How the Agricultural Press Addresses the Slurry–Water Nexus: A Text Mining Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Text Mining
2.2. Selection of Magazines and Collection of Data
2.3. Data Extraction and Creation of Text Corpus
2.4. Text Preprocessing
2.5. Analysis of the Text Corpus
3. Results
3.1. Frequency Analysis
3.2. Semantic Network Analysis
- RQ 1: How does the representation of issues and attributes change over time?
- RQ 2: Which relationships between issues and actors are presented and how do they change over time?
- RQ 3: Was coverage of the slurry–water nexus related to specific events?
4. Discussion
4.1. Three Phases of Agenda Setting
- From 2010 to 2013, thematic reporting set the agenda and issues of farm management and compliance management were at the foreground. These issues were mainly connected to the farm level and to institutions at state level, and occasionally to institutions at EU level.
- Between 2014 and 2016, water and environmental protection issues appeared in the semantic networks, reflecting the public discourse on ecologically sustainable agriculture, and were occasionally resumed in the following years. The magazines increasingly discussed specific events, indicating a turn towards episodic reporting. Policies became a concurrent issue. Connections to actors at the farm level recede, while links to national and European institutions, not least the German Environment Agency, increase.
- Finally, from 2017 onward we found a shift in coverage towards political issues with regard to the slurry–water nexus which was related to tightening legislation with potentially far-reaching consequences for farming practice. The strength of the edges and the degree of interconnection of the concepts in the semantic networks (see Figure 3) show an intensification of episodic reporting that focused on two pieces of regulation: the EU Nitrate Directive and the German Fertilizer Ordinance. The appropriateness of the amendments was questioned and their implementation was extensively discussed. In 2019 and 2020, coverage of a revised version of the fertilizer ordinance focused on the new regulatory aspects rather than on water resources. Management issues were crowded out by politics and compliance issues. Moreover, we found little coverage of innovations for enhancing the slurry–water nexus. With the increasing focus on policy and regulation the diversity of issues on the magazines’ agendas decreased while the number and range of actors mentioned increased, reflecting broader involvement beyond the traditional farm sector.
4.2. Implications for Policy and Practice
4.3. Methodological Reflections and Recommendations for Future Research
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Root Terms | Leave Terms |
water resources | nitrate, nitrate pollution, control, farmer, soil, federated state, supply, environment, environmental agency, nitrogen, plot, aim, antibiotics |
nitrate | water resources, ammonia, retard, soil, trend, sharp, nitrogen fertilizer, spread, fertilization, active ingredient, nitrate value, nitrification inhibitor |
nitrate pollution | fertilizer ordinance, threaten, requirement, federal agricultural ministry, consider, area, federated state, regulation, criticism, compost, measure, environmental agency |
control | cheap, surveillance, number, actually, region, approve, quantity, compliance, animal, kg, strong, reinforce |
farmer | water resources, consultant, drive, reason, reasonable, thank, pay, last, remove, cow, calculate, end |
soil | fertilization, nitrogen, fertilize, tolerate, spread, success, design, total nitrogen, nutrient, mineral fertilizer, plantation, fertilizer |
federated state | federal government, regulation, fertilizer ordinance, schmidt, country opening clause, state, limitation, reduction, germany, planned, political, new_fertilizer_ordinance |
supply | chance, impossible, abroad, retract, export, germany, base, reduce, evaluation, reason, total, decade |
environment | environmental agency, water resources, improvement, reduction, sustainable, study, requirement, concentration, view, meat, cause, reinforce |
environmental agency | current, water resources, antibiotics, nitrate pollution, study, german_farmers_association, agriculture, stipulate, entitle, cooperation, demand, duty |
nitrogen | fertilize, phosphorus, nitrogen demand, ammonium, spread, soil, nitrogen fertilization, mineral, nitrogen application, nitrate, nutrient, ha |
plot | manage, silage corn, end, hectare, trend, eastern germany, grassland, region, cost, remove, ceiling, animal |
aim | ecological, federated state, point, germany, criticize, small, reduction, water resources, next, case, pay, claim |
antibiotics | environmental agency, water resources, high quality, risk, partial, income, consistent, together, veterinarian, nature conservation, food, profit |
Year | Event | Detailed Description/Content |
2010 | Ordinance on the Placing on the Market and Transport of Farm Manure (Verordnung über das Inverkehrbringen und Befördern von Wirtschaftsdünger) | Farmers have to record and report on the delivery, transport, and reception of farm manure. This impacts on water resources indirectly, as slurry cannot “get lost” due to the record-keeping obligation. |
2012 | Amendment to the Fertilizer Ordinance | The Fertilizer Ordinance was implemented in 1996 and first revised in 2008. |
Ordinance on the Proof of the Whereabouts of Farm Manure (Verordnung über den Nachweis des Verbleibs von Wirtschaftsdünger) | All nutrient flows of farm manure and substances containing farm manure as a raw material have to be monitored. Thus, the danger of discharge of substances hazardous to water through slurry is reduced. | |
Report of the Federal Government/Länder Working Group on the Evaluation of the Fertilizer Ordinance | Representatives from federal and state ministries as well as experts from federal and state institutions evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of the existing regulations of the Fertilizer Ordinance. Based on the identified need for improvement, the Working Group has developed implementation options for the amendment of the ordinance. | |
National nitrate report | Every four years, EU member states are obliged to report on the implementation of the Nitrates Directive to the European Commission. | |
2013 | Infringement proceedings initiated by the EU against Germany for non-implementation of the Nitrate Directive | |
Evaluation of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) | ||
2014 | Ordinance on Installations for Handling Substances Hazardous to Water (AwSV) passed—includes liquid manure, slurry, leachate installations (Verordnung über Anlagen zum Umgang mit wassergefährdenden Stoffen AwSV) | Installations in the agricultural sector that serve for storage or filling of, among others, liquid manure, slurry, and leachate must be built in such a way that substances hazardous to water cannot escape and leaks can be identified quickly. |
Federal Environment Agency (UBA) study on pharmaceuticals in groundwater under sites with high livestock density [79] | Evaluation of accumulation of residues and metabolites in the groundwater under agricultural land. | |
Study by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA): Reactive nitrogen in Germany [80] | Examination of causes and effects of reactive nitrogen formation and possible measures for improvement. | |
2015 | Draft amendment to Fertilizer Ordinance adopted and forwarded to EU | |
WFD implementation missed | ||
Expert council for environmental issues (SRU) report: Environmental problems of agriculture | Evaluation of effects of CAP reforms on natural resources. | |
TV report (WDR): The slurry flood—danger for our drinking water? (Die Gülleflut—Gefahr für unser Trinkwasser?) | TV report about excessive slurry accumulation and its relations to water pollution and mass animal husbandry. | |
2016 | EU lawsuit against Germany for failure to implement the Nitrates Directive | |
Report: The Water Framework Directive—Germany’s waters 2015 [81] | Report on the evaluation of the effects of the WFD in the management period 2009–2015. | |
National Nitrate Report | See above (2012) | |
2017 | New Fertilizer Ordinance | See above (2010) |
New AwSV | See above (2014) | |
Material Flow Balance Ordinance (Stoffstrombilanzverordnung—StoffBilV) | The ordinance aims to ensure the sustainable and resource-efficient handling of nutrients on farm in order to reduce leakage into the environment. | |
Petition of environmental and water associations | NGOs demand action against mass animal husbandry, antibiotics, and water pollution. | |
Environmental organizations file complaint with EU Commission because of disregard of WFD by Germany | ||
2018 | ECJ rules that Germany has failed to implement EU Nitrate Directive | |
New Fertilizer Ordinance | ||
Expertise on the evaluation of the German fertilizer law of 2017 | Report on the evaluation of the 2017 fertilizer law with regard to water protection on behalf of BDEW (German Association of Energy and Water Industries). | |
2019 | Improvements of the Fertilizer Ordinance | The EU demanded improvements to meet the requirements of the Nitrate Directive. |
NGO study: Nitrate in drinking water | Study of BUND (Federation for Environmental and Nature Protection) on the nitrate pollution caused by agriculture. | |
2020 | New Fertilizer Ordinance | See above (2010) |
National nitrate report | See above (2012) |
Appendix B. Translations of the Citations
- (1)
- “Hierzu zählt insbesondere im nordostdeutschen Tiefland ein gezieltes Dränmanagement, das nicht nur die Nährstoffe, sondern auch das für hohe Ertragsleistungen notwendige Wasser in der Fläche zurückhält”.
- (2)
- “… nach wie vor Gebiete, in denen die Nitratgrenzwerte im Grundwasser deutlich überschritten werden und weitergehender Handlungsbedarf besteht”.
- (3)
- “Vergangene Woche konnten sich Bund und Länder auf Rechtssicherheit bei dem Punkt Gewässerschutz in als kritisch eingestuften Gebiete verständigen, in denen die Nitratbelastung im Grundwasser besonders hoch liegt”.
- (4)
- “Damit könnten die Rückstände wirtschaftlich genutzt, aber auch übersättigte Gewässer und Boden in Gegenden mit intensiver Tierhaltung entlastet werden”.
- (5)
- “… eines fruchtbaren Bodens, der in Zeiten des Klimawandels mehr Wasser speichern kann, nehmen sie hohe Kosten in Kauf”.
- (6)
- “Der Boden muß tagsüber auftauen und die Randabstände zu Gräben und Wasserläufen müssen eingehalten werden”.
- (7)
- “Der Schutz des Grundwassers vor Belastungen aus der Agrarindustrie sei daher ein Gebot der Vernunft”.
- (8)
- “Zum Schutz der Menschen und der Umwelt. Denn unser Grundwasser und unsere Böden vergessen die Sünden einer fehlgeleiteten Agrarpolitik nicht”.
- (9)
- “Viele Verbraucher fordern höchste Standards, sind aber bisher wenig bereit, dafür zu zahlen. Dabei übersehen sie, dass die Landwirte in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten den Tier- und Umweltschutz kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt haben. Dieser Prozess setzt sich fort, auch weil sich die gesellschaftlichen Einstellungen und Erwartungen verändern. Darauf muss die Landwirtschaft weiterhin reagieren. Wir müssen die heiklen Punkte wie Antibiotika, Nitrat im Trinkwasser, nicht-kurative Eingriffe und Verlust der Artenvielfalt konsequent anpacken. Dabei werden wir uns an der ein oder anderen Stelle ändern müssen”.
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Year | Roots |
2010 | target, hour, slurry tank, spreading, necessary, cause, solution, machine, work process, fall, manage, winter, success |
2011 | cattle, soil, region, organic, nitrogen, different, fertilizer, nitrate, spread, lower saxony, put, optimal, act |
2012 | measure, netherlands, future, fast, system, plant, professional, condition, demand, conclude, area, control, means |
2013 | nitrate, hectare, region, pig slurry, winter, necessary, engage, maintain, measure, period, root, animal husbandry, october |
2014 | nitrate, plot, measure, liter, quantity, pollute, netherlands, means, nitrate pollution, threshold, nitrate value, spread, reduce |
2015 | nitrate, nitrate pollution, control, farmer, soil, state, supply, environment, environmental agency, nitrogen, plot, target, antibiotics |
2016 | protection, problem, nitrate pollution, air, germany, nitrate, region, put, pollute, critics, land, plot, hand |
2017 | federal government, nitrate value, nitrate pollution, soil, nitrate, fertilizer ordinance, strict, water authority, fertilizer legislation, environment, precipitation, protect, fertilizer law |
2018 | soil, area, input, animal husbandry, environment, nitrate, pollute, emerge, rain, air, fertilizer, european, chemical |
2019 | nitrate, nitrate pollution, area, protection, tightening, red area, fertilization, measuring point, nitrate value, measure, fertilizer ordinance, guideline, eu commission |
2020 | red area, eu commission, measuring point, nitrate, designation, state, fertilizer ordinance, internal differentiation, nitrate pollution, fertilization, agricultural, red |
Label | Slurry Management | Compliance Management | Water Protection | Policies |
Core focus | Technical and operational questions | Compliance with environmental legislation | Environmental resource “water” and environmental issues | Content and implications of policies relevant to farming |
Involved actors (as detailed below) | Farm households, extension, experts | Farmers, policy makers (EU, national, federal), advisory services, water authorities | Farmers, policy makers (national, federal), consumers, society | Policy makers (EU, national, federal) |
2010 | Farmers, Chamber of Agriculture, families, experts, employees | |||
2011 | EU Commission, dairy farmers | Lower Saxony ministry of agriculture, Chamber of Agriculture | ||
2012 | Lower Saxony minister of agriculture | |||
2013 | Lower Saxony ministry of agriculture, EU | |||
2014 | Advisory service | Bundesrat * | Lower Saxony minister of agriculture, EU | |
2015 | German Environment Agency, farmers’ association | German ministry of agriculture, German Environment Agency, Länder, federal government | ||
2016 | Farmers, EU Commission | Federal government, German minister of agriculture, EU Commission | ||
2017 | Water authority | Federal government, consumers | Federal government, minister of agriculture, Länder, Bundestag *, Bundesrat | |
2018 | Federal government | Society, consumers | EU Commission | |
2019 | EU Commission, farmers | EU Commission, federal government, German minister of agriculture | ||
2020 | Bundesrat, German minister of agriculture, EU Commission, Länder, farmers’ association, farmers | German minister of agriculture, Bundesrat, EU Commission, German ministry of agriculture, Länder, federal government |
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Artner-Nehls, A.; Uthes, S.; Zscheischler, J.; Feindt, P.H. How the Agricultural Press Addresses the Slurry–Water Nexus: A Text Mining Analysis. Sustainability 2022, 14, 10002.
Artner-Nehls A, Uthes S, Zscheischler J, Feindt PH. How the Agricultural Press Addresses the Slurry–Water Nexus: A Text Mining Analysis. Sustainability. 2022; 14(16):10002.
Chicago/Turabian StyleArtner-Nehls, Astrid, Sandra Uthes, Jana Zscheischler, and Peter H. Feindt. 2022. "How the Agricultural Press Addresses the Slurry–Water Nexus: A Text Mining Analysis" Sustainability 14, no. 16: 10002.
APA StyleArtner-Nehls, A., Uthes, S., Zscheischler, J., & Feindt, P. H. (2022). How the Agricultural Press Addresses the Slurry–Water Nexus: A Text Mining Analysis. Sustainability, 14(16), 10002.