Linking Critical Thinking and Knowledge Management: A Conceptual Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- The possibility to perform a search in several hundred other databases;
- The availability of full-text journals from various publishers;
- The widest range of topics;
- The inclusion of a number of articles from Scopus and Web of Science;
- The possibility to select only peer-reviewed articles for the analysis.
- Period of publication: 1993–2020;
- Full-text;
- Open-access;
- Article published in a peer-reviewed journal;
- Lithuanian or English language.
3. Results
3.1. The Concept of Critical Thinking
3.2. The Concept of Knowledge Management
3.3. Connections between Critical Thinking and Knowledge Management
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Critical Thinking | Dimensions | Knowledge Management | ||
Personal attitudes, personal abilities and skills, contextual knowledge | Dialog, freedom, respect, openness, collaboration | Relationship | Culture of knowledge sharing, positive organizational environment, trust, openness, cooperation | Knowledge of the organization’s members, abilities and experience of the organization members |
Thinking process: Information selection, analysis, interpretation, the development of valid or meaningful arguments during information selection, etc. | Process | Knowledge accumulation, analysis, use/application and sharing | ||
Right and professional decisions and/or conclusions | Goal | Organization decisions, effective, socially responsible activities, process management and improvement, innovations, new products and services |
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Indrašienė, V.; Jegelevičienė, V.; Merfeldaitė, O.; Penkauskienė, D.; Pivorienė, J.; Railienė, A.; Sadauskas, J.; Valavičienė, N. Linking Critical Thinking and Knowledge Management: A Conceptual Analysis. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1476.
Indrašienė V, Jegelevičienė V, Merfeldaitė O, Penkauskienė D, Pivorienė J, Railienė A, Sadauskas J, Valavičienė N. Linking Critical Thinking and Knowledge Management: A Conceptual Analysis. Sustainability. 2021; 13(3):1476.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIndrašienė, Valdonė, Violeta Jegelevičienė, Odeta Merfeldaitė, Daiva Penkauskienė, Jolanta Pivorienė, Asta Railienė, Justinas Sadauskas, and Natalija Valavičienė. 2021. "Linking Critical Thinking and Knowledge Management: A Conceptual Analysis" Sustainability 13, no. 3: 1476.
APA StyleIndrašienė, V., Jegelevičienė, V., Merfeldaitė, O., Penkauskienė, D., Pivorienė, J., Railienė, A., Sadauskas, J., & Valavičienė, N. (2021). Linking Critical Thinking and Knowledge Management: A Conceptual Analysis. Sustainability, 13(3), 1476.