The issues, which optimize one objective function, are called the single-objective optimization problems. The process of the algorithms used to solve these issues ends to maximize or minimize a specific purpose.
2.1. Evolutionary Algorithms
Evolutionary algorithms, which are inspired by evolution in nature, are one of the subcategories of population-based meta-heuristic algorithms. In evolutionary algorithms, the search process to find the best solution starts with a randomly-generated population and continues through evolving the population during consecutive generations [
The genetic algorithms (GAs) were developed by Holland [
18] based on the growth and decay of living organisms in a natural environment and could be introduced as the most practical evolutionary algorithms. The GAs have been used in various kinds of optimization problems and proved themselves as effective methods. For example, the CHP design optimization problem leads to selecting the optimal design among many alternatives according to design variables, such as isentropic efficiency, temperature, pressure ratio, etc. In 2010, Ahmadi et al. [
19] applied the GA to optimize a typical CHP plant by minimizing the plant’s total cost, considering the cost of environmental impacts and the cost of exergy destruction. The optimization caused a 9.80% improvement in the total cost. They considered compressor isentropic efficiency, compressor pressure ratio, gas turbine isentropic efficiency, turbine inlet temperature, and combustion chamber inlet temperature as the design parameters. In another study by Mohammadkhani et al. [
20], an optimization process was carried out via the GA for a diesel engine-based CHP system. The objective function considered the total cost of the system product and the cost of exergy destruction and was decreased by 8.02%. These studies showed the importance of the exergoeconomic analysis in gaining a cost-optimal design. In another designing optimization problem, Arsalis et al. [
21] presented an optimal design of a fuel cell-based micro-CHP, while the net electrical efficiency of the system was maximized using the genetic algorithm. In another optimal designing issue, in 2021, Dimri et al. [
22] used the GA to achieve the optimal design of different solar CHP plants. This optimization was based on a thermoeconomic indicator.
Optimal sizing, as another optimization problem in the CHP plants, is vital in terms of saving energy sources and reducing energy costs. In a study, a quick method for sizing and determining the amount of equipment in a combined heat and power natural gas pressure reduction plant was presented; the GA was applied for maximizing the actual annual benefit [
23]. The robust ability of the fit-problem GA was proved by Ferreira et al. [
24] by carrying out a comparison among the performance of the GA, the sequential quadratic programming (SQP), and the pattern search (PS) method in the optimal sizing of a CHP plant. The fit-problem GA applied the population size and mutation probability updating strategies and led to better solutions and a faster convergence rate. In another study, Yu et al. [
25] obtained the optimal capacity of a CHP plant by minimizing the daily energy costs. They used the maximum rectangle (MR) method and the genetic algorithm. The GA obtained a lower average energy cost, while higher energy efficiency was obtained by the MR method. In that case, the MR method was preferred to the GA, because of its full use of the CHP capacity and its shorter computation time.
The combined heat and power economic dispatch (CHPED) issue, as a complicated highly-constrained optimization problem, has been noticed by researchers in various studies. This problem achieves the optimum values of the heat and power production, which causes the minimum point of the system total fuel cost, considering the power and heat load demands and other constraints. An algorithm called the real coded genetic algorithm with improved Mühlenbein mutation (RCGA-IMM) was presented by Haghrah et al. [
26] for accelerating and improving the convergence characteristics of the real coded GA in solving the CHPED problem. They considered the effect of valve point and transmission loss on the production cost and power production terms. In another CHPED optimization problem, in 2019, an improved genetic algorithm, using novel crossover and mutation (IGA-NCM), was presented by Zou et al. [
27]. The selection process was excluded from the GA, to preserve the population diversity as well. Additionally, in another study by Haghrah et al. [
28], a novel real-coded genetic algorithm with the random walk-based mutation was applied to solve the CHPED problem. They concluded this novel algorithm could achieve accurate results.
The CHP energy systems could perform in a hybrid way by applying various energy resources or components alongside the other generation units in a microgrid (MG). In both cases, the proper dispatching among the resources loads, or different units, which are called scheduling optimization problems, leads to an optimal energy system. Optimal scheduling of a solar fossil-fueled CHP plant, combined with a thermal storage and dispatch system, was carried out by Abdelhady et al. [
29]. The schematic of the hybrid CHP is shown in
Figure 2. After minimizing the external utilities, the GA algorithm was employed to obtain the optimal generated power and distribution of thermal energy among fossil, solar direct, and solar stored/dispatched resources. The results for January, as a typical month, are shown in
Figure 3. In another scheduling problem, Shang et al. [
30] optimized a storage-integrated generation model of a CHP plant, to minimize fuel consumption, via the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA- II). Maleki et al. [
31] presented the optimal scheduling of a grid-connected solar-wind-hydrogen CHP system to minimize the total cost of the plant by the GA and particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO). They found that the GA can achieve better results rather than the PSO.
The differential evolution (DE) algorithm, as a type of evolutionary algorithm, is an improved combination of the genetic algorithm with the evolutionary programming (EP), that was first introduced in 1997 [
32]. In 2010, Basu [
33] applied the DE algorithm to solve the CHPED problem. It was applied in a test system, composed of four conventional power generation plants, two CHP systems, and a heat generation unit. For comparison, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and EP algorithms were implemented in the test system. The comparison showed that the DE obtained a lower cost and computation time than the PSO and EP algorithms. Basu [
34], in another study, used the DE algorithm to obtain optimal planning of the fuel energy consumption of various distributed energy resources (DER) in a CHP-based microgrid. The planning was performed through two stages, including optimal sizing and economic scheduling. To improve the performance of the DE algorithm, various strategies were applied by some researchers. For example, the self-adaptive DE algorithm (SADE) was presented by Venkatakrishnan et al. [
35], to overcome the long time needed for fine-tuning the parameters in solving the economic dispatch problems of a grid-connected fuel cell-based CHP. In another study, by Jena et al. [
36], the Gaussian mutation operator was applied in the DE algorithm (DEGM) to improve the search ability of the DE in solving the CHPED problem. the total cost of the plant, which was obtained at 9235.1032
$ showed the great ability of this algorithm, compared to the other methods. An improved version of the DE (IDE), which used a double variation differential strategy, was applied by Wang et al. [
37] in solving a scheduling optimization problem for an integrated energy system. Additionally, Zou et al. [
38] used the DE algorithm based on migrating variables to solve the CHP dynamic economic dispatch. In a CHPED problem, the self-adaptive DE algorithm combined with Gaussian–Cauchy mutation was applied by Chen et al. [
In addition to the aforementioned algorithms, there are some other evolutionary methods, which were applied in the CHP optimization cases. The artificial immune system (AIS), the hyper-spherical search (HSS), and the stochastic fractal search (SFS) algorithms are some of these methods. The AIS algorithm was proposed by Basu [
40], in 2012, to solve the CHPED optimization problem. A comparison, which was carried out among the results of the AIS algorithm and those gained from the PSO and the EP algorithms, showed the superiority of the AIS, in terms of the obtained cost and speed of the process. In another optimal scheduling problem, the HSS was implemented in a model of fuel cell-CHP combined with the battery energy storage [
41]. The SFS algorithm, which is inspired by the natural phenomenon of growth [
42], was applied to the CHPED problem by Alomoush [
43]. Using the SFS in a test system consisting of a conventional power generation unit, two CHP units, and a heat-only generation unit resulted in 9257.07
$ as the total cost of the plant.
According to the above studies, the genetic algorithms can be applied in various types of single-objective CHP optimization issues. This ability of the GAs to solve a wide range of optimization problems, such as optimal designing, sizing, and scheduling of CHP plants, converted them into robust methods. Other kinds of EAs, such as the DE, AIS, and SFS algorithms can achieve great results, in solving a common scheduling model of the CHPs, known as the CHPED problem.
2.2. Swarm Intelligence-Based Algorithms as Single-Objective for CHP
The swarm intelligence-based algorithms (SIs), as another category of the population-based meta-heuristic methods, could be successfully performed in optimization problems. These kinds of algorithms, inspired by the collective behavior of animals, find the best solution. The SI-based algorithms have been developed alongside the EAs [
The original version of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart [
45], in 1995. This algorithm is inspired by the social interaction of fish schooling and birds flocking. However, the standard version of the PSO has undergone many changes by some researchers, due to related problems. For example, a form of the PSO, the time-varying acceleration coefficients particle swarm optimization (TVAC-PSO), was used to solve the CHPED problem, by Mohammadi-Ivatloo et al. [
46]. Additionally, Zeng et al. [
47] used the chaotic search strategy, the time-variant acceleration coefficients, and the self-adaptive mutation operator in the PSO algorithm to solve a combined heat and power dynamic economic dispatch problem. In another CHPED optimization issue, the Gaussian random variables were added to the velocity term of the PSO algorithm to calculate the modified velocity and position of the particles in each iteration. This modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) algorithm presented by Basu [
48], achieved the global optimum through high population diversity caused by the Gaussian random variables.
The PSO algorithms have been applied to the problems that address the optimal scheduling of the CHP-based microgrids. These energy systems usually involve various types of energy sources, such as wind turbines, photovoltaic plants, cogeneration systems, and energy storage; some studies in this area considered the stochastic nature of these systems. Liu et al. [
49] applied a multi-team particle swarm optimization (MTPSO) algorithm to minimize the total operating cost of a CHP-based microgrid. The presented MTPSO algorithm updated the velocity of each particle, more stably. Since the scheduling problems are complex nonlinear optimization models, Zeng et al. [
50] presented an improved PSO algorithm, which incorporated a self-adaptive mutation scheme, time-variant parameters, and efficient constraint handling methods to minimize the total cost of a CHP-based steam power plant. In another economic dispatch problem of a multiple energy carriers system consisting of CHP plants, the TVAC-PSO algorithm was applied [
51]. The cost-effective scheduling of three different on-grid hybrid CHP-based energy systems has been also achieved by applying the modified PSO algorithm [
54]. Additionally, the adaptive PSO algorithm was used in a bi-level economic scheduling model of an integrated energy system, based on the power internet of things [
55]. Liu et al. [
56] minimized the coal consumption of a coal-fired CHP plant combined with power-to-heat devices using the PSO algorithm. They consider operation scheduling of the system to achieve their goal.
To guarantee the reliability and economic efficiency of microgrids (MG), applying and optimal sizing of the energy storage system (ESS) is necessary. Accordingly, Liu et al. [
57] modeled an off-grid MG, which consists of distributed energy resources, a CHP plant, ESS, and electric vehicles, and used the PSO to obtain an optimal sizing of the ESS. Following the works conducted for modifying the PSO algorithms, a novel advanced modified particle swarm optimization (AMPSO) algorithm was presented by Neyestani et al. [
58] to solve the CHPED problem. The results obtained by the study showed the superiority of the AMPSO over the TVAC-PSO algorithm. Another attempt for modifying the PSO method was carried out by Lashkar-Ara et al. [
59]. They applied the self-regulation controls learning process, which made an improved version of the PSO named the SRPSO method to solve the CHPED problem. Additionally, an improved PSO algorithm, combined with a mutation operator, was used for finding the optimal combination and allocation of three types of CHP plants [
60]. It should be stated that in most of the works focused on CHP plant optimization, these types of energy systems consisted of only one CHP unit. However, in a novel configuration, a large-scale CHP plant, composed of two CHP units and a thermal storage tank was modeled, and the PSO algorithm was used for optimization (
Figure 4). The optimization achieved great results in minimizing coal consumption [
61]. Additionally, a CHP plant with multiple CHP units and power-to-heat converters has been modeled and optimized by applying the PSO algorithm [
The cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) [
63], as an SI-based method, imitates the obligate brood parasitic behavior of some cuckoo species. In this algorithm, the solutions are generated via two stages, the Lévy flights, and the alien egg discovery. The CSA showed a great performance in a strategy, which was applied for optimizing a CHPED problem [
64]. This strategy uses the techniques for handling equality constraints. The cuckoo optimization algorithm (COA), with the same inspiration as the CSA algorithm, was introduced by Rajabioun [
65] in 2011. Mellal et al. [
66], used the COA with the penalty function (PFCOA) for constraint handling in a CHPED problem in 2015. In another study, the COA was applied in a CHPED issue, considering the valve-point effect, the transmission loss, the heat-power dual dependency, and the capacity limits [
The whale optimization algorithm (WOA), inspired by the social behavior of humpback whales, was presented by Mirjalili et al. [
68], in 2016. This algorithm was applied to the common CHPED optimization problem, in 2017 [
69]. In another study, in 2019, Massrur et al. [
70] presented a novel optimal model of a grid-connected energy microgrid, by using the self-adaptive modified WOA (SMWOA). Additionally, an improved WOA (IWOA), applying the adaptive weights was proposed by Zhu et al. [
71] to minimize the difference between the required electricity and the actual output from a grid-connected CHP plant.
The group search optimization (GSO) algorithm is inspired by animals’ searching behavior and their group-living theory. Two strategies inspired by animal foraging behavior including searching for food and collective movement toward food resources were used in this meta-heuristic algorithm. In each generation, three types of members are considered: the producer as the best member, the scroungers as the other group members, and the rangers as the remaining members. This algorithm was improved by Tarafdar-Hagh et al. [
72] to better approach the global optimum point of a CHPED problem. Additionally, the classic GSO was applied in a CHPED problem by Basu [
73]. In 2017, a modified version of the GSO (MGSO) was proposed by Davoodi et al. [
74]. This modification was carried out by applying two adaptive scrounger and ranger strategies, to avoid trapping in poor local optima and give more diversity. The findings of the MGSO method were compared with those of the cuckoo optimization algorithm [
75], and the MGSO showed a lower total cost than the COA.
The bee colony optimization (BCO) and the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithms are the SI-based methods, inspired by the food foraging action of honeybees. The BCO, ABC and improved ABC (IABC) algorithms have been applied in the CHPED problems in [
78], respectively. The results of implementing these algorithms in a test system showed a lower minimum cost and computational time of the IABC algorithm than the ABC and BCO. The test system consisted of two cogeneration units, four conventional thermal generators, and a heat-only unit. Additionally, the heat and power demands of the test system were reported as 150 MWth and 600 MWe, respectively [
79]. The obtained results of the BCO, ABC, and IABC are shown in
Table 1.
The firefly algorithm (FA) is one of the SI-based algorithms, because of inspiration from the flash lighting behavior of fireflies to attract potential mates or prey. In 2012, an adaptive modified firefly algorithm was presented, to minimize the total operating cost of a CHP-based microgrid [
80]. The ability of the FA to solve the CHPED problem was proved in a study by Yazdani et al. [
81], in 2013. Additionally, in a scheduling optimization issue, a modified version of the FA (MFA) was applied by Bornapour et al. [
82] to maximize the profit of fuel cell CHP-based microgrid with hydrogen storage. The MFA benefited from the mutation method to preserve the diversity of the population.
There are other SI-based algorithms to solve the CHPED optimization issue. For example, the ant colony search algorithm (ACSA), which imitates the real ants’ behavior in finding the nearest food sources, was improved and used by Song et al. [
83]. The other SI-based solvers for this issue, such as the difference brain storm optimization algorithm, the wild goats algorithm, and the modified bat algorithm were presented in [
86], respectively. In another study, regarding optimal dispatching, the squirrel search algorithm (SSA) was suggested. That study modeled the solar and wind power sources incorporated with a CHP [
87]. In 2020, the wild goats algorithm was applied by Jafari et al. [
88] in an energy management approach, considered for a multi-microgrid. As another application of the SI-based methods, the grey wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm, in combination with three mutation strategies, was used in an optimal scheduling problem [
89]. Additionally, Mahian et al. [
90] achieved the best combination and allocating of a hybrid CHP plant by the GWO method. They considered minimization of the plant’s total cost for selecting the proper combination. Additionally, another SI-based algorithm named the marine predators algorithm was presented by Shaheen et al. [
91] to solve the CHPED problem. This algorithm showed great features in terms of efficiency, feasibility, and capability in achieving the optimal solutions for small, medium and large-scale plants.
The particle swarm optimization algorithms can be introduced as one of the most useful SI-based methods in solving the single-objective CHP optimization cases. As discussed before, various improvement strategies have been applied in the PSO process, by some researchers. The time-varying acceleration coefficients and self-adaptive mutation operators are the most efficient methods in this area. As in other SI-based methods, the cuckoo-inspiration algorithms, the whale optimization algorithms, the group search optimizer, the bee-inspired algorithms, and the firefly algorithms can be introduced as robust methods to solve the single-objective CHP issues. These algorithms, in the classic or modified forms, have been frequently applied in some CHPED optimization problems.
2.3. Human-Based Algorithms as Single-Objective for CHP
Since the human being has greater social intelligence and fitness ability than the insect colonies, the human-based algorithms are introduced as a new category of meta-heuristics [
68]. These kinds of meta-heuristics are inspired by the behaviors and characteristics of human beings [
92]. The harmony search algorithm (HSA), the teaching learning-based optimization algorithm (TLBO), the exchange market algorithm (EMA), and the social cognitive optimization algorithm (SCO) are discussed below.
The HSA, which was introduced first time in 2001 [
93], determines the optimum value of the objective function by utilizing the concept of how the perfect state of harmony is found through an aesthetic estimation. The HSA was applied in the CHPED optimization issue in [
94]. A modified HSA, appropriate for the economic dispatch (ED) problem, named the EDHS, was also applied in a CHPED problem [
95]. The EDHS algorithm as the modified version of the HSA, achieved a lower minimum cost than the classical HSA. In 2012, Javadi et al. [
96] solved the day-ahead generation scheduling of a CHP, by applying the HSA. They showed a satisfying performance of this algorithm in terms of effectiveness and fastness. Javadi et al. [
97] solved a CHPED problem, in a comparative study, by applying the HSA and a mathematical method. The mathematical method had a problem of convergence and difficulty dealing with a huge number of decision parameters and inequality constraints; while the HSA converged to a good solution and overcame a huge number of decision parameters. It should be noted that both HSA and mathematical methods obtained equal values of the plant’s total cost. Additionally, in 2019, Benayed et al. [
98] developed an improved harmony search (IHS) algorithm that generated new solution vectors to enhance the convergence characteristics and accuracy to solve the CHPED problem. In the same year, Nazari-Heris et al. [
99] used a novel multi-player harmony search (MPHS) method to solve the CHPED problem. The number of iterations in the MPHS algorithm, WOA, TVAC-PSO, and the RCGA-IMM is shown in
Figure 5. As it is evident from the figure, the MPHS converges to a lower cost, in a less iteration number.
The teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm was introduced by Rao et al. [
100] by inspiration from the teaching–learning process in the classroom, in 2011. Pattanaik et al. [
101] modified this algorithm by adding the Gaussian random variables and applied it to a CHPED problem, in 2017. In another modification process carried out by Gong et al. [
102], the students’ diversity was increased. This increment caused a significant reduction in the possibility of premature convergence. This modified TLBO algorithm was applied to obtain a stochastic-based optimal energy management model for smart hybrid microgrids.
The exchange market algorithm (EMA) is a human-based meta-heuristic method, because of inspiration from the shares trading style among the elite stockholders. This algorithm was applied to solve the CHPED case by Ghorbani [
103] in 2016. As another human-based solver for the CHP optimization issues, the social cognitive optimization (SCO) algorithm can be introduced. The SCO, which is inspired by the mankind studying method [
104] was combined with the tent map model, as a new algorithm named the TSCO for converging the CHPED issue [
105]. The computation time of the SCO process was 0.673 s, while it was 0.535 s for the TSCO. So, it could be concluded that the tent map model, as a chaotic search strategy, would reduce the computation time of the SCO algorithm. Additionally, a novel meta-heuristic algorithm was introduced by Srivastava et al. [
106], with inspiration from a game played in India. This algorithm named the Kho-Kho optimization algorithm accounted as a subcategory of the human-based meta-heuristics and was applied for a CHPED problem. Another human-based algorithm named heap-based optimizer was introduced by Ginidi et al. [
107] for optimal dispatching of a large-scale CHP system to minimize the total fuel cost.
2.5. Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Methods
The hybrid optimization techniques make an important section, in engineering issues. Combining the different optimization methods causes improvement in their performance and better designing and coding of optimization problems as well [
111]. The hybridizing process can be conducted in three ways: combining the meta-heuristic algorithms, combining the meta-heuristic algorithms and machine learning programming methods, and combining the meta-heuristic algorithms and mathematical optimization methods.
Arandian et al. [
112] applied a hybrid shuffled frog leaping algorithm for stochastic economic locating and sizing a CHP-PV system integrated with energy storage. Beigvand et al. [
113] developed a hybrid algorithm based on the GSA, to solve the CHPED problem. The presented algorithm was a time-varying acceleration coefficients-gravitational search algorithm-particle swarm optimization (TVAC-GSA-PSO). In 2018, the hybrid CSA-BA-ABC algorithm was obtained by combining the bat algorithm (BA) and the ABC algorithm, based on the chaotic-based self-adaptive (CSA) strategy. This algorithm was used as a solver for the CHPED problem by Murugan et al. [
114]. This algorithm showed good convergence characteristics, because of inheriting the exploration abilities of the ABC and exploitation ability of the BA. The performance of the hybrid TVAC-GSA-PSO and hybrid CSA-BA-ABC algorithms was compared by considering a 48-unit CHP plant, as a particular test system [
109]. This implementation had a total cost of 116,393.4034
$ and 115,770.3910
$, and the computation time was 6.63 s and 11.3455 s, with the TVAC-GSA-PSO and CSA-BA-ABC, respectively. Nevertheless, the CSA-BA-ABC showed a lower total cost but consumed more computation time than the TVAC-GSA-PSO.
To avoid the local optimum points that might take place in the PSO algorithmic process, three operators were adopted from the DE algorithm. This novel evolutionary PSO (E-PSO) algorithm was applied by Lorestani et al. [
115], for optimal sizing of a CHP plant, incorporated with renewable energy sources and energy storage. Gu et al. [
116] improved the weak characteristics of the biogeography-based optimization (BBO) algorithm by hybridizing the BBO and the SA algorithm (SABBO), for the economic dispatching of CHP plants. In a study carried out in 2019, the performance of the GA, PSO, and PSO-GA algorithms was compared for optimizing the economic dispatch of a CHP plant. It was shown that the PSO-GA algorithm obtained the best results [
117]. Additionally, in an optimal scheduling problem, an evolutionary algorithm, the DE, and a swarm-based algorithm, the bird mating optimization (BMO), were combined by Bornapour et al. [
118]. The studied model was a grid-connected microgrid including a fuel-cell CHP, wind turbines, and photovoltaic modules. In another hybridizing process, Hu et al. [
119] used the PSO algorithm and the GA, simultaneously, for presenting an economic dispatch model of a wind-solar power-hydrothermal cogeneration system. Nasir et al. [
120] used a hybrid FA and self-regulating PSO algorithm to solve the CHPED problem. They concluded that this algorithm exploited the strong points of FA and self-regulating PSO simultaneously. Additionally, a novel hybrid heap-based and jellyfish search algorithm were used by Ginidi et al. [
121] in a CHPED optimization problem. This hybrid algorithm benefited from the explorative features of the heap-based algorithm and exploitative features of the jellyfish search algorithm.
The opposition-based learning (OBL) algorithm, as a novel scheme for machine intelligence, is one of the most successful concepts for improving the search abilities of the population-based optimization algorithms to solve nonlinear problems. In this regard, some researchers have combined the meta-heuristic algorithms with the OBL technique. Roy et al. [
122] proposed a hybrid algorithm, based on the TLBO, incorporated with the OBL (OTLBO), for a CHPED problem. Additionally, Niu et al. [
123] applied the OBL in the harmony search algorithm with the arithmetic crossover operation to enhance the diversity of the solution. The opposition-based group search optimization (OGSO) algorithm (shown in
Figure 6) was applied to a CHPED problem by Basu [
124]. As is evident from the figure, at the first level, the initial members and the opposite members are generated. Then, by evaluating the fitness of the opposite member, the replacing operation is carried out. In the next stages, by choosing the relating members, producing and scrounging are performed. The numeric results showed that the OGSO reached a lower total cost than the obtained cost of the GSO. It should be noted that the OGSO consumed more computation time than the GSO. The advantages of the OBL algorithm are the improvement in convergence speed, the search process, and the achievement of high-quality solutions, through accounting for the current population and its opposite population at the same time.
Mathematical programming can improve the ability of meta-heuristic algorithms in a variety of issues. There are significant numbers of papers in this area. In research work, by Moradi et al. [
125], the uncertainties of a CHP and a boiler optimization model were considered through a fuzzy programming method. The PSO and the linear programming methods were applied for obtaining the optimal capacities of the presented model. Hosseini et al. [
126] obtained the optimal placing and sizing of CHP plants, by applying the PSO algorithm as a solver. Then, they applied the Monte Carlo method for simulating the effect of the stochastic nature of the power generation system on the optimal solution. As it could be understood from the literature, the mathematical methods are efficient solvers to handle the models’ uncertainties. Wu et al. [
127] scheduled a CHP-based microgrid using an improved PSO algorithm combined with the Monte Carlo simulation. Additionally, an optimization model based on the Stackelberg game was presented by Ma et al. [
128] to manage the energy of a microgrid. The DE algorithm and the nonlinear constrained programming were chosen to solve this optimization model.
Another hybrid method was applied by Pazouki et al. [
129] to achieve the best placing and sizing of CHP units in multi-carrier energy networks. The mixed integer linear programming model and the CPLEX Optimization Studio [
130] were used to solve different scenarios. Then, those with lower profits were eliminated, and the genetic algorithm was applied to determine the best scenario. In 2017, Elsido et el. [
131] proposed a two-level optimization process for determining the optimal design and scheduling of CHP plants. As shown in
Figure 7, the optimal design of the units was carried out at the first level (the upper level), by an evolutionary algorithm, while the optimal scheduling was obtained at the lower level by the commercial mixed integer linear programming (MILP). The total operating cost (TOC), obtained from the lower level, was transferred to the total annual cost (TAC) as the objective function. The combination of meta-heuristics and mathematical methods has been used in the CHPED issues as the significant optimization problems of the CHP plants. In this field, an integrated technique was applied by Narang et al. [
132], and the civilized swarm optimization (CSO) algorithm was selected as a global search method, and Powell’s Pattern Search (PPS) was applied as a local search method.
Some other works have proved the high ability of the mathematical methods in handling the uncertainties of the considered models. For example, to consider the uncertainties of a CHP plant combined with a wind power plant, a novel chance-constrained programming model and a two-stage hybrid method based on the SQP and the GA were introduced [
133]. Additionally, solving a non-deterministic optimal scheduling model of a dual-mode CHP was carried out through the combination of the binary successive approximation method and the civilized swarm optimization algorithm [
134]. In another paper, a two-level hybrid method, including the PSO and SQP, was applied by Eladl et al. [
135] to optimize a stochastic model of a power system. The energy system consisted of CHP units, a photovoltaic module, a wind turbine, and battery energy storage.
Based on the reviewed papers in the field of the hybrid method, the combination of the meta-heuristic algorithms is usually carried out to overcome the shortcomings of the methods and obtain a better optimal solution. The usage of the machine learning programming methods in combination with the meta-heuristics, not only accelerates the optimization process but also increases the accuracy of the final answer. The opposition-based algorithm can be introduced as an efficient method in this area. As the third way of combination, applying mathematical programming alongside the meta-heuristics can overcome the stochastic characteristics of the optimization models in a good way. Regarding this matter, the PEM, the fuzzy programming, and the Monte Carlo simulation are accounted for as effective mathematical methods.
According to the literature, the single-objective CHP optimization issues can be classified into three main categories, including scheduling, designing, and sizing issues. The economic dispatching of the CHP plants, known as the CHPED optimization problem, is presented as a separate category in this paper. This is because of the wide applications of the CHPED in various studies. Accordingly, the most significant single-objective CHP optimization problems reported in the literature are presented in four categories including scheduling, designing, sizing, and economic dispatching, in
Table 2,
Table 3,
Table 4 and
Table 5, respectively. The objective function of the CHPED problem is total fuel cost; the relevant column in
Table 5 is not provided. Additionally, the column of the energy system is not provided in
Table 5 because it is considered a fixed CHPED test system.
The statistical study of the presented optimization issues shows the largest share of the CHPED problem, among the other optimization cases. As shown in
Figure 8, the CHPED optimization problems, the other CHP scheduling issues, the CHP optimal sizing, and the optimal designing issues have 53%, 29%, 15%, and 3% of sharing among the studies, respectively. According to the obtained results, the CHPED problem can be selected, as the most useful single-objective CHP optimization issue. Thus, in order to pay more attention to this matter, the numeric results of the CHPED problem solved by different algorithms, are presented and compared in
Table 6. The results are based on a specified test system composed of a conventional power generation unit, two CHP units, and a heat-only generation unit. The considered constraints of each presented model are also mentioned in the table. Presentation of this subject is important, because of the effect of different constraints on the total cost of the energy system.
Based on
Table 6 the different algorithms obtained a range of costs, from 8440.50
$ to 9452.20
$. The lowest cost belongs to the PFCOA algorithm, while the highest cost belongs to the ACSA algorithm. The EDHS algorithm has also been an effective solver in the CHPED problems, by obtaining an 8606.07
$. The run speed of the algorithms to solve optimization problems is also an important criterion for engineers in this field. In solving the CHPED problems, the TSCO, CSO-PPS, and CSA algorithms show an excellent processing speed in comparison with the other algorithms.