An Algorithm for Optimization of Recharging Stops: A Case Study of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Canadian’s Ontario Highway 401
:1. Introduction
2. EV Charging Stations
2.1. Types of Charging Stations
- Private charging stations: These are commonly used in the private sector. Depending on the situations, these could or could not be available to the community. They are often used in family homes, shops, hotels, car dealerships with repair shops, shopping malls, restaurants, banks/insurance companies, and company car parks.
- Public charging stations: These are often mounted on public infrastructures or in public car parking lots situated in railway stations, aerodromes, or further unrestricted spaces. There is need to clarify the distinction between charging stations and charging points. Certain charging stations are supplied with two or more cables or connectors and have the capability to load two or additional vehicles simultaneously. Each connector is usually represented as a charging point, and this expression is usually employed when relating charging accessibility. Otherwise stated, a station with a single cord is considered as one charging point, and a station with two cords and the capacity to charge two vehicles at one period is regarded as two charging points. This assists to evaluate the accessibility of charging points further precisely than totalling the stations themselves.
2.2. Charging Methods
- Mode 1: In Mode 1 charging, the EV is connected to an alternating current (AC) supply network by means of a non-specialised domestic plug. The limit current does not surpass 16 A, and the limit voltage does not exceed 250 V for a single-phase AC network or 480 V for a three-phase AC network. Mode 1 necessitates both an over-current safety device and shielding earth conductors. A circuit breaker (CB) is used for over-current protection, and a ground fault interrupter (GFI) for switching off the circuit at any time the electric current is unbalanced within the energized conductor and the return neutral conductor. The use of a surge limiter is advised. IEC 61851-1 does not demand the use of any control pins for Mode 1 connectors. However, Mode 1 charging is not allowed in several nations, including the US.
- Mode 2: The connection of an EV to an AC supply network is described as Mode 2 charging. In this case, the limit current does not surpass 32 A, and the limit voltage is lower than 250 V for single-phase or less than 480 V for three-phase networks. Mode 2 charging needs over-current safety, a shielding earth, and a residual current protective mechanism for isolation from electric shocks. A charging control system is combined by means of an aligned unit in the charging cable. Therefore, Mode 2 couplers involve a control pin (defined in IEC 61851-1) on the vehicle side. However, the network side of the cable does not necessitate a control pin, as the control module is embedded in the charging cable.
- Mode 3: With Mode 3 charging, the EV is connected to a charging equipment, which is always hooked up to either a single-phase or a three-phase AC network. The functioning of the charging control pilot is controlled by the on-board charger in the EV as well as the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) control package in the off-board installation. Mode 3 charging needs surge current protection and a ground fault interrupter inside the charging station. A surge arrester is recommended to insulate components from high DV/DT voltage surges. IEC 61851-1 requires the implementation of several controls and signal pins in the coupler. A pilot pin in the plug on the side of the charging station regulates the circuit breaker, which switches off the charging station when no vehicle is connected.
- Mode 4: In charging Mode 4, the EV is connected to a single-phase or a three-phase AC grid with an AC/DC converter. An external EV charger is deployed to allow fast charging. Mode 4 DC fast charging tolerates currents not exceeding 400 A. The vehicle is hooked up with an IEC 62196 standardized connector on the vehicle side (every mode allowed) and with an IEC 62196 Mode 3 connector on the side of the charging station. Mode 4 charging stations must integrate AC/DC-sensitive GFIs and distinct surge protection instruments for AC and DC. The control and the signal pins of a Mode 4 connector are analogous to those of Mode 3 connectors in conformity to IEC 61851-1.
3. Case Study: From Toronto to Ottawa (Canada) through ON-401
3.1. EV Charging Stations
3.2. EV Comparison
4. Optimization Algorithm
4.1. EV Variables and Parameters
- SoC: It is an input value. It indicates the percentage point of the battery pack of EV (0% = empty; 100% = full). The starting SoC must be greater than 20%, otherwise errors will occur, and a warning is displayed.
- Range: It is the total kilometres that the vehicles can travel. The values considered in the equations are reported in Table 1.
- Charging Time (Ct): It is a manufacturer’s data (an ideal value and not a real one). It differs for each EV considered.
- Actual Starting point (dc): It is value that is updated whenever a car arrives at a new charging point.
- Maximum allowed distance (x): It is a simple sum of current range and actual starting point.
- Current Range (A1): It is calculated starting from two input data, SoC and car’s ideal range (manufacturer data). It represents the maximum range (in km) allowed up to 20% of SoC:
- Remaining Charge (CR): It represents the percentage of charge remaining when the vehicle arrives at the charging station:
- Current Charging Time (CCT): Time spent to recharge vehicle at stop number n:
- Final Charge (FC): Percentage of charging at final point (arrive):
4.2. EV Comparison
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. 100% Initial SoC Tests
5.2. 50% Iniatil SoC Tests
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Model of EVs | Battery Capacity (kWh) | EPA Range (MPGe) | Range (km) | Charging Time (min) | |
Kia Soul | | 30 | 93 | 133.36 | 44:00 |
Nissan Leaf | | 62 | 97 | 287.54 | 60:00 |
Tesla Model 3 | | 75 | 112 | 401 | 57:00 |
BMW i3 | | 42.5 | 102 | 205.5 | 60:00 |
Tesla Model S | | 100 | 107 | 487.6 | 65:00 |
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Stabile, A.; Longo, M.; Yaïci, W.; Foiadelli, F. An Algorithm for Optimization of Recharging Stops: A Case Study of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Canadian’s Ontario Highway 401. Energies 2020, 13, 2055.
Stabile A, Longo M, Yaïci W, Foiadelli F. An Algorithm for Optimization of Recharging Stops: A Case Study of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Canadian’s Ontario Highway 401. Energies. 2020; 13(8):2055.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStabile, Andrea, Michela Longo, Wahiba Yaïci, and Federica Foiadelli. 2020. "An Algorithm for Optimization of Recharging Stops: A Case Study of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Canadian’s Ontario Highway 401" Energies 13, no. 8: 2055.
APA StyleStabile, A., Longo, M., Yaïci, W., & Foiadelli, F. (2020). An Algorithm for Optimization of Recharging Stops: A Case Study of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Canadian’s Ontario Highway 401. Energies, 13(8), 2055.