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Greening the Way Forward: A Qualitative Assessment of Green Technology Integration and Prospects in a Chinese Technical and Vocational Institute

Research Institute of Vocational Education, Xiamen City University (Xiamen Open University), Xiamen 361008, China
School of Business Administration, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China
Quality Assurance Department, Bahria University, Islamabad 44230, Pakistan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2023, 15(6), 5187;
Submission received: 16 February 2023 / Revised: 6 March 2023 / Accepted: 9 March 2023 / Published: 15 March 2023


In an era of rapid change and sustainable development, reform of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems worldwide is essential. Integrating green technologies into TVET is key to training a competent workforce in this field. This study aims to determine the extent of faculty knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards green technology to better integrate green technology into future labor. Sixteen faculty from a public technical and vocational institute in China were interviewed, and the contents were analyzed with NVIVO 11 software. However, our research reveals a daunting challenge: 68% of vocational education teachers lack the necessary knowledge and understanding of green technologies. Despite this, the attitudes of these teachers toward integrating green technology into education vary widely, ranging from education about environmental protection to education about green production to education about good green habits. The majority of faculty recognize the need for green technology education due to governmental requirements, industry transformation, improving student employability, and creating environmentally friendly citizens. Unfortunately, faculty commitment to green technologies remains low. A few faculty members have integrated green technologies into their teaching, but research in this area remains limited, primarily due to heavy workloads, course and program irrelevance, lack of college support, and lack of industry demand. To address this problem, faculty members have proposed embedding green technology education into the talent development system rather than treating it as a stand-alone course. They also emphasize the need for closer collaboration with the industry to improve green technology education. This study serves as a foundation for understanding the current state of green technology in vocational education and a pathway for its improvement.

1. Introduction

The pandemic has exposed the interdependence of our world and highlighted the consequences of uncontrolled economic growth and neglect of nature. The pressing problems of deforestation, climate change, resource depletion, and waste require a new approach to development. Technology and finance alone will not achieve true sustainability. Instead, we must create a marriage of green technology and a workforce trained in its use. Only through this harmony can we build a future that is sustainable for all. A skilled workforce and engineering technicians are paramount in implementing new and green technologies. Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions serve as essential sources of knowledge for adapting to technological change in specific contexts [1,2]. Over the years, vocational education has changed to keep pace with changing workplace practices and to provide students with the latest technologies and knowledge. The importance of TVET for national development has been recognized by global organizations such as UNESCO and the World Bank. UNESCO [3] defines TVET as the educational process that involves the study of technologies, related sciences, and practical skills and attitudes, as well as the understanding of vocational knowledge in various areas of economic and social life. Research recognizes the critical role of TVET in making a unique contribution to sustainable development [4,5]. Therefore, VET is an important component of human resource development and is highly valued in the strategic and operational priorities of G20 countries [6], and is fundamental to socioeconomic development with a focus on the greening agenda [7]. The link between technology and human skills is evident in the contributions of vocational education and training, highlighting the importance of education and training in shaping a sustainable future.
The Chinese government and the Ministry of Education (MOE) are actively promoting a greener future and sustainable development. The “Integrated Five-Sphere Plan” of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes the need for coordinated progress in the economic, political, cultural, social, and environmental fields, with the building of ecological civilization as the foundation [8] (p. 247). In an effort to promote green technology innovation, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued the “Guiding Opinions on Building a Market-oriented Green Technology Innovation System” in 2019, which aims to strengthen green technology innovation talent training [9]. The MOE has also taken measures to integrate green and low-carbon education into the education system and put higher education institutions at the forefront of green culture, education, and science and technology [10,11]. The importance of higher vocational schools in green education policy is becoming increasingly clear, consolidating the role of TVET institutions in promoting sustainable development.
In China, TVET institutions are the cornerstone of training some 10 million highly skilled professionals annually. As reported by the People’s Daily [12], a significant proportion of the top talent in modern manufacturing, strategically emerging industries, and the modern service sector comes from the ranks of TVET graduates. As society and economic development place increasing emphasis on green technologies and innovation, vocational education and training have a critical role in promoting sustainable growth and a green economy by serving as a primary source of human capital. The transformation in the manufacturing industry and modernization with a focus on green production are leading to a significant shift in the labor market. In this new economic environment, vocational education is increasingly challenged to adapt to the changing employment opportunities and skill requirements created by the green development agenda. Therefore, in this new social and economic phase, vocational education must remain alert and proactive to meet the demands of a changing labor market, making it an important area of research.
In the People’s Republic of China, the vocational education system includes a number of levels, from vocational education in elementary school to higher vocational education. This education is implemented through various institutions such as secondary technical schools, adult secondary technical schools, and vocational high schools. Secondary vocational education is mainly aimed at middle school graduates and those with equivalent educational backgrounds. In 2021, there were 7294 vocational secondary schools (excluding technical schools) nationwide, with a student population of 4,889,900 [13] (p. 23). Higher vocational education, on the other hand, is aimed at graduates of secondary vocational schools, graduates of traditional high schools, and those with an equivalent academic level. This type of education includes three-year junior college education and four-year undergraduate education. In 2021, there were 1518 higher vocational schools (including 32 vocational and elementary schools) with a total number of 5,567,200 students [13] (pp. 23–24). In addition, at the end of 2021, there were 2492 technical colleges in China, with a total of 1,672,000 students [14].
In 2014, China’s State Council held a national conference on vocational education. Several ministries, including the Ministry of Education, issued the Plan for Building a Modern Vocational Education System (2014–2020). The plan aimed to build a modern vocational education system that embodies the principles of lifelong learning with unique Chinese characteristics and global standards and promotes the integration of industry and education to meet the demands of development [13] (p. 21). The newly revised Vocational Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, which came into effect on 1 May 2022, emphasizes the importance of vocational education. The law states that vocational education is equal to general education, is a fundamental aspect of the national education system and human resource development, and serves as an essential means of cultivating various talents, teaching technical skills, and promoting employment and entrepreneurship [15]. In light of the provisions of the Vocational Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, vocational schools must adapt their curricula to meet the changing demands of industry, including those related to green technology.
Education and training of the current and future technical and skilled workforce are critical to support the transition from carbon-intensive to environmentally friendly technologies, processes, and practices [16]. Despite the alarming rate at which the planet’s natural resources, forests, and human livelihoods are degrading, educational institutions in both developed and developing countries have not paid sufficient attention to integrating green technology skills, knowledge, and training into their curricula, research, and services [16,17]. This lack of attention has led to a shortage of trained personnel in green technology and a slow response to changing global and green technology trends [16,17]. Like other signatories to the Paris Climate Agreement, China has committed to limiting the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius or less than 2 degrees [18]. As TVET institutions are the main suppliers of semi-skilled and skilled labor for various industries, they have a great responsibility to promote and disseminate green innovation practices and technologies to mitigate the negative impacts of industrial and commercial activities [19,20].
Green development is a comprehensive concept that involves all aspects of society and requires integration across all industries. In recent years, with the implementation of the “two-carbon” strategy, various industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, research and development, management, and services, have made efforts to transition and modernize to a green economy. This transformation has created new technical fields and requirements for new green jobs, which underscores the critical role of education and training, particularly vocational schools, in facilitating the transition to environmentally conscious, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth [13]. As one of the most important forms of education for economic and social development, vocational education occupies a prominent position in green skills training. Therefore, it is imperative that vocational schools take a leading role in promoting green technologies and minimizing negative environmental impacts from industrial activities.
Scholars from various academic fields agree that advances in green technology can help create a harmonious balance between human activities and nature [19]. Green technology is defined as the use and development of systems, processes, products, and tools that aim to preserve ecological quality and natural resources while mitigating the adverse impacts of human activities [21]. The concept of green technology is based on the principles of environmental protection and economic development and is aimed at sustainable growth. It includes techniques such as reducing resource consumption, maximizing energy and resource efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, recycling, using environmentally friendly products, and protecting the environment. In this context, “green jobs” or “green careers” require the mastery of technologies, knowledge, values, and attitudes associated with green technology. Consequently, it is imperative that vocational schools incorporate green technology education into their curriculum. This will help provide students with the knowledge and practices necessary to protect the environment and promote sustainability. In addition, integrating green technology education into vocational schools has been shown to increase students’ employability, improve their problem-solving skills, promote sustainable development and entrepreneurship education [22], and increase their confidence in science and technology [23]. As a form of education that is closely linked to economic and social development, vocational education is in a position to play a key role in promoting green skills. Therefore, it is the responsibility of vocational schools to promote green technology education in order to minimize the environmental impact caused by the industry. A significant body of the literature supports the integration of green technology into teaching, training, research, and services in vocational schools to equip the current and future workforce with environmental stewardship [19,24]. This study marks the beginning of an investigation into the need to integrate green technologies into vocational education and emphasizes the importance of equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes critical to creating a sustainable future.
China’s Ministry of Education reports that a significant portion of the top talent in modern manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, and modern services are graduates of vocational schools, with more than 70% coming from these institutions [12]. The demand for green skills, especially in the context of the rapidly developing green economy, is a critical factor in education. The pursuit of green development and the recognition of “green mountains and lush waters as invaluable assets” has gained widespread support and increasingly attracted the attention of the government and the nation. Green education research has also gained momentum as a result of this growing awareness [25]. According to Chen, director of the Machinery Industry Education Development Center, the inclusion of green education in vocational training will emerge as a trend in China, and general green skills will be essential for promoting social change and development.
A major goal of this study is to address the gap in teachers’ knowledge and attitudes toward green technologies. Although there is a growing body of the literature on integrating green technologies into vocational education, empirical research on teachers remains sparse. As Liu and Lin [26] previously noted, the results of their study of 37 tourism majors in 10 vocational schools in China indicated that teachers did not pay enough attention to green education. A similar conclusion was reached by Ramlia, Rasulb, and Affandi [27], who surveyed trainees and lecturers at a TEVT institute in Malaysia. Respondents agreed that integrating green skills into extracurricular teaching and learning activities, selecting environmentally friendly products and applying green technologies are essential in all vocational education subjects. In Indonesia, Handayani, Ali, Wahyudin, and Mukhidin [28] investigated agricultural vocational school teachers’ understanding of green competencies and their place in the curriculum. The results showed that teachers had limited knowledge of green skills, which were limited to environmental topics. Nevertheless, they agreed that students should be equipped with green skills. Despite this agreement, the importance of green skills was not explicitly mentioned in the curriculum of agricultural vocational schools. In addition, Xie and Zhang [29] and Tang [30] agreed that the development of green technologies is still in its infancy and that progress in green vocational education is slow and hindered by a lack of understanding among all stakeholders, an inadequate development base, and limited research findings. Xu and Li [31] acknowledged that vocational education faces many challenges in training green talents who cannot meet the demands of the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. However, to date, there have been no studies examining the understanding of green technology among vocational school teachers. This study attempts to fill this gap by examining the knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to green technology among vocational school faculty.

2. Objective, Research Questions, and Hypothesis

2.1. Objective and Research Questions

The purpose of this study is to investigate the understanding, perceptions, and behaviors of vocational school faculty regarding green technologies. This study is of utmost importance because faculty play a critical role in shaping the thoughts and actions of future generations of workers who will be responsible for maintaining the delicate balance between human activities and the natural environment. In addition, the insights gained from this study could be useful to policymakers, educational program developers, and educators seeking to improve their understanding of how to integrate green technology into vocational education. The study seeks to shed light on the following question: What is the extent of faculty’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to green technology in the context of the selected vocational schools?

2.2. Methods

This study uses a qualitative design with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of vocational school faculty in China and their knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to green technology. To achieve this goal, the researchers chose to conduct interviews as the primary method of data collection. This approach is based on Chen’s [32] (p. 6) assertion that interviews are a practical means of gaining insight into a person’s understanding and attitude toward a particular topic or phenomenon. In this study, therefore, interviewing will serve as the primary tool to explore the current state of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to green technology among teachers in vocational schools in China. Due to COVID-19 protocols and institutional restrictions, the author access was confined to a single public TVET institute, located in a Tier-1 developed X city of southeast China, a well-developed city famous for its green development. This institute is comparatively better than others in the same region vis-a-viz sustainable development. The contents were analyzed with NVIVO 11 software.

2.3. Participant

The population for this study consisted of faculty members from a single vocational school. An email invitation was sent to the faculty members that included the research questions and an ethical note for the study. However, due to faculty members’ busy schedules toward the end of the semester and a significant increase in COVID-19 cases, only 16 faculty members were able to participate in this study. A summary of the participant data can be found in Table 1 below.

2.4. Instrument

The research team carefully created an interview script based on the three analytical dimensions of green technology proposed by Kaliappan and Hamid [19], which include knowledge, attitude, and practice. The instrument’s validity was ensured through a pretest by two renowned experts who did not participate in the study. The experts’ insightful suggestions and recommendations were incorporated into the final version of the interview script. The interview was conducted with 16 teachers from the selected vocational school. Each interview lasted between 30 min and one hour and was recorded with the consent of the participants. The questions were, “What is your understanding of green technology in education?”, “Is green technology important in vocational education?”, “How have you integrated green technology into your work?”, “Why have you not been heavily involved?” and “How should green technology training be delivered?” The Data survey took place over one month in 2022.

3. Data Analysis

Data analysis was conducted using a qualitative methodology aimed at describing, illustrating, evaluating, and interpreting the collected data. This approach was guided by the principles of an open coding process that resulted in an inductive system of codes and categories as described by Saldaña [33] (p. 100). The coding process for the interviews was conducted in an iterative procedure in two iterations involving two researchers and was facilitated by the use of NVIVO 11 software. In cases where ambiguities arose, the fragments were presented to the entire research team for clarification and evaluation. All codes were then classified according to their relevant aspect, resulting in the identification of conceptual categories, as in the methodology described by Figueira, Theodora-Kopoulos, and Caselli [34]. This strategy offered invaluable qualitative insight into the participants’ perception while making sense of their experiences concerning green tech, as posited by Creswell [35]. As discussed below, the data provided a peak into the participants’ extent of green technology-related knowledge, as well as their beliefs vis-a-vis the relevance of green technology education.

4. Results

The sample of this study consisted of sixteen teachers from a vocational school in China, representing a wide range of academic disciplines, including construction, art, languages, accounting, transportation, manufacturing, education, mathematics, finance, computer science, and law. The objective was to assess the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to green technologies among these faculty members, which play a critical role in shaping the future workforce and influencing their views on environmental protection and conservation.

4.1. Green Technology Knowledge

The aim of the present study was to investigate the level of knowledge and awareness of faculty members from different fields regarding green technology education. Results indicated that a significant percentage of participants were not adequately informed. Specifically, 56% (n = 9) of faculty indicated that they were not familiar with green technology (see Table 2). As one of the participants from the computer science department stated, “What is green technology education? What do we mean by green technology education? I have not acquired knowledge about this” (F2-computing).
Additionally, 12.5% (n = 2) of the respondents acknowledged having a little knowledge about green technology education, which they obtained through non-academic sources such as newspapers. One participant from the transportation field suggested that green technology education is about minimising the use of resources and adopting eco-friendly practices, stating, “Can it be understood this way? I think it means not spending too much on paper, electricity, etc. It’s about minimizing the use of resources and being more like what we call a paperless office.” (F13-transportation).
Moreover, 18.75% (n = 3) of the participants claimed to be familiar with green technology education. These contributors talked about the history and rules governing green technology. Manufacturing industry participant gave the following explanation: “In the course, I explain to students, for example, why we are pursuing carbon peak and carbon neutrality and teach them the concepts of green manufacturing, recycling, and sustainability.” (F6-manufacturing).
Likewise, a respondent from the construction major elaborated that green technology education was a key element of their taught courses, saying, “I think green technology education probably lies in the material aspect of my major. For example, when discussing building materials, we will talk about what materials we use less now. This change is from the perspective of environmental protection.” (F10-construction).
Nearly 12.5% (n = 2) of the participants believed to have a superior level of green technology education. These interviewees not only demonstrated a relatively high theoretical knowledge level but also claimed practical research and teaching experience about sustainability. For instance, a construction major teacher defined the notion and idea of green technology education, stating, “Green technology education is the aspect of saving energy and materials. In the case of an assembly course, the pitch is that you can finish all the decorative surfaces in an entire room with a screwdriver! For example, home decoration needs to stick tile, and cement mortar is required when sticking tile, making the whole site very messy and dirty.” (F15-construction).
Furthermore, our study showed that faculty members from various professions had varying degrees of understanding about teaching green technologies. In particular, professors in STEM subjects demonstrated a better level of expertise than their counterparts in the humanities and social sciences. To effectively promote sustainable practices in higher education, faculty members from all professions need to be more aware of and knowledgeable about green technology education.

4.2. Attitude Regarding Green Technology

4.2.1. Understanding of Green Technology

As shown in Table 3, there were four different categories of beliefs on green technology education. The first group viewed green technology education as a tool for preserving the environment. This group supports reducing paper usage, using eco-friendly materials in place of hazardous ones, and making efficient use of commodities and resources. Faculty members also perceived that teaching students about green technology was important for helping students learn how to conserve energy, use resources effectively, and cut emissions. A professor remarked, “green technology education is to have the concept of using eco-friendly materials and reducing waste while doing manufacturing, including design, in order to reduce environmental harm” (F6-manufacturing). Another faculty member emphasized that green technology education aims to promote energy conservation and environmental protection by reducing the production of construction waste (F9-construction).
The second group linked new higher education majors, such as those that are concentrated on low carbon emissions, high efficiency, new energy, and new materials, with green technology education. According to one member of the faculty, “related majors in green technology education are aimed at achieving carbon peak and neutrality, such as new energy and photovoltaics” (F1-math).
The third category connected clean and green production with instruction in green technologies. These faculty members noted that waste, carbon emissions, and pollution in construction and industry could be reduced with green knowledge. For instance, a professor with expertise in construction suggested that “the concept of fabricated building, which is characterized by prefabricated beams, plates, columns, decorative hangings, walls, floors, and ceilings, is perceived to be environmentally friendly and will be more widely used in the future” (F15-construction). One faculty member commented, “green technology education refers to environmental protection and sustainable development, including carbon neutrality and carbon peak, and green manufacturing” (F6-manufacturing).
The fourth category is associated with teaching about green technologies to instruction on healthy lifestyles. This category focused on establishing green lifestyle behaviors, such as resource conservation and hygiene routines. One professor voiced his opinion, “keeping a clean environment is essential. I tell students how glorious it is to do work, and other students also need your help cleaning” (F4-design). Another faculty member emphasized that “green technology education can instill resource-saving habits in students, such as turning off computers that are not in use, in their daily lives” (F13-transportation).
To summarize, faculty members think that teaching about green technology can inspire new majors in higher education, encourage clean and green production, and foster the development of resource-saving and hygienic behaviors in daily life. These ideas offer insightful information about the potential effects and advantages of green technology education in higher education.

4.2.2. Importance of Green Technology Education

Like many others, the faculty believed that instruction in green technology is essential and required. A respondent gave the question a favorable response., “Is green technology important in TVET?” Four categories can be used to explain the probable causes of such responses. First of all, faculty argued that institutions should offer relevant majors to teach students in green skills and awareness since the government mandates it as part of the talent cultivation plan. As stated by F1-math, “It is now necessary to set up similar courses to train students to have such green skills and awareness from the perspective of concept and consciousness.” Secondly, students who graduate with sustainability-related knowledge and skills are more likely to play a role in uplifting economic transformation and upgradation. As F15-construction explained, “We first teach this knowledge in courses, which may greatly help the industry transformation in the future.” Thirdly, education of sustainability and green technology education is critical for the new generation of graduates who will be to seeking employment in industries with a demand for such skills and knowledge. As F12-construction indicated, “Talent training needs to keep up with the development of the outside industry.” Finally, nurturing eco-friendly attitudes and behaviors was considered a key to the future of sustainable development in China. Green technology education was expected to play a critical part in accomplishing this goal. As commented by F6-manufacturing: “So it’s indispensable to teach this idea to everyone.
To conclude, the faculty consistently approved that green technology education was indispensable and required for the good of the public and society.

4.3. Practices Related to Green Technology

This study found that a sizable majority (62.5%) of professors included information about green technology in their lessons, directly and indirectly. This included presenting environmental protection ideas and eco-friendly building materials, as well as setting up assignments on environmental protection-related topics. During instruction, certain staff members also underlined the significance of encouraging pupils to adopt clean and waste-free conduct. The use of case themes that cannot be separated from public welfare and environmental protection was mentioned by a faculty member who taught advertising design. They used these themes to teach students how to present the theme of environmental protection in advertising design and share examples of vintage posters to do so. For instance, a design faculty member claimed that “I’ll probably talk about that in my lecture. I teach advertising design, and there will undoubtedly be some case themes that cannot be separated from public welfare and environmental protection. For example, if I want to design a poster with the theme of environmental protection, I will start with the forms of advertising design. Then there will be public welfare advertising, and the public welfare section will involve ecological protection. Then I will share some classic poster cases to show how to present the theme of environmental protection. The students can enjoy and parse cases” (F3-design). Another faculty from manufacturing reiterated that: “I also talk to the students in the course about why we are doing carbon peak, carbon neutral, and green manufacturing and why we advocate the concept of recycling and sustainability” (F6-manufacturing).
As reported, students were taught about environmental preservation even in classes that were not devoted to green technology, such as materials and construction. Students could study zero- or low-carbon-intensive materials and their effects in materials courses, for instance. Students in construction courses examined the environmental effects of various methods of joining materials. As a teacher pointed out, “the course of the materials will also teach students about this content, such as the formaldehyde release rate of the material. What are the respective standards in Europe, the United States, and China? Which materials will release less formaldehyde or even zero formaldehyde? And what means do we use to deal with the formaldehyde materials released by some materials? We’ve been talking about all this stuff. This is the material class. The construction course does the same. For example, you can stick it with glue or hit it with nails. Which one will be more environmentally friendly? We will ask students to do an analysis.” (F15-construction).
A few faculty members reported their involvement in green technology research activities. One professor talked about their work creating a research platform for college students, and another highlighted reading academic articles on carbon emissions. The former faculty noted that “we are now applying for a university-level scientific research platform. We may use 3D laser scanning technology, a BIM model (modeling technology), and new building materials. From the point of view of environmental protection, we add some solid waste into the new building materials, such as gypsum waste or stone powder waste, to make this suitable for some small components with good mechanical performance. So, we can solve part of the solid waste problem because a lot of industrial production now leaves a lot of this kind of solid waste, like gypsum. XX (a big industry company) produces a mountain of this gypsum waste yearly. Its annual output can be billions of tons. If solid waste cannot be digested, it will significantly pollute the environment.” (F15-construction) while the latter argued that “I just read articles about carbon emissions and stuff” (F8-logistics).
That said, none of the faculty members had collaborated with businesses on projects involving green technology in terms of social service. Many have attributed this to the emphasis on profit and the absence of spending on environmentally friendly products or technology. As emphasized by a construction faculty member: “They [enterprises] do not put much energy into eco-friendly materials or technology. The enterprise pays more attention to the profit problem and will not put too much energy into cutting-edge technology. He doesn’t care about new building materials or ideas like intelligent buildings” (F15-construction).
In sum, while some faculty members incorporated green technology into their research, teaching, and community engagement, there was still potential for improvement, and more organized actions were needed to solve environmental challenges.

4.4. Reason for Little Engagement with Green Technology

There were several reasons given in response to the topic of why professors had made significant efforts to include green technology in their classes. Secondly, 12.5% of faculty members said that because of their existing heavy workloads as instructors, they did not have much time left to introduce a brand-new, challenging idea such as green technology, as per a faculty member, “There’s really no energy left. We need to do work selectively. The teacher is exhausted. There are skill contests, and we need to take ideological and political courses. There’s really no energy left. We need to do work selectively. Besides, a team is essential; one person can’t do all the work” (F2-computing). Second, according to 31% of professors, the viability of adding green technology into their lectures relied on the field, major, or specialty in question. While some courses were more amenable to the incorporation of green technology, others had limited space to integrate the same topic: “Environmental engineering or architecture can integrate easily, but my major (preschool education) is not relevant. A hard implant won’t work” (F7-education). The was an underlying misconception dominating most faculty beliefs that green technology may be very simple to adapt for a professor teaching environmental engineering or architecture, but it may be more difficult for a professor teaching preschool education.
Third, 37.5% of teachers said that there is no clear mandate or necessity for green technology education at their college or institution, which makes it challenging to prioritize and commit resources in this area. A faculty member said, “The concept of hierarchy is clear here, and the tasks need to be communicated from the top to the lower level. The leaders make requirements clear; then, the faculty will follow instructions. You mentioned this green technology education. I was a little confused because I did not receive the notice from the superior. Other requirements are all informed by the superior” (F11-education). Elaborating on the strategic emphasis, a teacher from major manufacturing argued that “green technology is not probably part of our student cultivating goal right now” (F6-manufacturing).
Fourth, just 12.5% of faculty members reported a shortage of jobs requiring green technologies. It might be challenging for professors to defend introducing green technology into their classes because some businesses put profit before environmental considerations. Finally, 6.25% of faculty reported insufficient teaching resources for green technology education. The lack of a unified standard can make it difficult to select appropriate teaching materials, and some faculty may not feel confident in their ability to teach the subject matter effectively. As reiterated by a faculty member: “companies also notice green technology, but actually, their focus may not be that. They won’t focus too much on that. Because companies are more concerned with profit” (F15-construction). Another faculty contributed to the same argument by saying that “some mainstream products and technologies were introduced to students, but there were different opinions later. Finally, we made a student cultivation program following the national standard. We have thought about it, but we still believe the teaching resources may not be mature enough. So green technology is not included. Some leading domestic enterprises also produce some teaching materials. There is no unified standard, and each uses its own software” (F12-construction).
Overall, these comments indicated that a variety of reasons, including workload, field or expertise, institutional priorities, market demand, and teaching resources, as key factors playing a role in restricting the use of green technology in their courses. Thus, it is safe to conclude that promoting the wider adoption of green technologies in higher education will require addressing these issues.

4.5. Suggestions for Implementing Green Technology Education

Faculty members argued that using green technology effectively in education is a crucial issue that requires serious thought. Two strategies were proposed to deal with such issues: (i) creating distinct courses on green technology; (ii) or incorporating green technology into whole specialty courses. It’s important to note that only 6.25% of the teachers preferred the former strategy, with the majority saying they preferred integrating green technology into all courses. One faculty member expressed their views as follows: “For us, there is no need to open a separate course. There is no clear goal or theme to achieve, and it is unclear how many teaching hours would be appropriate for an independent course. Instead, we can integrate green technology education into existing courses or provide special lectures to increase orientation education. Therefore, a separate course is unnecessary.” (F13-transportation). Another teacher noted that “In our curriculum design, the construction engineering majors have courses such as fabricated buildings and steel structures. Although the steel structure is more environmentally friendly than the concrete structure, the core courses of our decoration major, such as decoration BIM and prefabricated architecture, also have design components. There is a connection between basic and specialized courses, and green technology is not the sole focus of any individual course. Our talent development program is designed holistically, and the entire course has some content related to green technology. Thus, there is no need to emphasize environmental protection as a separate course, as this approach may be too vague. Instead, we believe that integrating green technology education into existing courses will have a greater impact.” (F15-construction).
Faculty members recommended that TVET universities should work with the industry to stay abreast of new advancements. Industry partnerships can assist in developing talent development strategies and providing internships to students, giving them useful insights into the real world and the needs of the sector. According to a faculty member, “we collaborated with high-quality enterprises, including some of the world’s top 500 companies and leading local firms. Our goal is to develop our school into an industrial school, and we invited industry experts and business owners to participate in the development of our talent training plan. Green technology education is integrated into the entire process, from course design to internships. This major emphasizes practical experience over theory, and we rely on outside experts to supplement our faculty’s knowledge.” (F15-construction).
In conclusion, the opinions of the faculty members suggested that two effective methods for advancing green technology education are incorporating it into existing courses and forming collaborations with businesses. These methods could give students a more thorough and useful education and could better prepare them for the difficulties of the real world.

5. Discussion

By shedding light on faculty members’ perceptions of green technology’s importance and definition, the current study explored the debates surrounding it. Furthermore, carefully examining faculty members’ opinions on the teaching of green technologies while taking into account their areas of expertise, it enhances research on faculty training. The KAP (knowledge, attitude, and practice) model offers a ground-breaking method for assessing the success or failure of institutes to promote green technology. The present outcomes of an initial study of one vocational college can act as a spark to advance green technology education in the Chinese vocational system and in other nations with comparable academic structures. When responding to “How do you understand green technology education?”, the interviews highlighted a limited knowledge of green technology education, where a majority of respondents (68%) confirmed that they had limited understanding or they were unaware of the term, i.e., green technology. Although this response suggested that the vocational college had limited integration of green technology education, causing different perceptions, understanding, and opinions about green technology, some faculty noted that they gained information about the topic from secondary material, e.g., research papers, news, and articles. Importantly, a small fraction of interviewed faculty, mainly from the construction and engineering majors, showed impressive awareness of green technology. Overall, the above findings echo Tan and Ning’s [36] work, which reported a similar issue (i.e., the presence of an inadequate comprehensive green knowledge system and initiatives for green behavior) and called for improving green competency, knowledge, and skills among TVET faculty, particularly in economic management major. Likewise, Vinathan [37] noted that primary school instructors lacked sufficient desire and awareness of green technology practices.
In addition, faculty members have also highlighted the idea of environmental protection education, which includes waste reduction, energy and resource conservation, new majors in green manufacturing and construction, and good green and clean habit education. These ideas are consistent with the definition of “green technology” given by KeTTHA [21], which specifies that it entails the application and development of systems, processes, products, tools, or apparatus with the intention of preserving ecological quality and limiting the detrimental effects of human actions on resources. Tang [30] advocates integrating three types of green technology to improve outcomes in green education: green behavior and consciousness, STEM skills relevant to the green economy, and leadership and management skills for a green transformation. More specifically, professors have urged students to adopt environmentally friendly habits, including shutting off computers, lights, and faucets when not in use. This supports the beliefs of Alwi, Kamis, and Rus [38], Ramlia, Rasulb, and Affandi [27], and Farahin et al. [39], who think that green technology should be integrated into daily life. It also enables students to conserve water, separate waste, and save power. One of the teachers who responded even suggested introducing eco-friendly techniques into cooking lessons, such as water conservation and lowering the usage of non-recyclable materials. According to Ramlia, Rasulb, and Affandi, reducing trash and recycling whenever possible essential for efficiently living a green lifestyle [27]. Alwi, Kamis, and Rus’ [38] innovative approach to teaching and developing green skills emphasizes the significance of integrating green technology into daily routines.
In the same vein, the value of green technology education for students in TVET was broadly agreed upon by the faculty, but this perception differs from those of Sack et al. [40], who found that just 54% of Australian faculty thought it was an essential component of learning. Then again, as stated by Ramlia, Rasulb, and Affandi, the majority of teachers and lecturers in TVET institutes agree that integrating green skills into the TVET curriculum is essential for supporting sustainable development [27]. According to Vinathan, the degree of faculty members’ awareness of and motivation for adopting green practices depends on their level of expertise and comprehension of green technology [37]. The Theory of Planned Behavior asserts that information has a significant influence on human behavior and intention [41]. So, one may forecast faculty members’ engagement and participation based on their expertise and awareness of green technology, in addition to faculty involvement in green technologies. Several participants had respectable pro-green practices, ideals, attitudes, and behaviors, according to Tan and Ning [36]. This finding is consistent with research by Kamis, Alwi, Limuna, Zakaria, and Amin [22], who found that teachers in the TVET system indirectly taught students about the environment through courses such as life skills. Significantly, teachers with backgrounds in manufacturing and construction demonstrated a higher level of involvement in green research and possessed a deeper knowledge of green technologies. This deviates from the findings of Sack et al. [40], who claimed that certain Australian faculty lacked the competencies or understanding required for green technologies.
Considering engagement, per interviews, there was little faculty involvement in green technology practices at vocational colleges. In order to positively affect students’ views toward environmental friendliness, instructors must engage in green practices, such as ecologically conscious habits and behaviors. This is consistent with the findings of Lee, Muhtar, and Lai [42], who propose that students should be taught environmentally friendly habits, including carpooling, preserving energy and water, using fewer disposable items, and adopting green technologies. Murga-Menoyo [43] argues that educators and faculty members should act as role models for fostering a love of life and the environment in the next generation. Faculty members gave a number of explanations for the low engagement levels, including an onerous workload, a lack of relevance to their area of expertise, a lack of college prerequisites, market demand, and a lack of teaching tools. This is consistent with research by Sack et al. [40] conducted in Australia, where 20% of academic staff members said they lacked enough time to teach such material.
Congruent with the above, the faculty stated that integrating green technology education into all courses would be an excellent strategy for putting it into practice. This point of view is consistent with the findings of Ramlia, Rasulb, and Affandi [27], who claimed that extracurricular and curricular activities could both be used to integrate green skills into the curriculum. These abilities include both hard and soft skills. Moreover, the faculty suggested that clear criteria be established for green technology education at the university and governmental levels. As Maina [44] noted, policymakers, planners, and decision-makers in the education sector should take a comprehensive strategy for integrating green technologies into TVET. The TVET curriculum, learning objectives, teaching-learning procedures, institutional rules, and practices should all reflect this integration.
Lastly, the faculty also proposed enhancing green technology education by working more closely with businesses. The gap between education and satisfying the rising demand for human capital, particularly in clean and green technologies, must be closed in order for graduates to be able to keep up with the changing demands of the labor market [45]. Napathorn [46] also believes that students should have the chance to use their green skills in practical situations. The faculty also proposed enhancing green technology education by working more closely with businesses. The gap between education and satisfying the rising demand for human capital, particularly in clean and green technologies, must be closed in order for graduates to be able to keep up with the changing demands of the labor market [45]. Napathorn [46] also believes that students should have the chance to use their green skills in practical situations. According to Kaliappan and Hamid [19], developing a curriculum that satisfies industry requirements requires integrated and cooperative strategies from all parties involved in TVET and green technology, including industrial organizations.
Nonetheless, it is widely acknowledged that the most competent individuals to determine the necessary knowledge and skills required to perform a job are the individuals performing the job proficiently. Goodine [45] supports this notion and highlights the importance of ensuring that TVET institutions collaborate with industrial enterprises to meet the changing demands for new skills. Similarly, Condon and Zhao [47] emphasize the significance of strengthening cooperation between TVET and the industry to meet industry requirements. By involving industry experts in talent cultivation plans and curriculum design, students can gain valuable, real-world experience through internships and close interaction with the industry. As for TVET faculty members, they are responsible for imparting technical specialties and thus must possess appropriate technical qualifications and keep abreast of developments in their area of specialization. Goodine [45] emphasizes the importance of remaining current with changes in technology to remain relevant in their field. Collaborating with the industry can also provide opportunities for faculty members to update their knowledge and remain active in their specializations.

6. Conclusions

The foundation of current and future global economic growth is sustainable development. Every educated person has a responsibility to work for a greener future, not just governments and nations. Institutions that provide technical and vocational education and training (TVET) are essential for addressing a range of economic, social, and environmental issues as well as preparing the future workforce. These institutions must actively promote the awareness, knowledge, attitudes, practices, skills, and values of the next generation in order to build a sustainable future [27]. Under the idea of Green TVET, UNESCO-UNEVOC [48] has highlighted the incorporation of sustainability into vocational education. This study supports the idea that TVET institutions must play a significant role in promoting green technology and sustainability. TVET institutions have the capacity to inspire sustainable development. The faculty has a significant impact on educational quality, particularly green technology education. Hence, it is the duty of educators to instill in pupils a sense of ownership and responsibility for sustainable development, as well as to discourage waste, encourage frugality, hard work, and simplicity, and establish environmentally sensitive lifestyles and behavior as norms. This study aims to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of teachers about green technology.
The findings of this study shed light on how professors see the teaching of green technologies. Although the majority of the faculty agree that incorporating green technology into the curriculum is important and necessary, their understanding of the topic seems to be inadequate. This can be attributable to the university and government not having strict criteria. As a result, there is a lack of faculty initiative and engagement in advancing the study of green technologies. Yet, it must be recognized that additional contributing causes to this situation include instructional resources, an excessive workload, working outside of their areas of expertise, and low market demand. The faculty suggests the implementation of explicit requirements, including green technology into the entire curriculum system, and enhancing engagement with industrial businesses to improve the outcomes of green technology education in the future. These suggestions can help technical and vocational education and training organizations in their attempts to improve the teaching of green technology.
Although insightful, the study’s reach is constrained by the small sample size and the fact that it only questioned TVET instructors from one Chinese college. As a result, future research could profit from a wider and more thorough analysis that takes a wider range of educational institutions in China and around the world into account. Furthermore, it would be advantageous to employ a mixed-methods approach, which would offer a more thorough and in-depth analysis of the subject and provide a greater knowledge of the current problems.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.L. and S.I.K.; methodology, H.L.; validation, H.L., S.I.K. and A.K.; formal analysis, H.L.; investigation, S.I.K.; resources, X.L. and A.K.; data curation, X.L.; writing—original draft, S.I.K.; writing—review and editing, H.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by two institutes, Fujian Office of Education (grant number JAT210835) and Xiamen City University (grant number GR2022-2). The first project name is A Study on the Employability of Engineering Education in BRICS Vocational Colleges under the background of new engineering. The second project name is A Study on the Employability Improvement of Vocational Education students in BRICS Country.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Xiamen City Uniersity in 2022.

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

Data in Chiniese is saved in an online database:, password: 8jwj.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. Characteristics of the participants.
Table 1. Characteristics of the participants.
Variable Subcategory Percentage Number
Field of knowledgeArts and humanities12.52
Social 254
Teaching experience0–5 years6.251
5–10 years315
+10 years6210
Professional categoryFull professor12.52
Associate professor447
Assistant lecture6.251
Table 2. Characteristics of the participants regarding level of knowledge.
Table 2. Characteristics of the participants regarding level of knowledge.
Variable SubcategoryLevel of Knowledge
Very LittleA LittleSomeA Lot
Field of knowledgeArts and humanities2100
Social sciences4000
Teaching experience0–5 years1000
5–10 years6130
+10 years2102
Table 3. Beliefs about green technology education in vocational education.
Table 3. Beliefs about green technology education in vocational education.
CategoryMain ideas
Environment protectionNo waste in energy and materials, and costs saving
Online course and teaching resources
No harmful material
New sustainable major Low carbon emission major, such as photovoltaic engineering technology and new energy science and engineering major
Green productionGreen construction
Green manufacturing
Good daily habitClean and resource-saving habit
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MDPI and ACS Style

Li, H.; Khattak, S.I.; Lu, X.; Khan, A. Greening the Way Forward: A Qualitative Assessment of Green Technology Integration and Prospects in a Chinese Technical and Vocational Institute. Sustainability 2023, 15, 5187.

AMA Style

Li H, Khattak SI, Lu X, Khan A. Greening the Way Forward: A Qualitative Assessment of Green Technology Integration and Prospects in a Chinese Technical and Vocational Institute. Sustainability. 2023; 15(6):5187.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Li, Hui, Shoukat Iqbal Khattak, Xiaoqian Lu, and Anwar Khan. 2023. "Greening the Way Forward: A Qualitative Assessment of Green Technology Integration and Prospects in a Chinese Technical and Vocational Institute" Sustainability 15, no. 6: 5187.

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