How Much Human-Caused Global Warming Should We Expect with Business-As-Usual (BAU) Climate Policies? A Semi-Empirical Assessment
:1. Introduction
- Question 1. What would future greenhouse gas emissions be over the coming century under “Business-As-Usual” conditions?
- Question 2. For each of the greenhouse gases, what is the relationship between emissions and actual changes in atmospheric concentrations?
- Question 3. How different would global average temperatures be at present if greenhouse gases were still at “pre-industrial concentrations”? In other words, how do we define the “pre-industrial levels” of global average temperatures to which the Paris Agreement refers?
- Question 4. How “sensitive” are global average temperatures to increases in the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases?
2. What Would Future Greenhouse Gas Emissions Be Under “Business-As-Usual” Conditions?
2.1. Some Notes on Units and Acronyms
- 1 Gt C = 1 Pg C = 1000 Tg C = 3.6675 Gt CO2 = 3.6675 × 1012 kg of CO2 = 3.6675 × 1015 g of CO2
- 1 Mt CH4 = 1 Tg CH4 = 1 × 109 kg of CH4 = 1 × 1012 g of CH4
- 1 Mt N2O = 1 Tg N2O = 1 × 109 kg of N2O = 1 × 1012 g of N2O
- 1 ppmv of CO2 ≅ 7.8 Gt CO2 or 2.13 Gt C
- 1 ppbv of CH4 ≅ 2.85 Tg CH4
- 1 ppbv of N2O ≅ 7.42 Tg N2O
2.2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions
2.3. Methane (CH4) Emissions
2.4. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions
3. What Is the Relationship between Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Actual Changes in Atmospheric Concentrations?
3.1. The Airborne Fraction of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions
- Paradigm 1—the “anthropocentric” approach. It is assumed that any natural sinks and sources of CO2 are effectively balanced, and that all human-caused CO2 emissions will contribute to human-caused global warming. This was originally proposed by studies before the Mauna Loa observations had begun or had only recently begun, e.g., refs. [37,101,102,103]. It also seems to be implicit among researchers who consider carbon dioxide (CO2) to be a “pollutant”, even though it is a naturally-occurring gas, e.g., the US EPA’s 2009 so-called “Endangerment finding” [104].
- Paradigm 2—the “airborne fraction” approach. Like Paradigm 1, it is assumed that any natural sinks and sources are roughly balanced from year-to-year. However, given the fact that the airborne fraction is <1, it is acknowledged that the natural sinks and sources are not exactly balancing each other. Instead, it is assumed that some of the natural sinks (chiefly, the oceans and terrestrial vegetation) are absorbing some of the anthropogenic emissions. Within this paradigm, there is ongoing debate over whether these sinks will continue to take up a fraction of this anthropogenic CO2 at the same rate they have been since 1959, e.g., refs. [105,106,107], or whether the airborne fraction is going to start increasing towards 1 in the near future, e.g., refs. [39,108,109].
- Paradigm 3—the “sinks and sources” approach. Within this paradigm, it is recognized that anthropogenic emissions are a new source of CO2, but that there is also significant variability in the magnitudes of the natural sinks and sources. In particular, it is widely acknowledged that increasing temperatures should increase the natural CO2 emissions from soil respiration [110,111] as well as reducing the solubility of CO2 in the upper oceans [112] (which could potentially lead to net outgassing of CO2 into the atmosphere). For this reason, several researchers have argued that some component of the observed increase in atmospheric CO2 since 1959 could be a result of a natural global warming trend (i.e., the opposite of the human-caused global warming theory), e.g., refs. [16,17,74,75,77,79,80,81,85,113]. Importantly, this paradigm does not rule out a contribution from anthropogenic emissions in the recent increase—rather, anthropogenic emissions are treated as an additional source that needs to be taken into account.
- Paradigm 4—the “resilient Earth” approach. This is similar to Paradigm 3, except that it is disputed whether there is anything unusual about the increase since 1959. Within this paradigm, it is argued that the Antarctic ice core estimates are unreliable and that similar CO2 concentrations to present may well have occurred in the decades and centuries before the Mauna Loa record began. Instead, it is argued that most (if not all) of the rise in CO2 over the Mauna Loa record was natural in origin (due to natural global warming), e.g., refs. [82,83,84,87,88,89,114].
3.2. The Airborne Fraction of Methane (CH4) Emissions
3.3. The Airborne Fraction of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions
3.4. Comparison of “Business-As-Usual” AirborneFfractions with the RCP Scenarios
3.5. Projected Greenhouse Gas Concentrations up to 2100 under “Business-As-Usual” Airborne Fractions
4. How Do We Define “Pre-Industrial” Global Temperatures?
4.1. How Much of the Recent Global Warming is Human-Caused vs. Natural?
- Paradigm 1. Recent global warming was mostly or entirely human-caused, and future climate change is going to be increasingly dominated by human-caused global warming
- Paradigm 2. Recent global warming was a mixture of human and natural causes. This means that the current climate models are probably underestimating the role of natural factors in the recent warming and are therefore probably overestimating the magnitude of human-caused global warming that we should expect.
- Paradigm 3. Recent global warming was mostly or entirely natural, and not human-caused. This implies that there is something fundamentally wrong with the computer models, and their projections of future human-caused global warming should be treated with skepticism.
- The IPCC argued that automated statistical homogenization techniques, such as Menne and Williams (2009) [155], are able to remove any non-climatic biases, such as the growth of urban heat islands, and therefore use as many stations as possible to estimate global temperature trends—regardless of whether they have been affected by urbanization bias or not. Soon et al. argued that those automated homogenization techniques are inadequate for that purpose, and therefore estimated global temperature trends using only rural (or mostly rural) stations.
- The IPCC argued that solar variability has been very low since the 19th century, and that solar activity has been, if anything, declining since the mid-20th century. Therefore, they only considered solar variability estimates that fit that narrative, e.g., Wang et al. (2005) [156] or Krivova et al. (2010) [157]. Soon et al. argued that all of the plausible estimates of solar variability in the literature should be considered, and they identified one which implied quite a substantial role for the Sun in global temperature changes since at least 1881, i.e., Scafetta and Willson (2014)’s updated version [158] of Hoyt and Schatten (1993) [159]—see also Scafetta et al. (2019) [160].
- The IPCC were therefore unable to explain any of the post-1950s global temperature trends in terms of natural factors and concluded that human-caused factors (chiefly increasing greenhouse gas concentrations) were needed to explain the warming since then. They therefore concluded that recent global warming was mostly (or entirely) human caused. On the other hand, Soon et al. were able to explain almost all of the temperature trends since 1881 in terms of changes in solar output. They therefore concluded that recent global warming was probably mostly (or entirely) natural.
4.2. When Exactly Was “Pre-industrial”?
- Paradigm 1. Until the end of the 19th century, global average temperatures were fairly constant, with if anything a gradual long-term cooling. This is consistent with the post-19th century warming being entirely human caused. An example of a reconstruction that fits this paradigm is the Mann et al. (1999) [164] reconstruction in Figure 12a.
- Paradigm 2. There was a Medieval Warm Period around 11th/12th centuries (or possibly a bit earlier), and the 18th/19th centuries were relatively cold (the Little Ice Age), but the Current Warm Period is warmer than the Medieval Warm Period was. This is consistent with much of the post-19th century warming being human caused, but also allows the possibility that some of it could be natural in origin (similar to the Medieval Warm Period). An example of a reconstruction that fits this paradigm is the D’Arrigo et al. (2006) [166] reconstruction in Figure 12b.
- Paradigm 3. There was a Medieval Warm Period around 11th/12th centuries (or possibly a bit earlier) and the 18th/19th centuries were relatively cold (the Little Ice Age), and the Medieval Warm Period was at least as warm as the Current Warm Period was. This is consistent with much of the post-19th century warming being natural in origin (similar to the Medieval Warm Period). An example of a reconstruction that fits this paradigm is the Moberg et al. (2005) [165] reconstruction in Figure 12c.
- Paradigm 4. There are still too many inconsistencies between the various reconstructions and uncertainties and poorly justified assumptions associated with many of the underlying proxy series for us to establish how the globally representative averaged temperature changes during the current period compared to those over the last millennium or longer. Some of these problems and uncertainties have been described by, e.g., [178,183,184,185,190,191,192,198,199].
5. How “Sensitive” Is the Global Average Temperature to Changes in Greenhouse Gas Concentrations?
5.1. Climate Sensitivity Paradigms
- Paradigm 1: “Global warming is mostly or entirely human-caused”. Changes in greenhouse gas concentrations are the primary driver of global temperature change, especially in recent decades, and the long-term warming since the late-19th century is mostly (if not entirely) due to human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Within this paradigm, there is generally less interest in trying to understand the causes of recent climate change, and instead the focus is largely on quantifying future climate change from increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, e.g., Andronova and Schlesinger (2001) [202]; Hegerl et al. (2006) [210]; Chylek et al. (2007) [211]; Aldrin et al. (2012) [212]; Ring et al. (2012) [203]; Lewis (2013) [213]; Shindell (2014) [214]; Skeie et al. (2014) [215]; Lovejoy (2014) [205]; Monckton et al. (2015a) [216]; Bates (2016) [209]; Marvel et al. (2016) [206]; Lewis and Curry (2018) [208]; Shurer et al. (2018) [217].
- Paradigm 2: “Global warming is a mixture of human-caused and natural factors”. It is assumed that human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are a significant driver of recent global temperature change (as in Paradigm 1), but that natural climate change has probably also been a significant driver. Within this paradigm, satisfactorily establishing the relative roles of natural and human-caused factors in recent climate change is a primary focus since this strongly influences both our understanding of recent climate change and our expectations for future climate change. For instance, if 50% of the warming since the late-19th century was due to natural climate change, then this suggests that the future warming from increasing greenhouse gases would probably only be at most half of what might be expected if 100% of the warming was due to greenhouse gases, e.g., Idso (1998) [218]; Loehle and Scafetta (2011) [219]; Ziskin and Shaviv (2012) [220]; Loehle (2014) [221]; Spencer and Braswell (2014) [222]; van der Werf and Dolman (2014) [223]; Wyatt and Curry (2014) [224]; Lim et al. (2014) [225]; Harde (2017) [226]; Christy and McNider (2017) [227]; McKitrick and Christy (2018) [228].
- Paradigm 3: “Global warming is mostly or entirely natural”. Greenhouse gases are not necessarily a major driver of global temperature change, and most (or all) of the warming since the late-19th century is due to the same natural climatic changes that have occurring since long before the Industrial Revolution. Within this paradigm, there is generally less interest in describing future climate change (which is typically assumed to be comparable to the climate changes experienced over the last few millennia). Instead, the primary focus tends to be on better quantifying the magnitudes and causes of past climate changes, e.g., Carter and Gammon (2004) [153]; Svensmark (2007) [229]; Eschenbach (2010); Loehle and Singer (2010) [230]; Carter (2010) [113]; Shaviv et al. (2014) [231]; Lüning and Vahrenholt (2015) [232]; Soon et al. (2015); Svensmark et al. (2016) [233]; Lüning and Vahrenholt (2016) [234]; Kravtsov et al. (2018) [235].
- Paradigm 1a: For estimating the future climate change that would occur if CO2 doubles or quadruples, the latest simulations from the most up-to-date Global Climate Models are probably more reliable than extrapolating from historical observations, e.g., Knutti et al. (2008) [238]; Shindell (2014) [214]; Marvel et al. (2016) [206]; Gregory and Andrews (2016) [241]; Rohrschneider et al. (2019) [242]; Forster et al. (2020) [243].
- Paradigm 1b: The use of relatively simple analytical models or theoretical frameworks (preferably coupled to historical observations) offers a quicker and more flexible method for estimating future climate changes, e.g., Aldrin et al. (2012) [212]; Lewis (2013) [213]; Geoffroy et al. (2013) [244]; Skeie et al. (2014) [215]; Monckton et al. (2015a) [216]; Bates (2016) [209]; Lewis and Curry (2018) [208].
- Paradigm 1c: The most realistic (or, at least, the most compelling) estimates of climate sensitivity are probably ones that are derived from historical observations, although the calculations often require making theoretical assumptions that can be subjective, e.g., Andronova and Schlesinger (2001) [202]; Edwards et al. (2007) [245]; Chylek et al. (2007) [211]; Schwartz (2007) [237]; (2008) [236]; Ring et al. (2012) [203]; Lovejoy (2014) [205].
5.2. Different Climate Sensitivity Definitions and Estimates
5.3. Converting Projected Greenhouse Gas Concentrations into Projected Human-Caused Global Warming for Different Transient Climate Response and Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Estimates
6. How Much Human-Caused Global Warming Should We Expect with Business-As-Usual (BAU) Climate Policies?
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Constituent | Chemical Formula | Infrared-Active | Calculated “GWP” | Molecular Weight (g/mole) | Fraction by Volume of Dry Air in 1990 | Total Mass (g) in 1990 |
Total Atmosphere | 28.97 | 5.136 × 1021 | ||||
Dry Air | 28.964 | 100.0% | 5.119 × 1021 | |||
Nitrogen | N2 | No | 28.013 | 78.08% | 3.876 × 1021 | |
Oxygen | O2 | No | 31.999 | 20.95% | 1.185 × 1021 | |
Argon | Ar | No | 39.948 | 0.934% | 6.59 × 1019 | |
Water Vapor | H2O | Yes | N/A | 18.015 | - | 1.7 × 1019 |
Carbon Dioxide | CO2 | Yes | 1 | 44.01 | 353 ppmv | ~2.76 × 1018 |
Neon | Ne | No | 20.183 | 18.2 ppmv | 6.48 × 1016 | |
Krypton | Kr | No | 83.80 | 1.14 ppmv | 1.69 × 1016 | |
Helium | He | No | 4.003 | 5.24 ppmv | 3.71 × 1015 | |
Methane | CH4 | Yes | 28 | 16.043 | 1720 ppbv | ~4.9 × 1015 |
Xenon | Xe | No | 131.30 | 87 ppmv | 2.02 × 1015 | |
Ozone | O3 | Yes | 47.998 | Variable | ~3.3 × 1015 | |
Nitrous Oxide | N2O | Yes | 265 | 44.013 | 310 ppbv | ~2.3 × 1015 |
“F-compounds” | Various | Yes | >1000 | Various | ~1 ppbv | <<1 × 1015 |
Emissions Type | Dataset | Ref. |
Historical CO2 Emissions (fossil fuels/industry) | Global Carbon Budget (2019), | [39] |
(Alternative Source) | CDIAC, | [40] |
CO2 Emissions (Land use/Land Cover) | Global Carbon Budget (2019), | [39] |
(Alternative Source) | Smith and Rothwell (2013), CDIAC, | [41] |
Historical CH4 and N2O Emissions | Gütschow et al. (2019): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series (1850-2017). v2.1. GFZ Data Services. | [42,43] |
IPCC AR1 Projections | IPCC Working Group 3, 1st Assessment Report (1990). There are 5 scenarios: A, B, C, D and D* | [44] |
IPCC AR2 Projections | IS92 Emissions Scenarios. The scenarios are A, B, C, D, E and F. Source: | [45] |
IPCC AR3 and AR4 Projections | Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (“SRES”). This comprises more than 40 different scenarios, but six are recommended as “representative scenarios”, i.e., A1, A1G, A1T, A2, B1 and B2. Source: | [46] |
IPCC AR5 Projections | Representative Concentrations Projections (“RCP”) Database (Version 2.0.5). This comprises four scenarios each of which is named in terms of the expected increase in radiative forcing in W/m2 by 2100, i.e., 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5. Source: | [47] |
IPCC AR6 Projections | The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (“SSP”) scenarios are paired with a slightly extended range of the RCP projections (increases in radiative forcing of 1.9, 3.4 and 7.0 W/m2 are also considered). Hence, they are sometimes referred to as “SSP/RCP”. Nine scenarios have been recommended for use by the CMIP6 climate modelling groups, i.e., SSP1-19, SSP1-26, SSP2-45, SSP3-70 (Baseline), SSP3-70 (LowNTCF), SSP4-34, SSP4-60, SSP5-34-OS, and SSP5-85 (Baseline). The naming format is SSPn-xx, where n is the pathway and xx is the projected increase in radiative forcing by 2100 (× 10). Source: | [48] |
Acronym | Meaning |
AGW | Anthropogenic, i.e., human-caused Global Warming |
BAU | Business-As-Usual |
CH4 | Methane |
CMIPn | Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, phase n, where n = 3, 5 or 6 |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
ECS | Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity |
GCM | Global Climate Model. Note that historically this acronym originally referred to General Circulation Models, i.e., early climate models |
Gt | Gigatonne, i.e., 1015 g |
GWP | Global Warming Potential |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IPCC ARn | The nth IPCC Assessment Report (where n = 1−6) |
IS-92 | Projections used for IPCC AR2 (1995) |
n × CO2 | A climate model simulation that is run assuming atmospheric CO2 is n times that of present (where n is typically 1, 2 or 4) |
N2O | Nitrous oxide, "laughing gas" |
NASA GISS | NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies, based in New York, USA |
Pg | Petagram, identical to gigatonne, i.e., 1015 g |
ppbv | parts per billion by volume |
ppmv | parts per million by volume |
RCP | Representative Concentrations Projections, projections used for IPCC AR5 (2013) |
RF | Radiative Forcing |
SRES | Special Report on Emissions Scenarios, projections used for IPCC AR3 (2001) and AR4 (2007) |
SSP or SSP/RCP | Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. (Often described with an accompanying Representative Concentrations Projection), projections to be used for the upcoming IPCC AR6 report |
TCR | Transient Climate Response, a type of climate sensitivity estimate |
Tg | Teragram, i.e., 1012 g |
UNFCCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
Emissions Type | Dataset | Reference |
CO2, CH4 and N2O Atmospheric Concentrations | NOAA ESRL Global Monitoring Division, | - |
(Alternative Source) | The NOAA Annual Greenhouse Gas Index (AGGI) | [69] |
N2O (Alternative Source) | Combined Nitrous Oxide data from NOAA ESRL | [70] |
Law Dome, Antarctic Ice Core Estimates | NOAA NCEI Paleoclimatology Data, | [38,71] |
IPCC AR5 Projections | RCP Database (Version 2.0.5), | [47] |
Study | Paradigm | ECS (or Equivalent) | TCR (or Equivalent) |
“Charney Report” (1979) [246] | 1 | 1.5–4.5 °C | - |
Schlesinger (1986) [8] | 1 | 0.24–9.6 °C | - |
IPCC AR1 (1990) [53] | 1 | 1.5–4.5 °C | - |
IPCC AR2 (1995) [54] | 1 | 1.5–4.5 °C | - |
IPCC AR3 (2001) [55] | 1 | 1.5–4.5 °C | 1.1–3.1 °C |
IPCC AR4 (2007) [56] | 1 | 2.0–4.5 °C | 1.0–3.0 °C |
IPCC AR5 (2013) [33] | 1 | 1.5–4.5 °C | 1.0–2.5 °C |
Gregory and Andrews (2008) [261] | 1a | - | 1.3–2.3 °C |
Vial et al. (2013) [249] | 1a | 1.9–4.4 °C | - |
Forster et al. (2013) [254] | 1a | 1.90–4.54 °C (†3.22 °C) | 1.19–2.45 °C (†1.82 °C) |
Shindell (2014) [214] | 1a | - | >1.3 °C |
Marvel et al. (2016) [206] | 1a | ~3.0 °C | ~1.8 °C |
Zelinka et al. (2020) [262] | 1a | 1.8–5.6 °C | - |
Lindzen & Choi (2011) [260] | 1b | 0.5–1.3 °C (†0.7 °C) | - |
Aldrin et al. (2012) [212] | 1b | 0.7–4.3°C (†2 °C) | - |
Otto et al. (2013) [207] | 1b | 1.2–3.9 °C (†2.0 °C) | 0.9–2.0 °C (†1.3 °C) |
Skeie et al. (2014) [215] | 1b | 0.9–3.2 °C (†1.8 °C) | 0.79–2.2 °C (†1.4 °C) |
Monckton et al. (2015a) [216] | 1b | 0.8–1.3 °C (†1.05 °C) | 0.8–1.3 °C (†1.05 °C) |
Bates (2016) [209] | 1b | 0.85–1.30 °C (†1.05 °C) | - |
Lewis and Grünwald (2018) [263] | 1b | 1.1–4.05 °C (†1.87 °C) | - |
Lewis and Curry (2018) [208] | 1b | 1.05–2.45 °C (†1.50 °C) | 0.9–1.7°C (†1.20 °C) |
Schurer et al. (2018) [217] | 1b | - | 1.2–2.4 °C (†1.7 °C) |
Andronova and Schlesinger (2001) [202] | 1c | 1.0–9.3 °C | - |
Lea (2004) [264] | 1c | 4.4–5.6 °C | - |
Hegerl et al. (2006) [210] | 1c | 1.6–6.2 °C (†2.5 °C) | - |
Chylek et al. (2007) [211] | 1c | 1.1–1.8 °C | - |
Schwartz (2007) [237] | 1c | 0.6–1.6 °C (†1.1 °C) | - |
Schwartz (2008) [236] | 1c | 0.9–2.9 °C (†1.9 °C) | - |
Ring et al. (2012) [203] | 1c | 1.45–2.01 °C (†1.6 °C) | - |
Masters (2014) [265] | 1c | 1.2–5.1 °C (†2.0 °C) | - |
Lovejoy (2014) [205] | 1c | 2.5–3.66 °C (†3.08 °C) | - |
Idso (1998) [218] | 2 | <0.4 °C | <0.4 °C |
Loehle and Scafetta (2011) [219] | 2 | <1–1.5°C | <1–1.5 °C |
Ziskin and Shaviv (2012) [220] | 2 | 0.69–1.26 °C (†0.93 °C) | - |
van der Werf and Dolman (2014) [223] | 2 | - | 1.0–3.3 °C (†1.6 °C) |
Spencer and Braswell (2014) [222] | 2 | 1.3–2.2 °C | - |
Loehle (2014) [221] | 2 | 1.75–2.23 °C (†1.99 °C) | 0.96–1.23 °C (†1.09 °C) |
Specht et al. (2016) [266] | 2 | 0.4 °C | - |
Harde (2017) [226] | 2 | 0.7 °C | - |
Christy and McNider (2017) [227] | 2 | - | 0.84–1.36°C (†1.10 °C) |
Soon et al. (2015) [152] | 3 | - | <0.44 °C |
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Connolly, R.; Connolly, M.; Carter, R.M.; Soon, W. How Much Human-Caused Global Warming Should We Expect with Business-As-Usual (BAU) Climate Policies? A Semi-Empirical Assessment. Energies 2020, 13, 1365.
Connolly R, Connolly M, Carter RM, Soon W. How Much Human-Caused Global Warming Should We Expect with Business-As-Usual (BAU) Climate Policies? A Semi-Empirical Assessment. Energies. 2020; 13(6):1365.
Chicago/Turabian StyleConnolly, Ronan, Michael Connolly, Robert M. Carter, and Willie Soon. 2020. "How Much Human-Caused Global Warming Should We Expect with Business-As-Usual (BAU) Climate Policies? A Semi-Empirical Assessment" Energies 13, no. 6: 1365.
APA StyleConnolly, R., Connolly, M., Carter, R. M., & Soon, W. (2020). How Much Human-Caused Global Warming Should We Expect with Business-As-Usual (BAU) Climate Policies? A Semi-Empirical Assessment. Energies, 13(6), 1365.