Land Degradation–Desertification in Relation to Farming Practices in India: An Overview of Current Practices and Agro-Policy Perspectives
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Agricultural Patterns in the Study Area
2.2. Data Acquisition, Compilation, Quality Concerns
2.3. Analytical Procedures
3. Results
3.1. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA)
3.2. Correlation Analysis (MLRA) between LDD and Farming Parameters
3.2.1. Mineral Fertilizers
3.2.2. Pesticides
3.2.3. Tillage
3.2.4. Irrigation
4. Discussion
4.1. Assessment of MLRA
4.2. Mineral Fertilizers
- (A)
- FERTILIZER IMBALANCE: Deviation in relative proportions of N, P, and K in fertilizer mixes from what is ideally prescribed, i.e., 4:2:1 [46]. This also deviates from the global average NPK ratio of 3.4:1.3:1 [47]. NPK ratios in fertilizers vary widely from 5.4:2.7:1.8 to about 8.2:3.2:1 from region to region [48]. With little regulatory oversight and farmer awareness of detrimental impacts, preference for increased N content in fertilizers has persisted for a long time, which now threatens land system sustainability, risking production failure due to the deterioration in overall land quality.
- (B)
4.3. Pesticides
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- Providing farmers with concrete evidence of the efficacy of bio-pesticides (e.g., assurance about income enhancement and improved crop yields)
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- Making high-quality bio-pesticides available at affordable prices in local village shops/markets
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- Lowering bio-pesticides registration cost
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- Ensuring fast-track registration of newly developed varieties
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- Building a digital database of bio-pesticides on open-sourced platforms
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- Strategically increasing the liaison between bio-pesticide marketers, regulators, and retailers
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- Organizing sensitization and capacity building at grassroots (e.g. focused group discussions, one-on-one meeting, door to door campaigns)
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- Subsidizing bio-pesticides
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- Incentivizing farmers for bio-pesticide uptake
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- Developing insurance schemes for risk aversion
4.4. Tillage
4.5. Irrigation
5. Future Directions and Developments
5.1. Towards a Systemic Vision: The DPSIR Framework
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- Dietary Shifts: Rapid economic growth, urbanization, globalization, and elevated living standards have prompted dietary shifts in India [99], just like the rest of the world, with rapidly growing preferences for a protein-rich diet (meat and dairy products) [100,101]. This requires intensive farming routines, which have large environmental footprints [101,102].
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- Alteration of Food Supply Chain: With changing demographic patterns, the food supply chain has been transformed from production to retailing. This is marked by the growing emphasis of producers and food retailers on a cheap, flexible, and shorter production chain. Such aspirational targets operating with the main idea of profit maximization prompts farmers to continue with the long-standing ‘tried-and-tested’ means of input-intensive farming.
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- Traditional Thinking of Success: Despite growing attention to declining environmental quality and ecosystem services, excellence in the farming sector is still only measured by economic returns, i.e., crop yield and per capita productivity. Consequently, farmers adopt any means to increase production, regardless of the impact on land quality.
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- Export-oriented Farming: The government still largely promotes production of certain crops that have high international market value. However, several of these crops demand input-intensive farming (e.g., rice, wheat).
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- Short-term Thinking: The agrarian policy sector is known for shortsightedness, which is the outcome of rapid privatization (rise of corporations and multinationals), wherein large agribusiness firms push for industrial modes of production, often with little regard for long-term environmental consequences.
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- Individualism: Policies are largely developed in silos. For examples, there is little coordination between various ministries (e.g., land, water, farmers’ welfare, agriculture, energy) to devise mutually complementary strategies (e.g., offering lucrative fertilizer and energy subsidies without consulting the ministries of land, water, and environment). Such individualism prompts farmers to discover loopholes and continue traditional practices of input-intensive farming.
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- Political Entrenchment: Most forward-thinking agro-policies are branded as anti-farmer, heavily criticized, and repealed. This largely occurs due to political cohorts seeking to gain populist mandates among the electorate, which, on most occasions, is largely comprised of farming communities.
5.2. LDD Monitoring and Assessment: The Need for a Data Revolution
6. Conclusions
- Long and sustained use of mineral fertilizers, chemical pesticides, mechanical tillage, and groundwater exploitation has negatively impacted land quality. In a cyclic fashion, this might make farmers adopt more aggressive means to maintain production which, in turn, only escalates LDD losses.
- There is a spatial dimension in which certain regions experience more LDD threats.
- There is little awareness of bio-pesticides, reduced tillage practices, and new fertilizer recommendations at the grassroot level due to various institutional shortcomings, ranging from a lack of sensitization to capacity building and extension services to support farmers. It keeps traditional (input-intensive) practices in running despite their long-term implications for land quality resources.
- There is a need for a more systemic vision to assess LDD within an interlocking web of drivers and pressures to contemplate context-relevant response strategies.
- There is a need to support high-end research by generating and disseminating high-resolution spatial–temporal data to develop robust decision-support systems.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Farm Operation Type | Parameter | Spatial Extent | Temporal Extent |
Agrochemical Applications |
| ** | Yearly, between 2002–2003 and 2015–2016 |
| ** | Yearly, between 2004–2005 and 2011–2012 | |
| ** | Computed from the above for 2011–2012 period | |
Tillage Operations |
| ** | Yearly, between 1992 and 2012 |
| ** | Computed for 2012 | |
Irrigation |
| ** | 2011–2012 |
Groundwater Usage |
| * | Yearly, 1970–2014 |
Summary Statistic | Nationwide (29 States) | Regional (11 States) |
Constant | 0.083 | 3.042 |
Multiple R | 0.320 | 0.705 |
R2 | 0.102 | 0.497 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.101 | 0.497 |
Standard Error | 0.158 | 0.063 |
F-statistic | 56.351 | 106.027 |
Significance | 0.231 | 0.018 |
National (29 States) | Regional (11-State Cluster) | |||||||||
Soil–Water Parameters | a | t-Value | VIF | Residual | Error | a | t-Value | VIF | Residual | Error |
NPK application rate | 0.114 | 1.950 | 2.661 | 0.2387 | −1.241 | 0.829 | 15.243 § | 3.820 | 0.2804 | −0.758 |
Chemical pesticide area | 0.102 | 0.761 | 3.017 | −0.5386 | −3.190 | 0.204 | 1.867 | 2.116 | −0.6139 | −0.902 |
Bio-pesticide area | 0.029 | −0.033 | 2.250 | −1.6362 | −1.121 | 0.317 | −6.362 * | 2.439 | −1.2915 | −0.826 |
BioPest:CHPest ratio | 0.038 | −0.052 | 1.833 | 1.2807 | −0.926 | 0.483 | −8.402 * | 1.318 | 1.3698 | −0.706 |
Moldboard (Mp) | 0.161 | 1.108 | 3.410 | 1.2107 | −3.503 | 0.925 | 16.026 § | 2.280 | 1.2871 | −1.395 |
Tractor (Tr) | 0.142 | 1.005 | 1.802 | 0.9232 | −4.660 | 0.561 | 7.917 § | 3.304 | 0.9726 | −1.884 |
Power tiller (Pt) | 0.073 | 0.821 | 1.446 | −0.7337 | −3.296 | 0.452 | 4.034 * | 3.120 | −0.7887 | −2.304 |
Strip tiller (St) | 0.048 | 0.519 | 2.904 | −0.8548 | −4.152 | 0.118 | 0.896 | 1.728 | −0.9086 | −2.050 |
Zero-till drill (Ztd) | 0.174 | 0.620 | 3.060 | 0.1765 | −4.940 | 0.883 | −11.66 § | 2.930 | 0.1833 | −1.672 |
Ztd/(Mp + Tr + Pt + St) | 0.383 | −4.040 * | 2.293 | 0.7759 | −1.553 | 0.806 | −14.19 § | 3.185 | 0.8101 | −1.037 |
Net irrigated area | 0.112 | 1.036 | 3.500 | −0.0578 | −3.251 | 0.442 | 6.180 * | 3.608 | −0.0636 | −0.926 |
Area cropped once | 0.142 | 0.179 | 1.920 | 0.4353 | −2.538 | 0.209 | 1.037 | 2.200 | 0.5098 | −1.860 |
Area cropped twice | 0.195 | 0.182 | 2.205 | −1.1046 | −3.220 | 0.609 | 9.037 § | 3.020 | −1.1734 | −1.553 |
Area cropped twice+ | 0.225 | 1.514 | 3.138 | −0.8569 | −1.640 | 0.862 | 11.253 § | 1.671 | −0.9110 | −2.082 |
% GW-sourced NIA | 0.481 | 5.042 * | 3.552 | −0.1282 | −1.052 | 0.632 | 8.460 § | 2.830 | −0.1453 | −0.801 |
% Wells (WL drops) | 0.307 | 4.46 * | 3.049 | −0.6995 | −0.960 | 0.780 | 12.471 § | 4.941 | −0.8941 | −0.730 |
Soil Systems Processes | Potential Impacts on Agricultural Sustainability/Productivity |
Erosion |
Soil Salinity |
Waterlogging |
Parameter | Significance Towards LDD | |
Tillage |
Land Management Practices |
Soil Quality |
Fertility |
Water |
Livestock |
Parameter | Significance towards LDD |
Socio-demographic Traits | |
| Circumstantial characteristics to develop context-relevant initiatives at land conservation and LDD prevention |
Resource Exploitation Patterns | |
| Water exploitation status Development of context-relevant natural resource conservation and utilization protocols |
Public Support System | |
| Moving towards more land-conservation-centric practices to ensure long-term ecosystem services from land-based natural capital |
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Share and Cite
Chaudhuri, S.; Roy, M.; McDonald, L.M.; Emendack, Y. Land Degradation–Desertification in Relation to Farming Practices in India: An Overview of Current Practices and Agro-Policy Perspectives. Sustainability 2023, 15, 6383.
Chaudhuri S, Roy M, McDonald LM, Emendack Y. Land Degradation–Desertification in Relation to Farming Practices in India: An Overview of Current Practices and Agro-Policy Perspectives. Sustainability. 2023; 15(8):6383.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChaudhuri, Sriroop, Mimi Roy, Louis M. McDonald, and Yves Emendack. 2023. "Land Degradation–Desertification in Relation to Farming Practices in India: An Overview of Current Practices and Agro-Policy Perspectives" Sustainability 15, no. 8: 6383.
APA StyleChaudhuri, S., Roy, M., McDonald, L. M., & Emendack, Y. (2023). Land Degradation–Desertification in Relation to Farming Practices in India: An Overview of Current Practices and Agro-Policy Perspectives. Sustainability, 15(8), 6383.