Towards Financial Sustainability of the Hospital Sector in Poland—A Post Hoc Evaluation of Policy Approaches
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. The Stock of Hospital Debt and Arrears
3.1.1. As a Share of the Public Payer Budget
3.1.2. Per Region
3.1.3. Per Owner
3.1.4. Structure of Arrears
3.2. Evaluation of Central Government Efforts Aimed at Resolving the Hospital Debt Problem
3.2.1. The 2005 Debt Relief and Restructuration Program
3.2.2. The 2009 and 2011 Debt Relief and Corporatization Programs
3.2.3. The 2017 Hospital Network Reform
3.3. Factors Driving New Arrears
4. Discussion
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Nominal Values (Million PLN) | Arrears as a % of Overall Debt | Overall Debt as a % of National Health Fund (NHF) Budget for Hospitals | Arrears as a % of NHF Budget for Hospitals | |
Overall Debt | Arrears | ||||
2003 | 7327.7 | 4543.7 | 62.01% | N/A * | N/A * |
2004 | 9450.1 | 5872.3 | 62.14% | 72.23% | 44.88% |
2005 | 10,273.6 | 4933.6 | 48.02% | 71.05% | 34.12% |
2006 | 10,384.2 | 3723.8 | 35.86% | 66.76% | 23.94% |
2007 | 9563.3 | 2666.2 | 27.88% | 54.58% | 15.22% |
2008 | 9979.7 | 2357.9 | 23.63% | 40.05% | 9.46% |
2009 | 9627.6 | 2241.8 | 23.29% | 36.95% | 8.60% |
2010 | 9963.1 | 2138.8 | 21.47% | 36.81% | 7.90% |
2011 | 10,383.6 | 2316.5 | 22.31% | 37.78% | 8.43% |
2012 | 10,661.4 | 2474.0 | 23.21% | 35.72% | 8.29% |
2013 | 9922.1 | 2015.5 | 20.31% | 32.90% | 6.68% |
2014 | 10,345.8 | 1890.7 | 18.28% | 33.27% | 6.08% |
2015 | 10,812.6 | 1754.3 | 16.22% | 32.40% | 5.26% |
2016 | 11,249.5 | 1790.4 | 15.92% | 31.98% | 5.09% |
2017 | 11,757.0 | 1464.6 | 12.46% | 29.89% | 3.72% |
2018 | 13,064.1 | 1595.1 | 12.21% | 30.58% | 3.73% |
Hospitals’ Owner | Variable | |||||||
Nominal Value (Million PLN) | Share (%) | Arrears as a % of Overall Debt | Share of Number of Beds * | Overall Debt Per Bed (PLN) | Arrears Per Bed (PLN) | |||
Overall Debt | Arrears | Overall Debt | Arrears | |||||
Local governments | 9425.9 | 996.8 | 72.18% | 62.49% | 10.57% | 76.94% | 80,672 | 8531 |
Medical universities | 2867.6 | 506.2 | 21.96% | 31.73% | 17.65% | 13.80% | 136,854 | 24,157 |
Ministries | 765.9 | 92.1 | 5.86% | 5.78% | 12.03% | 9.26% | 54,471 | 6552 |
Total | 13,059.4 | 1595.1 | 100.00% | 100.00% | 12.21% | 100.00% | 85,998 | 10,504 |
Type of Arrears/Year | 2010 | 2018 |
social insurance | 12.39% | 0.87% |
taxes and other public liabilities | 2.64% | 0.36% |
private liabilities | 14.84% | 11.87% |
loans (from the owners and banks) | 3.48% | 0.45% |
drug and material suppliers | 40.47% | 58.93% |
equipment suppliers | 7.76% | 6.97% |
energy, gas, water suppliers | 5.57% | 2.79% |
external services (renovations, transport services) | 12.84% | 17.77% |
Total arrears | 100.00% | 100.00% |
No | Adoption/Implementation | Main Elements | Implementation Process | Effect on Hospitals’ Financial Standing—Based on Case Studies (CS) of a Group of Hospitals |
1 | 2005/ 2005–2009 | Debt relief and restructuration:
| 561 hospitals applied for a loan, whilst 532 completed the restructuration process.
| Based on eight hospital CS (period 2005–2014):
2 | 2009/ 2009–2011 | Debt relief and corporatization:
| Only 55% (754 million PLN) of the budgeted amount was used: | Based on 20 hospital CS (period 2011–2014):
3 | 2011/ 2011–2013 | Debt relief and corporatization:
| The scale of the hospital corporatization process was lower than expected:
| |
4 | 2017/ 2017-ongoing | The hospital network:
| A total number of 594 hospitals were included in the network, the vast majority of which were public:
| Based on 29 hospitals CS (period 2015–2018):
Actors/Influencers | Revenues | Expenditures |
Ministry of Health |
National Health Fund |
Hospital owners |
Hospital management |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Dubas-Jakóbczyk, K.; Kozieł, A. Towards Financial Sustainability of the Hospital Sector in Poland—A Post Hoc Evaluation of Policy Approaches. Sustainability 2020, 12, 4801.
Dubas-Jakóbczyk K, Kozieł A. Towards Financial Sustainability of the Hospital Sector in Poland—A Post Hoc Evaluation of Policy Approaches. Sustainability. 2020; 12(12):4801.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDubas-Jakóbczyk, Katarzyna, and Anna Kozieł. 2020. "Towards Financial Sustainability of the Hospital Sector in Poland—A Post Hoc Evaluation of Policy Approaches" Sustainability 12, no. 12: 4801.
APA StyleDubas-Jakóbczyk, K., & Kozieł, A. (2020). Towards Financial Sustainability of the Hospital Sector in Poland—A Post Hoc Evaluation of Policy Approaches. Sustainability, 12(12), 4801.