Bragg Mirrors for Thermal Waves
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
See pdf file
Comments for author File: Comments.pdf
Author Response
We appreciate the comments of the reviewer. The reply to each of the queries are
Point 1. This is an important issue. We added a short discussion where we explain the reason for choosing the real frequency and the complex wavenumber. This choice was used since we assumed that the temperature field is excited by an external source, for example a frequency modulated laser. As explained in the revised manuscript exploring the possibility of having a complex frequency and real wavevector is worth exploring in systems like the one we present.
Point 2. Yes we agree to avoid any confusion we removed the absolute value from and the vector arrow from k.
Point 3. We added a Figure where the schematics of the layered system is presented.
Point 4. The skin or penetration length δ is important and gives information on the viability of having a wave traveling through the medium. We added a new Figure with the values of the penetration length for the different materials shown in Table 1. The corresponding explanation was also included in the text.
Finally, we also included a pdf version with the changes we made in blue.
Reviewer 2 Report
The topic of the Manuscript is very interesting.
It is a pity that this Manuscript is so short. Please note that this is a simulation-only work.
Is it possible to perform any experiments related to this?
The authors could indicate more precisely the possible applications of their work.
I would like a more detailed explanation of equation (3).
Figures 2 and 4 are too small.
Is it possible to perform any experiments related to this?
Did I mentioned, that it is a pity that the article is so short.
Author Response
We thank the positive comments of the reviewer.
1) As mentioned by the reviewer, this is a simulation-only paper. It is possible to do experiments since the fabrication techniques for layered systems or superlattices are well known . Indeed, that is the fundamental ideal of the manuscript. A proposal for an experimental setup that can definitely answer the question of thermal waves.
2) We added a short paragraph to discuss possible applications such as thermal pass bands filters and possible future work taking advantage of the wave-nature of the solutions we found.
3) Regarding Eq. (3) we added an explanation on why we get this solution. This is also related to the comment of the other reviewer about our choice of having a real frequency and complex wavevector.
4) We adjusted the size of the figures to make them clearer.
5 ) Two additional Figures were added. One describing the system and another showing the penetration length or skin depth of the materials employed in the manuscript.