Federated Digital Platforms: Value Chain Integration for Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Delivery
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Context of the Sutainable Infrastructure Challenge
1.2. Structure of the Article and Approach to Solution
- The individual internal perspective (human-centered),i.e., the needs-based perspective of direct and indirect users of infrastructure objects (subway, water supply, etc.);
- The individual external perspective (technology-enabled),i.e., the required competencies of all persons involved in the planning and implementation process;
- The collective internal perspective (culture-embracing),i.e., the consideration of cultural aspects in infrastructure development;
- The collective external perspective (system-thinking),i.e., the adaptation of planning to all legal and technical regulations.
1.3. Policy and Governance of Infrastructure Development and Delivery
2. Methodical Approach
3. Outcome of the Expert Interviews, Workshops, and Literature Assessment
- A well-articulated vision for infrastructure that enables a systematic development of a robust pipeline of bankable projects and long-term plans with robust business cases;
- Strong project governance arrangements to enable strong project delivery including a more agile set of regulations to reflect optimal practice embracing new infrastructure technologies;
- The careful management of societal and environmental impacts to support project delivery. An early and thorough multi-stakeholder participation minimizes risks and maximizes positive overall outcome. Risk transfer needs to be carried out appropriately to maintain value for money;
- A procurement model chosen on the basis of project specifics and rigorously following established published guidelines.
4. Proposal of Federated Digital Platform for Sustainable Infrastructure
4.1. Mobilization and Learning Platforms for Infrastructure
4.2. Analysis of the Five Dimensions
4.2.1. Governance
- Avoid “lock-in” to a particular technology, with resulting technological and commercial dependency on the provider;
- Reduce the risk of services being modified or terminated in an uncoordinated manner by the provider;
- Share selected data and digital services to different ecosystems, while ensuring ownership, data, and privacy protection;
- Gain access to open and trusted data spaces to maintain control over the development of new digital services within an interoperable and trustworthy digital and data infrastructure.
4.2.2. Design
4.2.3. Protocols
4.2.4. Implementation
4.2.5. Use Cases
- Organizing digital public consultation processes;
- Supporting a digital permitting process, e.g., for building permits;
- Enhancing urban planning considering climate resilience functions;
- Enabling generative, parametric, and collaborative design;
- Provision of unstructured data mining tools to support the infrastructure planning and delivery process including real-time work-site monitoring and management decision-making;
- Ensuring seamless flow of information during project development and planning phase;
- Transparent project delivery, e.g., project controlling, including risk monitoring and ESG controlling functions;
- New technologies for commercial processes;
- Provision of “Design-Construct-O&M (Operate and maintain)”-as-a-Service.
5. Conclusions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Nübel, K.; Bühler, M.M.; Jelinek, T. Federated Digital Platforms: Value Chain Integration for Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Delivery. Sustainability 2021, 13, 8996. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13168996
Nübel K, Bühler MM, Jelinek T. Federated Digital Platforms: Value Chain Integration for Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Delivery. Sustainability. 2021; 13(16):8996. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13168996
Chicago/Turabian StyleNübel, Konrad, Michael Max Bühler, and Thorsten Jelinek. 2021. "Federated Digital Platforms: Value Chain Integration for Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Delivery" Sustainability 13, no. 16: 8996. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13168996
APA StyleNübel, K., Bühler, M. M., & Jelinek, T. (2021). Federated Digital Platforms: Value Chain Integration for Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Delivery. Sustainability, 13(16), 8996. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13168996