Protecting Power Transmission Systems against Intelligent Physical Attacks: A Critical Systematic Review
:1. Introduction
2. Adverse Impacts of Physical Attacks on Power Systems
2.1. Load Interruptions
2.2. Unserved Load Costs
2.3. Cascading Failures
3. Defending Actions against Physical Attacks
3.1. Detection Methods for Attacks on Power Systems
3.2. Estimating Attack Characteristics
- (a)
- Single or Multiple Attacks
- (b)
- Multi-Period Considerations
3.3. Uncertainty Considerations
3.4. System Restoration after Physical Attacks
3.5. Expansion Planning
3.6. DG Units
3.7. Reconfigurable Systems
4. Objective Functions and Optimization Methods
4.1. Single-Objective Models
4.2. Multi-Objective Models
4.3. Competitive Models
4.4. Multi-Level Models
5. Conclusions
- The role of different players in a defensive plan against physical attacks has not been well-discussed. Each defensive plan includes several players, such as the system planner, system operator, disruptive agent, customers, policy-maker, power grid, etc.
- Dynamic aspects of power systems, when TLs are targeted by physical attacks, have not been studied.
- The cost of the unserved load has not been well-focused on in the literature of the understudied context.
- Few research studies have considered a practical multi-period time horizon. Most of them have been focused on a single time interval. Multi-period time horizons should be more studied in future research studies.
- Multi-objective models mainly include bi-objective models, whereas, in practical problems, more than two objectives may be needed to be taken into account.
- Considerations of distributed energy resources only have included diesel generators, whereas renewable energy sources will be the main distributed energy systems in the near future.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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References | Methods for Minimzing Load Interruptions |
[2] | Lower level of a bi-level optimization model after the attack |
[6] | First objective of a bi-objective model of a transmission expansion planning problem |
[7] | Lower level of a bi-level optimization model by reconfiguration after the attack |
[13,19,20,21] | The objective function was to minimize the amount of total interrupted loads. |
[15] | Lower level of a tri-level optimization model during the restoration process |
[22] | First objective of a tri-objective model of a transmission expansion planning problem |
[23,24] | Upper level of a tri-level model of a transmission expansion planning problem |
[25] | First objective of a bi-objective model of a transmission expansion planning problem |
[26] | Lower level of a tri-level optimization model during the restoration process |
[27] | Upper and lower levels of a tri-level optimization model for before and after the attack |
[28] | The first objective of a bi-objective optimization model for a resiliency problem |
[29] | The system defender minimizes the load interruption after the attack at the lower level of a tri-level optimization model |
[30] | The system defender minimizes the load interruption after the attack at the lower level of a tri-level optimization model |
[31] | Lower level of a tri-level optimization model after the attack |
[32] | Lower level of a tri-level optimization model after the attack |
References | Studied Cases |
[13] | IEEE-39 bus system |
[14,37] | IEEE 9-bus system IEEE 30-bus system IEEE 118-bus system |
[42] | W&W 6-bus system IEEE 30-bus system |
[43] | IEEE 5-bus, IEEE RTS-79, IEEE 300-bus |
Types of Attack | References |
Single attack | [12,55,56] |
Multiple attacks | 1 and 2 lines [28,35] 1, 2, and 3 lines [30] 1, 2, 3, and 5 lines [23,24] 1–7 lines [27] 1–12 lines [16,57,58,59] 2 lines [14,20,31,37] 2, 3, or 4 lines in each seasonal sample day [6] 2–5 lines [29] 2, 3, 4, and 6 lines [15] 2, 4, and 6 lines [7,63] 2 and 6 lines [33,64] 2, 10, and 28 lines [22] 3 lines [2,32,36,65,66] 3 lines and 5 [42] 4 lines [26,67] 5 lines [21,25] 6 lines [13,60,61] 6, 9, and 15 lines [43] 10 lines [62] 10 and 28 lines [34] 11 lines [38] All lines [19] |
References | Number of Time Periods |
[2] | 3 time periods |
[6] | 96 time periods (for four seasonal days of the year) |
[13] | 14 stages |
[15] | 24 time periods (for hourly periods of the day) |
[26] | 24 time periods (for hourly periods of the day) |
[28] | 3 time periods (for base load, peak load, and mean load in a typical day of year) |
[30] | 3 time periods |
[33] | 12 time periods (for 12 months of the year) |
[36] | 4 time periods (each time period was 6 h in a 24-h horizon) |
[43] | 6, 8, and 5 time period respectively for case studies I, II, and III |
Uncertainty Sources | |||||||||||||||||||||||
References | Expansion Budget | Defense Targets | Attack Targets | Investment Cost for Energy Storage | Total Capacity of Energy Storage to be Installed | Maximum Number of Buses for Energy Storage Installation | Investment for DG Units Allocation | Load Demand | Attacker Budget (Resources) | Defense Budget (Resources) | Total Number of Lines to be Attacked | Total Number of Lines to be Defended | Level of Load Shed by Attacker | Maximum Number of Lines to be Hidden for Deception | Fortification/Hardening Budget | Restoration Duration | Investment in TLs Switching | Maximum Number of Lines Allowed to be Switchable | Location (Bus) of Control Center | Success Probabilities of Attacks | The Proportion of Post-Allocated DG Units | Attack Time | Maximum Number of Components to be Simultaneously Attacked |
[2] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||||||||||||||
[6,23,24] | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[15] | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||||||||||||||||
[19,27] | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||||||||||||||||
[20,64] | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[25,34] | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[26] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||
[28] | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[29] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||
[30] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||
[31] | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||||||||||||||||
[32] | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[36] | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||||||||||||||||
[43] | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[57] | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[60] | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[62] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||||||||||||||||||||
[63] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
References | Repair Duration |
[12,20] | 1 h |
[26] | 2 h |
[15] | 2, 3, and 4 h |
[14,28,37,56,61,64] | Not specified |
References | Generation Expansion | Transmission Expansion | Reinforcing Existing Lines | Switch Installation | Sensitivity Analysis of Investment Cost |
[6] | ✓ | ✓ | |||
[22] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
[23,24] | ✓ | ✓ | |||
[25] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
[33] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
[34] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
[63] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
References | Energy Resources | Energy Storage Systems | |
Conventional Generators | Diesel Generator | ||
[6] | ✓ | ✓ | |
[15] | ✓ | ✓ | |
[26] | ✓ | ✓ | |
[27] | ✓ | ✓ | |
[28] | ✓ | ✓ | |
[29] | ✓ | ✓ | |
[30] | ✓ | ✓ | |
[36] | ✓ | ✓ |
Types of Objective Functions | References |
Single-Objective Models | [12,13,19,20,21,37,38,42,43,55,65,66] |
Multiple Objectives Models | Bi-objective [6,25,28,34] Tri-objective [22] |
Competitive Models (Competitive between the operator and attacker) | [14,16,56,60,63,64,67] |
Multiple level | Bi-level [2,7,33,35,57,58,62] Tri-level [15,23,24,26,27,29,30,31,32,36,59,61] |
References | Objective Functions | Defender Budget | Attacker Budget | Optimization Methods | Test Systems |
[12] | Minimum expected unserved load cost caused by attacking the critical TL | Protection budget, recovery budget | 1 TL was targeted | A game framework | A 5-bus system, IEEE 300-bus system |
[13] | Maximum load curtailment by the attacker (physical and load redistribution attack) | Without defense | 6 TLs were attacked in every stage | Gurobi solver under YALMIP toolbox of MATLAB (The DC optimal power flow was solved by Matpower6.0) | IEEE 39-bus system |
[19] | Minimum total load curtailment | Prevent the load interruption from exceeding a certain threshold | Non-limited | CPLEX solver under Python | IEEE 14-bus System, IEEE RTS 96, IEEE 30-bus system |
[20] | Minimizing the maximum expected unserved energy | Defense resource | Maximum 2 targets were targeted | A game theory framework | A 5-bus system, IEEE RTS 96 |
[21] | Minimum expected load interruption | 2 lines were defended | 5 lines were targeted as the worst-case attack | C&CG algorithm | IEEE RTS 96 |
[37] | Maximum total load curtailment cost | Without defense | 2 TLs were targeted | MATPOWER toolbox under MATLAB | IEEE 9-bus system, IEEE 30-bus system, IEEE 118-bus system |
[38] | Minimum combined cost of generation and unserved loads | 15 TLs were hardened | 11 TLs were attacked | Greedy algorithm | IEEE RTS 96, IEEE Two Area RTS-96 |
[42] | Identification of the attack combination with the strongest damage | Without defense | Maximum 3 and 5 TLs were targeted, (respectively for test systems I and II) | DCSIMSEP cascading failure simulator | W&W 6-bus system, IEEE 30-bus system |
[43] | Identifying of the minimal attack sequence that caused cascading outages | Without defense | 6, 9, and 15 TLs were required for blackout (respectively for case studies I, II, and III) | A cascading failure simulator | IEEE 5-bus system, IEEE RTS 79, IEEE 300-bus system |
[55] | Identifying the most vulnerable TL | Without defense | Only 1 TL was targeted | The graph-theoretical (topological) network analysis | IEEE RTS 96 |
[65] | Minimum investment costs for increasing reliable protections of TLs | Investment based on load shed threshold | Maximum 3 lines were targeted | CPLEX Optimization Studio | IEEE 24-bus system, IEEE 57-bus system |
[66] | Maximizing the system risk from the viewpoint of attacker | Without defense | Maximum 3 lines were targeted | CPLEX solver under GAMS | A 6-bus system, IEEE RTS 96 |
References | Objective Functions | Defender Budget | Attacker Budget | Methods for Multi-Objective Optimization | Optimization Methods | Test Systems |
[6] | (1) Minimum weighted average energy not supplied (2) Minimum total annual investment for new TLs and energy storage systems + cost of unserved loads + operation costs of energy storage systems and generators | Expansion budget for transmission and energy storage (i.e., 6 M$) | Maximum 2, 3, or 4 TLs were attacked in each sample seasonal day | Weighted sum | CPLEX solver under GAMS | IEEE 30-bus system |
[22] | (1) Minimum expected loss of load (2) Minimum expected cost of load shed (3) Minimum investment cost | Transmission expansion planning budget | 2, 10, and 28 TLs were attacked | Weighted sum | Branch-and-cut software | Two Area IEEE RTS-96 |
[25] | (1) Minimum load shed associated with each attack plan with its degree of importance (2) Minimum investment cost | Transmission expansion planning budget | Maximum 5 TLs were attacked | Weighted parameter | CPLEX solver under GAMS | The Garver’s six-node test system |
[28] | (1) Minimum unserved load (2) Minimum total cost (investment cost for energy storage and production cost of generators) | Investment for energy storage (i.e., 12 M$) | 1 or 2 TLs were attacked | Weighted sum | CPLEX solver under GAMS | A 5-bus system |
[34] | (1) Minimum risk of vulnerability of the transmission network against physical attacks (2) Minimum investment cost and the cost of nodal weighted average unserved demand | Transmission expansion planning budget | Maximum 10 TLs were targeted | Weighted sum | CPLEX solver under GAMS | The Two Area IEEE RTS-96 |
References | Objective Functions | Defender Budget | Attacker Budget | Methods for Multi-Objective Optimization | Optimization Methods | Test Systems |
[14] | Attacker *: Maximum total unserved load cost Operator: Minimum total unserved load cost | 1 TL was defended | 2 TL was attacked | A zero-sum stochastic game | MATPOWER toolbox | IEEE 9-bus system, IEEE 30-bus system, IEEE 118 bus system |
[16] | Attacker: maximum total lost load for a given number of simultaneously destroyed TLs Defender: minimum load interruption under the combination of destroyed TLs (by lines’ switching plan) | Lines’ switching plan | Maximum 12 TLs were targeted | A proposed approach based on genetic algorithm | Genetic algorithm | IEEE RTS 96 |
[56] | Attacker: maximum unserved load by targeting TLs (even a damaged TL to increase the probability of recovery in a time period Defender: reinforcing healthy TLs and repairing damaged TLs | 1 TL was defended | 1 TL was attacked | Zero-sum Markov games | Markov decision processes | A 5-bus system, WECC 9-bus system, IEEE 14-bus system |
[60] | Attacker: minimum total number of TLs that must be destroyed in order to cause a minimum load interruption level Defender: minimum system load interruption by corrective actions | Redispatch of resources to minimize the lost load | A Specified loss of load level | Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions | CPLEX solver under GAMS | A 5-bus system, IEEE RTS 96 |
[67] | Attacker: minimum attack cost of the maximum damage (finding a small group of TLs that could cause a severe blackout) Defender: minimum total unserved load | Without defense | 4 TLs were targeted | Zero-sum game theory | Spectral graph theory | IEEE 30-bus system |
[63] | Network planner: minimum total investment cost and operation cost before a physical attack Attacker: maximum system disruptions (i.e., unserved load) System operator: re-dispatching resources through healthy TLs to minimize unserved load after the attack | Investment budget on transmission expansion and switching | Maximum 6 TLs were targeted | Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions and C&CG algorithm | CPLEX Optimization Studio | A modified version of IEEE 14-bus system |
[64] | Attacker: maximum unserved demand Defender: minimum total unserved load | 2–6 units as defense resources | 2–6 TLs were attacked | Game theory | Game theory | A 5-bus system |
References | Objective Functions | Defender Budget | Attacker Budget | Methods for Multi-Level Optimization | Optimization Methods | Test Systems |
[2] | Upper level (Attacker) *: identify the critical TLs Lower level (Operator): minimizing the maximum lost load caused by a set of attacks | Maximum 0–9 (Case I) and 1–6 (Case II) TLs in each time period/dimension | Maximum 2–7 (Case I) and 7 (Case II) TLs in each time period | C&CG method | CPLEX solver under MATLAM toolbox | IEEE RTS 79, IEEE 118-bus system |
[7] | Upper level (Attacker): conducting the greatest load interruption Lower level (Defender): minimum unserved load by reconfiguration (line switching) and redispatch of available resources | ✕ | 2, 4, and 6 TLs were attacked | Not specified | Genetic algorithm | IEEE RTS 96 |
[33] | Upper level (Attacker): maximum lost load Lower level (system operator): multi-objective 1: minimum EENS 2: minimum investment cost + operation cost + EENS cost | Generation and transmission expansion budget | 2 and 6 TLs were targeted | Weighted sum | CPLEX solver under GAMS | IEEE RTS 96 |
[35] | Upper level (Attacker): identifying the minimum total number of attacked TLs to cause the damage effect greater than a specified value LS Lower level (Control center): minimum operation cost plus load interruption penalty | Retain the damage effect cost ($/h) in a minimum level i.e., 78,000 $/h (16,539.2$ defense budget was required) | 140 units of disruptive cost (1 or 2 TLs were sufficient for damage cost of 78,000 $/h) | Primal-dual interior-point method | Primal-dual interior-point method | IEEE 5-bus system |
[57] | Upper level (disruptive agent): maximum load shed for a given number of simultaneously destroyed TLs Lower level (system operator): minimum load interruption under the destroyed TLs | ✕ | Maximum 12 TLs could be targeted | Benders decomposition | CPLEX solver under GAMS | IEEE RTS 96 |
[58] | Upper level (Attacker): minimum load interruption Lower-level (system operator): maximum unserved load | ✕ | Attack budget indexes 5, 12, 6, and 2 (respectively for case studies I, II, III, and IV) | C&CG algorithm | CPLEX Optimization Studio | A 7-bus system, IEEE RTS-96 system, IEEE Three-Area RTS-96 system, IEEE 118-Bus system |
[62] | Upper level (attacker): maximum total load interruption Lower level (defender): minimum load shedding + change in the production of generation units | ✕ | Maximum 10 TLs could be attacked | Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions and duality theory | Upper level: The Genetic algorithm Lower level: CPLEX solver under GAMS | IEEE RTS 96 |
References | Objective Functions | Defender Budget | Attacker Budget | Methods for Multi-Level Optimization | Optimization Methods | Test Systems |
[15] | Upper level (operator before the attack) *: minimum generation fuel cost, energy storage operating cost, and unserved load cost Middle level (disruptive agent): maximum unserved energy Lower level (operator following the attack): minimum unserved energy during the restoration process | ✕ | Maximum number of concurrent attacks (2, 3, and 4 TLs were attacked) | A duality theorem together with C&CG method | CPLEX solver under GAMS | The WSCC 9-bus system, IEEE 57-bus system |
[23,24] | Upper level (network planner): Multi-objective (1) minimum vulnerability of the system (load shed amount) (2) minimum TL construction cost and operation cost (unserved load cost and operating cost of generators) Middle level (disruptive agents): Multi-objective (1) maximum network vulnerability (load interruption)(2) maximum network operation cost Lower level (system operator): minimizing the same objective of attacker | Case I: 60 M$ Case II: 100 M$ | Case 1: All TLs could be attacked Case II: maximum 3 TLs could be attacked | Primal-dual transformation | CPLEX solver under GAMS | The Garver network, A modified version of IEEE 30-bus network |
[26] | Upper level (system defender): minimum system operation cost, installation cost of energy storage, and lost load cost caused by physical attacks Middle level (Attacker): maximum lost load during restoration process Lower level (Operator): minimum lost load during restoration process | Maximum number of buses for energy storage installation (5 buses) | Maximum number of concurrent attacks (2, 3, and 4 TLs were attacked) | A duality theorem | C&CG method | IEEE 57-bus systems. |
[27] | Upper level (system defender): minimum load interruption by reconfiguration Middle level (Attacker): finding the attack scenario with maximum load interruption Lower level (Operator): finding the optimal islanding operation to maintain the minimal load interruption | 0–4 and 2–4 TLs were defended (respectively for cases I and II) | 1–5 and 3–7 TLs were attacked (respectively for cases I and II) | C&CG method | A proposed algorithm | IEEE-33-bus distribution system, 94-bus distribution system of Taiwan Power Company |
[29] | Upper level (system defender): Investment for TLs and DG units Middle level (Attacker): identifying a set of attacked lines with the highest load interruption Lower level (Operator): redispatch of resources and the placement of post-allocated DG units on the healthy part of microgrid with the aim of minimum lost interruption | Maximum 2–5 TLs were defended | Maximum 2–5 TLs were targeted | Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions and Nested C&CG method | YALMIP toolbox of MATLAB (CPLEX solver) | IEEE 14-bus distribution system, IEE RTS 79 |
[30] | Top level (defender): Protecting TLs and allocating DG units before identifying the attack Middle level (attacker): maximum unserved load by disconnecting a set of TLs Bottom level (operator): minimum unserved load by redispatch of resources | Maximum 4 TLs were defended with the defending budgets (TLs budget: 0–6 unit DG: 0–8 units) | 3–5 units of attack budget | Customized C&CG technique | CPLEX solver under MATLAB toolbox | IEEE 30-bus distribution system |
[31] | Upper level (Defender): minimum power imbalance caused by the most destructive action of attacker Middle level (Attacker): maximum level of system power imbalance Lower level (Defender): minimum unserved energy after deception and attack | 3 TLs are protected | 2 TLs were targeted | A master-subproblem solution framework using C&CG strategy | CPLEX solver under the YALMIP toolbox of MATLAB | A 6-bus system, IEEE 57-bus system |
[32] | Upper level (security personnel): minimum unserved load considering the optimal attack strategy made by the intelligent attackers Middle level: (Attacker): maximum damage (i.e., load interruption) Lower level (operator): minimum unserved load | Maximum 2 and 3 TLs were defended (respectively for case study I and II) | Maximum 3 TLs were targeted | C&CG algorithm | CPLEX solver under MATLAB toolbox | IEEE RTS 79, IEEE 57-bus system |
[36] | Upper level (system defender): reinforcing the vulnerable TLs and increasing the system resilience Middle level (attacker): identifying the most threatening attack on the coupled physical infrastructures Lower level (operator): minimum total cost (including unserved power and gas costs and operational costs | Maximum 3 TLs were defensed | Maximum 3 TLs were attacked | Nested C&CG algorithm | YALMIP toolbox of MATLAB | A hybrid 6-bus power system with 7-node gas system |
[59] | Upper level (defender): allocating defensive resources to protect TLs before the attack Middle level (attacker): maximum unserved load by disconnecting a set of TLs Lower level (operator): reacts to disruption redispatch of resources | Budget of protecting TLs (4 lines) | Budget of attacking TLs (1–12 lines) | C&CG algorithm | CPLEX solver under GAMS | IEEE RTS 96 |
[61] | Lower level (defender based on the in-danger elements): minimum load interruption Middle level (attacker based on the defender strategy): maximum load interruption and the recovery time by allocating attack resources Upper level (defender based on the attacked TLs): minimum unserved load through allocating defense resources | Maximum 6 TLs were defended | Maximum 6 TLs were attacked | Dynamic game theory | Lower level: sequential quadratic programming Middle level: sequential quadratic programming Upper level: particle swarm optimization algorithm | A 5-bus system, IEEE 39-bus system |
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Sadeghian, O.; Mohammadi-Ivatloo, B.; Mohammadi, F.; Abdul-Malek, Z. Protecting Power Transmission Systems against Intelligent Physical Attacks: A Critical Systematic Review. Sustainability 2022, 14, 12345.
Sadeghian O, Mohammadi-Ivatloo B, Mohammadi F, Abdul-Malek Z. Protecting Power Transmission Systems against Intelligent Physical Attacks: A Critical Systematic Review. Sustainability. 2022; 14(19):12345.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSadeghian, Omid, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Fazel Mohammadi, and Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek. 2022. "Protecting Power Transmission Systems against Intelligent Physical Attacks: A Critical Systematic Review" Sustainability 14, no. 19: 12345.
APA StyleSadeghian, O., Mohammadi-Ivatloo, B., Mohammadi, F., & Abdul-Malek, Z. (2022). Protecting Power Transmission Systems against Intelligent Physical Attacks: A Critical Systematic Review. Sustainability, 14(19), 12345.