Numerical Analysis of Electrohydrodynamic Flow in a Circular Cylindrical Conduit by Using Neuro Evolutionary Technique
:1. Introduction
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- This paper developed a neuroevolutionary soft computing paradigm to analyze the mathematical model of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow of fluid in the circular cylindrical conduit by exploiting the global search efficiency of GNDO and local search support of SQP. The design technique is named ANNs-GNDO-SQP.
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- The proposed algorithm was implemented on the EHD problem to study the effect of variations in the nonlinearity parameter and the Hartmann electrical number on , , and .
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- Approximate solutions obtained by the ANNs-GNDO-SQP algorithm were compared with RK-4, the least square method (LSM), and the orthonormal Bernstein collocation method (OBCM).
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- The performance of the design paradigm was validated through statistics of the fitness function, absolute errors, mean absolute deviation, error in Nash Sutcliffe efficiency, and Theil’s inequality coefficient.
2. Problem Formulation
3. Design Methodology
3.1. ANN Modeling
3.2. Formulation of the Fitness Function
3.3. Optimization Process
3.3.1. Generalized Normal Distribution Optimization Algorithm
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- Exploitation
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- Exploration
3.3.2. Sequential Quadratic Programming
Algorithm 1. Pseudo code for hybridized ANNs-GNDO-SQP algorithm. |
Global Search Phase 1: Generalized normal distribution optimizer: Start 2: From the Population of size N and with bounds (L,U), the candidate solutions are signified with 3: an equal number of neurons involved in the ANN structure, W 5: Population: Generate population P of m candidates drawn from a normal distribution as follows: 6: P=[C1,C2,C3,...,Cm]t, 7: α=[α1,α2,α3,...,αm], ζ=[ζ1,ζ2,ζ3,...,ζm] and β=[β1,β2,β3,...,βm]. 8: Output: The global best weights of the GNDO algorithm, i.e., CGNGOBest. 9: Initializations: Initialize population P. 10: Fitness evaluation: Find the fitness value of each individual C in P and achieve the so far best 11: solution . The iteration is updated as 12: Main Loop 13: while (t (Max_iter)) do 14: for if i = 1 : N 15: p is randomly generated between 0 and 1. 16: if p > 0.5 17: Exploitation: The current best solution is selected. M, δ, µ, and η are calculated using 18: Equations (19)–(23) to perform exploitation. 19: else 20: Exploration: The current best solution is selected to perform exploration using 21: Equations (24)–(26). 22: end if 23: end for 24: The iteration is updated as t = t + 1. 25: end while 26: Termination: Stop GNDO for any of the following
30: Generalized normal distribution Optimizer: End 31: Local Search Phase 32: Sequential Quadratic Programming: Start 33: Inputs: CGNGOBest as initial point. 34: Output: Best weighted vector of GNDO-SQP, i.e., CGNGO−SQP 35: Initialization: Start-Point as CGNGOBest, assignment for bounds, iterations, and other settings. 36: Termination: Adaption process ends for any of the following conditions:
41: Fine-tuning: Use ‘fmincon’ for SQP. Update parameters of C for each generation of SQP and 42: calculate fitness of modified C. 43: Storage: Accumulate weights vector CGNDO SQP, functions evaluations, fitness value, and 44: iterations. 45: Sequential quadratic programming: End 46: Data Generation: Simulate the above procedure 100 times to obtain data of fitness values and 47: unknown variables in ANN structure to solve nonlinear mathematical model of EHD flow of 48: fluid. |
4. Simulation and Discussion
5. Conclusions
- We developed a neuroevolutionary soft computing paradigm to analyze the mathematical model of the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow of fluid in the circular cylindrical conduit by exploiting the global search efficiency of GNDO algorithm and local search support of SQP.
- The ANN-GNDO-SQP algorithm is an unsupervised learning mechanism that has a simple structure and is easy to implement. It does not require any prior information about the problem aside from the essential initial and terminal setting of parameters in GNDO-SQP for the execution.
- The design scheme known as the ANN-GNDO-SQP algorithm was implemented to study the effect of variations in the nonlinearity parameter and Hartmann electrical number on , and of the fluid.
- The results concluded that an increase in Hartmann electric number with fixed values of nonlinearity parameter caused an increase in the velocity profile, while an increase in the nonlinearity parameter with a fixed Hartmann electric number possessed an inverse relation with the velocity of the fluid.
- The results obtained by the proposed algorithm were compared with the least square method and orthogonal Bernstein collocation method. Statistics showed that the ANN-GNDO-SQP algorithm overlapped the exact solutions and analytical solution with minimum absolute errors.
- The results of performance measures show that the proposed algorithm is accurate, reliable, and efficient in solving real-world problems.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Setting | Parameter | Setting |
Algorithm | GNDO | Bounds [lower, upper] | [−5, 5] |
Max. function evaluations | 125,000 | Search Agents | 60 |
X-tol. (TolX) | 10−18 | Tol. Fun. | 10−18 |
Algorithm | SQP | Bounds [lower, upper] | [−5, 5] |
X-tol. (TolX) | 10−18 | Tol. Fun. | 10−18 |
Max. function evaluations | 150,000 | Max. Iterations | 1500 |
0.0 | 0.113707 | −1.8 × | −0.21732 | 0.203413 | −1.5 × | −0.37182 | 0.280907 | −1.2 × 105 | −0.35570 |
0.2 | 0.109323 | −0.04398 | −0.22213 | 0.195938 | −0.07504 | −0.38117 | 0.273559 | −0.07543 | −0.41490 |
0.4 | 0.096052 | −0.08891 | −0.22754 | 0.173164 | −0.15355 | −0.40669 | 0.249274 | −0.17273 | −0.57393 |
0.6 | 0.073667 | −0.13522 | −0.23622 | 0.134072 | −0.23872 | −0.44729 | 0.201780 | −0.31000 | −0.80677 |
0.8 | 0.041820 | −0.18368 | −0.24908 | 0.077048 | −0.33327 | −0.49994 | 0.121959 | −0.49656 | −1.05659 |
1.0 | 0 | −0.23505 | −0.26486 | 0 | −0.43924 | −0.56076 | 4.60 × 107 | −0.73015 | −1.26981 |
0 | 0.59728 | −0.00023 | −0.32778 | 0.499319 | 7.7 × | −0.02410 | 0.330538 | 0.00015 | −0.07121 |
0.2 | 0.590027 | −0.07732 | −0.48115 | 0.498676 | −0.00788 | −0.06765 | 0.328857 | −0.01924 | −0.14224 |
0.4 | 0.562424 | −0.21495 | −0.97371 | 0.494716 | −0.03973 | −0.31859 | 0.320736 | −0.07203 | −0.45074 |
0.6 | 0.493672 | −0.51095 | −2.13311 | 0.475000 | −0.19778 | −1.57414 | 0.292544 | −0.24034 | −1.36954 |
0.8 | 0.335957 | −1.1406 | −4.36641 | 0.379997 | −0.91787 | −6.59433 | 0.206793 | −0.67357 | −3.04216 |
1 | 0 | −2.33152 | −7.67030 | 0 | −3.24594 | −16.7489 | −1.04 × 105 | −1.44529 | −4.55480 |
1 | 0.20700807 | 0.20700815 | 0.20700807 | 0.20341385 | 0.20341579 | 0.20341385 | 0.19459639 | 0.19459641 | 0.19459639 |
2 | 0.34471303 | 0.34472730 | 0.34471303 | 0.32545491 | 0.32545427 | 0.32545491 | 0.28092892 | 0.28092892 | 0.28092892 |
6 | 0.57002550 | 0.57002550 | 0.57002550 | 0.47017920 | 0.47017854 | 0.47017920 | 0.33053379 | 0.33053209 | 0.33053379 |
10 | 0.62896071 | 0.62896071 | 0.62896071 | 0.49202969 | 0.49202968 | 0.49202969 | 0.33297071 | 0.33296462 | 0.33297071 |
20 | 0.66043310 | 0.66043311 | 0.66043310 | 0.49932528 | 0.49932510 | 0.49932528 | 0.33332506 | 0.33339417 | 0.33332506 |
50 | 0.66650870 | 0.66650608 | 0.66650870 | 0.49999536 | 0.49994762 | 0.49999536 | 0.33337147 | 0.33366547 | 0.33337147 |
0 | 8.2992 × | 3.2023 × | 5.2979 × | 8.1842 × | 1.9384 × | 2.1171 × |
0.1 | 6.3358 × | 3.1447 × | 3.6864 × | 6.4341 × | 1.9004 × | 3.3179 × |
0.2 | 4.0286 × | 2.9727 × | 2.4690 × | 3.7985 × | 1.7900 × | 5.2357 × |
0.3 | 2.4205 × | 2.7018 × | 4.3508 × | 2.1086 × | 1.6178 × | 1.5269 × |
0.4 | 1.9436 × | 2.3538 × | 1.6113 × | 1.5688 × | 1.3997 × | 2.4361 × |
0.5 | 2.0378 × | 1.9552 × | 9.7373 × | 1.6862 × | 1.1536 × | 9.3444 × |
0.6 | 2.1622 × | 1.5327 × | 6.6434 × | 1.8463 × | 8.9738 × | 4.7320 × |
0.7 | 2.0455 × | 1.1106 × | 3.0112 × | 1.6495 × | 6.4579 × | 1.0880 × |
0.8 | 1.2410 × | 7.0791 × | 2.2059 × | 1.0793 × | 4.0942 × | 6.1656 × |
0.9 | 1.0002 × | 3.3638 × | 1.4333 × | 5.5085 × | 1.9391 × | 2.1467 × |
Fitness Value | MAD | TIC | ENSE | |||||||||
100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 89 | 100 | 99 | 47 | 100 | 90 | 50 | |
100 | 93 | 48 | 100 | 100 | 92 | 100 | 43 | 12 | 50 | 34 | 14 | |
99 | 55 | 38 | 100 | 83 | 23 | 99 | 57 | 19 | 76 | 47 | 22 | |
75 | 16 | 2 | 100 | 61 | 0 | 100 | 68 | 2 | 81 | 29 | 6 | |
75 | 10 | 0 | 100 | 48 | 0 | 100 | 57 | 3 | 68 | 15 | 3 |
Fit | MAD | TIC | ENSE | ||||||||
Min. | Mean | Std. | Min. | Mean | Std. | Min. | Mean | Std. | Min. | Mean | Std. |
4.44 × | 1.31 × | 6.52 × | 5.09 × | 4.55 × | 5.60 × | 1.95 × | 1.97 × | 2.40 × | 2.05 × | 4.11 × | 1.04 × |
7.72 × | 3.74 × | 3.91 × | 2.67 × | 5.54 × | 4.10 × | 6.72 × | 1.32 × | 1.00 × | 1.78 × | 1.18 × | 1.38 × |
3.39 × | 1.73 × | 3.66 × | 2.67 × | 6.08 × | 8.21 × | 3.75 × | 1.10 × | 1.40 × | 9.59 × | 1.39 × | 5.76 × |
1.81 × | 1.64 × | 3.53 × | 1.15 × | 1.33 × | 1.43 × | 7.94 × | 9.58 × | 9.11 × | 4.19 × | 1.20 × | 2.66 × |
1.43 × | 1.12 × | 2.15 × | 1.03 × | 1.38 × | 1.29 × | 7.86 × | 1.20 × | 1.19 × | 5.23 × | 1.75 × | 4.01 × |
1.21 × | 7.22 × | 9.19 × | 7.43 × | 6.43 × | 6.48 × | 8.18 × | 8.37 × | 7.78 × | 5.79 × 108 | 8.68 × | 2.26 × |
Cases | Min. | Mean | Std. | Min. | Mean | Std. | Min. | Min. |
4.6280 s | 5.297 s | 0.5796 s | 0.1180 s | 0.1467 s | 0.0255 s | 4.746 s | 5.6643 s | |
4.5540 s | 4.7603 s | 0.1837 s | 0.1380 s | 0.1463 s | 0.0097 s | 4.692 s | 5.5877 s | |
5.1220 s | 5.6727 s | 0.6375 s | 0.1360 s | 0.1733 s | 0.0499 s | 5.258 s | 5.5285 s | |
4.5510 s | 4.6330 s | 0.0886 s | 0.1350 s | 0.1407 s | 0.0051 s | 4.686 s | 5.3493 s | |
4.6200 s | 4.7697 s | 0.1690 s | 0.1340 s | 0.1668 s | 0.0642 s | 4.754 s | 5.5411 s | |
4.5410 s | 4.5607 s | 0.0224 s | 0.1400 s | 0.1523 s | 0.0150 s | 4.681 s | 5.3898 s |
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Share and Cite
Khan, N.A.; Sulaiman, M.; Tavera Romero, C.A.; Alarfaj, F.K. Numerical Analysis of Electrohydrodynamic Flow in a Circular Cylindrical Conduit by Using Neuro Evolutionary Technique. Energies 2021, 14, 7774.
Khan NA, Sulaiman M, Tavera Romero CA, Alarfaj FK. Numerical Analysis of Electrohydrodynamic Flow in a Circular Cylindrical Conduit by Using Neuro Evolutionary Technique. Energies. 2021; 14(22):7774.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKhan, Naveed Ahmad, Muhammad Sulaiman, Carlos Andrés Tavera Romero, and Fawaz Khaled Alarfaj. 2021. "Numerical Analysis of Electrohydrodynamic Flow in a Circular Cylindrical Conduit by Using Neuro Evolutionary Technique" Energies 14, no. 22: 7774.
APA StyleKhan, N. A., Sulaiman, M., Tavera Romero, C. A., & Alarfaj, F. K. (2021). Numerical Analysis of Electrohydrodynamic Flow in a Circular Cylindrical Conduit by Using Neuro Evolutionary Technique. Energies, 14(22), 7774.