After evaluating the existing and proposed case results, the potential for an increase in building electricity consumption will be analyzed in step 3 after retrofit. This analysis allows the building manager to have a parameter for the limit of increase in consumption that the building may suffer, resulting from the expansion of building systems and loads without harming the building’s energy performance.
In step 4, the increase in the charging of electric cars will be measured, which can be recharged within a pre-established limit. Remembering that this increase in loading, made possible by the reduction in electricity consumption resulting from the retrofit, will be proposed within the limits of the building’s infrastructure, meeting the premises for the proper functioning of the other building systems and, mainly, maintaining the building’s level A in energy performance.
2.2. Step 2: Building’s Energy Performance to Retrofit
Step two was carried out using the computer simulation methodology of INI-C [
6]. This methodology is applied to any building, regardless of shape and size. This standard utilizes the bioclimatic zoning proposed by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT, acronym in Portuguese) [
35], facilitating the replication of this methodology across the entire national territory. As an international alternative to this, other labeling systems can be used if the basis of the certification is an energy reduction analysis, as can be seen in Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies (EDGE) certification, which awards labels for energy savings, from 20% reduction to 100% reduction, depending on specific labeling standards [
The INI-C’s simulation methodology evaluates buildings that are fully air-conditioned, fully naturally ventilated, or hybrid (natural ventilation and air conditioning). From this method, the final consumption per use of the individual systems in electrical energy is obtained, where the following are estimated: the total annual thermal load reduction coefficient for the evaluation of the envelope (walls and roofs that separate interior spaces and the exterior of the building); the reduction in energy consumption of artificial lighting; and the reduction in annual refrigeration consumption [
6]. The simulation data are used to calculate the primary energy consumption of the building under study, both in the real condition (C
EP,real) and the reference condition (C
The consumption of the actual building is compared with that of the same building in a reference condition, which corresponds to classification D. This D classification corresponds to a building with no shading on outside windows, specific materials for exterior walls, roof, and glass, as well as a fixed window–wall ratio (PAFT, acronym in Portuguese) and Lighting Potency Density (DPI, acronym in Portuguese), depending on the building’s type, which for this case, will be a college-level educational building [
In addition, floor insulation should be considered nonexistent, and the Coefficient of Performance (COP) for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems should be 2.6 for this reference D building model. It is important to note that all variable acronyms will be used following the ordinance. Based on the systems’ final consumption, the level of energy efficiency classification of each one, and consequently of the building in general, is identified [
Item C.I.1 of the INI-C contains the requirements for the type of software to be used in the simulations. Following the regulations, the OpenStudio 1.1.0 software graphic interface was chosen for the 3D modeling of the building. The modeling process consists of creating virtual spaces that resemble the real ones. The EnergyPlus software (version 9.4.0) was chosen to carry out the calculations, which include geo-referenced thermo-energy simulation; characterization of equipment operation; the thermal properties of materials; quantification of internal occupancy loads and artificial lighting loads; and electrical equipment [
The modeling procedure consists of creating virtual spaces similar to the real thing. Each space within the building should be marked with a thermal zone where thermal exchanges occur. Each thermal zone is grouped, per typology, according to the similarity of operation, occupation, and presence of electrical equipment and materials. Within the OpenStudio software, the operating schedules are created and assigned to these space typologies identified in the building. Construction materials, with thickness, thermal conductivity, specific heat, density, and thermal absorption data, are also assigned to their specific spaces. These data are obtained through [
38], and all schedules used in the model can be found in
Appendix A,
Table A1.
Under modeling guidelines from [
6], nearby buildings are included in simplified form, and vegetation will not be included in this study. Finally, according to item C.I.2 from [
6], the climate file must contain information that is representative of the climate of the city where the building is located. The normative instruction adopts the climate classification proposed by ABNT NBR 15220-3 [
34] to verify the influence of climate. The climate archive used for the city of Belém is available at [
39] on the PBE Edifica online platform [
40]. The climate file under the name “BRA_PA_Belem.816800_INMET.epw” was chosen. The output results to be analyzed in this field are electrical consumption of equipment and artificial lighting, thermal transmittance, solar reflectance, and percentage of total façade opening.
After the computational model is elaborated on in OpenStudio, the information and data on the building are exported to EnergyPlus in .idf format. The first step is to configure the soil type of each block. The Ground Finite Difference model is chosen, as it can produce more reliable results at the expense of simulation time spent [
41]. This calculation method uses a one-dimensional finite difference heat transfer model to ensure that the ground utilizes the weather file for the thermal zone simulations [
Secondly, the HVAC systems are modeled. EnergyPlus allows it to recreate different HVAC systems using templates through the HVAC Template object [
42]. All systems in this model are split systems, which can be created virtually through the HVAC Template: System: Unitary and HVAC Template: Zone: Unitary systems. The main variables required to simulate these systems are the COP, the cooling capacity, in W, and a temperature setpoint, in °C, currently available in
Table A1 of
Appendix A. Then, the simulations are calibrated based on the annual cooling consumption, total annual thermal load, and total monthly consumption of the building.
The results obtained from the real model are compared with the values of a reference model, which is modeled based on level D parameters, present in Annex A of the normative instruction. According to the guidelines, real buildings with complex geometries must be divided into regularly shaped blocks. Each block must be modeled in separate files, with the other blocks kept as shading objects. Each space within the block must be marked with a thermal zone where heat transfer will occur. As observed in previous works, each enclosed space will receive a thermal zone. Outside, following modeling guidelines from [
6], nearby buildings are included in simplified form, and vegetation will not be included in this study.
The simulation is carried out in the same shape and with the exact operating schedules, power density, occupancy density, and density of electrical equipment inserted in the real model. By comparison, it is possible to classify the block according to its bioclimatic zone (ZB) and shape coefficient (FF) for envelope and artificial lighting. The FF is the envelope area’s ratio to the block’s volume. For this study, the envelope areas and volume of all blocks will be added to perform this division. After the simulation, it is possible to obtain the classification of the energy efficiency level and the definition of the general ENCE through Equation (1) [
where RedC
EP is the reduction in primary energy consumption for blocks; C
EP,refD A is the primary energy consumption of the reference (level D) building condition for all the blocks (kWh/year); and C
EP,real is the primary energy consumption of the real building for all the blocks (kWh/year). These variables can be calculated following Equations (2)–(4) [
where C
EP is the primary energy consumption of the real building (C
EP,real) (kWh/year); C
EE is the total electrical energy consumption of the real building (C
EE,real) (kWh/year);
E is the conversion factor of electrical energy into the primary energy; C
ET is the total thermal energy consumption of the real building (C
ET,real) (kWh/year), if applicable;
T is the conversion factor of thermal energy into primary energy; and G
EE is the energy generated by local renewable energy sources (kWh/year). C
ET and G
EE are not used for this analysis phase.
where C
EP, is the primary energy consumption of the reference (level D) building condition (C
refD) (kWh/year) and C
EE is the total electrical energy consumption of the reference (level D) building condition (C
where C
R is the cooling consumption of the real building’s HVAC (C
R,real) or in its reference (level D) condition (C
R,refD) (kWh/year); C
IL is the lighting consumption of the real building lighting system (C
IL,real) or in its reference (level D) condition (C
IL,refD) (kWh/year); C
AAE electrical energy consumption of the water heating system of the real building (C
AAE,real) or in its reference (level D) condition (C
AAE,refD) (kWh/year); and C
EQ is the equipment consumption (kWh/year). C
AAE,real or
refD is zero.
All these factors are obtained at the end of the computer simulation in the energy end-uses in the HTML file. The conversion factor of electrical energy into primary energy
E used is 1.6 [
6]. Additionally, the real CgTT or
refD is obtained for envelope classification. Finally, consumption is classified within efficiency classes, ranging from E to A. The factors needed to obtain these classes are the bioclimatic zone, the form factor, and the range, which depends on the evaluated system. The methodology used to obtain the C
EP and CgTT can be observed in Equation (5):
where i is the calculated value representing the interval between classes, (%); CRC
EPD-A is the Primary Energy Consumption Reduction Coefficient from classification D to A; and CRCgTT
D-A is the total annual thermal load reduction coefficient for classifications from D to A [
6]. The application of these variables can be seen in
Table 1 and
Table 2, adapted from [
Only the bioclimatic zone is considered for the intervals for air conditioning systems. These intervals are shown in
Table 3, adapted from [
According to Equation (6), the air conditioning system evaluation is based on the percentage reduction in cooling consumption (RedC
R), which is obtained by comparing the actual condition with the reference condition, C
where RedC
R is the percentage reduction in cooling consumption (%), for the blocks; C
R,refD is the cooling consumption of the reference (level D) building condition for all blocks (kWh/year); and C
R,real is the cooling consumption of the real building for all block (kWh/year). The cooling consumption (C
R) value is obtained through computer simulation in real reference conditions.
Finally, for artificial lighting, the ranges depend on the lighting consumption for D and A ratings, as per Equation (7):
After identifying all ranges except lighting consumption, the classification for all other systems can be obtained by comparing the reduction coefficients and classes, as shown in
Table 4.
The evaluation of the lighting system, which is based on the percentage reduction in lighting consumption (RedC
IL), is obtained by comparing the actual condition (C
IL,real) with the reference condition (C
IL,ref), according to Equation (8).
where RedC
IL is the percentage reduction in lighting consumption (%) for the blocks; C
IL,refD is the lighting consumption of the building in its reference (level D) building condition (kWh/year) for the blocks; and C
IL,real is the lighting consumption of the real building (kWh/year) for all blocks. The lighting consumption (C
IL) value is obtained through computer simulation in real conditions and as a reference.
The results obtained suggest improvements for each block that needs it.
The regulation follows the classification process by comparing electricity consumption and generation to achieve the NZEB goal. Due to the existence of a central photovoltaic plant, which did not belong to a single block but to the building as a whole, it was necessary to add and weigh the consumption and RedCEP of the blocks to achieve a classification result and total final consumption for the building in a unified way.
The weighting was performed using the ratio between the RedC
EP product and the C
EP of each block and the sum of the C
EP of each block (A, B, and C), resulting in (RedC
EPweighted). It was also necessary to sum the envelope areas and volumes to obtain the unified FF. The following is Equation (9) [
6] for weighting the primary energy consumption of the building:
where RedC
EPweighted is the weighted reduction in primary energy consumption (kWh/year), ∑RedCEPn is the sum of the reduction in primary energy consumption of a block n (kWh/year), and ∑C
EPn is the sum of the primary energy consumption of a block n (kWh/year).
After obtaining the value of the reduction in primary energy consumption weighted (RedC
EPweighted), the final energy efficiency rating is obtained from
Table 2. This value is compared with the calculated ranges to identify the final general energy efficiency rating.
Finally, with the weighted value, the building’s energy balance is carried out, where it is possible to evaluate the contribution of local renewable energy generation systems generated on-site. According to Annex D of INI-C, the level of this contribution can classify the building as near zero energy (NZEB) or Positive Energy Building (EEP, acronym in Portuguese) through the potential for energy generation (PG) by the use of local renewable energy sources, which is obtained using Equation (10):
where PG is the energy generation potential (%); G
EE is the energy generated by local renewable energy sources (kWh/year);
E is the conversion factor of electrical energy into primary energy, which will be considered 1.6, sourced from INI-C [
6]; and C
EE,real is the total electrical energy consumption of the consumer unit (CU) in real condition (kWh/year).
If the PG was more significant than or equal to 50% but less than or equal to 100%, the building could be considered NZEB. It can be classified as a PEB if it is higher than 100%.
2.4. Step 4: Increasing the Supply of Electric Vehicles
This step begins with applying statistical methods and stochastic simulations to EV charging. Monte Carlo simulations, a reliable tool, are highly relevant for addressing challenges in electric vehicle (EV) charging, especially in scenarios characterized by substantial uncertainty and operational constraints. This analysis applies statistical models to predict fluctuations in EV charging demands. Using the Poisson distribution, the frequency of EV arrivals and their state of charge (SOC) at charging stations are estimated. These assessments are conducted at ten-minute intervals during the OpenDSS simulation.
Random numbers generated from a standard distribution dictate the count of EVs arriving for charging, while another set of random numbers derived from a normal distribution determines their initial SOC. This simulation is active only from 8 AM to 4 PM, when vehicles arrive at the building’s parking facility. Employing the Monte Carlo method to simulate the charging process helps elucidate the impact of EV integration on power usage and the efficiency rating of the building.
In the foundations of mathematical modeling in EV charging, λ was defined as the mean EV arrival rate per 10-min interval. The Poisson distribution provides the probability of observing EVs arriving in 10 min. The arrival and initial battery charge levels of the EVs are modeled using a normal distribution, expressed as (12).
Here, Z represents a standard normal variable, making X a normally distributed random variable with mean µ and standard deviation σ. For this model, an average arrival rate of 1 EV with a standard deviation of 1 is used, and the battery charge at arrival is assumed to have a mean of 20 with a standard deviation of 5. Note that the simulation exclusively uses integer values, requiring the conversion of X to its absolute value before proceeding.
The current energy management system of the electric vehicle charging system considers some consumption restriction assumptions, such as power limit and charging percentage when the supply level reaches 80% of the EV battery.
After determining the maximum energy consumption, allowing to avoid the declassification of the building’s level A, established by the methodology of step 3, it is possible to use it as a new condition for EV charging. To this end, class A’s maximum consumption limit value is divided by 365 days to have a daily reference of available energy, which is not used by the building’s loads, but which could be used to recharge EVs. This way, if on a given day there are EV recharges that exceed 197.26 kWh, on the next day, the algorithm will reduce the charging power to try to compensate for the excess consumption.
The algorithm does this by calculating the rate of variation; the greater the consumption exceeded, the greater the rate of variation. Consequently, more power will have to be reduced in the next recharges so that at the end of the year, the total energy consumed by the EVs is within the maximum limit, according to (13).
where ∆E is the energy variation (kWh/day); E1 is the energy accumulated EV consumption by electric vehicles (kWh/day); and E0 is the daily reference energy for electric vehicles (kWh/day), according to (14).
With this change, in addition to managing recharging from the reduction in the recharging power and the interruption in charging, another condition was created, which evaluates the rate of change in the daily consumption used versus the available daily energy based on the annual energy allowed for the recharging of EVs. When the rate of variation is positive, the algorithm must act because the energy consumption consumed by EVs exceeds the planned consumption. The aggressiveness rate is the ratio between the amount of energy exceeded and consumed, according to (15).
where Tx is the reduction rate, applied on the next day (derivative); W is the energy consumed by electric vehicles (kWh/year); and 197.26 is the daily energy value in kWh.
The aggressiveness rate is the ratio between the amount of energy exceeded and the amount of energy consumed. The higher this value, the more power needs to be reduced in the following charge to reduce EVs’ energy consumption. The algorithm developed to simulate EVs’ electricity consumption, made in the OpenDSS software version, considers the value per day.
Therefore, if this value is exceeded, management will consider the overrun difference to reduce the power the next day so that the power is reduced/adjusted to not exceed the annual value. Thus, the derivative conditions the management algorithm’s aggressiveness in reducing power to higher percentages to meet the mentioned condition, according to (13)–(15). This entire process can be summarized with the following flowchart shown in
Figure 3.
Therefore, by applying this condition, it is possible to increase the supply of electric vehicles in the building without this increase affecting the energy performance of the evaluated building.