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Impact of Water Management Policies on Volatility Transmission in the Energy Sector

Department of Accounting, Finance, and Energy Business, College of Business, The University of Texas of the Permian Basin, Odessa, TX 79762, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17(5), 175;
Submission received: 27 March 2024 / Revised: 14 April 2024 / Accepted: 15 April 2024 / Published: 23 April 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Quantitative Finance in Energy)


Purpose: This study evaluates the impact of the water management policies of energy companies on their volatility interactions with energy commodities. Design/methodology: We tested for volatility transmissions between 66 energy funds and fossil-fuel commodities. After identifying possible integrations, we investigated whether water management policies, after controlling for other fund characteristics, impact the probability of integration. Results: Our findings indicate strong volatility transmission from oil prices to energy funds. However, a reverse of this information flow was not observed. From the perspective of natural gas, we found strong bi-directional integration with energy funds. When we analyzed the influence of fund characteristics on the previously established integrations, water management policies do not impact the probability of the integration of oil. However, these policies are shown to have a significant influence on integration with the natural gas market. Originality/value: While there are multiple studies that show the integration between energy companies and corresponding commodities, according to our knowledge, this is the first study that evaluates the significance of water management policies with respect to volatility integration. This study highlights the importance of water-related policies with respect to the susceptibility of energy firms to volatility contagion from the natural gas market.
JEL Classification:
G11; G15; Q43

1. Introduction

Funds have a variety of specializations, including sectors and/or trading strategies. These specializations allow for funds’ performances to vary based on the manager’s chosen styles of investment and sectors of interest (see Kacperczyk et al. 2005; Pollet and Wilson 2008; Ferreira et al. 2013; and others). Over time, as fund managers specialize in a sector, they are expected to develop further expertise and efficient decision processes within that sector. This specialization also allows fund managers to determine what information has significance within their industry and trade accordingly (Nanda et al. 2004).
The literature shows energy commodities interacting with stock markets. Several researchers found volatility transmissions between these markets in varying directions and with varying degrees of statistical significance (see Le and Chang 2015; Mensi et al. 2017; Gormus et al. 2014). Energy mutual funds heavily interact with the energy commodity markets (Gormus et al. 2018, 2023). Of particular interest when examining oil and gas focused mutual funds is how a firm deals with water issues. Almost every aspect of oil and gas exploration and production relies upon water (Clark et al. 2013). Large amounts of water are used in drilling and completion processes. Drilling engineers use water to mix specific recipes of mud and chemicals for the fracking of wells in order to promote hydrocarbon migration and extraction. In this process, water is routinely produced along with oil and gas (Morgan 2014). Not only is water crucial for energy production, but it is also crucial for the economy and society at large. Producing energy requires water, and populations require water to survive. While the increased need for potable water is clear, this resource is becoming increasingly scarce (Carrillo and Frei 2009). Thus, a compromise between the various important uses of water must be found.
The hydraulic-fracturing (fracking) revolution has been incredibly meaningful to the energy industry since its inception. However, fracking relies heavily on using and producing large amounts of water. Shale gas is a massive resource found in the midcontinent of North America. It is also no secret throughout this industry that producing shale gas also produces massive amounts of what the industry has termed “produced water” (Clark et al. 2013). This has resulted in water policies becoming very important to energy producers, and, in an increasingly environmentally conscious society, water policies have become critical to energy companies. In the few several years, the impact of water on energy companies has come to the forefront. As established above and well known to many, energy and water are closely linked, and public pressure is forcing the issue of the good stewardship of the water used and produced to the forefront (Scott et al. 2011).
Traditionally, produced water has been viewed as waste, and water used from fracking has been viewed as little more than an input that is expended in the process of bringing a well online. However, this notion is being revisited. Many experimental projects are showing that useful and valuable minerals, as well as water suitable for agriculture, can be derived from produced water (Guerra et al. 2011). This means that produced water will need to be viewed more so as a resource to be managed rather than a cost to be overcome (Hagström et al. 2016).
Water management and corresponding policies for firms are increasingly important due to the attention given to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria. Furthermore, as we move into a future that contains a mix of energy sources, the importance of water policies will increase in the future. A significant future conflict is expected between renewable energy production and water availability. The relative implications of this conflict need to be investigated and understood so that future water and energy policies can be drafted sustainably (Elcock 2010).
The literature shows ESG components to be significant in relation to driving integration between energy funds and energy commodities (Gormus et al. 2023). However, the implications of water-related dimensions have not been explored. Given the impact of water on the energy industry, our aim in this study is to test whether these policies have any influence on the market interactions of the oil and gas industry. In order to accomplish this, we first tested for a direct volatility connection between energy mutual funds and energy commodities (oil and natural gas). In the second part, we tested whether certain fund characteristics, including water policies, drive the volatility interactions we previously identified.
Our model first evaluates volatility transmission between 66 energy mutual funds individually against the oil and natural gas markets. We evaluated these transmissions in both directions. In other words, we tested whether volatility transmission is directional or if there is volatility feedback between the assets. After reporting on those interactions, we collected the statistical artifacts from these regressions for use as a dependent variable in the second part of our study.
After identifying volatility transmissions, we tested whether water policy coverage in these funds had any impact on the previously identified integrations. In addition to the water-related variable, our regressions control for other commonly utilized fund characteristics, including the age of a fund, manager tenure, the expense ratio, and Morningstar sustainability rating.
Our results suggest oil volatility transmits to most funds. More interestingly, we found bi-directional transmission between energy funds and the natural gas market. While at a first glance this might appear to be surprising, volatility feedback is expected given the size and implications of the mutual funds with respect to the commodity market. As for the impact of fund characteristics on the identified volatility interactions, we found that oil and natural gas integration differ in how they react. While for the oil market we find the expense ratio and the age of a fund to be important, water management policies seem to be an important driver for the natural gas market.
We suspect our results reflect the unique nature of natural gas production. Shale-drilling projects, which require an abundance of water, are inherently gas-heavy. Oftentimes, the Barrel of Oil Equivalent (BOE) standard is used to communicate regarding dissimilar oil and gas projects on similar terms for things like daily production volume and remaining reserves (Gair 2021). However, BOE reporting blurs the distinction between oil, condensate, and gas, all of which have differing market prices at different reservoirs and points in time. The BOE can obscure how much gas a company is actually producing. Therefore, given the gas-intense nature of shale drilling, it is very likely that companies that produce copious amounts of gas from these projects also generate large amounts of produced water. These water-centric processes influence the significance of corresponding corporate policies.

2. Econometric Methodology

2.1. Testing for Volatility Transmission with Structural Breaks

The model we used to test volatility transmissions is based on a Fourier-augmented GARCH(1,1) model developed by Li and Enders (2018) and includes the Lagrange Multiplier volatility model developed by Hafner and Herwartz (2006). The Fourier approximation aids in capturing structural breaks of any type, size, or magnitude (including gradual/smooth structural breaks)1. The final model is defined as follows:
σ i t 2 = ω 0 i + k = 1 n ω 1 i , k s i n 2 π k i t T + k = 1 n ω 2 i , k c o s 2 π k i t T + α i ε i t 1 2 + β i σ i t 1 2
This test statistic is labeled as Fourier λ L M ( F λ L M ) in our results. Since using Fourier approximation does not change the number of misspecification indicators in F λ L M , it follows an asymptotic chi-square distribution with two degrees of freedom.

2.2. Significance of Fund Characteristics

In the second part of our study, we evaluate the significance of each fund characteristic for the volatility interactions we previously identified. In order to accomplish this, we employ a logit framework.
p r y i = 1 x i , θ = e x i θ / 1 + e x i θ
where y i denotes binary data that corresponds to a value of 1 if there is a transmission identified and 0 otherwise. The fund characteristics we use are represented by the vector x i . e is the base of the natural logarithm, and θ is the coefficient matrix. Our logit model is estimated using maximum likelihood. Since the transmission results do not show extensive variation (for example, almost all of the funds are impacted by oil prices), we divide the continuous F λ L M test statistic based on the median value and consider values above the median to be 1 and values below it to be 0.

3. Data

Our data consist of 66 mutual funds categorized under the “Energy Sector” in the Morningstar database. Due to data availability, our dataset consists of daily observations from 20 September 2016 to 31 August 2023. We also utilize several fund characteristics provided by the same database in the second section of our study. The critical characteristic we use is WATMNGCOV. Morningstar defines these data as follows: “The percentage of the covered long only portfolio invested in corporate securities that is exposed to corporations that have a Water Management policy”.
Since oil prices have previously been shown to suffer from structural breaks, we conduct unit root tests of stationarity. We utilize the Fourier-Augmented Dickey–Fuller test, developed by Enders and Lee (2012), to test for a unit root. Our results show that a unit root cannot be rejected2. Therefore, our model, which accounts for structural breaks, is appropriate.

4. Results and Discussion

In our analysis, we started by testing each energy mutual fund volatility against oil price volatility. As our findings in Table 1 show, almost all of the funds are impacted by oil price volatility. However, we did not find a similar result in the opposite direction.
We repeated the volatility transmission tests using the natural gas prices. As shown in Table 2, the implications of directional volatility transmission are different compared to those for the oil market. Our results provide evidence of bi-directional volatility transmission between energy mutual funds and the natural gas market. In other words, there is volatility feedback between the asset groups.
Following our volatility transmission tests, in the second part of our study, we tested whether fund characteristics (including water management policy) influence the volatility interactions we previously identified. As we mentioned before, since there is not adequate differentiation between funds with some volatility transmission results (for example, most energy funds are impacted by oil volatility), we used the continuous F λ L M test statistic based on the median value and considered values above the median to be 1 and values below it to be 0.
Table 3 provides our logit regression findings for the impact of characteristics on the volatility interaction with the oil market. We observed that the water-related characteristic is not influential. However, we found the age of a fund and the expense ratio to be factors that impact volatility transmissions.
In the last section, we repeated the logit regressions for the natural gas market. As presented in Table 4, the water-related characteristic significantly influences the volatility interactions between the variables. In addition, we found that the age of the funds as well as the expense ratio are still important.

5. Concluding Remarks

In this study, we tested for direct as well as bi-directional volatility transmission between energy mutual funds and the oil and gas markets. As a result of the rising importance of ESG characteristics in investing and, more specifically, in the energy industry, we examined whether certain fund characteristics, including corporate maintenance of a water management policy, drive the identified volatility interactions.
Evaluating the transmission from energy funds to oil and gas markets, we found that the two markets differ in how they react. While for the oil market we find that volatility transmits to most funds, this volatility is not bi-directional. Interestingly, our results indicate bi-directional transmission between energy funds and the natural gas market. For the oil market, we found that the expense ratio and the age of a fund are important. On the other hand, we found that water management policies are potentially an important driver for the natural gas market.
Our finding of bi-directional transmission between energy funds and the natural gas market indicates that energy companies producing shale gas, incorporating water-centric processes for development and production, prioritize maintaining corporate water policies. From an investor’s perspective, our findings are important because the natural gas market shows a different sensitivity to some of the energy company characteristics (e.g., the existence of water management policies). This added information would be valuable during the creation of relevant portfolios. Future research could shed more light on the importance of these company characteristics. For example, additional water-related characteristics could be tested simultaneously, which could clarify specific policy attributes that drive the interactions we identified in this study.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, E.G.; methodology, E.G.; formal analysis, E.G. and K.H.; writing—original draft preparation, E.G. and K.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


Authors did not receive any funding to declare.

Data Availability Statement

Data used in this study are available from Morningstar database.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors declare no conflict of interest.


In order to save space, we are not including the derivation of this model. Interested readers can refer to (Li and Enders 2018; Hafner and Herwartz 2006).
In order to save space, we are not including those results here. Findings are available upon request.


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Table 1. Volatility transmission between oil and energy fund returns.
Table 1. Volatility transmission between oil and energy fund returns.
FundFrom Oil p-ValueTo Oilp-Value
EGLIX0.1684 0.91930.20430.9029
Notes: Volatility transmission results. “From Oil” refers to volatility transmitting from the oil prices to the mutual funds. “To Oil” refers to volatility transmitting from mutual fund prices to the oil market. ***, **, and * refer to statistical significance with 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.
Table 2. Volatility transmission between NGas and energy fund returns.
Table 2. Volatility transmission between NGas and energy fund returns.
FundFrom Ngas p-ValueTo Ngas p-Value
EGLIX0.2597 0.87825.4362*0.0660
Notes: Volatility transmission results. “From NGas” refers to volatility transmitting from the natural gas prices to the mutual funds. “To NGas” refers to volatility transmitting from mutual fund prices to the natural gas market. ***, **, and * refer to statistical significance with 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.
Table 3. Impact of fund characteristics on volatility transmission between oil and energy funds.
Table 3. Impact of fund characteristics on volatility transmission between oil and energy funds.
Probability Tests
Oil to FundsFunds to Oil
VariableCoefficient z-StatisticProb.Coefficient z-StatisticProb.
AGE−0.0002 −1.40990.15860.0005**2.46070.0139
TEN−0.1036 −1.35830.17440.0438 0.45010.6527
SIZE0.0000 −0.19770.8432−0.0001 −1.35570.1752
MSSUS−0.1910 −0.47770.6329−0.5757 −1.20110.2297
WATMNGCOV−0.0183 −1.01240.31140.0340 1.57330.1156
Notes: Logit Regressions assessing the impact of each fund characteristic on the probability of previously identified volatility transmission. “Oil to Funds” references a fund characteristic’s impact on the volatility transmission from oil to mutual fund prices and vice versa for “Funds to Oil”. ***, **, and * refer to statistical significance with 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.
Table 4. Impact of fund characteristics on volatility transmission between natural gas and energy funds.
Table 4. Impact of fund characteristics on volatility transmission between natural gas and energy funds.
Probability Tests
Natural Gas to FundsFunds to Natural Gas
VariableCoefficient z-StatisticProb.Coefficient z-StatisticProb.
TEN−0.0354 −0.41620.6772−0.0765 −0.91100.3623
SIZE0.0000 −0.21940.82640.0003 1.28630.1983
EXPR1.7824**2.32340.0202−0.9742 −1.33130.1831
MSSUS−0.1926 −0.44530.65610.6398 1.32110.1865
Notes: Logit Regressions assessing the impact of each fund characteristic on the probability of the volatility transmission previously identified. “Natural Gas to Funds” references a fund characteristic’s impact on the volatility transmission from natural gas to mutual fund prices and vice versa for “Funds to Natural Gas”. ***, **, and * refer to statistical significance with 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Gormus, E.; Harrell, K. Impact of Water Management Policies on Volatility Transmission in the Energy Sector. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 175.

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Gormus E, Harrell K. Impact of Water Management Policies on Volatility Transmission in the Energy Sector. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2024; 17(5):175.

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Gormus, Elif, and Katharine Harrell. 2024. "Impact of Water Management Policies on Volatility Transmission in the Energy Sector" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 17, no. 5: 175.

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