An Analysis of Flammability and Explosion Parameters of Coke Dust and Use of Preliminary Hazard Analysis for Qualitative Risk Assessment
:1. Introduction
1.1. Sustainable Development
1.2. Sustainable Coal Coking Process
- the presence of a high temperature of combustion products and blast force that could affect persons present on the plant premises;
- it may cause the outbreak of a fire;
- it may become an initiator of dust explosion in a confined space under the impact of a preliminary blast when dust becomes “blown off” from the places where it had become settled and formed a large cloud [3].
- making an assessment of explosion hazard and carrying out a correct classification of areas and premises;
- applying adequate prevention from accidental explosions and from consequences of an explosion;
- selecting appropriate devices in the investment process (especially electrical appliances), including installations with explosion-proofing.
- Zone 20—space in which the explosive atmosphere in the form of an airborne cloud of flammable dust occurs permanently, frequently, or over long periods;
- Zone 21—space in which the explosive atmosphere in the form of an airborne cloud of flammable dust may occur at times during normal operation;
- Zone 22—space in which the explosive atmosphere in the form of an airborne cloud of flammable dust does not occur during normal operation, and even if it does, it does not continue for a long time.
2. Materials
3. Methods
3.1. Minimum Ignition Temperatures of Dust
3.2. Explosion Parameters of the Tested Dust Consistent with Standard EN 14034
3.3. Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA)
3.4. Heat of Combustion
4. Results
5. Risk Analysis in a Typical Coking Plant
- generation of coal coking products;
- processing coal coking products;
- production of briquettes and solid fuels from coal;
- wholesale of liquid, solid, gaseous fuels and derivative products,
- generation of gaseous fuels;
- distribution of gas fuels in a network system.
- bunker, charge coal used to produce a mixture of a specific composition;
- furnace plant, in chambers of coking batteries the process of high-temperature degassing of the coal mixture takes place;
- coal derivatives—the purification process of raw coking gas is performed and recovery of coal-derivative products.
- acceptance and unloading of charge coal;
- storage of coal;
- production of the coal mixture and its transport to coal towers;
- intake of mixture and loading of chambers;
- operation of batteries of coking furnaces;
- receipt and quenching of coke;
- sorting and loading of coke.
- (1)
- identification of hazards connected with the release of hazardous substances at the level of installations or an installation node;
- (2)
- identification of potential emergency scenarios;
- (3)
- identification and assessment of security and protection means in the context of their impact on the possibility of occurrence of emission, fire, explosion (frequency and magnitude of anticipated consequences of emission, fire, explosion and the risk level);
- (4)
- initial proposal for additional safety means and an assessment of their impact on the risk level.
- (1)
- frequency of occurrence of the hazard connected with the release of a hazardous substance;
- (2)
- magnitude of consequences arising from such a hazard (in each case, the worst possible consequences that a given hazard may cause are adopted) [4].
5.1. Classification of Coke Dust Explosion Hazard Zones
5.2. Characterisation of Ignition Sources for Coke Dust
6. Discussion
- Perform an inventory of devices installed in the delimited explosion hazard zones. Next, verification should be done on whether those devices fulfil the necessary requirements with respect to explosion safety, among others, with a view to category, explosion group, and temperature class.
- Change the categorization, amend the range, or, to eliminate the explosion hazard zones, as well as to minimize potential explosion effects, a dusting reduction system should be installed on belt conveyors and coke boosters with the use of water fog.
- Assure that the coke booster in sections of furnace and sorting facilities is made airtight, as well as the dump to the coking plant in the sorting unit, because each lack of tightness increases the likelihood of creating an explosive atmosphere.
- There is a need for devising, deploying, and following procedures for maintaining the cleanliness of the entire installation (among others, technological belt conveyors, parts of building structures including devices contained inside) in the whole plant to prevent the occurrence of coke dust layers. With this in mind, employees should regularly control cleanliness of the facilities in which dust may occur.
- Within the designated gas explosion hazard zones, appropriate protection means are to be adopted to ensure protection from static electricity, or adopt another technical solution aimed at the discharge of electrostatic charges.
7. Conclusions
- The maximum admissible temperature on the surface of a device used in conditions in which layers of coke dust exist depends to a large extent on the thickness of the compiled dust. For a coke dust layer of a thickness of 50 mm, this temperature is threefold lower.
- Consequently, in plants where the analyzed dust occurs, attention should be paid to the type of devices installed in delimited explosion hazard zones, and, in particular, it is necessary to verify whether the abovementioned devices fulfil the relevant requirements related to explosion safety.
- Before locating equipment in a zone where dust may be present, it is necessary to delimit the category, explosion class, and maximum admissible temperature on surface of a devices.
- The rate of coke oxidation is significantly affected by such factors as: coke fragmentation, contents of mineral substances in the coal, hygroscopic moisture, and carbon content; the greater the coal fragmentation, the higher the risk of ignition in the environment. Another parameter that has a great impact on ignition of coke dust is its content of hygroscopic moisture. Moisture is the cause of oxidation of pyrite and other exothermic reactions. Hygroscopic moisture in the process of self-heating is a negative factor, because the greater its content in coal, the higher the risk of ignition.
- The maximum explosion pressure of tested coke dust amounted to 6.84 bar, and the KSt value was 64.2 bar m/s, which corresponds with explosion hazard class 1, and the obtained KSt value is close to the value found in literature for coal.
- The PHA method is helpful to determine the legitimacy of using additional means aimed at ensuring explosion safety and it allows a qualitative evaluation of their impact on the risk level to bring down the risk in delimited zones to an acceptable level.
- Minimizing the explosion risk may consequently result in minimizing the risk of releasing contaminants and products of thermal decomposition into the environment. If crucial explosion parameters are known, it is possible to prevent coking technology from having a negative influence on sustainable development in process safety.
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter Type | Value | |
Minimal ignition temperature of a dust layer (MITDL) (°C) | Thickness of dust layer [mm] | |
5 | >400 °C | |
12.5 | >400 °C | |
25 | >400 °C | |
50 | 400 °C | |
Minimal ignition temperature of a cloud dust (MITDC) (°C) | 610 | |
Maximum explosion pressure pmax (bar) of a dust cloud, at dust concentration for pmax 250 (g/m3) | 6.84 | |
The maximum rate of explosion pressure rise (dp/dt)max of dust clouds (bar/s) at dust concentration for (dp/dt)max 250 (g/m3) | 236.89 | |
Parameter KSt max. (bar m)/s | 64.2 | |
Heat of combustion (kJ/g) | 27.03 |
Tested Parameters | Coke Dust |
Temperature of thermal-decomposition beginning (°C) | 401 |
Temperature of 50% mass loss (°C) | 542 |
Final temperature of thermal decomposition (°C) | 750 |
Mass residue after combustion (%) | 12.18 |
Maximum mass-loss rate (%/min) | 6.4 |
Temperature of maximum mass-loss rate (°C) | 520 |
The Probability of Explosion (P)/Level | Category Effects (E) from 1 to 5 | ||||
Negligible/1 | Low/2 | Medium/3 | High/4 | Catastrophe/5 | |
Certain event/5 | TA | TNA | TNA | NA | NA |
Possible/4 | TA | TA | TNA | TNA | NA |
Exceptional/3 | A | TA | TA | TNA | TNA |
Small/2 | A | A | TA | TA | TNA |
Very small/1 | A | A | A | TA | TA |
The Probability of Explosion | Description/Frequency |
Certain event | 100–101 [1/year] |
Possible | 10-1–10-2 [1/year] |
Exceptional | 10-2–10-3 [1/year] |
Small | 10-3–10-4 [1/year] |
Very small | Below 10-4 [1/year] |
Short Description | Description | Destruction [%] | |
1 | Negligible | No damage | 0–1 |
2 | Low | Small damage requiring minor repair | >1–10 |
3 | Medium | Medium damage requiring repair of parts | >10–25 |
4 | High | Significant damage requiring greater expenditure and renovation | >25–60 |
5 | Catastrophe | Major damage, including building structure | >60–100 |
Process/Location | Type of Danger | Frequency of Occurrence | Zone | Range of Zone |
Belt conveyors | Coke dust | If it occurs, it lasts a short time | 22 | Within 0.5 m around the conveyor belt vertically and horizontally |
Coke discharge area | Coke dust | If it occurs, it lasts a short time | 22 | Area within the coke discharge area Inside the coke semitrailer |
Coke sorting equipment | Coke dust | If it occurs, it lasts a short time | 22 | Inside the fine coke sorter |
Dangerous/Initiating Event | Effects | Preventive Measures | Safety Systems (Proposal) | P | E | R | Recommendations/Remark |
Explosion of a combustible mixture (coke dust–air) due to the air being blown up by the air in the dust room | 1.The outbreak. 2. Possible propagation of explosion inside the room. 3. Possible human sacrifices. 4. Damage to the installation, material losses. 5. Stop the installation. | Constant monitoring of technological installations. - Filter unit in the sorting plant. - Installation of central vacuuming in a sorting plant | Within 0.4 m around the conveyor belt vertically and horizontally | 2 | 5 | TNA | Additional security measures should be introduced (cleaning, wetting) |
Ignition Source | Description | Probability of an Effective Ignition Source (Frequency in the Range of 1 to 3) |
Hot surfaces | ||
Electrical devices and equipment | If normal equipment is used within the designated explosion hazard zones—not intended for use in these spaces | 2 (possible) |
Electrical devices and equipment | If there are devices working in explosive spaces, together with documentation confirming the correct selection of these devices, e.g., light sources for lamps in explosion-proof setup | 3 (very small) |
Coke sorting equipment | Coke dust | If it occurs, it lasts a short time |
Flame and hot gases (including hot particles) | ||
Human error, e.g., flame of a match (temp. 600 to 700 °C) | Smoking ban in inadmissible places | 3 (very low) |
Human error, e.g., burning cigarette butt, (temp. 400 to 670 °C) | Smoking ban in inadmissible places | 3 (very low) |
Human error, e.g., flame of a gas burner (temp. of ca. 3000 °C)—overhaul and repair works | Preparing the working area and execution of fire hazardous works after obtaining a written usage permit | 3 (very low) |
Sparks generated mechanically | ||
Work tools capable of generating a mechanical spark | On the area of designated explosion hazard zones, the employees use non-sparking tools. | 3 (very low) |
Generated during modernization works | Preparing the working area and execution of fire hazardous works after obtaining a written usage permit | 3 (very low) |
Electrical appliances | ||
Overload, overheating, flashover (electrical fittings) | If on the area of delimited explosion hazard zones the used devices are in common finishing, they are unsuitable for operation in those zones. | 2 (possible) |
Overload, overheating, flashover (electrical fittings) | If on the area of delimited explosion hazard zones the used devices are explosion-proof | 3 (very low) |
Stray voltage, cathode anticorrosion protection | ||
Stray voltage in the event of damage to the electrical system or lightning strike | Electrical wiring ground of installation, technical inspections, and constant supervision over the technical efficiency of electrical wiring ground and lightning protection systems | 3 (very low) |
Static electricity | ||
Sparkover between man and device or installation | Required documentation to confirm the adoption of installation electrical wiring ground | Sparkover between man and device or installation |
Lightning strike | ||
Lightning | Lightning protection, periodical technical inspections | 3 (very low) |
Electromagnetic waves with a radio frequency (RF) 104—3 × 1011 Hz | ||
Not identified | Lack of sources in literature | 3 (very low) |
Electromagnetic waves from 3 × 1011 Hz to 3 × 1015 Hz | ||
Not identified | Lack of sources in literature | 3 (very low) |
Ionizing radiation | ||
Not identified | Lack of sources in literature | 3 (very low) |
Ultrasound | ||
Not identified | Lack of sources in literature | 3 (very low) |
Adiabatic compression and impact waves | ||
Not identified | Lack of sources in literature | 3 (very low) |
Exothermal reactions, including self-ignition of dusts | ||
Not identified | Cleaning procedures including removal of settled dust at least once every 6–7 h, installation of a wetting system for dust or coal input | 2 (possible) |
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Share and Cite
Półka, M. An Analysis of Flammability and Explosion Parameters of Coke Dust and Use of Preliminary Hazard Analysis for Qualitative Risk Assessment. Sustainability 2020, 12, 4130.
Półka M. An Analysis of Flammability and Explosion Parameters of Coke Dust and Use of Preliminary Hazard Analysis for Qualitative Risk Assessment. Sustainability. 2020; 12(10):4130.
Chicago/Turabian StylePółka, Marzena. 2020. "An Analysis of Flammability and Explosion Parameters of Coke Dust and Use of Preliminary Hazard Analysis for Qualitative Risk Assessment" Sustainability 12, no. 10: 4130.
APA StylePółka, M. (2020). An Analysis of Flammability and Explosion Parameters of Coke Dust and Use of Preliminary Hazard Analysis for Qualitative Risk Assessment. Sustainability, 12(10), 4130.