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Impact of Information Sources on Promoting Tourism in a Rural Region: The Case of the Roman Villa of Noheda

Nuria Huete-Alcocer
1,* and
Miguel Ángel Valero-Tévar
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Plaza de la Universidad N° 1, 02071 Albacete, Spain
Faculty of Education Sciences and Humanities, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Avda. de los Alfares N° 42, 16071 Cuenca, Spain
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2021, 13(14), 8038;
Submission received: 17 May 2021 / Revised: 22 June 2021 / Accepted: 13 July 2021 / Published: 19 July 2021
(This article belongs to the Section Tourism, Culture, and Heritage)


This paper presents a comparative analysis of the tools provided by the internet (social networks, websites, etc.) and traditional media (television, newspapers, word of mouth, etc.) in terms of their impact on the promotion of a tourism resource in a rural area: the Roman villa of Noheda (Cuenca). Both of the aforementioned sources of information play a relevant role in promoting such archaeological destinations and influencing tourists’ decision-making when planning their visit. The literature suggests that social networks as well as other electronic channels can attract large numbers of tourists; however, this has not happened in the case of the archaeological site under study. It has become known through coverage in more traditional media such as television and the national and international press. Knowledge of the use of internet tools to promote these heritage sites is still very limited; thus, this study collected information through a questionnaire on the different sources of information (traditional and online) that tourists used when deciding to visit this site. An ANOVA analysis has been used to determine the relationship between the different sources of information and the place of residence and between said information sources and the overnight stays near Noheda. The results point to strategies that can be developed to promote these cultural resources in order to achieve the economic development of rural regions such as the Alcarria of Cuenca.

1. Introduction

In recent years, the tourism industry has undergone major changes due to economic, social, and cultural factors [1]. In the case of Spain, as in many other countries, domestic tourists have also changed the way they seek out new forms of weekend leisure that is far from the big cities but close to where they live [2]. For example, rural tourism and cultural tourism offer an alternative to the sun-and-sand destination model, which could positively affect the regional and sustainable development of many towns and municipalities in unpopulated areas [3]. This has benefited rural areas, where rural tourism is becoming more valued and can represent new opportunities for economic development. Thus, areas that have numerous tourism resources can achieve economic development through the positive effects that tourism can provide [1]. The development of this type of tourism can be a beneficial activity in three ways: (1) by responding to the demands of a progressive tourist clientele, (2) by safeguarding cultural and natural heritage that is in danger of disappearing, and (3) by creating employment other than in agriculture thus, preventing the abandonment of rural areas for urban ones [2].
In this respect, cultural heritage is one of the resources that can be harnessed for the development of many rural areas. It is thus worth attempting to promote cultural tourism, with a focus on archaeological heritage, as an asset that generates wealth in a region and thus contributes to the socio-economic development of the area. Additionally, this type of cultural tourism positively influences historical and artistic sites, helping to protect the cultural heritage and enhance the sustainable development of many regions [3]. This approach has already been effectively applied in other places, such as China [4]. Furthermore, it has helped to reverse migration due to demographic changes [5]. In order to properly develop cultural tourism, the existence of historical and artistic elements is necessary [6]. These elements can be valued for their educational and cultural benefits and can even serve as sources of identity, reflecting local or ethnic characteristics, as well as providing economic benefits for communities [7]. If these cultural elements are used appropriately, they play a fundamental role in the development of tourism in an area [8] since the economic contribution they make is key to achieving the sustainable development of this sector [9]. Studies such as that by [4] show how cultural and archaeological elements have helped improve the tourist experience, with cultural attractions becoming a development opportunity for many tourist destinations [10], especially in developing regions [11]. Therefore, this type of cultural tourism is considered an important growing market since it tends to involve high-end tourists, providing economic support to the local culture. As such, it has become a primary objective for tourism policy makers [12].
Thus, the obvious starting point is to have assets or elements that offer high potential for attracting visitors [13]. However, even when a location has the necessary potential, there is sometimes a failure to effectively promote these tourism resources. The appropriate promotion of these assets could represent an economic benefit in the area where they are located, such as in rural areas.
Moreover, in terms of promotion, professionals in the tourism sector have to position their products and services in such a way that they can offer their potential clients positive experiences [14]. In recent years, tourism promotion has entered a new phase that is centred on the internet [15]. This form of strategic communication relies on management tools based on information and communication technologies (ICT), such as websites. If these communication tools are used well, they facilitate an effective dialogue between all those involved in heritage management, tourism development, and users or visitors [16]. In the case of rural destinations, which tend to lack economic resources, they use social networks as a profitable means of promotion [17].
On the other side are the consumers, who increasingly use internet tools (for example, social networks, blogs, etc.) to convey their opinions about the products and services they consume. In addition, they usually use these tools to search for information before making the trip, which is significantly changing the relationship between customers and retailers [18]. Due to their social impact, they are becoming very powerful instruments to disseminate images and information about tourist destinations [19]. It is a way for people to share their knowledge [20], interact with each other, give their opinions, and evaluate the service provided [21,22]. For example, word of mouth (WOM) is considered by tourists to be a more reliable medium than other more traditional media (television, radio, print media) and is the one that has the greatest influence on consumer behaviour [23]. In its current online form, WOM communication is known as electronic word of mouth or eWOM [24]. It has generally been assumed that digital media are fundamentally different from traditional media in terms of both their design and the technology on which they operate [25]. However, tourism consumers not only use online channels (social media, search engines, travel portals, virtual communities, and websites) but also continue to use more established sources of information to find information for their next trips [26].
Taking into account all of the above, this research seeks to demonstrate how the promotion of an archaeological resource through traditional means such as WOM, newspapers, magazines, or television can in turn promote tourism in an rural area such as the Alcarria of Cuenca, an area that has suffered greatly from depopulation over the years. Moreover, it shows how these media have been used to publicize an archaeological site in not only national but also in international media. This region has the potential to become a tourist area, especially for cultural tourism, due to the many cultural resources it has, the foremost of which is undoubtedly the Roman villa of Noheda, which contains one of the most important mosaics of its kind in the world. Having the elements needed to activate tourism in the area can represent a potential engine of development, since heritage, in addition to representing an area’s cultural legacy, can form the basis for tourism-related economic benefits such as job creation.
To do so, it is necessary to harness the image of this archaeological resource to initially attract the visitor (tourist, politician, or investor) and then ensure that this first impression leads on to a second, longer stay, convincing visitors to return to the area as well as recommending it to family and friends. In this sense, the fact that the site is located 19 km from the city of Cuenca, which has been declared a World Heritage Site, may be an advantage. The objective is to motivate the visitor to actively collaborate—to a greater or lesser degree—in the promotion of Noheda, recommending the visit to family and friends through easily accessible and easily disseminated means of communication, such as social networks.
Thus, this study was proposed following the impact generated in national and international media when the scientific management of the site gave interviews to certain television programmes, newspapers, and journals. The town subsequently received an influx of tourists, raising the need to analyse which sources of information, whether traditional or online, may be the most appropriate for promoting the site and thus benefit a depopulated region such as the Alcarria of Cuenca. To do this, a few days after the site was opened to the public on 18th July 2019, a total of 400 surveys were collected from tourists over 18 years of age. The findings from that survey allowed us to draw some conclusions that point to ways to improve the future promotion of these archaeological resources.

2. Internet Tools and Traditional Media in Promoting a Tourism Resource

Tourism is a very significant factor for the economy, whether at national, regional, or local level. Thanks to the regular arrival of tourists, consumption is increased, driving the production of goods and services and creating jobs. This, together with the tourists’ use of infrastructure, accommodation, and so on, helps boost economic growth [27]. Furthermore, any type of tourism in rural areas where culture is used as a tourism resource can generate a cultural exchange between residents and visitors in such a way that it stimulates the conservation and recovery of local traditions [28]. This type of cultural tourism is an approach to local culture and offers an activity very different from mass tourism [3]. Due to its complexity, the concept of cultural tourism has given rise to numerous definitions and perspectives. Both [29,30] describe it as tourists who travel to places of cultural interest with the aim of satisfying their cultural and personal enrichment needs. However, other authors provide a much more exact concept and focus on the cultural services or products enjoyed by the tourist, without taking into account the motivation for the trip [13,31]. In recent years, to encourage the arrival of tourists, sector professionals have developed new ways of promoting tourism, especially based on the internet [15]. When the communication capabilities of these ICT-based tools are used well, they facilitate effective dialogue among tourism stakeholders [16]. However, the current panorama reflects the use of other technological tools such as social media, including blogs, professional networks, forums, social networks, etc., which contribute to tourism development. For example, tourism consumers currently view social media as the most reliable source of information about products and services [25]. In the case of Facebook, users around the world recognize that it is the social network most used by tourist destinations [19,32].
Blogs are another internet-based tool and have become one of the most relevant topics in research on social media in travel and tourism [33]. They are a key source of travel information [34,35]. Companies see the use of these tools as a new opportunity to access and maintain contact with the market, learn about the needs and opinions of their customers, and interact with them in a direct and personalized way [36]. According to [37], comments made on travel blogs represent new opportunities and challenges for tourism marketers. These blog-based communications are easy to update, have a flexible structure, and allow anonymous interactions between people [35].
Therefore, the advance of these internet-based channels in recent years means that consumers not only have access to the opinions of close friends, co-workers, and family but also to comments from strangers from all over the world about their visit to a destination or the use of a product [33]. The use of all of these technological tools provides many advantages, such as offering extensive, regularly updated, and publicly available information. However, this can sometimes be dangerous if people on social networks promote some tourist experiences in places that lack control, have limited access, or are risky [21]. Other authors argue that tourist destinations that use mobile applications as a tool have the advantage of differentiating themselves from other destinations since they can offer personalized services and products to their most important audiences [14]. All of these tools can serve as sources of information prior to making a trip.
It should be noted that the different sources of information continue to expand with ever-increasing access to communication media that suit different lifestyles (television series, travel television programmes, social networks, websites, etc.) [38]. This has prompted tourist destinations to establish a presence on all of them. However, the knowledge of the Spanish public surrounding archaeological resources and, in particular, that of archaeological sites, has been growing thanks to more traditional sources of information. The attractiveness of a tourist area is directly related to the dissemination of its heritage, a noteworthy characteristic of cultural tourism [39]. Indeed, some research suggests that the dissemination of archaeology improves both the environment and the development of the local community [4] and can be almost as relevant as narrative communication [40].
At present, there is an ever-growing number of different tourism options, meaning the promotion of heritage tourism can no longer focus exclusively on the offer: this type of tourism has to progress in line with the interests of consumers [41]. Thus, any tourist destination attempting to be competitive has to continually update all of the information that may be useful to the visitor. In this regard, the media can be seen as allies when it comes to promoting archaeological remains, providing the public with relevant information and bringing them closer to society.
Regarding more traditional sources of information, some studies on heritage destinations find that when used sources of commercial information, brochures are positively valued by respondents as a motivation for visiting the destination [42]. Conversely, the study carried out by [43] does not find strong support for the hypothesis that brochures influence the decision of tourists to travel. For these sources of information to have an influence on the decision to choose to visit a destination, they must incorporate a series of incentives and be convincing, attractive, and easy to remember [43].
Another relevant type of media is films and television series, which can succinctly present information about a certain place [44]. Film and television tourism is an emerging type of tourism and is an example of how popular entertainment can influence the audiences’ image of a destination, boosting visits to film and television shooting locations [45]. The study by [46] shows that mini-dramas or microfilms can raise awareness of a destination, representing a source of favourable information that helps potential visitors to remember the destination and influences their subsequent visit decision. The authors also pointed to this medium as a way for destinations to reposition their image. An example of the influence of film and television can be seen with an archaeological park in the province of Cuenca, specifically Segóbriga, where a Spanish series was filmed, leading to a large influx of visitors.
Journalism is also a relevant source of information, but it remains an underexplored area of study in relation to tourism [47]. Newspapers are now more accessible digitally, which facilitates the instantaneous dissemination of information; as such, they can affect the image of destinations [48]. Thus, the image generated by how a newspaper describes a destination is a very relevant factor [49] and can lend gravitas to the conveyed image [47]. In this vein, the press is used by archaeologists as a means to develop public interest in archaeology [50].
Travel agencies, another traditional source, have been considered in the literature as the main source of information in the selection of a destination [51,52]. However, the internet is a threat to these sources of information, as it allows customers to develop and buy their own itineraries [53]. Conversely, other authors argue that one of the benefits of travel agencies is their capacity to store a large amount of information, order it, and interpret it in order to offer the client the optimal travel experience [54]. Thus, the rise of the internet in recent years has forced traditional travel agencies to focus on increasing people’s attitudes towards travel, building and consolidating their reputation both online and offline, and innovating their products and services [55].
Finally, another traditional medium is WOM, referring to informal communication between users or consumers regarding the particularities, the ownership, and use of a service or product [56]. Positive WOM is a very credible source of information for potential tourists and is especially useful in the tourism industry, as it tends to be based on the opinions of previous tourists [57].

3. Materials and Methods

A questionnaire was developed in order to collect information from visitors to the Roman villa of Noheda regarding the information sources they had used to find out about the site. The questions that were included in the questionnaire were based on a review of the literature [35,51,58,59,60] and the specific characteristics of the study area. Before administering the questionnaire, it was revised by professional marketing and tourism researchers (professors from the University of Córdoba and the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain). Once the revision had been completed, a pilot survey was conducted with a sample of some 25 tourists to the site to make any final changes that were needed. The final questionnaire was implemented a few weeks after the opening of the site to the public on 18 July 2019, and a total of 400 surveys of tourists over 18 years of age were collected during six consecutive weekends in the months of August and September 2019. Thus, in this research, a convenience sampling was carried out due to the speed, ease of availability, and cost-effectiveness of obtaining the sample of tourists at the site. First, the compiled information was used to carry out a descriptive analysis revealing the sociodemographic characteristics of the who were tourists surveyed at the site, such as age, origin, gender, educational level, if they had spent the night near Noheda, etc. (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6). On the other hand, a first exploratory analysis has allowed us to verify the distributions of the sample sociodemographic variables. The mean values were calculated for the different sources of information used by tourists to find out about the site. To that end, a total of 32 items were analysed, of which 19 were questions about traditional sources of information and 13 were about online sources (Table 7 and Table 8, respectively). The surveyed tourists had to answer on a 5-point Likert scale, where 1 = I did not use it at all/5 = It was one of my main sources of information. To validate the scales of these variables, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed using the Varimax rotation method.
After validating the scales, a bivariate analysis was carried out to determine the correlation between the dependent variable and a series of independent variables. To that end, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out, yielding a level of significance used as a reference to accept or reject the null hypothesis (H0) of independence between the variables. Thus, the null was accepted if the level of significance was greater than 0.05. On the contrary, if said level was less than 0.05, the null hypothesis was rejected, indicating a relationship of dependence between the variables, meaning the different levels of the factor in question influence the dependent variable. The analysis focused on the quantitative variables in the present study: the sources of information, the place of residence of the tourist, whether or not the tourist is a resident of the area, and whether he/she stayed overnight near Noheda.
The analyses in this research were carried out using SPSS Statistics 27.0.1. software.

3.1. Study Area

Rural Spain has been gradually emptying out, with rural populations migrating towards the cities of the province or further afield. This migration has been particularly intense in the most rural areas, which have not able to retain their populations. These areas, which are primarily dedicated to agriculture and livestock, have not been able to repopulate through new productive activities, such as tourism; this is despite the fact that many areas have great attractions that could be exploited.
Regarding the case under study, the Alcarria of Cuenca is in the far north-west of the province of Cuenca, Spain. The reasons for focusing on this territory include the fact that it is a stagnant, depressed region that needs a social and economic resurgence. In recent years, there has been intense depopulation caused by the lack of jobs, which has driven high rates of migration away from the area, leaving only the oldest population.
The 43 municipalities that make up the Alcarria of Cuenca (with populations of between 7 and 1748 inhabitants in 2020) [61] have a rich cultural heritage that can become a useful resource for promoting this area, but that currently remains under-exploited. In this context, it is worth trying to promote tourism in this area focused on archaeology as a resource that can generate wealth in the region, thereby contributing to the socio-economic development of the area.
Therefore, this study first presents the data on the depopulation that this region is suffering: according to the latest data, the region has lost almost 4000 inhabitants over the last 22 years (Figure 1) [61]. It then makes the case for exploiting the tourism resources in the region; specifically, the Roman villa of Noheda, which has generated a national and international impact due to the fact it is home to one of the most important mosaics in the world.

3.2. An Opportunity for the Development of a Rural Region: The Case Study of the Roman Villa de Noheda

The Roman villa of Noheda is the most important tourism resources in the Alcarria of Cuenca. The site is located in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula, just over an hour and a half away from Madrid and 19 km north of the city of Cuenca. It is located just 500 m. north-west of the town from which it takes its name, which is in the municipality of Villar de Domingo García.
The archaeological complex was declared a Site of Cultural Interest in 2012, mainly because of the exceptional figurative mosaics discovered in it, for which it is widely known [62]. The preserved mosaics cover 231.62 m2 (Figure 2) and, together with other rooms in the villa, are covered by a recently constructed building (Figure 3).
The Noheda mosaic is extremely interesting for a number of reasons, such as the unusual combination of mythological and theatrical themes (Figure 4), which underlines its originality. There is a clear narrative style to each individual scene as well as to the reading of them as a whole, which allows the viewer to follow the sequence of different episodes of a myth or an allegory and the transversal content uniting them. This makes it unique among preserved mosaics around the world.

4. Results

Although extensive scientific research has been carried out on archaeological sites such as Noheda, there are relatively few studies that address the information sources used by visitors to research this type of destination, both in terms of when they decide to travel to an archaeological site and when they promote it, for example, by recommending it to family and friends. It should be added that this Roman villa started to become known thanks to the results of different excavations and their dissemination by the scientific management of the site. For example, they gave interviews to different national and international communications media (Figure 5) where they explained the wonder of these Roman mosaics. This was the first time that people became aware of the site, as one of its drawbacks is its location: a small town in the Alcarria of Cuenca, within what is known as “empty Spain”.
Due to the impact it caused nationally and internationally in the media (mainly in newspapers and television reports), the site began to receive a large influx of visitors after its opening on 18 July 2019. This prompted the idea of using a questionnaire to collect information about the information sources through which visitors learned of the existence of this tourism resource, and which ones played the biggest role in their decision to travel to this archaeological site. The results could help indicate the most suitable method to promote this type of tourism resource. To do this, the results obtained from the data of the 400 surveyed tourists are presented below. The first question in the survey was: Have you come specifically to visit the Roman villa of Noheda? The respondent was asked this question to see if he/she was interested in visiting other resources in this rural region or only the Roman village of Noheda. Of the 400 respondents, 329 (82.3%) answered that they had come specifically to visit the mosaics.
The second question was aimed at capturing the respondents’ sociodemographic characteristics, such as age, gender, educational level, occupation, income level, and origin. The results of the frequency analysis reveal the profile of the tourist who visits these types of resources. Regarding gender, there is a very similar percentage of women (56.5%) and men (43.5%). Regarding the age of the visitors (Table 1), it can be seen that the most largest category is that of tourists who are 40–59 years old, accounting for 65.8% of the total sample, while the smallest category is the youngest age group, 18–25 years old, representing 3.5% of the total.
In terms of the education level of the surveyed visitors, those with higher education make up more than half of the sample: 62.5% of tourists have university studies, and 22% hold a doctorate. Tourists who do not have any type of studies represent only 0.5%. This confirms that the majority of visitors have higher-level studies (Table 2).
Regarding the occupations of the visitors (Table 3), employed workers represent the largest share (32%), which is followed by public servants (19%).
Of the total surveyed, 28.3% reported having an annual gross income in the range EUR 15,000–30,000 followed by 25% who earn EUR 30,000–45,000 per year (Table 4).
Regarding the analysis of the tourists’ place of origin (Table 5), the most frequent origin was found to be the Community of Madrid (51.3%) followed by Castilla-La Mancha (15%) and the Valencian Community (12.3%). Two findings on the origins of the tourists are worth highlighting: on the one hand, those from Castilla-La Mancha, including visitors from neighbouring towns, and on the other, the low percentage of foreign visitors, which represent only 2% of the total sample. Respondents were first asked if they lived in the area and 93.8% answered no. On the other hand, regarding whether or not the tourists stayed overnight near this site, more than half of the tourists (69%) did not stay overnight when they visited it. This is a very significant adverse finding for the economy of the area where Noheda is located and may be due to the proximity to the site to other provinces and autonomous communities.
In conclusion, the profile of the typical tourist who visits this site is a middle-aged person, probably a woman, aged between 40 and 59 years old, who works for someone else, has a fairly high income, and is university educated.
Regarding the type of visit in terms of the composition of the visiting group (Table 6), the most notable categories are visits with family and children (34.5%), with a partner (25.5%), or with friends (24%). Together with the figures for group visits (10.5% of the total sample), it is clear that visits to the site usually involve a group of at least two people. It is worth noting that, according to the data collected, organized group tours to the site were not on offer at that time, as this category represents just 0.2% of the total sample.
Subsequently, the third and fourth questions of the questionnaire were formulated to identify the different sources of information, traditional and online, that were the most used by the visitors to obtain information about Noheda (Table 7 and Table 8). The choice of the 19 items relating to the different traditional information sources (Table 7) was based on the research by [51,58,59]. Traditional sources that offered information about the Roman villa were also reviewed. Thus, the third question of the questionnaire was formulated as follows: “Indicate on a scale of 1 to 5 to what extent you have used the following traditional sources of information to obtain information about the Roman villa of Noheda (the minimum score is 1 = I did not use it at all/the maximum score is 5 = it was one of my main sources of information)”. From this information, the means of the different sources of information that the tourists used to obtain information about Noheda were calculated.
The results obtained in the means analysis revealed that the traditional sources most used by tourists were the internet (TS16) and comments from friends and family (TS17), with mean values of 3.63 and 3.18 out of 5, respectively. These values are very high compared to other sources of information, such as television news (2.13) and newspapers (2.0).
The choice of the 13 items representing different online information sources (Table 8) was based on research such as that of [35,59,60]. In this way, the fourth question of the questionnaire was formulated, which also took into account the online sources where information about the Roman villa appeared: “Indicate on a scale of 1 to 5 to what extent you have used the following online information sources to obtain information about the Roman Villa of Noheda (the minimum score is 1 = I did not use it at all/the maximum score is 5 = it was one of my main sources of information)”. The results obtained in the means analysis confirmed that the highest mean values were for the site’s website (ONS1), with 2.83 points; internet search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. (ONS10), with 3.07; and online maps, such as Google Maps, viaMichelín, GuíaRepsol, etc. (ONS11) 2.89.
To validate the scales of these variables, the sources of information, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed using the Varimax rotation method. The results of the Kaiser–Meyner–Olkin (KMO) statistics [63] and Cronbach’s alpha show values greater than 0.7 [64], therefore validating the scales (Table 9).
Regarding the results obtained from the ANOVA analysis, it can be observed that according to the origin or place of residence of the tourist, the mean values shown by the different sources of information are lower, in some cases, than 0.05 (for a level of significance of 95%); that is, they are significantly different. For example, with respect to traditional information sources (Table 10), if the visitor resided in the area, the usefulness levels of the information sources are different for Fairs (e.g., FITUR) (TS13) and the residents of nearby towns (TS18). To refine this analysis, the Chi-square test (bilateral asymptotic significance) was also performed to corroborate whether the differences in the mean scores from these traditional sources are significant. These results confirmed the significance of the differences; however, this test added two more sources that the ANOVA analysis had not identified: tourist association information CEDER ALCARRIA (TS6) and the Internet (TS16), with significance levels of 0.028 and 0.017, respectively.
Therefore, due to these obtained differences, the null hypothesis (H0) regarding the relationship between these four traditional sources of information and the place of residence is rejected.
Likewise, an ANOVA analysis of online information sources and tourists residing in the area where the site is located was carried out. The results (Table 11) indicate that only two information sources registered significance levels below 0.05: the Website Provincial Deputation of Cuenca (ONS7) and Internet browsers (ONS10). The results from the Chi-square test corroborate only the first source (ONS7), since for Internet browsers (ONS10), the significance level of residents from nearby towns is slightly over 0.05 (sig. 0.054). Therefore, it can be concluded that only the Website Provincial Deputation of Cuenca (ONS7) has a relationship of dependence with the place of residence; therefore H0 is rejected.
On the other hand, regarding the relationship between traditional sources of information and whether the tourist had spent the night in places near Noheda, the results of the ANOVA analysis (Table 12) show a relationship of dependence between these variables, specifically with the sources of tourist association information CEDER ALCARRIA (TS6), nearby accommodations, complementary offers (TS8), Internet (TS16), and residents from nearby towns (TS18). However, the Chi-square test only confirms TS8 and TS18, since the TS6 and TS16 presented values of 0.055 and 0.098, respectively.
Therefore, the null hypothesis H0 is rejected only for TS8 and TS18, since there are differences between these variables and the tourists who reported overnight stays in areas near Noheda. These results are relevant since the comments from the nearby accommodations and the residents of the area were used as sources of information, which means they could help to promote not only the site, but also encourage tourists to spend the night near Noheda.
Finally, the results of the ANOVA analysis for the relationship between online sources and whether the tourist had spent the night in the area (Table 13) show that of the thirteen total sources, only one, the official website of the site (cultura.castillalamancha. es/heritage/sites-can be visited/villa-Romana-de-noheda) (ONS1), turns out to be significant, with a significance level below 0.05 (H0 is rejected). However, the Chi-square test does not confirm these results, as the values for this source of information (ONS1) are above 0.05 (sig. 0.67). These results may be negative at the local level, indicating that changes need to be made to the online promotion of the site to encourage tourists to stay overnight in nearby areas. This could be achieved by promoting all of the tourist resources in the area, as there are many in the Alcarria area, and they are close to the city of Cuenca, meaning that the tourist could enjoy a week, or at least a few days, in this region.

5. Discussion

The results of the statistical analysis reveal the sociodemographic profile of the tourist and which sources of information are the most used by visitors. Based on these findings, suggestions can be made for the promotion of such tourism resources; in this case, an archaeological site in one of the most unpopulated rural areas in Spain.
The frequency analysis of tourist characteristics allows us to conclude that the typical visitor is a middle-aged person, probably a woman, aged between 40 and 59 years old, with a university education, working for an employer, and earning a fairly high income. In terms of group composition, visits usually involved a family with children.
On the other hand, regarding the traditional sources of information most valued by tourists, the first was the internet followed by the comments of friends and family. This coincides with the classification proposed by [58] and Riera (2013), who also found that the internet was the most important source of information, ahead of friends and family. After these media, the next most valued resources were television news and the written press, both nationally and internationally. It should be noted that when speaking with tourists at the site itself, some commented that the first time they saw the site was on television or in newspapers, but that they later searched for information about it on the internet. Some of them said that it was entirely thanks to the recommendations of family and friends that they were encouraged to make the visit Consequently, managers of these destinations should consider these findings regarding the most commonly used sources of information for researching the site, as users increasingly turn to the internet for information in general or to post comments on social media.
Within the assessment of online sources, that is, sources in which the internet acts as a means of communication, the highest scores were found for the archaeological site’s website; search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo!; and online map resources, such as Google Maps, ViaMichelín, or Guía Repsol. In conclusion, the obtained results were consistent with findings that had previously been reported in the literature and point to the sources of information that can be proposed as promotional tools for these types of tourist destinations.
Finally, bivariate analysis (ANOVA and Pearson’s Chi-square test) has been used to confirm the relationship of dependence between certain sources of information and residence and overnight stays in areas near Noheda. On the one hand, the sources that show a relationship of dependence with the place of residence are tourist association information CEDER ALCARRIA (TS6), fairs (e.g., FITUR) (TS13), the Internet (TS16), residents of nearby towns (TS18), and the Website Provincial Deputation of Cuenca (ONS7). These sources of information that are linked to the site suggest that WOM and eWOM as well as the role of residents in neighbouring towns may become a relevant means of promoting the site.
On the other hand, the sources that show a relationship of dependence with overnight stays near the site are nearby accommodations, complementary offers (TS8), and residents of nearby towns (TS18). Although these support the role of local residents and possible comments about the area (WOM), they highlight the lack of means to diffuse information about the Alcarria, which would encourage tourists to spend the night in the nearby areas. regarding this regard, one idea would be to suggest the joint promotion of all of the tourist resources in the area. There are many attractions in the Alcarria of Cuenca which would justify a stay in the area of at least four days.

6. Conclusions

Tourism resources in rural areas, such as the Roman villa of Noheda, are a great attraction for rural regions as unpopulated as the Alcarria of Cuenca, which is located in what is known as empty Spain.
Since the early days of its exploitation as a tourism resource, this site has represented a new employment opportunity for local inhabitants, creating jobs—a total of five, including three tour guides, a security guard, and a cleaner—in addition to giving a boost to the few existing services in the area, such as restaurants and shops. It may thus help reduce migration from rural to urban areas.
It has also helped institutions to implement new projects for the future development of this region, such as the enhancement of the site in order to receive tourists in the appropriate conditions for these types of sites (a building where the mosaics are). Likewise, a project is underway to build a new exhibition installation in the villa’s baths.
Regarding the conclusions drawn from this research, the literature review has made it possible to classify traditional and online sources of information based on an in-depth analysis of their influence on the formation and promotion of a tourist destination. This classification took into account the most important studies that have been published on the subject in recent years, which address the rise of the internet as a communication channel for the dissemination, promotion, and management of destinations.
Subsequently, data collection and analysis have shown that widely used sources of information are the internet followed by comments from family and friends (WOM). Therefore, the most recommended source to promote this tourist destination would be eWOM via, for example, social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or WhatsApp status), but in a controlled manner. It is important these online and easily accessible sources of information to take into account, as they are part of people’s daily lives. Users post photos of the trips they take or use them as profile photos, leave comments, recommend places, etc. Thus, all of these channels can serve as sources of information for future tourists. However, given the lack of analysis of the effectiveness of social media in the promotion and management of these types of archaeological destinations, we also recommend the positive WOM of the tourists who visit these sites as a marketing strategy and harnessing it as a source of promotion. This enables people to actively participate in the dissemination and management of heritage, placing residents at the centre of promotional methods. In this way, they can build bridges between the towns and territorial identities of this region and above all, generate benefits related to quality of life and the local economy. Likewise, the results of the ANOVA analysis highlighted the relevance of the role of residents in nearby towns, when they are used as sources of information since there were differences when the tourists were local residents or stayed overnight in places close to the site.
Finally, regarding the limitations of this research, the fieldwork was conducted in a short period of time. The intention was to collect information from the first influx of visitors to the site following the impact caused by the television news reports and stories in national and international newspapers. Due to this short response time, it was not possible to collect more data regarding other variables. Additional variables to study are currently being considered and are being proposed as future lines of research. One of them is the role of local residents in this archaeological site in terms of promoting the site and the region since they can become ambassadors for this rural area of the Alcarria of Cuenca.

Author Contributions

All authors contributed equally to the research. M.Á.V.-T., has contributed with funding acquisition, project supervision, conceptualization, investigation, methodology, visualization, validation, visualization, writing—original draft and writing—review & editing; N.H.-A. has contributed with investigation, methodology, resources, software, data curation, formal analysis, validation, visualization, writing—original draft and writing—review & editing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received external funding from Urbs and Rure research project “Villa Romana de Noheda SBPLY / 21/180801/000023”, granted by the Community Board of Castilla-La Mancha, within the public announcement of the Vice-counseling of Culture and Sports, by which subsidies are summoned to carry out research projects of the archaeological and paleontological heritage of Castilla-La Mancha for the year 2021.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Data on inhabitants in the Alcarria of Cuenca. Source: [61].
Figure 1. Data on inhabitants in the Alcarria of Cuenca. Source: [61].
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Figure 2. General view of the mosaic.
Figure 2. General view of the mosaic.
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Figure 3. Building to visit the facilities.
Figure 3. Building to visit the facilities.
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Figure 4. Detailed view of one of the mosaic scenes.
Figure 4. Detailed view of one of the mosaic scenes.
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Figure 5. News reports of the Roman villa in national and international newspapers.
Figure 5. News reports of the Roman villa in national and international newspapers.
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Table 1. Tourists’ age.
Table 1. Tourists’ age.
18–25 years143.5
26–39 years7619
40–59 years26365.8
60 years or more4711.8
Total tourists400100
Table 2. Tourists’ educational level.
Table 2. Tourists’ educational level.
Level of StudiesFrequency%
No studies20.5
Primary studies246.0
Total tourists400100
Table 3. The occupation of tourists.
Table 3. The occupation of tourists.
Employment SituationFrequency%
Domestic work112.8
Civil servant 7619.0
Self employed4511.3
Employed worker12832.0
Worker with degree5914.8
Company manager246.0
Total tourists400100
Table 4. Tourists’ income level.
Table 4. Tourists’ income level.
€0–15,000 6315.8
€15,000–30,000 11328.3
€30,000–45,000 10025.0
€45,000–60,000 8220.5
More than €60,000 4210.5
Total tourists400100
Table 5. Tourists’ place of origin.
Table 5. Tourists’ place of origin.
Place of OriginFrequency%
Castilla-La Mancha6015.0
Castilla y León174.3
C. Valenciana4912.3
La Rioja20.5
C. Madrid20551.3
Region of Murcia133.3
País Vasco61.5
Other country82.0
Total tourists400100
Table 6. Type of visit.
Table 6. Type of visit.
Type of VisitFrequency%
In a group4210.5
In couple10225.5
With friends9624.0
With family and children13834.5
Organized tour10.3
Total tourists400100
Table 7. Assessment of traditional information sources.
Table 7. Assessment of traditional information sources.
AcronymItemsAveragesMin.Max.Standard Deviation
TS1Written press (newspapers)2.00151.45
TS2Travel agencies or tour operators1.16150.639
TS3Public figures and people on popular shows1.28150.846
TS4Scientific articles on Noheda1.41150.974
TS5Tourist brochures1.98151.345
TS6Tourist association information CEDER ALCARRIA1.68151.269
TS7Educational centres (schools, universities, training centres)1.61151.23
TS8Nearby accommodations, complementary offer1.58151.2
TS9Media specialized in tourism1.55151.123
TS10Media specialized in archaeological heritage1.50151.055
TS12Travel guides1.59151.18
TS13Fairs (e.g., FITUR)1.17150.586
TS14TV series and movies1.35150.885
TS17Friends and family3.18151.755
TS18Residents of nearby towns1.84151.447
TS19TV news2.13151.571
Table 8. Assessment of online information sources.
Table 8. Assessment of online information sources.
AcronymItemsAveragesMin.Max.Standard Deviation
ONS1Official website of the site
ONS2Website 1.51151.17
ONS3Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)1.36150.974
ONS5Website 1.60151.259
ONS6Website of tourism companies in Cuenca publicizing it1.39151.007
ONS7Website Provincial Deputation of Cuenca, 1.52151.15
ONS8Website of the Community Board of Castilla-La Mancha 1.60151.227
ONS9Official tourism website of Castilla-La Mancha 1.67151.311
ONS10Internet browser (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)3.07151.811
ONS11Maps (Google Maps, viaMichelín, GuíaRepsol, etc.)2.89151.793
ONS13Video sharing apps (YouTube)1.41151.056
Table 9. Factors to measure information sources and individual items.
Table 9. Factors to measure information sources and individual items.
FactorsItemLoadingsVariance %Cronbach’s AlphaKMO2Sig.
Traditional Information SourcesTS10.27149.080.8140.8680.00
Online Information SourcesONS10.36455.5620.8130.8480.00
Table 10. ANOVA analysis of traditional information sources—the place of residence.
Table 10. ANOVA analysis of traditional information sources—the place of residence.
AcronymSum of SquaresglQuadratic MeanFSig.
Table 11. ANOVA analysis of online information sources—the place of residence.
Table 11. ANOVA analysis of online information sources—the place of residence.
AcronymSum of SquaresglQuadratic MeanFSig.
Table 12. ANOVA analysis of traditional information sources-overnight stay near Noheda.
Table 12. ANOVA analysis of traditional information sources-overnight stay near Noheda.
AcronymSum of SquaresglQuadratic MeanFSig.
Table 13. ANOVA analysis of online information sources—overnight stay near Noheda.
Table 13. ANOVA analysis of online information sources—overnight stay near Noheda.
AcronymSum of SquaresglQuadratic MeanFSig.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Huete-Alcocer, N.; Valero-Tévar, M.Á. Impact of Information Sources on Promoting Tourism in a Rural Region: The Case of the Roman Villa of Noheda. Sustainability 2021, 13, 8038.

AMA Style

Huete-Alcocer N, Valero-Tévar MÁ. Impact of Information Sources on Promoting Tourism in a Rural Region: The Case of the Roman Villa of Noheda. Sustainability. 2021; 13(14):8038.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Huete-Alcocer, Nuria, and Miguel Ángel Valero-Tévar. 2021. "Impact of Information Sources on Promoting Tourism in a Rural Region: The Case of the Roman Villa of Noheda" Sustainability 13, no. 14: 8038.

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