Assessment for Sustainable Use of Quarry Fines as Pavement Construction Materials: Part I—Description of Basic Quarry Fine Properties
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Material Sampling and Preparation
4. Description of Basic Quarry Fine Properties
4.1. Gradation of the Quarry Fines
4.1.1. Wet Sieving Method
4.1.2. Hydrometer Method
4.2. Density and Water Content
4.3. Permeability
4.4. Capillary Rise
4.5. Frost Heave
- h is the frost heave, or the change in height of the specimen during the test, in mm;
- z is the depth of frost penetration, which is the sum of the initial height and the frost heave minus the height of the unfrozen part of the specimen, in mm;
- h/z is the frost heave ratio, which is an indicator of the relative percentage of frost heaving from the depth of frost penetration, in %;
- SP is the segregation potential, or frost heave coefficient, which is the ratio between the frost heave rate and the actual temperature gradient over the frozen part of the specimen, in mm2/Kh.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
- The wet sieving method is more appropriate for determining the gradation curve of quarry fines with a 0–4 mm grain size. Based on gradation information obtained from laboratory sieving and hydrometer tests, the quarry fines used in this study can be classified as well-graded with the gradation characteristics of both fine- and dense-graded material. It also shows that virgin quarry fines can satisfy the requirements for a filter layer but not for a base or subbase, and indicates that quarry fines might be frost susceptible.
- The virgin quarry fines showed self-draining properties. Nevertheless, a maximum dry density exists at the optimal water content of 9.3%, even though only a very limited influence of water content can be observed on the dry density.
- The coefficient of permeability of unstabilized quarry fine specimen was around 5.75×10-5 m/s as determined by the falling head method. This value falls within the typical permeability ranges of commonly adopted conventional pavement base and subbase materials and can be validated for application in base, subbase, and other layers from the view of permeability. To be validated for filter layers, a higher degree of compaction is desirable to prevent fines immigration and frost actions in cold regions.
- According to the frost heave test results, it was found that the changing of total frost heave is closely related to the temperature and depth of frost penetration throughout the specimen.
- The quarry fine specimen in the unloaded frost heave test can be classified into the low frost-susceptibility class according to the segregation potential values. In addition, gradation information and capillary rise test results have all verified this finding. As a result, it is concluded that the unstabilized quarry fines should be classified as frost-susceptible to ensure sound and reliable design and good performance in the long-run. To improve the frost-susceptible properties of quarry fines, stabilization techniques are necessary to qualify their application as pavement construction materials. Further research is undergoing and will be presented in the future.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Grain Size (mm) | 2016 (tons) | 2017 (tons) | Accumulation/Year (tons) | Accumulation since 2017 (%) |
0/3 | 824,300 | 875,800 | 51,500 | 5.9 |
0/6 | 118,000 | 127,300 | 9,300 | 7.3 |
In total | 942,300 | 1,003,100 | 60,800 | 6.1 |
Step | Loading Condition | Temperature | Time Period | Water Level of External Water Reservoir | |
Top | Bottom | ||||
Preliminary freezing | Unloaded * | −3 °C | +1 °C | 24 h | N/A |
Thawing and preloading | 20 kPa | +3 °C | +3 °C | 24 h, or until constant height ** | Top level of specimen |
Frost heave | unloaded | −3 °C | +1 °C | until zero net frost penetration *** (at least 24 h) | At the middle of specimen height |
Intermediate thawing | 20 kPa | −0.5 °C | +15 °C | until constant height | At the middle of specimen height |
1st frost heave | 20 kPa | −3 °C | +1 °C | until zero net frost penetration (at least 24 h) | At the middle of specimen height |
Intermediate thawing | 40 kPa | −0.5 °C | +15 °C | until constant height | At the middle of specimen height |
2nd frost heave | 40 kPa | −3 °C | +1 °C | until zero net frost penetration (at least 24 h) | At the middle of specimen height |
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Share and Cite
Zhang, Y.; Korkiala-Tanttu, L.K.; Gustavsson, H.; Miksic, A. Assessment for Sustainable Use of Quarry Fines as Pavement Construction Materials: Part I—Description of Basic Quarry Fine Properties. Materials 2019, 12, 1209.
Zhang Y, Korkiala-Tanttu LK, Gustavsson H, Miksic A. Assessment for Sustainable Use of Quarry Fines as Pavement Construction Materials: Part I—Description of Basic Quarry Fine Properties. Materials. 2019; 12(8):1209.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhang, Yinning, Leena Katariina Korkiala-Tanttu, Henry Gustavsson, and Amandine Miksic. 2019. "Assessment for Sustainable Use of Quarry Fines as Pavement Construction Materials: Part I—Description of Basic Quarry Fine Properties" Materials 12, no. 8: 1209.
APA StyleZhang, Y., Korkiala-Tanttu, L. K., Gustavsson, H., & Miksic, A. (2019). Assessment for Sustainable Use of Quarry Fines as Pavement Construction Materials: Part I—Description of Basic Quarry Fine Properties. Materials, 12(8), 1209.