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Sustainability of Gulf of Mexico Coastal Estuaries and Lagoons: Interactions with Hydrocarbon Production—A Review with a Look to the Future

John W. Day
Evelia Rivera-Arriaga
Angelina del Carmen Peña-Puch
2 and
Rachael G. Hunter
Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, College of the Coast & Environment, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Instituto EPOMEX-UACAM, Campeche 24062, Mexico
Comite Resources, Baton Rouge, LA 70896, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2024, 16(19), 8601;
Submission received: 31 July 2024 / Revised: 26 September 2024 / Accepted: 26 September 2024 / Published: 3 October 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable Coastal and Estuary Management)


Here, we review the functioning and importance of deltaic coastal systems in the northern and southern Gulf of Mexico and how petroleum activities have impacted these two important systems. The Mississippi and Usumacinta-Grijalva Deltas are areas of high biological productivity and biodiversity that support the two largest fisheries in the Gulf. The north central Gulf receives inflow from the Mississippi river, the largest discharge in North America. The Mississippi Delta covers about 10,000 km2. The Usumacinta-Grijalva River is the second highest freshwater input to the Gulf and discharges to the Usumacinta-Grijalva/Laguna de Terminos deltaic complex. These two areas are the largest petroleum producing regions in the Gulf, involving both inshore and offshore production. Petroleum activities impact coastal ecosystems in two important ways. In inshore areas dominated by coastal wetlands, there has been enormous physical disruption of the natural environment that affected hydrology and system functioning. In both inshore and offshore areas, spilled oil and release of high salinity produced water has led to widespread toxic pollution. Documentation of petroleum activity impacts on coastal marine ecosystems is much more advanced in the Mississippi Delta. Here, we describe how petroleum production impacts coastal ecosystems and discuss how restoration and management can restore the functioning of impacted coastal ecosystems.

1. Introduction

Coastal areas are characterized by several different types of systems; these include estuaries, river deltas, drowned river valleys, coastal lagoons, beaches, tidal flats, and coastal wetlands. Coastal wetlands, including marshes and mangroves, are among the most productive biological systems globally, and the largest areas of coastal wetlands occur in marine river deltas [1]. Deltaic ecosystems support important fisheries and high levels of biodiversity. Globally, coastal wetlands are most abundant in tropical areas and, secondarily, in the Arctic. Humans have lived in coastal areas for millennia and the majority of coastal megacities occur in the tropics, often in deltas [2].
Deltas are important economically. They support large fisheries and other natural resources and are often important ports supporting international trade. Deltas are often the site of petroleum production, reflecting millions of years of high biological productivity. Among deltas with significant petroleum production are the Rhine, Niger, Mekong, Ganges, and Amazon. In the Gulf of Mexico, there are numerous oil and gas fields associated with the Mississippi and Usumacinta-Grijalva Deltas. While petroleum producing areas are economically important, oil and gas activity has resulted in significant environmental degradation [3]. In this paper, we review the Mississippi and Usumacinta-Grijalva Deltas in terms of their ecological and economic importance and the impacts that petroleum production activities have had on these important systems. We then generalize our findings to deltas in other areas.

2. An Overview of Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Coastal Ecosystems

The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is one of the largest semi-closed seas globally with an area of 564,000 square kilometers [4,5], bordered by the coasts of the USA, Mexico, and Cuba. The GOM receives inflow from the Caribbean via the Yucatan Channel. Outflow to the Atlantic Ocean is via the Strait of Florida, where it forms the Gulf Stream [5]. The GOM has a high diversity of coastal habitats that range from tropical and subtropical, to sub-temperate; however, these habitats will become entirely tropical by the end of the century due to climate change [6]. The southern GOM has a tropical climate with dry (spring), rainy (summer, autumn), and winter seasons [6,7]. By contrast, the northern GOM has more temperate seasons (winter, spring, summer and fall). There is a rich variety of coastal lagoons and estuaries in the GOM [6,8].
The coastal GOM is an area of great ecological value with a diversity of habitats. Coastal ecosystems include hypersaline lagoons, coral reefs, mangrove and marsh wetlands, estuaries, and deltas [9]. There are over 200 coastal systems including numerous productive coastal lagoons [4].
Deegan et al. [10] analyzed 64 of the coastal systems around the GOM from Florida Bay to Laguna Conil in the State of Yucatan to investigate relationships among coastal vegetation, water budgets, river discharge, and fisheries. Fishery harvest and estuary areas were strongly related to freshwater input and physiography (Figure 1). The area of emergent vegetation was related to intertidal area and rainfall. Fishery harvest per unit area of open water was highly correlated with river discharge in the southern GOM. The study highlighted the distinctiveness of the Mississippi and Usumacinta-Grijalva Deltas. The north-western GOM near the U.S./Mexico and the northern Yucatan Peninsula are areas where annual precipitation consistently exceeds evaporation. The north-central and southern GOM are areas where there is high riverine input. The three highest river inputs, in order, are the Mississippi, Usumacinta-Grijalva and the Tombigbee (to Mobile Bay). Intertidal vegetation is highest in southern Florida, the Mississippi Delta, the upper Texas coast, and the Usumacinta-Grijalva Delta [10].
The Mississippi and Usumacinta-Grijalva Deltas stand out as areas with high wetland area, high rainfall and riverine input, and high fisheries. These areas also have the highest petroleum production in the GOM.

2.1. The Most Important Gulf of Mexico Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons

The circulation of the GOM includes a semi-permanent cyclonic gyre in Campeche Sound, and anticyclonic gyres which are shed by the Loop Current and move westward where they eventually dissipate. Discharge from the Mississippi, Grijalva, and Usumacinta Rivers is deflected to the west in both the southern and northern Gulf. The coast around the GOM is almost uniformly low-lying, with many narrow barrier islands, and is characterized by marshes, mangrove swamps and sandy beaches [11].
The Gulf region is important for offshore and inshore petroleum production for the U.S. and Mexico, generating a significant portion of total production for both countries. During 2023, oil production in the Mexican portion of the Gulf averaged 1.855 million barrels/day, with a total value of 109.94 billion pesos [12]. Mexican oil reserves are concentrated in the oil province of Cuencas del Sureste [13]. About half of U.S. petroleum refining and natural gas production is from the north-central Gulf coast. Marine transportation is a multi-billion-dollar industry centered mainly in New Orleans and Houston [14].
Seventy-three percent of coastal wetlands in the U.S. are found in the northern GOM and wetland loss is highest in this region [15]. Alteration of surface hydrology and petroleum production accounted for much of this loss [3,16,17]. The length of the Mexican shoreline is 1910 km and there is about 5767 km2 of coastal lagoons. The Usumacinta-Grijalva and Papaloapan Rivers have the highest discharge in Mexico, and Laguna Madre (200,000 ha) and Laguna de Terminos (196,000 ha) are the largest coastal lagoons in the country. Important economic activities include fishing, tourism, ranching, agriculture, and oil extraction [18].
Mangroves cover 127,000 ha in the Laguna de Terminos. The economic value of the resources of the system was valued at 1.02 USD/ha/year for mangroves, 1193 USD/ha/year for water quality maintenance, and 1578 USD/ha/year for fisheries [19]. However, in 2001, Landsat analysis showed that mangrove cover in Terminos Lagoon had decreased to 79,546 ha [20].

2.1.1. Mississippi River Delta

The Mississippi River has a length of 3700 km with high fresh water and sediment discharge [21]. The Mississippi Basin covers 3.2 million km2 and discharges to the GOM via the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers [21] (Figure 2). There are important fisheries in the Mississippi River Delta and it is one of the largest coastal fisheries globally. Water quality in the river and coastal system is impacted by municipal effluent, industrial discharge, and agricultural runoff [22]. The value of ecosystem goods and services in coastal Louisiana is estimated at USD 12–47 billion annually. The value of natural capital ranges from USD 330 billion to USD 1.3 trillion [23].
Human activities have strongly impacted the Mississippi Delta, including building levees along the river that prevents riverine input to the deltaic plain, reclamation of wetlands, water pollution, and pervasive hydrologic disruption [25,26,27]. Oil and gas production began over a century ago. More than half of the petroleum production in Louisiana has come from the coastal area. Peak production of both oil and natural gas occurred around 1970 when over 500 million barrels of were produced. Petroleum production in the coastal zone came from more than 700 fields [27]. The Deepwater Horizon spill affected coastal marshes impacted salt marsh vegetation in the Mississippi Delta [28].
There is a large seasonal hypoxic zone on the continental shelf (dissolved oxygen < 2 mg per liter). The area of this zone has been as high as 22,700 km2 in 2017 [29]. Hypoxia can affect growth rates, reproduction, diets, and habitat use by fish [27].

2.1.2. Terminos Lagoon

Terminos Lagoon in the state of Campeche (Figure 3) covers 2500 km2, and it is the largest in the Gulf [30]. There are two tidal inlets (Puerto Real and Carmen) and the barrier island of Isla del Carmen. The population of the island is concentrated in Cd. del Carmen on the western end of the island. Trade winds induce a net east-to-west flow through the lagoon and about 40% of the flow that enters the eastern Puerto Real inlet leaves through the western Carmen inlet [31]. Three rivers discharge into the southern lagoon, namely, the Palizada, Chumpan, and Candelaria Rivers. The Palizada is a distributary of the Usumacinta-Grijalva River, which has a basin drainage area of 49,700 km2. Mangroves occupy most of the shoreline of the lagoon. These are a nursery for a large fishery [31].
There are more than 84 families and 374 species of plants. Wildlife diversity is high, with about 1468 vertebrate species (aquatic and terrestrial). There are 30 vertebrate species endemic to the area [20]. Because of its high ecological and economic value, the Laguna de Terminos Protected Area for Fauna and Flora was established in 1994 [20,33,34].
Terminos Lagoon is a very important ecosystem for a number of reasons [33]:
There is high natural net primary productivity and secondary productivity;
Ecological diversity of the lagoon ecosystem is high in terms of species diversity, population assemblages, biogeochemical and ecological processes, and important critical habitats;
There are important fisheries for oysters and other shellfish, crustaceans, and fin fish;
There are important interactions with Campeche Sound through the tidal inlets, and among primary productivity, nekton community ecology and habitats;
The unique seasonality of environmental dynamics and hydrological and biological processes;
There are important annual changes in environmental behavior of the ecosystem;
The impacts of petroleum-related activities and petrochemical industries;
The incorporation of Laguna de Terminos in the natural protected areas system of Mexico;
The complex interactions among ecological and economic systems with governmental regulations and constraints;
The lack of inclusion of the idea of system functioning as a conceptual framework for sustainable management of the deltaic-lagoon systems [35].
There are three dominant mangrove species: black mangrove (Avicenia germinans L.) white mangrove (Laguncularia racemose Gaertn.f.), and red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.). Fisheries in Laguna de Terminos are strongly dependent on the area and production of mangroves [31]. Mangroves export organic materials and nutrients to adjacent aquatic systems in the lagoon and on the continental shelf. This enhances coastal productivity and trophic webs. A number of plant communities are associated with mangroves, including algal communities on the mangroves and adjacent sediments. This complex mangrove system is important in supporting important fisheries [36].

2.2. Socio-Environmental Characteristics of the Coastal Zone of the Gulf of Mexico

The GOM is an integrated system that forms an important conceptual framework for understanding and managing both natural and social systems in the Gulf region (Figure 4) [17].
Drivers are key natural and anthropogenic forcings [38]. Human activities impacting both social and natural systems of the Gulf include petroleum exploration and production, fishing, navigation, wetland reclamation, and water pollution. These interact with natural forcings, including tropical cyclones, water flow dynamics, and biogeochemistry. To help understand Gulf systems interactions, McKinney identified four major subsystems [17] (Figure 5): the ocean environment, coastal and marine ecosystems, socioeconomic interactions, and human health, which make up a socio-environmental system.
Over 15.8 million people, about 5% of the population of the U.S., inhabit the coast of the GOM (169). The coastal population along the Mexican Gulf is about 9.2 million people [39]. Natural resource-related economic activities are important for the GOM; however, growth and economic development have had an impact on the Gulf environment. In the U.S. portion of the Gulf, about 880,000 individuals work in the coastal economy, with an economic value of USD 117 billion annually [17]. Meanwhile, in Mexico’s Gulf coast, the value of economic activities is about 3.2 billion pesos annually, or about 22.6% of the national GDP [40].
Thus, the Gulf supports two of the most economically important activities for the two countries bordering most of the Gulf shoreline of both the U.S. and Mexico, including fisheries and petroleum production. About 17% of U.S. commercial fisheries and about 30% of recreational fishing occurs in the GOM. In 2017, the value of these fisheries amounted to nearly USD 12 billion [41]. In the Mexican GOM, fisheries are valued at 1.15 billion pesos [42]. Hydrocarbon extraction in the first three months of 2024 was valued at 822 million pesos [42].

3. Oil Sector in the Gulf of Mexico

3.1. Oil Production in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Petroleum production in coastal Louisiana started early in the 20th century. Production for individual fields can last four to six decades or more, and the area is now in the last stage of production. The production cycle began with a rapid increase to a peak in about 1970, and then declined. Hydrocarbon production is correlated with wetland loss [43,44] (Figure 6). The production of high-salinity brine water was generally higher in the declining phase of petroleum production.
Petroleum activities cause direct and indirect impacts [16,43,46]. Dredging of canals and placement of spoil directly destroys wetlands. Indirect impacts include (1) pervasive change in hydrology; (2) increased subsidence of the land surface; (3) and impacts of toxic materials.
The impacts due to O&G production are evident when images of oil fields are viewed over time, as is indicated for two fields in the Mississippi Delta. Figure 7 and Figure 8 show wetland loss over time for two petroleum fields.

3.2. Oil Production in the Southern Gulf of Mexico

Oil was first produced in Tabasco and Veracruz between 1863 and 1938. Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), the Mexican National Oil Company, was established in 1938. In 1976, offshore oil exploitation began in Campeche Sound with the Chac and Cantarell fields, which would become the main oil production region in the country. The latter field was the main hydrocarbon producer in the early 1980s, reaching a production of 3 million BBL oil/day [48]. However, Cantarell began to decline [49]. The history of hydrocarbon production of the Sound of Campeche is shown in Figure 9.
The daily oil production in 2024 was about 1.5 million barrels per day [50] which represented its lowest level of production since 1990. Moreover, the oil income declined by 14.5% (183,000 million pesos) in this period. Figure 10 shows the areas of petroleum production in the Mexican GOM [51].
There were 7705 active wells in the Mexican GOM in 2019 [53], with the highest production in the Campeche Sound area (Figure 11).

3.3. Impacts of Hydrocarbon Activities on Wetlands and Aquatic Ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico

Oil and gas activities had produced a great number of oil spills and hydrocarbon-related accidents during exploration and exploitation activities (see Appendix A). In coastal Louisiana have resulted in significant impacts on the environment since the early 20th century, e.g., [3,16,27,54,55]. There are numerous oil and gas wells and an extensive pipeline network associated with production and transport of hydrocarbons, which affects every part of coastal Louisiana and the northern Gulf of Mexico (Figure 12a,b).
To understand the impacts of petroleum activities, it is necessary to understand that these activities and impacts occurred at a rate (decades) that was much higher than the rate of processes that developed and sustained the Mississippi River deltaic wetlands (hundreds to thousands of years) [26,56,57,58,59,60]. In less than a century, significant environmental changes have taken place in the Mississippi River deltaic wetlands due to petroleum production [3,16,44,61,62]. These activities have resulted in dramatic alteration of coastal systems and the intentional and accidental introduction of a variety of toxic materials into coastal wetlands [63,64,65], leading to coastal wetland loss and changes in ecosystem functioning [3,16,27,66,67].
Day et al. [16] summarized the impacts of petroleum-related activities on coastal systems in coastal Louisiana, and we review their findings and put them into the context of the southern Gulf of Mexico.

3.3.1. Canals

There are over 700 petroleum fields in coastal Louisiana with thousands of wells, resulting in thousands of kilometers of canals. Canal dredging and spoil placement caused pervasive change in surface hydrology. Canals are generally straight and deeper than natural tidal channels. Increasing canal density causes a loss of natural channels in a process known as channel theft [3,16]. Canal networks are often interconnected and lead to saltwater intrusion into fresher wetlands [27,55,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74], which leads to decreased productivity and mortality of wetlands [71,75,76,77]. Saltwater intrusion causes stress and mortality of low-salinity and fresh wetlands [77] and rapid decomposition of freshwater peats [78] in a process called marsh collapse. This causes vegetation stress and mortality and vulnerability to erosion [78,79].

3.3.2. Spoil Banks

Spoil banks along dredged canals impede sheet flow over wetlands, reducing exchange of water, sediments, chemicals, and organisms. Wetlands become impounded or semi-impounded by canals and have fewer but longer-duration flooding events. Spoil banks trap water in semi-impounded areas, which negatively impacts wetlands [27,61,66,73,75,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93]. Because of reduced water exchange due to spoil banks, most water input only occurs when water levels are increased, as happens during strong storms. This leads to longer-duration flooding because water cannot flow unimpeded over the spoil banks [56,80,86,90,94]. The combination of reduced sediment input and lower productivity by wetlands reduces the rate of vertical accretion, which has been measured to be up to five times lower than in non-impounded wetlands [54,83,86,95,96,97]. Spoil banks, however, are not permanent because they sink due to subsidence and compaction, and many disappear completely over time. However, by the time the spoil banks disappear, most of the wetlands surrounding the spoil banks have converted to open water [3,26].

3.3.3. Alteration of Surface Hydrology through Cumulative Impacts

As noted above, tidal wetlands depend on unrestricted tidal exchange to maintain their health. Altered hydrology stresses wetlands due to decreased water exchange [27,56,61,67,73,74,89,91,98,99,100].
Oil and gas canals widen over time due to undercutting of spoil banks, edge, erosion, and sloughing and this leads to additional loss of wetlands [91,98]. The weight of spoil banks can cause compaction parallel to spoil banks. Loss of wetlands is due to a combination of subsidence, reduced water exchange, and reduced sediment input [47]. Nichols reported that the weight of the spoil compacted soils creating a barrier to groundwater movement [101]. This loss of surface elevation is termed shallow subsidence [100].
Oil and gas canals are deeper and straighter than tidal channels that are shallow and sinuous [27]. As canal density increases, natural channel density is lower (Figure 13 and Figure 14) [80,102]. This process, known as channel theft, alters natural hydrology because oil and gas canals are more efficient than natural shallow channels [99]. Oil and gas canals may also connect water bodies that were not previously connected, causing changes in local hydrologic patterns [99].

3.3.4. Enhanced Subsidence Due to Petroleum Extraction

Reduced sediment input in combination with reduced vegetation productivity causes an increase in rates of surficial subsidence. In addition, petroleum withdrawal leads to deep subsidence. This occurs in two phases: first as the petroleum reservoir compacts due to petroleum withdrawal, and then in the bounding shales as water slowly leaks into the reservoir and is pumped out [3,16,46,104] (Figure 15). The second phase can continue for several decades after most production ceases.

3.4. Impacts of Petroleum on Marine Resources and Ecosystems

Petroleum toxicity depends on the chemical makeup of the oil [105]. Two types of oil are produced in Campeche Sound: heavy oil (Maya) and light oil (Itsmo). Each one has specific characteristics that influence their behavior, such as weathering processes, the risk and impact that each has on biodiversity, the environment (toxicity and bioaccumulation), and the rapidity of damages. In Campeche Sound, high temperatures favor oil evaporation and photooxidation, which can remove more than half of spilled oil. Other characteristics are precipitation that can convey oil from land to rivers, lagoons, and coastal zones. Additionally, local wind patterns may accelerate the oil dispersion, emulsification, and biodegradation [106].
Hydrocarbon pollution in the marine environment is associated with exploration, production, marine and submarine transportation, shipment, disembarkation operations, and accidents such as spills from submarine oil pipelines, tanker accidents, platform spills, and explosions [106]. Moreover, there are other hydrocarbons sources from industrial loading and unloading, municipal discharges, runoff from rivers to the coastal zone, atmospheric deposition, and chronic and discrete leakage of “chapopoteras” from natural marine outcrops.
When oil is spilled, weathering occurs [107]. The main processes involved in weathering are dispersion, phytolysis, emulsification, evaporation, adsorption, sedimentation, and biodegradation [107].
Total concentrations of PAHs in coastal lagoons and organisms, especially oysters, in lagoons of the GOM exceeded permitted limits in several areas (Table 1 and Table 2) [107].
The impact of hydrocarbons depends on a number of factors including toxicity, contact between vegetation and animals and oil, species, frequency of oil contact, seasonality, brine impacts, and cleanup [105]. Figure 16 summarizes these impacts.
Results from emissions of greenhouse gases from cumulative O&G production from 1960–2019 were calculated by Llano and Flores [109]. For this period, cumulative oil production was 41,602 MMb, while natural gas cumulative production was 76,803 thousand million cubic feet (MMMcf). Extraction, processing, and use of these hydrocarbons have resulted in at least 23,959.60 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents, calculated with the methodology of the Climate Accountability Institute (Table 3). The largest emissions volume came from hydrocarbon processing and combustion, estimated as 91% of the total emissions, with 9% coming from the extraction phase generated directly for the oil fields.

Brine Production

Discharge of produced water, aka brine, causes serious environmental impacts. This is a sedimentary water that can be up to 150 million years old. Its composition varies in different oil fields, but it may contain oil, sulfates, bicarbonates, hydrogen sulfur, cyanide, carbon dioxide, heavy metals (cadmium, arsenic, chrome, lead, mercury, vanadium, and zinc), and other toxic compounds [110].
The disposal of high-salinity brine into the environment has both short- and long-term negative impacts. It can cause groundwater and soil pollution, since this water is high in salinity, and heavy metals and other pollutants can infiltrate into the soil and groundwater. Brine production can lead to air pollution if it is disposed of through evaporation tanks. In the long term, these elements can result in acid rain, respiratory diseases, and other health problems [110].
Brine production has been a major problem in the Mississippi Delta. Prior to its banning in 1997, large quantities of brine were released into the natural environment [111]. Much more brine is produced than oil and it is much more toxic than oil [112]. Brine includes many toxic compounds in addition to having high salinity [113,114] (Table 4).
The impacts of brine on coastal ecosystems in the Mississippi has been studied in detail [116]. Produced water can have salinities up to 300 ppt [63,65,117], which is toxic to most coastal organisms [108]. In the western Mississippi Delta, thousands of acres of sawgrass (Cladium jamacansis) marsh were killed due to discharge of produced water and the area subsequently converted to open water due to decomposition of soil organic matter and subsidence [118,119]. Produced water also contains hydrocarbons that are toxic to coastal organisms [115].

4. Discussion and Conclusions

Determining the extent of damage to coastal system due to oil and gas activity depends on knowledge of the condition of the system both prior to and after impacts. This knowledge is much more advanced in the northern GOM compared to the southern GOM. This makes assessing vulnerability and adequately determining the scale of the damage more difficult. Thus, there is a need for additional research on gathering information on the functioning of coastal systems on which contingency planning can be formulated.
The need for better understanding of the effects of O&G activities is evidenced by the extensive development of petroleum exploration and extraction in coastal waters and wetlands in both the Mississippi Delta, and the Sound of Campeche, and the adjacent Usumacinta-Grijalva Delta. There are over 700 fields in the northern Gulf, and a similar number are located in the southern Gulf. In addition, there are thousands of kilometers of canals. Production of petroleum can last for six decades or more. However, most fields are aging, and many are no longer active. Production peaked in the northern Gulf in about 1970. Brine production was highest during the second half of the production history of the fields. Wetland loss generally followed oil production, with peak loss occurring about the same time as the petroleum peak.
Petroleum production caused environmental impacts via three main mechanisms, namely, pervasive alteration of surface hydrology, increased sinking or subsidence of coastal environments due to oil and gas production, and the introduction of toxic materials, including oil and produced water. The cumulative impact of interconnected canals and spoil banks led to wetland loss, reduction in water interchange between water bodies, and wetland channel theft and saltwater intrusion. All of these factors lead to shallow subsidence. Spoil banks also disappear over time as they sink.
Production of petroleum also leads to deep subsidence in both the petroleum reservoirs and in the bounding shales [120]. This also leads to induced faulting. Wetland loss can last for several decades after a field is no longer productive. Deep subsidence is often greater than shallow subsidence.
High-salinity brine water, with salinity up to 300 ppt, was released to coastal ecosystems for decades before being banned in 1997 for the Mississippi Delta. This brine is more toxic than oil because of the variety of hydrocarbon, heavy metals, and radioactive materials. Produced water discharge is still allowed in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Both brine and oil are toxic to a range of organisms in coastal waters.

5. Future Directions

The UN Ocean Decade (2021–2030) aims to focus on Sustainable Development Goal 14 addressing the sustainable use of ocean resources. Agenda 2030 promotes sustainable management of oceans by 2030. Of the United Nations seven Ocean Decade Outcomes, there are three that are most applicable to the GOM and its hydrocarbon production. The findings in the GOM are applicable to petroleum production in deltas and coastal wetlands in other coastal areas. The findings in the GOM are applicable to petroleum production in deltas and coastal wetlands in other coastal areas.
  • A clean ocean; eliminating sources of pollution;
  • Management for healthy coastal resources;
  • Maintaining a productive ocean for sustainable food production and ocean economy (, accessed on 30 July 2024).
Following the Deepwater Horizon disaster oil spill the U.S. government established a half-billion-dollar program addressing human health, protection of natural systems, and improving the safety of the oil industry following the Deepwater Horizon disaster oil spill [121]. However, the petroleum industry continues to be economically important and current levels of production are higher than at the time of the disaster. Much production in now in deep water. Dealing with infrastructure from the declining inshore industry is an important challenge [122].
On the other hand, Mexico’s O&G production is being promoted by the 2018–2024 federal administration, despite international climate change agreements. The Energy Reform Law and an Energy Transition Law aims to decrease O&G production and increase the use of clean energy. We encourage that the new federal administration will promote clean energy sources.
O&G production is just one economic sector that depends on the coastal zone. Other activities that contribute to the Gulf’s economy in both countries are fisheries, navigation, industry, and tourism. However, the Gulf coast is changing constantly. This effect is dramatic in coastal Louisiana [122]. In Mexico, the coastal zones of Tabasco and Campeche, especially Carmen Island and Terminos Lagoon, will be extensively flooded due to sea-level rise, with some ecosystems, such as mangroves, likely being completely lost, leading to out-migration to safer places. Oil and gas impacts make these problems worse. Planning for the future depends on understanding the future climate and related impacts to provide decision-makers with the best science for climate resilience policies. It is important to understand that resilience varies for coastal communities and this inequality acts synergistically with other manifestations of inequality, for example, wealth, access to education, and public services.
Problems associated with the disruptions caused by climate change, the energy transition, and environmental degradation are becoming more apparent in the Gulf of Mexico. We need new approaches to address these issues. As Augustine said “If we can get it right in this unique and challenging setting, we can use that experience to inform the path forward for the nation and the world” [122]. The findings in GOM will prove valuable to other coastal areas with petroleum production.

Author Contributions

For this review article, all authors contributed equally to searching, analyzing, and integrating information and data, and writing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All data are published.


To the Autonomous University of Campeche for providing the funding to publish this paper.

Conflicts of Interest

Author Rachael G. Hunter was employed by the company Comite Resources. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Oil Spills in the Gulf of Mexico

Table A1. Oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico (1979–2024).
Table A1. Oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico (1979–2024).
Oil SpillRecountReferences
Ixtoc-I well, 1979The drilling of the Ixtoc I well began on 1 December 1978, in the southeast Gulf of Mexico Campeche Sound, 94 km northwest of Cd del Carmen. On 3 June 1979, while drilling at 3627 m depth, due to a failure in the drilling fluid circulation, oil and gas accumulated in the pipeline, which produced an explosion. The accident resulted in the collapse of the marine platform and produced a large oil spill and a fire that lasted 280 days, releasing 560 million liters of crude oil. Of the total, 50% was burned, 16% was evaporated, 5.4% was collected, and 28% was dispersed. Marine currents carried the petroleum to the coastal zones of Campeche, Tabasco, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, and Texas.[123]
There was no precedent of an oil spill of such a magnitude. There was no rapid response to control and mitigate the grave pollution to marine waters, resources, and ecosystems. The oil mousse, sheen, and tar balls were carried to the coastal zone, impacting coastal lagoons, wetlands, and seagrass beds. A major factor preventing an environmental assessment of the ecological damages caused by the spill was the lack of previous baseline information to compared to after the oil spill.[124,125,126]
Tar balls appeared on Texas beaches on 6 August 1979. The heaviest concentrations were between 29 August and 1 September 1979, when the levels of oil on Texas beaches reached 3900 metric tons. The first heavy oiling occurred on South Padre Island on August 24. Mousse patches were found along most of North and South Padre Island beaches during October and were broken up or buried by clean-up crews. In the inlets and lagoons, the only significant oil impact was the oiling of a marsh for 10 days. NOAA found that migratory birds avoided the more heavily oiled beaches, while only 10% of wading and shorebirds were oiled birds. Acute toxicity tests, conducted on subtidal amphipods and zooplankton, suggested that Ixtoc I oil at concentrations measured was not toxic to these species. Toxicity tests on redfish, sea trout, and brown shrimp, the major fishery species in the area, indicated no acute toxicity to adults, but high mortality and deformity rates in juvenile and larval populations. [127]
Results were obtained during a NOAA research cruise in the area of the Ixtoc-I spill in September 1979 (Atwood and Ferguson 1979). They found that solar radiation was responsible for the production of various photooxidant products that contributed to mousse formation. They also reported that the same oxidant products were formed in the absence of light by in situ bacteria populations that were able to assimilate the oil spill in a couple of weeks[128]
The Mega Borg, 1990It spilled 5.1 million gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, 57 miles south-southeast of Galveston, Texas, following a pump-room explosion and fire.
Two oil tankers collided, 1993The Bouchard B155, Balsa 37, and Ocean 255 collided in Tampa Bay, causing the Bouchard to spill 336,000 gallons of No. 6 fuel oil.
2000The Westchester ran aground near Port Sulphur, Louisiana, dumping 567,000 gallons of crude oil into the lower Mississippi River
2005The U.S. Coast Guard estimated that more than 7 million gallons of oil were spilled in the Gulf of Mexico and near-shore areas from multiple sources due to Hurricane Katrina.
2006Seventy-one-thousand barrels of waste oil spilled from a CITGO refinery on the banks of the Calcasieu River, Louisiana.
The Usumacinta platform and the Kab-121 oil well, 2007It was reported that when a cold front with winds of 130 km/h traversed Campeche Sound, the Usumacinta and Kab-121 platforms had problems. Bad weather caused the self-elevating Usumacinta platform to collide with the Kab-121 platform, which was drilling the Kab-103 well. This ruptured valve trees, resulting in an oil spill and release of natural gas, which caused several fires. The Kab platform is 32 km from Dos Bocas in the municipality of Tabasco, and 75 km from Cd. del Carmen. In November and December 2007, the platform had various fires that were controlled. On 12 December, PEMEX finally managed to control the oil spill and fires on the platform. Associated with the fires, there was an oil spill of 16.5 million barrels of light crude and 27 million cubic feet of gas. The environmental impact of the burning gas burning was estimated to be 76 tons of SOx and 4260 tons of CO2. Local coastal populations in Tabasco and Campeche were not affected; however, PEMEX paid 16 million pesos to the fishery sector.[129]
2008A barge carrying 419,000 gallons of heavy fuel collided with a 600-foot tanker in the Mississippi River, near New Orleans. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel were spilled.
2009A 458-foot vessel struck a barge in the Houston Ship Channel, spilling 10,500 gallons of oil. In the same year, a supply vessel collided with a Liberian oil tanker, 40 miles offshore of Galveston, Texas, causing 18,000 gallons of oil to spill.
2010January. The Eagle Otome collided with a barge in the Sabine-Neches Waterway, near Port Arthur, Texas, spilling 462,000 gallons of oil.[130]
20106 April, A pipeline owned by Cypress Pipe Company—a joint venture between Chevron and BP—broke, spilling 18,000 gallons of oil into the Delta National Wildlife Refuge in Louisiana.[131]
Menadrill Platform 1 2014It was reported that an explosion took place on the oil Menadrill 1 platform operated by the Aban Singapur Company, located in the Cantarell complex. That morning, the Akal-Delta complex exploded, and Pemex reported five hours later that the fire was controlled. [132]
Abkatun Alfa Permanente Oil platform, 2015It was reported that a fire began at 3:40 a.m. on 1 April 2015 in the Abkatun Permanente platform in Campeche Sound, located 90 km offshore of Campeche and Tabasco. It was reported that Greenpeace had access to a satellite image from 2 April at 10:15 a.m., a day after the explosion; in the image, several fire-extinguishing ships and a 4 km sheen on the water moving in the west-north-west direction can be observed.[133,134,135]
Oil spill in Cayo Arcas, 2019It was reported on 2 November that, beginning 4 October, there was an oil spill in the Maritime Terminal of Cayo Arcas, located 3 km south of the Cayo Arcas Coral Reef System. On 4 October, several researchers from UNACAR reported that satellite images (Radar of Synthetic opening, Sentinel 1) indicated an oil spill originated near one of the buoys of the terminal, covering an area of 220 ha. By 7 October, the area had grown to 4500 ha. On October 18, researchers from UNACAR met with the authorities and reported that there were dozens of oiled ducks (Sula dactylara) and hundreds of young marine turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the polluted zone. There was also a large area of oiled sand and rocky beaches. There was no information about coral reef and benthic communities. According to the Mexican Navy, UNACAR staff cleaned the oiled fauna between 9 and 11 October, and made a map of the oil spill, which reached 4484 ha.[136]
Self-Elevated Troll Solution platform, 2015A note was published on 5 May about an accident involving the self-elevated Troll Solution platform, when one of its “legs” collapsed, tilting the structure and causing it to sink. The incident started around 7 a.m. and was caused by incorrect positioning of the platform on unstable sediments. ASEA confirmed that there was no oil spill since it was a maintenance structure.[137]
Ku Charly platform, 2021Chim (2021) reported that, on 2 July, there was a fire 400 m from the Ku-Charly platform, operated by the Integral Production Active Ku Maloob Zaap, and that it was out of control for 8 h. PEMEX called this “Fire Eye”, which was caused by a valve in the marine pipeline that broke, and oil came to the surface causing a fire. The incident happened at 4 a.m. near the Ku Sierra platform and threatened to expand to other marine oil complexes.[138]
Ku Maloob Zaap platform, 2021García (2021) reported that, at noon, 22 August, there was a smoke column from the marine structures of PEMEX. At 4 p.m., they confirmed a fire at E Ku A2 in the Ku Maloob Zaap producer complex. [139]
Akal Charly platform, 2022It was published that, on 12 August, there was a gas leak in a pipeline of the Akal Charly platform in the Cantarell complex, located 78 km from Cd del Carmen. PEMEX sent ships to combat the fire and specialized divers to control the leak.[140]
Nohoch-Alfa platform, 2023It was reported that, on 7 July, the Nohoch-Alfa platform exploded. Several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) reported that several days prior to the Nohoch-Alfa platform explosion (7 July), there was a report of an oil spill from another platform in the zone. Satellite images showed an oil spill from the Balam platform that likely started on 4 July. On 12 July, the oil spill covered about 400 km2. NGOs reported that this was not the only oil spill, since a review of the same zone in June showed that another oil spill covered an area of 270 km2, and on 2 March, another spill of 55 square kilometers was reported. In a press conference, Tamburini explained that if 10% of the reported areas have an oil cover of 0.1 mm thick, the total volume of spilled oil was 7000 cubic meters. [141]
Ek Balam oil fields, 2023On 23 July, UNAM reported that two spills from the from the Ek Balam caused an oil spill of 467 km2 (12 July). Experts from the Geography Institute, UNAM, and from the National Laboratory for Earth Observation, analyzed the oil spill with radar images to estimate the size of the affected areas. Gómez Rodríguez said that models of marine currents predict that this oil will reach the coasts of Veracruz, Tamaulipas, and probably the USA. It was reported that the oil spill had already affected the beaches of Tabasco and Veracruz, and NGOs found marine fauna oiled and dead. Images of hydrocarbon residues on the coasts were shown, and tourists and locals complained that petroleum soiled their clothes and shoes. Fundación Caretta found, in Tamaulipas and Veracruz, hydrocarbons on the beaches and dead, oiled marine turtles.[142,143,144]
22 March 2024NGOs detected an oil spill coming from the Akal-B marine platform since the 22nd of March, covering a surface of 390 km2; this adds to an increment of 152% in the accident’s frequency.[145,146,147]
The Bureau of Safety and Environment Enforcement (BSEE), the federal agency responsible for ensuring safety and environmental protection in offshore oil and gas operations, documented 992 oil spills in U.S. federal waters during 2021 and 2022. These spills released nearly 80,000 gallons of oil. According to the U.S. Coast Guard [148], an estimated 1.1 million gallons of crude oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico near a pipeline off the coast of Louisiana; officials said they still have no idea where it came from. Officials said the leak is near the 67-mile-long Main Pass Oil Gathering company’s pipeline system near Louisiana’s Plaquemines Parish.
Two major events that have negatively impacted the ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico were the explosion of the Ixtoc I well by PEMEX on 3 June 1979. The well was in shallow waters of the Campeche Sound, 94 km north-east Cd del Carmen. This accident resulted in the collapse of the platform and the release of 3.5 million barrels of crude over in 280 days. The second accident began on 20 April 2010, during the drilling of the Macondo well in deep waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico by British Petroleum. The submergible platform Deepwater Horizon exploded and collapsed two days later, spilling 5 million barrels of oil over 90 days [149].
Environmental conditions, such as hurricanes and cold fronts, affect oil production infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico. Winds, currents, surf, and tides around the marine platforms may cause important damage to their stability, or even cause catastrophic collapse, such as that in September 2004, when hurricane Ivan sank the oil platform Mississippi Canyon 20-A from Taylor Energy, spilling 600 thousand oil barrels into the sea over 14 years [149].
It is important to understand ecosystem dynamics of nekton populations that support fisheries in Terminos Lagoon, in order to understand how petroleum production can impact fisheries. Primary production and nekton secondary production are strongly related in Laguna de Terminos and other similar areas. Because of the lack of a strong seasonality of temperature and solar radiation in the tropics, seasonal patterns of production and migration are affected by different forcings, such as rainfall and river discharge and storm fronts. In Laguna de Terminos, there is a high diversity of primary producers—riverine, fringe and basin mangroves, fresh and saline submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), and phytoplankton in marine- and riverine-influenced areas. Peak production of different primary producers occurs at different times of the year, resulting in high production throughout the year [150,151]. Mangrove litterfall is significantly higher during the rainy season, while SAV is more productive during the dry season because of higher transparency in the water column.
According to [128], most of the technical field reports during the period 1979–1980 from surveys conducted in Campeche Sound agreed that evaporation, dispersion, photo-oxidation, and biodegradation processes in this zone played a major role in attenuating the harmful environmental effects of the oil spill. These authors reported that, in 1982, the PC-EESC convened the International Symposium on the Ixtoc-I oil spill held in Mexico City. The Symposium’s report included the following prologue written by a PEMEX CEO, based on a 2-year multidisciplinary study of Campeche Sound “… the marine ecosystem did not suffer any damage by the Ixtoc-I oil spill.” Ref. [152] analyzed zooplankton data from seven cruises in the southern Gulf of Mexico between 1979 and 1982. Their results showed that, after the spill, the biomass of zooplankton decreased by about four orders of magnitude. They also reported that most zooplankton samples contained hydrocarbons, but that they could not distinguish oil from the Ixtoc-1 oil and other sources.
Microbiological data in Campeche Sound indicate that the impact on surface waters and sediments caused by seasonal or sporadic oil inputs produces seasonal or rapid and drastic changes in oil-degradation rates both in coastal lagoons and in the offshore oil-production area [128]. Soto et al. [128] concluded that the bacterial oil degraders/heterotrophic bacteria percentage (OD/HB) had not shown any accumulative or permanent oil impact on Campeche Sound since the Ixtoc-I blowout in 1979.
Licea et al. [153] studied the effects of the Ixtoc-I oil spill on the phytoplankton community in terms of harmful damage to the phytoplankton community of Campeche Sound. This included a significant decrease (local and seasonal) in biomass, primary productivity, and diversity index. Ref. [153] reported that phytoplankton have different responses when they are exposed to crude oil and to chemical dispersants. The most susceptible species are the small phytoflagellates (Chlorophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Prymnesiophyceae).
Oil and gas production and transportation in both inshore coastal and offshore waters of Veracruz, Tabasco, and Campeche have resulted in the accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals in affected areas [154,155,156]. These compounds cause ecological disturbances, including alteration of the aquatic community structure and food chains. Moreover, Ref. [157] reported the harmful effects caused by bioaccumulation of heavy metals and hydrocarbons in shellfish (oysters and clams), the disruption caused by oil spills in sea grasses, the submerged vegetation of neighboring estuarine systems in Campeche and Tabasco, and the bioaccumulation of hydrocarbons in shrimp tissues captured within the PEMEX Restricted Area. Additionally, Ref. [158] reported high concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), particularly of naphthalene and their methyl derivatives, in the oyster Crassostrea virginica and sediments from the coastal lagoons in Tabasco, which were directly impacted by Ixtoc-I crude oil.
Chapman [159] reported a study of the impact of oil from Ixtoc I on shorebird populations in Texas. He began the bird census on the 14 August 1979, and observed only one area of heavy tar ball concentrations, i.e., North Port Mainsfield Channel. By 20 August, concentrations of tar balls and small mousse patches were on the beach, and the densest concentrations of oil were in Malaquite Beach in the Padre Island National Seashore. Meanwhile, light concentrations of tar balls were found along the entire length of Padre and Mustang Islands. Bird population densities responded directly to oil concentrations on the beach. As the patches washed in, the birds abandoned the affected habitat and moved to areas that remained relatively free of oil.
Teal and Howarth [160] reported that oil from Ixtoc I was found more than 1000 km from the accident. It reached Texas beaches and an estimated 10,000 tons came ashore. Hurricanes from July onward hampered capping and clean-up operations, although Hurricane Frederick in mid-September cleaned off the Texas beaches.
Ref. [161] studied environmental changes in Terminos lagoon and they found that there were considerable quantities of pollutants. The highest dissolved total polycyclic aliphatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations were reported from the Carmen Inlet, whereas water masses close to the Palizada River estuary supported an abundant bacterial community of PAH degraders [161]. PAH concentrations in oyster tissues were reported to range from 2.5 to 42.5 μg·g−1 [161]. The traces of low- and medium-molecular-weight alkylated compounds over their parent compounds indicated the petrogenic source of these PAHs, hence pointing to offshore oil activities as a major source of PAH inputs [161]. A study performed in the western part of Terminos Lagoon showed that PAH concentrations in fish flesh exceeded the maximum values recommended by international regulations (greater than 40.0 μg·g−1 for the epibenthic Petenia splendida) [161].
Hernández-Arana et al. [162] reported on the impact of oil-related activities on the macrobenthic community and sediments in the Campeche Sound. Organisms collected near rigs in areas of high platforms had higher levels of contaminants. Macroinfauna abundance and biomass were reduced near the rigs. In more recent studies, Ref. [163] cited various studies that have documented multiple impacts on the coastal ecosystem extending from marshes to the deep sea [164,165,166]. Pulster et al. [163] listed various impacts on fisheries, including changes in population dynamics, diet, trophic level, disease frequency, and physiological output. These authors reported that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered the most toxic component of oil. However, Ref. [167] stated that fish have a well-developed metabolic system capable of efficiently converting PAHs into water-soluble compounds that are stored in the bile for excretion. Dipple (1985) [168] found that fish exposed to PAH may develop susceptibility to adverse toxic reactions, including lesions, mutagenesis, teratogenesis, and carcinogenesis.
Results obtained by [163] for different regions of the Gulf of Mexico measuring biliary total PAH equivalents (TPAHeqs) in fishes showed that species with the highest levels of PAH exposure were diverse, including pelagic, demersal, and inshore species, indicating the PAH pollution is widespread throughout the Gulf ecosystem. The third-highest concentrations were measured in the Yucatán Shelf, south-west region, while the lowest levels of mean TPAHeqs were measured in fish from the Sound of Campeche, an area known for persistent and extensive oil slicks resulting from oil spills (56%) and natural seeps (44%) [163].
Nevertheless, Ref. [169] reported that, in the Southern Gulf of Mexico, fishery production post-Ixtoc 1 decreased dramatically over time mainly due to overfishing of the main target species. Although no oil spill impact on the fishery resources was apparent at the population level, there is considerable evidence of impacts at the organismal and sub-individual levels, and there is concern about how these effects could impact fishery resources in the long term.
Ramírez-León et al. [170], developed a semi-quantitative framework to evaluate the risk of oil spill exposure on marine mammals that combines the likelihood of exposure based on species-specific biological and ecological characteristics, and the feasibility of encounter, which considers not only the overlap between the distribution of the species and the total affected area by a spill, but also considers the distribution of spilled oil within this area, thus reducing the uncertainty in the estimate. These authors applied their framework to assess the risk of exposure of eight cetaceans to scenarios of large heavy oil spills originating from three hypothetical deep-water wells in the western Gulf of Mexico. Their results showed that the eight species shared several biological and ecological characteristics; however, the scores that were assigned to the exposure pathways varied mainly due to differences in diving behavior and the type of prey. Scores of the five exposure pathways and the estimated likelihood of oil exposure (L) of eight marine mammals were included in the study by [170].


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Figure 1. The relationship between fishery harvest and mean river discharge. Data compiled from the States of Campeche, Tabasco, and Veracruz (from Deegan et al. [10], used by permission).
Figure 1. The relationship between fishery harvest and mean river discharge. Data compiled from the States of Campeche, Tabasco, and Veracruz (from Deegan et al. [10], used by permission).
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Figure 2. (A) The Mississippi River Basin covers all or parts of 31 states and discharges into the Gulf of Mexico through the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. (B) Landsat 8 image showing the generalized extent of Late Holocene deltaic headlands. Areas of 1932–2016 land loss are shown in red, and areas of land gain are shown in yellow. New Orleans is designated by NOLA, whereas Grand Isle, Louisiana is designated by GI. (C) Land-area measurements from 1932 to 2016 (black dots) for the Mississippi River delta as a whole, including the Louisiana Chenier Plain to the west, with a spline best fit model (red line) and 95% confidence bands (thin dashed black lines). (D) Modeled trend of land-loss rates based on a spline best fit model (red line) and confidence bands (thin dashed black lines). Source: Modified from [24].
Figure 2. (A) The Mississippi River Basin covers all or parts of 31 states and discharges into the Gulf of Mexico through the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. (B) Landsat 8 image showing the generalized extent of Late Holocene deltaic headlands. Areas of 1932–2016 land loss are shown in red, and areas of land gain are shown in yellow. New Orleans is designated by NOLA, whereas Grand Isle, Louisiana is designated by GI. (C) Land-area measurements from 1932 to 2016 (black dots) for the Mississippi River delta as a whole, including the Louisiana Chenier Plain to the west, with a spline best fit model (red line) and 95% confidence bands (thin dashed black lines). (D) Modeled trend of land-loss rates based on a spline best fit model (red line) and confidence bands (thin dashed black lines). Source: Modified from [24].
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Figure 3. The Laguna de Terminos in the State of Campeche. There are three main rivers draining into Terminos Lagoon. Three rivers discharge to the southern lagoon (the Palizada, Candelaria, and Chumpan) [32].
Figure 3. The Laguna de Terminos in the State of Campeche. There are three main rivers draining into Terminos Lagoon. Three rivers discharge to the southern lagoon (the Palizada, Candelaria, and Chumpan) [32].
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Figure 4. EcoHealth Metrics framework. Modified from [17,37]. (accessed on 30 July 2024).
Figure 4. EcoHealth Metrics framework. Modified from [17,37]. (accessed on 30 July 2024).
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Figure 5. The interaction of four important systems components in the integrated Earth system/social system that form the basis of sustainable management. Source: Modified from [17]. (accessed on 30 July 2024).
Figure 5. The interaction of four important systems components in the integrated Earth system/social system that form the basis of sustainable management. Source: Modified from [17]. (accessed on 30 July 2024).
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Figure 6. Patterns of petroleum production and of loss of wetlands in the Mississippi Delta. Data are from [41,45]. “water” refers to high-salinity brine produced water.
Figure 6. Patterns of petroleum production and of loss of wetlands in the Mississippi Delta. Data are from [41,45]. “water” refers to high-salinity brine produced water.
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Figure 7. Wetland loss in the Venice oil and gas field. The circular pattern of the canals is due to the presence of a subsurface salt dome surrounded by petroleum reservoirs. Images from USGS and Google Earth. From [15], used by permission.
Figure 7. Wetland loss in the Venice oil and gas field. The circular pattern of the canals is due to the presence of a subsurface salt dome surrounded by petroleum reservoirs. Images from USGS and Google Earth. From [15], used by permission.
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Figure 8. Wetland loss in the Bully Camp oil and gas field. The area outlined in yellow shows land ownership and red circles are well locations. Most of the wetlands in the area disappeared between 1935 and 2010. Images from [47] used by permission.
Figure 8. Wetland loss in the Bully Camp oil and gas field. The area outlined in yellow shows land ownership and red circles are well locations. Most of the wetlands in the area disappeared between 1935 and 2010. Images from [47] used by permission.
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Figure 9. Hydrocarbon production in the Mexican Gulf from 1975 to 2018 (thousands of barrels per day, green line), the average price per barrel in US dollars (red bars), and the production cost per barrel in US dollars. Source: [48]. Used with Author’s permission.
Figure 9. Hydrocarbon production in the Mexican Gulf from 1975 to 2018 (thousands of barrels per day, green line), the average price per barrel in US dollars (red bars), and the production cost per barrel in US dollars. Source: [48]. Used with Author’s permission.
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Figure 10. Oil and gas maps for the Gulf of Mexico showing areas in the southern Gulf (left, different colors show different production areas in Mexico) and the northern Gulf (right) [42,52].
Figure 10. Oil and gas maps for the Gulf of Mexico showing areas in the southern Gulf (left, different colors show different production areas in Mexico) and the northern Gulf (right) [42,52].
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Figure 11. Maximum oil production by month (BOE Max Month) for each producing area in the Mexican GOM. Campeche Sound has the highest rates of production. Source: [53].
Figure 11. Maximum oil production by month (BOE Max Month) for each producing area in the Mexican GOM. Campeche Sound has the highest rates of production. Source: [53].
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Figure 12. (a) Inshore and offshore pipelines in the Mississippi Delta (, accessed on 30 July 2024) and (b) location of wells (red dots) [44].
Figure 12. (a) Inshore and offshore pipelines in the Mississippi Delta (, accessed on 30 July 2024) and (b) location of wells (red dots) [44].
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Figure 13. Oil industry canals in South Louisiana. Note the canals and the spoil banks alongside the canals (light color). A well was drilled at the end of each canal. Source: Energy Vanguard Blog [103].
Figure 13. Oil industry canals in South Louisiana. Note the canals and the spoil banks alongside the canals (light color). A well was drilled at the end of each canal. Source: Energy Vanguard Blog [103].
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Figure 14. The inverse relationship between the density of dredged canals and natural channels in a saline marsh near Leeville, LA. Source: [102].
Figure 14. The inverse relationship between the density of dredged canals and natural channels in a saline marsh near Leeville, LA. Source: [102].
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Figure 15. A simple model showing the two-phase subsidence in oil and gas fields. Modified from [16,104].
Figure 15. A simple model showing the two-phase subsidence in oil and gas fields. Modified from [16,104].
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Figure 16. Factors affecting the impact of spilled oil and drivers of environmental impacts during an oil spill [108]. Source: Modified from [108].
Figure 16. Factors affecting the impact of spilled oil and drivers of environmental impacts during an oil spill [108]. Source: Modified from [108].
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Table 1. Average concentrations of total, high-, and low-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coastal lagoons and bays of the Atlantic coast of Mexico. N.R. = Not reported. Source: [107].
Table 1. Average concentrations of total, high-, and low-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coastal lagoons and bays of the Atlantic coast of Mexico. N.R. = Not reported. Source: [107].
Lagoon/BayPAHLMW 1HMW 2
Sian Ka’An1.160.550.8
La Mancha6.730.396.34
Pueblo Viejo3.811.122.08
Tampamachoco 4.481.213.27
“High” U.S.A.2.40
1 LMW = low-molecular-weight PAHs. 2 HMW = high-molecular-weight PAHs.
Table 2. Average concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Crasostrea virginica and A. assimilis in coastal lagoons and bays of the Atlantic coast of Mexico. Source: [107].
Table 2. Average concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Crasostrea virginica and A. assimilis in coastal lagoons and bays of the Atlantic coast of Mexico. Source: [107].
Lagoon/BayPAH (ng/g)Organism
Carmen232C. virginica
Machona404C. virginica
Mecoacan219C. virginica
Terminos1900C. virginica
Chetumal77,000A. assimilis
Mean STP536C. virginica
Table 3. Marine and terrestrial emissions of greenhouse gases resulting from cumulative production of gas and oil in Mexico 1960–2019. Source: [109].
Table 3. Marine and terrestrial emissions of greenhouse gases resulting from cumulative production of gas and oil in Mexico 1960–2019. Source: [109].
ActivityShallow WatersLandTotal
Tons of CO2e
ExtractionNatural GasFugitive (Methane)282.31568.49850.8
Internal use as fuel80.62162.34242.96
Subtotal gas404.12813.771217.89
Crude oilFugitive (Methane)427.83196.24624.07
Subtotal oil637.27292.31929.58
Subtotal extraction1041.391106.082147.47
ProcessingNatural GasProcessing26.553.3779.88
Crude oilProcessing1494.46685.492179.95
Subtotal processing1520.96738.862259.82
CombustionNatural GasCombustion1360.902740.424101.31
Crude oilCombustion10,592.394858.6115,451.00
Subtotal combustion11,953.297599.0219,552.31
Table 4. Common components of produced water resulting from oil and gas production in the Mississippi Delta. Source: Data taken from [115].
Table 4. Common components of produced water resulting from oil and gas production in the Mississippi Delta. Source: Data taken from [115].
Metals Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Boron, Cadmium, Gold, Iron, Mercury, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Nickel, Platinum, Silver, Strontium, Tin, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Tiitanium, Thallium, Vanadium
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials Radium-226, Radium-228
Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene, Benzoic acid, Chlorobenzene, Di-n-butyl phthalate, Toluene, Ethlybenzene, Isopropylbenzene, n-Propylbenzene, p-chloro-m-cresol, Xylenes
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Acenaphthene, Anthracene, Benzo(a)anthracene, Cyrsene, Dibenzothiophenes, Fluoranthene, Flourene, Napththalene, Benzo(a)pyrene
Miscellaneous Organic Chemicals Phenols, Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, Oil and grease
Miscellaneous Other Components Calcium, Potassium, Radon, Sodium chloride, Total dissolved solids, Ammonia, Bromides, Sulfates, Sulfides
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MDPI and ACS Style

Day, J.W.; Rivera-Arriaga, E.; del Carmen Peña-Puch, A.; Hunter, R.G. Sustainability of Gulf of Mexico Coastal Estuaries and Lagoons: Interactions with Hydrocarbon Production—A Review with a Look to the Future. Sustainability 2024, 16, 8601.

AMA Style

Day JW, Rivera-Arriaga E, del Carmen Peña-Puch A, Hunter RG. Sustainability of Gulf of Mexico Coastal Estuaries and Lagoons: Interactions with Hydrocarbon Production—A Review with a Look to the Future. Sustainability. 2024; 16(19):8601.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Day, John W., Evelia Rivera-Arriaga, Angelina del Carmen Peña-Puch, and Rachael G. Hunter. 2024. "Sustainability of Gulf of Mexico Coastal Estuaries and Lagoons: Interactions with Hydrocarbon Production—A Review with a Look to the Future" Sustainability 16, no. 19: 8601.

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