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Systematic Review

Systematic Review of the Role of Arts Places in Fostering Urban Sustainability and Resilience

Xinyu Zeng
Frederick Peter Ortner
1 and
Bige Tunçer
Faculty Architecture and Sustainable Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 8 Somapah Rd, Singapore 487372, Singapore
Faculty of Information Systems in the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, Groene Loper 3, P.O. Box 5135600, 5612 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2025, 17(5), 2076;
Submission received: 4 December 2024 / Revised: 24 January 2025 / Accepted: 31 January 2025 / Published: 27 February 2025


This systematic review examines the role of arts places in fostering urban sustainability and resilience, investigating how these spaces contribute to long-term urban development goals. By synthesizing 79 peer-reviewed articles published between 2013 and 2024, this review identifies the mechanisms through which art spaces promote sustainability and resilience across economic, social, environmental, and cultural dimensions. Urban resilience is achieved through civic engagement and empowerment, as well as the repurposing the spaces to adapt to new uses within the community and strengthening cultural heritage and identity. Similarly, urban sustainability in different aspects, such as economic, environmental, and social, is fulfilled by new revenues from tourism income, as well as educational promotion on ecological issues through art. The findings reveal how arts places—ranging from permanent museums and galleries to temporary and public art installations—stimulate community engagement, economic revitalization, and environmental stewardship. This study provides a theoretical framework that illustrates the connections between the types of arts places, their initiators, and their intended outcomes. The results also highlight challenges such as gentrification and the tension between artistic and commercial purposes. Implications for urban planners and policymakers include integrating arts places into urban regeneration strategies. Future research should focus on quantitative measures of the long-term impact of arts places and their role in mitigating urban inequities.

1. Introduction

1.1. Background and Rationale

The intersection of arts, sustainability, and urban studies offers fertile ground for exploring how cultural practices influence urban resilience and sustainability. For example, cultural planning theories highlight how art can serve as a catalyst for social cohesion and place-making ([1]), while urban sociology underscores the role of art in mediating social inequalities and fostering inclusive community identities [2]. Sustainability science further informs this study by examining how arts practices can promote ecological awareness and long-term resilience [3]. Together, these disciplines provide a robust framework for analyzing the transformative potential of arts places. Drawing from cultural planning, urban sociology, and sustainability science [1,2,3], this study situates itself at the nexus of these disciplines. Cultural planning contributes by emphasizing the role of arts spaces in place-making and cultural identity, enabling economic and social revitalization. Urban sociology provides insights into how arts spaces mediate power dynamics and promote inclusivity in urban environments. Sustainability science offers a lens to understand how these spaces can drive ecological awareness and long-term resilience. Together, these disciplines deepen the understanding of the multifaceted contributions of arts places to urban regeneration. By integrating insights from these fields, the research highlights the transformative potential of arts places in addressing complex urban challenges such as socio-economic inequalities, urban fragmentation, and environmental degradation. These challenges are central to the broader discourses of sustainability and resilience, which emphasize long-term equilibrium and adaptive capacity in urban systems
The definition of “arts place” in this review is intentionally left open at the outset to allow for a more comprehensive exploration of its varied typologies, as its definition often varies across disciplines and contexts. One approach considers art places through an institutional lens, akin to the “Artworld” concept proposed by Arthur Danto and later expanded by George Dickie [4]. For instance, refs. [5,6,7] define art places based on government or local authority classifications. In the case of this study, we assume art places refer to spaces dedicated to creating, displaying, or engaging with art. This inclusive approach allows for a nuanced analysis of their multifaceted impacts on urban sustainability and resilience, highlighting their diverse contributions.
The integration of arts and cultural spaces into urban environments has been increasingly recognized as a means to achieve urban sustainability and resilience. These spaces not only provide opportunities for artistic expression but also serve as hubs for community engagement and social interaction, helping to bridge divides and strengthen social ties. Additionally, arts and cultural initiatives often stimulate economic development by revitalizing underutilized areas and attracting tourism, which contributes to the overall vitality of urban spaces. While the existing literature highlights the economic [5,8], social [7,9], and environmental impacts of art [3,10] there is limited synthesis on how different types of art spaces achieve their intended sustainable outcomes. For instance, ref. [8] focus on the economic benefits of visually attractive urban environments influenced by art, but do not explore how different art spaces—such as museums versus public installations—vary in their contributions. Ref. [7] highlight the role of art places in enhancing social cohesion but do not address how these impacts differ based on typology or community dynamics. Moreover, the relationship between the initiators of these spaces—whether community-led, government-backed, or privately sponsored—and the specific intention behind their establishment remains underexplored. Understanding this relationship is crucial because the initiators—whether governments, private organizations, or communities—significantly influence the objectives and outcomes of art spaces. For example, government-initiated art places often aim to achieve long-term urban planning goals, integrating these spaces with other urban amenities to support broader economic and cultural development. In contrast, community-driven art places typically emphasize grassroots engagement, strengthening local identity, and reflecting the priorities and values of the communities they serve.
This systematic review explores the multifaceted roles that arts places play in fostering urban sustainability and resilience, drawing on various case studies and theoretical frameworks. It addresses gaps in the existing literature, including the limited exploration of diverse art typologies and their distinct impacts on urban development, as well as the underrepresentation of interdisciplinary frameworks integrating arts and sustainability. By identifying patterns and themes, this study will provide a theoretical framework that links the type of art place, the initiating entity, and the intended outcomes in relation to fostering urban resilience and sustainability.
Although urban sustainability and resilience share common goals to ensure community and societal well-being in the face of environmental and socio-economic changes, they emphasize different aspects and use different strategies [11,12,13]. Urban sustainability aims to achieve long-term development goals while maintaining the balance of environmental, social, and economic well-being [3,14]. On the other hand, urban resilience focuses on the ability of urban systems to withstand, adapt to, and recover from shocks and stresses, ensuring continuity and transformation [15,16,17,18]. In summary, urban sustainability aims for long-term equilibrium and growth, while resilience focuses on immediate and adaptive responses to disruptions [19]. Hence, there is a need to understand their similarities and differences to ensure effective urban policy and planning, generally and with regards to cultural policy and art places [11].
In the following sections, we outline the methodology for conducting the systematic review, present the results of our analysis, and discuss the implications of our findings for both research and practice.

1.2. Objectives

The primary objective of this scoping review is to map the current research landscape regarding the role of arts places in fostering urban sustainability and resilience.
The primary research question is, “How do arts places contribute to urban sustainability and resilience?”
Specifically, the review performs the following:
  • Examines the mechanisms through which these arts places contribute to sustainability and resilience.
  • Investigates the specific contributions of various types of arts places (e.g., traditional galleries, temporary installations, and dual-use spaces) to urban sustainability and resilience, examining their impacts across economic, social, cultural, and environmental perspectives.
  • Highlights gaps in the current research and suggests areas for future investigation.

2. Research Methods for Systematic Review

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 guidelines were adopted to conduct this systematic review [20,21]. The outcomes of the search are presented in a PRISMA flow diagram, as illustrated in Figure 1 below. Despite the PRISMA method being primarily used for medical research, the robustness of the PRISMA approach is also widely applied to the social sciences, including urban planning [22,23].

2.1. Search Strategy

To identify relevant studies, a comprehensive search was conducted on two multidisciplinary databases (namely, Web of Science and JSTOR) and a field-specific database on art and architecture (namely Art & Architecture Complete under EBSCOhost) in July 2024. Keywords used in the search included at least one word from each of the 2 baskets: (1) “art” or “arts” and (2) “plan”, “planning”, “urban”, “sustainability”, “sustainable”, “resilient”, “resilience”, “adapt”, “adaptability”, “repurposing” or “flexibility”.
The search was limited to peer-reviewed journals/articles that were written in English and published within a 12-year timeframe from year 2013 to year 2024. Exclusion criteria included studies focusing solely on art forms without spatial/urban context or those outside the defined timeframe. The reason for selecting the 12-year timeframe starting from 2013 was due to the time relevance of the topic of sustainability. While the roots of “sustainable development” started as early as 1987 during the United Nations Brundtland Commission [24] (United Nations, 1987), the concept became more widely researched in 2013 [25] (United Nations, 2013) when the General Assembly set up a 30-member Open Working Group to develop a proposal on the SDGs, resulting in the Paris Agreement of 2015 (2015).

2.2. Selection Process, Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

As shown in Figure 1, a total of 699 articles were identified from 3 databases, namely, the Web of Science, JSTOR, and Art & Architecture Complete. The title and abstracts of these 699 articles were exported to the platform, which is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform for systematic review [26,27]. then provided indications on potential duplicate articles based on similarities in the titles, abstracts, and authors. While the platform made indications of potential duplicates, the removal of duplicate articles was solely and manually decided by the corresponding author and researchers. In total, 34 duplicate articles were removed.
After duplicate removal, 665 records were screened manually by two researchers using’s “blind on” option, which concealed each researcher’s decisions. Conflicts were resolved through discussion or adjudication by a third researcher. At this stage, 566 irrelevant records were excluded. Of the remaining 99 records assessed for retrieval, 96 were successfully retrieved, while three were inaccessible. A detailed eligibility check excluded 17 additional records—13 for being unrelated to the topic and 4 for minimal relevance—leaving 79 articles included in the review.
Although the selection process was human-led, the AI tool assisted by providing indications of the likelihood of exclusion based on earlier decisions. The systematic process, which involved independent screening by two researchers, conflict resolution, and AI support, ensured a rigorous and transparent review of the literature.

2.3. Data Extraction and Quality Assessment

Data extraction focused on study design, methodology, key findings, and limitations. The interpretative analysis involved thematic coding of the reviewed articles, guided by predefined categories such as typology, geolocations, initiators, processes, outcomes, and metrics. Two independent researchers conducted the coding, resolving discrepancies through discussion with a third researcher as an arbitrator. This process ensured a systematic and unbiased interpretation of the data. Quality assessments (such as the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool) were not conducted in this study, as it was not empirically driven research but was focused on developing an understanding of social science research approaches.
The 79 selected articles came from a diverse range of 54 journals. Given the topic of sustainability and resilience, the key contributing journal was “Sustainability”, with 15 articles, while “Cities” and “European Planning Studies” contributed 3 articles each (Figure 2). The selected articles were mostly from the years 2021 to 2024, suggesting relevance to current developments in the research areas of sustainability and resilience (Figure 3). Similarly, Figure 3 shows that there is an increased number of citations of these articles at approximately 100 citations each year during the years 2021 and 2024. Table 1 provides an overview of the top 10 most cited articles identified in the review for the period from 2021 to 2024.
Further analysis was performed to discover which authors and papers were most highly cited by the selected articles. VOSviewer [38] a tool for network visualization, was adopted to construct and visualize a bibliometric network of the citations in the articles. Based on the 79 selected articles, the full citations used by the selected articles were compiled and analyzed (Figure 4).
Figure 4, together with its citations under Table 2, illustrates the co-citations of the most frequently referenced articles within the selected literature. In VOSviewer, setting a minimum threshold for co-citations is necessary to balance clarity and comprehensiveness. A higher threshold excludes more articles but improves readability, while a lower threshold includes more articles but makes the visualization complex and cluttered. In order to minimize the cluttering of the articles and to show a more comprehensive relationship between the articles, the minimum number of citations of a cited reference was determined as 4. A higher number of citations does not equate to greater influence (as shown in the table next to Figure 4). In this presentation, the influence of key articles is more important, selected as its “weight”. The table format, which was used to generate Figure 4, showed that “[1], European Journal of Housing Policy” or the article “Art, gentrification and regeneration-From artist as pioneer to public arts” was the most influential or had the highest “link strength” among the 79 articles, despite only being cited 8 times. On another hand, the citation “Florida Richard., 2019, rise creative class” for the book titled “The Rise of the Creative Class-Revisited” was the most cited reference within the 79 articles, but its influence is only in the middle of the table.
The figure highlights three influential works across distinct clusters (classified by different colors), each offering a unique perspective on the role of art in urban spaces. Among each cluster, there are leading articles. The red cluster, represented by Cameron (2005), focuses on art-driven regeneration policies that can shape socio-economic dynamics in urban areas. The blue cluster, represented by [39], focuses on policymaking and the role of public art in creating equitable urban spaces. Lastly, the green cluster, represented by [29], focuses on geo-cultural aspects of art’s integration into the urban fabric in cities, shaping urban identity. These key works reflect distinct but interconnected research approaches—economic revitalization, social policy, and cultural identity—demonstrating the diverse functions of art in urban development and regeneration.
The 79 articles encompass a diverse range of geographical contexts, including cities, countries, and regions. While some studies adopt a general perspective, others focus on single cities, multiple cities, or broader regional scales. Notably, the vast majority of case studies are concentrated in the Global North, particularly in Europe, which accounts for 39 studies. To better illustrate this geographical diversity, the cities analyzed in the articles were consolidated at the country or regional level. Table 3 presents the frequency of case studies by country or region, providing a comprehensive overview of their distribution.

3. Results

The initial design of this systematic review was to understand how arts places help to foster urban sustainability and resilience. Following the systematic review, many research gaps or linkages between art places and sustainability/resilience in different aspects were identified.
Hence, the authors formed a theoretical framework (Figure 5) to systematically understand how arts places both foster long-term urban sustainability and improve urban resilience to recover from shocks.
The missing linkages between arts places and sustainability/resilience goals are (1) the art itself and (2) the process through which art achieves its impact, such as storytelling, community engagement, or visual projections. The question here is not whether art alleviates the problem but what kind of art alleviates what kind of problem. Another point of discourse is that resilience and sustainability need to be measurable based on broader aspects (such as economic, social, and environmental factors).
Within the different socio-economic aspects, it is further dissected. Economic impact is then measured by the number of tourists or property price. Social contribution is measured by the level of community engagement, number of participants, etc. As for cultural contribution, it is based on the sense of belonging and sense of place.
The last part of the results is the discussion of the methodologies used in the selected articles. Given the nascent stage of research in the field of arts places contributing to general urban development, the most common methods were based on qualitative research, such as interviews/surveys of the participants and organizers.

3.1. Types of Arts Places and Arts

This systematic review covers a wide variety of arts places, ranging from permanent or fixed spaces like museums and galleries to temporary installations such as pop-up art or art festivals. The type of art is highly dependent on the type of arts places and, sometimes both arts places and art are synthesized, especially in the form of street art. Some of the arts places in the selected articles are dual-use art spaces, serving more than one purpose and retaining their primary use while providing artistic experiences for their users, for example, parks and nature spaces. Other unique case studies of dual-use art spaces were also noted in the systematic review. Readapted arts places were segregated from dual-use art spaces and classified under permanent art spaces. The different types of arts places serve as hubs of cultural engagement, social interaction, and urban regeneration. Below are the broad classifications of arts places and their different impacts.

3.1.1. Permanent Art Spaces (Museums, Galleries, Cultural Centers)

Permanent arts spaces such as museums, galleries, and cultural centers play a significant role in shaping the cultural, social, and economic landscape of urban areas. These fixed venues are deeply embedded in cities, serving as cultural anchors and providing continuous access to art and culture. These spaces are integral to the cultural life of cities, acting as repositories of heritage and platforms for showcasing creative expression.
Traditionally, these art spaces are government/quasi-government initiatives and are relatively significant in importance; they may exist in the form of art museums and theaters [33,55,56,57,58,59,60,61]. Such museums are from countries (United States, United Kingdom, China, France, Republic of Korea) or cities (Michigan, Boston, Hong Kong, Eindhoven, Istanbul) of global importance, indicating their financial abilities to enable the upkeep of traditional art museums and theaters. Another common feature observed is the intention of such arts places regarding long-term and sustainable development, focusing on economic, social, and cultural well-being.
Case studies of self-funding by individuals and the community are also observed [62,63,64]. In contrast to the arts places funded by government/quasi-government institutions, these self-funded arts places are relatively small in scale, and their intended objective relates to urban resilience, focusing on community engagement and community revitalization.
Some of the arts places were readapted from industrial use or mining use [59,65]. The placement of art was borne out of necessity, as other adaptive uses for the space were no longer viable. This demonstrates how art is a productive agent to revitalize spaces that have lost their purpose and shows that the value provided by art is powerful.

3.1.2. Temporary and Mobile Art Spaces (Festivals, Pop-Up Exhibits)

Art can take a physical form as well as a spontaneous form. Temporary art installations such as pop-up galleries or art festivals serve as tools for community mobilization and often function as experimental spaces for promoting sustainability and resilience. These flexible spaces allow communities to engage in the production and consumption of art in ways that adapt to changing urban environments. Such events are particularly effective in economically distressed or post-industrial areas, where they can stimulate both social cohesion and economic revitalization by attracting visitors, fostering local pride, and providing platforms for local artists [35,66,67]. The initiatives for such temporary art spaces, similar to those of permanent art spaces, can be top-down or bottom-up. A top-down approach involves decisions and directives coming from higher planning authorities or central organizations, whereas bottom-up approaches are initiated by grassroots or community-level efforts. Objectives from top-up approaches in temporary art spaces, similar to those of permanent art spaces, focus on the concept of long-term development or sustainability goals such as promoting economic development via tourism, encouraging population growth within the town, and achieving cultural and political stability [68,69,70]. Similarly, self-initiated art festivals focus on community resilience in the form of mental health and place-making [31,71,72]. One of the selected case studies that is more “spontaneous” in nature and is difficult to identify as top-down or bottom-up focuses on self-adopted art practices among the homeless in Japan, providing value in life and creating self-expression from of their helpless situations (Valjakka, 2022).
One study [73] found that art alone may not always drive urban renewal, particularly in areas with deep-seated geo-political tensions. These long-standing conflicts can hinder the ability of art initiatives to foster regeneration, despite art’s potential for healing and building community. This highlights that while art has the capacity to promote positive change, it is not a universally powerful tool in overcoming complex, entrenched socio-political issues.

3.1.3. Public Art Installations (Street Art, Urban Sculptures, Murals)

The third group of art typologies identified is art installations like murals, street art, and public sculptures, which often serve as catalysts for social interaction and urban regeneration. These arts places represent both “art” and “place”, obfuscating the boundaries. They play a particularly important role in place-making and visual expression, helping to reimagine and reinvigorate underused public spaces. Public art can be used to improve the number of residents [29,74], improve the neighborhood’s economy and livability [30,55,74,75,76,77,78]; express values such as resilience, social justice, or environmental consciousness [79,80,81]; and encourage urban pedestrianism [32,82].
The most common form of public art installations is in the form of murals or graffiti. These have a unique capacity to reflect the socio-political narratives of the communities they are embedded within, bifurcating public–private spaces and blurring the lines of commercial and cultural [30,71,83]. Sometimes, it is a tool to improve tourism [84,85,86], and at other times, it is used to encourage a sustainable urban environment [87,88].
Another form of public art installation comes in the form of sculptures. Unlike murals, which have both top-down and bottom-up approaches, sculptures are more often top-down initiatives focusing on urban development in the form of improving property price, attracting investments, revitalizing the physical environment, and driving employment [89,90].
In this systematic review, there are two papers on unique public art installations in the form of street photography [91] and sonic art installation [60]. The purpose of street photography as a form of installation is to be a type of “slow art” to allow for pause and reflection, so as to achieve sustainability through self-reflection on the issues of places, community, and belonging. As for the sonic art installation, it is intended to establish a sensory connection between people and the environment, providing resilience through the spirit of place.

3.1.4. Art in Parks and Natural Spaces (Art–Nature Collaborations)

Art in parks and natural spaces refers to art installations or projects that are specifically designed to interact with natural landscapes and outdoor environments, such as parks, rivers, or villages. These collaborations between art and nature bring unique opportunities to enhance urban sustainability, community well-being, and environmental awareness.
These spaces tend to encourage public interaction with the environment, thus promoting sustainable urban lifestyles. Some studies [92,93,94,95] specifically highlight how these settings provide educational opportunities for environmental stewardship, increasing their visibility and experience for the residents. The results are evident from the reduction in pollution [93], as well as the improvement in residents’ trust and opinions [94]. Art in these spaces not only beautifies the environment but also encourages public interaction, promotes sustainability, and fosters a deeper connection between individuals and their natural surroundings.
While most of the findings focus on sustainability, especially regarding the environment, one study [67] focuses on how the interaction between greenery and art collaboration was able to benefit individuals in their identity and help them cope with the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting urban resilience.

3.1.5. Other Dual-Use Spaces

Dual-use arts places refer to spaces that combine artistic and cultural activities with other functions that support community, economic, and environmental needs. The forms of such dual-use places include educational institutions [96,97,98], food hubs [99], marketplaces [100], care homes [101], and low-income hotels [102].
There is economic and cultural synergy between the primary use and the arts. Dual-use spaces often stimulate economic growth by attracting visitors, increasing foot traffic, and boosting nearby businesses [96,97,99,102]. Other than economic benefits, the combination of art exhibitions and other community services creates a vibrant cultural and commercial hub, bringing about social benefits in the form of improved interpersonal relationships and community engagement [98,101,102].
However, dual-use spaces face a key challenge of balancing their cultural and community roles with their commercial and operational needs [99,102]. Ensuring that both art and other functions receive adequate support and attention is crucial for long-term sustainability. Maintaining accessibility and inclusivity in dual-use spaces is essential for fostering broad community engagement. This requires ongoing efforts to address barriers such as cost, location, and cultural relevance.

3.2. Mechanisms for Achieving Sustainability and Resilience

To address how arts or arts places achieve their purpose, the analysis focuses on several mechanisms through which art spaces contribute to their goals.

3.2.1. Visual Aesthetic or Sensory Experiences

One of the most direct ways that arts places convey the message of sustainability and resilience is through visual and sensory interaction [10,29,64,72,89,91,100]. Among the different senses, these experiences exist in many forms such as “walk” [82], “visual” [34], and even “slow visual” [91], as well as “sound” [60]. Despite the different forms, the message is conveyed to the participants or visitors.

3.2.2. Educational Programs and Storytelling

Many art spaces also provide educational initiatives, such as workshops, guided tours, and lectures for diverse groups, including school children, adults, and families. These programs are designed to improve cultural literacy, build awareness of social issues, and encourage creativity [62,65,87,99,103]. In art performance or theater art, the element of storytelling is also present as an educational process [104].

3.2.3. Community Engagement and Participation

Participation in arts places and arts activities fosters a strong sense of ownership. Community-driven mural projects bring people together to design and create art, enhancing social cohesion and pride [55,87,94,95,105,106]. For instance, the completion of mural projects brings the community together as a new form of routine for each individual to interact and build relationships on a personal level, strengthening the sense of community; without such art projects, individuals continue their daily routines without having the opportunity to deepen their relationships or reinforce their sense of pride as a community [87]. Arts places also help to create public dialogues, which help stimulate community engagement and develop solutions to local issues [107,108] (Mantiñán et al., 2020; Arulraj and Bosco, 2024; Holleran and Holleran, 2014). The purpose of tourism as means of economic development is also a powerful catalyst between arts places and the goals of sustainable development [35,109], (Qu and Cheer, 2021; Crespi-Vallbona and Mascarilla-Miró, 2021; Olishevska, 2022; Luca et al., 2020).

3.3. Research Methodologies Used in the Selected Articles

The methodologies used across the selected studies range from qualitative approaches to quantitative approaches and mixed approaches. These diverse methods allow for a holistic understanding of the multifaceted impacts of arts places on urban sustainability and resilience, as shown in the summary table (Table 4) below.

3.3.1. Qualitative Approaches

Many studies relied on qualitative methods such as interviews with stakeholders, including artists, community members, urban planners, and policymakers [37,58,62,64,66,71,73,75,79,81,84,97,101,104,105,110]. These interviews, mostly in semi-structured and in-depth formats, provided insights into how arts places influence community engagement, social cohesion, and urban regeneration.
Another common qualitative approach utilized by the selected articles was participant observation, where researchers engaged in art-related events or community art projects as participants or observers [28,29,30,32,33,34,55,60,61,70,80,86,87,88,90,91,98,106,108]. This immersive approach helped to capture the real-time dynamics and social impact of art spaces on urban communities.
Some studies collected qualitative data through surveys and questionnaires. These were used to assess the public perception of arts places, measure community engagement, or evaluate how residents and visitors interact with arts places [31,68,82,85,93,96]. Another unique qualitative approach was for the participants to draw their community today and in the future to conceptualize how the participants feel about the art tourism brought to their community [112].
Quite a number of the studies [36,63,65,78,89,92,100,107] (used a combination of qualitative methods, such as interview–survey, interview–observation, and survey–observation techniques, to extract perceptions from different perspectives and develop a more complete understanding.

3.3.2. Quantitative Approaches

Quantitative approaches through different econometric models were also observed, albeit less frequently [8,35,56,94,109]. The models used were also distinct from each other, from simple comparison tables [8,56] to descriptive statistics and correlation analyses [35], spatial models [109], and multiple regression models [94].

3.3.3. Mixed Methods

A few studies employed mixed methods, combining qualitative approaches with quantitative analyses. One used both natural language processing (NLP) and regression to understand policy documents and the perceptions of policymakers [111], while another used in-depth interviews together with quantitative methods like network analysis and textual analysis [74]. This methodological approach provided a comprehensive understanding of both the subjective experiences of individuals interacting with arts places and the measurable economic or social impacts.

4. Discussion

4.1. The Relationship Between Arts Places, Initiators, and Intentions

This systematic review reveals a critical relationship between arts places, the entities that initiate them (whether informal or formal), and the intention behind these places, which can have varied impacts on urban sustainability and resilience. A key factor to consider is whether an initiative comes from top-down formal governance or a bottom-up informal approach. Both approaches bring unique advantages and challenges, as shown in the summary table below (Table 5).
Formal initiations from government/private–public partnerships are often designed with long-term sustainability and economic growth in mind, where arts places are intended to stimulate economic revitalization, increase property values, and enhance tourism [33,104]. The goals here are typically broad and focus on urban development, aligning with sustainability objectives. For example, large-scale public sculptures or museums initiated by formal entities are often tied to tourism, cultural development, and place branding.
In contrast, community-led arts places tend to prioritize resilience, focusing on social cohesion, community identity, and empowerment [31,72]. The intention behind such arts places is often to foster resilience by creating spaces for community interaction, storytelling, and local expression. These arts places are more agile and adaptive, often evolving in response to community needs.
Unintended consequences: There are instances where arts places, regardless of their initial intent, lead to outcomes beyond their original scope. For example, while certain projects aim for economic revitalization, they might inadvertently contribute to gentrification, displacing the very communities they were meant to support [102].

4.2. Resilience

The reviewed papers describe how arts places contribute to urban resilience by fostering adaptability in communities facing economic, social, or environmental challenges. Public art projects have been shown to facilitate resilience through civic engagement, the creation of flexible spaces, and the promotion of local traditions and cultural heritage.
Civic Engagement and Empowerment: Public art projects, particularly in economically disadvantaged areas, have been shown to enhance community resilience by fostering civic engagement [99]. Through art, communities express their identity, address social issues, and adapt to changes. This leads to stronger social bonds, a crucial factor in community resilience.
Flexible and Adaptive Spaces: Many arts places act as flexible spaces that can be re-purposed or adapted to new uses as community needs evolve [65]. Pop-up galleries and temporary art installations are prime examples of this, offering a dynamic approach to urban resilience by transforming underused spaces into hubs of activity.
Cultural Heritage and Identity: Art spaces often preserve and promote local traditions, which can serve as sources of resilience [62,110]. By maintaining cultural identity, these spaces help communities retain a sense of continuity during times of change or crisis.

4.3. Sustainability

A large number of the reviewed studies focus on sustainability, particularly in the form of long-term urban regeneration and sustainable urban living. Key insights from the review include the following:
Economic Sustainability: The economic impact of arts places is significant. Public art and museums attract tourists, boost local businesses, and increase property values [8,35,66,67]. Art-led urban regeneration projects have proven to be successful in revitalizing post-industrial areas, transforming them into vibrant cultural districts [55,59]. These spaces provide ongoing employment opportunities and contribute to local economies.
Environmental Sustainability: Some arts places emphasize environmental sustainability, either by using eco-friendly materials in their installations or by promoting awareness about ecological issues through art. For example, outdoor art installations often highlight themes like climate change or conservation, encouraging sustainable behaviors within the community [10].
Social Sustainability: Arts places frequently act as inclusive spaces that foster social cohesion. By providing environments where diverse groups can engage with art, they promote dialogue, understanding, and collaboration, leading to more sustainable and cohesive communities, eco-friendly buildings, and the promotion of environmental awareness [55,105,106].

4.4. Implications for Urban Planning

The reviewed publications emphasize that urban planners and policymakers should recognize the role of art spaces as more than mere aesthetic additions; they are vital to urban sustainability and resilience strategies. This review highlights several key implications.
First, planners should integrate art spaces into broader urban development initiatives, especially in economically distressed areas, as art can act as a catalyst for regeneration, attracting both tourism and investment while improving community well-being.
Second, a careful balance between economic growth and social sustainability is necessary to avoid the negative effects of gentrification and displacement often associated with art-led urban renewal. Arts places often face challenges such as gentrification, which can displace local communities, and the tension between artistic and commercial objectives. For instance, public art projects intended for community engagement may inadvertently lead to increased property values and displacement (Cameron, 2005). Addressing these challenges requires balancing artistic integrity with equitable urban development. Moreover, for art spaces to thrive in the long term, they require consistent financial and policy support, including ensuring accessibility for diverse communities, maintaining infrastructure, and fostering collaborations between public and private sectors.
Separately, the proposed framework in Figure 4 can provide a theoretical framework for future researchers investigating the intersection of cultural planning, urban sustainability, and resilience.

4.5. Future Research Directions

Several gaps in the current literature suggest important directions for future research. One area needing further exploration is the quantitative assessment of the long-term economic, social, and environmental impacts of art spaces. Out of the 79 reviewed papers, only 6 implemented quantitative methods as part of their research methodologies. While many existing studies focus on short-term outcomes, long-term sustainability demands a more comprehensive understanding of these factors. Future research should employ longitudinal studies and econometric models to quantify the long-term impacts of arts places on urban sustainability resilience. Additionally, exploring the intersection of digital technologies and arts places, such as virtual art installations, can offer new insights into sustainable urban practices. Incorporating natural language processing (NLP) could further enhance this exploration by analyzing large datasets of public feedback, social media content, or online reviews, providing a deeper understanding of the social and cultural impact of digital and physical art spaces on urban communities.
Another promising area of study is the environmental role of art, particularly in urban contexts where ecological concerns are increasing. Future research could investigate how art can promote sustainable urban lifestyles and behaviors.
Lastly, the intersection of art-led urban renewal and gentrification remains a critical subject. Researchers could explore ways to leverage art spaces for neighborhood revitalization while ensuring social equity and preventing the displacement of local communities.

4.6. Limitations of This Review

As with any systematic review, there is a potential for interpretation bias, as the authors’ analysis of the selected studies may influence the conclusions drawn. Despite efforts to include a broad range of articles, it is possible that some relevant studies were unintentionally overlooked.
Additionally, the review is limited to English-language studies, which may restrict insights from other cultural contexts and exclude valuable perspectives. Future reviews could address this limitation by incorporating non-English research to provide a more comprehensive understanding.

5. Conclusions

The review highlights the critical role arts places play in fostering urban sustainability and resilience. Through various forms of art, these spaces promote community engagement, cultural identity, economic revitalization, and environmental awareness. Permanent art spaces such as museums and galleries act as cultural anchors, while temporary and public art installations help transform urban landscapes. The dynamic relationship among arts places, their initiators, and their intentions underscores the potential for art to drive both sustainability and resilience in urban contexts. However, challenges such as gentrification and the balancing of cultural and commercial objectives need careful consideration. Policymakers and urban planners are encouraged to integrate arts places into broader urban development strategies, ensuring long-term support and inclusivity. This review suggests that future research should focus on the quantitative assessment of art’s long-term impacts and its role in promoting urban equity and environmental sustainability. Despite limitations in the scope of this review, such as the exclusion of non-English sources, the findings offer a valuable roadmap for understanding how arts places can contribute to sustainable and resilient urban futures. A key contribution is that the theoretical framework for the different linkages between arts places/art and sustainability/resilience goals can be adopted by other researchers in the future.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, X.Z. and F.P.O.; methodology, X.Z.; software, X.Z.; validation, X.Z., F.P.O. and B.T.; formal analysis, X.Z.; investigation, X.Z. and F.P.O.; resources, X.Z.; data curation, X.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, X.Z.; writing—review and editing, F.P.O. and B.T.; visualization, X.Z.; supervision, F.P.O. and B.T.; project administration, X.Z. and F.P.O.; funding acquisition, F.P.O. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research is funded by the URA research funds under RS-INDUS-00095-E0101-OOE for publication.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

This systematic review is based on previously published studies, which are cited in the references section.

Conflicts of Interest

All authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. PRISMA 2020 flow diagram of article selection based on new systematic review (PRISMA, 2024).
Figure 1. PRISMA 2020 flow diagram of article selection based on new systematic review (PRISMA, 2024).
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Figure 2. Journals with two or more selected articles identified in this review.
Figure 2. Journals with two or more selected articles identified in this review.
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Figure 3. Selected articles per publication year (bar chart) and the total number of citations of the reviewed articles per year (line graph).
Figure 3. Selected articles per publication year (bar chart) and the total number of citations of the reviewed articles per year (line graph).
Sustainability 17 02076 g003
Figure 4. Co-cited articles referenced in the selected articles [1,2,29,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54].
Figure 4. Co-cited articles referenced in the selected articles [1,2,29,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54].
Sustainability 17 02076 g004
Figure 5. Theoretical framework formed based on the different linkages illustrated in the selected articles.
Figure 5. Theoretical framework formed based on the different linkages illustrated in the selected articles.
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Table 1. Summary of the number of citations from 2020 to 2024, including the top 10 articles.
Table 1. Summary of the number of citations from 2020 to 2024, including the top 10 articles.
20202021202220232024AverageTotal (2020 to 2024)
Sustainable Cultural Heritage Planning and Management of Overtourism in Art Cities: Lessons from Atlas World Heritage [28]31191358.241
Art as a new urban norm: Between normalization of the City through art and normalization of art through the City in Montreal and Johannesburg [29]295844.7133
“Anybody Can Do It”: Aesthetic Empowerment, Urban Citizenship, and the Naturalization of Indonesian Graffiti and Street Art [30]723722.5831
Neo-endogenous revitalisation: Enhancing community resilience through art tourism and rural entrepreneurship [31]0008178.3325
Social citizenship, public art and dementia: Walking the urban waterfront with Paul’s Club [32]395112.520
The art museum as lab to re-calibrate values towards sustainable development [33]235022.2220
Negotiating spatial politics: Site-responsive urban art images in mainland China [34]21043220
The Positive Impacts of Exhibition-Driven Tourism on Sustainable Tourism, Economics, and Population: The Case of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale in Japan [35]255613.819
Public art for placemaking and urban renewal: Insights from three regional Australian cities [36]00297618
Community art festivals and sustainable rural revitalisation [37]005763.618
Table 2. Summary of co-cited articles referenced in the selected articles.
Table 2. Summary of co-cited articles referenced in the selected articles.
Cited ReferenceCitationsTotal Link Strength
Table 3. Summary of countries/regions used as case studies in 79 articles.
Table 3. Summary of countries/regions used as case studies in 79 articles.
Country/Region and Corresponding Counts
United States13The Netherlands3Iran1
Australia4Republic of Korea2New Zealand1
Japan4Brazil1South Africa1
Indonesia3El Salvador1Ukraine1
Table 4. Summary of the methodologies used in the selected articles.
Table 4. Summary of the methodologies used in the selected articles.
Common MethodsReferences
Qualitative approachesInterviews with stakeholders[37,58,62,64,66,71,73,75,79,81,84,97,101,104,105,110]
Participant observation[28,29,30,32,33,34,55,60,61,70,80,86,87,88,90,91,98,106,108]
Surveys and questionnaires[31,68,82,85,93,96]
Combination of qualitative approaches[36,63,65,78,89,92,100,107]
Quantitative approachesDescriptive statistics and correlation analysis[8,56]
Regression models[94]
Spatial models[109]
Mixed of qualititative and quantitative methodsNatural language processing (NLP) and regression[111]
Interviews, network analysis, and textual analysis[74]
Table 5. Top-down vs. bottom-up approaches.
Table 5. Top-down vs. bottom-up approaches.
Top-Down (Formal Governance)Bottom-Up (Informal, Community-Led)
InitiatorsGovernment/private–public partnershipsCommunity, local artists/individuals
Types of arts places (examples)Large-scale public sculptures or museumsSmall-scale museums, graffiti, small festivals, and more on an ad hoc basis
GoalsMostly long-term sustainabilityFocusing on resilience
Broad metrics (examples)Promote economic revitalization, increase property values, and enhance tourismFocusing on social cohesion, community identity, and empowerment
ChallengesPotential gentrificationLack of long-term plans
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MDPI and ACS Style

Zeng, X.; Ortner, F.P.; Tunçer, B. Systematic Review of the Role of Arts Places in Fostering Urban Sustainability and Resilience. Sustainability 2025, 17, 2076.

AMA Style

Zeng X, Ortner FP, Tunçer B. Systematic Review of the Role of Arts Places in Fostering Urban Sustainability and Resilience. Sustainability. 2025; 17(5):2076.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Zeng, Xinyu, Frederick Peter Ortner, and Bige Tunçer. 2025. "Systematic Review of the Role of Arts Places in Fostering Urban Sustainability and Resilience" Sustainability 17, no. 5: 2076.

APA Style

Zeng, X., Ortner, F. P., & Tunçer, B. (2025). Systematic Review of the Role of Arts Places in Fostering Urban Sustainability and Resilience. Sustainability, 17(5), 2076.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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