Radiometric Variations of On-Orbit FORMOSAT-5 RSI from Vicarious and Cross-Calibration Measurements
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area and Materials
2.1. Calibration Sites
2.2. Satellite Datasets
2.3. Atmospheric Parameters
3. Methodology
3.1. Radiation Transfer of Satellite Observations
3.2. Assessment of Potential Effects on Radiometric Calibration
3.2.1. Atmospheric Effects
3.2.2. Spectral Band Difference Effect (SBDE)
3.2.3. Environmental Effect
3.3. Relationship between Radiation and Digital Number of FS-5 RSI
3.4. On-Orbit Absolute Radiometric Calibration
3.4.1. Vicarious Calibration
3.4.2. Cross-Calibration
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Sensitivity Study: At-Sensor Radiance/Reflectance Simulation
4.2. Calibration Results
4.2.1. Vicarious Calibration
4.2.2. Cross Calibration
5. Conclusions
- Atmospheric variables are essential for the accurate radiometric calibration of on-orbit sensors including aerosol property, ozone, and water vapor, especially for the large viewing angle of the observations. For example, the effect of improper ozone content on radiometric calibration could reach 6%–10% uncertainty in the Red, Green, and Pan spectral bands (Figure 5a). Thus, on-orbit cross calibration is recommended rather than vicarious calibration when atmospheric measurements are lacking.
- Both vicarious and cross-calibration methods show a decaying optical sensitivity, which resulted in rapid changes (6%–24% in radiometric coefficient) during the first year after launch. Most calibration results remained stable, around 3%–5% relative difference, in the second year. To maintain image quality, further research is suggested to keep track of FORMOSAT-5 RSI radiometric variation.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Date | Calibration Site | FS-5 RSI | ||||
Pass Time (UTC) | SZA | SAA | VZA | VAA | ||
Nov. 30, 2017 | Alkali Lake | 19:07:35 | 59.96 | 171.44 | 35.29 | 286.77 |
Dec. 04, 2017 | Alkali Lake | 19:07:58 | 60.58 | 171.22 | 35.87 | 286.66 |
Dec. 05, 2017 | Railroad Valley Playa | 18:18:46 | 63.45 | 160.41 | 35.79 | 100.39 |
Dec. 06, 2017 | Alkali Lake | 19:08:10 | 60.84 | 171.09 | 36.20 | 286.45 |
Dec. 07, 2017 | Railroad Valley Playa | 18:18:58 | 63.70 | 160.32 | 35.51 | 100.56 |
Sep. 04, 2018 | Alkali Lake | 19:23:38 | 31.51 | 167.66 | 45.50 | 287.87 |
Sep. 05, 2018 | Railroad Valley Playa | 18:34:26 | 35.49 | 150.00 | 24.87 | 101.79 |
Sep. 06, 2018 | Alkali Lake | 19:23:43 | 32.23 | 168.27 | 45.54 | 287.92 |
Sep. 07, 2018 | Railroad Valley Playa | 18:34:31 | 36.10 | 150.81 | 24.80 | 101.69 |
Sep. 10, 2018 | Alkali Lake | 19:23:53 | 33.67 | 169.40 | 45.61 | 288.03 |
Sep. 11, 2018 | Railroad Valley Playa | 18:34:41 | 37.36 | 152.35 | 24.78 | 101.60 |
Date | Calibration Site | FS-5 RSI | L-8 OLI | ||||||
Pass Time (UTC) | SZA | SAA | VZA | VAA | Pass Time (UTC) | SZA | SAA | ||
Nov. 09, 2017 | Railroad Valley Playa | 18:16:10 | 58.03 | 159.85 | 34.58 | 100.36 | 18:23:35 | 57.38 | 173.98 |
Nov. 25, 2017 | Railroad Valley Playa | 18:17:47 | 61.78 | 160.61 | 32.73 | 100.77 | 18:21:08 | 61.87 | 161.96 |
Dec. 11, 2017 | Railroad Valley Playa | 18:19:22 | 64.17 | 160.10 | 30.93 | 101.26 | 18:21:06 | 64.35 | 161.02 |
Aug. 08, 2018 | Railroad Valley Playa | 18:33:14 | 28.05 | 138.19 | 22.20 | 102.15 | 18:20:19 | 29.82 | 134.13 |
Aug. 31, 2018 | Alkali Lake | 19:23:28 | 30.14 | 166.47 | 39.83 | 287.77 | 18:27:05 | 34.56 | 141.85 |
Sep. 16, 2018 | Alkali Lake | 19:24:08 | 35.86 | 170.97 | 40.06 | 288.03 | 18:27:09 | 39.28 | 148.47 |
Sep. 25, 2018 | Railroad Valley Playa | 18:35:16 | 42.00 | 157.24 | 21.70 | 101.28 | 18:20:38 | 41.80 | 152.90 |
Date | Calibration Site | Aerosol Optical Depth | Ozone (cm-atm) | Water Vapor (g/cm2) |
Sep. 04, 2018 | Alkali Lake | 0.092 | 1.399 | 0.287 |
Sep. 05, 2018 | Railroad Valley Playa | 0.133 | 0.286 | 1.684 |
Sep. 06, 2018 | Alkali Lake | 0.053 | 1.518 | 0.286 |
Sep. 07, 2018 | Railroad Valley Playa | 0.052 | 0.286 | 1.452 |
Sep. 10, 2018 | Alkali Lake | 0.034 | 0.588 | 0.285 |
Sep. 11, 2018 | Railroad Valley Playa | 0.051 | 0.285 | 0.553 |
Atmospheric Profile | Water Vapor (g/cm2) | Ozone (cm-atm.) |
Tropical | 4.420 | 0.247 |
Mid-latitude summer | 2.930 | 0.319 |
Mid-latitude winter | 0.853 | 0.395 |
Sub-arctic summer | 2.100 | 0.480 |
Sub-arctic winter | 0.419 | 0.480 |
US standard 1962 | 1.420 | 0.344 |
Date | Calibration Site | RSI Band | Blue | Green | Red | NIR | Pan |
Sep. 04, 2018 | Alkali Lake | FS-5 L1A Retrieved (DEV%) | –4.22 | 0.67 | 4.90 | 2.35 | 7.14 |
Sep. 05, 2018 | Railroad Valley | 5.77 | 5.50 | 5.09 | 1.42 | 10.78 | |
Sep. 06, 2018 | Alkali Lake | –5.89 | –0.29 | 4.17 | –0.40 | 6.92 | |
Sep. 07, 2018 | Railroad Valley | 6.93 | 6.75 | 6.47 | 2.68 | 11.51 | |
Sep. 10, 2018 | Alkali Lake | –3.00 | 3.43 | 7.71 | 5.77 | 9.88 | |
Sep. 11, 2018 | Railroad Valley | 4.54 | 4.10 | 3.54 | 2.96 | 8.88 |
Date | Calibration Site | RSI Band | Blue | Green | Red | NIR | Pan |
Aug. 08, 2018 | Railroad Valley | FS-5 L1A Retrieved (DEV%) | 8.84 | 12.17 | 10.10 | 9.82 | 16.19 |
Aug. 31, 2018 | Alkali Lake | 1.96 | 4.10 | 4.68 | 2.77 | 8.63 | |
Sep. 16, 2018 | Alkali Lake | 3.45 | 5.88 | 5.96 | 3.62 | 10.80 | |
Sep. 25, 2018 | Railroad Valley | 5.65 | 8.85 | 6.20 | 6.30 | 12.06 |
Year | Calibration | RSI Band | Blue | Green | Red | NIR | Pan |
2017 | Vicarious Calibration | FS-5 L1A Retrieved (STD%) | 0.64 | 0.69 | 0.51 | 0.65 | 0.60 |
Cross-Calibration | 0.20 | 0.15 | 0.22 | 0.02 | 0.24 | ||
2018 | Vicarious Calibration | 0.68 | 0.38 | 0.18 | 0.30 | 0.24 | |
Cross-Calibration | 0.34 | 0.46 | 0.25 | 0.45 | 0.37 |
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Lin, T.-H.; Chang, J.-C.; Hsu, K.-H.; Lee, Y.-S.; Zeng, S.-K.; Liu, G.-R.; Tsai, F.-A.; Chan, H.-P. Radiometric Variations of On-Orbit FORMOSAT-5 RSI from Vicarious and Cross-Calibration Measurements. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2634.
Lin T-H, Chang J-C, Hsu K-H, Lee Y-S, Zeng S-K, Liu G-R, Tsai F-A, Chan H-P. Radiometric Variations of On-Orbit FORMOSAT-5 RSI from Vicarious and Cross-Calibration Measurements. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(22):2634.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLin, Tang-Huang, Jui-Chung Chang, Kuo-Hsien Hsu, Yun-Shan Lee, Sheng-Kai Zeng, Gin-Rong Liu, Fu-An Tsai, and Hai-Po Chan. 2019. "Radiometric Variations of On-Orbit FORMOSAT-5 RSI from Vicarious and Cross-Calibration Measurements" Remote Sensing 11, no. 22: 2634.
APA StyleLin, T.-H., Chang, J.-C., Hsu, K.-H., Lee, Y.-S., Zeng, S.-K., Liu, G.-R., Tsai, F.-A., & Chan, H.-P. (2019). Radiometric Variations of On-Orbit FORMOSAT-5 RSI from Vicarious and Cross-Calibration Measurements. Remote Sensing, 11(22), 2634.