Sustainable Mobilities in the Neighborhood: Methodological Innovation for Social Change
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Triad of Propulsion, Transport, and Mobility Transition
- Public transport shall be doubled within this time span;
- Every second car shall drive without causing any negative climate effects;
- Every second ton of cargo shall be transported without GHG emissions;
- Urban and rural car traffic shall be lowered by one fifth; and
- People shall move every second trip actively on foot or bike.
1.2. Mobilizing Society
1.3. The Three Pillars of Sustainable Mobility
- Climate change impacts;
- Medium- and long-term climate-friendly behavioral changes in the area of mobility (mobility practice);
- Redesigns in neighborhoods, as mobility and public space can be rethought and thus also be redesigned;
- The development of viable, new mobility services;
- The transferability of results to other regions and places.
1.4. Changing Mobility Culture
2. Methods
2.1. Research Design in MobiQ
2.2. Spatial and Socio-Demographic Context Analysis
2.3. Learning from Best-Practice
- Mobility offer: Community-based mobility offers vary by target group and context. In other words, solutions for local mobility problems are mostly specific, place-sensitive, and almost never immediately transferable. This makes the upscaling and dissemination of solutions challenging, even for successfully established projects.
- Use patterns and users: Many community-based mobility services have been used primarily by homogeneous groups of rather high-income and well-educated people. Nevertheless, low-threshold sharing offers without too many rules as well as ride-sharing offers and driving services with a high level of social interaction amongst users are increasingly also reaching other social groups.
- Leitbilder: A strong common mission statement as a guiding vision that is supported by different stakeholders and people active in the projects provides incentives to engage in the operation of the collaborative mobility service and strengthens the acceptance to adopt common rules for the design of the mobility service.
- Key persons: In almost all cases analyzed, individuals carrying and promoting the co-productive processes to a wider public play an important role in its success. They often stem directly from the group of people who initiated the collaborative work on mobility solutions and offers to the neighborhoods. Some of the technical expertise for the development and operation of the service frequently comes from external sources and the supporting networks around the projects.
- Types of implementation processes: Typical implementation processes can be identified: (1) mobility offers in community housing projects, where the mobility offer is part of the community development of the living and residential environment; (2) initiatives of persons (groups) who want to create more suitable mobility offers for themselves and others; and (3) participative projects initiated by politics.
- Financing and ensuring operation: The central pillar for the operation of community mobility offers is civic commitment and activities. Financing structures can vary widely between different types of collaborative mobility offers. In particular, providing initial investment can be a key challenge for the emergence of collaborative mobility offers. Overall, financial support from public sources (e.g., via direct grants, research projects, donations, etc.) plays a central role in the emergence and operation of mobility offers and for the success and the stability of the overall project.
- (Im)material key resources: There are differing opinions on a reasonable degree of automation and digitization of the operation of offers. While automation and digitization can simplify the organization of operations, they can also raise the threshold for entry, acceptance, and use.
2.4. Understanding Context: Socio-Material Network Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Socio-Economic Context in Stuttgart-Rot
3.2. Co-Production in Stuttgart–Rot
3.3. Socio-Economic Context in Geislingen
3.4. Co-Production in Geislingen
3.5. Socio-Economic Context in Waldburg
3.6. Co-Production in Waldburg
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Kesselring, S.; Simon-Philipp, C.; Bansen, J.; Hefner, B.; Minnich, L.; Schreiber, J. Sustainable Mobilities in the Neighborhood: Methodological Innovation for Social Change. Sustainability 2023, 15, 3583.
Kesselring S, Simon-Philipp C, Bansen J, Hefner B, Minnich L, Schreiber J. Sustainable Mobilities in the Neighborhood: Methodological Innovation for Social Change. Sustainability. 2023; 15(4):3583.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKesselring, Sven, Christina Simon-Philipp, Julian Bansen, Barbara Hefner, Lukas Minnich, and Jonathan Schreiber. 2023. "Sustainable Mobilities in the Neighborhood: Methodological Innovation for Social Change" Sustainability 15, no. 4: 3583.
APA StyleKesselring, S., Simon-Philipp, C., Bansen, J., Hefner, B., Minnich, L., & Schreiber, J. (2023). Sustainable Mobilities in the Neighborhood: Methodological Innovation for Social Change. Sustainability, 15(4), 3583.