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Determining the Unit Values of the Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Production of Biofuels in the Life Cycle

Mariusz Niekurzak
Faculty of Management, AGH University of Science and Technology, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Energies 2021, 14(24), 8394;
Submission received: 17 November 2021 / Revised: 27 November 2021 / Accepted: 8 December 2021 / Published: 13 December 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles)


Thanks to the allocation methods, i.e., the division of the total GHG emissions between each of the products generated in the production of biofuels, it is possible to reduce the emissions of these gases by up to 35% in relation to the production and combustion of fuels derived from crude oil. As part of this study, the biodiesel production process was analyzed in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. On the basis of the obtained results, the key factors influencing the emissions level of the biodiesel production process were identified. In order to assess the sensitivity of the results of the adopted allocation method, this study included calculations of GHG emissions with an allocation method based on mass, energy, and financial shares. The article reviews recent advances that have the potential to enable a sustainable energy transition, a green economy, and carbon neutrality in the biofuels sector. The paper shows that the technology used for the production of biodiesel is of great importance for sustainable development. The possibility of using renewable raw materials for the production of fuels leads to a reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels and lower emission of pollutants. It showed that during the combustion of biodiesel, the percentages of released gas components, with the exception of nitrogen oxides, which increased by 13%, were significantly lower: CO2—78%, CO—43%, SO2—100%, PM10—32%, and volatile hydrocarbons—63%. Moreover, it was found that biodiesel undergoes five times faster biodegradation in the environment than diesel oil.

1. Introduction

The progressive exploitation of non-renewable resources, such as coal, oil, or gas, leads to the excessive use of these raw materials and the exhaustion of stocks. The beginning of the industrial era based on energy-intensive systems has increased the demand for energy. For several years, an increase in interest in the production of fuels from organic sources has been observed in the world [1]. This is a result of the overlapping of several factors: high oil prices, individual countries’ striving for energy sovereignty, counteracting global warming, and the limited resources of non-renewable resources. In order to meet the challenges faced by the energy sector and meet environmental protection requirements, the development of renewable energy sources is essential [2,3,4]. Biofuels are all fuels that are produced from biomass. Biomass is considered to be all biodegradable animal and plant matter, as well as their metabolic products. Biofuels can be in the form of: gaseous, solid, or liquid. The representative of the first group is biogas obtained in the process of anaerobic fermentation [5,6,7,8]. Liquid biofuels are mainly: bioethanol (ethyl alcohol produced from plants in fermentation and distillation processes) and biodiesel (chemically processed vegetable oil). Solid biofuels are processed and unprocessed biomass, as well as a biodegradable fraction of municipal waste. All the mentioned biofuels are used in heating and power engineering [9,10,11].
Many researchers have reported that different blends of biodiesel and diesel can be effective in reducing CO, HC, and PM emissions such as cooking oil waste biodiesel [12], jatropha oil biodiesel [13], caranja biodiesel [14], biodiesel from rapeseed oil [15], soybean oil biodiesel [16], and palm oil biodiesel [17]. Many researchers have also studied the effect of biofuels on the performance of internal combustion and diesel engines [18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]. Few studies have been carried out on the calculation of GHG emissions with the use of the allocation method based on mass, energy, and financial contributions of biodiesel. Therefore, this article fills this research gap, and the applied methods have a potential application value for further analysis of the physicochemical properties of, for example, PM particles emitted from diesel engines in the future.
Poland, like other EU Member States, is obliged to implement the provisions of EU directives, including Directive 2009/28/EC [1] promoting renewable energy sources (RED Directive). It is a comprehensive document with a lot of attention to the assessment of biofuels and bioliquids and the need to demonstrate that they meet the sustainability criteria. Confirmation of this fact is to be obtained by the supplier of an appropriate certificate under the selected certification system. One of the elements of the audit is the assessment of the determination of the value of greenhouse gas emissions over the life cycle. The correctness of the determination of this value is therefore extremely important, and it is influenced by many factors, including the method of allocating GHG emissions, as well as the calculation tools used.
The new directive on renewable energy, introduced in 2021, provides for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030, compared to the result from 1990. In addition, the standard provides for a 32% energy share renewable in final energy consumption [28]. One of the most important changes envisaged by the RED II directive is the fact that not only the rules relating to the biofuel production chain will be implemented in the EU-wide sustainable development, but also for biomass fuels that are used in the electricity sector, as well as in the heating and cooling sector. In the context of biofuels themselves, the new regulations put more emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, it sets new criteria to reduce gas emissions by 65–70% for installations that will start operating after 1 January 2021, and 80% for installations that will start operating after 1 January 2026 [29]. First generation fuels, produced on the basis of agricultural raw materials, will be additionally burdened with indirect land-user risk indicators. The assumptions of the latest regulations prioritize the development of advanced biofuels because they assume an increase in the share of these fuels from 0.5%, which took place in 2020, to the forecasted 3.5% in 2030. As part of advanced biofuels, the production of biodiesel from used cooking oils will continue to play a significant role [30,31]. In connection with the above activities, greater supervision and monitoring of entities dealing with their greenhouse gas emissions for the production of biofuels in the life cycle is expected.

2. Materials and Methods

The issues of the allocation method and other factors influencing the GHG emissions result for biodiesel are presented in this paper. In addition, all the components of GHG emissions generated during the cultivation of the raw material used to produce the final biocomponent were determined and their legitimacy was determined. This article analyzes rapeseed–agricultural raw materials most often used in Poland for the production of vegetable oil, from which methyl esters of fatty acids are produced at a later stage. The calculations made in this study were based on real data obtained from various entities. The obtained data was averaged and served as input data for the calculations of greenhouse gas emissions.
Due to the fact that for the purposes of meeting the requirements of Directive 2009/28/EC [1], the GHG emissions for the cultivation stage is given in g CO2eq per 1 MJ of the obtained biofuel, the obtained emissions for one ton of agricultural raw material should be recalculated taking into account all successive conversion processes. In the case of oilseed rape, these are the most common processes leading to the production of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). For this purpose, calculations are made with the use of conversion factors for a given treatment process and emission allocation factors are applied taking into account the type of obtained products: main and by-products. As a result, the final result may be influenced by the selection of conversion factors used in the calculations for oil pressing and FAME production, as well as allocation factors depending on the mass share of individual process products and their calorific value.

2.1. Overall Mass Balance for the Entire Process

In order to analyze GHG emissions on the basis of various allocation methods, the overall mass balance of the entire production process was calculated according to individual stages (Figure 1):
Figure 1 shows a technological scheme for the production of biodiesel from rapeseed oil by transesterification with the use of a basic catalyst (NaOH), including 4 stages:
Transesterification and recovery of methanol;
Separation of methyl esters and glycerin fractions;
Purification of methyl esters;
Purification of the glycerin fraction.
The production of biodiesel as part of the research consisted in directing the stream of crude rapeseed oil, after increasing the pressure and heating (temperature 60 °C and pressure 4 bar) for transesterification. Fresh methanol and catalyst (NaOH) are then routed to the mixer, to which also the methanol recovered from transesterification is recirculated. The resulting sodium methoxide is successively directed to the column where the transesterification is carried out, after which the mixture is sent to the distillation column. Methanol is recovered at the temperature of 150 °C, and then, after cooling down to the temperature of 60 °C, it is returned to the process. The remaining components, after cooling in a heat exchanger, are directed to the separation, where the ester phase is separated from the glycerin phase and impurities. Then, the esters are routed to purification. Initially, in the countercurrent reactor they are rinsed with water at 25 °C to remove soaps. From the countercurrent column, they are directed to a centrifuge, where they separate from impurities, and then pass them to vacuum distillation to dry them. In this way, products with a purity of 99.8% are obtained. Subsequently, the glycerin phase is directed to the tank where H3PO4 is introduced in order to neutralize the basic catalyst. After centrifugation in the centrifuge, the Na3PO4 sediment formed is treated as waste. Then, after the distillation of crude glycerin, technical glycerin is obtained. The advantages of the process include: complexity of the system, high efficiency, and high quality of esters.
Process description:
Stage 1
Combination of sodium base (Qk) with methanol (Qm, cz) in the mixer (1);
Feeding the obtained mixture and recirculated methanol (Qm, rz) to the mixer (2);
Supplying oil (Qol) and methanol with the catalyst to the RT reactor for transesterification;
Feeding the transesterified mixture to the distillation column (K1) to recover the methanol;
Recirculation of the recovered condensed methanol (Qm, rz) to the mixer (2).
Stage 2
Feeding the transesterification products: esters, glycerin, unreacted oil, catalyst, and water as a washing substance to the washing column (K2);
Separation of the ester phase (Qfe) from the glycerin phase (Qfg) in the K2 column.
Stage 3
Directing impure esters (Qfe) to column K3 in order to remove from them methanol (Qus, me), water (Qus, we) and unreacted oil (Qol, poz);
Collection of purified methyl esters (QEM, eyes) in the tank.
Stage 4
Directing the contaminated glycerin phase (Qfg) to a neutralization reactor (OFG) to remove the catalyst, methanol, and water;
Feeding phosphoric acid to the reactor;
Directing the products resulting from the neutralization to the separator (S) in order to remove the sediment (Qosad);
Crude glycerin (Qgs) is directed to the distillation column (K4) to remove water (Qus, wg) and methanol (Qus, mg);
Purified glycerin (Qg, ocz) is formed in the K4 column.

2.2. GHG Emissions Allocation

In the production of biofuels, in addition to the main product, there are also by-products and waste. In line with the methodology set out in the RED directive, the GHG emissions generated during production are allocated to the main product and by-products. Emissions are not allocated to waste if it is used for other purposes (e.g., energy). Then the emissions amount for the generation step is assumed to be zero. The way in which the resulting GHG emissions are “split” between the produced biofuel and by-products will have an impact on the final result of the biofuel’s ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions allocation should be carried out at the production stage, which produces the biofuel, bioliquid, or by-product suitable for storage and sale. The allocation of GHG emissions can be carried out at individual stages of the production of the final product and by-products, after which these products are still processed in subsequent stages. If the subsequent stages of production (products and by-products) are related to the previous ones (material or energy factors), the allocation should be made at the moment when these stages become separate processes, not related in any way to the previous ones.
The total GHG emissions and allocation to the main product and by-product were calculated on the basis of the following formulas [32,33]:
C t = C f + C m + C e  
C t —total emissions related to all inputs, CO2eq,
C f —emissions contributed with the raw material, CO2eq,
C m —emissions brought in with other materials, CO2eq,
C e —emissions related to energy consumption, CO2eq.
The allocation of GHG emissions to biofuels/bioliquids and to the by-product was calculated from the following formulas:
C 1 = C t · Q 1 · LHV 1 Q 1 · LHV 1 + Q 2 · LHV 2
C 2 = C t · Q 2 · LHV 1 Q 1 · LHV 1 + Q 2 · LHV 2
C t —total emissions related to all inputs, CO2eq,
C 1 —GHG emissions allocation to biofuel/bioliquid, CO2eq,
C 2 —allocation of GHG emissions to the by-product, CO2eq,
Q 1 / 2 —the quantity of the product 1/2, expressed in mass units,
LHV 1 / 2 —calorific value of product 1/2, expressed as a unit of energy per unit mass.
As part of the research, the allocation was carried out:
On the basis of physical quantities (mass, energy content).
This method is based on assigning GHG emissions to each of the resulting products and by-products in direct proportion to their obtaining (based on the mass or energy balance) [34]. If the allocation method is adopted based on the mass balance, the mass of the main products, and by-products was initially calculated. Then, based on their percentages of the total mass of production (sum of the masses of the main product and the by-product), they were assigned an emissions percentage.
On the basis of economic figures.
Allocation based on economic quantities gives the least stable and less comparable results. The allocation can be made based on the market prices of raw materials and finished products, production costs, storage, transportation of the final product and by-products. Analyzes carried out in different regions of the world may differ from each other, because the prices of raw materials and by-products, as well as production costs, can vary significantly depending on the economic policy of a country and on the location of the region.
Based on an extensive system.
The allocation made by the extended system method is used especially by scientists from the USA. According to the concept of this method, the system boundaries are extended to include additional alternative products. The activities not related to the life cycle of a given product are also included in the calculations. First, you need to define the amount of biofuel produced and the by-products and products that are on the market that can be replaced by biofuel by-products. Next, the ratio to which the products in question can be replaced by by-products of the biofuel production process is calculated and the environmental impact of the products to be replaced is determined. It may turn out that you replace existing products on the market with products byproducts of the biofuel production process will reduce the negative environmental impact of the biofuel life cycle.

2.3. GHG Emissions Calculation Method

According to the RED Directive, greenhouse gas emissions from the production and use of transport fuels, biofuels and bioliquids are calculated from the formula [32,33]:
E = e e c + e l + e p + e t d + e u e s c a e c c s e c c r e e e
E—total emissions caused by the use of fuel,
e e c —emissions caused by the extraction or cultivation of raw materials,
e l —annual emissions caused by changes in the amount of the carbon element in connection with the change in land use,
e p —emissions caused by technological processes,
e t d —emissions from transport and distribution,
e u —emissions caused by the fuel used,
e s c a —emissions saving value due to carbon accumulation in the soil thanks to better farming,
e c c s —reduction in emissions due to carbon capture and storage in deep geological structures,
e c c r —emissions reduction due to carbon capture and replacement,
e e e —emissions reduction due to increased electricity production from cogeneration.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Overall Mass Balance for the Entire Process

Technological calculations for the four stages of biodiesel production.
Stage 1. The alcohol transesterification and recovery process include the calculation of methanol and catalyst charge and calculations related to methanol recovery and recirculation (Table 1).
  • Supply of raw materials
The calculations concern the required amounts of methanol and catalyst to carry out the transesterification [33,35]:
Amount of methanol needed for transesterification Q m , t (kg/h):
Q m , t = Q ol · η m , e 100 = 1050   ·   11 100 = 115.5   [ kg h ]  
The amount of methanol supplied to the reactor Q m (kg/h), with its twofold excess:
Q m = 2 ·   Q m , t = 2   · 115.5 = 231   [ kg h ]
Required amount of catalyst Q k (kg/h):
Q k = Q ol   ·   η k 100 = 1050   ·   1.0 100 = 10.5   [ kg h ]
  • Recovery of methanol
The calculations concern the possibility of methanol recovery and its reuse in the transesterification process and the amount of pure methanol supplied to the process.
Amount of methanol theoretically recoverable Q m , teor (kg/h):
Q m , teor = Q m ( Q m , t   ·   η e 100 ) = 231 ( 115.5   ·   95 100 ) = 121.275   [ kg h ]
Actual amount of methanol recovered Q m , rz (kg/h):
Q m , rz = Q m , teor   ·   η dest 100 = 121.275   ·   94 100 = 113.9985 [ kg h ]
Amount of pure methanol to be fed to the reactor, taking into account its recirculation, Q m , cz (kg/h):
Q m , cz = Q m Q m , rz = 231 113.9985 = 117.0015   [ kg h ]
Amount of methanol remaining after distillation in the stream of transesterification products Q m , poz (kg/h):
Q m , poz = Q m , teor Q m , rz = 121.275 113.9985 = 7.2762   [ kg h ]
  • Transesterification products
Based on the transesterification equation, when reacting with 100 kg of oil, 100.45 kg of biodiesel and 10.55 kg of glycerol can be obtained (assuming the molar weight of the oil is 871.67 g/mol, and the methyl esters are 875.6 g/mol). The material balance of raw materials, products and by-products after the alcohol transesterification and recovery stage is presented in Table 2.
Amount of Q ME methyl esters (kg/h):
Q ME = 100.45   · Q ol 100   ·   η e 100 = 100.45   · 1050 100   ·   95 100 = 1001.9888   [ kg h ]
Amount of unreacted rapeseed oil Q ol , poz (kg/h):
Q ol , poz = Q ol   · ( 1 η e 100 ) = 1050   · ( 1 95 100 ) = 52.5   [ kg h ]
Amount of glycerol Q glicerol (kg/h):
Q glicerol = 10.4   · Q ol 100   ·   η e 100 = 10.4   · 1050 100   · 95 100 = 103.74   [ kg h ]
Stage 2. Separation of methyl esters and glycerin fraction. At the stage of separation of methyl esters and glycerin fractions, the water charge needed for ester washing, methanol and catalyst loads, and water drained from the esters and glycerin phase should be calculated on the basis of the shares of individual components. The technological assumptions for the separation of methyl esters and the glycerol fraction are presented in Table 3.
Amount of water needed for rinsing methyl esters Q w (kg/h):
Q w = Q prod   ·   η w 100 = 1176.015   ·   1.0 100 = 11.7602 [ kg h ]
Amount of water discharged with the ester fraction Q w , e (kg/h):
Q w , e = Q w   ·   η w , e 100 = 11.7602   ·   10 100 = 1.176 [ kg h ]
Amount of methanol discharged with the ester fraction Q m , e (kg/h):
Q m , e = Q m , poz   ·   η m , e 100 = 7.2765   ·   60 100 = 4.3657   [ kg h ]
Amount of catalyst (NaOH) discharged with the ester fraction Q k , e (kg/h):
Q k , e = Q k   ·   η k , e 100 = 10.5   · 0 = 0   [ kg h ]
Amount of unreacted oil discharged with the ester fraction Q ol , e (kg/h):
Q ol , e = Q ol , poz   η ol , e 100 = 52.5   ·   100 100 = 52.5   [ kg h ]
Amounts of water, methanol, catalyst, and unreacted oil discharged with the glycerin fraction, analogous to the ester fraction:
Q w , g = Q w   ·   η w , g 100 = 11.7602   ·   90 100 = 10.5842   [ kg h ]
Q m , g = Q m ,   poz   ·   η m , g 100 = 7.2765   ·   40 100 = 2.9106   [ kg h ]
Q k , g = Q k   ·   η k , g 100 = 10.5   ·   100 100 = 10.5   [ kg h ]
Q ol , g = Q ol , poz   ·   η ol , g 100 = 52.5   · 0 = 0 [ kg h ]
The ester and glycerol fractions discharged from the separator are presented Table 4.
Stage 3. Purification of methyl esters. The purification of methyl esters consists in removing water, methanol, and unreacted oils from them based on the degree of removal of individual components from the main product. The technological assumptions for the purification of methyl esters are presented in Table 5.
Removed amount of water Q us   w , e (kg/h):
Q us   w , e = Q w , e   ·   η us   w , e 100 = 1.176   ·   99.6   100 = 1.1713   [ kg h ]
Removed amount of methanol Q us   m , e = (kg/h):
Q us   m , e = Q m , e   ·   η us   w , e 100 = 4.3657   ·   99.6 100 = 4.3482   [ kg h ]
The amount of unreacted oil removed Q us   ol , e (kg/h):
Q us   ol , e = Q ol , e   ·   η us   ol , e 100 = 52.5   ·   100 100 = 52.5   [ kg h ]
Amount of purified methyl esters Q EM , ocz (kg/h):
Q EM , ocz = Q fe Q us   w , e Q us   m , e Q us   ol , e   = 1060.0305 1.1713 4.3482 52.5 = 1002.0011 [ kg h ]
The material balance of raw materials, products and by-products after the purification stage of methyl esters is presented in Table 6.
Stage 4. Purification of the glycerin fraction. The purification of the glycerol fraction consists in removing the catalyst.
  • Catalyst removal (NaOH)
To neutralize 1 kg of NaOH, use 0.81667 kg of pure phosphoric acid. The reaction produces 1.3667 kg of sodium triphosphate and 0.450 kg of water.
Amount of pure phosphoric acid to neutralize the sodium hydroxide Q kwas , 100 (kg/h):
Q kwas , 100 = 0.81667 ·   Q k , g = 0.81667   · 10.5 = 8.575   [ kg h ]
The amount of phosphoric acid at 85% concentration to neutralize the sodium hydroxide Q kwas , 85 (kg/h):
Q kwas , 85 = 100 85   ·   Q kwas , 100 = 100 80   · 8.575 = 10.7188   [ kg h ]
Amount of water introduced with 85% phosphoric acid Q w   kwas , 85 (kg/h):
Q w   kwas , 85 = ( 100 85 85 ) ·   Q kwas ,   85 = ( 100 85 85 ) · 10.7188 = 1.8916 [ kg h ]
Amount of tri-sodium phosphate formed Q osad (kg/h):
Q osad = 1.3667   ·   Q k , g = 1.3667   · 10.5 = 14.35   [ kg h ]
Amount of water formed by the neutralization reaction of sodium hydroxide Q w , z (kg/h):
Q w , z = 0.450   ·   Q k , g = 0.450   · 10.5 = 4.725   [ kg h ]
Amount of glycerin fraction after catalyst removal (crude glycerin) Q fg , n (kg/h):
Q fg , n = Q fg Q k , g = 127.7348 10.5 = 117.2348   [ kg h ]
The material balance of raw materials, products and by-products after the catalyst removal stage from the glycerin fraction is presented in Table 7.
  • Purification of crude glycerin
The purification of crude glycerin is based on the removal of water and methanol based on the degree of removal of these components. Technological assumptions for the purification of raw glycerin is presented in Table 8.
Removed amount of water Q us   w , gs (kg/h):
Q us   w , gs = Q gs Q fg , n   ·   η us   w , gs 100 = 123.8514 117.2348   ·   33.7 100 = 84.3433   [ kg h ]
Removed amount of methanol Q us   m , gs (kg/h):
Q us   m , gs = Q m , g   ·   η us   m , gs 100 = 2.9106   ·   100 100 = 2.9106   [ kg h ]
Amount of purified glycerin Q g , ocz (kg/h):
Q g , ocz = Q gs Q us   w , gs Q us   m , gs = 123.8514 84.3433 2.9106 = 36.5975   [ kg h ]
Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after the crude glycerin purification step is presented in Table 9.
Overall mass balance. On the basis of mass balances prepared for each stage of biodiesel production, a general balance was prepared for an hour of the entire technological process. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after taking into account all four stages of the technological process is presented in Table 10.
Table 11 presents the annual mass balance of the transesterification process. It was assumed that the process installation works 8000 h a year, and to facilitate the calculations, a ton was taken as the basic unit. The annual material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products of the transesterification process is presented in Table 11.

3.2. GHG Emissions Allocation

To assess the impact of emissions allocation in biodiesel production, it was assumed that the emissions would be split between the main product—biodiesel (purified methyl esters) and the by-product—glycerin. Three different ways of allocating emissions were carried out on the basis of mass balance, financial, and calorific values. Allocation based on the mass balance is presented in Table 12.
  • Allocation based on the mass balance of the installation
The allocation on the basis of a mass balance showed that 96.5% of the emissions are attributed to biodiesel and the remaining 3.5% to glycerin. Allocation of emissions taking into account the market value of the resulting products is presented in Table 13.
  • Financial allocation
The financial allocation of the issue takes into account the market values of the products. The prices of biodiesel and glycerin were taken from internet sources. In this case, the attributed emissions for biodiesel is 98.6%, while for glycerin only 1.5% (this is due to the high price of biodiesel in relation to glycerin and higher annual biofuel production). Allocation of emissions based on the calorific value of products is presented in Table 14.
  • Allocation based on the calorific value of the products
Taking into account the calorific values of the products, the emissions assigned to biodiesel is 98% and to glycerin 2%. This is due to almost twice the calorific value of biofuel as glycerin. As can be seen from the above calculations, the allocation method is important in estimating GHG emissions for the main product (i.e., biodiesel). The attributed GHG emissions to the biofuel ranges from 96.5% (allocation based on a mass balance) to 98.5% (financial allocation).

3.3. GHG Emissions in the Life Cycle of Biodiesel with Different Allocation Factors for the Transesterification Stage

The final result of GHG emissions is also influenced by the values of emitted pollutants obtained in the entire process (cultivation, storage, and transport). An analysis was performed to assess the impact of the adopted method of GHG emissions allocation at the production stage on the final value. It was based on the GHG emissions values (converted into GJ of energy contained in the biofuel) presented in the Biograce calculator. According to Biograce, the emissions allocation factor for biodiesel is 95.7% and is close to the calculated results. The calculations assume that the land-use change emissions and the brownfield rehabilitation bonus are zero and are not taken into account in the analysis. GHG emissions in the biofuel life cycle based on mass share is presented in Table 15.
For the allocation factor of 96.50%, the GHG emissions result is 51.92 g CO2 eq/MJ for the transesterification process. GHG emissions in the biofuel life cycle based on financial allocation is presented in Table 16.
For the allocation factor of 98.50%, the GHG emissions result is 52.27 g CO2 eq/MJ for the transesterification process. GHG emissions in the life cycle of a biofuel based on the energy content is presented in Table 17.
For an allocation factor of 98%, the GHG emissions result is 52.18 g CO2 eq/MJ for the transesterification process. The GHG emissions result for the esterification process ranges between 52.27 and 51.92 g CO2 eq/MJ. In the case of financial allocation, 52.27 g CO2 eq/MJ was obtained, which is the highest of all GHG emission results. The allocation based on mass shares resulted in a lower emissions result—51.92 g CO2 eq/MJ. Fluctuations in the final result, depending on the method adopted, amount to a maximum of 0.35 g CO2 eq/MJ. The lowest GHG emissions result was observed when using the allocation based on mass share and it is lower by 0.26 g CO2 eq/MJ than the emissions result obtained according to the allocation based on energy content (52.18 g CO2 eq/MJ). The result based on the financial allocation is 0.09 g CO2 eq/MJ higher than the allocation based on energy content. The presented calculations show the influence of the adopted allocation method on the final result of the greenhouse gas emissions reduction capacity. The analysis of the obtained GHG emission results shows that for one stage of the biofuel production process (in this case transesterification) the use of different allocation methods does not significantly affect the total GHG emissions result (the maximum difference is 0.35 g CO2 eq/MJ). It should be remembered that the analysis was carried out only for one production stage, which is the transesterification of rapeseed oil.

4. Conclusions

Based on the research, the following conclusions were drawn:
  • The use of biofuels has a better environmental impact than the use of petroleum products, as their combustion emits an average of 35% less greenhouse gases compared to the combustion of diesel fuel.
  • By allocating pollutants, total GHG emissions can be reduced over the life cycle of the main product (biodiesel) by about 31% as emissions are split between it and the by-product (glycerin).
  • The least favorable method of allocating GHG emissions is financial allocation, because its result depends on the prices of raw materials used for production and the prices of final products and by-products, which may differ in individual countries of the world. The high price of biodiesel in relation to the price of glycerin makes the total GHG emissions for the main product the highest.
  • The allocation of pollutants on the basis of mass contributions is the most advantageous method of allocating emissions GHG, as its percentage attribution is calculated on the basis of the quantities actually produced of the main product and the by-product during the year. The total amount of greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the main product is the smallest.
  • Carrying out the allocation of GHG emissions for one stage of the biofuel life cycle-transesterification does not significantly affect the total value of greenhouse gases produced, because this cycle not only consists of the production process, but also the cultivation and storage of raw materials, transport of raw materials to the plant, and transport final products to recipients.


This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


GHGgreenhouse gases
FAMEhigher fatty acid methyl esters
RMErapeseed oil methyl esters
WKTfree fatty acids
ppmparts per million
ηm,emethanol concentration
ηkcatalyst concentration
ηetransesterification efficiency
ηdesalcohol recovery efficiency
Qolrapeseed oil flow rate
Qm,tamount of methanol needed for transesterification
Qmthe amount of methanol fed to the reactor, with its double excess
Qkrequired amount of catalyst
Qm,teorthe amount of methanol theoretically possible to recover
Qm,rzactual amount of recovered methanol
Qm,czthe amount of pure methanol to be fed to the reactor, taking into account its recirculation
Qm,pozthe amount of methanol remaining in the stream of transesterification products after distillation
QMEamount of methyl esters
Qol,pozquantity of unreacted rapeseed oil
Qglicerolamount of glycerol
Qprodthe amount of esters, glycerin, unreacted oil and catalyst going to the separation of methyl esters and glycerin fraction
Qwthe amount of water needed to rinse the methyl esters
ηwthe amount of rinsing water methyl esters
Qw,ethe amount of water discharged with the ester fraction
ηw,ewater share in the ester fraction
Qm,eamount of methanol discharged with the ester fraction
ηm,eshare of methanol in the ester fraction
Qk,eamount of catalyst discharged with the ester fraction
ηk,ecatalyst share in the ester fraction
Qol,ethe amount of unreacted oil discharged with the ester fraction
ηol,eshare of unreacted oil in the ester fraction
Qw,gthe amount of water discharged with the glycerin fraction
ηw,gwater share in the glycerin fraction
Qm,gamount of methanol discharged with the glycerin fraction
ηm,gshare of methanol in the glycerin fraction
Qk,gthe amount of catalyst discharged with the glycerin fraction
ηk,gcatalyst share in the glycerin fraction
Qol,gthe amount of unreacted oil discharged with the glycerin fraction
ηol,gshare of unreacted oil in the glycerin fraction
Qfecharge of the ester fraction discharged from the separator
Qfgcharge of glycerin fraction discharged from the separator
Qus w,ethe amount of water removed from the methyl esters
ηus w,edegree of water removal from esters methyl
Qus m,eremoved amount of methanol from methyl esters
ηus m,ethe degree of methanol removal from methyl esters
Qus ol,ethe amount of unreacted oil removed from methyl esters
ηus ol,ethe degree of removal of unreacted oil from methyl esters
QME,oczamount of purified methyl esters
Qkwas,100the amount of pure phosphoric acid to neutralize the catalyst
Qkwas,8585% phosphoric acid to neutralize the catalyst
Qw kwas,85amount of water discharged with 85% phosphoric acid
Qosadamount of tri-sodium phosphate precipitate
Qw,zthe amount of water formed in the catalyst neutralization reaction
Qfg,nthe amount of glycerin fraction after catalyst removal
Qgsthe amount of crude glycerin after the catalyst removal step
Qus w,gsthe amount of water removed from the glycerin fraction
ηus w,gsthe degree of water removal from the glycerin fraction
Qus m,gsthe amount of methanol removed from the glycerin fraction
ηus m,gsthe degree of methanol removal from the glycerin fraction
Qg,oczthe amount of purified glycerin


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Figure 1. Diagram of biodiesel production by transesterification with the use of a basic catalyst in a flow system. Source: own study.
Figure 1. Diagram of biodiesel production by transesterification with the use of a basic catalyst in a flow system. Source: own study.
Energies 14 08394 g001
Table 1. Technological assumptions for methanol transesterification and recovery.
Table 1. Technological assumptions for methanol transesterification and recovery.
ParameterSymbolUnitAssumed Value
oil flow rateQolkg/h1050
methanol concentrationηm,e% weight of raw material11
catalyst concentrationηk% weight of raw material1.0
alcohol densityρmg/cm30.797
oil densityρolg/cm30.899
content of triacylglycerolsηAc%~100
transesterification temperatureTe°C60
transesterification pressurepekPa (atm)400 (4.07)
yield of transesterificationηe%95
alcohol distillation temperatureTdest°C150
alcohol distillation pressurepdestkPa (atm)30 (3.06)
alcohol recovery efficiencyηdest%94
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 2. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after the stage of alcohol transesterification and recovery.
Table 2. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after the stage of alcohol transesterification and recovery.
Raw MaterialsProducts
TypeSymbolLoad (kg/h)TypeSymbolLoad (kg/h)
canola oilQol1050methyl estersQME1001.9888
unreacted oil glycerolQol,poz.52.5
unreacted oil glycerolQglicerol103.7400
catalyst (NaOH)Qk10.5catalyst (NaOH)Qk10.5
fresh methanolQm,cz117.0015unreacted methanolQm,poz.7.2765
Sum Qprod1176.0150
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 3. Technological assumptions for the separation of methyl esters and glycerin fraction.
Table 3. Technological assumptions for the separation of methyl esters and glycerin fraction.
amount of water for rinsing the methyl estersηw% wag. Qprod1.0
water fraction (ester fraction/glycerin fraction)ηw,e/ηw,g%10/90
methanol fraction (ester fraction/glycerol fraction)ηm,e/ηm,g%60/40
catalyst fraction (NaOH) (ester fraction/glycerol fraction)ηk,e/ηk,g%0/100
unreacted oil fraction (ester fraction/glycerin fraction)ηol,e/ηol,g%100/0
temperature (separator inlet/outlet)Ts°C50/60
pressure (separator inlet/outlet)pskPa (atm.)110/120
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 4. Ester and glycerol fractions discharged from the separator.
Table 4. Ester and glycerol fractions discharged from the separator.
Ester PhaseGlycerin Phase
load of methyl esters/glycerolkg/hQME 1001.9888Qglycerol 103.74
water loadkg/hQw,e 1.176Qw,g 10.5842
methanol chargekg/hQm,e 4.3657Qm,g 2.9106
catalyst load (NaOH)kg/hQk,e 0Qk,g 10.5
unreacted oil loadkg/hQol,e 52.5Qol,g 0
Charge of the ester phase/glycerol phasekg/hQfe 1060.0305Qfg 127.7348
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 5. Technological assumptions for the purification of methyl esters.
Table 5. Technological assumptions for the purification of methyl esters.
degree of water removalηus w,e%99.6
methanol removal rateηus m,e%99.6
degree of removal of unreacted oilηus ol,e%100
temperature in the distillation columnTdest,c°C193.7
pressure in the distillation columnpdest,ekPa (atm.)10 (0.102)
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 6. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after the methyl ester purification step.
Table 6. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after the methyl ester purification step.
Raw MaterialsProductsSide Products
TypeLoad (kg/h)TypeLoad (kg/h)TypeLoad (kg/h)
ester fractionQfe
purified methyl estersQEM,ocz
water removedQus w,e 1.1713
methanol removedQus m,e 4.3482
unreacted oil removedQus ol,e 52.5
Sum 58.0195
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 7. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after the catalyst removal step from the glycerin fraction.
Table 7. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after the catalyst removal step from the glycerin fraction.
Raw MaterialsProductsSide Products
TypeLoad (kg/h)TypeLoad (kg/h)TypeLoad (kg/h)
glycerin fractionQfg 127.7348glycerin fraction after catalyst removalQfg,n 117.2348tri-sodium phosphate (precipitate)Qosad 14.35
pure phosphoric acidQkwas,100 8.575water formed by the neutralization reactionQw,z 4.725
water introduced from acid. phosphorus 85%Qkwas,85 1.8916water introduced from phosphoric acid 85%Qw kwas,85 1.8916
SumQgs = 123.8514
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 8. Technological assumptions for the purification of raw glycerin.
Table 8. Technological assumptions for the purification of raw glycerin.
degree of water removalηus w,gs%33.7
methanol removal rateηus m,gs%100
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 9. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after the crude glycerin purification step.
Table 9. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after the crude glycerin purification step.
Raw MaterialsProductsSide Products
TypeLoad (kg/h)TypeLoad (kg/h)TypeLoad (kg/h)
raw glycerinQgs
purified glycerinQg,ocz
water removedQus w,gs
methanol removedQus m,gs
Suma 84.1049
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 10. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after taking into account all four stages of the technological process.
Table 10. Material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products after taking into account all four stages of the technological process.
Raw MaterialsProductsSide Products
TypeLoad (kg/h)TypeLoad (kg/h)TypeLoad (kg/h)
canola oil1050methyl esters purified1002.0011unreacted oil52.5
catalyst10.5 purified glycerin36.5975
methanol117.0015 methanol4.3482
water11.7602 water1.1713
phosphoric acid8.575 tri-sodium phosphate14.35
Sum1197.837 1002.0011 108.867
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 11. The annual material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products of the transesterification process.
Table 11. The annual material balance of raw materials, products, and by-products of the transesterification process.
Raw MaterialsProductsSide Products
TypeLoad (t/Number of Hours a Year (8000 h)TypeLoad (t/Number of Hours a Year (8000 h)TypeLoad (t/Number of Hours a Year (8000 h)
canola oil8400methyl esters purified8016unreacted oil420
catalyst84 purified glycerin292.8
methanol936 methanol346.4
water94.08 water9.6
phosphoric acid688 tri-sodium phosphate115.2
Sum10,202.08 8016 1184
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 12. Allocation based on the mass balance.
Table 12. Allocation based on the mass balance.
ProductAnnual Production (t)Total Weight of Products% of Assigned Emissions
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 13. Allocation of emissions taking into account the market value of the resulting products.
Table 13. Allocation of emissions taking into account the market value of the resulting products.
ProductAnnual Production (t)Value (EUR/ton)Product Value (EUR)The Total Value of EUR% of Assigned Emissions
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 14. Allocation of emissions based on the calorific value of products.
Table 14. Allocation of emissions based on the calorific value of products.
ProductAnnual Production (t)Calorific Value (GJ/t)Energy Contained in Product (GJ)Total Energy (GJ)% of Assigned Emissions
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 15. GHG emissions in the biofuel life cycle based on mass share.
Table 15. GHG emissions in the biofuel life cycle based on mass share.
StageIssue without Taking into Account the Allocation
(g CO2 eq/MJ)
Allocation FactorIssue after Taking into Account the Allocation
(g CO2 eq/MJ)
Share of Emissions GHG
Oil extraction6.558.60%3.817.34%
Rapeseed transport0.358.60%0.180.34%
Rapeseed oil transport095.70%0.000.00%
Transport of biodiesel to the warehouse0.47100.00%0.470.91%
Transport to petrol stations0.8100.00%0.801.54%
Sum75.71 51.92100.00%
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 16. GHG emissions in the biofuel life cycle based on financial allocation.
Table 16. GHG emissions in the biofuel life cycle based on financial allocation.
StageIssue without Taking into Account the Allocation
(g CO2 eq/MJ)
Allocation FactorIssue after Taking into Account the Allocation
(g CO2 eq/MJ)
Share of Emissions GHG
Cultivation 48.3558.60%28.3354.20%
Oil extraction6.5058.60%3.817.29%
Rapeseed transport0.3058.60%0.180.34%
Rapeseed oil transport0.0095.70%0.000.00%
Transport of biodiesel to the warehouse0.47100.00%0.470.90%
Transport to petrol stations0.80100.00%0.801.53%
Sum75.71 52.27100.00%
Source: own study based on [32,33].
Table 17. GHG emissions in the life cycle of a biofuel based on the energy content.
Table 17. GHG emissions in the life cycle of a biofuel based on the energy content.
StageIssue without Taking into Account the Allocation
(g CO2 eq/MJ)
Allocation FactorIssue after Taking into Account the Allocation
(g CO2 eq/MJ)
Share of Emissions GHG
Oil extraction6.558.60%3.817.30%
Rapeseed transport0.358.60%0.180.34%
Rapeseed oil transport095.70%0.000.00%
Transport of biodiesel to the warehouse0.47100.00%0.470.90%
Transport to petrol stations0.8100.00%0.801.53%
Sum75.71 52.18100.00%
Source: own study based on [32,33].
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MDPI and ACS Style

Niekurzak, M. Determining the Unit Values of the Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Production of Biofuels in the Life Cycle. Energies 2021, 14, 8394.

AMA Style

Niekurzak M. Determining the Unit Values of the Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Production of Biofuels in the Life Cycle. Energies. 2021; 14(24):8394.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Niekurzak, Mariusz. 2021. "Determining the Unit Values of the Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Production of Biofuels in the Life Cycle" Energies 14, no. 24: 8394.

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