices were described.

5. Discussion and Conclusions

With the increased number of firms operating e-businesses, there has been an increase in the frequency of security incidents, particularly data breaches. This has led to substantial financial damages, which has raised concerns (Chang et al. 2020).
Vulnerability to security incidents may cause a wide range of damages. Such damages may entail a decrease in revenue and intangible losses. Inadequate protection from security incidents may lead to leakages of customers’ credit card information, which could result in the collapse of customer confidence and trust (Hung 2019).
A firm may pay little attention to the importance of information security out of concern for the cost. This may consequently result in periodic recurrences of security incidents (Hung 2019). It is therefore valuable to assess the effects of news coverage articles about security incidents on the stock prices of a firm, which will also be essential for establishing a reliable, safe platform for the users of a firm’s business.
The current study used an event study to assess the effects of news coverage articles about security incidents on stock prices using financial market data. The study was based on the premise that the stock prices of a firm are directly dependent on the consequences of a specific event, and also that time-dependent changes in responses to them can be used to take measures against the effects of such events (MacKinlay 1997). The current study also performed a content analysis of news coverage articles about security incidents on the stock prices of a firm.
The current results indicate the following: first, news coverage articles about security incidents had a significant effect on stock prices. Second, the degree of such an effect varied depending on the tone, theme and category of the articles. Specifically, a ‘More negative’ tone was associated with a decrease in stock prices. ‘Less negative’ and ‘Neutral’ tones were associated with an increase in stock prices. In particular, the ‘Neutral tone’ was associated with increases in stock prices, which was commonly seen in most of the firms experiencing security incidents. Third, the number of news coverage articles about a security incident had no relationship with variations in stock prices. Fourth, for firms experiencing security incidents, the variations in stock prices varied depending on the type of industry, the type of damage, and the type of incident.
However, the above results cannot be generalized because there are three limitations of the current study, as follows: first, the current study failed to determine whether the current approaches are applicable in real-world cases. Second, the current study failed to consider the possibility that fluctuations in stock prices might affect news coverage articles. Two controversial opinions exist regarding the effects of media coverage on stock returns. According to the risk compensation theory, media coverage has a negative effect on stock returns (Fang and Peress 2009; Merton 1987). That is, stocks with no, or less, media coverage should provide a risk premium because they have a lower level of transparency and a higher risk of recognition caused by asymmetric information. There is also a contradicting opinion that media coverage has a positive short-term effect on stock returns; it is difficult for real-world investors to make fully rational choices on the stock market (Barber and Odean 2008). Third, the current study failed to rule out market-driven variables in assessing the effects of news coverage articles about security incidents on the stock prices of a firm. Stock prices are indicators of information on the efficient financial market, thus are termed as market variables derived from trading information; there is variability in the effects of market variables depending on the types of markets, possibly due to the different efficiency levels of different markets (Zhou 2015; Zhou et al. 2015).
In conclusion, the current study used both an event study and content analysis of news coverage articles about security incidents to assess their effects on the stock prices of a firm. However, further studies are warranted to establish the feasibility of our approach in a real-world setting.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is not applicable to this article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Study flowchart.
Figure 1. Study flowchart.
Jrfm 16 00425 g001
Figure 2. Changes in the number of news coverage articles about security incidents by the date of publication.
Figure 2. Changes in the number of news coverage articles about security incidents by the date of publication.
Jrfm 16 00425 g002
Figure 3. Annual changes in the number of security incidents by the type of industry in each year. Abbreviation: ICT, information and communication technology.
Figure 3. Annual changes in the number of security incidents by the type of industry in each year. Abbreviation: ICT, information and communication technology.
Jrfm 16 00425 g003
Figure 4. Daily changes in the mean cumulative abnormal return due to the occurrence of security incidents. Abbreviation: CAR, cumulative abnormal return.
Figure 4. Daily changes in the mean cumulative abnormal return due to the occurrence of security incidents. Abbreviation: CAR, cumulative abnormal return.
Jrfm 16 00425 g004
Table 1. Quantitative studies on security incidents.
Table 1. Quantitative studies on security incidents.
YearAuthorsPeriodNEvents Window (Day)CAR
2002Cavusoglu et al.1998–200066[0, 1]−2.10%
2003Campbell et al.1995–200043[−1, 1]−1.90%
2005Hovav & D’Arcy1998–2002186[0, 25]−0.1~−0.01%
2006Ko & Dorantes 1997–200119[−365, 365]N/A
2007Kannan et al. 1997–200341[−1, 1]−5.00%
2009Bharadwaj et al. 1990–2000213[−1, 0]−2.00%
2009Goel & Shawky2004–2008168[−2, 1]−1.00%
2013Bose & Leung 1996–201287[0, 1]−0.63%
2014Pirounias et al.2008–2011105[−1, 1]N/A
Note: N, the number of events; N/A, non-applicable. Abbreviation: CAR, cumulative abnormal return.
Table 2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Table 2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Table Cont.N1N2
An initial set of news coverage articles about breach or attack of firm’s information security251184
Public organizations or multi-national firms153 (−98)89 (−95)
Non-listed or merged firms57 (−96)74 (−15)
Note: N1, the number of excluded news coverage articles; N2, the number of excluded firms.
Table 3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting news coverage articles.
Table 3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting news coverage articles.
Inclusion and Exclusion CriteriaN1
Collected news coverage articles about security incidentsN/A1016
Collected news coverage articles whose publication date was five days after the first article106910
News coverage articles about multiple cases of security incidents rather than a specific one, particularly including editorials or columns and short ones with less than two paragraphs, those with a single news media. In these cases, the possibility of selection bias cannot be completely ruled out69841
News coverage articles, where a total of two days had elapsed since the date of its first publication, determined to be eligible for a statistical analysis of data136705
Note: N1, the number of eligible news coverage articles; N2, the number of excluded news coverage articles; N3, the number of eligible news coverage articles; N/A, non-applicable.
Table 4. The analysis of tone, theme, and categories from news coverage articles about security incidents.
Table 4. The analysis of tone, theme, and categories from news coverage articles about security incidents.
ThemeTone CoverageCategoryN
A. Firm FaultMore negativeA1Occurrence of security incident due to an insufficiency in firm’s security management145242
A2Recurrence of security incident62
A3Inappropriate follow-up measures against security incident35
B. Additional Damages and LossB1Concerns for direct or indirect damages due to security incident155234
B2Statement about potential damages (e.g., concerns for additional damages)56
B3Statement about the possibility of the enlargement of the scale of damages23
C. Damage MentionLess negativeC1Statement about a leakage of personal information, the corresponding firm, and the scale of the resulting damages6641002
C2Statement about damages and losses incurred by clients215
C3Hacking and exploration technologies used for security incident123
D. Aggressive Incident Re-sponseNeutralD1Statement about the facts related damages and the progression of follow-up measures against it287457
D2Statement about formal apology, follow-up measures against security incident, and compensation plans151
D3Statement about the methods for confirming damages and preventing them19
Note: N, the number of analysis units.
Table 5. The types of security incident by industries.
Table 5. The types of security incident by industries.
Industries (2-Digit SIC Code)N%
Manufacturing (10–33)2026.3%
Electricity, gas, steam and water supply (35–36)11.3%
Wholesale and retail trade (45–47)22.6%
Transportation (49–52)22.6%
Information and communications (58–63)2634.2%
Financial and insurance activities (64–66)2228.9%
Professional, scientific and technical activities (70–73)22.6%
Business facilities management and business support services (74–75)11.3%
Note: N, the number of security incidents. Abbreviations: SIC, standard industrial code.
Table 6. Classification of security incidents.
Table 6. Classification of security incidents.
HumanIntentionalInternalTheft, loss of information and illegal use23
Theft, loss of information only 14
ExternalTheft, loss of information and illegal use6
Theft, loss of information only25
Denial of use8
Note: N, the number of security incidents.
Table 7. An analysis of the effects of news coverage articles about all firms experiencing security incidents on the stock prices.
Table 7. An analysis of the effects of news coverage articles about all firms experiencing security incidents on the stock prices.
N1N2Dependent VariableIndependent Variableβtp-Value
74705CAR + 1D2 category with AIR theme0.3523.2310.002 *
Note: N1, the number of firms; N2, the number of news coverage articles. Abbreviation: CAR, cumulative abnormal return; AIR, aggressive incident response. * Statistical significance at p < 0.05.
Table 8. A comparative analysis of security incidents by the type of industry.
Table 8. A comparative analysis of security incidents by the type of industry.
N1N2Dependent Variable Independent Variablesβtp-Value
Manufacturing20193CAR + 1N/AN/AN/AN/A
ICT25293A3 category with FF theme−0.392−2.2590.034 *
D2 category with AIR theme0.7244.1660.000 *
Note: N1, the number of firms; N2, the number of news coverage articles; N/A, non-applicable. Abbreviations: CAR, cumulative abnormal return; FF, firm fault; AIR, aggressive incident response. * Statistical significance at p < 0.05.
Table 9. A comparative analysis of internal and external security incidents.
Table 9. A comparative analysis of internal and external security incidents.
N1N2Dependent VariableIndependent Variablesβtp-Value
Internal security incident37395CAR + 1A1 category with FF theme−0.471−3.1800.003 *
D2 category with AIR theme0.3342.2560.031 *
External security incident31387C1 category with DM theme0.4212.4990.018 *
Note: N1, the number of firms; N2, the number of news coverage articles. Abbreviations: CAR, cumulative abnormal return; FF, firm fault; AIR, aggressive incident response; DM, damage mention. * Statistical significance at p < 0.05.
Table 10. A comparative analysis of security incidents including a leakage of information or its illegal use.
Table 10. A comparative analysis of security incidents including a leakage of information or its illegal use.
N1N2Dependent VariableIndependent Variablesβtp-Value
Leakage of information37425CAR + 1C2 category of DM theme0.4282.8780.007 *
A3 category of FF theme−0.583−3.5040.002 *
Leakage of information and its illegal use29325D2 category of AIR theme0.3952.3740.025 *
Note: N1, the number of firms; N2, the number of news coverage articles. Abbreviations: CAR, cumulative abnormal return; DM, damage mention; FF, firm fault; AIR, aggressive incident response. * Statistical significance at p < 0.05.
Table 11. A comparative analysis of firm experiencing a single or multiple security incidents.
Table 11. A comparative analysis of firm experiencing a single or multiple security incidents.
N1N2Dependent VariableIndependent Variablesβtp-Value
Initial occurrence45355CAR + 1A3 category of FF theme−0.273−3.0170.003 *
D2 category of AIR theme0.3103.1250.002 *
Recurrence294110.5053.0920.004 *
Note: N1, the number of firms; N2, the number of news coverage articles. Abbreviations: CAR, cumulative abnormal return; FF, firm fault; AIR, aggressive incident response. * Statistical significance at p < 0.05.
Table 12. A comparative analysis of firms experiencing a single or multiple security incidents.
Table 12. A comparative analysis of firms experiencing a single or multiple security incidents.
N1N2Dependent VariableIndependent Variablesβtp-Value
Single firm40588CAR + 1D2 category of AIR theme0.4082.8270.007 *
B2 category of ADL theme−0.653−2.4240.021 *
Multiple firms34178D3 category of AIR theme0.8933.3150.002 *
Note: N1, the number of firms; N2, the number of news coverage articles. Abbreviations: CAR, cumulative abnormal return; AIR, aggressive incident response; ADL, additional damages and loss. * Statistical significance at p < 0.05.
Table 13. Analysis of security incidents depending on their types.
Table 13. Analysis of security incidents depending on their types.
A Content Analysis of News Coverage Articles Depending on Tone, Theme and Category
More NegativeLess NegativeNeutral
All data
The type of industry
ICT −β
The type of security incidents
Leakage of information only
Leakage of information and its illegal use−β
The type of damages
Initial occurrence−β
Single firm
Multiple firms −β
Abbreviations: FF, firm fault; ADL, additional damages and loss; DM, damage mention; AIR, aggressive incident response; ICT, information and communication technology.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Han, S.-H. A Pilot Study to Assess the Effects of News Coverage Articles about Security Incidents on Stock Prices in Korea. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2023, 16, 425.

AMA Style

Han S-H. A Pilot Study to Assess the Effects of News Coverage Articles about Security Incidents on Stock Prices in Korea. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2023; 16(10):425.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Han, Se-Hyeon. 2023. "A Pilot Study to Assess the Effects of News Coverage Articles about Security Incidents on Stock Prices in Korea" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16, no. 10: 425.

APA Style

Han, S.-H. (2023). A Pilot Study to Assess the Effects of News Coverage Articles about Security Incidents on Stock Prices in Korea. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(10), 425.

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