Bond Modification of Carbon Rovings through Profiling
:1. Introduction
2. Yarn Profiling Technology
3. Materials, Test Program, and Testing Methods
3.1. Rovings with Different Configurations for Carbon Fiber Reinforcement
3.2. Concrete Matrix
3.3. Test Program and Test Setups
3.4. Specimens Manufacturing
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Processing Quality of Profiled Rovings
4.2. Tensile Strength of Single Rovings
4.3. Tensile Strength of Concrete Embedded Rovings
4.4. Bond Behavior of Concrete Embedded Rovings
5. Conclusions and Outlook
- Better dense filament arrangement and better material utilization can be achieved by good penetration of impregnation agent and immediately following shaping of rovings (see Section 4.1)
- The developed shaping process created profiled rovings with a defined tetrahedral geometry that showed almost no decrease in their tensile properties (≤ 10%) compared to impregnated rovings with no profile (see Figure 13).
- Tetrahedral-shaped rovings showed up to 500% the concrete bond strength compared to rovings with no profile (see Figure 17) and 140% of warp knitted rovings (that showed a slight waviness and roving constriction).
- A strong profile in combination with an intensive (long) consolidation and a high solid content of the impregnation agent (50%) resulted in a higher bond performance (see Figure 19) with a maximum bond strength of about 100 N/mm.
Author Contributions
- Financial support for setting up the profiling units as part of a Twenty20 investment project/C3 project (funding code 03ZZ03X03, within C3–Carbon Concrete Composite, funding body: BMBF).
- The IGF research project 21375 BR of the Forschungsvereinigung Forschungskuratorium Textil e. V. is funded through the AiF within the program for supporting the “Industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF)“ from funds of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Property | Description/Values a |
Fiber material | Teijin Tenax-E STS 40 F13 48K 3200 tex Carbon roving |
Density in g/cm³ | 1.77 |
Fineness in tex | 3215 |
Tensile strength in MPa | 1827 b |
Elastic modulus in GPa | 188 |
Ultimate strain in % | 1.20 |
Impregnation Agent | ||||
Product Name | Characteristics | Base- Material | Solid Content in % | Linking Temperature in °C |
TECOSIT CC 1000 (CHT Germany GmbH) | Aqueous polymer dispersion | Polyacrylate | 47 ± 1 | 160 |
Lefasol BT 91001-1 (Lefatex Chemie GmbH) | Polystyrol | 52 ± 1.5 | 150–160 |
Roving | ||||
Configuration | Geometry | Dimension (~) | Cross-Section | Illustration |
Without defined profile | ||||
Dry yarn | Band-shaped | Variable (no internal bond) | | |
Impregnated roving | Circular | d = 2 mm | | |
Roving from textile | Elliptical | d1 = 3.3 mm d2 = 1.3 mm | | |
With defined profile | ||||
Tetrahedral profiled roving | Medium profile | ddiff = 0.6 mm α = 3° | | |
Strong profile | ddiff = 1.0 mm α = 5° | | |
Roving Configuration | Sample | Parameter | ||||
Roving Geometry | Profile Unit | Impreg- Nation Material | Solid Content in % | Consoli- Dation Time in Min | ||
Rovings without profile | ||||||
Dry yarn | Series 0 | - | - | - | - | - |
Impregnated roving | Series 0L | Circular | Lefasol | 50 | 4 | |
Series 0T | Tecosit | |||||
Roving from textile (Ref.) | Series R | Elliptical | unknown | |||
Profiled rovings from prototype unit | ||||||
Profiled roving | Series 2_P | Tetrahedral Strong | Prototype unit | Lefasol | 50 | 4 |
Series 4_P | Tecosit | |||||
Profiled rovings from laboratory unit with different profiles and impregnation agents | ||||||
Profiled roving | Series 1 | Tetrahedral Medium | Laboratory unit | Lefasol | 50 | 4 |
Series 2 | Tetrahedral Strong | |||||
Series 3 | Tetrahedral Medium | Tecosit | ||||
Series 4 | Tetrahedral Strong | |||||
Profiled rovings from laboratory unit with different solid content and consolidation | ||||||
Profiled roving | Series 4_30% | Tetrahedral Strong | Laboratory unit | Tecosit | 30 | 4 |
Series 4_40% | 40 | |||||
Series 4_10 min | 50 | 10 |
Concrete Property | TF 10 CARBOrefit® Fine Concrete [42] | BMK-45-220-2 |
Compressive strength in MPa | ≥80 | ≥105 |
Bending tensile strength in MPa | ≥6 | ≥11.5 |
Maximum grain size in mm | 1 | 2 |
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Share and Cite
Penzel, P.; May, M.; Hahn, L.; Scheerer, S.; Michler, H.; Butler, M.; Waldmann, M.; Curbach, M.; Cherif, C.; Mechtcherine, V. Bond Modification of Carbon Rovings through Profiling. Materials 2022, 15, 5581.
Penzel P, May M, Hahn L, Scheerer S, Michler H, Butler M, Waldmann M, Curbach M, Cherif C, Mechtcherine V. Bond Modification of Carbon Rovings through Profiling. Materials. 2022; 15(16):5581.
Chicago/Turabian StylePenzel, Paul, Maximilian May, Lars Hahn, Silke Scheerer, Harald Michler, Marko Butler, Martin Waldmann, Manfred Curbach, Chokri Cherif, and Viktor Mechtcherine. 2022. "Bond Modification of Carbon Rovings through Profiling" Materials 15, no. 16: 5581.
APA StylePenzel, P., May, M., Hahn, L., Scheerer, S., Michler, H., Butler, M., Waldmann, M., Curbach, M., Cherif, C., & Mechtcherine, V. (2022). Bond Modification of Carbon Rovings through Profiling. Materials, 15(16), 5581.