Brand Premium and Carbon Information Disclosure Strategy: Evidence from China Listed Companies
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
I found this paper would be tediously unreadable, except for a small group of professionals specializing in, without depth or integrity, embellishing some corporate image of “environmental respectability”. I think the paper might be included in publishing for what it is: a tedious uncritical word game to load various “green” sounding terms up on Chinese listed companies. The positive attribute of this research exercise is a mechanical app-driven search for “green-sounding” terms to attribute to brands. Of the 13 classes of concepts, “quantitative targets” and “qualitative targets” might reflect environmental conscientiousness, but if only their achievements were true. In careful reading of the paper it seems that all terms or numbers were counted as ‘disclosures’, which in company reports might true, might be biased, and might be false.
A weakness of the paper undermining credibility was the tendency to make general statements and then attribute a source. Normally in scientific paper, facts which may be contentious are referenced. ( Examples Line 121, 159,and 222).
By “tedious” I offer the example of the sentence at Line 14-16. I read many times and wonder the precise meaning.
As a reviewer for articles in the journal, Sustainability, I have a deep concern for what companies do to the environment and am appalled that observers report on “carbon information disclosure” in such an uncritical way. “Disclosure” implies acknowledging environment impact, whereas branding commonly embraces unabashed lying.
True robustness of research would tackle that.
Author Response
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Author Response File: Author Response.docx
Reviewer 2 Report
The in-text citation style is unusual. Most of the cited sources are extremely old, and thus the manuscript has a low integrative value in the current debates on the topic. Try and provide more references to support your ideas that are typically substantiated by only one source – and as recent & relevant as possible. Sometimes, the cumulated sources are too old to reflect the current picture. A lot of large passages are not substantiated. Quotes must include page(s). ‘Previous studies have focused on whether consumers associate functional product achievements with brand value (Guzman, 2005).’ – ‘studies’, but you mention only one, extremely old, source. ‘Carbon reduction governance is also part of "environmental" ESG governance’ - Say directly the words you mean, not in quotes, as their meaning is thus unclear (sometimes the opposite one is got). ‘Overall, these studies suggest that the consumer has more loyalty’ – what specific studies? ‘From 2008 to 2012, it stated that’ - Replace it/they with the proper words to avoid confusion. ‘From 2008 to 2012, it stated that the emission ratio of the world's major industrial countries should be 5.2% lower than in 1990’ – ‘should be’? But we are in 2023. Research questions and hypotheses must be constructed based on more specific supporting sources, preferably as recent as possible. More development and depth of the methodology and analysis are needed. ‘Stiglitz (2000) highlighted two categories of information in which asymmetry is important: information about quality and information about intention. In the first case, information asymmetry is important when one party does not fully understand the achievements of the other. In the second case, information asymmetry is also important when one party is concerned about the actions or intentions of the other. Signal information about signal quality and intent is the signal-bearer's potentially unobserved ability to satisfy the needs or requirements of outsiders observing the signal (Connelly et al., 2011).’ – who said what? You should compare your results with others in terms of concrete data for better research integrative value. The main contributions of the paper should be presented as part of the empirical discussions or critical assessment on the core research outcomes. ‘Dan S. Dhaliwal et al. (2011)’ – remove first name(s). A lot of cited sources are simply mentioned, without developing on them. Why not using updated data: First, you write ‘the World Brand Value Lab’, then ‘The World Brand Lab’. ‘Columbia University, University of Cambridge, Tsinghua University, Harvard University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology’ – how did you decide upon the order? At least a table is incompletely displayed. ‘6. conclusion’ – Initial capital letter is needed. A Discussion section is needed.
The relationship between social brand equity and firm performance as regards corporate carbon information disclosure strategy influencing a firm’s brand value has not been covered, and thus such sources can be cited:
Lăzăroiu, G., Valaskova, K., Nica, E., Durana, P., Kral, P., Bartoš, P., et al. (2020). “Techno-Economic Assessment: Food Emulsion Waste Management,” Energies 13(18): 4922. doi: 10.3390/en13184922.
Pop, R.-A., Dabija, D.-C., Pelău, C., and Dinu, V. (2022). “Usage Intentions, Attitudes, and Behaviors towards Energy-Efficient Applications during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Journal of Business Economics and Management 23(3): 668–689. doi: 10.3846/jbem.2022.16959.
Lăzăroiu, G., Ionescu, L., Andronie, M., and Dijmărescu, I. (2020). “Sustainability Management and Performance in the Urban Corporate Economy: A Systematic Literature Review,” Sustainability 12(18): 7705. doi: 10.3390/su12187705.
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.docx
Reviewer 3 Report
Dear authors comments to improve your work
Table 1 what is the source please cite it
Figure 1 what is the correlation between the three variables customer equity, cooperate and analyst rating how do you show interaction of these three as no sign is given, table is also have cut on the right side correct it
4.1 data period should be as All variables are between 2010-2020
Results and findings to be clearly separated in two different sessions
Policy Recommendation should be added
a leading question should be in the abstract to show the question of how, when and why
Author Response
Please see the attachment
Author Response File: Author Response.docx
Round 2
Reviewer 1 Report
Improvement suffice for publication.
Reviewer 2 Report
In general, the paper was improved and the writing more clear. The references were updated.