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Geographic Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors for Industrial Heritage Sites in Italy Based on GIS

School of Design, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
Department of Architecture, University of Bologna, 40123 Bologna, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Sustainability 2024, 16(5), 2085;
Submission received: 12 January 2024 / Revised: 26 February 2024 / Accepted: 29 February 2024 / Published: 2 March 2024


A comprehensive understanding of industrial legacy, considering its social, economic, and environmental aspects, is crucial for its preservation. This study scrutinizes 120 industrial heritage sites, investigating spatial–temporal patterns and influential factors. The aim is to provide a scientific basis for the conservation and management of the Italian industrial heritage. (1) The research underscores Italy’s industrial legacy’s tendency for clustering and uneven dispersion, prominently concentrated in the northern regions while notably sparse in the south. (2) Geographical advantages, a history of advanced industrialization, higher economic levels, greater population density, and supportive policies foster a concentration of industrial development and greater diversity of heritage types in the North. (3) The recommendations advocate for tailored conservation and management strategies tailored to the distinct characteristics of Italian industrial history. These strategies advocate for increased public involvement, reinforced legislative protection, and the promotion of tourism and cultural education to sustainably develop heritage assets. The findings and methodologies of this study can effectively identify the causes of the formation of the Italian industrial heritage, thereby offering a broader perspective to bolster its preservation and administration. It also provides a valuable reference for global industrial heritage preservation and management strategies.

1. Introduction

Since the 1960s, extensive regions in Europe and North America have undergone the painful processes of deindustrialization, resulting in the closure of numerous industrial facilities and the displacement of millions of industrial workers, leaving behind what has come to be known as “rust belts” [1,2]. In this context, the concept of industrial heritage emerged as a new paradigm [3]. The 17th International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) defined industrial heritage more clearly in the Dublin Principles of 2011 as “comprising sites, structures, ensembles, regions, and landscapes, together with their machinery, objects, or records, associated with industrial processes, production, extraction of raw materials, their use, and transformation, including energy and transportation infrastructure” [4]. These abandoned industrial relics serve not only as remnants of past industrial processes but also as evidence of the unique characteristics that industrial landscapes and regions have acquired over the years, becoming integral components of our cultural and architectural heritage [5].
Presently, with the widespread adoption of the concept of industrial heritage, some of the earlier industrialized nations in Central and Western Europe have included significant industrial remains in their industrial heritage inventories, undertaking measures for their preservation, management, and transformation into valuable regenerated resources [6]. For instance, the United Kingdom, a leader in the Industrial Revolution, established The International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) as early as 1973, significantly advancing the global research and development efforts related to industrial heritage [7]. Leveraging its unique industrial heritage, the Ruhr region in Germany has constructed a relatively coherent regional self-image and serves as an exemplar in the conservation of industrial heritage worldwide [8,9]. Spain has incorporated industrial heritage development into the realm of new tourism and leisure industries. By repurposing industrial heritage sites into museums or tourist attractions, these areas have experienced sustainable development while injecting fresh vitality into local economies and cultures [10].
The development of the industrial heritage field has evolved from early stages of definition, identification, and documentation [11,12,13,14] to phases of preservation, assessment, and restoration [15,16]. Today, the research on industrial heritage encompasses various themes, including industrial heritage tourism integrated into regional planning and development [17], stakeholder participation and governance incorporated into conservation practices to foster public involvement and achieve balanced interests [18], and the adoption of adaptive reuse strategies (i.e., “any construction work or intervention aimed at changing its capacity, function, or performance to adapt to new conditions or requirements”) to enhance local environments [19,20]. Furthermore, the transformation of heritage assets into public spaces related to sustainable initiatives demonstrates the sustainable management of industrial heritage assets, addressing urban environmental, social, and economic needs [5,21]. The advancement of these global research and practice initiatives has led to the systematic and scientific formation of models for industrial heritage research and conservation, facilitating the transformation of former rust belts and brownfields into valuable assets ready for rejuvenation [22,23].
However, practical implementation requires specific considerations based on each country’s unique circumstances. Taking Italy as an example, in recent decades, attention to abandoned industrial buildings in Italy has gradually increased as people have begun to realize their impact on society and urban economies [24]. As the second-largest manufacturing country in Europe today, Italy has made significant achievements in the industrial sector [25], particularly excelling in machinery, fashion goods, food, and automotive components [26]. Despite starting the industrial revolution later compared to Western European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and Belgium, Italy’s distinctive industrial heritage has emerged due to multiple factors such as its unique history, culture, and geography. The research on Italian industrial heritage has accumulated a certain foundation, covering aspects such as development history, heritage value, preservation, adaptive reuse, assessment, and technology [27,28,29,30]. However, these studies mainly focus on specific heritage sites or regional scopes, with relatively few studies addressing macroscopic analyses of Italian industrial heritage as a whole and the underlying reasons behind its formation, especially against the backdrop of significant economic and developmental disparities between Italy’s northern and southern regions [31]. Hence, there is a need to gain a more comprehensive understanding of Italian industrial heritage by analyzing its distribution and variations across different regions and investigating the influence of local economic, social, and cultural factors on industrial heritage, thereby facilitating a more nuanced comprehension of Italian industrial heritage.
To ascertain the spatial–temporal distribution characteristics of industrial heritage sites and the diverse factors influencing their distribution, this study aims to investigate the distribution of industrial heritage across different regions of Italy. It seeks to examine the relationship between industrial heritage distribution and local geographical positioning, historical context, economic conditions, governmental policies, and transportation infrastructure. By offering a comprehensive and profound perspective on the status of Italian industrial heritage, this research endeavors to lay the groundwork for subsequent comparative studies with other nations. Simultaneously, through a systematic examination at the macroscopic level, it aims to promote the sustainable development and preservation of industrial heritage, providing scholars and practitioners in related fields with valuable insights and references for their work. Therefore, the following key questions will be the primary focus of this paper:
What are the spatial distribution characteristics of Italian industrial heritage?
What are the influences of various factors on this distribution?
How can the sustainable protection and management of Italian industrial heritage be enhanced?

2. Research Materials and Methods

2.1. Data Collection

This study gathered data on the geographical coordinates, altitudes, and establishment dates of 120 industrial heritage sites in Italy, together with city-specific statistics including population in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, employment rates, transportation accessibility, and cultural investments made by local municipalities. The objective was to investigate the relationships between Italian industrial heritage sites more thoroughly by classifying the sites and heritage categories and combining them with additional indicators for thorough cross-analysis. The goal of this strategy was to promote the sustainable development of this heritage by offering a more comprehensive and coherent understanding to assist in efficient heritage management and protection. The specific sources of data are as outlined below: the compilation of 120 industrial heritage sites was obtained from the Inventory of Italian Industrial Heritage Sites (, accessed on 11 January 2024) in the European Routes of Industrial History (ERIH) catalog, which was obtained from Google Maps (, accessed on 11 January 2024). Subsequently, point searches were conducted on the exported map, extracting longitude and latitude values to generate the dataset. The cartographic data for the division of Italy’s map is sourced from the Ministry of the Environment, Land, and Sea Protection of Italy (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare), which provides free map information data (, accessed on 11 January 2024). We obtained the elevation data for Italy in 2023 from Geoname, a website that provides geographical information (, accessed on 11 January 2024). Nevertheless, the global surveys faced substantial obstacles because of the COVID-19 epidemic and the subsequent government-imposed lockdown measures, which greatly hindered data collection [32]. As a result, it became more difficult to acquire the most up-to-date data for specific indicators. To minimize inconsistencies in the data and improve the precision of our research, we intentionally selected more reliable benchmark data from the year 2019 to support the credibility and dependability of our study. We obtained the population and per capita GDP data for the year 2019 from the official website of the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, ISTAT) at, accessed on 11 January 2024. We obtained the data on per capita investment in municipal culture, employment rates, and transit accessibility for the year 2019 from Openpolis (, accessed on 11 January 2024). The study benefited from the integration of numerous reliable data sources, which yielded comprehensive and scientifically validated data.

2.2. Research Methods

This study focuses on analyzing the distribution patterns and formation factors of industrial heritage in Italy, aiming to delve into the scientific and scholarly aspects of this field. First, we utilized the ERIH database to obtain detailed distribution data for industrial heritage sites in Italy, thereby establishing a comprehensive and systematic foundational database. Subsequently, specific latitude and longitude coordinates for 120 Italian industrial heritage sites were acquired using Google Maps and subjected to coordinate adjustments to ensure data accuracy and reliability. Following this, we imported these data into the ArcGIS 10.8.1 platform and employed various technical methods such as nearest neighbor analysis, kernel density analysis, imbalance indices, and geographic concentration indices to conduct in-depth research on the spatial distribution patterns of Italian industrial heritage and its influencing factors. Specifically, methods including nearest neighbor indices and kernel density analysis were employed to detect the spatial evolution of Italian industrial heritage distribution [33]. Additionally, a combination of techniques, including kernel density analysis, nearest neighbor analysis, and imbalance indices analysis, was used to explore the spatial distribution balance and types of traditional villages [33,34]. Furthermore, we utilized Origin software version 2021 to perform cross-analysis on multidimensional data, including Italy’s economic indicators, employment rates, and elevations, aiming to provide a more comprehensive explanation of the distribution characteristics of Italian industrial heritage and to answer RQ1. The research framework is illustrated in Figure 1.

2.2.1. Nearest Neighbor Analysis

The nearest neighbor index is calculated by the formula. The nearest neighbor index is frequently utilized for analyzing the spatial distribution of point data [35]. It determines whether points cluster together based on the closest distance between adjacent points, allowing for the classification of spatial distribution as either clustered, dispersed, or random [36]. The method is widely recognized for its simplicity and is regarded as highly effective in many classification situations [37]. The distribution of Italian industrial heritage can be analyzed using the nearest neighbor technique, which assesses whether these sites are clustered or dispersed in space by measuring the distance between each site and its closest neighboring site. This method facilitates the comprehension of the spatial distribution patterns, spatial correlations, and unique distribution trends of industrial heritage throughout Italy. As such, it facilitates the construction of efficient management plans, protections, and long-term development objectives. The computation formula is as stated below [38]:
R = r ¯ 1 r ¯ E = 2 D × r ¯ 1 ,
where R is the nearest neighbor index, r1 is the average of the distance r1 between the nearest neighbor points, rE is the theoretical nearest neighbor distance when the point-like elements are randomly distributed, and D is the number of point elements per unit area. When R = 1, r1 = rE, the point-like elements are randomly distributed; when R > 1, r1 > rE, the point-like elements tend to be uniformly distributed; when R < 1, r1 < rE the point-like elements show a cohesive distribution. rE is calculated by the following formula:
r E = 1 2 n A = 1 2 D ,
In the formula, A is the area of the region, and n is the number of objects studied.

2.2.2. Geographical Concentration Index Analysis

The geographical concentration index is a crucial measure for evaluating the level of concentration within the area of investigation [39]. The approach entails assessing the ratio of industrial heritage site within a given radius, thereby estimating the level of concentration among Italian industrial heritage sites. The purpose of this index is to quantitatively assess the level of concentration of industrial heritage sites. It aims to provide a more precise examination of the specific variations in concentration among different regions. The formula for computation is as stated [40]:
G = 100 i = 1 n x i T 2 ,
where n denotes the number of regions in Italy, and Yi denotes the cumulative percentage of the number of industrial heritage sites in each province to the total number of industrial heritage sites in the country and the percentage of the NO.i place after ranking in descending order of weight. If S is close to 0, it means that the industrial heritage addresses are evenly distributed among the sub-regions; if S is close to 1, it means that the industrial heritage is highly concentrated in one sub-region.

2.2.3. Kernel Density Estimation

Kernel density analysis is recognized as a potent spatial statistical tool for assessing spatial density [41]. This method computes density values for each geographical position, yielding a quantification of the intensity of localized activity [42]. The primary objective is to examine the uninterrupted spatial arrangement of industrial heritage sites and precisely chart the density of these locations. When used in conjunction with nearest neighbor analysis, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the density and proximity relationships among spatial distributions, offering a clear depiction of the degree of concentration or dispersion among Italian industrial heritage sites [43]. The formula for computation is
f ( x ) = 1 n h i = 1 n   k ( x x i h ) ,
where k(xxi/h) is the kernel density function; h is the bandwidth; n is the number of points in the threshold range; and xxi is the distance from valuation point x to event xi.

2.2.4. Imbalance Index Analysis

Although the nearest neighbor index method provides an indication of the general clustering or dispersion of Italian industrial heritage sites, it may not fully depict their individual distribution patterns; the imbalance index is useful for examining the differences in distribution among various regions [44]. By considering many viewpoints, it enables an examination of the equity and logic of the distribution of industrial heritage resources across different geographical areas. This contributes to developing a more comprehensive and equitable policy framework for heritage protection and management by enabling fair resource allocation and balanced regional development. Hence, the implementation of the imbalance index aids in quantifying the spatial disparity in the distribution of industrial heritage sites across Italy [38]. The equation for calculation is
s = i = 1 n Y i 50 ( n + 1 ) 100 n 50 ( n + 1 ) ,
where xi denotes the number of industrial heritage sites owned by the NO.i region of Italy; T is the total number of industrial heritage sites in Italy, and n denotes the number of spatial divisions within Italy. A higher value of G indicates a higher degree of concentration. It is assumed that G = G0 means that Italian industrial heritage sites are then evenly distributed in sub-regions. If G > G0, the distribution of Italian industrial heritage sites is highly concentrated in a sub-region, and vice versa, it is a more dispersed distribution.

3. Characterization of Spatial Distribution

In the hierarchical structure of Italy’s macro-regions, the specific geographic coordinates of industrial heritage sites can be considered as point features, and the nearest neighbor distance can effectively measure the spatial distribution type of these point features [45]. Utilizing the nearest neighbor analysis method (Formulas (1) and (2)), we calculated the nearest neighbor ratio (R) for Italian industrial heritage sites to be 0.539390, where (R < 1), indicating an aggregated distribution pattern of Italian industrial heritage sites. Furthermore, the imbalance index reflects the equilibrium distribution of industrial heritage sites within various regional scopes [46]. When the imbalance index value approaches 1, it indicates a more uneven spatial distribution, whereas a value closer to 0 signifies a relatively uniform distribution. Through calculation using Formula (5), we obtained an imbalance index (S = 0.584210526), which is closer to 1, further affirming the uneven distribution characteristic of Italian industrial heritage.
Additionally, based on the European Union’s Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) [47], we categorized Italy’s 20 regions into five regional perspectives: northeast (Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, and Trentino-Alto Adige), northwest (Valle d’Aosta, Liguria, Piemonte, and Lombardia), central (Toscana, Umbria, Marche, and Lazio), south (Molise, Abruzzo, Campania, Basilicata, Puglia, and Calabria), and islands (Sardegna and Sicilia) for discussion. We combined discussions of geographic concentration to assess the concentration levels of industrial heritage in these five regions. Through geographic concentration index analysis (Formula (3)), we obtained a national geographic concentration index (G = 22.36), with regional concentration indices as follows: (G1 = 13.56) for the northeast, (G2 = 25.18) for the northwest, (G3 = 14.81) for the central region, (G4 = 5.33) for the south, and (G5 = 6.07) for the islands. Thus, we demonstrate that the inland geographic concentration indices of the five regions in Italy are ordered as follows: (G2 > G3 > G1 > G5 > G4). Only the concentration index of (G2) in the northwest surpasses the national geographic concentration index (G0), indicating an aggregated distribution of industrial heritage in the Northwest region compared to other regions, while the northeast, central, south, and islands regions fall below (G0), suggesting a dispersed distribution.
To accurately analyze the spatial distribution density of Italian industrial heritage, we employed the kernel density analysis tool in ArcGIS to generate a kernel density map (Figure 2) (Formula (4)). This map aids in analyzing the clustering status of Italian industrial heritage sites and helps identify imbalanced spatial distributions [48]. As depicted in the map, industrial heritage sites in Italy are predominantly concentrated in the northern regions, notably in the Piedmont and Lombardy regions, exhibiting high densities and some degree of continuity. Conversely, industrial heritage site distribution is less prevalent in the southern regions, failing to form extensive clusters.
Regarding the specific distribution of Italian industrial heritage types, we classified the original production types of these 120 industrial heritage sites in Italy according to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) [49,50]. We then conducted a more detailed discussion based on the distribution of kernel density. ISIC classification standards (Section C) encompass manufacturing facilities such as textile factories, printing presses, cutlery factories, and automobile plants, primarily engaged in manufacturing and processing activities; mining and quarrying (Section B) include mines and marble quarries, mainly involved in the extraction and processing of minerals and stones; construction (Section F) covers buildings such as train stations and corridors, mainly engaged in the construction and repair of buildings and infrastructure; transportation (Section H) includes ports, railways, and canals, primarily providing logistics and transportation services for goods and passengers; energy supply (Section D) comprises gas works, oil refineries, power plants, etc., mainly engaged in energy production and supply, including gas, oil, and electricity; educational activities (Section R) involve archives and other educational activities, mainly providing services related to education and cultural heritage preservation.
By statistically analyzing the historical production activities of Italian industrial heritage sites and categorizing them according to ISIC standards, along with color differentiation in the kernel density map (Figure 2), we identified 56 sites in the manufacturing sector (Class C), 29 in mining and quarrying (Class B), 5 in construction (Class F), 13 in transportation (Class H), 7 in energy supply (Class D), and 10 in educational activities (Class R) within Italian industrial heritage. It is evident that the manufacturing sector comprises the largest proportion of industrial heritage sites, mainly concentrated in the northern regions. Mining and quarrying are concentrated in the northeast region and Sardinia. Other industry types exhibit less distinct characteristics and are relatively dispersed.

4. Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Italian Industrial Heritage

An examination of the distribution characteristics of Italy’s industrial heritage indicates a predominant concentration of sites in the northern areas, while the southern regions have a comparatively lower number of sites. Within these sites, conventional industrial sectors such as automotive, machinery, and textiles have a prominent presence, while mining, quarrying, and electricity generation act as supporting industries, showcasing a distinct regional specialization and a varied economic composition. The complexity and diversity of Italy’s industrial production history have been shaped by various elements, including geography, economy, history, policies, transportation, and other multiple influences [51]. To examine the relationship between these influencing elements and the spatial distribution of Italy’s industrial legacy, this study utilized Origin software version 2021 to conduct a cross-analysis incorporating aspects such as heritage site location, type, elevation, economic factors, and transportation. The objective is to investigate and examine the intricate elements and fundamental mechanisms that influence these distribution features. This entails analyzing the influence of geographical factors, such as altitude, on the distribution of heritage sites. It also involves studying the correlation between the historical period of site construction and its distribution. Additionally, it examines the potential impact of economic factors, such as urban population and per capita GDP, on site distribution. Furthermore, it explores the association between government cultural activity investment and site distribution as a policy-related effect. Finally, it investigates the potential impact of transportation accessibility on site distribution. The purpose of this analysis is to answer RQ2.

4.1. Geographical Factors

The regional location and elevation exert a considerable influence on the distribution of industrial heritage sites in Italy. Italy is in the southern region of Europe, with a total area of 301,333 square kilometers [52]. Italy shares borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia to the north [53]. The Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, and Tyrrhenian Sea form its eastern, western, and southern boundaries, respectively, giving Italy a coastline that stretches over 7200 km. The country consists of 35% mountainous terrain, 41% hilly regions, and only 23% plains. Mount Cervino is the tallest summit, reaching an elevation of 4810 m [54]. Geographical considerations, including solar exposure, soil quality, and climate, have a significant impact on the choice of industrial sites [55]. This has led to differences in production methods at different site locations and, in turn, influenced the regional distribution of industrial heritage and types of production. Out of the 120 discovered sites, the northwestern area has the largest number of sites, specifically 47, which make up 39.17% of the overall number of sites in the country. The northeastern region comprises 29 sites, accounting for 24.17% of the total. Meanwhile, the central region contains 26 sites, representing 21.67%. The southern regions and islands have the lowest number of sites, with each area having a total of 9 sites, accounting for 7.50% of the total countrywide. By examining the cross-analysis in Figure 3, it becomes clear that the northern sites make up 65% of Italy’s total sites. This is almost 8.67 times greater than the number of sites in the south or on the islands. An analysis of the height distribution reveals that 88.3% of industrial historical sites are situated below 600 m, while 5.8% are found between 600 and 1000 m, and 5% are placed above 1000 m. Out of the 120 sites, manufacturing is the most prevalent production category, with 56 sites, representing 46.67%. The breakdown of the number of sites in different industries is as follows: mining has 29 sites, accounting for 24.17%; transportation has 13 sites, representing 10.83%; art, entertainment, and leisure have 10 sites, making up 8.33%; energy supply has 7 sites, contributing to 5.83%; and construction has the lowest number of sites, with 5, representing 4.16%.
Specifically, among the 56 heritage sites, 92.85% are located at elevations below 600 m, with 80.36% being positioned below 300 m. The majority, or 75%, of the population is in the northern region. The southern region contains the remaining 8.9% of the population. It is worth mentioning that none of the 120 industrial heritage sites are located on the islands. Out of the 29 mining sites, 44.82% are in the central region, 31.03% on the islands, and 20.69% in the northwest. The bulk of these sites are situated at altitudes exceeding 1000 m. Furthermore, the northeastern region accounts for 3.45% of mining heritage sites. Out of the total of 13 transportation locations, the majority, 69.23%, are in the northern region, with a specific concentration of 46.15% in the northwest. A few archives and museums are situated at an elevation of up to 233 m among the 10 art, education, and leisure facilities, while the rest are primarily found in low-lying regions, with 90% concentrated in the northern area. Regarding the 7 energy supply industrial locations, 57.14% of them are in the northwest. Milan, situated in the northwest, has 3 out of the 5 building sites, while the remaining 2 are in Naples, in the southern region. In addition, the industrial historical sites in the northeast, northwest, and south regions primarily revolve around manufacturing, making up 62.07%, 51.06%, and 55.5% of their respective heritage kinds. All other manufacturing areas, except for the well-known industrial location of Ivrea in the northwest, are situated at elevations below 1000 m. The islands and central area have the greatest concentration of mining sites, accounting for 100% and 50%, respectively, of the regional heritage types, all located at altitudes below 400 m.
The above statistics clearly indicate that geographic considerations greatly influence the distribution characteristics of Italy’s industrial heritage. Italy’s geographical proximity to France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia provides it with increased opportunities and benefits for economic relations, commerce, and technological exchanges. The industrialization and economic development of nearby nations facilitated market demand for the northern regions of Italy, hence, accelerating industrialization in those specific areas [56]. In addition, Italy’s limited availability of natural resources, primarily relying on imported resources such as hydroelectricity, geothermal energy, and natural gas, as well as scarce resources like marble, mercury, sulfur, lead, aluminum, zinc, and bauxite [57], has made it easier to import and export industrial production materials in the northern regions. The northwestern area of Italy exerts a substantial impact on the country’s industrial progress, boasting the largest concentration of heritage sites, mostly attributable to its favorable geographical position. Milan, a prominent city in the northwest, founded the Milan Central Station and Alfa Romeo automotive manufacturing industry throughout the early 20th century, demonstrating its robust industrial environment. Turin gained the nickname “Italian Motor City” in the early 20th century due to its notable advancements in vehicle production [58]. The Fiat automobile plant and Lingotto plant, both prominent businesses, played a significant role in Turin’s supremacy in the automotive sector. In addition, Genoa, located in the northwest, strategically utilized its distinct geographical benefits and plentiful marine resources to establish itself as a vital port city [59]. This allowed for the growth of import–export trade and maritime commerce, as well as the development of associated industries and maritime transportation. Although the northeastern regions are adjacent to other European countries, they have fewer industrial sites due to the intricate hilly terrain. As a result, the industrial conditions are lower, and there are fewer heritage sites compared to the northwest. Out of the 29 industrial heritage sites in northeastern Italy’s five major regions, manufacturing is the most prevalent. It holds the largest share in the country and takes advantage of the region’s proximity to the Alps, abundant hydroelectric resources, and fertile soil. These factors support industrial production focused on activities such as flour mills, distilleries, textile mills, and food factories. Regions such as Bologna and Vicenza have prosperous manufacturing sectors in comparison to other locations. Due to its advantageous geographical location, Bologna has emerged as a pivotal transportation center in Italy since the medieval era, acquiring significant economic and industrial resources ([60] pp. 1300–1861). Companies such as Lamborghini and Ducati in Bologna have created a comprehensive environment for automobile production in the area. The thriving textile industry in Vicenza benefits from ample supplies of cotton and wool sourced from the surrounding regions, ensuring the strong growth of this sector [27]. Moreover, as a coastal metropolis, Venice’s industrial manufacturing is intricately connected to its distinctive geographical advantage, benefiting from a favorable waterborne transit system that enables simple access to materials and nautical equipment.
Moreover, the middle regions, distinguished by their hilly terrain and flat expanses, offer advantageous geological circumstances. Extensive iron pyrite mines are found in Siena and Grosseto, as well as in the European locations of Abbadia San Salvatore and Monte Calvo, which are situated on dormant volcanoes and contain abundant deposits of cinnabar [61]. Consequently, approximately half of the sites in these areas are directly associated with mining activities. Despite its advantageous geographical location and expansive urban size, Rome, as the capital, has a comparatively limited number of heritage monuments. It is home to only three such sites, namely, the Peroni Beer factory, railways, and the Centrale Montemartini power station. The southern regions, especially Naples, include the highest concentration of industrial sites, encompassing various sectors such as building, manufacturing, and transportation. Naples, throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was an important industrial center due to its lower elevation and coastal location. This geographical advantage allowed for easy transit and trade by both land and water, which greatly contributed to the region’s industrial growth. Moreover, the favorable mild environment and abundant sunlight in the southern areas of Apulia created a natural benefit for the process of salt evaporation and crystallization [62]. As a result, Apulia became the largest sea salt production hub in Europe. All nine industrial heritage sites on the islands are associated with mining. Sardinia, possessing a greater abundance of coal and metallic mineral resources such as lead and zinc, outstrips Sicily in terms of the quantity of mining historical sites. Sardinia is abundant in coal and lead–zinc metallic mineral resources, whereas Sicily has significant amounts of salt, sulfur, and marble.
In general, the northern areas of Italy display a notably greater quantity and a wider variety of industrial heritage sites in comparison to the southern regions. This further demonstrates the strong correlation between the distribution attributes of industrial history and geographic considerations. The influence of various regional geographical circumstances and elevations has shaped Italy’s diverse and rich industrial heritage. These factors have molded diverse industrial developments and natural resource distributions throughout the country.

4.2. Historical Factors

Historical events closely intertwine with the distribution and building of industrial heritage sites in Italy. The inventory traces back industrial heritage remnants to the year 1310. The Italian Renaissance began in the 14th century, during which towns such as Florence, Venice, and Milan gained independence as separate political entities [63]. These cities experienced great progress in both economic and cultural aspects because of the city-state system and economic development [64]. Trade thrived between these city-states both internally and externally, leading Venice and Florence to emerge as Italy’s primary centers for trade and finance throughout that period. During the 14th to the late 16th centuries, the Renaissance period saw a significant increase in interest in humanistic ideas, emphasizing the value of human beings and showing a strong fascination with Greek and Roman art and learning. This period witnessed the embracing of aesthetic values in products, the questioning of traditional ideas, and the emergence of notable scientific breakthroughs and inventions [65]. Throughout this era, industrial production consistently sought innovative manufacturing methods, prioritizing the integration of product functioning with artistic aesthetics and placing great importance on the aesthetic worth of the products. Italy’s industrial growth commenced in the 18th century, marked by gradual progress mostly focused on agriculture and craftsmanship. However, this phase established a strong foundation for Italy’s subsequent industrial revolution. Subsequently, throughout the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Italy experienced the initiation of its industrial revolution, which occurred comparatively later in comparison to other European nations. Metropolitan areas like Milan, Turin, Genoa, and Naples experienced a rise in industrialization, leading to a substantial enhancement of traditional handicraft through mechanized industrial production. The proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy in March 1861 heralded a period of political and economic unification, which, in turn, spurred advancements in markets, infrastructure, technology, policies, and other areas of growth [66]. The two World Wars of the 20th century catalyzed economic progress and technological innovations, although they also inflicted significant devastation and casualties. Italy effectively revitalized and expanded its industries through post-war reconstruction and economic reforms, establishing the groundwork for national economic affluence. After World War II, Italy held a statewide referendum that resulted in the abolition of the monarchy. This decision created a more stable political and economic environment, which, in turn, facilitated industrial modernization and led to additional advancements in industrial output [67]. Currently, Italy has established itself as a globally recognized manufacturing leader, demonstrating exceptional expertise in specialized and cutting-edge industrial production skills.
By utilizing Italy’s industrial growth history, we may classify industrial heritage sites from the 14th century to the present into four distinct time periods, as illustrated in Figure 4. During the era from 1300 to 1700, which includes the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, there were only seven industrial heritage sites that emerged, making up approximately 5.83% of the total number of sites in the country. Out of these, there were five sites dedicated to manufacturing and two sites dedicated to mining. In the early 14th century, there were three sites, followed by two sites in the late 14th century, and finally two more sites in the 17th and 18th centuries. Furthermore, between 1701 and 1860, which covers the whole industrial revolution, a total of 34 industrial heritage sites emerged. Over a period of 159 years, these sites spread out and constituted approximately 28.33% of the national total. Out of all the sites, those from the 18th century made up 26.47% of this time, while the sites from the 19th century made up 73.53%. Subsequently, in 84 years, throughout the World War era spanning from 1861 to 1945, 59 industrial heritage sites emerged, accounting for approximately 49.17% of the country’s total. Recorded sites from the late 19th century accounted for 44.07%, while the remaining 55.93% were from the early 20th century. The period from 1946 to the present is the contemporary industrial era of Italy, characterized by the presence of 20 industrial heritage sites, which make up 16.67% of the total number of such sites in the country. Notably, only one site has emerged in the 21st century. During this period, there has been very consistent growth in development. However, the number of sites has been decreasing compared to previous periods. Therefore, historical circumstances intricately link the dispersion of Italy’s industrial legacy. During the earlier years, Italy predominantly focused its production on a limited number of sectors, namely, cotton, textiles, and mining. As a result of the industrial revolution, industrial production steadily spread from the northern regions to the southern regions, leading to a shift from a traditional economy based on manual craftsmanship to a mechanized and factory-centered industrial economy. The transition exhibited diverse patterns of expansion across regions, with varying speeds and magnitudes. Especially throughout significant times, such as the formation of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861 and the statewide vote that ended the monarchy in 1946, Italy’s economic, political, and social stability created advantageous circumstances for industrial output. These historical events fostered favorable conditions for the industrial advancement and progression of Italy. The two World Wars devastated Italy and spurred the growth of its burgeoning manufacturing industries. Italy has achieved significant success in innovative technologies and high-end manufacturing due to constant technical developments.

4.3. Socio-Economic Factors

The spatial distribution of industrial sites is closely linked to socio-economic development. Generally, regions with strong economies usually have stable social conditions and provide substantial economic assistance for industrial manufacturing [68]. The northern regions of Italy, which encompass 40% of the country’s land area and are home to approximately 46% of the population, account for 59.4% of the GDP. Lombardia has a GDP of approximately 35,400 euros, which is 22% greater than the national average. This accounts for nearly 20% of the country’s total GDP. Conversely, the economic progress in the southern areas of Italy is falling behind, exhibiting growth rates that are lower than the national average. These regions account for only 63% of the per capita GDP, as depicted in Figure 5. The northwest, northeast, and central regions not only possess a larger quantity of industrial historic assets but also demonstrate higher per capita GDP and employment rates. Out of all the regions, the northeast area has the greatest average employment rate, standing at 68.63%, and a comparatively high per capita GDP of 29,867.3 euros. The manufacturing industry in this region makes a substantial contribution to economic growth. In 2019, Bolzano in the northeastern area of the country had the highest employment rate nationwide, reaching 72.9%. Gorizia, in the same vein, registered a 63.9% employment rate and a per capita GDP of 23,162 euros. Although it is the lowest in the northeast region, it nevertheless exceeds the highest levels found in the southern regions and islands. The varied industrial production structure in Milan’s northwest area has resulted in the highest employment rate and per capita GDP, contributing to its socio-economic development. The proliferation of industrial production has generated a multitude of job prospects, therefore, driving economic expansion. Florence, located in the central area, boasts a remarkable employment rate of 70.3% and a substantial per capita GDP. In regions with few industrial heritage sites, such as the southern regions and islands, the average employment rate in the southern region is 40.94%, while the islands have an average employment rate of 48.74%. Both rates are lower than the national average of 62.465%. In today’s economy, the southern areas depend significantly on conventional industries that have a relatively limited ability to create employment opportunities. These industries exhibit limited employment flexibility, resulting in a migration of the younger population towards the north in pursuit of work prospects [69]. This migration has had a substantial impact on employment rates in the southern regions. Hence, there is a clear association between the economic imbalance between the north and south regions and the distribution of industrial heritage sites. The northern regions demonstrate more significant economic advancement, characterized by greater per capita GDP and employment rates, which align with the distribution of industrial legacy. Urban areas with a significant number of job opportunities contribute to a strong workforce, leading to an increase in per capita gross domestic product (GDP) and promoting economic growth in cities. This development stimulates increased investments and industrial inputs, hence, fueling the expansion of urban industrial levels and size. Additionally, regional economic development has a role in both preserving and investing in industrial legacy. The administration of heritage resources plays a crucial role in fostering and advancing regional economic growth [70]. Tourist services in the tourism industry include heritage sites [71]. These cultural legacies have a positive impact on the tourist and cultural sectors, providing increased job prospects for nearby towns and, hence, stimulating local economies [72]. Over time, stakeholders have established specific itineraries for industrial tourism that involve visiting places of industrial heritage, industrial technology centers, museums, and other related locations. These initiatives aim to foster sustainable growth within the realm of cultural tourism. This component has garnered significant attention in recent years with regards to industrial heritage tourism [71,73,74,75,76].

4.4. Policy Factors

The preservation and management of industrial heritage sites, whether in urban or national contexts, greatly rely on the impetus and support provided by national policies [77]. Enacting policies enables the conservation of historical values associated with industrial heritage, thereby promoting sustainable development. Italy boasts the largest number of cultural heritage sites worldwide, with China closely following in second place. The nation’s policy for conservation and utilization is a systematic approach that incorporates robust legal frameworks, rigorous management systems, and significant public engagement. Italy’s legislation has shown a notable focus on cultural heritage, as indicated by the inclusion of 48 laws and regulations related to cultural heritage in the UNESCO database of cultural heritage laws spanning from 1820 to 2016. Law No. 42 of 2004, also referred to as the “Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape”, introduces a broad range of safeguards for cultural heritage and natural surroundings. It provides accurate legal counsel and regulations for protecting sites. According to Article 30(4), local authorities have the obligation to safeguard and create inventories of cultural assets within their jurisdiction. Article 169(1)(a) enforces criminal penalties for activities that damage, modify, or restore or alter legally protected culturally significant properties without authorization. These mandatory policy regulations ensure the preservation and protection of the wealth and quality of heritage [78]. At the administrative level, the Italian government has established specific agencies and departments that focus on protection, such as the Ministry of Cultural Assets and Tourism (Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo) and regional offices that are responsible for cultural assets. These entities are responsible for the advancement, management, and supervision of industrial heritage. Local governments also have independent cultural heritage preservation entities that are responsible for promoting and advocating for local cultural treasures. This comprehensive management strategy ensures the preservation of heritage sites. Experts in heritage conservation and affiliated organizations established the Industrial Archaeology Heritage Association (AIPAI) in 1997. Its purpose is to supervise the administration of industrial heritage. This association collaborates with universities, research institutes, institutions, museums, and central and local state institutions to promote, coordinate, and conduct research projects. The main objective is to analyze the industrial archaeological legacy within cultural and environmental heritage frameworks while also supervising, protecting, and advocating for initiatives associated with Italian industrial heritage. The Italian government has enacted various measures to foster public involvement regarding cultural heritage. These measures encompass strategies to enhance public education on cultural heritage, broaden opportunities for public engagement in heritage preservation, and emphasize the formation of civic organizations focused on heritage preservation [78]. Both private and public projects can undertake deliberate endeavors to preserve cultural heritage, as stated in Article 111 of the “Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape”. The purpose of these measures is to foster inclusivity among participants and guarantee equitable treatment. Article 118(1) recommends that government organizations actively encourage and streamline research on cultural heritage at universities and other public and private institutions [79]. Article 120(1) permits private organizations to financially assist endeavors aimed at protecting the national cultural heritage. Since 1996, Italy has implemented a decree mandating the allocation of 0.8% of the proceeds derived from various lottery tickets within society to a specific fund with the purpose of protecting the country’s cultural legacy. Governments allocate specific funds from local budgets to invest in and provide support for the preservation of historical artifacts, in addition to meeting legal obligations. Municipal governments spend an average amount of money per person on improving and safeguarding cultural assets, as shown in Figure 6. The data are organized based on the population sizes of different regions. Florence, situated in the Central Region, dedicates the highest proportion of funds among the 120 Italian cities indicated for the preservation of cultural assets. More precisely, the city allocates a budget of 145.96 euros per capita. Siena, also located in the central area, ranks second with a per capita expenditure of 138.65 euros. Trieste, located in the northeast area, allocates a budget of 121.33 euros per inhabitant. Cosenza in the southern region and Enna in the islands have the smallest amount of money spent per person out of the 120 officially recognized heritage sites, with the municipality spending only 8 euros per person in these cities. Bergamo and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, located in the northeast area, have costs of 8.81 euros and 9.12 euros, respectively, both below the 10-euro threshold. The north and central regions, known for their abundance of heritage assets and larger population, require additional financial resources to effectively manage and maintain these sites. Policy assistance is crucial for safeguarding industrial heritage assets. It ensures the methodical surveillance and preservation of the quantity and caliber of industrial heritage. Through the provision of legal guidance and the enforcement of legislation, it restricts and diminishes public activities that have the potential to cause harm or encroach upon safeguarded locations, thereby safeguarding their integrity and genuineness. Without these supportive policies, the number of heritage sites may decline, which would significantly affect the conservation of and research into industrial heritage [80]. Hence, legislative support furnishes the essential conditions for scholars to investigate the distribution patterns of industrial heritage sites while concurrently safeguarding their historical importance.

4.5. Traffic Factors

Transportation systems play a crucial role in the geographic allocation of Italy’s industrial legacy, as a robust infrastructure ensures the smooth movement of goods in industrial manufacturing and influences the placement of industrial facilities [81]. The role of transportation in economic output throughout different time periods is of indisputable importance. For example, the proverb “All roads lead to Rome” illustrates the ease of access to transportation in ancient Rome throughout the Roman Empire. Road construction became a crucial component of military victory during the imperial era of the Roman Republic’s growth in the sixth century BC [82]. This solidified the Romans’ status as trailblazers and administrators of contemporary road systems [83]. The development of roads played a vital role in Rome’s economic and social prosperity. It allowed for easier transportation of military supplies, goods, and people and promoted trade between different regions [84]. Following the decline of the Roman Empire, there was a period of economic stagnation until a slow recovery occurred during the Middle Ages, which had an impact on the rate of growth of urban infrastructure. In the Renaissance period, the growing wealth and cultural interactions led to a greater need for transportation, which mostly relied on horse-drawn carriages and water transit. The Venetian Republic gained prominence as a significant economic and naval power in the medieval and Renaissance eras [85]. In the initial phases of the Industrial Revolution, rivers played a vital and central role, offering indispensable assistance for the swift advancement of specific industries located beside them [61,62]. During this time, the pressing requirement to transport large amounts of raw materials and finished goods in industrial production was effectively addressed by utilizing inland canal systems. This ensured the smooth movement of goods and commodities in a manner that was both efficient and cost-effective. As a result, many manufacturers were attracted to the canal banks, creating a unique spatial layout of industrial architectural heritage along the waterways during this period. Furthermore, with the advancement in economic and technological levels, the number of highway construction projects gradually increased. The Naples–Bari railway line, built in 1839, and the Milan–Venice railway line, which covers 32 km and was finished in 1842, met the economic requirements of Milan and Venice, as well as Italy’s military necessities [86]. The 19th century was a pivotal time for the advancement of transportation in Italy, especially following the country’s unification in 1861, which greatly accelerated its modernization. The creation of roads and infrastructure has connected different regions, promoted economic and social development, and improved the efficiency of industrial output nationwide. Automobile usage in the 20th century significantly contributed to the expansion of road construction. Italy was the pioneer in constructing highways globally, starting as early as 1925. Currently, Italy possesses a highly advanced transportation system, especially in the northern areas. Based on Italian transportation network data as of 31 December 2019, the primary road network in Italy spanned 167,565 km, facilitating efficient transit. Figure 7 depicts the level of accessibility of residential railroads in Italy throughout the year 2019. The cities with the greatest railway accessibility are predominantly located in the northwest area. Among the top 10 cities with the highest accessibility, six belong to the northern region: Genoa, La Spezia, Gorizia, Trieste, Milan, and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola; three are in the central region: Massa Carrara, Prato, and Rome; and one is in the southern region: Naples railway transit accessibility is limited in island territories, such as Sardinia, due to geographic limits. As a result, maritime transportation is the main form of transport in these areas. Although these data are limited and solely focus on cities’ proximity to train stations, they do not include accessibility in terms of highways, canals, and other modes of transportation. Nevertheless, they illustrate the inherent disparity in transportation infrastructure across Italy, highlighting greater ease of access in the northern and central regions in contrast to the southern regions and islands.
The railway system played a crucial role in Italy’s transportation between the mid-19th century and the 20th century. It not only connected Italian towns but also enabled the fast and efficient movement of people and products. This, in turn, supported industrial output and accelerated Italy’s industrialization. Factors such as demographic, economic, and geographic conditions have contributed to the enhancement of transportation systems in the northern areas. These factors have contributed to the establishment of efficient transportation networks, which have helped the smooth movement of raw materials and products, hence, promoting industrial development. Moreover, the integration of the northern regions with European continental networks facilitated the export of industrial goods to international markets and stimulated domestic sales, thereby fostering industrial production and promoting the establishment and growth of industrial sites. However, the limitations on transportation and topographical disadvantages in the southern regions and islands have somewhat hindered the progress of industrialization and the establishment of industrial facilities. Coal mining was the dominant industrial sector of Sardinia, especially during a time when aviation was not well developed. The transportation of coal relied exclusively on seaside methods. The transportation infrastructure in northern and central Italy has played a crucial role in driving the country’s economic growth and industrial advancement.

5. Discussion

This section explores the challenges and future directions for the protection of Italy’s industrial heritage based on an examination of the distribution characteristics and influencing factors of its industrial history. The aim is to address research question RQ3. In our specific study, we conducted a statistical analysis using ArcGIS to quantify the distribution characteristics of industrial heritage [34]. Additionally, we identified the influencing factors of Italy’s industrial heritage through information collected from databases [87]. This systematic review aids in a clearer understanding of the features of Italy’s industrial heritage, thereby supporting further efforts to promote its preservation and management.
From the distribution pattern of heritage sites in Italy, it is evident that the industrial heritage exhibits an overall clustered distribution, which is unevenly distributed [88]. The northwestern regions host the most concentrated and abundant industrial sites, while the southern regions and islands have the fewest. These spatial distribution disparities are closely related to factors such as economic development level, geographical location, accessibility of transportation, historical accumulation, and policy support, as discernible from Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7. The northern regions of Italy were the first to experience the impact of the industrial revolution, making them more conducive to trade with other countries, thus, facilitating the process of industrialization [89]. Furthermore, the northern regions benefit from more convenient transportation systems and hydrological resources such as lakes and canals, which provide a foundation for the transportation and sustained development of industrial goods [90]. Additionally, major industrial cities in the northern regions, like Milan, Turin, and Venice, have accumulated rich industrial experience and technological foundations. Their industrial development not only drives local production economies but also radiates outward to surrounding cities, thereby stimulating overall regional development [91]. In contrast, the southern regions and islands of Italy started industrialization later, primarily due to the factors discussed such as transportation, economy, population, geography, and history, which limited the speed and scale of industrial development, resulting in an uneven distribution of industrial heritage between northern and southern Italy.
Examining the types of production in regions where Italian industrial heritage sites are located, it becomes apparent that the geographical advantages of the northern regions significantly promote the prosperity and development of manufacturing industries. Factors such as ports, land transportation, high population density, and geographical advantages enable these regions to connect enterprises with global markets and supply chains, facilitating the adoption of updated production technologies and diverse industrial structures [92]. As depicted in Figure 5, regions with a higher GDP per capita exhibit relatively higher employment rates and a greater number of industrial heritage sites. This reflects the mutually reinforcing positive relationship between industrial production and the economy [92]. Developed industrial manufacturing enhances regional economic levels, while better economic conditions create market demand and job opportunities, thereby encouraging the development and expansion of industrial manufacturing. In this context, cities with larger populations can offer a more diverse range of career choices for industries, especially in knowledge-intensive professions [93]. This demographic and occupational diversity contributes to the greater diversity of industrial types in the northern regions. Conversely, in the southern regions and islands, manufacturing industries are relatively weaker, with less energy support, as shown in Figure 2. However, mining and quarrying industries are highly concentrated on islands like Sardinia due to their rich geological structure, which provides abundant mineral resources such as granite, coal, lead, and zinc [94].
These comprehensive factors, including historical, geographical, economic, political, and transportation aspects, collectively contribute to the formation of a unique industrial heritage. In-depth discussions on the distribution characteristics and formation reasons of these industrial heritages not only aid in identifying their value but also provide effective support for future protection and management. Heritage, as tangible evidence of the past, not only reflects past industrial behaviors but also encompasses the identity, characteristics, memory, and spiritual connections of the current community to the historical environment. Moreover, it provides crucial technical and scientific reference values for industry and construction technologies. However, our research should not solely focus on the understanding and documentation of past heritage; rather, it should prioritize providing support for future heritage protection and management based on these research findings. Particularly, contemporary industrial heritage is often fragile and susceptible to risks. Lack of awareness, documentation, recognition, or protection often leads to its disappearance, while evolving economic trends, negative perceptions, environmental issues, or its vast scale and complexity pose significant challenges to industrial heritage protection [4]. Therefore, based on the unique distribution characteristics of Italian industrial heritage and the social, material, and environmental factors contributing to its formation, targeted measures can be proposed to better achieve the protection of Italian industrial heritage, thereby facilitating local, national, and international sustainable development goals.
First, in-depth case studies of industrial heritage are crucial. These studies involve organizing archival materials, conducting field surveys, protection, and restoration work for specific industrial heritage sites, as well as employing new technological means for more authoritative protection. Additionally, there should be targeted exploration of the formation process, historical background, and the protective value and development potential of industrial heritage. Such research aids in a more accurate understanding of industrial heritage, thereby effectively addressing potential future issues and adopting appropriate protection and management strategies. Second, for the protection of industrial heritage in southern regions and islands, the implementation and strengthening of sound policies and executable regional regulations should be encouraged, along with official development assistance and financial flows, to promote more direct and effective support and protection for regional heritage [95]. This will help drive the restoration and protection of known heritage, as well as the identification and exploration of unknown heritage. Furthermore, beyond protection efforts, industrial heritage tourism routes can be developed in southern regions and islands to further explore the economic value of industrial heritage. By allowing the public to directly experience the social value of heritage and the economic benefits it brings, attention and awareness of industrial heritage protection can be attracted from the public, achieving a win–win situation for heritage protection and economic development [96].
However, this study is subject to several limitations. Regarding data sources, despite our efforts to obtain the latest data up to 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic posed difficulties in data acquisition and analysis. Additionally, although the inventory used partially reflects the distribution of industrial sites, it does not include all sites, especially smaller-scale ones. The research findings provide important insights into understanding the geographical distribution characteristics and various variable factors in Italian industrial heritage. These conclusions not only have significant implications for the academic community but also provide empirical evidence for government organizations and policymakers to assess, protect, develop, and supervise industrial heritage. Subsequent research efforts will prioritize obtaining the latest data and conducting more in-depth investigations into the effects of external factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic on Italian industrial sites. The aim is to provide broader and more effective management strategies. Furthermore, this research aims to conduct a comprehensive and targeted investigation by examining the correlation between waterways and industrial heritage while also expanding the comprehensive identification of Italian industrial heritage.
In conclusion, this work enhances understanding of the distribution changes and influencing factors of Italian industrial heritage, providing valuable knowledge for formulating more effective protection methods and management systems. This will promote the full utilization of industrial heritage potential, ensuring the preservation and inheritance of Italy’s rich and diverse industrial history and injecting new energy and momentum into social, cultural, and economic development. Consequently, sustainable heritage protection and management can be achieved, fostering comprehensive regional development.

6. Conclusions

Continuing with the comprehensive investigation and analysis of the geographical distribution characteristics and influencing factors of Italian industrial heritage, this study draws the following conclusions and addresses research questions RQ1, RQ2, and RQ3:
First, Italian industrial heritage exhibits significant geographical clustering and uneven distribution characteristics, primarily concentrated in the northwest region, especially in Lombardy. In contrast, the industrial heritage in the southern regions and islands is relatively sparse and scattered. This distribution pattern is closely related to factors such as economic development level, geographical location, and accessibility of transportation. The northern regions were the earliest to be influenced by the industrial revolution, with an ample labor force, convenient transportation systems, and abundant hydrological resources providing favorable conditions for industrialization.
Second, Italian industrial production types are complex, influenced by various factors including geography, transportation, economy, and population. The geographical advantages of the northern regions promote the prosperity and development of manufacturing industries, making them central hubs connecting enterprises with global markets and supply chains. In comparison, the central, southern, and island areas started industrialization relatively later than the northern regions, resulting in relatively weaker industrial resources and development. However, Sardinia Island has a strong advantage in the mining and quarrying industries, with its abundant mineral resources forming numerous characteristic industrial heritage sites.
Finally, to better protect and manage Italian industrial heritage, we propose a series of recommendations, including conducting in-depth case studies of industrial heritage, strengthening the formulation and enforcement of policies and regulations, and promoting the development of industrial heritage tourism. These measures will help balance the protection of industrial heritage between the northern and southern regions of Italy, preserve its rich and diverse industrial history, and inject new energy into social, cultural, and economic development.
In summary, this study provides an in-depth understanding of the distribution characteristics and influencing factors of Italian industrial heritage, offering an important reference for formulating more effective protection methods and management systems. These initiatives contribute to the sustainable protection and management of industrial heritage, facilitating comprehensive regional development.

Author Contributions

L.S. wrote the main manuscript text, and L.S. prepared the figures with the provided data; L.S. provided methodology; L.S. and X.F. provided supervision; and L.S. and X.F. reviewed and edited the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Research framework for the analysis of distributional characteristics and influencing factors.
Figure 1. Research framework for the analysis of distributional characteristics and influencing factors.
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Figure 2. Shows a map of the kernel density analysis of the Italian industrial heritage and the distribution of each specific industrial type. The different gray blocks represent the nuclear density classes. Orange dots represent manufacturing, purple dots mining and quarrying, yellow dots transportation, blue dots educational activities, pink dots energy supply, and green dots construction.
Figure 2. Shows a map of the kernel density analysis of the Italian industrial heritage and the distribution of each specific industrial type. The different gray blocks represent the nuclear density classes. Orange dots represent manufacturing, purple dots mining and quarrying, yellow dots transportation, blue dots educational activities, pink dots energy supply, and green dots construction.
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Figure 3. Cross-analysis map of regions, types, and elevations in which heritage sites are located. The colors represent the five regions in which the Italian industrial heritage sites are located, and the higher the bar, the higher the elevation.
Figure 3. Cross-analysis map of regions, types, and elevations in which heritage sites are located. The colors represent the five regions in which the Italian industrial heritage sites are located, and the higher the bar, the higher the elevation.
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Figure 4. Statistics on the construction time of 120 industrial building sites in Italy. (a) represent the distribution of industrial buildings from 1300–1700, (b) represent the distribution from 1701–1854. (c) represent the distribution from 1861–1945. (d) represent the distribution from 1946–2023. Higher columns represent longer years.
Figure 4. Statistics on the construction time of 120 industrial building sites in Italy. (a) represent the distribution of industrial buildings from 1300–1700, (b) represent the distribution from 1701–1854. (c) represent the distribution from 1861–1945. (d) represent the distribution from 1946–2023. Higher columns represent longer years.
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Figure 5. Cross-analytic plot of regions where heritage sites are located, employment and GDP per capita. The colors represent the five regions in which the Italian industrial heritage sites are located, with higher bars representing higher GDP per capita.
Figure 5. Cross-analytic plot of regions where heritage sites are located, employment and GDP per capita. The colors represent the five regions in which the Italian industrial heritage sites are located, with higher bars representing higher GDP per capita.
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Figure 6. Cross-analytic plot of regions, population, and governmental inputs. The colors represent the five regions in which the Italian industrial heritage sites are located, and the higher the bar, the higher the population of the site.
Figure 6. Cross-analytic plot of regions, population, and governmental inputs. The colors represent the five regions in which the Italian industrial heritage sites are located, and the higher the bar, the higher the population of the site.
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Figure 7. Cross-analysis plot of regions, types, and accessibility of heritage sites. The colors represent the five regions in which the Italian industrial heritage sites are located, and the higher the bar, the more accessible the site is.
Figure 7. Cross-analysis plot of regions, types, and accessibility of heritage sites. The colors represent the five regions in which the Italian industrial heritage sites are located, and the higher the bar, the more accessible the site is.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Fan, X.; Sun, L. Geographic Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors for Industrial Heritage Sites in Italy Based on GIS. Sustainability 2024, 16, 2085.

AMA Style

Fan X, Sun L. Geographic Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors for Industrial Heritage Sites in Italy Based on GIS. Sustainability. 2024; 16(5):2085.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Fan, Xiaoli, and Lei Sun. 2024. "Geographic Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors for Industrial Heritage Sites in Italy Based on GIS" Sustainability 16, no. 5: 2085.

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