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The Drivers and Barriers of the Solar Water Heating Entrepreneurial System: A Cost–Benefit Analysis

Career Planning Application and Research Center, Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, 46278 Adana, Turkey
Engineering Faculty, Energy Systems Engineering, Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, 46278 Adana, Turkey
Vocational School, Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, 04100 Ağrı, Turkey
School of Building Services Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China
Department of Building Engineering, Energy Systems and Sustainability Science, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, The University of Gävle, 801 76 Gävle, Sweden
Clean Energy Processes (CEP) Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2023, 15(20), 14989;
Submission received: 14 August 2023 / Revised: 3 October 2023 / Accepted: 4 October 2023 / Published: 18 October 2023


Sustainable development objectives place a high priority on entrepreneurship and renewable energy. Supporting entrepreneurial activities in the renewable energy industry can provide economic growth and employment to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030. Solar water heating systems can provide clear benefits for both the environment and economic growth. There is a gap in the literature regarding the study of the factors hindering or driving the development of the solar water heating system industry. This study aims to investigate the solar water heating system industry’s challenges and attempts to define the drivers to further develop the industry. Thus, solar water heating entrepreneurship parameters can be identified. Additionally, energy savings and carbon dioxide emissions were calculated for the region to raise awareness among consumers. This study used the qualitative analysis method through semi-structured interviews with 40 business owners in Adana/Turkey. The findings showed that the industry has administrative, production, political, and economic issues; there is a need for economic support and expanding education and control mechanisms. Also, the payback period is 1.63~3.27 years for a solar water heating system and this system prevents 800.75 kg of CO2 emission. The study has implications for policy-making, practice, scientific research, and the SDGs Agenda 2030.

1. Introduction

Renewable energy is critical in dealing with concerns such as climate change and air pollution that countries frequently face, as well as providing economic development, local jobs, energy security, and access to energy [1]. Furthermore, the depletion of natural resources highlights the importance of renewable energy [2]. The energy crisis and the environmental issues brought on by fossil fuels can be resolved with the help of renewable energy, which can be used as an alternative to conventional fuels [3].
Solar energy is often favored above other renewable energy sources due to its accessibility, environmental friendliness, and clean energy [4]. Solar energy can be used for electricity and water heating, providing economic savings. The operating costs of solar-powered products are minimal and the use of solar energy aids in reducing pollution and preserving ecological equilibrium. Solar water heaters (SWH) can cut a significant percentage of the fossil fuel consumed to heat water in homes, factories, etc. [5]. Solar collector water heating systems (SWHS) generate hot water using solar thermal energy [6].
Reducing dependency on fossil fuels can be achieved by using solar energy [7]. Solar energy can be used in some fields to lessen foreign reliance in nations that rely on imported oil and natural gas. Due to its viability as a substitute for electricity and fossil fuels for water heating, SWHS is the most well-liked and economically advantageous option to utilize solar energy [8,9].
Solar radiation is gathered by solar energy collectors [10]. Studies highlight the issues of the solar collector industry, which generates electricity, and the renewable energy industry as a whole are dealing with [11,12,13].
Entrepreneurship fosters sustainability. Entrepreneurship can greatly enhance the Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs) impact and provide long-term benefits for both society and the environment [14]. Entrepreneurship is recognized as one of the United Nations’ SDGs [15]. The corporate community’s demand for SDG adherence has witnessed a notable rise. Renewable energy is observed to be encompassed under SDGs. Hence, entrepreneurship’s significance within the renewable energy field has become increasingly prominent [16]. However, entrepreneurs in the renewable energy industry are known to encounter a variety of challenges as well as barriers [17,18,19], and there is no study specifically on the barriers of the SWHS industry. Therefore, there is a significant gap in the literature on general barriers to the SWHS industry. In addition to addressing industry barriers, this study examines what could be done to enhance the industry by fostering more entrepreneurship. Also, this is a subject that has never been covered in the literature on SWHS.
Adana has previously been used as a sample in the literature due to its great solar potential [20,21,22]. Turkey’s southeast and Mediterranean regions, accounting for about 17% of its landmass, have year-round complete operation of SWHS [23]. The Mediterranean region ranks second in Turkey’s total annual solar energy potential by regions [24]. Adana was chosen as the study’s sample because it significantly impacts the Mediterranean region’s solar potential [25].
Furthermore, consumer awareness is a key instrument for renewable energy. The current study also aims to create consumer awareness for consumers in Turkey by calculating energy savings with up-to-date prices. Increased consumer awareness and the provision of critical information regarding energy savings and environmental effects are required for the usage of solar collectors to become widely used. Expanding awareness could encourage consumers to use solar collectors more frequently. Because of this, it is essential to outline the benefits of using solar collectors. One of these benefits demonstrates how a SWHS can lower carbon dioxide emissions and save on energy. It is also intended to evaluate how much energy is saved by employing solar collectors for this purpose with a sample from Turkey. Therefore, the current study aims to calculate the energy saving of the solar collectors and Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Adana and identify industry drivers and barriers for the first time.
Economic activity emits carbon emissions while preserving national economies [18]. Nevertheless, nations prioritize economic growth endeavors and may unwittingly overlook the potential adverse effects on the environment [26]. However, the use of non-renewable energy damages the environment and increases CO2 emissions [27]. Entrepreneurs can establish low-carbon businesses [28]. The outcomes might be different if economic expansion in the renewable energy industry is the goal and the end result is a good that can lower CO2 emissions. Because of this, generating economic growth in the renewable energy industry is regarded as more environmentally friendly. Recent studies are also required to reveal this.
The current study differs from the previous studies in the following ways: (i) the study calculates energy savings in the region, (ii) the study calculates CO2 emission savings, (iii) the study considers and emphasizes the views of business owners, identifies industry barriers and drivers, and suggests ways to improve the industry with a holistic approach, (iv) the study can reflect concrete data by using the in-depth interview technique, which is a qualitative research method, and (v) the study was carried out in terms of economic growth by looking at the solar collector industry, which is simple to deal with and can commercialize solar energy, which is a valuable renewable energy source for regional development.

2. Literature Review

The literature study of related concepts was carried out under the titles of SWHS industry barriers, the energy saving of SWHS, and the reduction of CO2 emission by using SWHS.

2.1. SWHS İndustry Barriers

The literature discusses barriers to renewable energy, barriers to solar energy, the development of renewable energy types, and barriers in the solar collector business that produces electricity. However, there is a significant gap in the literature on general barriers and drivers of the SWHS industry. This subject has never been covered in the literature on SWHS. For instance, a study investigated Egypt’s solar energy development barriers. The study looked into the challenges facing renewable energy generally and concluded that there are four types of challenges. These challenges are political, economic, sociological, and technical [13]. Another study analyzed how green electricity regulations were implemented in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States. The study examined policy instruments based on feed-in tariffs, voluntary green electricity schemes, tax incentives, renewable energy funds, and green certificate schemes. It was discovered that nations use various policy tools to promote the use of electricity produced by renewable energy sources [11]. Similar to this, research was carried out in Turkey to assess market circumstances and obstacles to adopting renewable energy. Economic barriers are hampering the development of renewable energy, the cost of technologies, financing issues, and scientific and technical barriers [12]. Gabriel et al. [17] found the importance of government/regulatory and local market constraints using an in-depth interview method on the barriers to entrepreneurship in the renewable energy industry. In their investigation of entrepreneurial barriers to promoting renewable energy, Shahzad et al. [18] identified 12 obstacles that could be divided into four main groups: the technical, social, cultural, behavioral, legal, and regulatory frameworks, and insufficient access to institutional funding. Shahzad et al. [19] looked into the barriers to restricting solar energy usage. Consequently, 26 barriers were discovered and categorized into 5 major ones. Economic, market/infrastructure, political/regulatory, sociocultural, and technical hurdles are the most common names for these barriers.
As we examine these barriers in great depth, the low purchasing power of the consumer is one of the challenges to the industry’s development. Having solar collectors is difficult for low-income consumers in apartment complexes or rental properties. In addition, they may not be long-term residents and do not own the roof [29]. The other common barriers of SWHS might be related to high initial costs, a lack of incentives, permitting issues, and a lack of quality installation standards. These barriers have plagued the industry since 1980 [30]. Moreover, similar barriers with other solar systems such as lack of enforced policies for integrating renewable energy, lack of financing for projects, technical feasibility, and lack of incentives and regulations may be the barriers that SWHS encounters [31]. According to a study, the problems impeding the development of the energy industry are most policymakers’, potential consumers’, and energy firm managers’ lack of knowledge about renewable energy technologies [12]. A further study cited high bank interest rates and aluminum prices as two barriers to developing energy systems [32].
The following research question was created based on these findings in the literature:
R.Q.1: What are the drivers and barriers of the SWH entrepreneurial system?

2.2. The Energy Saving of SWHS

Consumers need to see a significant return on their investment for them to purchase SWHSs. These systems are purchased by consumers in order to avoid future costs. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the payback period; calculating the payback period currently is a requirement [33]. Consumers generally find the SWHS satisfactory in terms of saving fuel costs [34] since immense quantities of energy are used to heat water [35]. By using SWHS, a high amount of energy can be saved.
The initial cost of SWHS is rather significant. However, the payback period varies based on how much energy is required to heat the water [36]. Natural gas and electricity are commonly used in Turkey for water heating. For people in Turkey to use a SWHS, the payback period of SWHS should be shorter than natural gas and electricity. According to a study conducted in Turkey in 2018, it is seen that homeowners using solar water heaters have approximately 10% lower annual energy bills (€75–90) than those who do not. This shows that there is a payback period of about 8–9 years, considering the average price of a solar water heater [37]. Another study indicates that the annual energy required to provide 100 L of 55 °C hot water for a family of four people is between 1418.69 and 1975.08 kWh and the payback period for a galvanized collector water heating system is between 2.98 and 8.24 years in Turkey [38]. Calculating it again in different years would be more appropriate, as the payback periods may vary according to various factors. It is evident that such research is required because there are not many studies in the literature that calculate the energy savings offered by SWHS.
For various reasons, different results may be attained in distinct nations. For instance, the Seeb region of Oman saved over 335,431 MWh of energy each year by using SWHS in 2011 [37]. A study conducted in Lebanon stated that SWHS would pay for itself in 7 years, while it could save USD 2610 in cash over its 20-year life in Lebanon [39].
It is clear from the studies that the savings offered by the solar collector—which generates electricity—are frequently addressed. According to a study conducted in Tunisia, the annual savings in electrical energy and payback period of the flat plate system were determined to be 1316 kW h/year and eight years for an electric water heater and 306 m3 gas/town gas for a gas water heater [40]. A study conducted in Cyprus stated that the savings in SWHS is around 70% compared to a conventional system with electricity or diesel backup. While the annual solar contribution is 79%, the system’s payback period is 2.7 years and the life cycle savings are EUR 2240 for electricity backup and 4.5 years and EUR 1056 for diesel backup, respectively [41]. Another study in Pakistan found that natural gas use has decreased annually by 14.21 MMBtu, equal to EUR 67.81. The payback period for a galvanized steel SWHS is 6 years and 1 month, while the payback period for a SWHS manufactured of stainless steel is 8 years and 3 months [42].

2.3. The Reduction of CO2 Emission by the Usage of SWHS

The possible harm posed by rising greenhouse gas emissions made many renewable energy sources more alluring [43]. Solar energy is one of the alluring renewable energy types.
The most significant environmental advantage of using a SWHS is the decrease in air emissions brought on by the removal of the need for conventional fuels and electricity [44]. Solar energy can minimize or even completely eliminate environmental carbon emissions instead of electric or fossil fuel-based water heating [36]. A study conducted in Mexico shows that with the application of SWH, an average of 3.74 Tg of CO2 can be saved every year. This significantly reduces the emissions released to the environment [45]. Another study in Pakistan argued that the implementation of SWHS reduced 2206.9 Kg of CO2 emissions [42].
A study conducted in Turkey in 2018 observed a 13% reduction in energy consumption and an 8% reduction in carbon emissions with the use of SWHS [37]. Due to various factors, more appropriate results will be obtained by repeating these calculations.

3. Materials and Methods

The research used two alternative approaches to pinpoint industry barriers and compute energy savings and CO2 emissions. These methods are examined under two headings: mathematical calculation regarding energy savings and the analysis of the SWHS industry.

3.1. Mathematical Calculation Regarding Energy Savings and CO2 Emission

A simple mathematical calculation emphasizes the strong motivation for the solar energy system demand. A simple solar energy system consisting 2 of solar collectors (2 × 2 = 4 m2 absorber surface), 1 cold water tank, and 1 hot water tank system is modeled to evaluate the economic benefits.
A simple model [46] based on long-term meteorological values determines the daily global solar radiation on a horizontal surface.
H = H 2 + H 1 H 2 s i n π 365 d + 5 1.5
where H 1 = 22.56 and H 2 = 5.81
The exponential distribution is derived from hourly global solar radiation using daily global solar radiation [47,48].
Ψ = e x p 4 1 h o u r   a n g l e s u n s e t
I = H * π 4 * t 0 c o s 90 * h o u r   a n g l e s u n s e t + 2 π * 1 Ψ
where t 0 is the total daily duration of sunshine between sunset and sunrise.
The hourly diffuse solar radiation is
I d = π 24 * cos h o u r   a n g l e cos s u n s e t sin s u n s e t π 180 * s u n s e t * cos s u n s e t * H d
The sunset angle is
cos s u n s e t = tan ϕ * tan δ
The unset angle has the negative sign of the sunset angle.
The declination angle is
δ = 23.45 * sin 360 * 284 + d 365
and the hourly beam radiation is
I b = I I d
H d is the diffuse part of the daily solar radiation and is calculated as follows:
If s u n s e t 81.4 o
H d H = 1 0.2727 K T + 2.4495 K T 2 11.9514 K T 3 + 9.3879 K T 4   f o r   K T < 0.715 0.143   f o r   K T 0.715
and s u n s e t > 81.4 o .
H d H = 1 + 0.2832 K T 2.5557 K T 2 + 0.8448 K T 3   f o r   K T < 0.722 0.175   f o r   K T 0.722
K T is the clearness index and K T = 0.64 for Adana;
R b is the ratio of the average beam radiation on a tilted surface to that on a horizontal surface.
R b = cos ϕ β * c o s δ c o s ω + sin ϕ β * s i n δ c o s ϕ c o s δ c o s ω + s i n ϕ s i n δ
The solar energy absorbed from tilted solar collectors can be evaluated by
S = I b * R b * τ α b + I d * τ α d * 1 + c o s β 2 + ρ g * I b + I d * τ α g * 1 c o s β 2
Some assumptions are necessary to evaluate the obtained benefits from solar energy:
  • The investigated hot water solar energy system has a 4 m2 absorber surface area;
  • The collector efficiency of a well-designed collector is about 80%;
  • The household needs to consume all of the absorbed solar energy;
  • The natural gas price per m3 is USD 0.25;
  • 1 m3 of natural gas leads to 2.1857 kg of CO2 emissions;
  • The total price of a hot water solar energy system is USD 150~300. That price depends on the location, tank capacity, transportation, etc.

3.2. The Analysis of the SWHS İndustry

One of the purposes of the research was to understand the challenges and opportunities for expanded SWHS. Using in-depth personal interviews with open-ended questions, a qualitative research method in renewable energy research, has been effective in acquiring information about industry problems, requirements, and activities in prior studies in the literature [49,50,51]. The qualitative research method was preferred in the study. Thus, it is aimed to reveal the difficulties faced by the entrepreneurs who produce and sell solar collectors, define the current barriers in the industry, whether incentives or supports in the entrepreneurship process have an impact on the entrepreneurship process, and what can be done to enhance the industry and the number of the entrepreneurs. Previous research on entrepreneurship and renewable energy was considered in the development of the interview queries [52,53,54]. Semi-structured interviews were carried out as part of a qualitative research methodology. Semi-structured interviews are characterized by the deployment of open-ended questions and the implementation of an interview guide that delineates the overarching areas of focus [55]. Hence, the present study utilized the semi-structured interview methodology as a method for qualitative research.
In order to assess the validity of the qualitative research, an evaluation was conducted using a set of four criteria known as credibility, confirmability, dependability, and transferability. These criteria have been widely utilized in the field of qualitative research [56]. Initially, there was a preference for establishing long-term engagement in order to enhance the credibility of the research outcomes. The veracity of the responses was subsequently validated through the recurrence. Moreover, a peer debriefing session was conducted, involving an academic researcher with expertise in qualitative research and an expert in the field of entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the research paper outlined the study’s aims, objectives, methodology, data collection processes, interview processes, noteworthy statements, identified categories and themes, and the outcomes of the study with regard to confirmability, as discussed by Holloway and Wheeler [57]. The researchers employed a technique known as researcher triangulation, which involved the involvement of multiple researchers in the various stages of data collection, analysis, and interpretation to ensure the dependability of the study [58]. A thorough examination was undertaken regarding the transferability aspect, wherein the experiences of the participants were extensively discussed and supported by illustrative examples [59]. Also, the study materials and methods underwent approval by the ethical committee of Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University (06/1).
Thematic analysis, one of the qualitative analysis methods, was used in the study. Thematic analysis refers to searching for repetitive patterns of meaning in a data set, such as a series of interviews, focus groups, or a set of texts. It includes the process of “familiarising yourself with your data, generating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes, and producing the report” [49]. The analysis was carried out using the MAXQDA software program. Initially, the responses were inputted into the MAXQDA software program. Each person was assigned a designation, which ranged from K1 to K40. The coding and categorization procedures were conducted by the authors designated as the first and second authors, employing rigorous methodological approaches. The method of open coding was employed to assign codes to various concepts, subsequently leading to the creation of categories based on the distinct traits and dimensions of these concepts [60]. The initial phase was the methodical classification of qualitative data according to common attributes and interrelationships. Subsequently, comparable codes were incorporated inside the same classification, constituting thematic clusters. The authors next verified this procedure with deliberation.
The universe of the study consists of businesses that produce and sell solar collectors in Adana. In order to reach the businesses, information requests were made from the Adana Chamber of Commerce and the Adana Chamber of tradesmen and craftsmen. According to the data received, there are a total of 53 businesses producing/selling solar collectors in Adana. The businesses were contacted based on the information obtained regarding this request. Because some businesses claimed that they did not want to participate in the study owing to their density, while others did not receive any feedback, the study’s sample size was reduced to 40 businesses. The answers to the questions in Table 1 were sought using the semi-structured in-depth interview technique to gather detailed information about the entrepreneurs in the solar collector industry in Adana and to reach the participants’ thoughts, knowledge, and experiences. Please check Appendix A for all inquiries.
The questions posed to the participants were formed as a result of reviewing the relevant literature in the study. In addition to these questions, the participants were requested to provide descriptive information such as their gender, age, marital status, education, total years of professional work, monthly income, number of employees, and production/sales area size. The general and average numbers of the study are shown in Table 2.
Interviews were conducted at the participants’ workplaces and during working hours after setting an appointment in advance. The interviews were recorded using a mobile phone’s voice recording capability with the participants’ permission. As a result, all the answers to the data were reported more accurately, and the participants’ emotional reactions and mimic movements were observed. The longest interview lasted 42 min and the shortest interview lasted 15 min.
Following the interviews, all responses were detailed, documented, evaluated, and coded under the supervision of the study’s authors and two qualitative research experts. Themes were determined as a consequence of mutual consultations and extensive research of associated questions. Inferences were made based on the obtained data and previous studies.

4. Results

The findings obtained from the research are analyzed under two headings: technical and economical assessment of SWHS and SWHS industry findings.

4.1. Technical and Economical Assessment of SWHS

Based on the mathematical formulation, Monthly Solar Gain, Equivalent Natural Gas, Equivalent Natural Gas Price, and Saved CO2 Emissions were calculated. The analysis showed that the collectors can absorb a maximum of 1.44 × 104 watt hours of solar energy in July and a minimum of 7.07 × 103 watt hours of solar energy can be absorbed by the collectors in December. Therefore, the hot water solar system can save up to 37.4 m3 of Natural Gas in July and 19.6 m3 of Natural Gas in December (Figure 1). The annuals saving was 366.3 m3 of natural gas by the system. It means that USD 91.6 can be saved annually by using a hot water solar energy system. Therefore, the payback period is 1.63~3.27 years for such systems. The payback period is very attractive for many Turkish citizens.
Also, this system prevents 800.75 kg of CO2 emissions and that number attracts some people who have sustainability awareness and are willing to reduce their CO2 footprint.

4.2. SWHS Industry Findings

The study was carried out to increase the number of entrepreneurs in the solar collector industry with a qualitative analysis method. Analyzing the findings, the factors related to the questions asked were determined, and categories were created. All the participants’ answers were considered, defined to the relevant factor, and placed in the relevant category.
The answers to the first question regarding the factors that facilitated the entrepreneurial process are shown in Figure 2. The findings showed that 62.5% of the participants argue that gaining experience from an early age through apprenticeship, 25% receiving financial and moral support from their family, 10% having the support of friends, and 2.5% going to vocational school act as facilitating factors in the entrepreneurship process. As a result, it was shown that beginning in this industry at a young age is crucial for obtaining expertise and commencing the entrepreneurial process. Additionally, it is acknowledged that family support, both material and moral, is vital to the entrepreneurial process.
The answers given to the second question regarding the technology of solar collectors are shown in Figure 3. Accordingly, 52.5% of the participants used flat panels, 47.5% used both flat panels and vacuum tubes, and none used only vacuum tubes. The use of flat panels and vacuum tubes together and flat panels alone is evident from this result. The vacuum tube was not discovered to be used on its own.
The answers given to the third question regarding their awareness of the incentive programs and legal regulations in the industry are shown in Figure 4. As a result, 92.5% of the participants are unaware of the industry’s incentive programs and legal regulations, while 7.5% claim to be aware of them. This result indicates a serious lack of knowledge regarding incentives and legal regulations.
The answers given to the fourth question regarding the types of incentives they demand in the manufacture of solar collectors are shown in Figure 5. Analysis of the responses to the types of incentives asked for reveals that 32.5% of participants desire low-interest loan opportunities for producers, 15% want encouraging legal regulations, 12.5% prefer state support for producers, and 12.5% prefer payment support for staff, 10% want streamlining the bureaucratic process, 5% desire audit, 5% desire consumer credit support, 5% demand equality in processes, and 7.5% demand audit. This clearly shows that low-interest loan supports are in high demand. It is also interesting that the producers advocated for giving consumers access to credit support.
The answers given to the fifth question about understanding the problems faced by entrepreneurs in the industry are classified in Figure 6. As a result of consultations, the study’s authors and two qualitative research experts stated that the problems encountered in the industry are grouped under four primary factors.
These factors are administrative, production, political, and economic issues. Administrative issues include many unregistered employers, failure to follow up on qualification certificates, illegal practices of Syrians in the industry, many people who are not experts in their jobs, unfair competition, and lack of control. Production issues are quality issues, low production, monopoly of the company that produces the raw materials of the products, the problem of finding staff, and the problem of finding qualified staff. Political issues are few incentives for the industry, insufficient announcement of legal regulations, and unawareness of the legal regulation. Economic issues are employment problems due to economic recession, decrease in the purchasing power of the consumer, increase in prices of products due to raw materials, increase in rent, electricity, water payment, inability to employ workers because of economic recession, low credit availability, high prices of raw materials. This table was created according to the repetition of the statements in the answers given by the participants. Frequency numbers are shown in Table 3.
The expressions of the participants were taken into consideration while determining the industry barriers. Categories were established based on these expressions. Table 4 displays some examples of the participants’ sample expressions.
The answers given to the sixth question about what can be done to increase the number of entrepreneurs in the industry are classified in Figure 7. When the participants’ responses were classified, it revealed that the number of entrepreneurs could be increased under three primary factors.
These factors are called economic support, education, and audit activities. As economic support, the participants think that it would be beneficial to provide government guidance and incentives, long-term loan opportunities for producers, grant opportunities, and credit facilities to the consumer. Regarding education, the participants argue that training enables opening a business for everyone, and long-term practical training for high school or university students will increase the number of entrepreneurs in the solar collector industry. Regarding audit activities, participants indicate that for a healthy working environment and fixed prices, the industry should be controlled and followed, regulating social rights, carrying out audit activities, and ensuring their sustainability for unregistered employers would be beneficial. Sample answers regarding this factor are given in Table 5.

5. Discussion

Renewable energy is today a global focus. Utilizing solar energy, which is one of the renewable energy sources, allows for the balance of energy consumption and efficiency while also considerably lowering expenses [61]. Investment in the solar industry has the potential to significantly enhance sustainability indices [62].
According to the results of the study, administrative, production, political, and economic issues are the main industry barriers that business owners struggle with. As the current study’s findings are compared to earlier studies on barriers to renewable energy, it appears that political and economic [11,12,13,19] administrative [17,18,19] factors have been identified in the earlier studies. It is acknowledged that previous findings about renewable energy are likewise applicable to SWHS. The present study identified an emerging problem opposing other studies (finding staff and qualified staff and low production). The industry has continued to be troubled by the study’s findings that there are insufficient incentives and standards for high-quality installations [30].
Business owners defined the specific difficulties as many unregistered employees, non-implementation of quality standards, widespread unfair competition, high raw material prices, negative effects of the country’s economic situation on production and sales, lack of qualified staff, lack of incentives, and legal regulations. Specifically, the industry’s biggest problems are the lack of control, a large number of unregistered employers, high prices of raw materials, the problem of finding qualified staff, and unfair competition. It follows that the auditing actions of the pertinent institutions should be conducted more frequently, consistently, and legally. The conclusion is that auditing operations should be carried out successfully to avoid unfair competition. Several energizing training activities might be offered to address the issue of hiring qualified staff. On the other hand, due to high raw material prices, the majority of businesses in the country import the raw materials they require. Thus, promoting local production and offering the required resources is important. As a result, the SWHS industry may grow by resolving industrial barriers and boosting its economic output.
The evolution of the industry must undoubtedly handle the significant issue of incentives. A significant number of business owners claimed that they are unaware of incentives and regulatory requirements. There is no incentive specifically for the SWHS industry. Business owners demand incentives such as low-interest loan opportunities for the producer, encouraging legal regulations for the industry, government support to the producer, and payment support to the staff. Last but not least, it is anticipated that the industry will improve as a result of its economic, training, and control initiatives. Considering these views of the business owners, it is obvious that adjustments must first be taken to address the industry’s challenges to enhance the industry and increase the number of entrepreneurs in the SWHS industry.
Attracting new entrepreneurs may be difficult for an industry plagued by various issues. It is also critical to increase the number of entrepreneurs for the widespread use of renewable energy sources. At this point, new legal regulations and government incentives may make the industry more appealing. Adopting proper energy regulations that account for significant barriers can have a favorable effect on the industry [19]. Government regulation is crucial in promoting entrepreneurship and economic growth [63]. Entrepreneurship has to be encouraged due to the strong correlation between economic growth and renewable energy [64]. Renewable energy is a key component of sustainable economic growth [65]. Thus, new entrepreneurs can be attracted to the industry by providing a kind of solution to existing problems and can favorably impact economic growth. More specifically, various term loan opportunities can be offered for both producers and consumers. Tax arrangements can be made for producers. The use of solar collectors may be made mandatory when issuing licenses for newly constructed buildings. More strict control practices could be implemented to prevent poor quality and unfair competition, as well as to address the issue of unregistered workers.
According to the findings, low-income consumers cannot invest in the long-term benefits of a solar power system for their property. This finding of the study is in line with the literature [29]. There is a need for policies that solve credit problems for low-income consumers. Low-income households find it challenging to afford SWHSs because of their high initial prices. Given this, regulations can be created for the benefit of those in need, such as incentives in other countries [33]. Furthermore, the government could implement rebates, incentives, practices, etc. that could influence whether these systems are bought [35].
Among the study findings, high initial costs, a lack of incentives, a lack of quality installation standards, a lack of enforced policies for integrating renewable energy, and a lack of incentives and regulations are supported by studies in the literature [30,31].
Also, it has been determined how much dollars will be saved by adopting SWHS compared to present costs, how long the payback period will be, and how much CO2 emissions it prevents in order to increase consumer awareness. As a result, employing SWHS can result in an annual savings of USD 91.6. The payback period ranges from 1.63 to 3.27 years. The system stops the emission of 800.75 kg of CO2. Compared to earlier studies, the payback period is immensely appealing; at the present pricing, the payback year for consumers has been significantly shortened [37,38]. Consequently, using SWHS will result in significant savings.
It is acknowledged that assessing economic and social development might be challenging as multiple goals are considered in solitude [66]. Because of this, the study combined the perspectives of the social sciences and engineering and offered a comprehensive viewpoint for a sustainable environment and development. Prior to being taken into account in regional contexts, the effects of energy systems on the economy, environment, and society have not been extensively researched [67]. The economic, environmental, and social facets of a region’s entrepreneurship issue were also evaluated through this study.

6. Conclusions

The SWHS industry was investigated, and the study attempted to expose the industry’s challenges and how to enhance it. Since all types of renewable energy consumption significantly impact economic growth, the study sought to close the gap in the body of knowledge regarding the challenges facing the SWHS industry and possible solutions. As a result, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the business owners who produce and sell solar collectors in Adana, and the results were evaluated comprehensively.
Due to industrial barriers and a lack of consumer awareness, the number of solar collector producers is limited. For this reason, the study tried to define the industrial barriers and factors for enhancing the industry and raising consumer awareness by energy-saving calculation and CO2 emission analysis.
This qualitative study included important insights from business owners as original research. It provided the opportunity to define the problems they are currently experiencing and revealed the industry’s needs. It is necessary to increase the number of studies that reveal the industry’s views.
As a result, the SWHS industry for Adana/Turkey was examined and interpreted holistically with an interdisciplinary approach in the study. The findings of this study will add significant contributions to the literature.

7. Implications of the Study

The study’s implications are explored in terms of (a) policy-making, (b) practice, (c) scientific research, and (d) the SDGs Agenda 2030.
Policymaking. The study discussed the SWHS industry drivers and barriers in great depth. The barriers that business owners recognized were categorized and explained extensively. For instance, several business owners cited the incentive issue. There are proposals for incentives from business owners particular to this industry. These insights are crucial for policymakers in decision-making processes. It is possible to create new incentive programs while considering the study’s business owners’ demands.
Practice. The chambers of commerce and tradesmen will be informed of the study’s findings. Due to its illumination of industry issues, this paper serves as an essential guide for trade associations and chambers of business. Different strategies might be devised to address the problems. Furthermore, tradesmen’s associations and business chambers can be set up for the necessary training.
Scientific Research. The paper contributes to theoretical knowledge by defining SWHS barriers and drivers for use in future studies.
SDGs Agenda 2030. According to the seventh goal outlined in SDGs Agenda 2030, investing in solar, wind, and thermal energy, improving energy efficiency, and providing access to energy for everyone is crucial until 2030. Further, entrepreneurship and employment are given a lot of emphasis in accordance with the eighth goal stated in the SDGs. In addition, the ninth of the SDGs requires that investments in innovation are of the utmost importance for driving both economic development and growth. The SWHS industry has undergone numerous technological advancements and innovations in this regard. This goal is to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, which the study backs up. The paper describes the SWHS industry’s drivers and barriers and gives critical results for developing this industry. The study matches the seventh, eighth, and ninth SDGs in this setting [15]. It is expected that significant steps toward sustainable development will be achieved through boosting entrepreneurial activity in the SWHS industry. A key tool for achieving regional development and economic growth objectives is entrepreneurial activity. The inclusion of entrepreneurship among the sustainable development goals emphasizes the relevance of entrepreneurship. An efficient strategy to achieve the SDGs is by encouraging entrepreneurial endeavors in the realm of renewable energy. Sustainable development can be attained in this way, as can advances in the use of renewable energy, entrepreneurship, and employment. To achieve economic growth, entrepreneurship in the field of renewable energy will be the one with the most tremendous potential.

8. Limitations and Future Implications

The research had several limitations, the sample size being one of these. The Adana sample was used for this study. The study’s findings can be interpreted in the context of Adana. Second, it might be challenging for participants to communicate their experiences truthfully, and their statements may be biased.
Various studies can be carried out in the future on the subject. The present study was carried out with entrepreneurs operating in Adana. For this reason, future studies with solar collector entrepreneurs located in different regions in Turkey or other countries may contribute to the literature. It is possible to compare with a study being carried out in a different country. Thus, it can be stated which of the problems encountered in the industry are local, national, or international problems. With the determination of the international nature of the problems, decision-makers can make important decisions that concern all countries in the international arena. In this way, the number of entrepreneurs can be increased by making necessary improvements in the solar collector industry and positive results can be obtained in terms of both environmental and economic aspects. Due to Turkey’s frequent exchange rate fluctuations, it would be fair to base SWHS on the payback time in future studies. Additionally, more in-depth interviews can be conducted regarding the right incentives and regulations.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.E.Y.; methodology, S.E.Y., C.Y., H.Y.; software S.E.Y., C.Y.; validation, S.E.Y., H.Y., C.Y., C.-Y.Z., T.A., J.G.; formal analysis, S.E.Y., C.Y., H.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, S.E.Y.; writing—review and editing, C.-Y.Z., T.A., J.G.; visualization J.G., T.A.; supervision, C.-Y.Z., T.A., J.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


This study was supported by the Turkish National Agency (Project No: 2020-1-TR01-KA202-093467). The authors want to thank the Turkish National Agency Vocational Education Coordinator. This study’s abstract part was presented at the 17th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 6–10 November 2022 in Paphos, Cyprus.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Interview Form
( ) Male ( ) Female
Marital status
( ) Married ( ) Single
( ) Elementary or secondary school ( ) High school ( ) University
( ) 26–35 ( ) 36–45 ( ) 46–55 ( ) 56 and over
Total working year
( ) 6–10 ( ) 11–15 ( ) 16–20
Monthly income
( ) 8000–10,000 ( ) 10,001–12,000 ( ) 12,001–14,000 ( ) 14,001–16,000 ( ) 16,001 and over
Number of employees
( ) 0–50 ( ) 51–100
Production/Sales area size
( ) 0–100 ( ) 101–200 ( ) 201–400
Table A1. Interview Questions.
Table A1. Interview Questions.
Nu.Interview Questions
1What were the factors that facilitated your entrepreneurial process?
2Which technology (flat panel, vacuum tube, PV/T, etc.) do you use in solar collectors?
3Are you aware of the incentive programs and legal regulations related to your industry?
4What kind of incentives do you demand in solar collector manufacturing?
5Can you describe the problems of the industry?
6What do you think can be done to enhance the industry and increase the number of entrepreneurs in your industry?


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Figure 1. Values regarding solar gain, equivalent natural gas, equivalent natural gas price, and saved CO2 emissions.
Figure 1. Values regarding solar gain, equivalent natural gas, equivalent natural gas price, and saved CO2 emissions.
Sustainability 15 14989 g001
Figure 2. Facilitating factors of the entrepreneurial process.
Figure 2. Facilitating factors of the entrepreneurial process.
Sustainability 15 14989 g002
Figure 3. Solar collector technology type.
Figure 3. Solar collector technology type.
Sustainability 15 14989 g003
Figure 4. The participants’ awareness of the incentive programs and legal regulations.
Figure 4. The participants’ awareness of the incentive programs and legal regulations.
Sustainability 15 14989 g004
Figure 5. The types of incentives requested by participants.
Figure 5. The types of incentives requested by participants.
Sustainability 15 14989 g005
Figure 6. Classification of industry barriers by the participants.
Figure 6. Classification of industry barriers by the participants.
Sustainability 15 14989 g006
Figure 7. Classification of responses to increasing the number of entrepreneurs in the industry.
Figure 7. Classification of responses to increasing the number of entrepreneurs in the industry.
Sustainability 15 14989 g007
Table 1. Questions asked of participants in the study.
Table 1. Questions asked of participants in the study.
Nu.Questions Asked of Participants
1What were the factors that facilitated your entrepreneurial process?
2Which technology (flat panel, vacuum tube, PV/T, etc.) do you use in solar collectors?
3Are you aware of the incentive programs and legal regulations related to your industry?
4What kind of incentives do you demand in solar collector manufacturing?
5Can you describe the problems of the industry?
6What do you think can be done to enhance the industry and increase the number of entrepreneurs in your industry?
Table 2. Descriptive information of the study.
Table 2. Descriptive information of the study.
CategoriesFrequencyPercentage (%)
Marital StatusMarried3075
Education QualificationElementary or Secondary School410
High School3587.5
56 and over820
Total working years6–10410
Monthly Income8000–10,000
16,001 and over
Number of Employees0–50
Production/Sales area size0–100 m2
101–200 m2
201–400 m225
Table 3. Frequency of industry barriers.
Table 3. Frequency of industry barriers.
Industry BarriersFrequency
A large number of unregistered employers18
Failure to follow up on qualification certificate8
Illegal practices of Syrians in the industry6
Many people who are not experts in their job10
Unfair competition12
Lack of control24
Quality issues10
Low production4
A monopoly of the company that produces the raw materials of the products4
The problem of finding staff8
The problem of finding qualified staff12
Few incentives for the industry10
Insufficient announcement of legal regulations8
Unawareness of the legal regulation10
Employment problem due to economic recession2
Decrease in the purchasing power of the consumer2
Increase in prices of products due to raw materials10
Increase in rent, electricity, and water payment 4
Inability to employ workers because of economic recession4
Low credit availability10
High prices of raw materials16
Table 4. Sample responses of the participants.
Table 4. Sample responses of the participants.
Factor ExamplesParticipants’ Codes and Answers
Administrative IssuesK6: There is a lot of unfair competition. For example, we all gather together and decide, we agree on the price. We say we will not sell below this price from now on. But, from the moment we turn our backs, everyone is selling at whatever price they want, this should be subject to high penalties and control.
Production IssuesK13: Everyone in the market sells poor quality products because they are cheap, and there is no one who inspects them anyway, I used to sell quality products before, but since it is expensive, no one can buy them, so now I sell cheap products with low quality, otherwise how will I make a living?
Political IssuesK4: The raw material prices are too high, we also want to sell quality products or increase our production, but there is no capital. Credit opportunities are very low, and the procedure is very tiring. Many people applied for credit, but they were not given credit. If there is a long-term loan opportunity, I think it would be very good. The government should make new incentive arrangements for the industry.
Economic issuesK6: I used to sell 20 units a day. Nowadays, I can only sell 2–3 today because of the economic situation. The purchasing power of the consumer has decreased a lot, the products are expensive for them.
Table 5. Sample responses of the participants.
Table 5. Sample responses of the participants.
Factor ExamplesParticipants’ Codes and Answers
Economic supportK4: Since solar energy is renewable energy, the number of entrepreneurs in the industry should increase, yes, but this can only be achieved with government support because people give up due to both capital and personnel and workplace expenses. For example, I have a project to heat my own house by means of solar energy. I’m working on it right now, there is very little left, I will provide all the heating with solar energy. But I have the material to do it, I can do it, other people can’t. Because it is too expensive.
EducationK3: Training can be arranged, moreover, students come for 2 or 3 days for a 6-month internship, but more information should be provided by providing applied training to students with insufficient time so that the need for qualified personnel in the industry can be met.
AuditK14: First of all, a healthy working environment should be provided, inspection and control activities are therefore a must.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Yılmaz, S.E.; Yildizhan, H.; Yıldırım, C.; Zhao, C.-Y.; Gomes, J.; Alkharusi, T. The Drivers and Barriers of the Solar Water Heating Entrepreneurial System: A Cost–Benefit Analysis. Sustainability 2023, 15, 14989.

AMA Style

Yılmaz SE, Yildizhan H, Yıldırım C, Zhao C-Y, Gomes J, Alkharusi T. The Drivers and Barriers of the Solar Water Heating Entrepreneurial System: A Cost–Benefit Analysis. Sustainability. 2023; 15(20):14989.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Yılmaz, Sıdıka Ece, Hasan Yildizhan, Cihan Yıldırım, Chuang-Yao Zhao, João Gomes, and Tarik Alkharusi. 2023. "The Drivers and Barriers of the Solar Water Heating Entrepreneurial System: A Cost–Benefit Analysis" Sustainability 15, no. 20: 14989.

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