Supply Chains’ Failure in Workers’ Rights with Regards to the SDG Compass: A Doughnut Theory Perspective
:1. Background
2. Literature Review
2.1. Motivation for Study
2.2. Problem Statement
- How do the UN SDGs map onto the social foundations of the doughnut model, with respect to workers’ rights in supply chains?
- With each element of the social foundations of the doughnut model, what issues arise concerning the violations of workers’ rights in supply chains?
3. Doughnut Theory
4. SDGs through a Doughnut Theory Lens
5. Exploring Workers’ Rights in Supply Chains with Regards to SDGs with Doughnut Theory Lens
5.1. Basic Needs (Water, Food, Housing, Energy)
5.1.1. Key Issues
5.1.2. Examples
5.2. Health
5.2.1. Key Issues
5.2.2. Examples
5.3. Education
5.3.1. Key Issues
5.3.2. Examples
5.4. Work and Income
5.4.1. Key Issues
5.4.2. Example
5.5. Peace and Justice
5.5.1. Government
Key Issues
5.5.2. NGOs
Key Issues
5.5.3. International Labour Organization (ILO) and World Trade Organization (WTO)
Key Issues
5.5.4. Unions
Key Issues
5.6. Social Equality
5.6.1. Key Issues
5.6.2. Examples
5.7. Gender Equality
5.7.1. Key Issues
5.7.2. Examples
5.8. Networks
5.8.1. Key Issues
5.8.2. Examples
6. Discussion and Conclusions
6.1. Contribution to Theory
6.2. Contribution to Practice
6.3. Limitations and Future Research
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Section below in the Paper | Doughnut Theory Social Foundation Elements | Social Focused SDGs |
5.1 | Basic needs: water, food, energy, housing | |
5.2 | Health | |
5.3 | Education | |
5.4 | Income and work | |
5.5 | Peace and justice | |
5.6 | Social equality | |
5.7 | Gender equality | |
5.8 | Networks | |
Environmentally focused SDGs (not the focus of this research) | | |
Those SDGs related to the ideal layer | |
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Lotfi, M.; Walker, H.; Rendon-Sanchez, J. Supply Chains’ Failure in Workers’ Rights with Regards to the SDG Compass: A Doughnut Theory Perspective. Sustainability 2021, 13, 12526.
Lotfi M, Walker H, Rendon-Sanchez J. Supply Chains’ Failure in Workers’ Rights with Regards to the SDG Compass: A Doughnut Theory Perspective. Sustainability. 2021; 13(22):12526.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLotfi, Maryam, Helen Walker, and Juan Rendon-Sanchez. 2021. "Supply Chains’ Failure in Workers’ Rights with Regards to the SDG Compass: A Doughnut Theory Perspective" Sustainability 13, no. 22: 12526.
APA StyleLotfi, M., Walker, H., & Rendon-Sanchez, J. (2021). Supply Chains’ Failure in Workers’ Rights with Regards to the SDG Compass: A Doughnut Theory Perspective. Sustainability, 13(22), 12526.