Integrating the Continuous Wavelet Transform and a Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Vineyard Using Time Series Satellite Images
:1. Introduction
2. Dataset and Study Area
3. Methods
3.1. Iterated Savitzky-Golay Filter-Based VI Reconstruction
3.2. Continuous Wavelet Transformation
3.3. CNN-Based Identification
3.4. Experiment Settings and Accuracy Assessment
4. Results
4.1. Reconstructed Time Series of the Three VIs
4.2. Scalograms
4.3. CNN Classification Results
5. Discussion
5.1. Variation of the Entropy of the Time Series Data
5.2. How the Mother Wavelet and Scale Range Influence the Entropy
5.3. Difference Between the Proposed Approach and the Traditional Approach
5.4. Difference Between Proposed Approach and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
5.5. Applicability in Other Practical Scenarios
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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ID | Planting Conditions | Growing Seasons Over a Full Year | Training/Testing Dataset (Pixels) |
1 | Spring corn –> Vegetables (SC-Veg) | 2 | 1620/1000 |
2 | Peach | 1 | 2036/1000 |
3 | Forest | 1 | 1014/1000 |
4 | Greenhouse (GH) | - | 780/500 |
5 | Vineyard | 1 | 2122/1000 |
6 | Winter wheat –> Corn (WW-Cron) | 2 | 3656/1000 |
7 | Vegetables | 3 | 1426/1000 |
Layer (Type) | Output Shape | Kernel Size | Param # |
Input Layer | (None, 200, 365, 3) | - | 0 |
Conv2D | (None, 196, 361, 12) | (5,5) | 912 |
Max_Pooling2D | (None, 97, 179, 12) | (4,4) | 0 |
Conv2D | (None, 93, 175, 24) | (5,5) | 7224 |
Max_Pooling2D | (None, 46, 87, 24) | (2,2) | 0 |
Conv2D | (None, 42, 83, 48) | (5,5) | 28,848 |
Max_Pooling2D | (None, 21, 41, 48) | (2,2) | 0 |
Flatten | (None, 41328) | - | 0 |
Dense | (None, 100) | - | 4,132,900 |
Dense | (None, 2) | - | 202 |
Spring corn-Vegetables | 0.825 | 0.648 | 0.716 |
Peach trees | 0.812 | 0.523 | 0.526 |
Forest | 0.665 | 0.634 | 0.343 |
Green house | 0.726 | 0.216 | 0.652 |
Vineyard | 0.752 | 0.795 | 0.311 |
Winter wheat-Corn | 0.875 | 0.559 | 0.660 |
Vegetables | 0.862 | 0.486 | 0.559 |
Prediction | |||||||
CNN | RF | ||||||
Non-vineyard | Vineyard | Pro’s Acc. | Non-vineyard | vineyard | Pro’s Acc. | ||
Truth | Non-vineyard | 4899 | 601 | 89.07% | 4580 | 920 | 83.27% |
Vineyard | 71 | 929 | 92.90% | 394 | 606 | 60.60% | |
Usr’s Acc. | 98.57% | 60.72% | 89.66% | 92.08% | 39.71% | 79.78% |
Layer Type | Input/Output Shape | Param # |
Input layer | (365,3) | 0 |
Lstm_1 (LSTM) | (None,100) | 41,600 |
Dense_1 (Dense) | (None,1) | 101 |
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Share and Cite
Zhao, L.; Li, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, H.; Du, X. Integrating the Continuous Wavelet Transform and a Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Vineyard Using Time Series Satellite Images. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2641.
Zhao L, Li Q, Zhang Y, Wang H, Du X. Integrating the Continuous Wavelet Transform and a Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Vineyard Using Time Series Satellite Images. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(22):2641.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhao, Longcai, Qiangzi Li, Yuan Zhang, Hongyan Wang, and Xin Du. 2019. "Integrating the Continuous Wavelet Transform and a Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Vineyard Using Time Series Satellite Images" Remote Sensing 11, no. 22: 2641.
APA StyleZhao, L., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Wang, H., & Du, X. (2019). Integrating the Continuous Wavelet Transform and a Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Vineyard Using Time Series Satellite Images. Remote Sensing, 11(22), 2641.