Interpretation of Non-Clinical Data for Prediction of Human Pharmacokinetic Parameters: In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation and Allometric Scaling
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background for the Prediction of Clearance
2.1. Physiological Clearance Concept
2.1.1. Organ Clearance
- The first situation is when the clearance capacity (i.e., CLint) exceeds the Q (CLint >> Q). In this situation, Equation (12) collapses and transforms to Equation (13).
- The second situation is when Cout is a small fraction of Cin (i.e., when Kp is high, or ER is low). [34]. In this case, Equation (12) collapses in the following equation:
2.1.2. Consideration of Enzyme Kinetics
2.1.3. Hepatic Clearance Model
Well-Stirred Model
Parallel-Tube Model
Distributed Model and Dispersion Model
3. Prediction of Human Clearance Using IVIVE Method
3.1. IVIVE
3.1.1. Empirical IVIVE Model
3.1.2. Correction Factor of IVIVE Model
Protein Binding Factor
Animal Scaling Factor
3.1.3. Inter-Individual Variability (IIV) in the IVIVE Method
Microsomal Protein Content and CYP Abundance
Microsomal Protein per Gram of Liver (MPPGL)
Inter-System Extrapolation Factor (ISEF)
3.1.4. Additional Correction Factors
Effective Fraction Unbound in Plasma
3.1.5. Physiologically-Based IVIVE Model
4. Application of AS for the Prediction of Human PK Parameters
4.1. Concept of AS
4.2. Prediction of Clearance by AS
4.2.1. Two-Term Method
4.2.2. Rule of Exponent
4.2.3. One or Two Species Method
4.2.4. Liver Blood Flow
4.2.5. Incorporation of in Vitro Data
4.2.6. Protein Binding
4.2.7. QSAR Approach
4.2.8. Fraction Unbound Intercept Correction Method (FCIM)
4.2.9. Multiexponential Allometric Scaling (MA)
4.3. Prediction of Volume of Distribution by AS
4.3.1. Volume of Distribution in PKs
- Volume of distribution of central compartment (Vc).
- Volume of distribution at steady state (Vss)
- Volume of distribution by area (Varea), also known as Vβ
4.3.2. Prediction of Vd
4.3.3. Prediction of Elimination Half-Life by AS
5. Prediction of Absorption Related PK Parameters
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ADME | absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion |
AS | allometric scaling |
AUC0-inf | area under the concentration-time curve from zero to infinity |
BDDCS | biopharmaceutics drug disposition classification system |
BW | brain weight |
CB | drug concentration in blood |
CL | clearance |
CLH | hepatic clearance |
CLint | intrinsic clearance |
CLint, H | hepatic intrinsic clearance |
CLint,H, human | human hepatic intrinsic clearance |
CLint,H, pred | predicted hepatic intrinsic clearance |
CLint,in vitro | in vitro intrinsic clearance |
CLint,met | intrinsic metabolic clearance |
CLint,sec | intrinsic secretory clearance |
CLmet | metabolic clearance |
cLogP | partition coefficient |
clogP | calculated logP |
CLorg | organ clearance |
CP | drug concentration in plasma |
CR | concentration in VR |
CRBC | drug concentration in red blood cells |
Cu | unbound drug concentration at distribution equilibrium |
DMPK | drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic |
DN | dispersion number |
ECM | extended clearance model |
ER | extraction ratio |
ERH | hepatic extraction ratio |
ERH, obs | observed hepatic extraction ratio |
ERH, pred | predicted hepatic extraction ratio |
F | fraction of absorption |
unbound fraction in the intracellular water of ionized compound | |
unbound fraction in the intracellular water of neutral compound | |
unbound fraction in the plasma of ionized compound | |
unbound fraction in the plasma of neutral compound | |
Fa | fraction of absorption |
fb | unbound fraction in blood |
FCIM | fraction unbound intercept correction method |
FH | hepatic availability |
FI | ionization factor |
fnH | fractional contribution of hepatic elimination |
fnmet | fractional contribution of metabolic elimination |
fnsec | fractional contribution of biliary elimination |
fp | unbound fraction in plasma |
FPO | oral bioavailability |
fu, mic | non-specific binding factor to microsomes |
fu,liver | unbound fraction into the liver |
Ha | number of hydrogen-bond acceptors |
HBD | number of hydrogen-bond donor |
Hct | hematocrit |
HLM | human liver microsomes |
IIV | inter-individual variability |
ISEF | inter-system extrapolation factor |
ISTD | internal standard |
IVIVE | in vitro-in vivo extrapolation |
IW | intracellular water |
ka | absorption rate constant |
ka,eq | equilibrium solution for ka |
ki | the rate constant of intestinal transit |
Km | Michaelis constant |
L | length of perfusion segment |
MA | multiexponential allometric scaling |
MLBF | monkey liver blood flow |
MLP | maximum life-span potential |
MPPGL | microsomal protein per gram of liver |
MPR | microsomal protein recovery |
MRT | mean residence time |
MW | molecular weight |
NCA | non-compartmental analysis |
Peff | effective permeability |
PK | pharmacokinetic |
PLR | plasma to whole liver concentration ratio |
Pm | drug permeability across intestinal mucosa |
PSA | polar surface area |
PSbile | biliary clearance |
PSefflux, total | apparent sinusoidal total efflux clearance from the intracellular side of hepatocytes back into blood |
PSinf, act | sinusoidal efflux from hepatocytes back into blood |
PSuptake,total | total apparent uptake clearance |
QH | hepatic liver flow |
QSAR | quantitative structure activity relationship |
R | radius of human jejunum |
RAF | relative activity factor |
RB/P | blood to plasma ratio |
RE/I | ratio of distributed albumin in the extravascular space to that in the intravascular space |
Rfu | unbound fraction in plasma ratio between rats and humans |
rhCYP | recombinant human CYP system |
RN | efficiency number |
ROE | rule of exponent |
S | absorptive surface area |
t1/2 | half-life |
V | volume of distribution |
Varea, Vβ | volume of distribution by area |
Vc | volume of distribution of central compartment |
VE | extracellular space volume minus the plasma volume |
Vmax | maximal rate of the reaction |
Vmet | metabolic rate |
Vplasma | plasma volume |
VR | physical volume into which the drug distributes minus the extracellular space |
Vss | volume of distribution at steady state |
W | body weight |
ε2 | variance for each sinusoid in the whole liver |
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Model | Scheme 1 | CLH 2 | ERH |
Well-stirred | | ||
Parallel tube | | ||
Distributed | | ||
Dispersion | |
Equation | Comment * | Ref. | |
(38) | Basic principle of IVIVE was suggested Provide the 4 stages for the IVIVE | [60] | |
(39) | |||
(40) | Empirically the scaling factor (SF) was estimated as the value of 8.9 Predicted ERH and observed ERH are ERH, pred and ERH, obs, respectively Provide criteria for the classification of the drugs into: low extraction, ERH < 0.3; intermediate, 0.3 < ERH < 0.7; high extraction, ERH > 0.7 | [61] | |
(41) | |||
(42) | |||
(43) | Investigation of the effect of the protein binding into the plasma and microsomes The ISTD refers to the internal standard | [62] | |
(44) | |||
(45) | Animal scaling factor was incorporated into IVIVE | [66] | |
(46) | |||
(47) | |||
(48) | Microsomal protein recovery (MPR) ratio was incorporated in IVIVE RB/P refers to blood to plasma ratio | [67] | |
(49) | |||
(50) | |||
(51) | CYP abundance was incorporated in IVIVE | [68] | |
(52) | Relative activity factor (RAF) introduced for scaling rhCYP data to HLM Modified RAF taking into account of Km | [69,70] | |
(53) | |||
(54) | |||
(55) | Inter-system extrapolation factor (ISEF) is introduced for scaling rhCYP data to HLM | [69] | |
(56) | |||
(57) | The ionization factor is incorporated into the IVIVE FI is an ionization factor Subscript letter IW denotes intracellular water Upper letter i and n indicate compounds of ionized and neutral forms, respectively | [71] | |
(58) | |||
(59) | |||
(60) | |||
(61) | The unbound fraction into the liver (fu,liver) is incorporated into the IVIVE Plasma to whole liver concentration ratio (PLR) = 13.3 | [72] | |
(62) | |||
(63) | Physiologically-based IVIVE model Total apparent uptake clearance (PSuptake,total) consists of saturable and/or non-saturable processes CLmet and PSbile refer to metabolic and biliary clearance, respectively Apparent sinusoidal total efflux clearance from the intracellular side of hepatocytes back into blood (PSefflux, total) consists of saturable and/or non-saturable processes | [73] | |
(64) | |||
(65) | Provide the method for the prediction of total clearance and relative elimination contributions The fnH, fnsec, and fnmet refers to a fractional contribution of hepatic, biliary, and metabolic elimination to overall clearance PSinf, act and PSinf, pas refer to the sinusoidal active and passive influx clearance, respectively Sinusoidal efflux from hepatocytes back into blood (PSeff) is assumed to occur via passive diffusion, therefore PSeff = PSinf,pas CLint,sec and CLint,met refer to intrinsic secretory and metabolic clearance, respectively PSinf equals to the sum of PSinf,act and PSinf,pas which are determined by suspension of pooled human hepatocytes (unit: mL/min/kg) | [8] | |
(66) | |||
(67) | |||
(68) | |||
(69) | |||
(70) | |||
(71) |
Method | Equation | Comments * | Ref. | |
Simple AS | (74) | Select a proper equation by the rule of exponent (ROE) W and BW represent body and brain weight, respectively | - | |
AS with MLP 1 | (75) | - | ||
AS with BW | (76) | [89] | ||
Rule of exponent | If the exponent is 0.55 to 0.7, then use the simple AS, Equation (74) | [90] | ||
If the exponent is 0.71 to 1, then use the MLP, Equation (75) | ||||
If the exponent is more than 1, then use the BW, Equation (76) | ||||
Two-term method | (77) | θ is a constant, which is determined by multiple regression analysis | [91] | |
Multiexponential | (78) | The unit of CL is mL/min | [92] | |
Normalized AS | (79) | CLint refers the unbound CLint in microsomes or hepatocytes in species and humans | [93] | |
One species AS | (80) | The exponent b is a constant 0.75, which is physiologically relevant value (e.g., blood flow, filtration, etc.) | [94,95] | |
One species AS | (81) | Predict the CL of bound drug | [90] | |
(82) | ||||
(83) | ||||
Two species AS | (84) | Predict the CL of bound drug | ||
(85) | ||||
Hepatic liver method | (86) | [96] | ||
FCIM 2 | (87) | Rfu is the fu ratio between rats and humans and a is the coefficient form AS The unit of CL is mL/min | [97] | |
QSAR 3 | (88) | The unit of observed and predicted CL value is mL/min/kg | [98] | |
(89) | The unit of observed and predicted oral CL value is mL/min/kg | [99] |
Method | Equation | Comment * | Ref. | |
Simple AS | (93) | The prediction of Vd is well predicted equally with using two species in AS | [108] | |
Average fraction unbound in tissue 1 | (94) | It is useful to analyze and predict an alteration in apparent Vd then identify the cause of alteration. It is particularly useful for drugs with low Vd (<15 L or 0.2 L/kg) | [119] | |
Proportionality | (95) | It is assumed that the volume of distribution at a steady state of free drug is identical between species | [120] | |
One species AS | (96) | Statistical modeling is applied in this model | [121] | |
QSAR | (97) | Vdss, human (mL/kg) is predicted by QSAR modeling with quadratic term descriptors | [122] |
Method | Equation | Comments * | Ref. | |
AS | (102) | The unit of ka is h in time−1 | [88] | |
QSAR1 | (103) | The choice of model for prediction depends on the availability of descriptor data Effective permeability in 10−4 cm/s | [124] | |
(104) | ||||
(105) | ||||
Use of Caco2 data 2 | (106) | All tested drugs | [125] | |
(107) | ||||
(108) | Only passively diffused drugs | |||
(109) | ||||
(110) | Only carrier-mediated drugs | |||
(111) | ||||
Sinko et al. 5 | (112) | The absorption rate constant is proportional to the Peff | [126] | |
Mechanism based modeling 3 | (113) | Fa is expressed as percent unit The equation is the result of the correlation between Fa,pred and Fa,exp | [127] | |
(114) | ka,eq is expressed as the unit of min−1 ka,eq is a key determinant for Fa and can be used as PK modeling | |||
(115) | ||||
Compartmental absorption and transit model 4 | (116) | Fa is expressed as the fractional value. | [128] |
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Choi, G.-W.; Lee, Y.-B.; Cho, H.-Y. Interpretation of Non-Clinical Data for Prediction of Human Pharmacokinetic Parameters: In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation and Allometric Scaling. Pharmaceutics 2019, 11, 168.
Choi G-W, Lee Y-B, Cho H-Y. Interpretation of Non-Clinical Data for Prediction of Human Pharmacokinetic Parameters: In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation and Allometric Scaling. Pharmaceutics. 2019; 11(4):168.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChoi, Go-Wun, Yong-Bok Lee, and Hea-Young Cho. 2019. "Interpretation of Non-Clinical Data for Prediction of Human Pharmacokinetic Parameters: In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation and Allometric Scaling" Pharmaceutics 11, no. 4: 168.
APA StyleChoi, G.-W., Lee, Y.-B., & Cho, H.-Y. (2019). Interpretation of Non-Clinical Data for Prediction of Human Pharmacokinetic Parameters: In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation and Allometric Scaling. Pharmaceutics, 11(4), 168.