Three-Dimensional Modeling and Analysis of Ground Settlement Due to Twin Tunneling Using GIS
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Ground Settlements
2.2. Estimation of Building Damage
3. Project Overview and 3D Model Considering Topography and Building
3.1. Location and Geology
3.2. 3D Model Using GIS Information
- GIS data were used for the topography and buildings.
- Rhino and Grasshopper were used to create a 3D model identical to that of the field.
- The FEM was used for the numerical analyses of the tunnel excavation.
- The numerical analysis results were interpreted.
- A GIS was used to visualize the effects of tunneling.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Ground Settlement
4.1.1. Topographic Features and Building
4.1.2. Sequence of Tunnel Excavation
4.1.3. Lag Distance
4.2. Assessment of Building Stability
4.3. The Visualization of the Effect of Tunnel Excavation
- Mapping ground settlement data in a GIS using the interpolation method.
- Classification based on an assessment of the damage to buildings.
- Input damage to buildings according to a unique ID of buildings and GIS mapping.
- A combined ground settlement and damage classification mapping of the buildings.
5. Conclusions
- When the terrain was considered, the ground settlement exhibited significant deviations from the Gaussian curve, with an increase in settlement as the elevation of the terrain increased.
- Accounting for buildings resulted in greater settlement compared to scenarios in which the buildings were not considered. Settlements were particularly pronounced in areas with dense building clusters, because of the substantial influence of multiple building loads on the ground. Slight uplifts were observed in the spaces between densely situated buildings, suggesting a reduction in the impact directly beneath the buildings owing to the distribution of loads.
- The effect of the tunneling sequence showed that parallel and bidirectional excavations on twin tunnels affected the ground settlement. Although the final settlement values for both methods were similar, the variations in the settlement during the excavation process were considerably different. The analysis of the longitudinal settlements showed a consistent pattern for the inflection points in parallel excavation, indicating a more uniform stress distribution in the soil. In contrast, bidirectional excavation resulted in rapid changes in the inflection points, necessitating careful settlement control.
- A decrease in the lag distance of the twin tunnels led to increased ground settlement, with the best effects observed when the distance was reduced from 2D to 1D. The shape of the settlement trough indicated that the interactions between the tunnels decreased substantially when the lag distance exceeded 4D.
- Damage assessment using angular distortion and horizontal displacements in a 3D model identical to the actual field showed that all buildings remained stable. This stability was attributed to the high rock strength and large excavation depth.
- A risk map for evaluating the stability of the buildings and ground settlement was visualized using a GIS. This GIS-based visualization process provided an accurate perspective on ground settlement and risk to buildings in urban areas with diverse structures. This research is expected to be a substantial resource for predicting settlements and assessing the potential damage to buildings owing to excavation in urban environments.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters | Description of Damage | Approximate Width of Cracks, mm |
Negligible | Hairline cracks | <0.1 |
Very Slight | Fine cracks easily treated during normal redecoration. Perhaps isolated slight fracture in building. Cracks in exterior brickwork visible upon close inspection. | <1 |
Slight | Cracks easily filled. Redecoration probably required. Several slight fractures inside the building. Exterior cracks visible, some repointing may be required for weathertightness. Doors and windows may stick slightly. | <5 |
Moderate | Cracks may require cutting out and patching. Recurrent cracks can be masked by suitable linings. Tuck-pointing and replacement of a small amount of exterior brickwork may be required. Doors and windows sticking. Utility service may be interrupted. Weathertightness often impaired. | 5 to 15 or several cracks > 3 mm. |
Severe | Extensive repair involving removal and replacement of sections of walls, especially over doors and windows required. Windows and door frames distorted, floor slopes noticeably. Walls lean or bulge noticeably, some loss of bearing in beams. Utility service disrupted. | 15 to 25 also depends on number of cracks. |
Very Severe | Major repair required involving partial or complete reconstruction. Beams lose bearing, walls lean badly and require shoring. Windows broken by distortion. Danger of instability. | Usually > 25. Depends on number of cracks. |
Material | Unit Weight (kN/m3) | Cohesion (kPa) | Angle of Friction (Degree) | Elastic Modulus (MPa) | Poisson’s Ratio | Depth (m) | Model Type |
Sedimentary Soil | 18 | 0 | 40 | 15 | 0.35 | 4–6 | Mohr– Coulomb |
Weathered Soil | 18 | 20 | 30 | 50 | 0.33 | 9–11 | Mohr– Coulomb |
Weathered Rock | 23 | 30 | 33 | 250 | 0.3 | 13–16 | Mohr– Coulomb |
Soft Rock | 25 | 300 | 35 | 1200 | 0.25 | 70–75 | Mohr– Coulomb |
Material | Unit Weight (kN/m3) | Elastic Modulus (MPa) | Poisson’s Ratio | Model Type |
Concrete | 24.5 | 20,000 | 0.22 | Elastic |
Steel | 78.5 | 21,000 | 0.28 | Elastic |
Wood | 14.7 | 16,000 | 0.36 | Elastic |
Soft shotcrete | 24 | 5000 | 0.3 | Elastic |
Hard shotcrete | 24 | 15,000 | 0.3 | Elastic |
Case | Surface Condition | Construction Method | Lag Distance |
1 | Flat | Parallel excavation | 3D (28.5 m) |
2 | Flat | Bidirectional excavation | 3D (28.5 m) |
3 | Topography | Parallel excavation | 3D (28.5 m) |
4 | Topography and Building | Parallel excavation | 4D (38.0 m) |
5 | Topography and Building | Parallel excavation | 3D (28.5 m) |
6 | Topography and Building | Parallel excavation | 2D (19.0 m) |
7 | Topography and Building | Parallel excavation | 1D (9.5 m) |
Structure ID | Length of Building (m) | Settlement Difference (mm) | Angular Distortion |
B.7625 | 10.3574 | 0.176844 | 0.017074 |
B.7628 | 17.8549 | 0.982338 | 0.055018 |
B.7630 | 7.9791 | 0.232911 | 0.02919 |
B.7631 | 14.4083 | 0.444621 | 0.030859 |
B.7633 | 5.3653 | 0.061505 | 0.011463 |
B.7634 | 15.5955 | 0.254239 | 0.016302 |
B.7758 | 20.8995 | 0.470917 | 0.022532 |
B.7761 | 8.5613 | 0.374758 | 0.043773 |
B.7762 | 8.1154 | 0.569361 | 0.070158 |
B.7830 | 8.5136 | 0.269101 | 0.031608 |
B.7831 | 10.2774 | 0.470832 | 0.045812 |
B.7832 | 16.3859 | 0.995899 | 0.060778 |
B.7833 | 17.0555 | 0.901138 | 0.052836 |
B.7834 | 24.7721 | 0.758851 | 0.030633 |
B.7835 | 11.3036 | 0.569717 | 0.050401 |
B.7836 | 8.5773 | 0.481059 | 0.056085 |
B.7940 | 9.7122 | 0.501841 | 0.051671 |
B.8147 | 5.5732 | 0.272136 | 0.048829 |
B.8150 | 7.0641 | 0.007940 | 0.001124 |
B.8181 | 13.0482 | 0.011570 | 0.000887 |
B.26268 | 20.5435 | 1.210639 | 0.058931 |
B.32202 | 7.6302 | 0.149866 | 0.019641 |
B.32786 | 14.5931 | 0.522327 | 0.035793 |
Structure ID | Length of Building (m) | Horizontal Displacement Difference (mm) | Lateral Strain |
B.7625 | 10.3574 | 0.035074 | 0.003386 |
B.7628 | 17.8549 | 0.245715 | 0.013762 |
B.7630 | 7.9791 | 0.027829 | 0.003488 |
B.7631 | 14.4083 | 0.182052 | 0.012635 |
B.7633 | 5.3653 | 0.048946 | 0.009123 |
B.7634 | 15.5955 | 0.008793 | 0.000564 |
B.7758 | 20.8995 | 0.095879 | 0.004588 |
B.7761 | 8.5613 | 0.001808 | 0.000118 |
B.7762 | 8.1154 | 0.010767 | 0.001327 |
B.7830 | 8.5136 | 0.019513 | 0.002292 |
B.7831 | 10.2774 | 0.006691 | 0.000651 |
B.7832 | 16.3859 | 0.067647 | 0.004128 |
B.7833 | 17.0555 | 0.105482 | 0.006185 |
B.7834 | 24.7721 | 0.127456 | 0.005145 |
B.7835 | 11.3036 | 0.038046 | 0.003366 |
B.7836 | 8.5773 | 0.008738 | 0.001019 |
B.7940 | 9.7122 | 0.089631 | 0.009229 |
B.8147 | 5.5732 | 0.002761 | 0.000495 |
B.8150 | 7.0641 | 0.007941 | 0.079263 |
B.8181 | 13.0482 | 0.060548 | 0.028514 |
B.26268 | 20.5435 | 0.180691 | 0.020960 |
B.32202 | 7.6302 | 0.011908 | 0.023186 |
B.32786 | 14.5931 | 0.166513 | 0.010119 |
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Yun, J.-s.; Kim, H.-e.; Yoo, H.-k. Three-Dimensional Modeling and Analysis of Ground Settlement Due to Twin Tunneling Using GIS. Sustainability 2024, 16, 5891.
Yun J-s, Kim H-e, Yoo H-k. Three-Dimensional Modeling and Analysis of Ground Settlement Due to Twin Tunneling Using GIS. Sustainability. 2024; 16(14):5891.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYun, Ji-seok, Han-eol Kim, and Han-kyu Yoo. 2024. "Three-Dimensional Modeling and Analysis of Ground Settlement Due to Twin Tunneling Using GIS" Sustainability 16, no. 14: 5891.
APA StyleYun, J.-s., Kim, H.-e., & Yoo, H.-k. (2024). Three-Dimensional Modeling and Analysis of Ground Settlement Due to Twin Tunneling Using GIS. Sustainability, 16(14), 5891.