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Effects of Person–Environment Fit on Users’ Willingness to Contribute Knowledge in Virtual Brand Communities

School of Economics and Management, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
Digital Economy and Management Research Center, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2023, 15(18), 13476;
Submission received: 14 August 2023 / Revised: 4 September 2023 / Accepted: 6 September 2023 / Published: 8 September 2023


Virtual brand communities and users’ knowledge contributions have become strategic resources for enterprises. It is of great significance to explore the driving mechanism of users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in virtual brand communities to promote the sustainable development of enterprises. Previous studies on the potential drivers of users’ willingness to contribute knowledge placed a great emphasis on either communities or users alone but overlooked the synergistic effects generated by both. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of person–environment fit on users’ willingness to contribute knowledge. Based on two theories, we develop and test a mediation model to investigate the effects of person–environment (P–E) fit and psychological contract fulfillment on users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in virtual brand communities. Hierarchical regression methods and bootstrap analysis were used to examine data collected from 287 online survey responses. The results indicate that the three constructs of P–E fit, including values–culture (V–C) fit, needs–supplies (N–S) fit and demands–abilities (D–A) fit, have significant positive effects on users’ willingness to contribute knowledge, and transactional and relational psychological contract fulfillments partially mediate these relationships. We provide some theoretical contributions to explore users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in virtual brand communities, and practical implications are also offered. The limitation of this study is that it does not consider the influence of users’ willingness to contribute with regard to actual contribution behavior.

1. Introduction

Virtual brand community (VBC) is a new form of community generated by integrating traditional brand community and network technology [1]. The interaction of community members is convenient and fast, which accelerates the pace of community development and realizes the rapid growth of the community scale [2]. Moreover, with the rise in and rapid development of user-generated content alongside the popularity of the social media and the concept of value co-creation in corporate practice, many enterprises are aware of the superiority of VBCs in brand operations, which build a channel for direct contact between enterprises and consumers [3]. Some leading brand enterprises invest heavily in building their own VBCs to build brand loyalty and realize value co-creation [4]. For instance, the Xiaomi forum provides a platform for customers to exchange opinions on products, where customers as VBC users constantly put forward their ideas and exchange personal ideas on the experience of phone systems, appearance designs, etc., which are feedbacked to the respective enterprise’s designers to improve the products and systems [5]. Users’ sharing of innovative ideas for the improvement of enterprises’ products and services in VBCs is the process of user knowledge contribution [6,7]. Users’ personal knowledge can effectively be transformed into community knowledge by integrating and sharing their knowledge in VBCs, resulting in more efficient value co-creation. As a result, VBCs and users’ knowledge contributions become strategic resources for enterprises [8]. However, there is a gap between users’ actual knowledge contribution and the ideal state in VBCs [9]: most VBCs have a large number of “lurkers” who only watch but do not share; that is to say, there are few “contributors” who actively participate. Specifically, there are only a few active users and low user stickiness in the communities. It is crucial to explore the driving mechanism of users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs and turn lurkers into contributors. Furthermore, from the enterprise’s perspective, users are part-time employees and special human resources of the enterprise. The management of users and their willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs is essential for the existence and sustainability of virtual brand communities, which can further promote the sustainable development of enterprises.
Currently, scholars devote considerable efforts to this issue from various theoretical perspectives, such as S-O-R theory [10,11,12], self-determination theory [13,14], social capital theory [15,16], social exchange theory [17] and social cognitive theory [18,19]. Users’ knowledge contribution in virtual communities is a kind of organizational citizenship behavior [20]. P–E fit theory has been widely used to study the organizational citizenship behavior of employees in organizations [21,22]. By now, there are few studies to investigate what factors affect users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs based on person–environment fit theory. Considering the similarity in the roles played by employees in organizations and users in virtual communities [23], we believe that P–E fit theory can be usefully employed to examine antecedents of users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs. In the previous literature, online users have been considered as part-time employees of online platforms, and their continued contribution was recognized as a cornerstone for the survival and development of online communities [24]. As individuals, online users have been striving to match their surroundings because they generally prefer consistency, wish to exert control over their life and reduce uncertainty, have a need to belong and want happiness and life satisfaction [25]. Therefore, they spontaneously evaluate how well virtual communities fit their needs and decide whether to contribute knowledge. In this paper, we introduce person–environment (P–E) fit theory to investigate how the user-community fit affects users’ willingness to contribute knowledge to VBCs, which provides a new perspective to study users’ participation and contribution to VBCs. The perception of fit can influence users’ psychological state and further affect their behavioral intentions [26]. Psychological contract theory is an important theoretical framework for studying individual psychology [27]. It has been noted that psychological contract, as a typical and important psychological state, is a bridge between individuals and organizations, which can significantly influence individuals’ attitudes and behaviors [28]. Thus, this study introduces psychological contract fulfillment as a mediating variable to uncover the mechanism through which person–environment (P–E) fit influences users’ willingness to contribute knowledge. The findings may broaden the application scenario of P–E fit theory, enrich the existing literature on knowledge contribution in virtual communities and provide recommendations for brand managers of enterprises to realize value co-creation through user participation.

2. Theoretical Foundation and Literature Review

2.1. Users’ Willingness to Contribute Knowledge in VBCs

Users’ knowledge contribution in VBCs refers to the process of providing and creating knowledge, including sharing brand experiences and innovative ideas, discussing brand knowledge and answering other users’ questions [29]. Users’ willingness to contribute knowledge refers to the subjective possibility of them adopting knowledge contribution behavior. Research on the influencing factors of users’ willingness to contribute knowledge mainly focuses on two aspects. On the one hand, many scholars examine the effect of community features (e.g., community climate and governing mechanisms) on users’ knowledge contributions [30,31,32]. On the other hand, many studies investigate the effect of user features on their knowledge contribution behavior, such as emotional intelligence, motivation, self-efficacy and perceived value [33,34,35,36,37]. Past studies examined the impacts generated by either communities or users alone but overlooked the synergistic effects generated by both. Tang et al. (2018) revealed that users will continue to follow and contribute to the virtual community if their needs align with what the community provides, and their values and characteristics are similar to those of other community members [38]. Shen et al. (2018) unraveled the nonlinear mechanism of P–E fit to affect customers’ contribution intentions in virtual communities through community commitment [39]. It follows that very few studies have explored the interaction between users and VBCs to influence users’ willingness to contribute to knowledge.

2.2. Person–Environment (P–E) Fit Theory

The person–environment (P–E) fit theory examines the joint influence of personal attributes (e.g., needs, abilities and values) and environmental attributes (e.g., supplies, demands and values). Fit is defined as the degree of compatibility between organizational and individual traits in organizational behavior literature [40]. Kristof (2005) pointed out that fit can take two forms: individual and environmental attributes are similar (e.g., individual values match those of the organization) or individual attributes are complemented by the organizational environment (e.g., individual skills are complemented by those of other team members) and vice versa [41]. Currently, complementary fit is conceptualized as comprising needs–supplies fit and demands–abilities fit [42]. In a different work context, person–environment fit includes a wide range of fit concepts, such as person–organization fit, person–job fit, person–vocation fit, person–team fit, and person–supervisor fit [43,44,45,46].
The P–E fit theory is widely adopted to explore employees’ attitudinal outcomes in enterprises or other organizational contexts. It is commonly accepted that person–environment (P–E) fit leads to positive outcomes ranging from behavior to attitudes (e.g., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior) [47,48,49], while the discrepancies between personal and environmental attributes (misfits) may reduce positive outcomes and even have negative impacts [50]. Research applying P–E fit theory to virtual organization scenarios remains relatively new and has, as yet, received limited attention in the scholarly literature. Qiao et al. (2021) indicated that person–group fit will positively affect users’ online demand and reputation in online communities [51]. Other studies have also concluded that P–E fit is related to positive outcomes in virtual environments [52]. P–E fit is an important factor in studying users’ knowledge contribution intentions in VBCs. In this paper, we identify three P–E fit perception constructs, including values–culture (V–C) fit, needs–supplies (N–S) fit and demands–abilities (D–A) fit. Among them, V–C fit mainly refers to the judgment of congruence between users’ values and VBCs’ culture or values; N–S fit means the judgment of congruence between users’ needs and VBCs’ supply; and D–A fit refers primarily to the judgment of congruence between users’ abilities and VBCs’ requirements.

2.3. Psychological Contract Theory

The psychological contract is considered an individual’s idiosyncratic interpretation of an exchange relationship and is highly perceptual as it represents one’s perception of his or her own and the other party’s relational obligations [53]. Psychological contracts are divided into two main dimensions: transactional psychological contracts and relational psychological contracts [54]. Transactional psychological contracts tend to focus on short-term financial benefits. Relational psychological contracts, by contrast, emphasize long-term, non-financial benefits and focus primarily on emotional and opening commitments. Psychological contract theory is widely applied to explain individual attitudes and behaviors in a physical organization context, such as employee satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment and job performance [55,56,57], which has good theoretical explanatory power. Psychological contract fulfillment tends to be related to positive personal attitudes and behaviors. Conversely, psychological contract breach negatively impacts individual attitudes and behaviors [58,59,60]. When people believe that the organization is not maintaining or not fully maintaining its commitments, psychological contract breach occurs, leading to feelings like betrayal.
There are few studies to apply psychological contract theory to a virtual context. In VBCs, users decide to participate in community contributions with the expectation of gaining financial or emotional benefits [30]. Wei et al. (2018) argued that a user’s psychological contract state has a significant impact on their practical outcomes in collaborative innovation practice [61]. Wang (2022) suggested that psychological contracts affect users’ interaction and communication in VBCs, and further influence value co-creation [62]. Lin et al. (2019) indicated that transactional psychological contract fulfillment can directly influence virtual team performance [63]. Bi (2019) explored the underlying mechanism of how online customer communities cultivate customer loyalty through a psychological contract perspective [64].

3. Hypotheses Development

3.1. Person–Environment Fit and Willingness to Contribute Knowledge

When individual values match organizational values and culture, individuals are more likely to contribute to the organization through constructive behaviors and engage in other positive behaviors that exceed organizational requirements [65]. Similarly, when users perceive a high degree of V–C fit, they are more likely to participate in value co-creation by contributing their knowledge in VBCs. On the one hand, users’ values are aligned with VBCs’ values or culture, that is to say, the two parties have reached a consensus on what behavior patterns to adopt and how to make value judgments, which allows users to share or contribute various knowledge more fluidly [66]. On the other hand, the decreasing V–C fit can reduce users’ identification with VBCs’ policy and willingness to contribute knowledge [67].
Users’ participation and contribution behaviors in virtual communities are based on their satisfaction with functional, recreational and social needs [68]. If the community’s resources, opportunities or other supplies well satisfy user needs and preferences, which means a high level of needs–supplies fit, users’ motivations to contribute knowledge in VBCs can be enhanced. Moreover, if users’ unique needs are better met, it will motivate users to exert maximum efforts (e.g., contribute knowledge) to maintain their membership [69]. Therefore, we expect N–S fit to be related to users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.
If users lack confidence in their abilities and believe that their abilities do not match the requirements of the VBCs, contributing knowledge will be difficult, and they may opt not to perform these contribution behaviors [70]. In contrast, when users perceive that there exist demands–abilities (D–A) fit between VBCs and users, this D–A fit will create a sense of competence and superiority among users, which will benefit users and increase their willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs. Therefore, we hypothesize:
Hypothesis 1a (H1a).
V–C fit is positively related to users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.
Hypothesis 1b (H1b).
N–S fit is positively related to users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.
Hypothesis 1c (H1c).
D–A fit is positively related to users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.

3.2. Person–Environment Fit and Psychological Contract Fulfillment

A better values fit between individuals and their organizations may reduce individual risk expectations and perceptions, and enhance personal psychological security and satisfaction [71]. Moreover, organizations’ values and goals generally decide the means of resource distribution and the behavioral norms of members [72]. When users share VBCs’ values, they are more likely to better understand the resource allocation guidelines and behaviors advocated by the organization [73], which will greatly facilitate users to obtain rewards and perceive transactional psychological contract fulfillment.
Users can perceive whether VBCs are fulfilling their promise or feel that VBCs will definitely fulfill their promise if VBCs provide users with expected financial or non-financial benefits (e.g., bonuses and honors), which help to satisfy users’ transactional psychological contract [74]. On the contrary, when there is a gap between community supply and user need, users may believe that VBCs are unable to fulfill their obligations and may feel disappointed and angry. In this case, the user’s perceived transactional psychological contract fulfillment will be significantly reduced.
According to the self-efficacy theory, individuals’ judgments of their ability to achieve the expected organizational outcomes have an impact on their psychological state and subsequent behavior [75]. Users who perceive a high degree of demands–abilities fit are more likely to feel competent enough to perform community tasks and actively participate in community activities to obtain financial and non-financial benefits, which benefits users’ transactional psychological contract fulfillment. Therefore, we expect transactional psychological contract fulfillment to be related to D–A fit. We hypothesize:
Hypothesis 2a (H2a).
V–C fit is positively related to transactional psychological contract fulfillment.
Hypothesis 2b (H2b).
N–S fit is positively related to transactional psychological contract fulfillment.
Hypothesis 2c (H2c).
D–A fit is positively related to transactional psychological contract fulfillment.
Value congruence is found to be relatively strongly related to personal attitudes and community identification [76]. When VBCs’ values are familiar with users’ values, users may feel comfortable and joy to participate in organizational interactions, which leads to positive feelings toward VBCs. Furthermore, a sense of belonging is most likely when individuals perceive that they share their characteristics with VBCs [77]. The feeling of belonging and organizational identification can motivate them to maintain the connection with VBCs and promote users’ relational psychological contract fulfillment.
Generally speaking, the relationship between individuals and their environment is determined by whether the mutual needs of both parties can be met. When both parties benefit from the relationship, it is possible for the relationship to continue [78]. When environmental supplies (e.g., payment and social support) satisfy personal needs, it may prompt positive personal emotions toward the environment and be further conducive to the relationship quality between the two [79]. In VBCs, if users’ needs are well satisfied by the community’s supplies, users will perceive VBCs’ efforts to maintain good relationships with them and generate positive emotions toward VBCs, which promotes users’ relational psychological contract fulfillment.
Complementarities between community demands and user abilities can induce users’ enjoyment and self-sufficiency during community interactions, which help to satisfy their relational psychological contract [80]. Conversely, if users’ ability level is too low to achieve VBCs’ demand, they tend to leave the community directly because of no explicit norms and no financial pressure. Users may become complacent and uninterested if their ability level is too high. That is to say, misfits between personal ability and environmental demands irrespective of the direction of the discrepancies are negative to a long-term relationship and users’ relational psychological contract fulfillment [81]. Thus, we make the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 2d (H2d).
V–C fit is positively related to relational psychological contract fulfillment.
Hypothesis 2e (H2e).
N–S fit is positively related to relational psychological contract fulfillment.
Hypothesis 2f (H2f).
D–A fit is positively related to relational psychological contract fulfillment.

3.3. The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Fulfillment

The above analysis demonstrates a strong correlation between P–E fit and psychological contract fulfillment. Meanwhile, psychological contract fulfillment also has a direct impact on users’ willingness to contribute knowledge. Users will reciprocate VBCs with positive attitudes and organizational citizenship actions (e.g., knowledge contribution) when they believe their VBCs have satisfied the transactional and relational psychological contracts [82]. Conversely, when users perceive VBCs breach the psychological contracts, they tend not to reciprocate, and even behave in negative ways [83,84]. Therefore, we believe transactional and relational psychological contract fulfillment are positively associated with users’ willingness to contribute knowledge. In short, the above arguments supporting the relationship between P–E fit and psychological contract fulfillment, combined with the association between psychological contract fulfillment and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge, are in line with the notion that psychological contract fulfillment mediates the relationship between P–E fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs.
Therefore, we hypothesize:
Hypothesis 3a (H3a).
Transactional psychological contract fulfillment mediates the relationship between V–C fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.
Hypothesis 3b (H3b).
Transactional psychological contract fulfillment mediates the relationship between N–S fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.
Hypothesis 3c (H3c).
Transactional psychological contract fulfillment mediates the relationship between D–A fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.
Hypothesis 3d (H3d).
Relational psychological contract fulfillment mediates the relationship between V–C fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.
Hypothesis 3e (H3e).
Relational psychological contract fulfillment mediates the relationship between N–S fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.
Hypothesis 3f (H3f).
Relational psychological contract fulfillment mediates the relationship between D–A fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.

4. Methods

4.1. Sample and Procedure

The survey method was used for data collection, and quantitative analysis was used to test the hypotheses. Individuals having prior involvement in VBCs served as the study’s primary responders on an online questionnaire. Data collection was carried out in two rounds to collect longitudinal data and examine users’ willingness to contribute knowledge cross-period. In stage T1, we collected basic information about users and measured variables such as values–culture (V–C) fit, needs–supplies (N–S) fit and demands–abilities (D–A) fit. The transactional and relational psychological contract fulfillment, as well as the willingness to contribute knowledge, were assessed at stage T2 (after 30 days). We invited eligible users to fill out the questionnaire by posting in the community and sending private messages through public email addresses. To encourage participation, a small monetary reward of CNY 10 was offered to every respondent who provided a completed survey online. In the end, 329 respondents finished the two-stage questionnaire, 287 of which were valid questionnaires, yielding an efficient rate of 87.23 percent. The data were quantitatively analyzed via IBM SPSS Statistics 25. The demographic profile of the respondents is shown in Table 1. Among the respondents, 50.9 percent are female, 49.1 percent are male, 62.7 percent of respondents are between the ages of 21–30, 61 percent have a bachelor’s degree and 44.6 percent spend 10 to 30 min at VBCs per visit.

4.2. Measures

All the self-reported measures were adapted from well-established constructs. The values–culture (V–C) fit, needs–supplies (N–S) fit, demands–abilities (D–A) fit, transactional psychological contract fulfillment, relational psychological contract fulfillment as well as willingness to contribute knowledge scales were developed in English and were shown in Chinese. All the items in each measure were scored on a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree.
Values–culture (V–C) fit. We measured values–culture (V–C) fit with the three-item questionnaire developed and validated by Cable et al. (2002) [42] and Beasley et al. (2012) [85]. A sample item is “My personal values are similar to the virtual brand community’s culture”. Cronbach’s alpha for this scale was 0.732.
Needs–supplies (N–S) fit. We measured needs–supplies (N–S) fit with the three-item questionnaire developed and validated by Cable et al. (2002) [42] and Beasley et al. (2012) [85]. A sample item is “What the community offers meets my reasonable needs”. Cronbach’s alpha for this scale was 0.709.
Demands–abilities (D–A) fit. We measured demands–abilities (D–A) fit with the three-item questionnaire developed and validated by Cable et al. (2002) [42] and Beasley et al. (2012) [85]. A sample item is “The match is very good between the demands of the community and my personal skills”. Cronbach’s alpha for this scale was 0.761.
Transactional psychological contract fulfillment. We measured transactional psychological contract fulfillment with the four-item questionnaire developed and validated by Robinson and Morrison (2000) [86]. A sample item is “If I have a question about using a product, I can get it resolved within the brand community”. Cronbach’s alpha for this scale was 0.793.
Relational psychological contract fulfillment. We measured relational psychological contract fulfillment with the four-item questionnaire developed and validated by Robinson and Morrison (2000) [86]. A sample item is “My views and opinions expressed in the community are respected”. Cronbach’s alpha for this scale was 0.820.
Willingness to contribute knowledge. We measured users’ willingness to contribute knowledge with the five-item questionnaire developed and validated by Tong et al. (2013) [87]. A sample item is “I would like to share knowledge or experience in this virtual community”. Cronbach’s alpha for this scale was 0.820.

5. Results

5.1. Reliability and Validity

Cronbach’s alpha coefficients and factor loadings among constructs are presented in Table 2. All the Cronbach alpha coefficients were well above the recommended 0.70 cutoff [88], demonstrating adequate inter-item reliability. Convergent and discriminant validity can be examined through the inspection of the factor loadings of each indicator. The standardized factor loading values of all measurement items ranged between 0.697 and 0.791, well above the recommended 0.50 cutoff; the CR values (combined reliability) are all greater than 0.7, and the AVE values (average variance extracted) were all above 0.5, demonstrating adequate convergent validity. As shown in Table 3, the square roots of AVE on the diagonal are all greater than the correlation coefficients in the corresponding rows and columns, indicating adequate discriminant validity.
The variance inflation factor (VIF) was used to assess multicollinearity. While a VIF value of 10 is considered problematic by Myers, Allison [89] proposed a VIF value of 2.50 as a more conservative cutoff. As shown in Table 4 and Table 5, the highest VIF was 2.111 (far below the cutoff of 10, and also below the conservative cutoff of 2.5), suggesting that multicollinearity is not likely to be a serious problem in this study.
In addition, since all the research data came from the self-reports of the respondents, this could potentially cause the problem of common method variance (CMV). We performed Harman’s single-factor test to assess the degree of common method bias. The results showed that the first-factor variance explained was 41.28%, which was less than 50% when not rotated, indicating that the CMV is not a problem in this study.

5.2. Main and Mediation Effects Test

As the results of the multilevel regression show (Table 4), V–C fit (M1, β = 0.526, p < 0.001), N–S fit (M2, β = 0.427, p < 0.001) and D–A fit (M3, β = 0.208, p < 0.001) had a significant positive effect on the willingness to contribute knowledge; H1a, H1b and H1c were validly tested.
Multilevel regression was used to test the direct effect of person–environment fit on psychological contract fulfillment, as shown in Table 5. With transactional psychological contract fulfillment and relational psychological contract fulfillment as dependent variables, respectively, each control variable was first included in the regression equation, and then V–C fit, N–S fit and D–A fit were included in the regression equation as independent variables. The results indicated (Model 2, Model 3 and Model 4 in Table 5) that V–C fit (β = 0.568, p < 0. 001), N–S fit (β = 0.457, p < 0.001), and D–A fit (β = 0.348, p < 0. 001) have a significant positive effect on transactional psychological contract fulfillment. H2a, H2b and H2c are validly verified. From Model 6, Model 7 and Model 8, values matching (β = 0.561, p < 0. 001), needs matching (β = 0.371, p < 0.001) and competence matching (β = 0.231, p < 0.001) have a significant positive effect on relational psychological contract fulfillment. H2d, H2e and H2f are validly tested.
To test the mediating effects, a conditional process modeling program, PROCESS by Hayes (2012), was applied. PROCESS was suitable for the data analysis because it provided parallel, moderated and serial mediation models. All indirect effects were tracked using bootstrap analyses with 5000 bootstrap samples and 95 percent bias-corrected confidence intervals.
As shown in Table 6 and Table 7, transactional psychological contract fulfillment partially mediates the relations between V–C fit and willingness to contribute knowledge, respectively (95 percent bootstrap confidence interval: 0.1125, 0.3088), and H3a is supported. Relational psychological contract fulfillment partially mediated the relations between V–C fit and willingness to contribute knowledge, respectively (95 percent bootstrap confidence interval: 0.1231, 0.35), and H3d is supported. Transactional psychological contract fulfillment partially mediated the relations between N–S fit and willingness to contribute knowledge, respectively (95 percent bootstrap confidence interval: 0.1099, 0.297), and H3b is supported. Relational psychological contract fulfillment partially mediated the relations between N–S fit and willingness to contribute knowledge, respectively (95 percent bootstrap confidence interval: 0.1167, 0.3524), and H3e is supported. Transactional psychological contract fulfillment partially mediated the relations between D–A fit and willingness to contribute knowledge, respectively (95 percent bootstrap confidence interval: 0.141, 0.3264), and H3c is supported. Relational psychological contract fulfillment partially mediated the relations between D–A fit and willingness to contribute knowledge, respectively (95 percent bootstrap confidence interval: 0.1174, 0.333), and H3f is supported.

6. Conclusions and Discussion

6.1. Findings

Virtual brand communities have developed into a significant platform for businesses to develop and enhance brand–customer interactions due to the rapid development of user-generated content and the popularity of value co-creation [3]. Users’ active knowledge contribution is essential to the success of virtual brand communities [39]. This study unravels the driving mechanism of users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs by integrating person–environment fit theory and psychological contract theory. Previous research found that if users can form a good sustainable fit with their online community, they will actively share knowledge [66,90]. Our results led to similar conclusions that the three constructs of P–E fit, including values–culture (V–C) fit, needs–supplies (N–S) fit and demands–abilities (D–A) fit, all have a beneficial impact on users’ willingness to contribute knowledge. In addition, Table 4 indicates that the change in R2 of needs–supply fit is the highest compared with the other two types of fit. That is to say, needs–supplies fit shows the greatest impact on users’ willingness to contribute knowledge, suggesting that better meeting users’ needs is key to encouraging their knowledge contribution willingness. Tang et al. (2018) also indicated that users are more likely to continue following a virtual community when the community meets their needs [38]. In a virtual community context, if users feel an insufficient community supply, they tend to leave the focal community directly because of no explicit norms and no financial pressure. Users stay in virtual brand communities and contribute knowledge primarily on the basis of the fit between their personal needs and the community supplies [91].
The current study also shows that values–culture (V–C) fit, needs–supplies (N–S) fit and demands–abilities (D–A) fit are positively correlated with transactional and relational psychological contract fulfillment. These findings are consistent with previous studies which believe that individuals with a high degree of person–environment fit are more likely to perceive psychological contract fulfillment [92]. In a virtual brand community, a high degree of matching between users’ values and the community’s values or culture means that users can better understand the community’s resource allocation guidelines and advocacy behaviors, which can facilitate their access to acquire the community’s financial and non-financial benefits and promote users perceived psychological contract fulfillment [73]. When community supplies match user needs, i.e., users’ needs are better met, their transactional and relational psychological contracts are more likely to be fulfilled [79]. A high degree of matching between user abilities and community demands is conducive to making users feel competent enough to perform community tasks and satisfy their financial and emotional expectations, which is further favorable for transactional and relational psychological contract fulfillment [81].
Finally, the results confirm that transactional and relational psychological contract fulfillment partially mediate the relationship between P–E fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge. When users perceive a good match with VBCs in terms of values, needs and abilities, their transactional and relational psychological contract fulfillment will be improved, and they may exchange resources such as knowledge within VBCs based on reciprocity [93,94], so as to enhance users’ willingness to contribute knowledge [82]. Therefore, transactional and relational psychological contract fulfillments transmit the positive effects of P–E fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge. Some studies prove that the underlying mechanisms of users’ willingness to contribute are influenced by different factors such as community commitment and brand relationship quality [79,95], which may explain the partially mediating role of psychological contract fulfillment.

6.2. Theoretical Implications

This study has three main theoretical implications, described below.
Firstly, by considering the joint influence of users and VBCs, this study offers a different perspective to the past research studies which explored what factors affect users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs. Most previous studies examined the separate impacts of a community or customers but overlooked the synergistic effects exerted by both of them [96]. P–E fit theory examines the joint influence of personal attributes and environmental attributes. This study introduces P–E fit theory into the research framework to explore the impact of user–community interactions, which enriches research on the factors affecting users’ willingness to contribute knowledge.
Secondly, this study broadens the application scenario of the P–E fit theory itself by extending the P–E fit theory to the virtual setting. This study elaborates on how P–E fit affects users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs based on P–E fit theory. We identify three P–E fit perception constructs in the VBCs context, which are values–culture (V–C) fit, needs–supplies (N–S) fit and demands–abilities (D–A) fit, and investigate their relationship with users’ willingness to contribute knowledge. P–E fit theory is mainly used in entity organization scenarios [97] and research applying P–E fit theory to virtual organization scenarios relatively receives limited attention. Hence, we suggest that the P–E fit theory is a novel and solid theoretical framework to guide future research on users’ knowledge contribution intention in VBCs.
Finally, we propose and test the mediating role of psychological contract fulfillment in the relationship between person–environment fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs, which opens the “black box” of the relationship between the two. The previous related literature mainly focuses on the relationship between psychological contract fulfillment/breach and employees’ attitudes/behaviors in actual organizations [98,99]. In this paper, we take psychological contract fulfillment as a mediator and probe its mediating role in the relationship between person–environment fit and users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in a VBC context, which expands and enriches the existing research on psychological contract to some extent.

6.3. Managerial Implications

As mentioned above, virtual brand communities and users’ knowledge contributions are strategic resources for enterprises; the management of users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs can enhance enterprises’ sustainable development to a certain extent. There are also two main managerial implications.
On the one hand, the results indicate that values–culture fit, needs–supplies fit and demands–abilities fit between users and VBCs are extremely important for the perception of users’ psychological contract fulfillment and their willingness to contribute knowledge. Community managers should pay special attention to the fit between users and VBCs. Specifically, in terms of values–culture fit, community managers should focus on the formation of the community’s public values and the community’s public opinion orientations, and guide them appropriately to ensure that the community’s advocated values and visions are consistent with the majority of users. In terms of needs–supplies fit, community managers should offer adequate resources to meet users’ general needs (e.g., purchasing opportunities, the latest product information and coupons), and personalized content should be utilized to address users’ unique needs to enhance needs–supplies fit. In terms of demands–abilities fit, community managers should make members feel competent enough to perform community tasks. They can segment users based on the education or product usage experience of customers and invite different users to conduct different tasks in the focal community. In addition, managers can also issue clear instructions on how to participate in the community to make users adapt to the community as soon as possible.
On the other hand, the findings note that transactional and relational psychological contract fulfillments positively affect users’ willingness to contribute, and partially mediate the effect of P–E fit on users’ willingness to contribute. Therefore, it is suggested that community managers pay close attention to users’ psychological contracts and strive to fulfill rather than breach users’ psychological contracts so as to better promote value co-creation. Some recommendations are provided below. Firstly, community managers can solicit users’ expectations regarding the community’s obligations through survey investigation and make efforts to fulfill the community’s obligations. Secondly, community managers can proactively conduct regular surveys to monitor and detect any psychological contract breaches. Thirdly, community managers can develop a response system that supports apology, reparation and the diffusion of appropriate and timely declarations on unfulfilled obligations, thereby minimizing the adverse impact of psychological contract breaches on the community.

6.4. Limitations and Future Research Directions

This study develops and tests a mediation model to explore the driving mechanism of users’ willingness to contribute knowledge in VBCs from an integrated perspective of person–environment fit theory and psychological contract theory. However, this study does not consider the influence of users’ willingness to contribute to actual contribution behavior. In view of this, scholars can further capture user contribution behavior data from brand community websites in subsequent studies to stretch this paper’s model and explore the influence mechanism of users’ actual behavior.
This study collects data mainly via a questionnaire survey method. Since the method is easy to operate, the process is controllable, and the collected data are reliable and easy to analyze—this method has been widely applied in the fields of marketing, social psychology and management information systems. However, the self-selection bias characteristic of the method itself will inevitably bring the problem of sample response bias. Therefore, future research work can synthesize other research methods, such as social network analysis or experimental research, to test and improve the research model by collecting the behavioral data of active and inactive users in virtual communities.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, L.Q.; methodology, L.Q. and C.L.; software, J.Y. and C.L.; validation, J.Y.; formal analysis, L.Q., C.L. and J.Y.; investigation, L.Q., C.L. and J.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, L.Q., C.L. and J.Y.; writing—review and editing, L.Q. and C.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the correspondence author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. The demographic profile of the respondents.
Table 1. The demographic profile of the respondents.
Educational backgroundhigh school diploma and below
junior college diploma
bachelor’s degree17561.0
masters’ degree and above279.4
Ageunder 204917.1
over 41113.8
Average weekly visitless than 1 time196.6
1–3 times11640.4
4–6 times6422.3
more than 6 times8830.7
Average time spent per visitless than 10 min3110.8
10–30 min12944.9
31–50 min8228.6
more than 50 min4515.7
Duration of using VBCsless than 3 months186.3
3–6 months5820.2
7–12 months3712.9
1–2 years6623.0
more than 2 years10837.6
Table 2. Cronbach’s alpha, factor loadings, CRs and AVE.
Table 2. Cronbach’s alpha, factor loadings, CRs and AVE.
VariablesItemsFactor LoadingsCRAVE
V–C fit
(α = 0.732)
N–S fit
(α = 0.709)
D–A fit
(α = 0.761)
(α = 0.793)
(α = 0.820)
(α = 0.789)
V–C fit, values–culture fit; N–S fit, needs–supplies fit; D–A fit, demands–abilities fit; TPCF, transactional psychological contract fulfillment; RPCF, relational psychological contract fulfillment; WTCK, willingness to contribute knowledge.
Table 3. Means, standard deviations and correlations.
Table 3. Means, standard deviations and correlations.
1 V–C fit0.732
2 N–S fit0.623 **0.726
3 D–A fit0.535 **0.498 **0.738
4 TPCF0.551 **0.578 **0.569 **0.741
5 RPCF0.522 **0.502 **0.464 **0.717 **0.754
6 WTCK0.514 **0.564 **0.467 **0.536 **0.574 **0.746
** p < 0.01. Boldface diagonal elements are correlations of each construct with its measures (square roots of AVE). Off-diagonal elements are correlations between constructs.
Table 4. Regression results of P–E fit on users’ willingness to contribute knowledge (N = 287).
Table 4. Regression results of P–E fit on users’ willingness to contribute knowledge (N = 287).
Constant1.739 ***1.185 ***0.969 ***
V–C fit0.526 ***0.273 ***0.201 **
N–S fit 0.427 ***0.365 ***
D–A fit 0.208 ***
F16.281 ***20.931 ***20.815 ***
VIF max1.4951.8572.034
** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, DUVBC, duration of using VBCs; AWV, average weekly visits; ATSPV, average time spent per visit; V–C fit, values–culture fit; N–S fit, needs–supplies fit; D–A fit, demands–abilities fit; WTCK, willingness to contribute knowledge.
Table 5. Regression results of P–E fit on psychological contract fulfillment (N = 287).
Table 5. Regression results of P–E fit on psychological contract fulfillment (N = 287).
C3.707 ***1.731 ***1.138 ***0.777 **3.555 ***1.603 ***1.122 ***0.882 **
Gen−0.208 *−0.034−0.092−0.063−0.170.001−0.046−0.027
ATSPV0.14 **0.0480.0470.0580.141 *0.0510.0490.057
V–C fit 0.568 ***0.298 ***0.177 ** 0.561 ***0.342 ***0.262 ***
N–S fit 0.457 ***0.354 *** 0.371 ***0.302 ***
D–A fit 0.348 *** 0.231 ***
F3.006 **17.923 ***23.637 ***28.270 ***2.769 *15.472 ***17.645 ***17.819 ***
VIF max1.4951.4951.8572.0341.4951.4951.8572.034
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, DUVBC, duration of using VBCs; AWV, average weekly visits; ATSPV, average time spent per visit; V–C fit, values–culture fit; N–S fit, needs–supplies fit; D–A fit, demands–abilities fit; TPCF, transactional psychological contract fulfillment; RPCF, relational psychological contract fulfillment.
Table 6. Test results of mediation effect.
Table 6. Test results of mediation effect.
V–C fit →TPCF→WTCK0.20730.04970.11250.3088
V–C fit →RPCF→WTCK0.22670.05820.12310.35
N–S fit →TPCF→WTCK0.20350.04790.10990.297
N–S fit →RPCF→WTCK0.21740.0610.11670.3524
D–A fit →TPCF→WTCK0.22880.04770.1410.3264
D–A fit →RPCF→WTCK0.21210.05520.11740.333
Table 7. Test results of direct effect.
Table 7. Test results of direct effect.
V–C fit →TPCF→WTCK0.32370.0590.20750.4398
V–C fit →RPCF→WTCK0.30420.05610.19390.4146
N–S fit →TPCF→WTCK0.42560.06360.30040.5509
N–S fit →RPCF→WTCK0.41170.05770.29820.5253
D–A fit →TPCF→WTCK0.2410.05950.12380.3582
D–A fit →RPCF→WTCK0.25760.0530.15330.3619
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MDPI and ACS Style

Qu, L.; Liu, C.; Yin, J. Effects of Person–Environment Fit on Users’ Willingness to Contribute Knowledge in Virtual Brand Communities. Sustainability 2023, 15, 13476.

AMA Style

Qu L, Liu C, Yin J. Effects of Person–Environment Fit on Users’ Willingness to Contribute Knowledge in Virtual Brand Communities. Sustainability. 2023; 15(18):13476.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Qu, Li, Cuiyi Liu, and Jielin Yin. 2023. "Effects of Person–Environment Fit on Users’ Willingness to Contribute Knowledge in Virtual Brand Communities" Sustainability 15, no. 18: 13476.

APA Style

Qu, L., Liu, C., & Yin, J. (2023). Effects of Person–Environment Fit on Users’ Willingness to Contribute Knowledge in Virtual Brand Communities. Sustainability, 15(18), 13476.

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