Culture-Based Practices as Driver of Local Development Processes in Mountain Areas—Evidence from the Alpine Region of the Province of Cuneo (Italy)
:1. Introduction
1.1. How Culture Can Revitalise Mountain Territories
- A low population density implies a certain cultural and social rarefaction, and this paradoxically allows creativity to emerge more than in the urban environment. This consideration follows the perspective offered by anthropologist Remotti [15], regarding the matter of cultural impoverishment and creativity, which can be well applied in mountainous areas. Remotti sustains that cultural creativity “needs space within which to express itself, which is why a ‘dense culture’ or a strong social structure facilitates creativity less than an impoverished culture (or a weak social structure)”, which is often the case in mountain communities—communities in which, in many cases, low population density is accompanied by a rarefaction of social networks and “empty spaces” within which there are actually suspensions, stoppages and interruptions [16], which allow ideas to emerge by innovating and contributing to the production of new cycles of territorialisation;
- The scarce human presence in many cases has made it possible to preserve the natural, architectural and artistic heritage so as to remain outside the dynamics of “pollution”, linked to policies of the monoculture of tourism, which are essentially the result of a Fordist model of development. This sort of cultural preservation has, in some cases, become a driver of development; resources that have previously been neglected are now becoming highly attractive factors thanks to a renewed perception of their potentiality by future users [17];
- The mountain and rural environments are often located at the “margin”—not only physically but also culturally and socially—which can allow the experimentation of creative and artistic activities outside the urban cultural mainstream to be performed, while imposing themselves as cultural avant-garde. It is the condition of the “vibrancy of the margin”, to quote Bonomi [18] (p. 73), where economic flows, awareness of locations and global networks intertwine and interrupt each other with strong shifts in scale;
- Low population density, while bringing a series of problems relating to the provision of services to the territory, also offers a series of attractive factors that have, over the last fifteen years, led to the displacement of creative actors that have fostered cultural change and territorial innovation [19,20,21].
1.2. Alpine Culture: Theoretical Background
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Contextualization of the Case Study: The Alpine Territory of the Province of Cuneo
- Depopulation and the ageing of the population, especially in weak inland areas: In this respect, some interesting countertrend indications that highlight traces of movement of people towards the mountains are beginning to emerge, even if they are not reported by statistics (Table 1);
- The abandonment of farming in favour of other activities: shepherding, livestock breeding and farming are no longer carried out by young native mountain dwellers, who prefer to work in other sectors, often related to tourism, but always experimenting with new forms of tourism as an alternative to traditional ski tourism;
- The control of urbanisation by small and medium-sized urban communities, including those with relatively modest demographic thresholds, which nonetheless act as central locations with respect to the surrounding area, occupying a higher hierarchical level than many towns outside the Alps;
- The process of loss of services for the population, which have always been lacking in inner Alpine areas, but also experimentation with new forms of supply, especially in marginal inner areas, from remote medical care to remote education to the dial-a-ride bus.
2.2. Research Methodology
- Events and projects: projects realised through national and international public calls for proposals that activate cultural resources in synergy with a combination of local resources. They cover different cultural forms (theatre, music, literature, etc.) and constitute a cultural product that attracts visitors and meets the needs of contemporary consumers with positive effects on different sectors of the local economy;
- Activities carried out by eco-museums: projects capable of connecting past, present and future and of contributing to territorial development through valorisation paths that go beyond a purely aesthetic tradition;
- Entrepreneurial activities in the arts and crafts sector: projects that refer to know-how, to the spoken tradition of ancient crafts and to the transmission of “artisan excellence”, introducing innovation and new solutions. Art and crafts stand out, especially in rural areas, as a “player in the transmission of intangible cultural heritage” [12].
3. Results
- A good ability to innovate territorial practices around contemporary Alpine culture that trigger the construction of networks and enter into relations with the local community, especially in the inner western mountains of the province, while greater difficulty was found in the eastern area of the Cuneo mountains with regard to the development of cultural heritage;
- A predominance, within the “events and projects” category, of certain artistic forms and languages: music, especially; cinema and museography; then, contemporary art; again, to a lesser extent, theatre, dance and literature; and finally, crafts, figurative arts and photography (Figure 5). Music seems to convey contemporary Alpine culture to a greater extent, as it uses a language that is often very close to young people. It succeeds in importing new ideas, mixing what comes from urban areas with a very strong and specific tradition. All this generates forms of sharing and spaces of territorial aggregation using open spaces;
- A substantially balanced distribution of eco-museums (Table 3), highlighting a certain general tendency to recognise the value of the memory of the local community and an interest in keeping local tradition alive without locking it away in conventional museums. The initiatives promoted showed precisely that the eco-museums do not close off knowledge in a fixed manner but open it up to the territory through networks of projects that involve tourists but also the local community on a permanent basis;
- A discrete distribution over the territory of artisan excellence (Table 4) that emphasises how the long-term relationship with the territory is considered an important element for the territory itself; over a certain period of time, often spanning entire generations, the master craftsman is able to weld affective, cultural and social ties through his workshop (atelier, studio, laboratory, etc.) with the places, people and institutions of a certain territory. On the basis of these ties, the craftsman consolidates the territorial humus within which they develops their art;
- A good ability to design proposals from the territory, capable of intercepting local networks and hooking up supra-local networks, and to develop cultural, historical–architectural, natural and landscape heritage elements in innovative ways;
- An interesting construction of links with different targets:
- Young people experimenting with cultural forms by fostering new ideas;
- Old and new inhabitants who use culture as a form of inclusion;
- Other territories to build cultural bridges;
- Local players to create networks.
- An important presence of public bodies, which often assume a pivotal role in initiatives, also thanks to the financial resources made available. However, the issue of funding for culture remains a weak factor for these territories. Funding is often tied to temporary events, making it difficult to work on cultural activities on a permanent basis. Moreover, the shortage of funds also limits the possibility of stable cultural projects and organisations within these same territories. Especially in rural–mountainous areas, there is still the idea that culture is “the concern of a minority. These prejudices become obstacles when it comes to demonstrate the pertinence and cost-effectiveness of investing public or private funds to support these organisations” [60] (p. 5).
4. Discussion
4.1. A Taxonomy of Culture-Based Practices for the Implementation of Local Development
- Projects that make cultural renewal the basis for activating the territory’s “panier de bien” [66], consisting of a mix of irreplaceable and specific resources, which, when put together, define a territorial quality that generates innovative economic and social processes: These are projects that start from cultural events that can be considered “new” or “invented”, arise from local needs and become a driving force for the re-semanticisation of the site and local culture, in turn becoming new heritage elements. Festivals, in particular, now stand at the intersection of culture and economy, laying the foundations for the revitalisation of entire territories and participating in processes of social, cultural and economic regeneration. “Cultural festivals are also increasingly regarded by arts policy maker as important to the incubation and sustenance of vernacular arts industries-” [67]. With these cultural events, the very perception of cultural life in rural areas has changed [68] (p. 24) and they are “simultaneously ‘cultural’ and ‘economic’ phenomena” [67]. An example is the 30-year old festival of Les Vieilles Charrues, held annually in Carhaix, Finistère (Brittany, France). The festival offers a series of concerts over four days in July. The idea is a forerunner of what festivals have demonstrated in recent years in rural contexts: they offer the public an alternative to the cultural and artistic monopoly of the metropolis. Les Vieilles Charrues has indeed proven that it is possible to reduce territorial inequalities in access to culture by participating in cultural decentralisation. However, the homonymous association that runs the festival has also positioned itself as a “community activator”. In addition to the many volunteers involved during the festival itself, the current organisation employs twelve salaried people throughout the year and more than 500 temporary employees during the months before and after the festival dates. This means that the impacts on the local economy are very important and varied. Territorial anchorage lies not only in the bottom-up strategy with which it was created but also in the creation of a fair economy model aimed at the integration of social players in the area, with 80% of the festival’s suppliers coming from Brittany. Within this framework, a social laundry was set up to encourage the washing of reusable items during major events (La laverie Eco Charrues), along with a record label (Label Charrues) that promotes the region’s young artists. In terms of funding for local culture, it is worth mentioning the support for the local bilingual high school (French–Breton), the funding for the Espace Glenour theatre and cinema, and the creation of the association for the promotion of Breton heritage, Les Mémoires du Kreiz Breizh. Over the years, the festival has acquired a key role, becoming a driving force in local dynamics by becoming an advocate of development projects that generate employment and are synonymous with the future for young Central Bretons;
- Projects in which the cultural initiative is used to help the emergence of a latent potential for development and in which art, understood in its multiple forms, “becomes public”: In other words, artistic and cultural projects become a space for debate, a meeting place “where different interests of different players, problems that refer to the local context, can converge” [69] and where the territorial identities that have been weakened by time can be strengthened and become an opportunity for community growth/re-construction. At the centre of these practices, there are unprecedented exhibitions by local artists, literary trails or traditional festivals. As Decandia [70] (p. 129) states about the “book tour” in the rural and mountainous areas of Gallura—an event conceived by some new inhabitants and returnees with the aims to present books on the ancient, abandoned shepherds’ paths—these projects reveal themselves as “an opportunity to create moments of convivial exchange from which to form the basis of relationships, new embryos of community”, so projects that set in motion processes of reconfiguration of territorial identity, overcome the lacerations with the past and assign new significance to these places—new significance that favours the construction of innovative forms of local development based, for example, on that rural hospitality that fits into the natural and cultural system of places, becoming the narrating voice of a cultural heritage that does not become folklore (e.g.,, accessed on 14 October 2022). In this sense, “cultural heritage is clearly an essential resource used to shape a sense of place and identities in rural place-making and potentially, tourism development” [71] (p. 14). These are processes triggered by “bottom-up approaches which focus on culture, territory, local diversity and the optimization of local resources. Territorial approaches seek to enhance the particular strengths of a rural locality by developing the potential of local resources such as individuals, businesses and communities” [72] (p. 2);
- Metro–rural mountain projects that overturn the cleavage, where the relationship between cities and mountains is not assumed to be conflicting and dichotomous but as form of hybridisation, where the boundaries are not clear-cut and the plots overlap in an unprecedented way [73,74]: In this sense, cultural projects become the framework within which to re-weave the threads between cities and mountains, with a view to co-creating a virtuous exchange between residents and tourists or between old and new inhabitants. It is in this way that the various forms of the contemporary Alpine culture use languages, in the broadest sense, which originate in the mountains but are contaminated by contemporary urban experiences, or, vice versa, use a typically urban language that is reworked within an environmental context that becomes an artistic stimulus to innovate and thereby create something specific for the territory. To this end, a pioneering experience was Festival Torino e le Alpi (Turin and the Alps), promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and developed in the Western Italian Alps. The aim of the festival was to stimulate a cultural offer that starting from a big city such as Turin could create a system with mountain environments, considered from the dual perspective of inspiring contexts and places of cultural production. A qualitative research study carried out on the call for proposals for the cultural and artistic projects [75] shows that they were closely linked to the elements of the local cultural heritage, with the goals set including the desire to de-seasonalise the predominant winter flux of tourists and the revitalisation of abandoned places such as Alpine hamlets or historical places such as fortress but also raising awareness about the environmental and climatic issue. Furthermore, it was noted that the projects made it possible to recruit internal human resources and to involve external resources, as well as to include many local actors, from nature guides to farms and schools. These are experiences that lead to the definition of a counterculture of the mountains, now tied to an outdated image in which the mountain is seen as a place of rural idyll in contrast to the urban context, creating a new Alpine image [76];
- Projects in which the cultural practices concern that generational deposit that makes a place, such as a craftsman’s workshop, the symbol of a tradition that is renewed over time but also the symbol of the territory itself. Projects that convey new images and representations thanks to that capacity for local innovation that transforms know-how, an expression of local culture, into a polarity that creates new economic and social opportunities and, above all, reinforces local identity through intergenerational transmission [77,78]: These cases include the work of L’Institut Valdôtain de l’Artisanat de Tradition (IVAT) established with the aim of promoting the craftsmanship of Valle d’Aosta Region, keeping it alive at the professional level, among the materials and objects still produced and in use today. The souls of Valle d’Aosta craftsmanship range from the production of everyday objects to genuine artworks, both recognised as the heritage of the local population due to the wealth of knowledge and know-how possessed by those working in the sector. The arts practiced are sculpture, turning, carving and weaving using locally available materials and others that have been recently introduced. IVAT operates at various levels through the location of “cells” in the region, “active” points where it is possible to benefit from local craftsmanship in different ways through the marketing of handcrafted objects via a system of boutiques and corners spread throughout the region, in addition to an e-commerce channel; the preservation and appreciation of the craftsmanship of the past thanks to a network of museums (MAV—Museo dell’Artigianato Valdostano di tradizione; MAIN—Maison de l’Artisanat International; MMB—Maison Musée Berton); the transmission of knowledge through ateliers, educational and training opportunities aimed at the public but also at professionals in the arts and crafts of the Valle d’Aosta; documentation, thanks to a research centre (which comprises a library and a media library). The protection of modern craft products is guaranteed by the L’Artisanà quality mark, which certifies their origin and quality. The mark, which is both a product and territorial mark, brings together more than fifty artisan producers.
4.2. A Typology of the New Places of Cultural Production
- Mountain huts: Places that position themselves as outposts of Alpine culture by intercepting new trends and contributing to a renewal of the identity of local communities [79]. From this perspective, mountain huts position themselves as:
- (a)
- Places of intangible culture, which are not only stops for nature walks but also spaces for community discussion. The collective dimension to which the architectural object of the hut refers provides, on one hand, the opportunity to make use of spaces for the production of cultural practices, and on the other hand, to implement innovative ways of sharing Alpine culture among the various stakeholders and local actors (managers, inhabitants, guests and artists);
- (b)
- Places of architectural experimentation and consequently also forerunners of contemporary architecture, bringing in flows of people not specifically linked to hiking but rather to the technical and specialist sector of the world of architecture, contributing through their symbolic and representative value to the new season of Alpine development;
- (c)
- Places that represent the territory and the landscape in which they are set, to such an extent that they enter into the logic of territorial marketing, recognised as elements of the territory that convey a series of values and promotional images of the territory.
- Iconic “buildings” of local history: These are places that are divided into:
- (a)
- Landmarks that are part of the historical–architectural heritage on the local but also regional and even supra-local levels, i.e., buildings characterised by their large size, strong historical recognisability and iconic and symbolic value: Fortresses, castles, towers, abbeys and mills fall into this category. Especially in the case of castles and fortresses, these are architectural elements that are not easy to manage in terms of the economic resources required for their running, ordinary maintenance and more. It is mainly for this reason that organisational choices remain in the hands of the centres of managerial reference and thus, in most cases, the cultural elites of the big cities where the regional government resides. This element of top-down management has several possible consequences. In some cases, it represents that fundamental public support to create a managerial framework that guarantees the realisation of interesting cultural initiatives; in other cases, dominance over the local context does not allow these spaces to become real places of cultural transmission, and this causes the loss of potentially very important opportunities;
- (b)
- Disused or abandoned buildings that play an important role within the landscape in which they are located and whose historical and architectural features (often relatively recent) marked an interesting moment in the territory’s evolutionary process. Not unlike urban contexts, therefore, in the mountains, we are also often faced with “skeletons” of recent history that have great potential for recovery and reintegration into local territorial dynamics.
- Hamlets: As places emerging from a state of abandonment and desolation, they have recaptured the interest of people who have managed to convert an ongoing process of de-territorialisation. Indeed, in recent years, thanks to a renewed interest in the mountains, a new population resettlement has been generated, even if in a patchy and limited way compared with all the Alpine territories. The hamlets have, in some cases, become virtuous examples of recovery and revitalisation, starting precisely from the recovery of the threads of cultural transmission both in terms of the recomposition of the local community and through innovative entrepreneurship [80]. All this has quickly become humus in which to grow cultural initiatives, from the realisation of revisited traditional culture festivals to the realisation of collective literary moments of discussion.
- Places of cultural production that are responsible for cultural transmission for and with the local community: This category includes different types of spaces for cultural production, first and foremost, eco-museums; specialised visitor centres; workshops and art craft workshops, etc.;
- Public spaces: Given the territorial context in question, we can distinguish at least two types of public spaces that can be described as places for cultural production today:
- (a)
- The first type refers to paths, woods, meadows and spaces immersed in the natural context; they are the expression of the great local environmental heritage and become places for experimenting with cultural practices, which, not unlike what happens in the public spaces in our towns and cities, “can activate new relations, in which different possibilities of use and new encounters can be experimented with” [81] (p. 32). Public spaces that we might, therefore, refer to as spaces of discovery as far as the mountain context is concerned, in which artists subvert consolidated balances and explore new spaces and areas. From open-air installations to land art to the creation of thematic cultural routes, the natural heritage becomes an active element in artistic production and enters the process of territorialisation in an unprecedented way;
- (b)
- The second type concerns the spaces of urbanisation also present in the mountains, especially in the Alps. Small rural and mountain towns now embrace real urban lifestyles that become part of territorial practices [82]. Consequently, these urban centres increasingly support cultural activities and initiatives with important repercussions both on the local community, building a new identity, and in terms of appeal to the outside world. Small urban squares surrounded by unique landscapes become the centre of experimental cultural practices, spawning new relational spaces, in the same way that arcades and streets become places for street art.
5. Conclusions
- Encourages a dialogue between new and old inhabitants of the mountains, producing a cultural hybridisation of ideas, values and visions;
- Links cultural continuity and discontinuity, blending tradition and modernity in a perspective of innovative reproduction, without accepting an inescapable destiny of re-proposing the past in a purely folkloristic and aesthetic key;
- Activates the territory by making it a key player in contemporary life through different types of projects;
- Supports new design of territory, use of space and appreciation of local resources.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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1911 | 1961 | 2001 | 2011 | |
High valleys | 24,432 | 11,775 | 5808 | 5415 |
Middle valleys | 76,143 | 39,105 | 22,040 | 21,310 |
Low valleys | 77,673 | 49,710 | 43,775 | 45,764 |
Total of the Cuneo mountain area | 178,248 | 100,590 | 71,623 | 72,489 |
Key Elements | Project Analysed |
Institutional territory involved in the project | Physical–geographic area involved |
Goals and forms of valorisation | Elements towards which the proposed project aims, their implementation and valorisation, and how cultural heritage is re-interpreted |
Territorial resources activated (tangible and intangible) | For example, know-how, historical-architectural assets (castles, fortresses, refuges, etc.), environmental assets (meadows, forests, protected areas, etc.), tradition and local language, shepherding and transhumance routes, etc. |
Results achieved | For example, the creation of local and supra-local networks among players, networking of younger human capital, recovery of historical artefacts, etc. |
Budget | Economic consistency of the project |
Promoters | For example: municipalities, unions of municipalities, province, region, etc. |
Localization (Mountain Union—MU) | Eco-Museums |
MU Monte Regale | 0 |
MU Mondolè | Ecomuseum of Marble |
MU Valli Moregalesi | 0 |
MU Valle Varaita | 0 |
MU Valle Stura | Ecomuseum of Herding |
MU Alta Langa | Ecomuseum of Terraces and Vineyards |
MU Valle Maira | Ecomuseum of High Maira Valley |
MU Valle Grana | Ecomuseum of Castelmagno |
MU Mongia, Civetta, Langa Cebana Val Bormida | 0 |
MU Alpi Marittime | 0 |
MU Alpi del Mare | Ecomusuem of Rye and Ecomuseum of Carthusians |
Mu Monviso | 0 |
MU Barge Bagnolo | 0 |
MU Alta Val Tanaro | 0 |
Localization (Mountain Union—MU) | Number of Artisan Excellences |
MU Monte Regale | 0 |
MU Mondolè | 11 |
MU Valli Moregalesi | 10 |
MU Valle Varaita | 47 |
MU Valle Stura | 13 |
MU Alta Langa | 1 |
MU Valle Maira | 28 |
MU Valle Grana | 25 |
MU Mongia, Civetta, Langa Cebana Val Bormida | 9 |
MU Alpi Marittime | 15 |
MU Alpi del Mare | 13 |
Mu Monviso | 24 |
MU Barge Bagnolo | 24 |
MU Alta Val Tanaro | 8 |
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Bertolino, M.A.; Corrado, F. Culture-Based Practices as Driver of Local Development Processes in Mountain Areas—Evidence from the Alpine Region of the Province of Cuneo (Italy). Sustainability 2022, 14, 13713.
Bertolino MA, Corrado F. Culture-Based Practices as Driver of Local Development Processes in Mountain Areas—Evidence from the Alpine Region of the Province of Cuneo (Italy). Sustainability. 2022; 14(21):13713.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBertolino, Maria Anna, and Federica Corrado. 2022. "Culture-Based Practices as Driver of Local Development Processes in Mountain Areas—Evidence from the Alpine Region of the Province of Cuneo (Italy)" Sustainability 14, no. 21: 13713.